Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Andrew takes the pen and paper before dropping them on his lap, looking over at her before speaking. "Hi." He says, biting the inside of his cheek as he is unsure of what else to say other than the next word that comes out. "Sorry.."


He continues to plead in French, the man by his side seems in really bad shape, blood dripping from wounds on his side and the side of his neck, his face pale, if he doesn't get treatment soon he will surely die.

Dakota shows up with another woman who steps forward, listening and translating in English his words. After a minute Dakota steps forward, asking her to translate her words to the UN man.

"We will take your comrade in, but we do not understand why you expect us to have better medical treatment here than with your army."

She nods to two men who step forward and grab the bleeding men, shuffling him off quickly. As for the man who was stained with blood, the guns remain pointed at him.

"We can't trust you," Dakota stated, listening to the woman beside her translate, "I am going to step forward and handcuff you now, and bring you in for questioning. Cooperate, and you may see your comrade sooner, rather than later."


Iris' head turned back towards him slightly, swearing she was hallucinating now. But she saw him say sorry, and a relieved smile stretched her lips.

"Oh thank god," she sighed, standing up, "I'll get a nurse. Everyone's going to be happy to know your talking again."

She rushed out, grabbing a nurse and rushing back in. While the woman checked him over, Iris sunk back into her chair, watching.

"Guess that pad of paper was useless to grab," she joked, trying to break the silence.

He is still on his knees, offering his hands to be cuffed as she approaches him, he looks scared.. And too young, about a Junior in high school, he's not a man yet but yet he wears the symbols of a collective, the military of his nation.


His smile grows, the world around him becoming clearer. "I guess." He says, now the words begin to flow freely again, his mind opening up and realizing that he is no longer in that prison. "I can't wait to see everyone again.." He says quietly, watching her as he speaks.

"We were all in here last night Andy. Dakota's worried sick about you, she'll be so relieved."

The nurse finished up and was heading away when Iris stopped her, "Is he good than, can he leave?"

"I need a doctor to release him."

"Please get one. His sister will want to see him, Dakota Miller."

The nurse's eyes widened a bit and she nodded hurrying out. Obviously Andrew wouldn't understand why Dakota's name held any weight so Iris explained, "You're sister's a certified badass now. She's running the rebels here, and she'd doing a hell of a job. We have an apartment now, with her, and safety Andrew. When they release you, I can walk you home. Dakota should be there, with Vanessa."


Dakota cuffed him, then pulled him to his feet, handing him over to Fernandez.

"Don't lock him up with Blake, that asshole can stay alone. The cell beside him will work, until we can question this kid and his buddy. And feed him, he looks like he's been walking for hours."

"And Blake ma'am?"

"Nah, let the bastard starve a little longer. I want answers before that asshole gets a morsel. I got to finish my report with Mavis then I'll be over to interrogate."

They went their separate ways, and Dakota did as she said she would, then swung by her apartment building, knocking on Collin's door.

Andrew smiles, feeling that the group really cares for his well being. "I can't wait to get out of this bed." He admits after listening to the nurse go on about his sister in the camp.


He is locked away, he felt like it would happen but it feels defeating.. Demeaning, like he is less than the people around here, insignificant.. Weak, he sits in the corner of the cell, his legs tucked into his chest and his forehead rested on his kneecaps.

She smiles, "I bet."

Just then a doctor walked in, and shooed her out, needing to test him. They were simple tests, if he could stand, walk, remain balanced, speak normally, etc. When he was done he released him and Iris was permitted back in, looping her arm under his to help keep him steady.

"Would you like a tour around first to stretch your legs, or do you want to go find your sister?"

A British man is in the cell beside his, the man asks him a bunch of questions including why he was here and all of that.

He speaks in a heavily accented voice. "I.. Did not like the Army, I left." He says, only speaking basic English, he picks up bits and pieces as he goes along.

The British man proceeds to call him a coward and a bunch of other words that he cannot understand, so he just covers his ears in hope that the man will stop.


"I wanna go home with Iris." He says to the doctor before walking out, seeking out the raven haired girl before speaking to her. "Can you take me to our home?" He asks, trusting her dearly, knowing that Dakota is probably really busy with Rebel stuff, and she would be surprised later on to see him, he knows she hates surprises.. Ah, sibling love.


Collin softly kisses Nicky before getting out of bed, grabbing a t-shirt and shorts to put on. He answers the door, a grin plastered to his face as he sees Dakota. "Anything you particularly need?" He asks her, wishing to return to bed with his girlfriend.

Dakota nods, "Hey Collin. Actually it was something I could offer you. I'm going down to interrogate that scum we call Blake. Wanted to know if you cared to join? I could use someone in there with me, and...well, I think you and him have some unsettled business."


Iris nods, leading him across the way to their apartment, pointing out the other two main buildings as she does so. When they get up to their floor she's surprised to find Collin and Dakota chatting, but it seems Dakota is even more surprised.

"Andy!" she grins ear-to-ear, dropping her conversation to envelope him in a hug, "You're okay! Thank god."

He grins when he sees Dakota, returning the hug and holding her tightly. "It's great to see you again." He says to her before pulling away, a smile still stuck to his face.


Nothing seems to be able to dent Collin's good mood. He waits for the brotherly sisterly makeup time to be over before giving a hug to Andrew, as a friend. He pulls away before nodding to Dakota. "We can go pay him a visit." He says to her while leaning against the wall.

"I never left," she smiled, touching his face before moving aside for Collin, Andrew's best friend.

At Collin's words, Dakota remembered she was on a timed schedule, "Andy, I got this one thing to do with Collin, then I'll come home. Vanessa's inside, and let Iris take care of you, okay? I'll be back soon."

Saying goodbye, she watched Iris help Andrew to their apartment before turning to Collin.

"Need to tell Willow you'll be right back? Oh, and you forgot to close your apartment door."

He laughs. "Actually, it's Nicki, but yeah I need to go tell her." He says before slipping inside, closing the door and walking into his room.

"Baby, I've gotta work for a bit." He says before kissing her forehead. "I'll be back in an hour or so, alright?" He asks her quietly before leaving again, closing the door behind him as he exits the apartment.

"Alright, let's go." He says to her, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Nodding, they head out and over to headquarters, where the basement has been made into holding cells. For now, she ignores the young UN soldier, needing a translator for him anyways. But the cell to his right holds her attention, and she knows Collin is eager to get inside.

"Hello Blake," she spits, dangling keys from her hand, "We want to...talk."

Collin grabs the keys from her hand, unlocking the cell and stepping inside before slamming his booted foot directly into Blake's face.

He then leans down, punching him straight in the nose. "We fucking trusted you." He says lowly. "And at the end of the day you still thought we wouldn't come back." He says before punching him in the same place, a small snap is heard as Blake's nose breaks.

Blake cries out and falls on to the ground, clenching his eyes shut as the beatings occur.

The French boy watches the torture, he starts to feel like the same thing will happen to him.

While Collin gives out a harsh but well deserved beating, Dakota looks over at the scared boy. Of course, she had to choose Italian out of all languages to learn. She really should have listened to her mother and learned more than one. She felt sorry about how terrifying it must sound, to hear torture and not know if you are next. Even if he was UN, he looked like a teen, and he was obviously terrified. And if he had come to the rebels with good intentions, then this would be scaring the shit out of him.

"Kid," she nodded at him, kneeling down near the bars so she was on his level shaking her head and pointing at herself then him, "We won't hurt you."

He watches her face from behind the bars, having not fully seen her face he notices thst she is quite pretty, something he really isn't expecting. Something in her voice puts him a little on edge.

"How do I know?" He whispers in broken English.

She hides a grin when Blake cries out; she really hated the man. Instead she looks calm and approachable, trying not to freak him out. Pulling out a radio, she calls for the translator, wanting to get through the interview with the kid earlier than later.

"Collin," she calls, turning off her radio, "Wrap up. You have five minutes before the translator is here."

She doesn't need to interrogate him today, knowing the beating is enough. He could rot in here till she needed information, and Collin's beating would serve as reminder not to push her. Instead she wanted to focus on the two new UN soldiers to grace her presence, curious as to why they chose to come to the rebels over their own forces.

"Three minutes," she counted down, waiting patiently.

Collin steps out of the cell, closing it and locking it after a few minutes, leaving an unconscious crumpled form inside, he looks at her before laughing. "You have fun here, I'm gonna go back to Nicki." He says to her before walking out, going to the apartment where he throws his shirt off and slips into bed with her again, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head against hers. "Told you I'd be back.." He says quietly.

Dakota gets back the keys and unlocks the other cell, stepping in and pulling the boy to his feet, forcing him out. She leds him out of the holding cells to a separate small room -once a office, now a interrogation room- and sits him down. For a minute she leaves, making sure the door locks behind her. When she returns she has the translator at her side, and in her hands a glass of water, and a plate holding a fresh sandwich and a bag of chips. Closing the door, she places them down on the table and uncuffs the soldier, watching him carefully.

"Tell him the food and water is for him please, he must be famished."

The translator nods, sitting down next to him and begins translating, making their conversation much easier.

He skeptically begins to drink the water, eating the sandwich before pushing the plate away from himself, he watches them for a moment before speaking.

"Que veux-tu savoir?" He asks.

He says something in French before looking to the translator to interpret.

The translator speaks to Dakota. "He said his name is Felix, he's seventeen, and his friend is named Gabril, and he is thirty two."

Dakota nods, "Okay Felix, can you tell me how you got into the military so young? But more importantly, we need to know how you found us."

It had been bugging her for a bit now; they had thought they were well hidden, and the UN had never gotten close to them before. So how did this kid find them?

He starts speaking again, moving his hands a little as he does so, the translator looks slightly disturbed at his words.

"He says he's a conscript, which is like a forced military entrance because the United Nations, without the United States did not have enough people to serve, so they did a draft and took every able bodied person they could." The translator says. "He then says its a stroke of luck that he found us."

Dakota looked disgusted but pressed on, "I'm sorry to hear that Felix. I do hope it was luck, because if you brought forces with you, none of this will end well. Now my next question is what you are wanting to do? If you are hoping to return to the UN, I won't be allowing that."

He shakes his head as the translator speaks to him, he quickly says something before the translator turns to Dakota.

"He says he deserted, the man he is with was wounded by UN forces."
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