Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

"thank you. it helps that i'm enjoying myself." he admitted with a grin, kissing Tony's forehead. he didn't like to hit Loki as hard as he liked to be hit yet, so he let Bruce do that while he got more comfortable with his own strength. "I will go and commune with my sisters about all of this." Ljótr promised with a smile. "i would lie the Master of the Halls permission to come and go?" Loki poked Tony. "your the master of the hall, being as you own this place. she wants permission to come in magically like i do." he explained while Steve glanced at Phil before looking at Grant. "you need to drop too, right?" he asked Clint who winced, glanced at Phil, looked away and nodded. "the pain helps with the pain..." that was a bit cryptic but Bruce understood. "come on then." Bruce ordered with a smile. "i'll take care of you and talk to Phil about it since your so scared." Bruce offered, smiling at Clint playfully and Clint snorted and muttered about Bruce being an asshole.

He nodded, looking pleased that she agreed with him. "Yeah okay." he agreed, following her. happy to obey because, hell, snuggles! and maybe kisses. if he was really lucky he might even get to touch her neck. he liked her neck. part of him was aware that was the kree in him but so long as he didn't bite her without her permission he should be good. "Can we snuggle? and kiss?" he asked her before he could stop himself, flushing a little. He was feeling very needy today, he had a feeling his Thrush was coming.
"Yea it does. Makes it better. Otherwise I'd worry you were just doing it for me."Tony smiled up at steve. Before yelping as he was poked,"wh-oh. Yes. Of course. Come back whenever you want."Tony said smiling at the woman, looking amused as he realized they were all going to go to bruce to be taken care of."brucie bear, you should totallywrite a letter to penthouse and start it 'dear penthouse, I had a god and a super soldier..."he trailed off looking amused even as he looked at phil wondering if he'd be okay. Phil growled quietly at the idea of sharing his kate, looking annoyed at the idea but clamping down hard on the idea of hitting bruce. Nothing good would come from hitting bruce.

Lexi raised a eyebrowas she looked up at her flushed boyfriend as they stepped into the bedroom. Smirking at him a little."just kisses?"she teased amused as she climbed into bed, gently running her fingers through his hair.
Steve smiled at Tony. "i'd consider it." he admitted. "if it meant i got to take care of you." he admitted, smiling at Tony before chuckling a little at Tony getting prodded, Ljótr smiling at them and bowing before vanishing. "i should write a letter to the penthouse. my Harem is really growing." Bruce admitted with a chuckle, stroking Tony's ass as he passed, Steve snickering because only Bruce and Loki could do that without Steve getting in their faces and turning them into paste. "...relax, Phil." Bruce ordered with a smile. "Clint is ours, but he has needs you cannot currently give him. i highly doubt you've ever used a crop on a lover before now have you?" he asked the Agent as they walked down to Bruce's growing Playroom. Tony, Steve, Loki, Clint, James and Grant all had their own 'toy chest' now. so did a couple of the people who came over from time to time to 'play' with Bruce on a regular occurrence. where they came from, only Bruce knew. "Loki first?" Bruce asked Clint who nodded. "Loki needs it more right now." Clint admitted. "plus i want to see if Phil will be able to handle this. i can wait if he needs some reassurance." Clint explained, glancing at Phil. "i'm not as heavy a hitter as Loki is though." he admitted.

He grinned at her. "wasn't sure if you where ready for more." he admitted. "i like kisses. i'm more than happy to wait until your totally ready." he promised her. "don't push yourself okay?" he asked with a smile.
Tony frowned looking up at him, for a moment worried that the other was pretending to enjoy this. That he wanted it. Frowning as he ducked his head a little, staring at the floor. Starting to anxiously worry about it, there was a reason tony hadn’t asked if any of them would move back in with him until they asked to return. Even if he didn’t like being alone, he hadn’t wanted to force them. So the idea of steve pretending, upset him. “...Okay. I know...I’m okay.”Phil said swallowing thickly as he looked up at bruce, before shaking his head slightly. “No, I haven’t.”He said following the other down, looking around in curiousity, before moving to sit in one of the chairs. “Ah. Okay.”he muttered looking fidgety and upset, trying to relax.

“Ah. I see. Well.”Lexi smiled a little looking up at him, leaning in to kiss him lightly. “You are a gentleman you know, but having sex with you is different then any other time. I mean. It will be.”she said blushing and stuttering a bit.
Steve chuckled and kissed Tony. "i'm not pretending Tony. watching you come so completely undone, watching my marks raise against your skin, turns me on so fucking much." he admitted. "i have to admit, i kind of like being hit too, though not as much as i like hitting." he admitted. "He's Yours Phil and none of us will touch your mate without your permission." Bruce promised again, glancing at Clint who nodded his agreement. he didn't need to drop like Loki, probobly Tony did. he could handle a few days or a week or two to let Phil calm down and understand what Clint needed now.

"here. Phil." Clint said, settling himself into a lovers couch, Bruce loved showing off so there where love seats, armchairs and couches scattered about the room. "we can snuggle while Loki takes his turn. we always start with Loki because he needs to be monitored really close. he's a no limit. this means he can't tell when pain is good or bad and he can be hurt really bad if we're not careful, so there is always at least two, or more people to watch him when he plays hard like this." Clint explained to Phil. "once he drops he doesn't have a 'no' or a safe word, he just lays there and takes whatever you want to give him so he has to be monitored because someone could easily cross a line and not be aware they had done so because Loki will be too gone to know." he explained as Loki stripped his shirt off, but kept the watch on. it did more than just cover the scars, he had explained to the group so they didn't remove it, nor did they ask what else it did. "Preferences?" Bruce asked Loki who nodded. "short whip, standing." Bruce nodded and Loki shucked his pants off as well but stayed in his underwear, silky black things that clung so tight there was little left to the imagination as he stood in front of what looked like a pull up bar and set his wrists, spread out, onto the bar over his head so he formed an impressive Y. Bruce would have to move quick when Loki finally gave in and dropped because he always went completely limp once he finally gave in and would need to be caught or he'd yank his own arms out of their sockets. not that he'd care until he was back up.

he smiled at her and kissed her back. "well. i'd hope so." he admitted, smiling at her. "but just because it wil be better doesn't mean your ready. only you can decide that, and if your ready now that's fine, and if you're not ready for another ten years that's okay too." he promised with a smile.
Tony frowned looking up at him, even though he was kissing the other back. Biting his lip a little before nodding, “oh. Okay.”he muttered blushing a little as he nodded. “Okay...I can handle that.”Phil said swallowing hard, shifting to get comfortable as he watched them. Tilting his head slightly before frowning .”He’ll just....take it?No matter what?”Phil said disturbed at the idea. Even if he sorta wanted to hurt loki, it disturbed him to consider loki wouldn’t stop them. “he stars off, so we can make sure he’s safe.
Tony said from his own perch in steve’s lap, snuggling into the super soldier on one of the chairs, settling in to watch.

Lexi smiled a little as she considered that, thinking on it before poking his shoulder. “You’ve been focusing on my neck more.”She said, a almost question there. Because she’d been listening to the others, she knew what thrush was, and was curious. But worried about him. not so much herself, she was worried what he'd do if tehy didn't have sex.
Bruce smiled a little. "yes, he'll just Take it once he's finally down. he's a stubborn little bitch though so getting him down is harder than say, Tony who drops fairly easy so long as he's with someone he trusts." Bruce admitted. "Clint's a bit of a mix. he drops well, but he needs the right stimuli." Bruce admitted. "i'm very experienced so i know how to handle a sub like Loki for the most part, but i like to have the safety net because while Loki won't say or make a sound if he's unhappy about something, there are other indicators that i might not notice that the audience will. plus, being watched makes Loki hot." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "talking won't bother Loki so if you have questions feel free to ask." Bruce admitted, taking out his short whip, which wasn't actually a whip at all really but a braided thong of leather that would thud hard and could do serious damage in the hands of someone who didn't know what they where doing. Loki only asked for the short whip when he was submitting to Bruce. he liked the crop from Tony and he loved the flail and the paddle from Steve.

"Okay. ready?" Bruce asked, running his fingers through Loki's hair, making the man shudder and nod, bracing himself as Bruce tied hands to the bar and stepped back, starting slow and careful, more for Phil's sake than Loki's. the first lash hitting with a sharp sound of leather on flesh, a cracking sharp sound that always made Steve think the damage should have been much harsher than just a little welt. Loki just moaned and arched into it, tipping his head back, whimpering when Bruce growled. "Head!" the command was simple but Loki knew it, he was always being chastised for tossing his head back. he quickly let his head hang forward again and moaned again as the short whip began methodically laying marks across his skin. with every strike against his skin Loki arched and moaned until all he could do was stand there and gasp as Bruce stopped pausing in-between strikes. Hitting Loki fast and hard until the last one, a hard strike across his ass, did the trick. the godling shuddered, yanked at his restraints twice as if trying to escape, something he always did, not that he was aware of doing it, and went limp, collapsing so fast a person might think he had passed out. only the growing puddle of cum beneath him and Bruce's murmurs of reassurance as he supported Loki and untied him told those new to this that Loki was awake. "your a very good boy Loki. very good. i'll give you to Steve and Tony now." Bruce promised, settling Loki onto their laps so they could tend to the welts and small cuts. "this is when Loki no loner has a limit. but Steve and Tony know him very well." Bruce admitted, watching Phil closely, wondering how he had handled that.

"'s a pretty neck..." he admitted his attention drawn there as soon as she pointed it out. "Relax. i've made it through Thrush without having sex before. it doesn't hurt, i just get really grouchy and submissive." he admitted. "i'll do things i'm told to before i even really think about it and i'll get horny a bit." he admitted. "i might forget and bite you really hard though... i'll want to make sure everyone knows your mine and i don't know that i'll be able to stop myself." he warned, shaking his head.
“ that why tony’s so....odd at times?”Phil said, biting his lip, trying to think of a good way to say it. “odd. He calls it odd. And yes. Though it’s only at the tower that I’ll drop anywhere. If I’m in public I can stay in control.”tony said smiling slightly. Looking interested in phil’s expression. It was curious, a little worried, looking for all the world like he was treating it like a mission that he needed to figure out. “I will.”Phil said startling a little when the sound of the leather hitting skin got to him. “Why keep his head forward?”He asked after a moment, frowning. Curious more then disturbed now. He might not have tried this before, but it was obvious he was willing to learn, and try. Frowning a little as he growled as loki collapsed, worried enough about the submissive that he wasn’t really aware of responding to him like that, upset at the limp man before he relaxed, realizing loki was okay even as tony and steve tended him. “ long will he stay like this?” “for awhile.”

“It is.”Lexi said snickering a little tilting her head a little, thinking it out. Worried about him before nodding a little. “Just a bit horny?”she teased leaning into him a little stealing a kiss. “You could just bite me now you know. I wouldn’t mind.”
"manic, is the word your looking for." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "there are key triggers that will drop Tony of course. being held down or restrained is one of them, which is why he has such a hell of a time during practices." Bruce admitted. "So that i don't accidentally hit his scalp or his neck. that's a bad pain and the skin there is soft and sensitive enough, as well as thin enough i could lash him wide open and having to stop to put stitches in someone's head is never a good thing." Bruce admitted. "it has the added benefit of a constraint. something he's not allowed to do, asserting my control over him. reminding him that i'm the boss, i make the rules and he has to obey or else." Bruce explained with a chuckle. "it's a way of making him feel safe, as backwards as that seams." Bruce admitted. "it varies from person to person. it also depends on how deep he is. Loki's deep. very deep. deep enough that if he was on his own he'd do something very stupid." Bruce admitted. "we can't leave Loki alone when he's like this because Loki will go sour and start going very dark and scary places." Bruce admitted, wiping down the bar and the floor with a sanitizing solution before tending to the whip, coiled it up and tucked it into the chest with Loki's name on it before smirking at Phil. "want to try?" he asked, indicating Clint. "Clint's easy enough an he's not desperate for it the way Loki was, we can play with him a little, show you what he likes." he offered, Clint shuddering as he lifted a hand to his chest, Bruce smirking. "yeah, i know. you like it when i play with your tits." Clint flushed hard, but Phil knew that Clint liked being talked filthy like that.

"well. a lot horny but i can control myself." he promised before smiling at her. "i could. but you haven't given me permission and i don't want to hurt you. i wasn't sure if you liked pain or not and i wasn't sure how to ask.." he shook his head and nuzzled her neck. just nuzzling though, because he still wasn't sure she'd be okay if he actually bit her.
“Yes, that’s a good word for it.”Phil said before tilting his head, thinking it over before nodding. “That explains some of the fights he got into at times.” “hm, yes. Well, sparring with friends isn’t life threatening, so it sorta drops me. Life threatening fights are different.”Tony said smiling a little. “even if loki wouldn’t protest the stitches, it doesn’t make a pleasant time for anyone.”Tony said. “Makes sense.”Phil said watching frowning a little as he watched them. Smiling slightly as tony shifted to add loki to the puppy pile he had going on with steve. “Hmm, and they’re such nice tits. Nearly as big as a girl’s.”Phil teased smirking at clint, pressing a kiss to his head, because it was true. It was nearly as bad as the good captain’s pecs really. “Okay. I would like to.”Phil said looking a little worried about trying though.

“okay. I trust you.”She smiled at him, “I don’t mind it. I mean, I’ve never really tried, or wanted marked by anyone but....I like the idea of being branded by you.”She muttered wrapping her arms around his waist, shivering as the other nuzzled her.
"Yes. and sometimes he gets into fights because he needs to drop. he's what's known as a high maintenance Sub." Bruce admitted with a grin. "it means he needs a lot of attention." he admitted. "That's why Steve and Loki are perfect for him because they are the type who like to lavish affection onto people and like to have someone they can fuss over nearly all the time." he admitted. "Steve is what's known as a high maintenance Dom. he needs someone to take care of nearly all day." Bruce admitted. "now, that doesn't mean doing this." he admitted, indicating the bar. "it just means he's always tuned to Tony, feeding him, getting him to sleep, touching him, things like that." Bruce admitted, smiling as he got juice and wet wipes and other after care supplies for the boys. Steve would give Loki a small back massage later, it would hurt like hell and Loki would love it. he was too low to enjoy it right then though so it was just a matter of letting him float. "Good. Clint. preferences?" Bruce demanded and Clint pondered for a moment. "Blow job, hands behind." Bruce nodded and looked at Phil. "i don't penetrate. it makes Hulk twitchy." he explained. "so this means he wants to suck you off with his hands tied behind his back. he likes to be made helpless." he admitted. "you can do this before, or after i show you how he likes his pain." he offered. "and of course, you can stop the process anytime. Doms can use the Safe-word as well. if you don't feel right bout any step of this process you stop it because this can be very jarring." he admitted, watching him. "do you understand?"

he smiled a little. "okay..." he whispered, unable to resist with her offering. he groaned a little and plastered himself against her and tilted her head with his nose before sinking his teeth into her skin. biting hard, which was stupid because he should have eased her into it but his self control was rather... nonexistent at the moment. he kept his teeth there, pressing down on her neck, holding her in place before shuddering a little and letting her go, panting as he examined the dark red mark he had left behind. he hadn't broken the skin, but there was already a bruise forming and he winced. "shit.... shit i'm sorry. i couldn't stop myself..."
Phil frowned as he considered that, not because he was unhappy at the explanation or not liking it, more that he was thinking about it, and not really thinking about keeping his face expressionless. “...Just looking after them can help to?”Phil said looking at clint, trying to decide if he’d missed something in their relationship before, that he hadn’t been doing what clint wanted or needed from him. Looking up at clint he tilted his head considering that, before looking at bruce. “Ah.”He said blushing ever so slightly, it was odd having a audience, considering it before undoing his belt slowly. “I think I want that blowjob.”he said before nodding slowly, looking vaguely overwhelmed, but still willing to try. Needing to know if it’d be to much. “I’ll stop if I have to.”he promised.

Lexi shuddered as he plastered himself against her, smiling as she was pressed down against the bed, groaning as he bit her, squirming a little, blinking up at him stupidly when he pulled away, whimpering quietly. Eyes wide with that slightly unfocused look that said she’d dropped, but she’d never done this before, wasn’t really aware of what she was feeling, except that she wanted and needed grant.
Bruce smiled a little and nodded. "oh yes. sometimes taking care of a sub can be much more satisfying than sex." he admitted. "granted such behavior isn't always BDSM related. some people just like to fuss, or be fussed over." he admitted. "taking care of your partner is a big thing in the BDSM lifestyle though." "i didn't know that." Clint admitted, looking surprised. "you don't have to of course, Clint won't think any less of you." Bruce promised before smiling at him and handed Phil some bondage rope. it was special rope, specially designed to be used for bondage. Clint stripped off his shirt and laid his hands behind his back and sighed when the rope tightened around his wrists, Bruce stepping back to watch from a distance, Clint looking up at Phil, his head resting on the others knee. "you okay?" he asked softly. "i'd hoped to talk to you about this first but... you always where a hands on learner i guess." he admitted, smiling at Phil."i really would like to choke on your duck though, if that's okay?" he asked, grinning at Phil because he was a slut and he loved giving blowjobs. audience or otherwise. though he'd be the first to admit that the fact that he was being watched was only turning him on. specially with Loki so freshly dropped even watching them. a bit detached sure, but he was always detached when he was like that.

Grant moaned when she squirmed and he blinked at her when he realized she had dropped. how surprising! "shh, love." he purred smiling at her. "your alright, just relax and feel it. it feels good right?" he asked, running his fingers through her hair and stroking the mark on her neck, being attentive and focused on her and her alone because he liked to know he had her entire attention, and liked that she was his whole world.
Phil looked thoughtful nodding a little. “Okay. I fuss over him anyways.”He said thoughtfully because he really had. Nodding, trusting clint really wouldn’t think less of him, watching clint as he slid the rope through his hands, just feeling it before handing it back. Smiling a little as he stroked clint’s hair, nodding slowly. “Yea, I’m okay.”phil said before snorting a little. “You enjoyed hands on lessons.”He said looking amused before looking down at the other, smirking slightly. “I think I can arrange that.”He said looking amused as he slid a hand through the other’s hair, tightening his fingers around the strands and forcing the other down over his dick, carefully, watching him to make sure, not wanting to go to fast, but forcing him to do so.

Lexi blinked up at him, purring quietly when he purred at her, relaxing softly as he took care of her, shifting to snuggle into him, nodding slightly. “Yes...good.”She muttered nuzzling into his chest, content to be held, to be taken care of.
Bruce nodded. "i know. he likes to be fussed over." he agreed with a smile. "it was hard for him with you gone." he admitted, stroking Phil's hair the way he had Loki and Clint. fussing over Phil too because even if Phil wasn't submitting, he was still one of his and that mattered. "well... yeah, i did too." Clint agreed with an impish grin before shuddering, moaning as he felt the hands tangling in his hair and he ducked his head and started sucking like the master he was, the sounds echoed across the room as Loki, turned on again, started sucking on Tony's cock while he watched Clint and Phil. Clint whining when he realized he could neither pull back, nor move forward when he tried. Phil had him held fast and that was good, perfect, h could only do what Phil wanted and that was perfect. he was just there to do what Phil wanted. "Perfectly done." Bruce murmured. "he's dropping already, see how his shoulders have relaxed? Clint likes to be contained, controlled, used. it allows him to relax. he's explained that it means he doesn't have to worry about making his partner feel good, because he's being used to make his partner feel good." Bruce admitted. "your a natural at this Phil."

Grant smiled a little at her. "good. i'm glad your feeling okay. hold on. i wanna do something. will you be okay on your own for about ten minutes?" he asked her, stroking her hair and watching her very cosel. "i promise you'll enjoy what i bring back if that helps?"
"I know...I had to figure things out first though ..."phil muttered wincing a little. He'd known it was hard, but it still upset him to remember he'd willingly left clint alone for so long.groaning as the other sucked his cock he shuddered, closing his eyes, before startling a little when he heard loki, but relaxing again. Glancing at bruce as he talked he nodded a little, looking amused."he should know how to sucks cock, can't tell you the number of fantasies I've had about putting his mouth to better uses then being a smartass."

Lexi whined a little, squirming to get more comfortable. Looking annoyed at being disturbed before nodding, "kay. Hurry back."
Bruce smiled at Phil. "It's okay, we all understand now." he promised the other. "there are things that happened to Clint, things that changed him while you where gone though and you need to know that." he admitted. "this is one of them." he admitted before snickering a little. "as i understand it, that's how you two finally became a couple. he was smarting off and you told him to put the mouth to better use and he did." Bruce teased. "that's what Clint says." he admitted, Clint humming his agreement around Phil's cock, suckling and licking as best as he could with his head held still.

Grant smiled and kissed her, long and deep before vanishing, back ten minutes later with a basket. he set the basket down and stroked her again. "Doing okay?" he asked, wanting to make sure that leaving hadn't upset her. he knew it upset him a lot if he was left alone when he was down, nothing likeloki but he did get very sulky and teary eyed.
“I know.”phil sighed softly, nodding as he looked down at clint. Settling a little as he realized that he could do this. He could take care of clint. “Hm, indeed. I just wanted him to shut up long enough to do the fucking paperwork for that building he blew up.”Phil growled a little, shivering as the other swallowed around him, rocking his hips a little into the other’s mouth. “What should I do with him?”He muttered looking up at bruce, not sure where to go next.

“Yes.”Lexi muttered frowning at him, sighing softly as he stroked her hair, sulking a little. Even if she had said it was okay, she was definitely sulky and sniffling at being left alone.
Bruce smiled at Phil. "your doing great. and it probably appealed to him, even if he didn't understand what it was he was wanting." Bruce admitted. "it took him weeks to be okay with the things he wanted once i started with him." he admitted. "it wasn't until he saw me with Tony, doing the same things, that he realized it was okay to like the things he liked." he admitted, Clint moaning when Phil rocked his hips, the sound encouraging. "whatever you want."Bruce admitted. "Clint never goes down far enough that he can't make consenting decisions." he admitted. "if he snaps his fingers he doesn't like what your doing, if he snaps twice the you stop and let him out. that's if his mouth is plugged up though. he's a good little cock sucker isn't he?" Bruce asked, looking amused, Clint whining. "otherwise he goes Red Yellow Green for his safe words. or just yells safe-word if he's forgotten." he admitted. "cu down his throat, fuck him, learn how to hurt him, your the boss man here, whatever you want."

Grant smiled and nuzzled her. "i'm sorry baby. if i thought you could walk i'd have taken you with me." he admitted, kissing her cheek. "i brought something nice for you, would you like to see?" he asked, snagging the basket and opened it so she could see. there where expensive chocolates, a sweet wine, some of Tony's expensive scotch and whiskey and fruit cut up into tiny bites as well as a bottle of warming oil so he could give her a massage. he intended on feeding her good things, letting her sip at good alcohol and then massaging her until she either came up or fell asleep. he was very good, but this was what Submissive Kree tended to do. spoil their partners, top or bottom. because apparently Dominant and Submissive had nothing to do with whether or not they fucked or got fucked. as far as normal sex went, Grant was really a Switch.
“Ah. Probably. I liked watching him doing it to.”he said smiling slightly, relaxing at the sounds clint was making, rocking his hips slowly, biting his lip. “Good. Good boy.”He muttered stroking clint’s hair, lookign relieved that clint was always able to consent. “He is very good at this. Amazing really.”He said smilinga little before growling softly, “You’d like me to come in your mouth wouldn’t you, hawk?”

“Kay. I can walk.”he muttered even if she wasn’t following well, blinking slowly. “You brought something for me?”She said shifting, eyes widening as she looked at the basekt, squirming closer, resting her head against his chest as she looked at them. “What should we do with it?”she muttered smiling a little.
Bruce grinned. "i like being watched, Clint, Tony and Loki do too so it works very well. Grant doesn't particularly like being watched himself but he'll tolerate it." he admitted. "i try to do him in private or with James." he admitted, Clint moaning eagerly at being called a good boy, sucking faster and tonguing the flesh, only getting more eager when he realized Loki was copying his every move on Tony. poor Tony. there was no stopping Loki once he got playful. "Mmm!" Clint tried to nod, his eyes fluttering, trying to suck even harder, wanting Phil to cum, wanting the other to use his mouth.

He chuckled a little, stroking her back. "you don't have to." he promised her,smiling because she was cute like this. "yes i did. i was going to ask you for a date, but i think i can scrounge another basket for that." he admitted with a smile. "Relax, i'll feed you." he promised, plucking up a blueberry and brushed it against her lips with a smile. slowly feeding her fruit, chocolate and the drink of her choice,taking a few nibbles himself, enjoying just taking care of her.
“Ah. Well, of you all, grant seems to be the most private.”phil said sounding thoughtful groaning as the other tongued his cock, smirking slightly as he realized that clint was pleased with the name calling, smirking a little as he watched tony squirm and fight to not come. Poor tony looked ready to lose his mind as he pressed tighter against the super soldier he was using as a chair. “Oh gods.This-this is the only thing you should ever do with your mouth, Hawk.”Phil muttered softly, groaning as he gripped the other’s hair, coming with a moan.

“Kay.”Lexi muttered sighing softly as she settled in more, glad she didn’t have to do anything, blinking slowly as she looked up at him. “A date would be nice.”She said relaxing a little watching him, simply eating and drinking when he gave it to her, by the time the food was gone, she was blinking sleepily and looking ready to drift off, even if she was still trying to focus on him.
"Mmm, him and James." he agreed. "though they're okay with each other, i think Grant has a crush on James, no matter that neither of them are actually gay." Bruce admitted with a chuckle, smirking at Clint. "yeah, he likes to be used like a toy." he admitted. "he's filthy,loves being humiliated. we have to be careful though because certain words will set off Tony and Loki. we never use the word..." he paused and lowered his voice, making sure neither Tony nor Loki could hear him. "Slut or whore-" he raised his voice back to normal. "while they're in the room." he admitted before smirking as Clint moaned eagerly at the idea of doing this for the rest of his life. just being used. hot. he swallowed every drop of Phil's cum, sucking down every drop and Bruce nudged Phil. "if you weren't sure he was enjoying himself,check between his legs. hard as a rock." he teased, Clint shuddering, panting, his eyes glazed much the same way Loki's where. dropped, floating in space but still well aware. unlike Loki whose main focus was to make Tony cum now. not that Steve was helping, chewing on Tony's neck the way he was.

He grinned at her, nuzzling her. "yeah, we'll go on a date later." he agreed, stroking her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple. "here. give me your hands." he murmured with a smile, slicking his hands up with the warming oil and gave her hands a very nice had massage, followed by a foot massage and if she wasn't asleep by then he gave her a back massage too.
“That’s adorable, and amusing really. I think everyone with a pulse either has a crush on steve or james.”Phil snickered a little before looking down at clint. “He is my toy.”He growled softly, the kree pleased with the idea, before frowning nodding a little. “okay, not those words.”He muttered in agreement before shuddering as he gently eased clint off his cock, staring down at him. “Hmmm, you make such a pretty picture.”He muttered stroking clint’s hair before laughing quietly at tony’s whining protests as he came, the man looked like he was being torn apart really.

“Kay.”Lexi muttered and within minutes of starting the backrub, the spaced out woman was utterly relaxed and sleeping, trusting him to look after her while she slept.
Bruce chuckled a little. "that's very true." he agreed with a grin. "and i get to have them both. it's awesome." he admitted. that would have been very unfair, save for the fact that while he could have orgasm now he still couldn't put his cock in them so he could smack them around but he couldn't have intercourse yet. Bruce knew if he could have sex with anyone, he'd ask for Tony. he was pretty sure Loki, Steve and Tony would be okay with that. his first time in years, he wanted it to be with someone special. you know, once he could. "Yeah, your pretty little fuck toy." Bruce agreed with a chuckle,making Clint mewl around Phil's cock. "Clint doesn't mind them, he rather likes them, but those words will toss Loki, Tony, Grant, other people straight into a soured head-space and that's never a good thing." he admitted. "Thank you Sir." Clint croaked,looking wrecked, eager for more, and very pleased. Loki grinned around Tony's cock and Steve chuckled before moaning when Loki turned and attacked his cock instead. "i don't pity them, but Loki's damn near insatiable." Bruce admitted with a chuckle.

once she was asleep he finished the massages and gently wiped her clean and tucked her in, putting away the stuff he'd used so it wouldn't be in the way and settled in for a snooze with her, well aware that if she woke up alone she'd be very upset. he didn't want that at all.
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