Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Internet. And really?’Tony said looking at it, before taking it, indeed settling at the table to look it over, “Can I keep this one? I mean, it’ll give me a way to figure out how to work it.”Tony muttered mostly not talking to byleistr now, simply focusing on the new piece of tech that he wanted to make. Blindly groping for the tablet even as James handed it to him. “He’s sorta adorable like this....we’re not going to get him to talk about anything else for hours now.”JAmes snickered watching as tony started to work at the table. “It would be nice to stay in contact with them, if we need to talk to them.”Phil said smiling slightly.

“You are. Everyone’s figured it out.”Lexi pointed out, frowning as she watched Ronan, gun raising up, standing in defense of loki even though they looked more like lawyers then guards. “So I shouldn’t shoot them?”Lexi muttered glancing at loki even as she eyed the men. “There should be a cell phone in the car. Tony usually leaves tech and stuff in all his vehicles. Call him, loki.”Lexi said quietly before snorting slightly. “It’s going to be a reoccurring theme I think.”
Býleistr chuckled. "you can't have that one, i still need it. i'll have my men loan you theirs when they come down to collect these two." he promised, snagging the machine out of Tony's hands before the man started taking it apart. "he's welcome to tinker with it. any advancement is something we're excited to encourage. he just can't have this one. it's connected to my second in command and he's twitchy enough so send floods of people down to save me if i stop responding." he admitted with a smile, looking up when Jarvis announced four men in suits where there to speak to Býleistr. "Those will be my men." he admitted, letting Tony decide if they where welcome up or not. it was always important to let the Lord of the Hall decide who was allowed in his home. presuming could get you attacked, or shunned. "Sir. there has been a Phonecal from one of your Phones. it is likely Loki, would you like me to answer?"

"I haven't figured it out so therefor i'm not a god." he stated simply. Ronan looked amused by that but didn't say anything. "the hell is an Accuser anyway?" " he's basically your personal secretary, your body guard, your made and your personal assassin all rolled up into one... mostly assassin." Loki admitted. "he kills your enemies for you basically." "...don't kill anyone." he ordered Ronan who looked amused again though it was hard to tell with his face really. "No! don't shoot them! Good god do you want to start a war!?" Loki asked, looking panicked. "i don't understand what King Býleistr would want with me...." " don't know?" one of the men in suits asked, looking seriously shocked. "...warn Býleistr." the 'leader' ordered one of the others who pulled out a screen and tapped away on it, the letters blocky and sharp. Loki ignored them and moved to the car to call Tony.
“Oh. Okay.”Tony muttered looking annoyed that the other had stolen it, sulking as he settled in his chair. “Ahhh, yes. No reason to make second in commands twitchy. WE don’t need the tower being that crowded.”Phil snickered a little, amused as he watch tony sulk. “...Fine. They can come in. As long as I can have their phones.”Tony decided pleased with the idea, before frowning, thinking about that before nodding. “yes. Put him on speaker phone.”tony decided. “Loki?”He asked.

“You could be a god.”Lexi said watching Ronan before smirking a little. “You have a lackey Grant. Alex isn’t going to like that.”She said snickering at the thought of grant’s current second in command, amused at the idea. “No I don’t, but are you sure they’re here to play nicely and not take you to odin?”Lexi said looking reluctant to simply trust people who appeared out of no where, frowning a little as she moved to guard loki as he called tony.
"i'm not a god, i don't have a lackey and Alex is fucking Bruce." he reminded her, looking amused before shaking his head. "they better be." Loki admitted, narrowing his eyes at the Royal Enclave guards who fidgeted, unhappy with making Loki unhappy.

Býleistr chuckled and nodded. "it would get very crowded. and would it not be better to have the set Lord Stark?" Býleistr asked, smiling at him before tapping on his screen. "How is it that if it's only a one way signal you can speak to the men downstairs?" "ah. i don't. i send the message to Farfuri, my second in command, and he sends a message to the men. he sits in a room with all the communicators so he can keep us organized. it's boring but important and he's the best at it." he admitted, moving to great his men as they appeared, taking a set of communicators and indicating the two asgardians who where starting to come around. Býleistr handed over the communicators to Tony with the promise he could do whatever he wanted to them while the men who had come in with them left with the asgardian prisoners who where screaming profanities and abuse now, thinking that they didn't have to go just because they where Asgardians. he went silent when Loki called. "Tony! it's insane! there are four Jötnar here from the Royal Enclave! they say they're here to protect me! i can't imagine why King Býleistr would want to protect me! and there's a Kree here! the Accuser even! says he's here to obey Grant! wake Thor up and ask him what the hell is going on would you!?"
“....You have a lackey, and alex is really fucking bruce?”Lexi asked sounding both amused and curious.

“Yes. Give me the set. I want some.”Tony grumbled sounding sulky that the other was right and he had to wait for the guards to show up. “Huh. I’ll have to come up with a better one. It’d be easier to be able to talk to everyone.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered that, wondering if he could do it, looking pleased when he was handed the cmmunicators, the visitors soon forgotten as he started to work. Pausing when he heard loki. “They are there to protect you, your highness. You need to come here, your brother is here, oh lord and master, to explain things. And I’m not waking up thor, he’s exhausted. Just get here, and we’ll explain. And you better bring the other two. Who knows what trouble lexi and grant would find on their own.”
Býleistr smiled at Tony's sulk, very amused. "It would be greatly appreciated and a huge improvement." Býleistr admitted before chuckling at Tony's sarcasm. "don't call me crap like that!" Loki complained. "there's no way i'm a royal. Odin would never have gotten his hands on me! if i as a royal!" Loki scoffed, Býleistr wincing at that because normally it was true. "yes, Tony. i am well aware Thor is there." Loki scoffed. "are you sure it's safe for me to return?" "It is fully safe." Ljótr said as she strode into the room. "Odin has been detained by the Royal Enclave Loki, it is safe." she promised. "It is safe for you to use Magic as well." she admitted. "There is much to talk about Loki." she admitted. "This could very well be the start of a true age of peace, for everyone." "....y...yeah. okay. i'll come home then Tony." Loki agreed, hanging up. he had to sit there for a moment. him? a prince? Odin had always told him he would be a king, someday but he had grown up thinking, knowing it was a lie. "We're going home! you four! beat it!" Loki ordered the four guards who hesitated, looked at each other before shrugging and vanishing. Ronan just sighed when Grant gave him a look and vanished as well, heading for the Tower to wait in the waiting room for his Lord and Master. he didn't want to wait upstairs with all those gross Jötunn and Æsir.
“Then I’ll make sure it works.”Tony said sounding pleased with the man’s praise, before huffing at loki’s words. “You are totally royal .I have a royal in here telling me your the king. Something happened, but I promise you, this is real.”Tony said sounding worried. Looking up at ljotr, nodding slightly, “Good. We miss you.”even if it’d only been a bit, he had missed the other. “Come on, let’s go.”Lexi said swallowing hard, looking nervous and not sure what to think, but willing to go home to get answers.
Loki scoffed. "you've lost your damn mind!" "I Second That!" Grant called making Sif snicker. "Fine. i'll be home soon but if i die it's all your fault." Loki complained before he smiled. "i miss you too... i hate being alone." Loki admitted. "i know i wasn't actually alone but you and Steve are my favorites." Loki admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Lexi. "don't worry. if it comes down to a fight, i won't let them hurt you." Loki promised. "i have the right to defend myself and others so if we're attacked i have every right to use the same force." he admitted, smiling at her a little. "we'll be fine." he promised as they headed into the tower, staring at Ljótr and Býleistr as he walked in. Ronan was following silently behind Grant and Steve muttered about ducklings under his breath to Tony, making Loki snicker.
“I have not. And you’re not insane, you are a god, and a king, both of you. Come home.”Tony huffed a little, before smiling. “You’re my favorite to. Well, you and steve. And bruce.”Tony corrected smiling happily. “Well, that’s good to know.”Lexi said as they headed for the tower. “They are ducklings. Though I thought it was james who adopted ducklings.”Tony muttered smirking at steve. “Okay. Will someone explain what’s going on?”Lexi said looking twitchy and upset.
Loki huffed a little. "i'm not a king." Loki grumbled and Grant scoffed. "there's no way i'm a god. you're all off your rockers." Grant complained. "i'm glad i'm your favorite." Loki admitted with a smile. "of course." Ljótr assured Lexi. "You see, back during the Jötunn Æsir war, the previous Jötunn King, Laufey hid away his three children in an abandoned church, a temple. the two oldest fell very sick and could not take care of the infant despite their best efforts, as the Nanny that was meant to care for them during their sequester fled. Odin came across the infant and decided it was an unwanted runt and thought it would make a good servant and whipping boy for his son Thor." she admitted, Býleistr wincing because he had never forgiven himself for not having the strength to stop Odin from taking his baby brother. "Loki, you are the missing prince. that is the true reason why the Frost Giants did as you commanded. they instinctively knew. this is why Laufey did not slay you for daring to enter his realms and why you can wield such powerful magic." Ljótr explained, making Loki gape at her. "So your saying..." "yes. you are indeed a prince Loki. and are soon to be king of the Jötunn." "But... but i have two older brothers!" "one of whom is a priest and the other, myself, who cannot rule the throne when i am cursed the way i am." Býleistr admitted. "ulfhéðinn." he explained at Loki's baffled look. "oh.. so... so... there isn't anyone else?!" "one... but his first act as King would be to slaughter all three of us and then wage war on humans, Æsir and Kree. might even go further than that." " i have no choice." "of course you do. s if the Vanir would allow such a being to be king. there are ways i could rule, it would just be an extreme challenge and i would prefer to be captain of your guard. you don't have to leave earth to rule." he promised. "Lord Stark already expressed concern over that." "i won't have to leave?" "You're the king, we can't make you do anything." Býleistr pointed out, Grant perking up. "Same with Gods?" "of course."
“We are not.”Tony said looking amused at the other’s protests. “Truly?He wasn’t a runt? was a accident....”Tony muttered frowning a little as he considered that, shocked because he’d talked to loki and thor. Knew that he had been considered the runt and that’s why odin had taken him. “You always have a choice, even if the other options would be horrible.”Tony pointed out, shifting to snuggle loki, even if he knew the other wouldn’t turn it down, he could have. “no, as long as you want to stay, you can.”Tony muttered sighing quietly as he closed his eyes, now that he knew lkoki was safe and home, and staying, he was sleepy. “really?”Lexi said looking at grant worried, biting her lip. Not sure if he’d have to go even if byleistr had said he wouldn’t. Wondered if their was a goddess out there he’d be expected to be with, or if she’d even be allowed being with him. Fidgety and upset, but not sure how to voice it without sounding like a paranoid insane woman.
"No. i'm afraid it was not an accident. one of Laufey's brothers arranged it. hoping all three heirs would be slaughtered in one swoop. he had hoped that they would, all of them, die in the sickness or of starvation. he was a coward and could not do it himself." Ljótr admitted. "Odin merely became lucky, and it was because he stole the young prince that the other two survived at all, as once Laufey heard Odin had been in the temple he raced for his sons expecting to find them all dead. he remained silent, fearing that Odin would simply kill Loki if he admitted Loki was of his flesh." Ljótr explained. "I... i'll need to think about it. all of this is..." Loki shook his head and snuggled into Tony, this was too much. "My Lady. if it pleases you?" Ronan asked Lexi. "He is a God, we Kree do as he says. always. he does not have to be with us, for us to know what he wants. as he grows into his power, his will over us will be absolute." Ronan admitted. "we have our free will of course, and there may be issues that come up, but he can handle those as they occur or have me or another handle them. "Why did you call her that?" Grant wondered, wondering if she as a goddess too? "Is she not your mate?" "well, yes..." "Then she is as much My Lady as yu are My Lord." "oh... so you have to do as she says too?" "only so long as her orders do not contradict your own." "...that's so epic." Grant admitted, feeling better about this already. that was, honestly, why he had been so petrified. he had thought he would have to leave, wouldn't be able to be with her anymore. wouldn't be with his friends and those who where his family. now he knew he could stay he was a lot more willing to be this 'god' that everyone kept saying he was.
"That's disturbing and horrible...makes me sad and relieved both that it's not just humans that can be so violent over getting power."Tony said shaking his head a little before looking down at loki as he was snuggled."you need rest. And cuddles, and space to think..."he muttered looking up at steve."we should get some sleep."he decided knowing steve could easily carry them both, and not wanting to let loki go even just long enough to get up. "Hm?oh. Yes."Lexi said tilting her head, looking startled at having been addressed as such, relief crossing her face before she hid it, not wanting grant to know just how upset she'd been at the idea of him leaving." he doesn't have to leave?"she muttered relaxing leaning into grant some, flushing at ronan's words of being grants mate. Yes, she guessed she was." is fairly epic."she agreed
"yeah, no that's an everything with a mind of it's own thing." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "i do need to do those things."Loki mumbled, smiling when Steve scooped him and Tony up. it was getting to busy for his tastes. too many people. he just carried the tired Loki up to bed, leaving it up t the others to find where to put their guests.

"No of course not." Ronan assured them with a shrug. "he can lead from anywhere." he admitted. Grant wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a smile. "it's okay. i would never leave you." he promised her with a smile. "i do have a question." Ronan admitted, looking around the room. "is the Blue King unaware that he is pregnant?" he wondered, Clint spitting out the drink he'd been drinking. "Loki's pregnant!?" "could you not tell?" "No!" "oh... was it a surprise?" Ronan wondered. "uhm. i don't think Loki knows..."Clint admitted. "really?" Býleistr asked, blinking a little. "i thought it was obvious." he admitted, Ljótr chuckling because she knew Loki was completely unaware of his new state.
“Ah. Yes.”Tony smiled a little before smiling wider as they were picked up, shifting to snuggle closer to the two men he needed close, clinging to loki as he snuggled closer. Already half asleep as he sighed softly, starting to fall asleep.

“Oh. Good.”Lexi muttered relaxing, relieved as she leaned into grant, closing her eyes for a moment, wrapping a arm around his waist.”I know you wouldn’t.”She muttered before startling, eyes wide. “What?”James choked on his coffee, coughing as he looked at Ronan. “No, I don’t think he’s aware. I thought he took pains to not be pregnant since tony was freaking out....”James frowned thinking that over. "He did. seems he didn't do enough."
Grant smiled at her before gaping at Ronan. Loki, pregnant? Tony was going to have an apoplexy. "he's actively preventing himself from being pregnant?" Býleistr asked, looking baffled. "is he not aware that the Super Soldier emits short Gamma waves? they mess with Magic... maybe he never noticed? it is very subtle." "Is it? he's practically glowing." Ronan admitted. "we are speaking of the large blond haired one right? the only one brighter is this one." he admitted, indicating Bruce who shrugged. "that's probobly why Loki didn't notice. i never thought about it myself." Bruce admitted,looking nervous. "i'll speak to Loki and have a pregnancy test done." Bruce promised. "in the meantime, everyone here needs rest. it's very late and it has been a very long day. new guests will follow me to their rooms or you'll leave." Ljótr chuckled and followed him and Ronan and Býleistr glared at each other before following Bruce as well, Grant sighing as he nuzzled Lexi. "i am exhausted. let's go to bed." he suggested, watching Natasha tug James to bed herself. Clint was already asleep and Sif and Fandral had followed Bruce for a guest room of their own.
"Yes he was. Tony has...issues with the idea of being a dad..."Lexi said looking worried. Well aware toNY was going to flip out."really?that's both fascinating and wondering...wonder if it's more noticeable to kree then others. You'd have though loki would have noticed...."James frowned a little."yea bed is good."Lexi agreed smiling as she followed after him. For the moment, theworries forgotten
"Well he's going to have to get over them i suppose." Phil admitted, looking worried because he knew more than anyone why Tony had issues with being a parent. "I never noticed." Býleistr admitted. "I don't think we can see the Gamma radiation the way the Kree can. did you notice anything?" he asked Grant who shook his head before heading off. Loki's pregnancy didn't exactly strike him as anything interesting, nuzzling her because he couldn't stop touching her. his Thrush was coming on fast and he was feeling very needy.
“Yea. I suppose.”Lexi sighed softly. “Huh. That’s weird.”James muttered making a face, lookign amused that grant wasn’t interested in the pregnency, simply snuggling lexi.

“Grant?You okay?”Lexi muttered in the morning, stirring as she felt him snuggling closer, raising a hand to gently brush his hair back from his face, worried about him, because he wasn’t usually a morning person, so if he was awake, something was wrong.
Grant snuggled even tighter into her and purred. the sound was deep and seamed to originate in his chest and filled her with vibrations as he pressed his hard length against her hip, rubbing slowly against her while nuzzling the mark he'd left on her neck. he looked up at her when she brushed his hair back and he purred harder, his pupils dilated so far there was no color left in his eyes. he was fully in Thrush and wanted to mate with her and this was his way of telling her so. though even in this state, he wasn't doing a single thing she might actually get upset by. he wasn't touching her anywhere, the closest was rubbing himself against her, but he didn't seam to be aware he was doing that.
Lexi sighed softly, smiling a little as the purring made her whole chest feel like she was purring to. Shivering a little as the other rubbed against her, tilting her head back to let him nuzzle her neck. Looking up at him, looking worried for him, before smiling slightly. “Hey grant.”She muttered smiling at him, biting her lip before leaning into kiss him, making her decision.
he smiled at her, humming happily. content to just cuddle because he liked to cuddle. the warmth of her skin was so nice. so nice. "morning." Grant murmured before humming into the kiss, pressing his lips against hers. eager for the stimulation, delighting in the attention, happy to enjoy anything she gave him.
“Lexi sighed softly, shivering a little. “You’re happy this morning.”She teased a little, shifting to lay on her side, legs tangled with his as she pressed close, gently petting his hair. She just wanted to look after him, needing to know what to do to help him the best.
"I'm horny you mean." he muttered with a chuckle, snuggling her. "don't worry. we won't do anything you don't want to." he promised with a smile at her. still purring loudly. "you feel so good." he mumbled, snuggling her. "so soft and warm and you smell so good." he mumbled, panting softly. "i should stop." he mumbled, nuzzling her neck again, pressing himself against her because he couldn't stand not touching her as much as he could.
“Well, yea. That’s true. You are horny.”She snickered a little before smirking. “Well, I did say I want to have sex. Did you forget about that in the process of coming home?”She teased sighing, shivering as she was cuddled, squirming a little as he pressed against her. “I’m not all that great, you know.”She muttered kissing him lightly.
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