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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Ah. That’s awesome.”Tony grinned looking interested in the idea. James smiled quietly leaning into Natasha’s hand, resting his head against her thigh as the woman stood next to him, closing his eyes. Mostly listening, though he was out of it. Not truly paying attention to what was going on, trusting natasha to tell him if he needed to do something. “Awesome. We’ll totally have to try something. I wouldn’t mind letting hulk have a go with me either....I mean. No matter which he is, I trust bruce.”And trusted hulk, because even at the worst moments, hulk had liked him.

Lexi raised a eyebrow, looking startled as she considered that. Startled as she considered everything that way. No wonder Grant had lost it a bit. Phil tilted his head, staring at Grant for a long moment, not quite sure what to think, but knowing that this was starting to make some twisted sort of sense. Feeling out of sorts, this was just a little to much for him, this was hard. Oh god, he was tired of trying to sort all the lies, and facts, and words of his life out. “They are designed to float, but there are vents at the bottom if opened, can force it to sink. Garret knew you, he probably threw that switch after it dropped.”Phil said frowning slightly.

Phil shuddered looking over at clint, nodding a little as he let loki touch him. Frowning a little as he glanced over at loki, eyes wide and panicked as he considered what he was hearing. “What?I what?I don’t want to hurt anyone...”He said looking anxious and scared that he was going to kill the others. “Except maybe grant but that’d be wrong nowI can’t hurt grant.”He muttered looking upset as he fought to not change and do it, having fought for so long, he was growing tired. “....I can handle barbaric if you can end this.”Phil promised still looking freaked out as he considered the others.
Loki nodded. "truthfully i have always been fascinated by Hulk. there are not many beings who could actually hold me down. Hulk is one of them. his gamma radiation output us just enough that it somewhat disrupts my magic." "what does that mean?" Bruce wondered. "it means if you fuck me, your wearing a condom." "ah." Bruce laughed at that and then looked sympathetic at Grant who just shrugged it off. he was good at shrugging it off. "....that son of a bitch...." Grant snarled, scowling unhappily. "he never did like it when i liked someone more than him." he mumbled. "he liked to have you dependent on you. there are more ways to brainwash someone than just strapping them to a machine Grant." Steve pointed out, Grant looking confused. "i've seen kids do things, horrible things for parental figures. you came from a highly abusive household into the hands of a man who treated you like you where worth something and capable. he taught you how to fend for yourself, fight for yourself. of course your going to do everything he says without question. he raised you that way." Steve pointed out, Grant looking floored. he'd never once thought that Garret might have been manipulating him like that. he'd just thought... the Kree blood in him. he'd always thought it had just driven Garret insane. he had never imagined... no, never realized. it made sense... he needed to sit down. poor Grant now looked as shell shocked and horrified as Phil did and Skye realized Grant truly had been fucked over by every angle imaginable. including hers.

"Relax, Phil." Bruce said, setting a hand on phil's shoulder. "We won't let you hurt anyone. Loki how far is the progression?" "he has a few weeks. he's tired, but still stubborn. very stubborn especially with his Primary right here. his Dominant blood is raging against the Psychotic now because he wants to protect his Primary." Loki admitted. "i don't know the modern medical terminology for this, but what we do, is drain the inhuman of their Kree blood. clean it of the Kree genetics and pump it back into them and then insert another inhuman's blood, this time cleaned of all human blood, and insert it into the, for lack of a better word, patient." Loki shook his head. "using our barbaric methods the patient rarely survived. i'm assuming you know a way around this?" "of course, i'm going to assume you don't know what blood types are?" Bruce asked, making Loki blink . answer enough. "...tell you what, i'll explain it all while Phil goes and takes a nap. he looks like he could use one." Bruce admitted. "i'll run Loki through the procedure so he can see if it will work and then we'll get started tonight." "come on Phil." Clint urged. "you can come up and nap in my nest." sounds like Clint had forgiven Phil, for now.
“He whipped you around like a ragdoll. As much as it looked like it hurt, it made me giggle to watch you do that.”Tony said looking both guilty and amused as ge kooked at the other. Before wincing. “Yea, no disrupting magic. I don’t want little hulkings running around.”Tony said looking pale at the idea. “...he wanted you to rely on him. Having no where else to go, is how they kept black widows tethered, because we had no one else.... You had no one else till now.”Lexi muttered looking at grant, slipping her hand in his, gently making him sit down and sitting next to him, tense and upset, hating not able to help, but ready to do anything he needed.

Phil swallowed hard, relaxing a little as he nodded. Bruce wouldn’t let him hurt anyone. Clint would help him. Looking at clint tiredly as he listened, frowning slightly as he listened to the other’s talk. Frowning slightly. “....Well. That explains why none of them ever survived.”Tony said shaking his head a little, “we’ll show you. Maybe you can tell the others, I mean, if it’s needed elsewhere to.”Tony said frowning a little, looking at phil. “Yea, he looks ready to crash.” “No. I’m okay. Can’t sleep. I’ll draw when I get up.”He muttered before frowning at clint a little. “....Nest? don’t like me anymore. I shouldn’t go there.”
Loki chuckled a little. "it didn't hurt as much as one would think being as i can kill the nerve endings whenever i want and then bring them back up once the pain is over. while he beat the shit out of me, the most i felt was having the air knocked out of me." Loki admitted, looking equally amused. "plus it gave me control over myself again so that was a definite plus." he admitted with a grin. "condoms work just as well as my magic does do to my physiology." he admitted. "even if one of Hulk's little swimmers gets through the condom it wouldn't be enough, i need a hefty dose." Loki admitted. "so long as we use protection, Bruce can't get me pregnant." he promised. "i don't understand. i thought he loved me... he said i was his son." Grant whispered and Skye felt her heart clench because she knew the feeling all too well. her own mother had betrayed her, after all. she knew all too well how he was feeling and she felt horrible for not realizing sooner. because after all, she had become a criminal for the first person who had ever shown her any sort of affection. "...i gave up everything i ever thought i wanted and so much of what i needed for him." Grant muttered. "i gave up friends, i gave up Family. i gave up everything..." "And you gained both." Steve promised Grant, smiling at him. "or are you saying we're not your friends? not your family?" he asked, making Grant smile at Steve. "no. you are." Grant agreed with a smile. "thanks Steve."

"uh... oops maybe?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "like i said, we're very dependent on Magic. meaning that any technological advancements are designed around magic. in terms of advancement, humans are actually far superior to most of the nine realms." Loki admitted. "i can't tell people. i have to stay here on earth remember? banished? Odin cannot touch me so long as i'm here but if i try to go back that will be enough to place me under his power again and i really won't survive next time." he admitted. "what i learn here will be for me and me alone, and not just because i'm banished, but because no one else will care. they all think your primitive remember? they won't care how advanced you are so long as they are assured of their own superiority no matter how wrong they are." he admitted. "they think they are better, and so won't bother learning anything." he admitted. "there are others, who might learn. the Vanir are always looking for good knowledge." he admitted with a smile before looking at Phil. "the carving won't hurt anyone Phil. it's just a map. carve whenever you need to, it will sooth the psychotic genetics an give your own a better chance." Loki admitted. "it may take a few days to conquer the psychotic genetics so anything we can do to make them calm down the better." "shut up and get your ass moving Coulson." Clint ordered. "just because i'm fucking pissed off doesn't mean i don't love you." Clint informed Phil.
“Ah. Okay, now I don’t feel as bad about laughing now.”tony said looking pleased with the news before grinning, looking pleased. “Good.”Tony grinned pleased that the other wouldn’t be pregnant at any time. It wasn’t that he didn’t want kids, but he was totally scared and upset at the idea. And well aware that loki probably knew the general idea of his fears. Not because he didn’t want loki’s kids, but because he was afraid of having his own kids. “I know.”Lexi muttered shifting, leaning at his side, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his hair. “You’re here with us now. A dangerous, scary, insane family. It’s perfect.”She agreed smiling slightly at the sight of james stirring at the sound of grant’s distress, grinning a little as she nudged him. “look, you’ve even been adopted as one of the winter ducklings, and don’t you feel special?”She teased a little.

“Ah. Well. It is indeed more tech then magic, finding out about the blood.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered that before wincing. “Oh. Yes. Dammit.”He grumbled looking annoyed at not being able to share knowledge that could potentially save someone, even if they wouldn’t listen. “Well, we’ll share with the others, if they come.”He agreed. “...Okay. I can carve. I’ll carve something for Clint.”Phil said perking up a little at the thought of both being calmer, and having a present for his distressed mate. Frowning at the other, he shuddered a little, “Oh. Okay. Love you to.”He muttered mostly asleep on his feet, to many shocks all at once as he shuffled off towards the nest.
Loki chuckled a little. "i wouldn't. i laugh too." he admitted with an impish grin before he smiled at Tony because he did in fact know what issues the other was currently having. the poor little fool. he had no idea the sort of father he would be if he gave himself a chance. Loki knew tony would make a most excellent father if the genius would just calm down and realize he wasn't going to hurt anyone. "i am with you guys now. and i know you really like me. i'm just not useful enough for you to be using me." Grant admitted with a playful little grin. "i don't know what that means." Grant admitted, feeling better anyway. he had always preferred to take orders, even if he was fairly good at being in charge.

"Blood type must be something about how the body works right?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "to be honest, we don't know much about how the body works truthfully. some do, like Frigga but she was originally a Vanir. we know things like hearts and organs and when we're cut we bleed and stuff but that's about it." he admitted. "i'd love it if you could teach me." Loki admitted before grinning. "oh Tony, silly. what makes you think they're not already here, learning? the Vanir are constantly coming to earth, becoming anything they can to get the most education possible." he admitted. "they have to remain mostly undetected though, as interfering in a human's evolutionary process is very forbidden." Loki admitted. "it's why i wasn't allowed to help you against Hydra." he smiled a little at Phil and Clint smiled as well.

"i think that would be delightful Phil." Clint agreed, anything to get Phil to go to sleep, the man was a wreck. thankfully, Clint's nest in the Tower was actually in a bedroom, specially designed. it was basically a huge, massive hammock that stretched out over a two floor room with stairs leading up to it. Clint adored the room. it was huge, no walls getting in the way, no ceiling that would get in the way either. hanging from the ceiling was a obstacle course, rope swings, hammocks and ladders that hung from the ceiling, the hammock 'floor' below was the safety net. Clint loved being up high, so the single hammock at the very top was probobly his bed, though he led Phil to the hammock in the middle of the three floor room and settled him into the bedding there instead. "i'm glad your back Phil."
“You are. I mean, who else would put up with me?You’re useful.”Lexi promised smiling a little before snorting, nodding towards james. “He’s the winter soldier. And sometimes, he acts like a mother duck looking after ducklings. Therefore, you’ve been officially adopted as a winter duckling.”She explained, knowing it would get a smile, and glad james was just out of it enough to not understand she was making fun of him, just a little bit.

“Yes it is.”Tony grinned before shaking his head at the utter stupidity of only knowing that. While humans hadn’t learned it until recently, they were much less .....old then the asgardians. “You’ll have to listen to bruce though. Squishy human things are his expertise, not mine.”he huffed a little before thinking over that. “Oh. Well. That makes sense really.”

“Good.I’ll need wood. Clint, do you have wood?for after my nap....need to nap first. Dream about a good design...”He muttered not even considering the slightly perverted version of the word ‘wood;, to tired to really think it through. Smiling pleased as he settled into the bed he nodded, closing his eyes as he blinked slowly, looking up at the other. “I am to. I’m sorry...couldn’t come back yet....had to find something. But I couldn’t find it....I’m missing something. I don’t know.”He muttered frowning slightly before sighing as he settled down to relax. Starting to fall asleep.
he blinked a little at her, wondering how she could not see how amazing she was? everyone loved her, how could she not see that? "as long as i can make you smile, i'm happy." he admitted with a smile before grinning a little. "I rather like the idea." he admitted with a smile. "being looked after i mean." he admitted. "it's a nice feeling. knowing i don't always have to be in charge. it's exhausting being in charge." he admitted. "it goes completely against my nature." he admitted, smiling at her. "it can be all kinds of fun though." he admitted with a smile.

"I'm always eager to learn everything i can." Loki admitted with a smile at Bruce who nodded. "I'll lend you some of my medical books. something tells me you'd learn faster on your own." "I've always learned on my own." Loki admitted with a smile. "anything you have to teach would be welcome but i think books would work better for me." he admitted, smiling as Jewel landed on Tony's shoulder and crooned at him, playing with his hair. making it into a nest and curling up right on the top of his head.

"I have wood." Clint promised, smiling at Phil. well, Tony had wood, but close enough. "you just tell me what kind of wood you need and i'll have it here before you wake up." Clint promised, stroking Phil's hair. "i know Phil. i know. Loki told us just a few minutes ago remember?" he asked, smiling at him. "you'll find it. we'll make you well." he promised, stroking his hair some more. "sleep Phil. sleep." he urged, snuggling into him. "You have me now. it's okay. sleep." he urged softly, smiling at him.
“Good. Then I’ll smile just for you.”Lexi smiled at him before snorting. “You definitely don’t have to always be in charge. Between me and james, we’ll make sure you’re looked after.”She said before shuddering a little. “I’ll let you boss me around sometime.”Not to mention that she was like him, she enjoyed obeying sometimes.

“Well, then we’ll get you the books you need. No matter what, we’ll let you learn whatever you want.”tony smiled softly as jewel landed on his head, closing his eyes for a moment, simply enjoying it, and because well, his hair was normally a mess, so it wasn’t that big of a deal that she was making a nest.

“good...Good wood. Dark wood. Something that’ll be pretty to hang up.”Phil muttered frowning a little at clint, before nodding. “I know. But I wanted you to know he wasn’t making it up....I really felt....I couldn’t come back yet.”phil muttered calming as the other stroked his hair, relaxing as he let the other sooth him to sleep.
he smiled at her. "well, not just for me." he teased with a smile. "you should smile for James too." he admitted with a chuckle. "thanks. i'd like that. i'm not always so submissive. just... every time i get stressed i just have this urge to curl up at someone's feet." "it's the Submissive nature of your genetics. just like se is almost always going to be a battle." "wait. so the wrestling...?" May asked, flushing when they all turned to stare at her. "he was just testing to make ure you where stronger, more dominant, worthy of taking him. it's perfectly natural." Loki admitted. "had you lost he would have mounted you instead, just because he's submissive doesn't mean that he won't take charge when he feels like it." May flushed hard and Grant smirked because she had lost the wrestling match a time or two when he felt like fucking her into the ground. "i'll be glad to. oh, and i've left a stack of books on your lab table. the complete Magica Encyclopedia series. everything you could ever want to know in fifty books." he grinned. "which have been magically composited into a single book. i'd show you how to use it, but i think you'll have more fun figuring it out yourself." he admitted, grinning when Jewel made her nest in Tony's hair. "she likes you." he admitted to Tony with a grin. "be careful though, she's learned how to braid hair and she loves to braid things in like beads and feathers and sticks." he admitted with a grin.

Clint nodded and glanced up at Jarvis, he knew Jay would get the wood for Phil from Tony's lab. "i know Phil. Don't you know that Loki can't lie? he's a terrible liar. it's hilarious." he admitted with a chuckle. because it was true, Loki was great at avoiding telling the truth, great at leaving things out, but outright lying? he was horrible at it. once Phil was asleep Clint tucked his face into his knees and started to cry because it just wasn't fair! he had been set. he'd been ready and now Phil was back and he wasn't sure how to handle it anymore. he was just going to have to own up to it. maybe. when people started noticing. if people started noticing.
“Well, okay. Just my family then.”Lexi snickered looking amused. Tilting her head as she considered that, “That makes sense really.”She said snickering as she turned to stare at may, raising a eyebrow. “....This is awesome. Seriously.”Tony grinned looking amused at may’s blushing, grinning even wider as lexi blushed to. “Nat?”James muttered stirring enough to sway to his feet after a few moments, blinking slowly. Having been left alone long enough that he was starting to come up. “...You have books for me?Awesome.”Tony said nearly bouncing in place with the sudden need to go and see what was in the book. “,,,well, it’s not like I ever leave the tower. No one but you guys would ever see my hair. So braids would be okay.”He huffed looking utterly pleased though that jewel liked him, poking loki. “Come on. You have learning to do to help bruce with phil, and I wanna read the books.”

When phil woke, phil frowned softly, blinking slowly as he tried to figure out where he was. It was both oddly familiar and yet....different from what he was used to. “....Clint?”He asked after a moment, his brain starting to make the connections to the nest he was laying in, starting to wake up more as the memories started filtering back.
he nodded. "i suppose it does." he admitted with a smile. "yes Love?" Nat asked, smiling down at James. "are you coming back to me?" she asked, her head tilted. "you did very well." she admitted. "i do have books for you. i also included a beginners guide to magic. it's mostly just a simplified version of how it works but i dont know enough about earth sciences to tell what level of a magic worker you would be so i figured i'd start you at the very beginning and see how you took to it." he admitted before following Bruce, settling in with the man explaining what he could and absorbing everything Bruce had to offer while occasionally answering questions from Tony who would find the book easy to work. it was just like the online wikipedia. click on the information with a finger and it would go to a new page, ask it for information and it could come up or you could read it page by page like a physical version of a kindle. turn the page and the page would vanish, replaced by the net set of pages. you could even 'bookmark' pages or information and go back to them later. it was pretty sweet and Bruce was all too happy to receive a copy of the book for himself. by the time Phil woke up, Bruce and Loki had everything they needed to help the man. well, Bruce did anyway, Loki was more just sort of observing and even then he wouldn't be sticking around once the needles came out.

"Hey, you awake?" Clint asked, looking over to Phil. Clint was doing Origami, something he always did when he was upset about something. there where dozens of paper cranes, koi and jumping frogs and turtles. paper lanterns, little boxes and monkeys and all kinds of things where littered all over the nest. "I'm fine, don't look at me like that." Clint commanded even though he wasn't even looking at Phil, rather he was looking at the paper in his hands that where slowly becoming a butterfly.
“Yea...I’m back. Feel little weird staying here though.”James muttered flushing a bright red as memories crashed into him. Now that he was aware again, he was embarassed by his reaction, and the utter need to be looked after and taken care of. He’d never admit to wanting it, but it was still there. “Well, starting at the beginning works.”Tony grinned utterly pleased with the book as he worked, muttering to himself about how it worked and how it was like tech as he worked, it was amusing to listen to a tech genius trying to translate magic into tech.

“Yea.I am.”Phil said, sounding more stable then he had in awhile, sitting up slowly as he frowned, looking at the origami, frowning at it. “You are not fine, Barton.”He scowled, because he only used clint’s last name when he knew the other was lying to him, and was annoyed with it. “You didn’t do all these in the.....”He glanced at a clock. “12 hours I was asleep. You’ve been doing them longer. And where’s my wood?”He asked, fingers twitching. Because with clint upset, he was upset, and wanted to make his mate something.
she smiled at him. "i know. it's okay. Tony gets like this too. and Clint." she admitted. "they're Bruce's favorites." she admitted with a smile. "he'd take you down, if you asked." she admitted to James. she could take him down too of course but she always felt bad hitting him when he'd suffered so much already. for her, being hit was a punishment, not a release so it was hard for her to relate. not that she wouldn't do it anyway because she was a bit of a sadist, she just had to work harder to get herself, and James into the right head space. Bruce wouldn't, and didn't, have that problem. Bruce was busy though so Natasha just took James to bed and let him decide f they where going to have sex or not.

"You where dead Phil." Clint pointed out. "i was sad. origami always makes me feel better so i'd think about you and do origami." which was a lie or the tower would be overrun. or at least his room would be. even if the others forced him to clean up, there would still be a lot more. "it's down below. we weren't sure what size or color so Tony brought a whole pallet up for you to pick what you wanted." Clint admitted, grabbing the swinging rope underneath and slid down, glad for the subject change.
“Oh. okay....I’ll think on it.”James muttered frowning as he followed after her. And while he wanted sex, he was still sorting his head out after hydra, so settled for simply cuddling in close to her for the moment.

“....”Phil stared at the other, not pressing even if he could read the lie. Wondering if clint really expected him to believe that, or if it was simply a request for privacy. Wondering if he should press or not, he let it go for the moment before nodding. “Okay.”he said watching the other for a long moment before following the other down, sorting through the wood with the picky annoyance of a man who’d once made a agent redo two weeks worth of paperwork simply because the writing was ineligible. Choosing the dark hard wood, he looked at the piece of rose wood, before settling in to start carving. “ want to talk about it?”He asked after a long moment.
Clint refused to look at Phil because he knew if he did he was going to start crying all over again. he wanted this to be a secret for as long as possible. it wasn't as if telling anyone was going to change anything after all. he had to smile as he watched Phil being oh so picky. "not just yet. maybe later." which meant Clint didn't want to talk about it at all but knew Phil would find out eventually. it was a secret, but not something that could stay hidden for long. "i've retired from shield." Clint admitted. no one had batted an eye, figuring it was because he wanted to be closer to the Avengers and away from memories of Phil. only Phil would sense the unease, though he'd have to come to his own conclusions as to why, since Clint wasn't giving any real hints as he played with an arrow, watching Phil carve was rather soothing.
Phil studied the other for a long moment before nodding. “Okay then.”Phil said accepting that because he knew the code, knew that eventually he’d be told, if only because clint couldn’t hide it any longer. Settling in to start carvig, he frowned slightly, sensing the unease, and wanting to know, his upset and uneasy mate making him fidgety, but he could wait. He would wait to be told. “Not surprising. Shield isn’t shield, not really anymore.”Phil said shuddering away from that thought. “I’m actually surprised you guys didn’t close ranks sooner, really.”He knew it was more then that, but accepting it for now.
Clint shrugged. "i wasn't sure i could do the missions anymore." he admitted, which could mean that he didn't feel physically capable, emotionally capable, emotionally ready to do the things they might ask him to do or simply unable to stomach the missions. it didn't tell Phil much. "we closed ranks after you died." Clint admitted, fingers working on some more paper. crafting a dragon this time. the more complicated the figure the more anxious or upset he was so this conversation was really bothering him. he was glad when Bruce and Loki knocked before entering. "morning you two. feeling okay?" Bruce asked, only to pause when Loki flung an arm out, stopping Bruce from entering. "don't enter the nest... Phil will likely get very territorial." Loki warned, watching Phil carve.
"...what's wrong?"he frowned looking aorried, carving forgotten and getting ready to abandon the idea of letting clint come to him in his own time, instead starting to press and find out. Letting it go when he saw the dragon starting he shook his head."fine. Later."he muttered before looking up when bruce and loki came in, tensing a little but relaxing when he realized they were friends, it was okay. He didn't need to hurt them even if he wanted to. He was in control dammit! "We slept fine....did you find out what you needed to do?"
Clint shook his head and the Dragon took form and he started up on something else. he as using three pieces of paper now, letting Phil know he was almost close to the line where Clit would just leave and shut down and shut everyone out for a while. Loki relaxed once Phil relaxed but still refused to let Bruce into the room, there was no need to stress Phil more than he already was. "yes. it was harder than anticipated because i know ridiculously little about how the human body.. well, any body actually works." Loki admitted. "Bruce has assured me that Skye is a match and can donate blood for you. we're not sure how much it will take." Loki admitted, Bruce nodding. "we're going to do small increments. four ounces at a time, which will help your body adjust as well." Bruce admitted. "Loki will be monitoring you closely while the procedure is going so he can report any changes to your genetic structure or mental health." "no, i cannot read your mind. all i will be able to see is the Dominant and psychotic thought spikes." Loki Promised. "i know i make you very uncomfortable and i am sorry, but Bruce and i could think of no other way to monitor if the process was working or not." Loki admitted.
Phil frowned looking annoyed a little, worried even more now as he considered clint."well, from trying to teach thor something, we're well aware of how limited asgard teaching can be."phil said frowning slightly. Relaxing a little as they didn't try coming in further."okay...that's good to know."he said, reassured that it would be a person he trusted to donate blood." won't leave him alone with me right?"phil frowned. Cause they might trust him, but it still weirded him out some. Relaxing at loki's promise he nodded."good to know."he muttered looking upset and uncomfortable but there was nothing they could do."fine....if that's the only thing."
Clint snorted a little and shook his head a little. "yeah, Thor's really kind of dull. not that it's his fault. Odin wasn't too keen on Thor being too curious." he admitted. "Odin is one fucked up mother fucker." he admitted. "I will not be left alone with you ever." Loki assured Phil. "not just for your comfort either. the psychotic and the dominant in your system both find me to be a major threat. not just because of past interactions but also because the Kree and the Jötnar are natural enemies." he admitted. "until you get full control of yourself, us being together alone could be very dangerous. one of us might attack each other, especially when we're so tense around each other." he admitted. "Skye will remain with you at all times, another Inhuman will help you feel more calm an Bruce will stay as well in case we do end up flinging ourselves at each other." Loki admitted. "Clint of course is welcome too if he wants." "I'll be there." Clint promised. "So you'll take blood from Phil and then replace it with Skye's?" "yes. that's the idea." Bruce admitted. "first we'll filter phil's blood to pull out all of the Kree platelets and blood cells and let his human cells and platelets go back in. we already have a filter to allow that. once that is done, we will filter Skye's blood as well and place her Kree blood cells and platelets into Phil." Bruce explained, Loki nodding. "her blood is purely Dominant which will help Phil fight out the unnatural psychotic blood circling his system fighting for control over his natural Dominant blood." Loki admitted. "we can't be sure how much he will need but Bruce has that handled." "we'll start with four ounces and see what happens. we don't want to do too much at once because his body could go into shock. Bruce explained.
"Good."phil said relaxing, pleased that they only thing that kept him from attacking the other, would be his admittedly slippery self control."between them, and the others being a jarvis call away, I feel better knowing that."phil said eyeing loki."I might not like you, but that doesn't mean I want to kill you either."he said shrugging a little.frowning as he considered what he was being told. Mostly able to follow it before nodding slowly, rubbing a hand over his face."so, are we starting now, or did you need more time to prepare?"he asked not even noticing he'd started carving again while talking.
Loki nodded. "if you do end up attacking me, i promise i won't take it personally." he promised, a bit amused. "as stubborn as you are i don't think we actually have to worry about it." he pointed out. "and even if you do attack me there's not much you'd be able to do to actually hurt me. i'm much more concerned about forgetting myself." he admitted. "you being able to kill me is about... impossible. me being able to kill you... er, again..." Loki shook his head and stopped talking. "We'll start once your ready." Loki agreed. "finish your work first and then come down." he suggested. "carving will help you calm down and keep the psychotic blood in your system from overreacting to the removal, and introduction of new blood." Loki admitted. "you finish that and snuggle with your mate unti you feel calm and then come on down." he suggested.
Okay. I can see that."phil frowned a little before snorting, looking vaguely amused."it seems I'm not nearly as easy to kill as some thought. We'll just be careful."phil said smiling a little before nodding.okay. I like that. I need to finish this for clint."he hummed before settling in to focus on what he was doing, though he did shift over to snuggle clint as he worked.
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