Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Grant smiled at James. "the only reason why i would vanish is because you meant to kill me." he pointed out. "or if you couldn't protect me and i had to hide from unsavory sorts." he admitted, Natasha smiling as she stroked her lovers hair, kissing his forehead. "morning Tony." Clint aid with a smile. "did i hear Thunder? Thor coming around?" "we think so, it's hard to be sure though." Loki admitted happily. "...Tony? where did my breakfast go?" "you ate it sweetheart." "oh... okay." Loki said, realizing he was indeed full. "Relax Tony." Clint ordered with a smile. "when i'm feeling bad there are things you can do to help. i'm feeling good right now." he admitted. "you could get me some coffee if you need to help?" he offered, well aware Tony hated not being able to do anything.
“I know.”James sighed softly, smiling as natasha stroked his hair, content in the touch as he watched over his family. This was good. He could take care of them when they were all together. “Might be longer, I mean he might stop and see Jane if he really is the reason for the thunder.”Tony said looking amused before snorting at loki’s words pressing a kiss to his head. Before frowning at clint, not liking not having anything to do. “We’re going bto have to watch him.”Phil muttered wincing a little as he watched tony eagerly over to the coffee machine to make what was sounding like the most epic, amazing coffee in the world, if tony’s muttering was anything to go by.
she smiled at him and snuggled him a little more. "that's true." Loki agreed with a smile. "i've never seen Thor so besotted before." Loki admitted. "if Odin wasn't such a bigot, he'd have married her already." Loki admitted before grinning at Tony and nuzzled him before draping himself on Steve with a grin. "we should make something for when he get's here." he decided. "Thor loves sweets." he admitted. "we should make him a cake. he doesn't visit very often." he admitted, Steve chuckling. "you just want a cake." "yes." "okay. we'll make a big one." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "watch him close... this is almost harder on him than it is on us." Clint admitted, leaning into Phil with a sigh. "i don't know why but i feel tired all the time." he admitted softly. "the only time I seam to have any energy is when i'm having sex, eating, sleeping, or watching T.V." he admitted softly. "keeping up with myself has been so damn exhausting." he admitted.
“That’s horrible. He should marry her anyways. It’d be a epic romance story. Ignoring his father for love and all that.”Tony said looking amused before snorting slightly. “okay, we’ll make a cake.”Tony said. “You can cook?” “Okay. Steve will make the cake. I’ll supervise and offer decorating advice.”Tony said smiling at loki’s words. “..we will. We’ll make sure tony’s looked after.”Phil muttered kissing his head, worried about tony. Not quite sure why this was hitting harder then the others, but he knew it was. Snorting a little. “I’m sure it has. And now you’re going to rest as much as you need to, not overexhausting yourself.”He growled, the kree worried about his mate.
"Oh yes. because the man who made his foster son endure two thousand years of rape and made his real son experience the torture of having his internal organs ripped out and eaten every day is a fellow who would let Jane, a 'clever bug' in his mind, live if Thor married her." Loki said sarcastically. "Cake! well, no. i can't cook, but Steve can." Loki admitted with a grin. "i can mix the batter?" he offered Steve who chuckled and motioned them to get up and help him. he set Tony to gathering the ingredients and Loki to measuring and then showed them both how to combine the ingredients together. it was a pain in the ass because you had to beat the egg whites until they where tiff and do the same to the yolks and beat them all together and what a mess. turned out a beautiful white cake though. "Steve and Loki can make sure he's properly distracted too." Clint agreed with a smile. "yeah. i'm going to be sleeping a lot." he promised, indeed falling asleep against Phil and Steve had to wonder how the hell they had missed Clint being sick for so long. he looked so frail all of a sudden. "Phil? should we move him?" Steve asked the man. "i can prop him up until you get to your feet." he promised. Clint wouldn't mind moving but he'd be upset if he missed Thor's arrival.
"Hey one could hope. But I know it won't happen, despite her making him happy."Tony made a face because it upset him to know thor was miserable over the state of affairs. Grinning happily as be settled in to help make the cake, glad to have a task."they will. Well look after him....and it works. You being quiet is the only time I get paperwork done."phil teased before looking down at clint at steve's question before shaking his head."he'll be okay, but if he missed thor getting here he'd be upset. We'll leave him for now."
"yeah. Odin is cruel and even the most disgusting of the asgardians can see it now. Odin is sick, and getting worse." Loki admitted. "he's going senile. soon Thor will be king, Odin will take that step and the Vanir will remove him from his seat of power." Loki admitted, sounding sad. the man had always been cruel to him, but once upon a time he had shown some kindness to Loki. he was still Loki's father in some small way so Loki still loved him a little bit at the very least. Loki and Stve where careful to be quiet so Clint could sleep and Loki wrapped a heating blaket around Clint so he wouldn't get cold. it was just around unchtime and Loki was grinning and dumping edible glitter all over the well frosted cake while Steve wasn't looking when Thor appeared. he looked very upset, pale with dark circles under his eyes which where wet and re rimmed as if he had been crying. behind him was the Lady Sif and the Warriors three, all of whom looked somber. "...Thor? what is it?" Loki wondered, Clint scowling, huddled in his warm blanket. "...Odin has called for yur arrest..." Thor whispered, voice broken. this was not the prince they where used to. this was a broken man who could do nothing and had shut down. "Hesays you have beenteaching the humansmagic, and shall be punished." "That's bullshit Thor! those are Odin's rules and i am not bound by them. he is not my king! i am a citizen of this planet and these people, registered and everything, the only Laws i must follow are those of the Vanir and those of the humans! You know that!" "Loki... he does not care..."Thor said, voice wavering. "He has declared he would have you dead, even if the Vanir punish him for this it won't stop him from doing it. i wanted to warn you, wanted to send you to run away but my filthy traitors who once i called friends detained me. the guards are already here." the Warriors Three grimaced, looking guilty. "Odin said that he would kill Thor and name Tyr as his heir if Thor interfered. we're sorry Loki... we couldn't let Thor throw his life away." Sif admitted softly. "he won't forgive us, i know... but we would never have forgiven ourselves if we had let him..." "i understand..." Loki promised her, looking pale and sic because he knew even if he sent word to the Vanir now, they would still be too late to save his life.
“yes. Soon thor will be king, and asgard will be good again.”Tony muttered smiling as they settled in to help. Looking shaken when the other’s appeared, twitching, nearly calling for his armor at the sight of his friend. “...He....he’s not....he’s going to be arrested for teaching me? I can’t do anything!”Tony said scowling looking upset and annoyed, even as he eyed the two quiet killers sitting on the counters as they watched. Even knowing they were retired from hydra, didn’t change what he knew they’d done in the past. Wondering if even with lexi and james, and the other’s, they’d be enough to pit against the guards that would come. “....How will they track him, if he runs?”Lexi demanded looking thoughtful and ready as she slid off the counter, looking at grant. Having a idea, but it was a slim chance anyways.
"Soon, yeah." Loki agreed with a smile before he swallowed thickly at the sight of his brother. Thor had lost weight, a lot of weight and he looked as sick as Clint did. "it is not your fault Friend Tony." Thor promised him. "it is not against the rules to teach humans about Magic, Odin is only using it as an excuse. he would have used any number of reasons, including harboring, helping or not killing the Kree halflings, being a Jotun who invaded earth or any number of so called 'crimes' that are, frankly pointless, ridiculous and completely fake and false." Fandral huffed, looking very upset himself. of the four of Thor's friends, Fandral had been one of the only ones who had ever been nice to Loki. "He cannot run. if he runs, the guards will attack and kill Thor." Sif said, looking very upset and Loki scoffed. "even sick and weak, Thor is the True King of Asgard. they will be unable to touch him." Loki informed her. "They cannot track me because Heimdall refuses. am i right? so Odin seaks to control Thor, me, and you four by playing off of your love for Thor. Odin knows that if Thor was at risk you would, rightfully, hand me over. he forgets i am not stupid and that i, unlike Thor, actually paid attention in lessons and know the laws, the old ones that even Odin cannot change." "then why are you still here?! Flee!" Thor commended Loki who grimaced and looked at Clint. "i can't. i need to be here to help..." "I'm not dead yet you lanky legged bastard. Grant, Lexi. take him and go. vanish like you said you could."
“Tony looked sick at the sight of thor, it hurt ot see him looking sick. Swallowing thickly, he hated to know that he was being used as the excuse, he he knew thor was right. That odin would have found something. “So, as long as we’re not getting thor killed we can go. Then let’s go.”Lexi said looking pale as she considered the brothers before looking at clint. “We’ll be of some help while we’re gone. We had to leave anyways, to find the kree bodies. We’ll search while we disappear. Come on loki.” “Go. He’s not that sick yet, he’s not dying yet. Go, loki.”Phil said growling even as lexi and grant grabbed loki’s arms, hussling him otwards the door, klnowing that the two would get him out of here.
Thor tried to give Tony a reassuring smile and blinked when Loki called for Jewel and told her to find someone called Ljótr and explain what was happening. Thor had never met Jewel himself. Loki was very protective of her. "When you finish, stay with her. she'll keep you safe. Odin may use you to track me and he'll try to hurt you if he can't use you to get to me. stay with the Vanir." Loki ordered Jewel who crooned sadly and nodded before vanishing. "How can we trust that the little shit isn't lying to save his own skin?" one of the three asked, yelping when Sif backhanded him,forcing him to shut up. Thor's four friends where divided when it came to Loki. Hogun and Volstagg had always been annoyed by Loki and outright hated him the older they got. learning that he was a 'Jotunn Freak' only made them hate him more. "Go find my salvation Loki." Clint ordered with a smile, Loki swallowing thickly before rushing to Thor, hugging him tightly, paused to Kiss Tony and Steve and Bruce, hugged Clint and whispered a promise that he would find the perfect body for him and then followed Grant who headed, not up as most would have assumed, but down into the massive water drain in Tony's lab where Jarvis washed the suits, the cars and sometimes even Tony. he wasn't gone for five minutes when the Guards started forcing their way into the building to find the 'Jotun Traitor' and the 'Human Sorcerer'. of course, Tony was fully human so even though they ordered Tony to follow them, they could not touch him because he wasn't guilty of anything and the Vanir had ordered the nine realms to remain out of human affairs. which Loki had told Tony before and Thor informed him again.
Tony paused looking anxious and upset as he looked at the guards before looking at thor. Dark eyes wide and scared,even if they couldn’t touch him, it still worried him to be facing off with asgardian guards. “How do I get them out of here?They’re not welcome.”He said hands twitching, moments away from summoning the suit to deal with it.

Lexi was quiet until they got out, pausing to look at grant. "So where are we going?"
Thor hesitated and then stood up, power seaming to fill him as he faced at Guards. "You hear the Lord of the Hall! Leave! Odinson is not here!" Thor bellowed, the Guards cringing and recoiling. "Do well to remind Odin of the Old Laws! and the Consequences of breaking them!" Thor raged, the Guards fleeing and Thor sagged into a chair, making Clint frown. "what's wrong with him?" he asked, was Thor sick too? "He is becoming King." Sif explained. "the huge increase in power and his connection to his realm and his people... it can make him feel as if he has a very severe flu." she explained, draping a blanket around Thor's shoulders when Bruce offered one. "Odin is truly no longer King, but Thor has to follow the old Laws as well and killing Odin is forbidden... unfortunately, this means that Odin cannot be usurped. it is up to the Vanir now..." "Sir. there is a man asking entrance. he says he is an envoy of the Royal Family of the Jötnar. his name, as he claims, is Býleistr." "...He's the Heir to the Jötunn Throne. actually, with the death of the previous king, he should already be the Monarch of the Jötnar." Thor admitted, looking confused.

"We're going to Idaho."Grant stated simply. "i have a safe house there. we'll be safe until all of this is over." he admitted. "we'll be making out way to the Hydra hideout where the Kree bodies are being held once we have a bit of a breather." Grant admitted. "we don't need to worry about going off the grid since Asgard isn't all that aware of tech and earth advances but we do have to be careful about making contact with the Avengers." she admitted.
Tony winced, swallowing hard at the sound of the other’s voice, that bellow filled the room. Looking at thor worriedly, before starting to gather food, getting him some food before setting it down. “eat a bit, and we’ll put you to bed. Rest is good.”Tony decided lookign thor over before looking at sif. “Is there anything we can do to help him?”He asked before pausing, frowning at the slightly, “...Well. Let him in, we’ll see what he wants.”he said even as he made sure james and natasha were armed, just in case the Jotnar was here for trouble.

“Good.”lexi said glad he had a plan as they got a car and headed for the highway, pausing to frown at him. “means we can use one of the good cars, we can drive faster. And I left our phones and things with james, he’ll watch over them till we gte back. If needed, me and james have some cold dropboxes to get messages to each other. If needed, otherwise we’re on our own for now.”She said settlign into a familiar routine, this sort of thing was what she did best.
"Thank you Tony." Thor said, smiling at him. "i'm fine. i'm just feeling under the weather." he promised. "my system is just adjusting to the power transfer that's all." he promised. "i would not say no to a good meal and a soft bed. it has been a very long few months since last we saw each other. i fear my Father will not live much longer an i fear... i fear i shall not miss him once he's gone." Thor admitted softly before grimacing at the idea of inviting a Jötunn in. it was not his home though and he was beginning to realize all the stories of Jötunn being monsters where very much false. "You can't bring one of those monsters in here!" "Silence you fool! this is not your house and you have no right to speak here." Sif snarled at Volstagg before pausing at the sight of Býleistr, who did not look like a Jötunn at all. "Greatings, Lord of the Hall. King of the Æsir, Greetings to you." Býleistr said, bowing low to them all. "I apologize for the short notice. we have been searching ever since the death of our king for the one named Loki, the Silvertongue." he explained, the room going tense. why did this handsome stranger want Loki?

"yeah, Tony'll be annoyed but it will be safer." Grant agreed, smiling at Loki who smiled back, grateful for all his friends and the people protecting him. "i have several cold drop boxes as well." Grant agreed. "and there is internet access available at the safe houses we'll be stopping at." he admitted with a smile. "you okay Loki?" "yes. i'm okay. a bit tired but i normally am these days." he admitted with a grin. "too much sex i think." he admitted with a chuckle. "can i drive?" "absolutely not. i have seen you behind a wheel." "come on. it would be fun!" "no." "please?" "not happening. now sit down and put your seat belt on you little shit." "you're no fun at all."
“You’re welcome. And it seems to be a case, of people feeling under the weather.”Tony huffed looking annoyed as he eyed clint, making sure his other sick person was doing okay before fussing over thor some more before nodding. “Well, we have cake for you, and Steve can cook dinner.”Tony promised before wincing. “I’m sorry thor. I, more then most, know what it’s like to not miss a father.”tony said making a face because he sometimes missed howard in the sense he missed the idea of having a father that could have cared for him. Stirring at hogun’s words, the lights flickering slightly, the tech around him respondnig to both anger and his distress, stressing out over everything, and magic starting to respond to him, at least here, where he was surrounded by so much of his own tech. Pausing at the sight of byleistr, the hologram shield flickering to life over his wrist, a compromise to actually summoning the suit in response to the man asking for loki. A comprise in that he was sure he could damage even a jotun with it. “What do you want with him?”

“Yea, it will be. And you live to annoy tony, admit it.”She teased before looking at loki as they drove, nodding. “Asgard can’t figure out internet, and with extremis, even if we just type the message, tony’ll know about it soon.”She smiled a little looking at loki, snorting a little. “Well, when you’re trying to keep up with a super soldier, I can see why you could be tired.”She teased, before snorting as they drove, buckling in. “You are a hazard to anyone behind the wheel loki. Save the driving for tony’s daredevil ways.”
"Is Freind Clint ill?" Thor asked, frowning. like all of the Avengers, Clint was rather his favorite. a horrible thing to think but still true. "...yeah, pretty sick, but Grant, Tony, Bruce, Loki and a Vanir named Light is helping me." he promised, Thor nodding, relaxing at the promise that Clint would get better. Humans where just so fragile. "Cake?" Thor asked, looking amused. "i take it Loki decided he wanted Cake and used me as an excuse?" "pretty much." Steve admitted with a smile, feeling much better about Thor now that he knew he really had tried to help Loki and Loki still adored him. "Thank you Tony." Thor said, smiling because it did make him feel better to know that he wasn't the only one who suffered such an 'affliction'. "Hogun, Voltagg, if you do not shut your mouth i shall have you banished and force you to live in the icy realms." Thor warned, making them both cringe, Fandral looking very pleased with the threat. he was sick of their mouths too. Býleistr did not look at all bothered by the threats. since most of the Avegers had moved to get their weapons as well. "I am glad to see h has made such loyal friends." Býleistr admitted. "Loki is the last born son of the previous king Laufey this is true. however, Helblindi has taken the path of religion and thus cannot be King." he explained. "I myself lack the ambition and would prefer to remain as Captain of the Guard." he admitted. "My physical disabilities also make it impossible for me to be King." "disabilities?" Steve asked, baffled. "I am sterile for one and for the other i am ulfhéðinn." he explained, Thor and the other four gasping. "What? what does that mean?" "it means he is a shapeshifter. a cursed one. he can change at will when he wants, but other times the change is forced, and he has no control once he has entered his alternate form of a wolf. it bleeds into his normal form, enhancing everything, but the changes are painful and frightening and there are nights, days, even weeks when he has no mind but that of a rabid wolfs. one of Loki's sons was born as such and he turned one day and killed his own brother. Loki was distraught and Odin had Váli put down to prevent him from harming anyone else." Sif explained, her voice soft in respect for the dead. "Correct. there are ways that the Guard and my brother uses to contain me during such times, so i cannot harm anyone." Býleistr admitted. "My brother and i both work on spells to be able to control the beast within me, but so far it has not worked." he admitted. "there is medication i can take to prevent the change, but it is toxic in too many doses. i am on it now is there is no need to worry. the last thing we need is me infecting humans. the last time that happened was bad enough."

"i live to annoy Tony and to make you smile." he agreed, smiling at her. "some asgardians might be capable, but they would never help Odin in something like this." Loki admitted. "not with the Vanir's threats still ringing in their minds." he admitted. "i am trying to keep up with a Super Soldier. and a Tony too. it's hard work." Loki admitted with a giggle. never mind that HE was the insatiable one. "fine... no fun.... killjoys." Loki grumbled as he buckled up as ordered and sighed. "this sucks. i can't even use magic now. someone entertain me." "your so bossy. read a book or something." "there aren't any, and i can't fetch any. the Asgardians will be able to find me if i use my magic." "we'll stop at a bookstore then."
"We have a idea on how to help. He's gonna be okay."Tony grinned a little before snorting. "yea. but we'll give you the cake, since he did say it was for you."Tony snickered a little before wincing, growling slightly at the two warriors, taking a half step towards them, ready to beat them if he needed to. "Your welcome."tony said sighing softly. tilting his head as he considered the frost gaint, studying the man. "...What?But loki changes to." James said slowly, listening frowing slightly."Through magic and talent. He's not uncontrollable."Tony said frowning slightly, flinching at the idea of loki's son having to be put down because he'd lost control. swallowing thickly as he studied the man. ".....You want him to be king?He'd have to leave?"He said his voice cracking a little at the end, pained because he didn't want to lose loki, but if his people needed him...

"I know you do. Annoying james to."She teased a little before nodding."Well, at least he wont have help. as bad as running feels, we'll be okay."She said knowing it would be before snorting. "I'm sure it is."She said amused because she was fairly certain he was nearly as insatiable as them. "Hey, I want to live to have sex, letting you drive would be counterproductive, so not complaining."She teased settling in for a nap.
Thor sighed in relief and smiled at Tony in thanks before chuckling a little as he happily accepted a slice of the admittedly perfectly done cake. "feel free to smack them." Thor informed Tony. "this is your Hall and they are being rude, belligerent and disgusting. where this my Hall and they spoke in such a manner i would have already beaten them near to death." an exaggeration they all knew. Thor never resorted to physical violence, he was so much more creative. not to Loki's level but enough that people where wary to upset him. "this is your Hall and you have the right to punish them as you please." "as if that filthy human ape could do anything." one of the two mumbled, both of them startling when Býleistr laughed at that. "You filthy Pale Rats have no idea!" Býleistr laughed, ignoring how every Asgardian went tense at the insult. "Human's are more advanced than your pathetic race already. no offense meant to you of course." he said, nodding to Sif, Fandral and Thor. "you have to admit though, those two are certainly Pale Rats." Thor grumbled but conceded the point. "Ah, no of course he wouldn't have to leave. we've had other Kings who preferred to live elsewhere for various reasons. one because he fell in love with a human, another because he was learning with the Vanir." Býleistr admitted. "He can still live here and simply visit when he pleases or send a copy of himself to us. the details can be worked out later of course, when he's present." he admitted before nodding to Tony. "The True difference between what Loki can do, and what happens to me is that Loki is always in control. he keeps his own mind, and is in full control of the change, both to and from. i am not." he admitted. "So. Where is he?" Býleistr asked, looking confused. "this is his residence, is it not?"

Loki huffed and pouted, crossing his arms. mostly he was just acting up because he was terrified that Odin would catch him again and this time he doubted he'd survive the Experience. "Wait what!?" Grant asked, nearly crashing the car himself when she said she wanted sex. how had he not known this!? he settled down once both her and Loki went to sleep, but they both woke when Grant started cursing and the car shrieked as he slammed on the breaks because some hooded asshole in a heavy brown cloak had appeared in a flash of shimmering lights right in front of them. "Fuck! Fuck! hold on!" he ordered, slamming the car into reverse, thinking this being was one of the asgardian's after Loki. he wasn't going anywhere. the being had a hand on the car and it sputtered and died and Loki whimpered at the wash of strong Kree magic. he slumped in the backseat, just trembling because the Kree scared the fuck out of him and he was overly sensitive at the moment. "Gun." Grant ordered Lexi, drawing his own weapon.
Tony smirked wickedly as he looked at steve."you heard the king. We can hurt them."Tony said holding out a hand, smirking as the gauntlet to his suit closed around his fist, "I migut not be as strong, but steve is, and between him and the suit I'm sure we could make you hurt."Tony smirked before focusing on byleistr. "Oh. Good."Tony muttered calming as he realized loki wouldn't have to leave, thinking about the differences before wincing. Studying the other."it is. But he's currently not here."phil said tense and worried. "The asgardian guards are chasing him, he's with two of our other friends, in hiding."

Lexi laughed sleepily, smirking when he nearly crashed."sex. Coitus. Fucking. You know that thing..."she teased looking amused. Paling when she was startled awake, staring at the kree before nodding arming herself.shifting to be the body between loki and the kree, staring at grant. Swallowing thickly."bw e need a distraction. If you can get him to follow you, I can get loki out of the car. We can make a run of itt."
they sneered at Tony and Steve got up, enraged that they would dare. "Allow me." he offered Tony before grabbing both of the assholes into the other room. soundproofed room because he knew the sounds of a beat down could upset some. he returned ten minutes later, dusting his hands off and Fandral peeked into the room and laughed. "so much for 'weak pathetic humans' eh?" he scoffed at the two who could barely move. Steve had beaten the shit out of them. even Býleistr looked impressed before he smiled at Tony. "Loki is the King, we can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do." he pointed out before he went very tense. "The False King of Asgard seeks to Hunt Down my King kike a criminal!? even after the Vanir warned him what would happen should he lay hands upon Loki again!?" "His madness is all consuming..." Thor admitted softly. "there's nothing i can do. he is still King, he still has the power. until he is dead i cannot be the King in the eyes of my people, or in the eyes of the others unless Odin gives me the Throne and he will not. we are not allowed to kill him either so we are stuck. there's nothing i can do but leave it to the Vanir." Thor admitted, sounding so very tired. "there are other things you can do." Býleistr admitted. "if you swear peace with the Jötunn, i will summon my Guards and have them detain Odin. they will not harm him, and the Asgardians will not dare attack them with them declaring that Odin has directly attacked the King of Jötunheimr. which is very much true. we can detain him and cancel all orders to hunt down Loki until the Vanir get involved and lay down the law. the Vanir could make you King if they can see that Odin is too mad to be King."

"yeah, that thing." he agreed, blushing hard and shifting because god damn he was horny. damn Thrush. "...." Grant stared as the man looked up at them. violet eyes, bright blue skin with black markings on his face. he looked terrifying. frightening.... familiar. "i don't think he's here for Loki." Grant whispered, feeling his heart slamming against his chest as he opened the door and stepped out, staring at the man/monster who dropped to one knee and bowed his head to Grant. "I Live to Serve You, My Lord." the Man.Monster said, Grant swallowing thickly. "who are you and what do you want!?" "I am called Ronan, My Lord. i am your Accuser. I hav come to serve the God of Shadows and Darkness." "...fuck."
“Thank you.”Tony said tilting his head as he looked up at steve, the anxious fidgeting back. Despite how confident he appeared, it was still hard on him to not know where loki was, to be in charge. “Not so pathetic.”Tony agreed looking into the room, sighing softly as he looked up at byleistr, frowning slightly. “Good.”He said again, glad loki wasn’t leaving before wincing. “Yes.”Phil said watching the jotunn, frowning a little. “Please, thor. Do it. Every moment that passes is another moment for the guards to catch up to loki and the others. I trust them, but I’d rather not get lexi and grant killed because they’ll refuse to let him go.”Tony said looking anxious, well aware that lexi and grant would rain hell on earth and fight till they were dead if they had to.

“What?”Lexi paused, staring tense and worried as she covered loki, not sure what to think before easing out of the car after grant, guarding his back as he watched. “...You mean...grant?You’re here for him?”Lexi said sounding shocked and surprised.
Thor snorted a little and shook his head. "as if i would say no. with Loki s King, how could i be at war with my own Brother? and even then, the Jotun are nothing as my Father told it.peace between our people would be a very important first step." Thor admitted, sounding pleased with the idea. here was a mostly non violent fix to their problems. he struggled to his feet, Fandral and Sif helping him to his feet and He and Býleistr clasped forearms, sealing the deal with a swirl of magic. "It is done." Býleistr said bowing to Thor before smirking at the two unconscious asgardians. "i can take them as well. they have attacked our king too, even if it was only verbally. we'll dump them in our prison for a few days." "Feel free." Thor offered, sagging into his char again too tired to deal with the betrayal of his two closest friends. "I will have Odin detained immediately." Býleistr promised Thor, looking rather worried about the King. "you need to rest, King Thor." "please... just Thor." Thor offered with a weak little smile. " should get to bed Thor." Býleistr said, Sif and Fandral hauling the weakly protesting Thor to his feet. and to the couch nearby where he sacked out, Býleistr tapping into some square thing that he'd pulled out of nowhere, issuing his orders without wasting the time of needing to get off the planet first.

Loki was standing behind her, calmer now that he had regained his senses. he stood ready to attack and narrowed his eyes at Ronan. "I am here to serve." Ronan responded simply, examining her. "The God of Darness and Shadows is the one who leads our people. it has been many Millennium since we have last had one to guide our people. we had thought Thanos, the Mad God was our new God, but he was false and fake. a trickster and a liar." Ronan admitted. "Grant is our true God...." he glanced at Loki, baffled. "why do you have the King of the Jotun in your employ?" "the what!?" Loki asked, stunned. "Did you not know?" Ronan asked Loki who was just gaping at him. "Would you like me to remove him for you?" Ronan asked. "Hey! Grant is my friend!" Loki protested, Ronan scoffing. "Kree and Jötunn cannot be freinds. it is against our nature." Ronan pointed out. "we're above such pathetic excuses." Grant said dryly, Loki grinning at him.
Tony winced a little at that, shrugging a little. “True. It would be sorta weird fighting with loki. Like kicking a puppy dog.”Tony said making a face, still fidgety and upset, moments from suiting up and going to find loki. “Yes please. I don’t want them here.”Tony said glaring at the unconscious asgardians, fussing over thor a little before looking at byleistr. “We’ll take care of him.Come on thor.”Tony said smiling pleased as thor went to sleep on the couch, before looking at byleistr with wide eyes as he considered the phone. “What is that?”He asked when the other was doe talking, looking fascinated. His love of tech stopping him from worrying.

Lexi tensed, frowning a little as she glanced at grant, swallowing thickly. Wondering if she was about to lose him. “Huh. You know, I hadn’t quite believed the vanir, but you are a god. At least, enough to summon the kree.”Lexi said frowning looking upset as she looked at loki. “What?”She turned looking at loki. “no. He’s under our protection. No harm is to come to Loki, he is a friend.”lexi growled looking upset and so very confused at what was going on.
"very much like kicking a puppy." Thor agreed. "especially since he is my most beloved brother." Thor pointed out before nodding when Býleistr glanced at him again for permission. "i will have four of my men come and collect them momentarily." Býleistr promised before smiling at Tony. "it is a more primitive form of your E-ternet." he explained. "it's kind of like one of your walking talkies. a simple two way signal. this one connects to a second one in the hands of my second in command." he admitted, handing it to Tony. "the only reason this is more effective than your Erth Technology is because it's range reaches through the realms. i'm sure you will come up with a better solution soon enough." he admitted. "if only so you can keep in contact with Loki and Thor while they are off planet." Býleistr admitted with a smirk. "unlike some, the Jötunn do not underestimate the humans simply because they are still evolving."

Grant shook his head. "nope. not right. not a god." Grant stated firmly. "he's just trying to trick us. we have to get moving before the...." he cringed when four men materialized out of nowhere. oddly, they where wearing suits and ties, not Asgardian Armor. "what the hell is the Jötunn Royal Enclave doing here!?" Loki hissed, Ronan glancing at him. "they are here to protect you, i would imagine." the Kree Accuser admitted, looking very tense as the four men cautiously approached. "Lord Loki, Son of Laufey. we greet you." said one of the men. "Lord Býleistr, Son of Laufey, has sent us to protect you." the man admitted. "He has had Odin detained for rimes against the Jötunn Royal Line and all activities Odin has ordered have been ceased. it is safe for you to return to your home now." Loki hesitated, not sure how much he believed that so he went to a pay phone and called Tony to find out what the hell was going on. it was only logical. "Lord Loki, what is to be done with the Kree?" "Nothing, leave them alone. they're my friends." "But my Lord!!!" "Shut up. don't touch the Kree, they are my friends." "i'm sensing a reoccurring theme here." Grant admitted.
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