Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Why would UN forces attack their own soldiers?"

The translator again speaks for Felix. "They wanted to make an example out of them, as they were deserting their army."

Dakota nodded, "Okay final question. Felix, why should we trust someone who deserted his own cause? If we let you stay with us, how can we have any hope of trusting you, knowing you are fully capable of turning your back on people who put faith in you?"

Felix furrows his eyebrows in thought before speaking again, the translator nodding before translating. "The people he turned against he knew were wrong in every way, and that this place does not deserve to be attacked, so since he did not agree he deserted and sought us out in order to help in any way that he could."

"Thank you Felix. Tonight we will be keeping you in the cell, as a precaution. We will bring in a cot and supper for you. Tomorrow, as long as our leader permits it, we will put you on house arrest in an apartment. Should you exceed with that, we will slowly grant you more and more privileges. When your friend is healed, he too will join you in your apartment."

She waited for the translator to finish then thanked her and sent her off, asking her to find someone who would bring down a cot and some more food. Then she motioned for Felix to stand, leading him back to his holding cell but not recuffing him.

"Goodnight Felix," she bowed her head, locking the door and leaving. Minutes later Fernandez came in with one other soldier, carrying a cot, blankets and pillow, and a hot dinner for him. They didn't treat him harshly, but they had to be precautious nevertheless.

As for Dakota she returned home, excited to see Andrew and talk to him. When she got in she found Iris napping on the sofa, so she moved to Andy's room, hoping to see him there.

Andrew is sitting on his bed, staring at his wall in thought, in his hand sits the job list, he is obviously considering what he wants to be.

Dakota sits down next to him, placing her hands in one of his.

"I'm really glad your okay," she smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder, "I don't know what I'd do without my other half. Looking at the job list? You know...your engineering skills could come in handy?"

He smiles when she walks in, listening to what she had to say to him. "But where? Which job would involve them the most?" He asks, handing her the paper.

She looks down at the paper, not really reading but skimming to the right word.

"There," she pointed at the fifth one down which wrote "Lab, visit for available jobs".

"Vanessa's joining as a chemist, and they could always use an engineer up there. They are providing use with medicine and weapons and whatnot. You would be an asset to them."

Andrew nods, circling the job before placing the clipboard down, looking up at her before laughing. "How is she? I assume you both are enjoying a vigorous sex life." He says with a chuckle, leaning back against the wall. "Do you think that she's the one for you?" He asks.

Dakota's cheeks grew hot at his words, biting her tongue, "Andy! Stop, please don't ask me about my sex life. She's...she's perfect. But you know me, I'm not the fairy-tale girl. If she's the one, that'll be up to fate down the road. I've only been dating her a couple weeks now. Ask me again in a couple of years."

She nudged him, "What about you? Have you talked to Iris?"

He shakes his head. "She's still really beat up over Blake." He says while sighing, running a hand through his hair while he thinks about the whole thing, he's perfect comfortable sharing his interests with his sister, considering she'd help him more than hurt him if she intervened.

"Well yeah, the guy seduced her than turned around and told her that her parents are dead. And I don't know if you know, but he made it sound like he did it. That ass. Iris is going to be hurting for a long time. It's why she needs best friends -like me and especially you- to help her through it. You don't realize how much you really mean to her. We are all she has left. Us and Collin and Willow. "

"Okay, so how should I go about helping? Walk in and just kiss her? It won't happen, Im not good with this stuff, you're always the one I go to for this advice.." He says to her while sighing, holding his head in his hands. "Why does all of this have to be so complicated.." He groans.

That's the complexity of dating, and there is no easy way. I'm not saying kiss her Andy, just...talk to her. Let her lean on you. Remind her that she has us around, because I think she's starting to close herself off. She has it rough."

He nods before standing up, walking into the living room and sitting down next to Iris. "Hey, how're you holding up?" He asks her quietly, watching her through the growing darkness of the room.

Iris looked up as he sat down, and without thinking she leaned her head on his shoulder, wiping her eyes.

"Sorry. I must look like a mess. I'm...I'm...I don't know."

He puts his arm around her, squeezing her shoulder. "It kills me to see you like this.." He says to her quietly, his eyebrows knitted together with concern. "Is there anything I can do?" He asks, his face starting to turn red with the realization that her head is on his shoulder.

Andrew nods to her, continuing to hold her. "Of course." He says to her quietly, unsure of what else he could possibly do. He rubs her arm and rests his head against hers. "Do you want to get some sleep?" He whispers to her.

"No, if I sleep now I'll only have nightmares."

Dakota stepped out of Andrew's bedroom, smiling at them as she passed.

"I'm going to retire to bed with Vanessa. Need anything Iris?"

"Nah, Andrew's keeping me company. I can't sleep."

Dakota nodded, grabbing herself a glass of water before passing them by, "The cafe stays open till eleven if you get hungry, and its a nice walk. Just don't go alone. Pairs is always preferred."

As she left the room Iris stretched and got up, "Want to take that walk? A coffee sounds wonderful."

He laughs. "You actually want to get a coffee with me?" He asks before standing up, stretching out a little. "Yeah, coffee at night always hits the spot." He says before walking out of the apartment with her.

"Why wouldn't I get coffee with you?" she asked as they left, confused, "Friends get coffee, that's a thing last time I checked."

She hooked her arm through his, squeezing it as her head returned to his shoulder while they walked, "Thanks for this Andy."

"Well, at the university no girl would want to be caught dead with me in public, unless they're trying to get into my sister's pants." He says as they walk, laughing quietly at his own comment.

He blushes a little when she squeezes his hand, they walk into the restaurant and sit down. The waiter walks over and raises his eyebrows at them. "And what can I get for the happy couple?" He asks.

She blushed at the waiters comment, wanting to say they weren't, but knowing it would take longer to explain that so instead she just said, "Two coffees please, with cream and sugar if you have any. And dessert to share."

"We have apple pie, or cherry," the waiter smiled.

"One slice of apple, and one slice of pie please."

As he left, she looked to Andrew, "I didn't feel like explaining we are only friends. Funny that he thought we were dating though right?"

She laughed, but it didn't come out loud or even boistful. It sounded forced and harsh, like she was trying to find joy within herself and there was none there. It had nothing to do with Andrew. She just couldn't move past the pain in her heart. At least the waiter had brought a semi-smile to her face. Andrew and her...together? We've known each other since we were in diapers, it just be awkward. Wouldn't it? I mean, sure he's good looking, and we would look great together but c'mon. We act more like siblings than anything. And besides Andy would never date me. I'm not his type, and I'm like a little sister to him, and also I am four years younger than him and -wait, Iris what are you doing? Why am I listing reasons here? It's not like I like him, right? Right. Right?

The waiter came back with their order and she thanked him, pouring some cream into her coffee and sipping it.

"Fuck thats good. Andy, cherry or apple?"
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