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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Loki shook his head. "i never meant to kill you." Loki admitted softly. "the Other... i fought him so hard i tore... i tried to move my arm, just a little to the left...." Clint shuddered a little and shook his head. "you go ahead and finish and me, Bruce and Skye will wait in the lab for you." Loki agreed, edging Bruce out the door and Clint smiled as he was snuggled, glad for the attention for now. it would change later, he'd have to start pushing Phil away, so Phil wouldn't be so hurt later. so Phil could move on.
"I know. Tony told still is uncomfortable to trust you."phil said making a face before sighing. When he finished the line and circles, for all the world it looked like a map as he handed it over to clint before moving to get up."come on. We better go see the doctors before the urge to carve comes back."
Loki chuckled. "you'll never trust me i'm afraid. i am a Jötunn. our kinds naturally hate and distrust each other. where you a full blooded Kree we'd be trying to kill each other already without care to our rational, sensible minds." he admitted. Clint smiled as he accepted the wood, his head tilted. "it's pretty." he admitted, stroking the carvings. he'd keep it forever. he took a few seconds to rush it up to the tallest Hammock so he could sleep with it hanging right next to him and headed with Phil down to the lab where they fingered Phil's blood. Loki had to leave once or twice during the entire procedure to be sick because of all the blood, something which amused Skye to no end. and Clint, and Bruce. imagine, a god who got sick at the sight of blood. still, once they had the four ounces out of Phil, out of Skye and back into Phil Loki had a good prognosis that it was working very well. they would have to do it again, possibly all four times, but it was definitely working very well and the process was so, so much cleaner than what the asgardians where capable of and he was going to go lay down because he was feeling faint. Phil could probobly already feel a lot of the symptoms easing a little, Loki was right though, it was going to take more, probobly an entire pint, or more of Skye's blood. they could do it a week at a time though,giving Phil plenty of time to start adjusting.
It was a good processs, with phil adjusting slowly to the new blood. And even while he still had his moments, he did well. Though when he finally snapped and lashed out, it was probably a good thing it was at james, instead of one of the others, after all, james could physically take the pounding, even if mentally he was going to be a mess. By the time the others got down to the living room, james hand phil pinned, kneeling on his back to keep him down, much like how bruce had pinned him, shuddering a little as he looked up anxiously at natasha."i-I didn't mean to attack him. He just wouldn't back off after I said I was joining clint on a snipers content, I didn't think it'd set him off..."he babbled a little looking anxious and upset.
Natasha siged a little and reached own and stroked James hair. "Hush охотник." she ordered. "You did very well. я счастлив с тобой." she assured James. "He's just being possessive волк." she assured him, looking up when Clint came trotting down the hallway, shaking his head as he gently stroked Phil's hair. "Come on Amore." Clint ordered, smiling at Phil. "What's all this? your being silly. your my Mate aren't you? you marked me as yours, remember?" he asked, stroking the ring of teeth marks on his neck. "Come on now. leave James alone." he ordered Phil, looking more amused than anything. he wondered if Phil thought that all those new paper cranes he'd been making where because of the contest? was that what had set him off? it was true but he had no interest in actually telling anyone that. there was no reason for him to be nervous. he was the best Marksman in the world.... he'd used to be the best marksman in the world. fuck.
James whimpered softly, shifting, sitting back on his heels slowly, letting phil up as he leaned into natashas hand."I did?good."James muttered relaxing a little, shifting to look up at the other, blue grey eyes wide as he looked up at her."can I do anything for you?"

"I am. And I did. But he upset you. I needed to make sure he couldn't do that again."phil grumbled even as he pushed up slowly, looking up at clint as he got up,frowning at the other."kay...I'll leave him alone."he said frowning at him."your upset. Let me help. Please."he said desperate to help the other
Natasha smiled at him. "yes you did." she promised. "i don't need anything right now, but i'll have something for you to do for me later." she promised, well aware he'd pout if she didn't offer him anything. it made him so happy to do things for her that she didn't have the heart to tell him she didn't need help. especially when he made some things so much easier. and fucking him when he was like this was simply amazing. he was so pliant and obedient and willing that she just couldn't help herself.

"James didn't upset me Phil. I upset me." Clint explained. "i'm wound up is all and fretting about stupid shit." he promised. "it's nothing. i'm just stressed." he promised before smiling at Phil, looking shattered for a moment. "i'm sorry Phil, but there's nothing that can help." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you can help by leaving James alone, okay?"
James pouted a little as he leaned into natasha a little, pouting slightly as he considered what she was telling him before reluctantly nodding. "Okay, natalia. What ever you need."he said before getting to his feet, leaning over to kiss her lightly."we should go check on steve and tony."

Phil frowned shaking his head. Stubborn and upset."no. He did. I know you. You were upset after he said something about shooting bugs bunny."which he'd seen the picture from james sniper test at the range, damn ed super soldier had shoot a perfect drawing of bugs bunny indeed. "Letting someone else know what's happening helps you know. You should let me help..."he stopped frosning, before slouching a little. Thinking clint still hadn't forgiven him. Of course he didn't want to tell him what was wrong.
Natasha smiled at him. "your everything i need." she admitted to him before kissing him, leaning in to whisper all the naughty things she was going to make him do to her before sauntering over to Phil, worried about Clint as well.

"it wasn't about Bugs." Clint scoffed, rolling his eyes. "it's not about the god damn archery contest!" he snarled, which meant it wasn't about the contest itself but it was related. "Clint." Natasha said, looking very worried. "please... what's wrong? you've been acting... odd. even before Phil came back you've been avoiding things you used to love. are you depressed? sick?" she demanded. "nothings wrong! piss off! i'm just sick of you asking me what's wrong! if i wanted you to know i'd tell you but i don't want to tell you because there's nothing wrong! come on James!" he ordered. "i'll kick your ass at archery!" he hissed. but an hour later he was missing, the contest had been brutal. not because James was better than him, not because it had been a massacre, but because Clint's aim had very clearly been lost. he had missed nearly every target. had he been a normal person he would have shot perfectly. he'd hit 'in the red', but it wasn't dead center the way it was supposed to be, h way it always was when he was doing archery. it was Lexi who found him, weeping into his knees in an empty room with papers laying all over. medical papers. medical papers that had clearly been coming for months that Clint had been hiding in this room so no one else would find them. not even Bruce, who was just as worried about Clint as everyone else. "...i'm dying." he finally whispered, looking up at Lexi. "i'm dying."
"Okay...then what was it about?"phil said looking upset and tense, struggling to not get angry, to do everything that the kree inside him deMandel he do. He wasn't going to hurt anyone dammit.

When lexi found him she eased out of the vents to the floor, having climbed in with grant to search, since only her and james were slender enough to make the trip easily. Easing down to the floor she crossed out, silently shooting off a te,t she'd found him, and to leave them alone. She'd take care of him for now. Easing down to the floor she frowned, looking h I'm m over."what? From what?"she said lookin shocked and worrid, needing to help, absently twirling a knife through her fingers, a gesture he would recognize from when natasha was stressed out and acting out, needing the movement to calm a bit.
he watched her and shook his head. there was a reason he'd chosen this room. it locked from the inside and had been abandoned because the door was fully broken for a long time before Clint ever showed up. no one ever bothered fixing the door since there here so many other rooms, so the only way to get in was the vents and Clint was the only one who used the vents. "Melanoma." he whispered. "Stage Four. it's even metastasized. Lungs... and my eyes. Docs say i'll be lucky if i can still see in another year and i'll be on oxygen within three if i even live that long. be lucky to make it to five years." he admitted. "i didn't want anyone to know, i didn't want them to... i was going to be gone, i was going to leave. but then Phil came back and i c...couldn't... i was okay, i was ready to die. it was going to be easy. i was going to settle the last of my affairs and then i was going to find someone to put me down and i would die and go join Phil in heaven... but then he wasn't dead and i wanted to keep living and now everything is so fucked up."
"Oh. Oh clint..."she muttered pain coloring the words, understanding. Swallowing hard as she shifted, retina her head on his shoulder as she sighed wuietly."we're worried about you, clint. You should have said som..."she trailed off. Before thinking about what he'd just said. Biting her lip for a long moment, teeth worrying it before looking at clint."....can I ask grant to join us?i...he's wandering the vents to."she said wanting to ask grant before she said what she was thinkjng.
Clint shook his head. "no one was supposed to know." he whispered. "i was supposed to be gone by now, you know? i would have been missed but it would be better than forcing you all to watch me slowly rot to death from the inside out." he whispered. "yeah. i guess. can't feel anymore shitty than i already do." he admitted, closing his eyes. "might as well just go join the others. there's no point hiding it anymore... might as well let everyone know." he admitted. "they all suspect something now, after the way i fucked my archery... i just.. my eyes are already being affected." he admitted. "they constantly ache a little bit now."
"I know...I'm sorry we messed up your plans. But even if this is the end, I think phil would rather be here with you, then find out later."she said sighing quietly before shaking her hesd."not just yet. Cause if we tell them my idea, where they can all hear it, we'll spend hours arguing about it. And I want to ask grant beforewe bring it up to be a issue."leXi said as she texted grant looking up when he dropped into the room."the kreeorgans. How fresh was it?I mean. I know there's a few more on ice. Would it still be possible to do a transplant?"
he shrugged. "i guess. Loki says that with the Kree Blood in him Phil will live to be about eight thousand years old anyway so he would have had to watch me die anyway." he admitted before frowning at her, confused. "kay?" e asked, baffled before looking up as Grant dropped down, looking a bit ruffled because he wasn't as good at traveling through the vents. "sorry it took me so long, i got lost." Grant admitted before going very tense. "...why? what could you possibly want to know that for!?" "...Lex. even if we replace the organs, i'll still have cancer. it will still kill me. having new eyes and lungs will make me more comfortable sure but i'll still be dead in five years, ten if i'm super lucky." he admitted, Grant gasping a little. Clint had cancer. Clint was dying. oh fuck the Avengers where going to loose their royal shit.
“Well, he’d still want to be with you.”Lexi said before snorting a little at grant’s words. “You get lost in your rooms, you goof.”She teased looking amused that he got lost, before wincing at his words. “Cause Clint’s sick.”She said fidgeting, frowning a little. “No. I mean, yes. But no. Phil was dead, like full on dead. The kree blood healed him because it’ll heal it’s host. Kree blood and organs might heal your own, since it would see it as a disease to its own life. Even if it only gives you a few years, you’re currently living with a god you know. Given enough time, I’m pretty sure Tony and Loki can forge some magic-tech thing to help.”Lexi said looking ready to set her heels down and fight him on this, ready to fight to give him a chance, even knowing it was unlikely, she had to try, cause she knew even if none of the admitted it, clint was the glue, for the most part, that held them all together. Even as damaged as he had been, clint had managed to hold them all together, bind them into a team. without clint, the avengers would indeed lose their collective shit.
"i do not get lost! i just get a little confused because i swear to god the furniture moves!" he complained. Clint chuckled a little at that because, well. he wouldn't put it past Tony. "God... Clint..." Grant said, looking so very sympathetic. "we can't know if this will work, but there's a facility." Grant admitted. "a back stock of Kree body's held in cryogenic chambers. i don't know much about it at all, we'll need to get Loki's opinion and see if we can't find a Kree body that will match with Clint's natural personality." "Sub. to match Phil's Dom." Clint informed Grant who shook his head. "i don't think that's how it works. i think Dom and Sub are more, genders, than actual personality or behaviors. me an Phil don't act all that different except when stressed after all and we do different things to impress potential mates but when it gets down to it we both still bite our partners on the neck, we both still top or bottom depending on how we feel... i think it's less personality and more instincts and gender." he admitted. "we'd have to ask Loki to be sure." Grant admitted. "it's a shot though, the Kree genetics saved Skye's life too after all, it's a chance." Grant admitted. "...well. i won't argue." Clint agreed. "it's a chance and that's more than i had before." he admitted, looking up at them. "i want to tr." anything for more time with Phil. "...we have to tell the others still, don't we?" Clint asked softly. "Bruce is gonna be mad..."
"No it doesnt grant."she said huffing a little. "It was made to revive a fallen avenger. Well were trying to help a avenger."she looked amused and upset, trying to relax and not think to hard on it before nodding."probably more a instinct thing then sexual desire side of things."she said sounding thoughtful before nodding."we'll ask loki. But it's a shot, which is more then just waiting around to die."she said moving to get up, "yea bruce and the others are gonna be pissed, but we have to tell them. Neither of us are capable of doing surgery, so we'll have to tell them. Besides, I doubt you could hide this from phil for long. Not after you sent james into the lab to have bruce drop him."
"no it wasn't. that's what Phil was told of course but the whole T.A.H.I.T.I. was about creating. well. soldiers.super soldiers. monsters that could lay waste to even an Avenger. thank god that didn't actually work." he admitted. "yeah well... i guess that's true." Clint agreed, smiling softly at Lexi. "Thanks, for finding me. i feel a bit better now." he admitted, standing up with her and sighed a little, wincing a bit. "...shit, i didn't mean to upset him so much...." he admitted. "...i could go for a round under Bruce's crop myself." it always made him feel better, he knew Phil wouldn't allow it though, but... maybe Phil might feel up to a little pain play. they'd never done it before. Clint hadn't realized he'd craved pain until after Phil died. he'd started cutting and Bruce had caught him and showed him a better, safer way known as 'pain kink'. anytime Clint felt like hurting himself, like now, he just went to Bruce and Bruce made it all better. he was a little bit worried about how Phil was going to handle the fact that Clint was a masochist who got off on being tied up and humiliated. he hoped Phil wouldn't get too mad, though he suspected Phil wouldn't be too bothered, considering he had a ring of teeth marks in his neck from the other.
“...that’s horrible and disturbing. Let’s not tell Phil. At least not yet, he seems to be one bad shock away from a breakdown.”Lexi said shaking her head a little before smiling. “You are very welcome. And be glad it was us and not tony and the cute little roomba he was trying to convince to get in the vents with him.”She said, well aware tony had severe clausterphobia sometimes, which was amusing considering he locked himself into the suit ever so willingly. “He knows that. Though I doubt you’ll get away from being punished for it, since natasha was fairly upset herself.”Lexi warned smiling slightly, nudging the other, “Come on. We’ll go talk to the others, then go you can see if phil wants to play.”
Grant nodded. "there's a reason why i didn't tell Phil. he's not ready for that." he admitted before chuckling as Clint cringed. "i doubt he would have been much help." Clint admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "he'd never get into the vents anyway." he admitted. "i'm sure Nat will make the punishment very creative and cruel." he admitted as he slid up into the vent. "Jay? will you let the team know we got Clint?" Grant asked. "let them know we'll be in the kitchen and that he's ready to talk when they decide to drop by." "they all have to be there, i don't think i have the strength to tell it more than the once." Clint admitted, sounding so very tired and defeated but with that little spark of 'I'm never giving up' he was so known for.
“No he really isn’t.”Lexi agreed sighing softly. “probably not, but he was well prepared to go climbing in the vents after you. It was quite amusing really.”Lexi snickered a little before nodding. “No doubt.”She said before smiling as jarvis relayed the message, “Well, jarvis, you heard them. When they’re ready to head for the kitchen, we’ll have lunch ready for them all when we get there.”Lexi said before crawling up to the vents and heading back, well aware it was going to be bad when clint told them.
he nodded. "i've just been upsetting people all over the place haven't i?" he asked with a smile and a sigh. "Thanks Jarvis." he said, heading up tot he kitchen to help Lexi and Grant cook. he was still, silent ad pale by the time the others started coming. he hadn't taken his meds yet and the pain was starting to get to him. his lungs, his eyes and other various areas ached constantly and sometimes they got bad enough h took pain medication for it. he hated to though, and always put it off as long as he could. Bruce had thought them to be vitamin supplements because he hadn't bothered to look at them and because he had no reason to think Clint was lying. he was indeed going to be pissed. by the time the others where all there, Clint wanted to take it back and go hide in his vents again, instead f saying anything he just handed his latest medical report to Bruce. "....ho long have you been hiding this?" Bruce demanded, looking at Clint who closed his eyes. "not sure... three months? six maybe? no longer than that..." he admitted. "i went in because my eyes where hurting. when they told me i thought it had to be some sick joke. i waited until i couldn't take the pain anymore and went to another... they told me the same thing..." "Told you what?" Natasha demanded, stroking James hair, the man still down low. Bruce always did a very good job. "i'm dying." that made her freeze because of all the things she'd expecting, that hadn't been it. "it's cancer... far enough along that there's nothing that can be done." Bruce admitted. "you really only just found out?" he asked, looking stunned. "it's rare for Cancer to go this far enough without noticing it." "...there where signs. i just didn't notice them. my life is pain after all. i'm in and out of the hospital for my whole life you'd think one of them aught to have noticed so i never thought to be checked... never knew i needed to. by the time the pain got bad enough for me to notice it was too late."
“yea, you have been. But they’ll forgive you. Eventually.”Lexi said smiling slightly. She hated seeing him like this, even more so because it was upsetting the people she cared about, and it made her want to lash out at everything, but she couldn’t, because no one here, was ones she wanted to hurt. “What’s up?”Tony said as he walked into the room, his nose buried in the magic book though, not wanting to deal. This was his way of dealing with whatever he knew was going to upset him. “....What?”Tony’s head jerked up at that, staring at clint. “Natalia?”James hhead snapped up, responding to her freezing, already half moving to get up, ready to lash out at whatever was upsetting her. “....No. Not to late. Loki!Rudolph. Where the fuck are you?Get in here!”Tony demanded upset and annoyed as he headed for the door, the genius’ mind already starting to turn over things. Working things. Needing to.
He chuckled a little. "yeah. eventually." he agreed before glancing at Tony and then away again because he knew out of everyone, Tony was going to be the one they where going to have to watch. he'd take his rage out on others if they weren't careful. "it's okay James... it's okay." Natasha promised, stroking James hair. "Clint just told us why he's been a bitch all day and it startled me." she explained, Clint snorting because that made him feel better. she wasn't so furious at him if she was calling him names. Loki appeared in a puff of smoke, hair sopping wet, a toothbrush in his mouth a towel wrapped around his hips and his watch wrapped around his bicep as always. he blinked, blinked again and then. "huh. i didn't know you could do that." Loki admitted, Bruce snickering and Clint giggling at the sight of Loki. "wow... has... has someone died?" Loki asked, looking quite worried at all the somber faces.
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