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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

James hummed softly, frowning a little. Out of them all, the man was taking this better then anyone, phil was silent and looking utterly frozen up, looking like he’d shut down simply to deal with that he was losing his mate. James was down enough that he was simply responding to natasha, instead of what he was hearing. He’d freak out later when he really made the connection to his sniper buddy dying. “Oh. Kay.”James muttered relaxing a little, shifting, resting his head on her thigh, watching everyone. Tony paused in the middle of ranting, blinking slowly at the sight of loki. “...Do what?Did I just summon you? I mean....I did mean to but I thought you’d show up soonish, not right in the middle of this.”Tony said momentarily distracted from clint as he considered what he’d done, it wasn’t so much the rage they’d have to worry about, but the sheer manicness that was going to hit. “Yea. Well. Sorta. Clint’s dying. And there was something we wanted to ask you.”Lexi said fidgeting a little, looking worried about asking, but knowing they needed to.
"Well, yes. i did grant you the ability." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i just didn't anticipate you being able to force my presence like that. i can fix that." he promised before scowling a little and snapped his fingers. in an instant his hair was dry and brushed, his mouth was clean and the toothbrush gone and his body was dry and dressed, the towel vanishing. with a single snap of his fingers and a blink, he was perfectly presentable wearing a pair of sweats and a T-shirt three sizes too big. one of Steve's if the small huff was any indication. "i don't know enough about humans to stop them from dying..." he admitted. "but i'll do what i can to help." he admitted. "what do you need to know?"
“Oh. Huh. Okay then.”Toyn said looking thoughtful and interested in the idea of being able to do that. “We’ll have to explore that ability later.”He said frowning before raising a eyebrow watching loki, shaking his head slightly at the t-shirt. “Well. It’s not the human side of this idea we need to know about.”Lexi said fidgeting, yelping a little as phil jolted, moving away from him quickly, settling in nearer grant, not quite hiding, but prepared to defend herself if phil acted on the impulse that showed on his face. “There’s still kree bodies here on earth. If we put parts in clint, would it protect him. I mean, the kree blood saved phil, and he was dead. Would it fight a disease as a problem to it’s host and deal with it?”
"you have an aptitude for Magic and as my Primary Dominant my magic just naturally wants to make myself available to you at all times." Loki admitted with a shrug. "it's just natural instincts, i can fix that." he promised with a smile before pausing. "...i...see..." Loki muttered, sounding very uneasy and it wasn't hard for Clint to guess why. Loki was already very surrounded by natural enemies with Skye, Grant and Phil all being Kree Inhumans. "i apologize Lord Coulson." Loki said, bowing his head to the other, showing deference because that just helped the Kree in him stay calm. "to be honest, i don't know. it depends on the disease i suppose." he admitted, blinking when Bruce handed him a Tablet and he settled in to read about Cancer. "....there's a chance." Loki admitted. "if we get the right Kree genetics. they will have to match Clint's geneitcs as closely as possible. i don't know what to do about the tumors." "i can, in theory, replace Clint's lungs, and eyes with Kree organs..." "....that might work, there's no guarantee that the eyes would be any better than what he already has, they could ver well be worse." Loki admitted. "there are spells that could enhance them, but they run a risk of damaging the eyes and i doubt you'd want to take that risk." Loki admitted, Clint shrugging. he'd rather see worse than not see at all.
“Huh.”Tony said looking thoughtfully. “I know it’s not ideal. Not with jotun and kree not liking each other. But....”Lexi fidgeted upset now that she’d upset loki. “...It’s fine. I’m in control.”Phil said swallowing thickly as he considered what the other was saying. “That’s why we wanted to ask you. We figured you’d know best which to use.”Lexi said upset and worried as she looked around the table at the people who looked like they wanted to protest using hte kree, but also knowing that it might be the only chance. “It’s worth a shot. Even if it only gives up more time to figure things out, it’s more then we have now.”Tony said looking annoyed that he didn’t have a better idea, but also knowing it might be their only chance to.
"But it will save his life and i am more than willing to help with that." Loki promised. "there isn't anything magic can do to fix this. not that i know of. i'll send word to the nearest Vanir doctor i can find to ask for help but i don't know what they might be able to do." Loki admitted. "thankfully they'll be able to help me identify a decent Kree for us as well, they won't have the magical interference problems that i do." he admitted. "we can update them on Phil's condition as well, they'll be delighted." he admitted. "where are the Kree Bodies?" loki asked, Grant shaking his head. "i'm not one hundred percent, they might have been moved since i was last there. it was a few years ago since my operation." he reminded them. "but last i knew, they where in Siberia." he admitted, bringing up a map on his own tablet and marking the place with a little red dot. "it was here." "Jewel, i need you to go find a Vanir. i don't mind which one. they're all interconnected." Loki admitted to the nodding Unicat who flared her wings and vanished and a bright burst of light. "The Vanir are medical and magical masters. they will be the best t know if this will help, or hinder Clint's current state. "....i need my meds." Clint informed them suddenly and Bruce was the first one moving, asking where they where and came back with the little pill bottle. "these are serious pills Clint..." "i know. i hate taking them, i always wait until i can't take the pain anymore." he admitted, slipping a single pill into his mouth, Bruce frowning. "it says to take two." "i don't need two."
"Good. Thanks loki."Tony said swallowing thickly, relaxing as he realized that they had at least a chance of working now. Shifting he snuggled into steve, sighing quietly. James shifted so he could see the man, frowning as he considered it."that base has been listed as closed for the last two years, but it's probably the most likely place to leave everything they didn't want to find, including the bodies."James said shifting, moving to get ready to go. "Take them."phil ordered quietly, twitching looking worried.
Loki nodded. "no problem." he promised before smiling as he watched Tony snuggling Steve. they where so damn cute and he was so damn lucky. "it's been listed as closed but it's not." Grant admitted, flicking through the files before showing James. "see? it's still getting enough power to supports the empire state building. someone's in there and they're likely still doing things to people. we'll get the stuff we need to save Clint and shut them down while we're at it." he admitted before watching Clint. "would weed help? i've heard weed helps." "weed helps." Clint admitted with a smile. "but i can't get a medical marijuana card for some reason." he admitted. "i tried." "we'll get you one." Bruce promised. "i have a license to issue cards." he admitted, blinking when Jewel returned, trilling happily. "good girl. thank you." Loki said, beaming at her. "The Vanir will be here soon. they're big on manners so she won't just appear. she'll come in the front door like proper, civilized folk." he admitted.
“Ah. I see.”James frowned thinking about that, shaking his head a little. He hated this, this was insane. And horrible. Looking at clint, as he tilted his head. Starting to come up enough that he was understanding what was going on. “Does weed ever help with the hulk?”Lexi said looking interested before startling when jewel appeared, looking at her. “Unlike you, unproper and totally uncivilized?”Tony said smirking at loki
"it used to but i don't need it anymore. Hulk and i have a nice agreement." he admitted. "so i don't need to calm him down anymore, though i do have a cannabis based tranquilizer that can calm him down if he starts having a temper tantrum." he admitted with a smile. "i am totally uncivilized." Loki admitted with a grin, chuckling when Jarvis announced that their guest was there, that he had greeted her and that she was on her way up. "Good Marrow to you all." the woman said as she stepped inside, Loki actually bowing to her, looking like an old fashioned prince greeting an old fashioned princess. "I am Ljótr. You may call me Light, which is the translation of my name into Earth English." she admitted, smiling at Loki. "it has been long since we have been graced with your presence young one. how has your health fared?" she asked Loki, nearly fussing over him. Loki just smiled at her and she frowned. "i see. so, he troubles you still?" "how could he not, my Lady? i know he plots, he always does. i am safe here though, and these people are so kind to me." "even those that are called, Inhuman?" "yes. were a little leery, but we are not cruel to one another. that's why i asked for you. this one's Mate is my good friend. Brothers in Pain. he's dying, something called Cancer..." Loki explained, looking very upset, Clint hadn't realized he meant so much to Loki. Brothers in Pain meant Loki felt more kinship to Clint than he did to Thor. if he was understanding the meaning correctly. "...this one..." Ljótr said, staring at Grant. "this one is where you got the idea?" "Yes my Lady. would it work?" Loki asked, hopeful. "...i do not know." Ljótr admitted. "the Kree do not naturally have such ailments this is true, but whether the genetics would cure the disease... it would, at the very least, ease the pain." she admitted. "I would recommend you do the procedure, if only to make him more comfortable. if it does not work, there may be other options. i will discuss with my sisters."
“Ah. I see.”Lexi said looking amused at bruce’s admittance tilting her head at the sound of their guest coming in. “Welcome, come in come in.”Tony smiled looking about ready to fuss over the woman, fidgety and worried about how to treat the woman in his home, before watching the two, looking curious. “We like having him around.”Lexi grinned looking amused as she watched light and loki. “....we try not to be cruel. I mean...I don’t want to hurt him as much anymore.”Phil said frowning slightly, looking a little startled at the idea of loki caring that much about clint. “Yes. It is. Phil actually died and was brought back, we thought it might help.”Lexi explained looking relieved that it might help some. Or at least tehy’d have time and a place to start working on how to help the best. “Thank you, Light.”Tony said smiling.
the woman smiled at Tony. "I am glad. this one has been lost for a very long time." Ljótr admitted, smiling at Loki who flushed a little and looked away because in truth, he was ashamed of his weaknesses. and not just the ones that had allowed him to be taken over by The Other. "Ah, but you do want to hurt him." she admitted, smiling at Phil. "He would let you, if you asked him." she admitted, Loki blushing harder because. well... he had kinks and Phil was one of them. he had told Clint so and Clint didn't mind but Loki was more than content with Steve and Tony so had never approached the subject other than to apologize to Clint for having naughty thoughts about the man's mate. "ah. how fascinating. would you mind allowing me to examine you sometime? we've never heard of someone being brought back from death, we had thought Hela's embrace was final." Ljótr admitted. "it will be non invasive of course." she assured Phil before nodding to Lexi. "it has never before been attemtped but i do know that it cannot make anything worse and even a temporary fix is better than nothing right now." she admitted. "with your permission, we would like to record the process and it's results for further reference in case of future incidents." "i don't mind." Clint promised with a smile.
“So I gathered. He’s sorta like a lost puppy. I keep adopting puppies. You. Steve. James. The wonder twins. Hulkster and brucie-bear....”Tony muttered snickering a little before watching phil. “....Maybe.”phil twitched a little looking at loki, both disturbed and intrigued at the idea, even as he shuddered at the idea of touching loki of all people. “...No. If it would help...I guess it would be okay. I was dead for....awhile.”Phil said shuddering away from the memory of what he’d found when he’d broken through the TAHATI training, the days he’d been dead. Swallowing thickly as he shifted, wrapping a arm around clint, just needing to touch him. “You also need to speak to Bruce about how they worked on phil’s blood, to stop some of the psychotic-ness. Loki said that that would be helpful to.”Tony said tilting his head a little.
The woman chuckled and nodded. "he is a bit like a lost puppy." she agreed, smiling at the still blushing Loki. "it is a shame he is trapped here." she admitted with a sigh. "i would have liked to have him come and visit tot he Vanir again." she admitted. "we miss having him there. it is good he has such a happy home here." she admitted with a smile. "i'm not trapped here Ljótr." Loki promised her with a smile. "i love Earth and the beings on it. especially the people here." Loki admitted. "i don't feel trapped here. i'm not scared here." he admitted, smiling when Ljótr beamed at him. delighted for him. "ah, yes. the Psychotic bloodline was in this one." she agreed, holding her hand out yo Phil the way Loki had. "may i?" she asked. once she had her permission she set her finger on his pulse an hummed. "it is almost gone. the psychotic genetics. you are feeling much more... violent, because they are running a last ditch attempt at gaining control. how is it that you do this?" she asked, moving over to Bruce who happily babbled away about it with her, Loki chuckling. "she's my aunt." he explained. "actually, all the Vanir are really. it's where my magic comes from. my grandmother was a Vanir and Freja, m adoptive mother who i share with Thor is also Vanir so to the Vanir i am a nephew who doesn't visit home oft enough."
“But he has found a good home here, so is it really being stuck then?”Tony said smiling a little before wincing a little at the idea of phil’s blood. Even knowing that it was mostly gone, it still worried him, and he knew phil still felt weirded out about it. “Yes, if you want.”Phil said watching ljotr, tilting his head as he waited to see what she’d say. “Yes....Loki and grant...I want to hurt them. But...I wont. I’m in control, I wont be adanger to people who do’t deserve it.”Phil growled quietly, “Is that why she’s treating you like the nephew that she needs talked nicely about to the potential mate?”Tony teased looking up at him.
Ljótr smiled a little at Tony. "No, i don't suppose it is." she admitted before smiling at Phil. "the next blood transfer should be enough to kill off the last of the psychotic genetics." she admitted to both Bruce and Phil. sh smiled at him. "we will worry about such things after your mate has been saved." she promised before frowning a little. "Loki i could understand." she admitted. "as he is of the Jötnar, but Grant is a Kree like you." "...." Grant looked confused as she reached over and touched him and she gasped, yanking her hand back as if she'd been burned. "i'm sorry!" Grant said quickly, even if his voice was so low it was barely a whisper. instantly terrified for harming the Vanir. "peace, child. you could not know." she assured him. "Still, that explains much..." she mumbled, watching Grant and rubbing her fingers. "oh, no the Vanir always treat me that way. they respect me or something?" Loki guessed. "something about suffering and pain and being strong or something. they're always super cryptic so i don't have an idea." Loki admitted. "like now." he admitted, indicating how she was rubbing her fingers and watching Grant who looked very uneasy.
"Yes thata what he said. And he nearly killed me. They both did actually. Makes me want to hurt them."phil said eyeing the two before looking at ljotr. "Grant?"lexi muttered wincing as james eased to his feet, planting himself leaning against the counter next to grant, leaving lexi guarding his other side. Even if they really didn't think the Vanir would do anything, they were ready if she did. "...ah. Well at least they like you..."tony said even if he was watching the other."...what is it?"tony said looking at lojtr.
"I see. yes that would explain it." she admitted before smiling at Phil. "the Psychotic genetics are only partially responsible for that. you mostly likely view them as challenges against your dominance. Kree often fight for Dominance amidst themselves and they both have bested you but never finished the fight, making you uneasy. "finished the fight?" Grant asked, his head tilted. "you did not mount him. this is how all Kree Battles for Dominance ends." "So if we had another fight and he won he'd be less aggravated?" "yes, though he would have to win honestly or loose honestly. it won't hurt him if you allow things to continue, eventually he'll settle as he realizes, the Kree in him realizes you don't want anything with him." she admitted before smiling at Lexi and James, offering them a small bow and stepping back to show she planned no ill. "it is nothing... it's just." she paused, thinking of how to explain. "in every nine realms there is at least one 'True God'. the Vanir have the Goddess of Life and Light." she explained. "the Asgardians have Heimdall, the All Seeing though they d not realize how much power he truly has. the Kree have always had the most powerful God of all but that God has fallen dormant in the last years." she admitted. "i believe Grant may be the awakening power of that God. which is the opposite of the Vanir. which is why it was painful to touch him and explains why Phil has such trouble around him. with his powers only just awakening, most psychotic Kree would be swarming him, trying to dominate or kill him to steal his mighty power."

(heading out for the day. bbl)
Phil frowned thinking about it before nodding .”That makes sense I guess.”He said frowning a little at grant and loki, making a face. “Stay away from me, Ward.”he ordered making a face at the other. “I don’t think he likes guys. You’re okay.”James said eyeing Grant with a snicker, before looking at Lotjr, tilting his head. “....What?How?”Lexi said looking worried before frowning, worried about grant and what he could be becoming, eyeing phil, who looked a little lost and confused at the idea. “What does that mean....will he change more?”James said looking worried.
both Loki and Grant grinned at Phil, Grant a lot more mischievously than Loki who just looked amused. "Yu don't want to put me in my place Phil?" He asked with a grin. "i notice you didn't say anything to Loki." Loki just chuckled and shook his head. "i don't like guys." Grant agreed with a shrug. "doesn't mean i haven't slept with them when Garret insisted or i needed information or blackmail or something." he admitted. "if it would help Phil i'd consider letting him dominate me once." Grant admitted before staring at Ljótr. "You must be joking. i can't be a god." he scoffed, shaking his head. "there's no way. no way in hell." "It is a matter of genetics." she admitted. "there are, on average, about three hundred Kree with the right genetics. but of those three hundred to si hundred Kree, none of them have gone through any trials. it is the trials, pain and strength, that makes a Kree capable of becoming a God." she admitted. "young Master Grant has gone through severe pain and has always kept fighting. because of this he is becoming the God of Death, of Shadows and of Vengeance. no ordinary Kree can become such a God, they must be tempered or they might go mad and terminate all of life in existence." sh admitted. "Grant has the ability to restrain himself and guide those that need guiding without loosing himself." she admitted. "his personality and will have been tempered by his life." she admitted. "as for changes, it is unknown. there has not been a God of Death in a very long time. he may change, he may not, it is impossible to tell. he will still love you, however. becoming a god does not change his feelings or his personality."
“You place is somewhere in lexi’s bed I think is the approiate answer to that question. She’ll hurt you more then I’d ever consider doing.”Phil teased a little before looking at loki, shrugging. “I’ve seen the video of hulk whipping him around like a ragdoll. I have no desire to see if I can do anything to him.”Phil said. “Ah.”Lexi said looking thoughtful as she considered grant before looking slightly amused at his reaction to the idea of being a god. “See, you’ll be okay. Reasons for things that happened, Grant.”Lexi said sighing quietly, looking worried he’d break down a little. “Good. I’d hate to have to beat some sense into him if he stopped caring about us.”james said teasing grant just a bit.
Grant smirked a little. "i like it when she hurts me." he admitted simply with a grin. "ah, you have no idea how much damage he did." Loki admitted with a shrug. "i can turn off my nerve endings." he admitted. "i didn't feel a thing he did to me other than knocking the wind out of me." he admitted before chuckling at Grant. "it's bullshit." Grant stated simply. "the day i become a god is the day the dead walk the earth and the sun explodes." he scoffed before glaring at James. "it's not funny. this is a sick joke and i'm leaving." he stated, stalking away. it was bad enough he wasn't human anymore, but to be a god? that was just too much and he wasn't having any of it. nope.
“I’m sure you do, you little pervert.”James said rolling his eyes a little. “...That doesn’t make me feel any better about not being able to hurt you.”Phil said sulking a little at the knowledge he really couldn’t hurt loki, even if he really didn’t want to, seeing as his friends would probbably have a problem with that. “....Okay.”James frowned watching him. “I’ll talk to him.”Lexi muttered before following grant out of the room, following him quickly, quietly as she wrapped a arm around his waist as he reached his rooms, tugging him to a stop. “Grant?”
Grant smirked at James. "As if your any better." he scoffed playfully. "oh, i rarely do it." Loki admitted. "i'm a heavy masochist after all, i like being hurt." he admitted. "well. certain kinds of hurt." he admitted. "i'm actually learning how. Bruce is teaching me." Steve admitted, so calm about it that it was hard to imagine this was the man who, a few weeks ago, didn't even know what masochism was. "he's teaching me how to hurt Tony too, since Tony is a lot pickier about his pain than Loki is." he admitted, grinning at Tony to show he enjoyed the challenge. "i'd say i'm getting pretty good at it." Steve admitted. "you are." Loki agreed, watching Grant leave, looking at Bruce. "you realize she's probobly going to take him to you." "i know." Bruce admitted. "he's really high strung these days. a day under the crop would do him some good." he admitted before smirking at Loki. "it's been a while since you submitted too. how are you feeling?" "Tense. it's very difficult being around so many Kree, even if i trust them." he admitted with a sigh, leaning into Bruce, nearly limp against the other as Bruce tangled his fingers in the godling's hair and tugged. Ljótr didn't look at all bothered by the odd conversation. such things where common in the nine realms.

"...yeah?" Grant asked, looking at her. "i'm fine, because i'm totally not a freak. i might not b human but at least i'm an average Inhuman." he said with a firm nod, looking at her. "i'm not a God. nope. totally impossible. she's just being mean. or she's mistaken, it's very likely that she's mistaken."
“You are learning. And well.”tony said smiling at steve softly, shifting to snuggle into him, feeling raw and hurting, knowing things weren’t good with clint. It was hard to be calm. “I’m not picky. I just know what I like.”Tony whined a little making a face before nodding. “it probably would.”Tony said looking worried about grant before looking up at loki, tilting his head a little. “Well, if ljotr doesn’t mind us leaving her alone, we’ll go take care of you.”Tony said smiling at loki.

“yes, if you say so.”She sighed softly, watching him. Because she was mostly agreeing because she didn’t want to upset him even more. Shifting she leaned into him, reaching up, gently sliding her hands through his hair, tugging gently. “Come on. We’re going to go up to our rooms now.”
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