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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Loki sniffled a little, clinging to Tony and trembling. "i... they won't be waiting outside?" Loki asked, Steve shaking his head. "they won't be outside but i'll go make sure." he promised, carefully opening the door to make sure no one was there, checking down the hallway before smiling at Loki, trying to be as reassuring as possible. "it's okay Loki, no one, and nothing is there." he promised, Loki nodding as he very carefully got to his feet and followed Steve, still clutching at Tony until they got to the bedroom. he had started trembling again but he had calmed down and was aware again so Steve wasn't so worried about him anymore. Loki was all too happy to enjoy a puppy pile and was soon asleep, tucked up against Steve and holding Tony like his 'main squeeze', as Steve jokingly called them, was a teddy bear. "that was horrid." Steve whispered, stroking Loki's hair. "i've never seen something so scary. thank god you where able to keep him calm." he admitted, looking at Tony. "i have no idea how to help him. he was petrified, what could they have done to him to make someone so strong willed...." he swallowed thickly and then. "i'm not sure i can look Thor in the face after this."
“No they wont. But steve’ll look.”Tony promised watching steve, smiling quietly as he stroked loki’s hair. “see, steve’s gonna take good care of us.”he muttered, swallowing hard as he settled into the bed. Closing his eyes as he relaxed into being held, twisting his head to look at the other as steve spoke. Sighing quietly as he shuddered. “I don’t know but....I think I’m going to have to. It’s....I need to know. Even if we wont like it....I need...”he shuddered needing to know how to take care of loki
Loki nodded, snuggling into him, hiding his face into Tony's shoulder because he felt safer cocooned in Tony's warmth. "....i wish we could ask without upsetting him but i don't know that we can..." he admitted. "maybe we should have Bruce do it? he seams to know how to handle traumatized victims and he might actually know how to ask without making it worse." he admitted with a sigh.
Tony frowned thinking about that before nodding slowly. “Yes...I think you’re right. Bruce is good, no matter how much he says he’s not that kind of doctor. He’s good at helpign others. He’ll figure it out.”Tony said sounding pleased with the idea.

Later lexi whined as she squirmed into bed with grant, nudging him over so she could snuggle into his side, resting his head on his chest as she huddled under the blankets, sighing quietly, “I can’t sleep. You?”She muttered, trying to avoid her own nightmares, and willing to talk to him, willing to let him tell her his, but feeling emotionally raw and vulnerable.
Grant grunted a little. "actually i slept great." he said, voice laced with sluggish sarcasm. "one of our good buddies drugged the piss out of me." he admitted, smiling at her. "don't tell them, but i'm kind of glad i did. Jarvis filled me in and i don't know if i could have handled that." he admitted, wrapping his arms tight around her. "are you okay?" he asked, kissing the back of her neck in the hopes it would calm her down a little. it had always worked to calm him down, he didn't realize the Kree organs had affected his nervous system meaning there was a nerve cluster at the base of his neck that directly triggered a 'relaxed' state. it was normally for, er, breeding purposes where the Kree battled each other for dominance, whoever won got to have the 'male' position and whoever lost would go limp as the one on top bit down on that nerve cluster and had his pleasure and the one on bottom became 'female', grew breasts, gave birth, reared the offspring and then joined the mating games again. Grant didn't know that but Loki did, not that he was in any shape to tell anyone at the moment.
"They did. But even drugs don't guarantee good things."she muttered sighing quietly as she pressed her face against his chest, shuddering a little. "It was fairly bad. James was moments away from a meltdown himself. It was bad."Lexi muttered relaxing. Despite not being part kree, she relaxed at that touch, it was easy to relax under her hand. "I'm that I'm awake I know they can't hurt me...that he's gone..."
"yeah, that's true. i had some pretty nasty nightmares." he admitted with a sigh. "i just can't believe..." he swallowed thickly. "my parents where monsters. the only person mother never tortured was Tommy. me and Christian and Christine... we where... beaten, starved, verbally torn apart. the only person Mother ever loved was Tommy." he admitted. "it's hard not to remember things like that when your own sister...." he shook his head. "she beat me with a fire poker you know, just like mother beat her. she never learned that you couldn't... that it wasn't right, wasn't okay..." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't know anymore. maybe all of the Ward Family is all fucked up and every last one of us should just... never have existed." he mused before smiling. "i'm glad i exist though or i might never have met you." he admitted before snuggling her because he knew it was hard for her. no one can hurt you anymore. me and James and the Avengers will protect you."
“They were.....your team is currently in various stages of shock....and just a warning. I think Coulson’s about to have a meltdown. To many shocks starting to hit him, this is gonna be hard on him. He thought....he more then the others I think, believed in shield.”She sighed quietly, “You might not have had family....but he likes you. I think. At least....he seemed genuinely disturbed and upset at the knowledge of what you went through....”She said, trying to give him not a family of blood, but of connections. “I’m glad you exist to. Cause hydra would still be in charge if you weren’t.”She sighed quietly, snuggling closer. “We should probably get up.”She muttered.
he nodded. "Phil's learned too much all at once." he admitted. "Phil is a good man, he's just entirely too naive." he admitted simply. "he doesn't know half the things that Shield did. and yes i mean Shield, not people pretending to be shield but are actually Hydra, but real Shield fuckers." he admitted. "the only person who believed in shield more than Phil is Skye." he admitted before shaking his head. "i'd like to trust Phil, but i don't know that i actually can anymore." he admitted before smiling at her. "they would have stamped out Hydra eventually, with or without me." he admitted before shaking his head. "i don't want to get up yet." he mumbled.

Downstairs. Loki was sitting in front of Bruce on the exam table, letting the giant green rage monster give him a physical exam without a fuss and Bruce stepped back, frowning at Loki before glancing at Tony and Steve. Loki nodded and Bruce sighed. "loose it, Loki. i don't know that your doing but it's interfering." Loki nodded, looking rather unhappy and reached up, gripping the watch around his upper arm and had it unstrapped from his arm with a flick of his thumb. in an instant, the glamour Loki had tied tot he watch dropped and Steve swallowed hard, resisting the urge to snarl. there where scars, lots of them. Loki was naked so the could see all of them. the heavy whip marks on his back. there where garroting marks around his neck and a mass of scarring over his heart where someone had tried to carve out his chest. the worst was the long thin lines running up the veins in his forearms. those where the newest and they matched, inner to outer as if he had slipped the knife entirely through his arm and then pulled up. wrist to elbow through and through and he had still survived. a human would never have been able to manage it at all. Bruce, bless his soul, didn't even blink, he just continued the exam and Steve took Ton's hand, comforting him because he knew seeing that was almost too much for Tony. hell, it was almost too much for him. "....Loki... uh, sorry but..." "yes, i'm supposed to have that." Loki assured Bruce, sounding very close to laughing and Bruce stared at him. "your... er..." "yeah. hermaphrodite." "so, uh, sleeping with Tony..." "no, Tony can't get me pregnant right now. birth control spell." Loki admitted, Bruce nodding, swallowing thickly. "and the... damage?" he asked, Loki finally looked down and away. "my Punishment." "They... they seriously.. those sick bastards!" Loki winced and Steve set a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "sorry. i'm sorry. it's alright..." Bruce promised.
"Yes I know. As much as we'd want to blame it all on hydra, it wasnt. Shield did alot of their own shady things."Lexi sighed before shifting, laying on her stomach, propped up on her arms so she could look down at him."I think you should try. Now that you both know the score, maybe you and phil can find a way to work together."she said smiling before snorting a're not five. You can't stay in bed all day."

"...does illusion work even on touch?I mean, he knew something was different even if he couldn't see it..."tony muttered focusing on the magic and not what he was seeing because otherwise he was going to blast thor into the middle of the next century. Swallowing hard as he looked at the three, his eyes boucing between them upset and starting to crash into a heads pace cause he was so upset."...but...are...what...are you okay?"tony sputtered a little
he nodded. "yeah. exactly." he admitted with a sigh before shrugging. "at this point, Phil has to be the one to make the first move." he admitted. "forcing myself on him now will only make him wary and suspicious. i want him tolike me, but i know he's been traumatized enough right now." he admitted before smirking. "of course i can." he said, snuggling deeper into his blankets. "i'd like to see you stop me." he teased, grinning at her.

"YEs, Illusion does work on touch if it's a strong enough illusion." Loki admitted. "the reason why Bruce was able to tell is because my magic when used at a high enough power level can interfere with delicate imaging like this one." he admitted. "Because he's trying to look inside of me, the images are fuzzy, this informing him i'm holding up a glamour, or doing something to mess with the machinery." Loki admitted with a shrug. "I'm fine." Loki said softly, Bruce shaking his head. "physically, yes. you're all healed, but i've seen marks like this before...." he said softly. "in breeding slaves." "...yes." "....god. yur saying that Loki was.... raped. repeatedly, so he would get pregnant!?" "yes. and once he gave birth, he was raped until he became pregnant again." Bruce whispered, Loki unable to look at them. he knew they had a right to know. he wanted them to know, but he was still ashamed and worried about how they might react. "Tony? stay with Loki. he doesn't leave your sight." Steve ordered, moving over to the table and picked up something that Bruce had been developing to fight the increasing number of aliens coming across the universe to cause severe problems. "Steve, no! Steve! get back here!" Bruce ordered, looking at Tony. "stay with Loki." he ordered before racing after Steve. "YOU CAN'T KILL THOR STEVE! GET BACK HERE!"
“You two will figure it out.”She smiled at him, studying him, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek, “I’m sure I could give you a reason to get ‘up’.”She smirked at him, resting her chin against his chest teasing and happy, for teh moment distracted from her worries.

“Ah.I see.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered that, before fidgeting as he looked at loki, upset and worried, freaked out at the knowledge, his eyes wide as he looked at the other man. “Hm?”Tony startled looking up at steve, having gone still, so still that he hadn’t even been breathing as he tried to figure otu what to say, or if he’d raped loki t, before looking at steve. “Steve!No!”he yelled looking upset that the person who usually told him how to respond and handle things was leaving.
"i'm sure we will... do you hear yelling?" he asked, a bit baffled, the instinctive need to protect his people had him up and heading for the door to see Bruce and Steve yelling at each other and wrestling for control over some sort of sword like weapon while Phil and Skye and Melinda tried to break them up. "...well..." Grant planted his feet and yelled. "ON YOUR FEET!" Steve was up on his feet in seconds, reacting tothe 'commander' tone before he scowled at Grant as he realized Bruce had gained control of the weapon. "what the hell are you two doing!?" Grant demanded, baffled. "killing Thor." "Killing Th... what!? WHY?!" "Because of what he did to Loki." "Steve sounded so calm and reasonable but there was a vicious, wild darkness in his eyes that James, had he been there, would have recognized. Steve had always been a bit of a sadist. he had always been a bit vicious. it had always up till now, James who had held Steve back, kept him from hurting someone, kept him from maiming. Steve had once removed another man's genitals. gelded him and used a Lighter to cauterize the wounds closed and then doused the body parts in the man's own, expensive, liquor and set them ablaze until they where only ash. the reason? he'd struck Sarah Rogers during a date and Steve had gotten pissed when he'd seen the bruise. the man had never pressed charges and Steve had never mentioned it but James had known because Sarah had told him. they'd never told anyone else but that darkness was peeking out of Steve again and this time James wasn't there to contain it.

"Tony, it's okay." Loki promised, setting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "Steve can't actually kill Thor and i can heal most damage he does." he promised, not understanding why Tony was upset, only thinking that Tony didn't want his friends to fight. "come on, let's go snuggle okay? i feel... unsettled." Loki admitted. "i need a nap and some comfort and i think you could use both yourself."
“I....yes. Actually.”Lexi frowned looking concerned before following him out of the room, eyes going wide at the sight there before wincing at the tone. Phil stepped back slowly, watchign the two, waiting to see what would happen. Just as James stepped into the room, having been alerted by jarvis of his presence being needed before staring at steve for a long moment. Hearing the last of the words, responding like he would have to a handler, because steve had always been one of the few people james listened to, and followed after without question. The fact that he had a similar vicious, nasty darkness lurking under the surface had been part of what had made the two bond, a understanding that went bone deep. The fact that hydra had managed to strip him mostly of the veneer that hid the cruelty and sadistic streak, just meant that he was more then likely to simply follow steve into whatever trouble he got up to, not that he’d ever had a problem with following steve anywhere. “Where are we going now?” “You’re not going anywhere.”Lexi growled staring at them, glancing around for natasha. Knowing that they’d probably need the red head to snap james out of the mood, tense and ready to move when she saw the man edging towards bruce, knowing he was going for the weapon.

“You shouldn’t have to.And steve’s leaving. Steve knows how to help people. He knows what to do to help. He’s good. He knows what I should do.”Tony muttered upset and fidgety, upset as he hung his head before nodding, “Yes. Okay. A snuggle would be good.”he agreed shuffling closer as he nudged the other towards the couch in the lab, not feeling up to even getting upstairs to go to sleep, simply wanting to just curl up and snuggle.
Skye and May just stared at Grant, stunned. they hadn't known he could sound like that. so commanding and in charge, made sense since he had basically set himself up as the new Hydra command leader. "What did he do to Loki?" Grant demanded before he looked at Lexi. "go get the guns." he ordered. "James? you go get yours too. if he did something bad enough that even Steve is like this..." he paused when there was a couple of loud hissing noises. one that he knew very well. Jarvis was sealing all doors and vents. "Jarvis! you fucking traitor." Steve snarled, also realizing what he'd done. "Don't blame Jarvis." Clint replied. "i had him do it. i can't let you kill Thor. considering Thor spent three months in prison for trying to stop them from sending Loki into the temporal Flux." he knew that because Thor had gotten drunk and told him so just before the whole Ultron thing. "Stand Down Soldier." Natasha snapped furiously. "You don't want to take me on James." Bruce growled, his eyes an emerald green, glowing, green, one wrong move from James and Hulk was going to be coming out to play.

"Steve's letting his emotions get in the way." Loki corrected, shaking his head. "if i wanted Thor dead i'd have done it myself. it's not Thor's fault Odin's a fucker." he admitted, lifting a hand and waving his middle finger at the ceiling. well aware that Heimdall, as always, was watching and not caring at all. Heimdall could kiss his smurf blue ass. "yeah, i could use a snuggle." he agreed, cuddling up with Tony on the couch. "you don't mind, right?" he asked softly. "about, uhm... me being..." he didn't want to talk about it, but he had to know Tony would be okay with it, because he loved Tony. hard as it was to admit that too.
Lexi nodded, watching steve. “Yea. Okay.”She muttered before pausing, glancing at clint, tilting her head a little going still. Thinking that over, frowning slightly. “....Are you sure?”she said looking at clint, looking annoyed that they couldn’t hurt someone for whatever happened, if steve was this upset, she knew it was bad. The fact that james was still going to want to spill blood despite knowing thor had fought it....well, james had natasha for a reason. Hopefully she could get through to him. James paused, going still as his eyes shifted towards Natasha, going still, obeying the other’s orders, at least for the moment, before watching bruce, wanting to push that line because he was still working on decades worth of anger and pain no matter how well he hid it, he still wanted to cross that line and push it into a real fight if he couldn’t hurt thor, but staying put, at least for the moment.

“Yes, well he likes you. More then he thought he would.”Tony muttered frowning a little, “...Then can we kill odin?”Tony asked, mood shifting, anger setting in as he realized who really was at fault. Wondering if he could convince loki to let them try anyways. Out of it enough to not be overly careful about asking outloud. Not aware heimdall would tell the king, or that odin might take offense. Whining a little as he nuzzled his face against the other’s, grumbling annoyed with loki for even thinking he’d care. “No. It hurts to know you were hurt, but well. I mean. I don’t have any room to talk. I slept around and was utterly insane before iron I don’t.”He muttered.
"Very sure." Clint admitted. "besides, if Loki wanted Thor dead he'd have done it himself." Clint pointed out. "you think a strong willed asshole like that wouldn't hack Thor into pieces if he felt Thor was the one to blame?" Grant could only nod because it was pretty true. Loki was the sort of person who'd kill his own rapist if he really felt like it. Steve just growled because he didn't care if Thor had tried to help, he wanted to beat the shit out of something, he did the only thing that made sense in his rage, he attacked Bruce who snarled and did something that had never happened before.he went green, but he didn't expand. letting Hulk out, but keeping enough control that they wouldn't break up hulk sighed holes in the tower, ruining Steve's plan. he'd been hoping Hulk would bust enough holes that he could just jump out one of them to the street below, instead he found himself in a very unusual position for him, well. no, he'd been there before, but not since he had become a super soldier. he was laying on his face, arms pinned behind his back with a man over him. at least Bruce wasn't hitting him, he was just forcing Steve down, making him helpless. Steve was horrified when he realized he was... turned on. he hadn't been helpless in years, it had an instant reaction and Bruce seamed to know it because he chuckled in Steve's ear and pressed down harder, sending a shuddering breath out of Steve who went limp because, well he wasn't sure why. "Good boy." Bruce growled before looking at James, growling at him, challenging him because James wasn't like Steve, James was going to have to let that rage out and who better than Bruce? Natasha didn't say anything, if Bruce wanted to challenge James she'd let him. she knew Bruce was in full control, no one would get hurt.

"Yeah, it's kind of nice." Loki admitted with a smile. "people liking me i mean." he admitted. "no, we can't Kill Odin." Loki admitted. "For one thing, we can't go to Asgard. for another he's pretty much immortal like i am. for a third, he's a piss poor asshole of a man but he's still Thor's father and my mother still sort of loves him." Loki admitted. "i don't want the hassle of the war it would take to so much as put a scratch on Odin, i doubt we could even remove him from the throne of Asgard." he admitted with a yawn. "so long as he leaves me the fuck alone, i don't give a shit. he can't touch me anymore." he admitted. "that's all that matters. if he dares lay a finger on me again for any reason, the Vanir will get involved. they already punished him for sending me into the Temporal Flux despite me being a victim instead of a villain." he admitted. "he won't dare. not when they're All Seeing Eyes know all." he admitted before smiling at Tony a little weakly. "it's a little bit different Tony." He admitted. "in Asgard, someone who is raped... it's because they where too weak to fight back. no one cares if you sleep around, but 'let someone rape you' and your shunned for the rest of your life. i know things are different on earth but..." he shook his head. "habit, i guess... and, are you okay with me now... i can have babies like a human woman. are you okay with that?i won't get pregnant accidentally." he assured Tony. "but it can 'wig' some people out." he admitted, though he had relaxed completely in Tony's arms.
“Okay.”James said going still, trying to work through the anger, before wincing a little. “Yes....true. Loki would have done something.”He muttered focusing on steve, watching bruce and steve cause it was hard on him, trying not to simply lash out. Lexi’s eyes widened at the sight of the hulk, without the size. That was amazing really. “Wow.”Lexi muttered watching the two, tense. “you like that don’t you, punk?”James muttered crouching down to look at steve in the face, looking amused even it was a thin coating over the anger as he considered the man in front of him. Looking up at bruce, growling back at him before lundging for the man, having every intention of wailing on the man till he felt better.

“Ah, yea. It is. I mean, till I found these guys, no one liked me alot.”he said smiling a little before frowning. “Oh....damn. Okay. We’ll leave odin alone.”he sighed quietly, sulking a little at the idea of not being able to hurt odin, but they could leave things alone. “....Oh. Huh. Weird.”Tony muttered frowning a little as he considered how stupid asgardians could be, before shrugging. “doesn’t matter I guess. Never considered it long as I don’t end up with little me’s anytime soon, we’re okay.”Tony said huffing a little.
Natasha nodded. "that's very right." she admitted. "Loki would have done something if he'd wanted something done." NAtasha said before biting her lip to keep from laughing at the shocked, aroused and rather mortified Steve who didn't know enough about BDSM to understand his own reaction. he did know one thing though. he looked at James, his pupils blown wide. "i... yeah... i. i kind of do." he admitted with a shudder. no sense in lying about it. Bruce let him up and growled at James again and allowed the man to beat on him for a bit before doing to James what he'd done to Tony, slamming him into the ground and pinning him there, pressing his crotch into James ass because the Hulk loved violence. turned him on and James turned him on more than most. "You like that Jamie?" Steve teased, amused because, well. he was a dick, James was a dick and he wanted to see if he couldn't explore this new little side of himself with someone. preferably Tony but he'd settle for Loki or Bruce. James if the other three didn't want to. he had a feeling he wasn't thinking very clearly.

Loki nodded. "being liked is... new." he admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "yeah. leaving Odin alone is the best." he agreed with a smile, kissing Tony's temple. "in a lot of ways the asgardians are archaic." he admitted before smiling a little at Tony. "there won't be. not unless my magic gets bound again, without magic i can't stop my reproduction cycle." eh admitted. "if my magic gets disrupted we probably won't be having sex so i think it will be fine." he admitted with a smile before he paused. "huh... Steve's gotten all hot and bothered. wonder what the hell is going on up there?" interesting, Loki could tell when people where aroused.
“Good.”James growled, loking the idea that loki would do something if he wanted to, even if he still wanted to be violent with someone. Smirking at steve he nodded. “So I can tell, Captain.”He growled a little, before groaning a little as he was pinned, going still as he felt the other pressing against him. The violence had flipped his switch to, for once letting go, because it was rare that he felt safe enough to be like this. Rare that someone managed to flip both switches at the same time and send him both into the winter soldier headspace, and the submissive side to. Twisting his head to look at steve, he growled. “You’re a dick, stevie.”he growled, pushing up off the floor trying to get up, even if he knew he was well pinned.

Tony smiled softly as his temple was kissed, groaning a little. “That’s stupid they’re so long lived and wasting so much time.”He grumbled before nodding. “Good. I like kids. I mean. I like the idea of kids. Don’t want kids of my own.”he muttered relived at the idea, before frowning, looking at the other in interest, tilting his head. “Want to go see what’s going on?”
Loki smiled a little. "they are still of the opinion that women are useful only in kitchens and pregnant." he admitted. "to be honest women are still considered a man's 'property' and they are considered useless and weak." he admitted. "Lady Sif and Lady Frigga are literally the only women with any position other than 'a man's toy' or waiting to be a man's toy." Loki admitted before grinning. "yes i do, because now James is horny as hell and i think Natasha's about to cream her pants and i don't wanna get started on Bruce." he admitted.

Steve flushed hard at James and glared at him even as he squirmed out from underneath Bruce, or was it Hulk? he wasn't sure. Brulk? Huce?he was careful to keep himself a bit tucked up so he wouldn't flash everyone, with as hard as he was, and as tight as his pants where, he didn't want to give anyone a show. "you started it, asshole." Steve complained right back, watching with wide eyes as Bulk growled and pushed the other back down, holding him there, pinning him there. dominating him for the moment because he could and because James wasn't protesting. "god..." Steve muttered,swallowing thickly and feeling his cock throb in his pants because watching Bruce holding James down so effortlessly was hot. very hot. god, he was going to hell. "well. this is hot." Loki commented as he walked in, pointedly 'not noticing' Phil Skye or Melinda. "Having an Orgy? without me? that hardly seams fair." Loki complained, amused before shuddering when Bruce smirked at him and growled. it wasn't a frightened shudder.
""That's horrible. and stupid. I think we should introduce them all to pepper and natasha. And lexi."Tony decided making a face before frowning, considering that. "....that's a disturbing combination of people."he said following after.

"No, you did. you're the one who was going off half cocked after a godling."James growled, whining a little as he flexed more, shifting, trying to use the metal arm to lift up, but it didn't work. growling as he was pinned and held. "....I feel like there should be a video camera somewhere recording the same time as we're running away."Tony said staring at them, well aware phil and the others were there, and well aware james wasn't going to apperciate this when he got his bearings back. Phil startled, tensing, staring at the sight of the god, not sure what to think, but well aware he'd never work his way back into his teams trust and good sides if he hit loki or ran screaming away.
Steve snorted. "he hurt Loki. of course i was going to go murder the fucker." "what did Thor do that was so bad?" Grant wondered. "...Loki was raped. repeatedly. forced to bear a child, give birth and then was raped all over again." Steve finally whispered, Grant going pale because, well. Hydra had breeding programs that worked very much the same way. Bruce growled again setting his teeth against Jame's neck, biting, not hard, not painful, just a pressure. a warning to quit moving. "it is fairly hot." Loki admitted with a chuckle, moving over to Bruce. "come on, up. let him up." he ordered, stroking the back of Bruce's neck. "that's not yours. come now." Bruce growled but slowly sat up, letting James go, Loki chuckling a little. "i know. your all kinds of frustrated. Bruce just doesn't let you out often enough does he?" Loki asked, sympathetic. Bruce growled again and actually pouted and Loki smiled a little. "don't worry. we'll talk to Bruce. won't we?" he asked with a smile and Bruce grinned, a sharp, happy, sadistic grin. "now. i think the danger is over." Loki admitted before looking very sternly at Steve. "you will not hurt my Brother. he had to endure Odin's Raven's plucking out his innards for three months for trying to break into the Temporal Flux to free me, you will not touch him." Steve flushed, feeling very guilty now. Thor had his organs picked out for three months trying to save Loki and Steve had just assumed the worst of a friend all because he had grown... attached to Loki. shit. "i'm sorry." Steve said softly. "i just... i have a temper." "i know." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "you didn't get very far anyway." she admitted. "remind me to thank dear Clint for that." Loki mused before glancing at Phil, examining him for a moment. "i'll have to speak to Clint about many things." and didn't that sound ominous?

"how long have you had Kree blood in your system?" Loki wondered, examining Phil before looking at Skye. "and you. your an inhuman. dangerous species, supposed to be extinct. how curious." Loki mused. "may i?" he asked, holding his hand out, not looking bothered in the least when she pulled away. "what are you going to do?" "i'm going to probe you of course, is that not what aliens do?" that got her to smile and she held her hand out and Loki set a single finger on her pulse. "what are you doing?" May demanded. "i'm testing her genetic structure. there are three separate 'gender' of Kree. none of them have names and none of them are different in anyway but personality. one mentality is dominant, one submissive and the third is completely psychotic." he admitted. "i'm just making sure she's not of the third gender, because if she is and she goes into her first Thrush she'll pretty much slaughter everyone." Loki admitted. "uh, Thrush?" "...puberty darling. puberty." she flushed, hard. "your in luck, Dominant strain. you'll get fairly pissy and controlling but you won't go maniac." he admitted, holding a hand out to Phil. "it won't hurt, and i swear to do nothing but test the strain." he promised Phil. "but it has to be done and Thor is incapable. he'd be more likely to smash your head in rather than take the risk." Loki admitted.
”Shit....”lexi went pale, actually wavering on her feet a little at that idea. That was just bad. Shuddering as she considered that. James shivered, going still, not trying to move anymore even as his head turned a little to look up at Loki. “...I wonder if he could safely play like this?”Tony said thoughtfully looking at Bruce, tilting his head a little even as he watched james push to his feet, a worried look crossing his face when the other didn’t move beyond getting to his knees, hands resting on his thighs. For all the world looking like a puppet with the strings cut. “....Okay. hurting Thor.”Tony muttered looking pained and hurt at the idea, nudging steve a little. “And here you were worried you wouldn’t like rudolph.”He muttered before startling, looking at the others. Looking worried and confused at loki’s words, having not been sure coulson had been telling the truth, even if the man had rarely lied to him. He’d still doubted the truth.

“Nearly 7 months now. It’s been....making me draw things now.”phil said swallowing hard watching the other man, looking freaked out and tense as he resisted the urge to pull skye away from the jotun. Forcing himself not to. Tony trusted him. Clint trusted him. He could stop herself from lashing out simply to keep him away from skye. “She blushes fairly easy for a agent.”Lexi said looking amused if a little worried about what she was hearing. Phil stared at loki, taking a step back.”N-no.”Phil said looking anxious as he looked at the godling reaching for him. “Phil. We’re right here....hold on. Clint?Move over to him.”Tony asked, knowing clint was angry, but knowing even with the anger, phil would trust him to keep him safe.
"he can." Natasha admitted. "he told me. well, sort of. he implied it, which for him is basically the same thing." she admitted, gently running her fingers through James hair. "good boy." because she knew praise was rare in Hydra. she was his handler now, for better or worse and she was going to treat him right dammit. especially when he was like this. "i wouldn't mind trying, i trust Bruce." he admitted, smiling at Bruce who had gone his normal pasty skin color with pretty grey eyes again. "Hulk is pretty fascinated by you, he'd totally go for it." Bruce admitted. "with Tony's permission of course." "of course, Tony is the primary after all." Loki admitted. "Yes, no hurting Thor." Loki agreed. "i was never worried i wouldn't like him. i was just... jealous a bit." Steve admitted sheepishly before frowning, worried when Loki went tense at Phil's comment.

"I haven't been an agent for long." Skye admitted, staring at Grant. "how come you aren't testing Grant?" "because i've already gone through Thrush." Grant admitted, coughing a little. "i... uh..." Loki looked very amused. "what did you do?" he demanded, Grant coughing a little. "I'd rather not say." he muttered, glancing at May before looking away, Loki cringing. "say no more. i understand." "i don't. why did he look at me?" May demanded. "...because during Thrush a submissive type Kree will seek out a mate to own him during the process and if their mate turns him down he goes a little insane." May looked so horrified that Loki almost laughed in her face because she realized, right then and there, that she had been the reason why Ward had turned on them. "you had a secondary?" "yes but she... wasn't dominant. she couldn't... she didn't know." Ward shrugged. "and the Tertiary, well..." he shook his head. "i was pretty fucked up for about a year. i couldn't think straight and i was so sure everyone was trying to kill me. some of them where and some of them where trying to help and i couldn't tell who from who so..." he shrugged. "so... so the reason you dumped Fitz and Simmons..." Skye asked, nervous. "sort of. i was between, and Garret... he was Dominant and i wasn't and obeying him as so much easier than trying to understand what i was doing... i dumped them, but the thing wasn't supposed to sink. it was designed to float, i don't understand why it sank..." that was true, the pods where supposed to float.

"Phil. it's okay." Clint said,moving over to the other man, gently taking his hand. "just let him. please." Loki closed his eyes and gently set his finger on Phil's pulse,which Clint was offering to him. "... just as i thought." Loki whispered, opening his eyes. "the Kree whose Genetics you, er... borrowed. was Psychotic. that's why your drawing things. the psychotic genes in your system want you to, pretty much destroy the world. your going through Thrush right now, eager to prove yourself to your mate. a psychotic won't go anywhere near his chosen mate until he has an impressive amount of bodies piled up around him to make a nest. all Kree display in some way. Submissive tend to get very affectionate, build nests, provide food, safety stuff like that. Dominants tend to fight violently with other dominants, get very aggressive, possessive and protective and psychotics cut bloody swaths though anything that isn't Kree." he admitted. "lucky for Phil, he's a very stubborn man and his own Genetics are that of a Dominant, who knows killing anything would upset his Primary and has managed to avoid killing anyone. it's very dangerous though, the psychotic genetics are currently trying to overwhelm his own." Loki admitted. "what does that mean?" Clint demanded. " means that the Kree genetics inside of Phil is trying to kill him and wear him like a Phil flesh suit." "...and to stop it?" Clint demanded, Loki wincing. "ah... it won't be hard but it's... going to hurt. all we have to do is take Kree blood from another Dominant, and transfuse it to Phil, this will give his natural dominant genetics the strength to stamp out the psychotic. but the only way i know how to do such things is... rather barbaric." "blood transfusions are simple enough, i can do that." Bruce admitted. "the human DNA in the girls system will have to be filtered out..." "also easy." Bruce assured Loki who sighed in relief. "thank god. i can't stand the sight of blood..."
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