Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

“He is.”Phil agreed looking down at Clint, nodding a little. “Yes...I can see why that would be a bad thing. Good thing to know before hand.”Phil muttered before smiling at clint. “You’re welcome. Now we’re goign to go take a nap, and relax, and if you do that, I might be willing to find out just how much strain your nest can take now. It looked like your bed couldn’t take a good fucking. We’ll just have to see.”he smiled, nudging clint to his feet. “Come on, clint.”
Bruce nodded and then snickered because orgasm denial was a thing Clint loved to hate. delayed gratification was a blessing and a curse, which was why Clint whined, very childishly with his head resting on Phil's knee before staggering to his feet, his hands still tied behind his back but he didn't seam to care and Bruce didn't have any intention of untying Clint. if Phil wanted Clint free, he'd free the archer himself. "Yes Sir." Clint slurred, following Phil, pausing to look back at Loki who was sucking Steve's cock like a maniac and he grinned, delighted he'd gotten that kind of reaction before following Phil for a nap and hopefully, a good fuck after.
"Good boy."and indeed phil untied clint when by hey got in bed, settling in for a nap. Content to look after him and make sure he was getting enough sleep.

In the morning lexi smiled slightly as she rubbed a hand over her face, shifting to look at grant, reaching out to poke him a little."grant?"she muttered she was back to herself but feeling uneasy and odd with the evening before. Because she hadn't been expecting to drop, she was feeling just a bit off.
Clint plastered himself to Phil in a manner the other was very used to. Clint had always been a bit of a limpet when he was feeling needy. he had never noticed but after being learned by Bruce he realized that all those times he felt... anxious, jittery, shaken was him needing to drop and never realizing it. oddly, he did the same thing he did when dropped when he needed to drop. the only difference was he was relaxed now instead of tense. Clint had always been this way, he'd just never known what he'd needed.

Grant hummed, smiling at her. "hey. good morning." he murmured, stretching out and snuggling into her. "how are you feeling?" he asked, fussing over her because he could. because he wanted to. because taking care of his mate was what Submissive Kree did.
Lexi whined softly at his fussing, making a face."what happened?I feel weird."she muttered blushing slightly even as she shifted to snuggle against him better. Even if she was upset and out of sorts, she still wanted to snuggle. He was her anchor, her way of figuring out a very confusing world. She trusted him to tell her stuff if and when she needed to know
he smiled at her. "your okay. it was a subspace." he explained. "an altered mental state. you've seen me, Tony, Loki and James that way right? when we're so calm and accepting and open? that's what you where last night. it was beautiful." he assured her. "Jarring though, since you've never done it before." he admitted. "nor where you expecting it." he admitted, stroking her hair. "it can stick with you for a while." he admitted. "you just need to relax and you'll start getting used to it." he admitted with a smile. "and i won't leave you alone until your feeling more stable." he promised.
"Oh...yes I've seen you guys."she frowned looking disturbed that is what had happened, sighing quietly as she considered it. Shifting g to rest her head again't his chest. "...why.. is it okay?I mean....I don't want to be a burden to yiu...and you already have everyone to look shouldn't have to look after me."she said looking upset at the idea of being a problem for him like this. Unsteady enough that everything seemed like a problem to her, and she didn't want to cause him problems
"it's fine. i like it." he promised her with a smile. "it isn't a burden." he promised. "and i like to look after people. being in charge is not the same thing as taking care of people." he promised. "taking care of people makes me feel good. last night was one of the best nights i've ever had, and it was just as satisfying as sex." he admitted with a smile. "you get to relax ad enjoy and i get to fulfill needs that i rarely get to fulfill." he admitted, stroking her hair with a smile. "taking care of you satisfies me." he promised with a smile. "think of how happy Steve looks when he fusses over Loki and Tony? making them eat and sleep and shower and cleans them up after a session and strokes them while they cry because they feel too good? he loves to do that, just like i do."
“...Are you sure?”Lexi frowned at him, trying to decide if he was being honest, looking honestly confused at the idea that someone besides james wanted to look after her. “Oh. Okay.”She said blushing at the idea that was as satisfying as sex, ducking her head a little, before nodding. “yes....he does look happy when he fusses over them...”She muttered a little.
he smiled at her. "i'm very sure." he promised her with a chuckle. "taking care of you is wonderful." he assured her with a smile. "especially the way i did last night." he admitted. "There. you see? perfectly fine." he promised her with a smile, kissing her forehead. "now. do you feel okay enough to go and get some coffee or should we lay in bed for a little while yet?" he asked her with a smile.
“Okay. Good.”She muttered smiling a little. “I like looking after you to.”She said blushing ever so slightly, resting her head against his chest, before going quiet. Thinking about it before shifting, “Coffee sounds good.”She said her stomach growling as she got dressed, actually pulling on his clothes, simply finding comfort in his things as she headed for the door.
he smiled at her. "i know you do. i need a lot of work." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at her. "yeah. an breakfast." he agreed, un-bothered by her putting on his clothes, simply grabbing new ones and heading out with her, keeping contact with her because he knew from experience that contact helped a person stay steady. plus he liked touching her. "Morning Steve, Loki. Tony." Grant said, smiling at them. Natasha was sitting there as well, sipping at coffee. "where's Phil and Clint?" "sleeping." she admitted. "Phil got to see a Scene first hand and enjoyed a small one with Clint, both of them are probobly still a bit exhausted." she admitted. first scenes where often terribly exhausting, not because what you did was all that impressive but because emotionally speaking it was a lot.
Lexi smiled following after him, shifting to snuggle into his side, ducking under his arm, acting more like a needy teenager then she usually did, but the fact that she had just turned 19, coupled with the experiences of last night, had shaken her. Made her feel more needy then most of the time. “Morning.”Lexi smiled as they sat down. “I wouldn’t expect them up before noon probablhy, and no james, you don’t get to wake them up, no matter how bored you are.”Tony said looking amused as he looked at the sulking sniper.
He smiled and tucked her against him. truthfully if he knew how young she was he probably would never have touched her. he thought she was a lot older. in his late twenties like he was. "sure he can, it will keep him from killing me." he pointed out to Tony. "he's going to kill me when he realizes i lost control and bit you last night." he admitted, pouring her some Coffee and smiling at Steve when he set plates of breakfast down in front of everyone. Loki smiled and enjoyed his fruit salad. he always ate light after a session like last night, he was actually still floating a little bit and was happy to munch away on his fruit. "you bit her?" Bruce asked, moving over to examine the bite. "...she'll be fine, you didn't even break skin." he assured Grant who nodded. "i know. i checked last night and disinfected it anyway, just in case." Grant admitted.
“...Hm?”James looked up stirring, frowning a little, even with coffee he was still mostly sleepy and bored. Blinking slowly at lexi he huffed a little, shaking his head. Smirking at her, “You’re not young enough to be sporting hickeys anymore.” “Shut up.” “It’s sorta cute, watching you be a teen for once.”James teased looking more amused then angry that Grant had bit her, if only because he was sporting bites from natasha in some more discreet places, his shoulder was killing him actually. And she had broken skin, but he made sure it wasn’t to deep, it was just laying a new scar over a scar she’d left years ago. “Thanks bruce.”Lexi said smiling slightly,blushing a little as they all looked at her as bruce looked at her neck.
"You sport hickies all the time." Steve pointed out to James with a smirk. "wait, what?" Grant asked, looking baffled. "i'm sorry, did you say Teen?" he asked, feeling his guts plummet. how young was she? younger than him he'd assumed but... teenager!? god what if she was sixteen!? fifteen!? was he some depraved pervert!? "Grant. chill. she's nineteen but that's not...." Grant released a huge breath and slumped, looking very relieved. that was only eight years younger than him and she was over eighteen, that was good enough. "you said teenager and i was freaking out! i thought you meant she was like, sixteen or something and i feel like a huge pervert!" Grant informed James. "she is way too young for me but can i keep her anyway?" he asked hopefully. he hoped so but he had no idea if they had known how young she was or not. "Sure, no problem." Bruce said with a smile at the thanks.

Clint hummed as he nuzzled Phil, still feeling horny and needy but up enough to take what he wanted instead of waiting for it. he grinned as he slid Phil's pants down just enough to get what he wanted and licked at the length. he'd woken Phil like this before, many times and it was a comforting exercise in normality. he licked and kissed the length, using his thumb to tease the head as he worked, humming when he heard Phil shifting, though he couldn't tell if Phil was actually waking up or not.
“Yes, but not visible ones. Teenagers like showing off.”James said snickering a little before smirking at Grant. Having mentioned it mostly because he’d known Lexi wouldn’t, and that grant deserved to know. “Don’t look so freaked out.”James said looking amused though that he had freaked out. It was sorta adorable. “Not that young. 19.”lexi said blushing brightly. “I now. And you are a pervert, but not that horrible.”James teased before shrugging. “Not my choice. That’s up to her. If I tried to order you away, her and probably natasha would kick my ass.”James pointed out amused.

Phil whined softly, squirming. Not quite awake, but starting to. Sighing quietly as he blinked slowly, shifting to look down at the man between his legs, shifting to run a hand through the other’s hair. “You gonna wake me up like this all the time?”He muttered sleepily.
"well... lots of people like showing off..." Grant mumbled, fidgeting because he really liked her and the Kree in him was all puffed up and smug about marking her where everyone could see. making her his own. the human in him was pretty chuffed too really. "i am freaked out because all of you are going to gang up on me and beat the shit out of me for taking advantage of her." he pointed out. "well... yeah i am a pervert.." he agreed with a smile before he snorted at James. "we both know you could kill me, hide my body and make it look like i tangled with the wrong Hydra crew." he pointed out. "never mind that you like me, you like Lexi a lot more." he admitted with a smile. "not to mention Natasha's adopted her, i make a wrong move and hurt Lexi then Natasha will slaughter me." he pointed out with a smile. "wich is a problem because by tonight it's very likely i won't have much self control." "Starting Thrush?" Loki asked sympathetically, Grant nodding. "yes. dammit."

Clint smirked at Phil. "you where mean last night, making me go to sleep with a boner like that. i just thought i'd thank you properly." he admitted before swallowing Phil down to the root with a hum.
“I know. I don’t mind. Really, it’s sorta adorable how pleased you are with yourself.”Lexi teased looking amused at grant, before snorting at his reasoning. “I’m offended you’d ever think I’d do that. That’s just evil.” “....James, I heard you plotting how you could get away with it.” “Only because freaking Grant out amuses me, not because I’d actually do it.”James whined sulking at tony’s observation. “ that case. As long as she’s consenting, we’ll stay out of the way. No need to get in the way.”James said eyeing Grant, and wondering just how bad it was going to be. “We’ll be okay. Really.”Lexi smiled snuggling into grant’s side, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

“Hmmm, you need rest. You’re sick.”Phil pointed out, groaning as he thrust up into the other’s mouth, squirming a little as he groaned, closing his eyes. Simply enjoying using that mouth for what it should always be doing. Whimpering as he came, tugging on his hair gently.
"...i don't mean to be. i can't help it." he admitted sheepishly. "....for that matter, i herd you plotting." Grant pointed out, looking amused because he knew James really was just doing it to freak him out. "i would never do anything without her fully aware consent!" Grant said. "i'm no rapist! and i'm no mind fucker either!" he protested, sulking. "i get horny in Thrush and my self control goes out the window but that doesn't mean i'm going to rape someone. i'll just lock myself in a bathroom and wank for a few hours." he promised. "Rape is abhorrent to the Kree. they instinctively are not capable of it." Loki explained, barely keeping up with the conversation. "they have sex battles you see, wrestling matches or full on fights to test each other, but both parties are willing when that happens. the only Kree capable of Rape are those with psychotic genetics." Loki admitted.

"I'm not that sick. the Doctors all said i should enjoy my life as much as possible. i'm not sick enough that i have to give up things. not yet." he admitted, grinning around the other as he swallowed every bit of cum Phil had to offer. "just so you know, the pain medication i take makes me limp, so i can't get a stiffy right now." he'd woken up because the pain in his eyes had been bad enough he'd needed to take his pills. "also, i'm really hungry."
“I know you can’t.It’s okay.”Lexi smiled a little. “Well, good. You should know there are ways to make you disappear.”James said smugly, looking so pleased with himself that tony just rolled his eyes. “I know. Don’t freak out.”James said tilting his head a little. “You’re okay. We don’t think you’d do anything I didn’t want.”lexi said rubbing grant’s back trying to sooth him. “...Ah. That makes sense.”Tony said glancing at loki, stroking his hair, “You okay?”He muttered a little worried about having the serious conversation around him when he was still floating.

“I know. But you still need rest.”Phil whined a little, simply wanting to look after him, shivering as he slumped back into the bed, glancing down at the other. “Ah. That sucks,but we’ll do stuff later.”He promised kissing the other, worried about him, but stopping herself from showing it, before nodding. “Let’s go get breakfast. Surely someone is up by now.”
Grant snorted a little. "and i know plenty of ways to make myself disappear. i could even take Lexi with me." he admitted. "that would teach you." he teased with a chuckle. "okay... sorry..." Grant mumbled, even joking he didn't like the idea that they thought him capable of such a thing. Loki smiled t Tony, snuggling into him at the hair touching. "i love life." Loki admitted with a sigh and a smile. he frowned a little though when a sudden Thunderstorm started up, realizing Thor was likely coming to visit. he kind of missed Thor, he'd be glad to see him. he was a bit worried how the others where going to handle him coming considering Steve had wanted to kill him. "Sounds like Thor's coming." Steve admitted, sounding tense but not angry, watching Loki who smiled. glad that Thor was visiting, which made Steve feel a bit better.

"I had rest. a whole nights worth." he teased with a grin before nodding. "that's what i was thinking." he admitted before nodding. "i'm sure they will be. everyone gets up damn early here." he admitted. "are you okay by the way? last night was... probobly pretty shocking for you." he admitted, looking a bit anxious. "are you... okay, with what happened?"
“....I’ll just come find you, and teach you a lesson for disappearing like a bad little duckling. No one gets to go away.”James huffed a little. Startling, tensing at the sudden thunderstorm, edgy but willign to wait and see how things went. “So I can see.”Tony said amused at loki before looking at steve, “Remember, loki still likes him. We don’t get to kill him or even urt him remember?”Tony said running a hand through steve’s hair with a smile.

“Good.”Phil huffed a little before snorting. “If they went to bed at all. You know tony, he’s as liable to be buried in the lab at all hours then he is to go to sleep.”Phil snorted a little as he got dressed, biting his lip a little. “I’m...okay. Now that I think about it....some pieces better now.”He shrugged knowing he was doing a horrible job of explaining.
Grant snorted. "i'm better at vanishing than you are at finding." he stated simply. "if i wanted to vanish you couldn't find me." he admitted with a grin before looking around at the thunder. "...i know." Steve grumbled before smiling at how happy Loki looked that Thor was visiting. it would be a while before Thor got there though. they'd have company by lunch and Loki would be back to normal by then hopefully.

"That's also true." Clint agreed with a grin before he smiled a little at Phil. "yeah. some things just start making sense right?" he asked with a smile. "i'm really glad your okay with this. i was really worried a little bit." he admitted, leaning against Phil with a smile and a sigh. "okay. breakfast. we can have emotional conversations later."
“Yea, something like that.”Phil said with a smile before nodding. “I was to. But I think we’ll be okay.”he said before snickering. “yes food is important.”

“....I will hurt you, you know?No jokes.”James said frowning a little,looking a little upset at the idea of them disappearing. Stirring a little as he rested his head against natasha’s shoulder to calm himself. Sighing quietly. He knew grant was just teasing. “Good.”Tony smiled leaning in to kiss him, looking up at the two as they walked in. Msirking a little.”morning clint.”Tony said nearly bouncing in his seat, because he wanted to take care of the other, needed to, but it still made him a little twitchy to not be able to.
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