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Defiance (Marvel) Lady/Fox

Loki smiled sheepishly. "i don't know how to cook..." he admitted. "i just order out every night." he admitted before chuckling. "I like listening to you talk, but there's nothing i can do about the sleeping thing, that seams to be Captains call." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before shrugging. "i was a monster to them Tony. and a convenient excuse, a person to take the blame and i wasn't protected by my so called father. of course people took advantage." he admitted. "i didn't die, i didn't break and i didn't give in. i won, they lost and that is all there is to it." Loki admitted with a shrug. so used to everything being 'him against them' that he had no idea how wrong it was. he also had no idea that everyone in the room felt bad as fuck for winning and having him sent back to Asgard. so what if he had been about to subjugate the entire human race. he would have gotten bored in a week, tops.

he smiled a little. "...shit. i told you that." he grimaced a little. "i know. but I'm used to being hated. and Phil... he might have been the reason why i was... but he tried, so hard. he really liked me and he did his best to give me a second chance. to make my worth to the team. i just can't break his trust when he still gave his trust to me even after i nearly killed Fitzsimmons, you know? i just, can't bring myself to break what little trust he might still have in me." he admitted with a sigh. "pretty sad huh?"
"See steve!it's not just me who orders out all the time."he huffed having been scolded for only eating take out all the time instead of home cooked meals. Not that hed ever noticed the sheer expense of eating out for nearly every meal."captains call?damn. He'll never let that go."he huffed a little. Before wincing shaking his head."that's still horrible loki." "Do you need me to go to asgard?I'm fairly certain I could come up with a way to hurt them."james offered, only half kidding.

"Yes yes you did."she said looking amused before wincing a little."like you said, he might not have known it all. Even if he did sign off on it....and from what I've heard, he is a good man."she smiled slightly "I know. It makes s sense. And only sad because your going to get your ass kicked before you have a chance to explain. When they find out. Because you kno2, his teams looking for you. Eventually they're going to track you here."she said sighing quietly
Steve rolled his eyes and pointed at Loki. "your eating here from now on. Tony can afford to keep you fed and i'll know that your getting a balanced diet." he stated simply before smirking at Tony. "yeah. i won't ever let you live this one down." he admitted before studying James. Loki just shook his head. "no. for one thing you wouldn't be able to get there. for another i'd just get in trouble for letting you go there." he admitted. "i'm over it. they aren't worth the fuss." he admitted with a shrug. "thank you for the offer though, that was very sweet of you." Loki admitted with a smile before he checked his watch, still in that weird place. "i have to get going. Jewel is going to be pissed." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled at Tony. "i offered to let you meet her last night didn't i?" he asked Loki. "do you want to meet her?" h asked before pausing hen alarms started going off. Friday warning Tony that a hacker was getting in through their defenses.

"yeah i really don't think he knew." he admitted before shrugging. "i'm sure they'll be sorry after they beat the shit out of me." he admitted with a smile. "especially if i run away for a week." he admitted with a chuckle. "because i really don't want to be here while Melinda, Fitzsimmons and Skye are." he admitted, blinking a little when Alarms started blaring. "...are we being attacked?"
"You are such a mother hen, captain."tony teased rolling his eyes a little before sighing. He hated considering that was what loki had dealt with. "Okay then... it's fine then."james said tilting his head."your welcome."he said smiling a little before tensing, looking anxious as he looked around."bw hat?friday, what's going on?"tony said already bolting for his lab so he could work.

"They might. At least steve will."Lexi snickered before tensing frowning as she got up."I don't know.but we better go find out."she said getting up tense and edgy, waiting for him, definitely acting like his bodyguard, looking after him.
"i am, and proud of it." Steve admitted with a shrug as Loki blinked at the sudden, loud noises. "Sir, a person has slipped through my defenses and is using our systems to locate information on Grant ward, as well as using us as a slingshot to network locations that Hydra has been gathering in." Friday replied. "the person is using us as a power boost." Friday responded, Grant shaking his head. "It's Skye. she's from my old team. she, ah... i thought i liked her so we kissed and she, kind of took it personal." he admitted to Tony. "they must have caught wind of my activities. let her search, it doesn't actually matter if she knows where i am. if she knows i'm here she'll assume the Avengers captured me and are punishing or questioning me and will leave you to it." he admitted. "i don't know if you have the skills to stop her anyway, she's the queen of hacking." he admitted, gently taking Lei's hand. "it's okay. we're safe here. you know the Avengers won't let anything happen to you." misreading what she was worried and upset about.
“What?Stop-”Tony said already starting to use the hologram keyboard Friday projected in front of him before pausing, looking at grant. Frowning slightly. Nodding slowly. “Okay. Though if she starts going through the rest of my stuff, I’m going to lock her up and restrict her internet resources.”He said looking annoyed, he was the king of the hackers! He was not a happy camper. Glaring annoyed as he watched the intel as he focused on extremis, letting it play through, and sorting through what he was ‘seeing’ and wondering if he could play a prank on skye without getting in trouble. “I was more worried about you, then me you know.”Lexi frowned looking at him, hovering close.
Grant chuckled a little. "by all means, feel free to kick her perky ass if you want to. she could use a good dose of humility." he admitted with a grin. "i won't blame you one bit, i just thought you should know she's one of the good guys." he admitted before smiling a little at Lexi. "i'm fine. i think." he admitted, looking up when Steve walked in. "Tony! hope you don't mind, i invited Loki to stay here at the tower with us and me and James are going to go help him pack up his things good luck with the hacker!" Steve called, knowing better than to excessively bother Tony in this kind of situation.
"I will kick her ass. And we're going after hydra soon. As soon as I take care of this."by ony said sounding unfocused, or more likely fo,using on something only he could see. "That's fine."he saidwaving the captain off. "Let's go then. It seems he's got a handle on this. We'll get loki settled then finishing finish planning g our raid."james said looking utterly pleased with the idea as they left.
Grant chuckled a little. "have fun Tony." he said with a grin. "i'll get the packs ready." he agreed. well aware that this raid was a bit personal for Tony. the Ten Rings was a big target and even bigger with Hydra being involved in it. they where going to have to be careful to keep Tony from racing off half cocked and keep him focused and calm. "i like the sound of that." Steve admitted. "someone has to keep an eye on Grant and Tony." Steve admitted with a chuckle. he wasn't so happy an hour later when they finally returned. Loki was laughing and ten bucks was that James was as well. Steve was looking very sour because he had scratches all up his arms and what looked like vomit on his shirt. "the hell happened to you?" Grant wondered at Steve who sneered. "Jewel happened." he huffed, which only made Loki laugh even harder.
James snickered to himslef, trying go stifle the laughter that threatened even as he walked into the room. Grinning because this steve wasawesome. It'd been awhile since he'd seen grumpy steve. Tony was happy and excited as he walked into the room, looking ready to celebrate before pausing at the sight of the three. Gla ring at loki a little."what did you do to him?"
Loki just laughed at Tony's accusation. "it was his own fault! i told him Jewel was sensitive and proud and he still insulted her!" "i just said she was a cute little creature!" "she's smarter than YOU are Rogers, of course she'd be insulted about being called a creature!" "well i didn't know that! she didn't have to barf on me!" Steve whined. "ah, no that's because you tried to feed her dairy. she's lactose intolerant." "well why didn't you tell me!?" "because i didn't know you where doing it!" Loki said right back, still laughing even as he set a bag of cherries on the table and settled something about the size of a kitten and super fluffy next to it. the creature cooed and dove head first into the bag of cherries and came out clutching one in hand like paws. "Tony, meet Jewel."
"I'm sure whatever it is, you could have told him."Tony said sounding protective and upset as he considered loki and james."no, not really. It's totally steve's fault."james snickered a little as tony yelped at the sudden appearance eyes wide."you have a unicorn dragon creature?whatever is it?"he asked sounding curious. "Don't call the girl a creature tony."Lexi said though she sounded close to laughing herself. Watching them just amused her. She was fairly certain tony was going to be freaking out about the animal being in his near facinity soon enough.
Loki shook his head. "i wasn't even in the room." he admitted. "i didn't think Rogers would need to be babysat like a child. i mean really, i told him not to bother Jewel and he does it anyway." Steve flushed a little because, well, it was true. Jewel wheeled about and hissed at him, spreading wings and looking astonishingly menacing for a creature barely bigger than Loki's hand though the being turned and purred at Lexi, clearly very happy with her and she picked up a cherry and more floated than flew over to Lexi and deposited the cherry into her palm with a coo. "she's a Silk Unicat." Loki explained with a smile. "only one in twenty females are born with wings so she's a very special girl indeed. if she where living in the wild, she'd have a harem of twenty or more males and a group of ten to fifteen or so subordinate females. an Alpha Queen of her kind as it where." he admitted. "she was wounded as a baby though, and hand reared and can't survive in the wild despite her remarkable intelligence she lacks the proper socialization of her kind. it would be like if you moved to London and tried to get into the house of Lords without even knowing what a house of lords was." he admitted, smiling at Jewel. "so she stays with me and helps me with things. she's deviously intelligent and her point of view often helps me when i'm stuck with a magic making." she was puffed up too, looking all kinds of self important. "she's also extremely vain." Loki admitted with a grin, ignoring the way she scowled at him for that. "and a bit of a glutton." she shrieked at him, the tip of her tail twitching. clearly very annoyed with her chosen partner in life though she didn't fling herself at him the way she had done to Steve. probobly because she actually liked Loki.
"You have to remember that despite being nearly 100, both boys are still children." "Hey!" "Admit it. It's true. One of you was going to be the one who insulted her."tony said snickering a little at james protests, even as he sulked because it was true."oh thank you pretty girl."Lexi said smiling delighted with the cat, amused that she had been chosen as she ate the cherry smirking a little at the others."that's not fair. I want one."james sulked a little as he looked at the two."a unicat.....I think I need a book of animals and things from the other world's just to read."tony said looking fascinated with the idea of learning everything about the world's and the creatures inhabiting them, "well, I'm sure you'd be lost without her."tony said looking amused at the cats reaction to lokis words
Steve shrugged because, well, it was true. Jewel cooed at Lexi and purred, nuzzling her thumb happily. "i'm afraid they are a protected species. their numbers have vastly dwindled due to the oafish idiocy of people like Thor and his ilk." Loki admitted. "Unicats are said to have extraordinary magical properties, which is true. but only if given willingly and idiots like that don't understand. they where hunted for sport and profit to near extinction. the Vanir had to step in and they where declared a protected species and harshly punish any who harm them now. the only time one is allowed to be taken out of the wild is in cases like Jewels, where leaving her there would have left her for dead. i had to go to Vanir with her and plead my case and prove i would be a competent caretaker." Loki admitted. "there are other beings i could get for you however. Thumb dragons are a vastly popular pet amidst asgardian children and Toffims are great for those suffering mental ailments, depression or trauma." Loki admitted. "i wouldn't even need to lave earth to get some of the more popular pet like creatures." Loki admitted with a smile. "i have a few books you are more than welcome to borrow. ruin them or soil them and i will turn you into a rabbit. or mishaps a bug. Jewel loves to hunt bugs." Loki admitted. "well, if we're being honest, yes i would be." Loki admitted, smiling at Jewel who cooed happily and floated over to the cherries and started to, well, be a glutton.
Lexi grinned happily as she was nuzzled, gently stroking the small cat’s head before growling protectively. “It seems it isn’t just a human thing, to destroy nature and what should be loved and protected. Idiots.”She said shaking her head a little. “Well, then we’ll just visit with this cute girl.”James grinned smiling at jewel, before looking at loki interested. “...Thumb dragons sound interesting. That could be helpful with missions.”He said thoughtfully. “You like me to much to turn me into a rabbit. But yes, I’ll be careful.”Tony said snickering a little before smiling as he watched the two, before looking at james. “You ready to plan?” “Already finished the idea. And plan, we’ll be going soon enough. As soon as you guys are ready.”James promised trying not to look to worried about letting tony go with them.
the cat purred at her and Loki smiled. "no. arrogance of such a sort is simply a trait of any species that thinks itself above the law of the land." "so in other words an species that's intelligent." "of course not. after all, Jewel is intelligent. monkeys are intelligent and even ravens. sentience is not abut intelligence or even sense of self. Dolphin, are sentient after all even if humans do not think so. no, it is the beings who overt nature really. those who build and write and destroy to make homes. in truth? beings like humans and Asgardians are little more than parasites." he admitted. "granted, not all of the species is without their redeeming qualities." he admitted, smiling at the Avengers before chuckling a little at Jewel who chirped and chattered and and wound her way into his hair. "please, all of you be careful." Loki ordered, worried but he wasn't allowed to directly interfere in human lives. he could help the Avengers, but he could not interfere in matters that would affect more than them. thus, he couldn't help when Hydra was involved, or others because it would affect the course of the fate of this world.
“Ah. That sorta makes sense...I mean...higher thinking. Beyond simple needs, those who’ve evolved into something....more.”Lexi frowned thinking about it. Before smiling slightly. That was just amusing. “I’ve very redeeming.”Tony grinned a little, looking amused though he knew it was a serious conversation, smiling quietly as he watched jewel, before sighing softly. Nodding. “We’ll be very careful.”He said already heading out to get the suit. “We’ll look after him. Wont let him get to out of control.”James said squeezing Loki’s arm as he followed tony out to gather his own things. Soon enough they were all ready to leave, the silence before the storm holding james in it’s jaws, locking him down to being nearly just the winter soldier, cold and locked up, struggling to not slide back into the way he normally did things, alone. Struggling to focus on the team he had now, as they headed out.
Loki snorted. "and what, in the nine realms, makes you think that your evolved?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "you species isn't even close to it's final evolutionary stage." he admitted with a shake of his head. "don't worry, all of th rest of the nine realms went through it. you'll either kill yourselves off the way the beings before you did or you'll advance." "uh, beings before us?" Steve asked, looking a little stunned. Loki just smiled and Steve resisted the urge to shudder. "thank you." Loki said, smiling at James. Loki nearly went with them anyway when he saw James expression but he forced himself to not interfere and went to set up the room he had been given instead.

Grant watched as they landed, carefully looking for any sign of his tam. not there. good. he had considered calling in his people but decided they could use a vacation. "are we ready?" he asked, adjusting his body armor underneath his outfit watching Tony. "Tony. look at me." he ordered. "do not go off half cocked. there could very well be bombs or traps in there and Loki will slaughter me if i let you get hurt." he stated simply. "you are with me or James at all times... or Steve." he said. "i'm sure i don't have to remind you how dangerous these people are."
“....well. I don’t know. It seems like the right answer that the scientists give.”Tony said frowning a little before shaking his head a little. “Well then. That’s good to know.”Tony snickered amused at the stunned look on steve’s face. “You’re welcome.”James said smiling a little.

“Yes we are.”James said getting up, and moving to get out of the plane, looking around as he scouted the area, letting lexi stand guard to grant. “Hm?”Tony turned his head, looking at the man, even if the mask left his face unreadable, just his stance said he was unhappy about being ordered around but nodding. “Yes I’ll stay with you guys.”He promised as he started for the building with james, jarvis already starting to scan teh building, tracking people. Looking for traps, flinching as he recognizsed some of the ten rings from jarvis feed of video.
Grant smiled at Tony. "thanks Tony." Grant said with a smile before following after Tony and James, Steve setting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "it's okay Tony." Steve said, Grant nodding. "we'll let you take the lead once we're inside but don't go haring off. this is more important for you than it is for us." he admitted. "this is a step towards your recovery, facing the ones who hurt you, making yourself stronger than them." Steve nodded. "and if you can't, or don't want to, let us know and we'll deal with it for you. we're here to help you." Steve promised, smiling at Tony, indicating the door. "let's get going shall we?" he asked, unaware of the intense, horrific secrete they where going to find inside, and unaware of the Shield team not even ten minutes behind them.
"It is...but you guys have reasons to go after them to....we'll go together."tony said swallowing hard as they started into the base, grinning behind the mask as he dealt with the garda waiting for them, though he did take great pleasure in watching james going full on winter soldier on the idiots. Pausing st the end of the hall, he frowned, tilting his head."guys we have company. Someone just landed."
Grant and Steve nodded, smiling at Tony and walked in with them. Grant let the more adept people handle the guards. he was just there to help any victims that might be there. Grant sighed a little and shook his head. "it's my old team." he admitted. "they're hunting Hydra too." he admitted before shrugging. "they wont shoot me if one of you is nearby... well, they might shoot me if i'm with James, they probobly don't know he's a good guy yet." he admitted before tilting his head. "lets clear this place out, they won't get in the way and they might even help." he admitted, leading the way down a hallways to clear out Hydra and the ten rings. they converged with Phil and the Bus and someone else. someone that made Grant go pale and Phil freeze. Grant's elder sister, Christine. "Oh, hello Grant." she said, smiling sweetly at him. "you, you're... what are you doing?!" Grant cried out, horrified at the sight of six people, laying dead on gurneys. two where still alive, one of who was nearly comatose with pain and foaming at the mouth, his chest open and his heart missing, only alive still because of a false heart pumping the blood in place of the heart. the other, a woman, hadn't been touched yet but she was terrified and strapped down so securly she couldn't even cry properly.

"Why, i'm advancing humanity of course." Christina admitted. "ust like Mommy and Daddy always wanted." Grant looked sick. "You can't, this is sick Christine!" Grant protested, moving over to the woman, only to pause when Christine pulled a gun. Grant flung his hand out, indicating for James, Lexi, Steve and James to not get involved. "are you going to shoot me Christine?" he asked, the woman hesitating. "no. of curse not. now if you where Christian i'd shoot you in a heartbeat." she admitted, Grant shrugging. "he's dead anyway." Grant admitted. "i know he hurt you too." "not nearly as much as Mommy and Daddy did." she admitted. "they beat me with a fire poker once you know. i still have the scars." Skye sucked in a harsh gasp, surprised. she had always assumed Grant had been lying about his parents. "i know. me and Tommy sat up with you, tending to your wounds." Grant reminded her. "yeah... you know, we where all born with a purpose. Christian was the one who would be the politician and i was the one who would be the smart one and Tommy was the one born to be loved and follow them into Shield." she admitted, staring at Grant. "you where born to be a martyr. it wasn't Tommy who was supposed to end up in the well you know." Skye sucked in another breath, shocked. she had assumed that was a lie as well.

"i know. Christian was beaten nearly to death for that. it was the first time Mother ever looked at me with anything but disgust. i was supposed to die, to launch them into even higher standing. a family grieving over the loss of a son." he shrugged. "that doesn't excuse what your doing here." "why on earth would i follow those monsters into Shield? when Hydra is so much more advanced." she asked, Grant shaking his head as he pulled out his own gun. Christine paused, hesitating. "are you going to kill me Grant?" she asked, smiling sweetly. "the way you tortured me as a child? the way you hurt me, cut me, beat me with a fire poker once mother and father got done with you themselves? the way you took out even the slightest hint of frustration out on me? no, i won't kill you, but i will shoot you." Grant admitted, pulling the trigger three times. the Icer flaring blue with each pull, dropping her. Grant was pale and shaken and he stared at her in silence, ignoring the Avengers and Phil's team as he moved over to the woman and carefully set her free. she immediately burst into tears and clung to him terrified. she had probobly been listening to the screams of the other seven victims for days. she was nearly mad with terror.
Tony tensed frowning behind the mask, not liking the idea of working with shield. Not anymore, not when he knew there was so many that were still hydra. “We’ll finish here then.”He decided. “..I’ll stay with you.”Lexi muttered sticking close to grant, worried about what they were going to find, and even jaems and lexi went pale as they looked at the gurneys. That was....something even a black widow and winter soldier weren’t equipped to handle well.

Phil looked sick as he watched them, tense and ready to stop them if they started firing at each other, but for the moment letting the siblings talk. Taking care of christine when she collapsed, the shield head watched the team, that hadn’t truly realized he was there yet. Moving christine into the bus, wondering if he could keep melinda or skye from killing grant, or just how things were going to go. "grant?"Lexi muttered moving over towards the man, looking at him worriedly.
"it'll be fine." Grant promised with a smile. "they're good people, just naive." he admitted before swallowing thickly as he dropped his sister and settled in helping the woman calm down a little. "Lex? would you get a blanket? she's freezing." and she was naked and he was distinctly uncomfortable holding her while she was nude.

"Phil.... i thought the Well was a lie." Skye said, watching him. "i thought he made that up." she said before pausing, startled when she saw the inhabitants of the bus tied up. "What the He..." Skye froze when she turned and came face to face with an Arrow head. "Good morning. Skye, was it? we're here to politely ask you to leave Grant Ward Al..." Clint froze, blinked and then looked at Natasha. "hey Nat? i think you need to check my bloodstream. i think I've been drugged." he admitted, looking at Phil again, staring at him. "i am definitely high off my ass."
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