Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Andrew smiles at the waiter's comment, looking at her from across the table.. She seemed to just shrug off the comment. He listens to her before ordering. "Cherry." He says, watching the Waiter walk away. "Iris, do you think we'd ever be able to date?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. "Just a.. Ah.. Friendly question." He says with a half hearted smile.

"That's a weird friendly question," she raised an eyebrow at him, but got cut off from saying more as the waiter returned with a slice of cherry and a slice of apple. She took the apple and dug in, humming at the delicious bite.

"Is there anything else?" the waiter asked, happy they were enjoying it.

"Does anywhere around here sell alcohol? Like...can we have alcohol?"

The waiter laughed, obviously used to the question from newbies, "We sell alcohol, but it cannot leave the restuarant to be safe. So yes, if you wish to get drunk we can provide that. For a fee."

She pulled out her wallet and slapped down all her cash, which happened to be $120 and a few coins.

"Whatever that gets me, I want to forget...stuff. At least for the night," Iris wasn't a heavy drinker, but she did love her alcohol when she wanted some, "Andy? Are you joining?"

Andy chuckles and starts to eat his pie, nodding when alcohol is asked for. "Yeah, I'll take some." He says while pushing his plate away from him. "So, you never answered me Iris." He says with a laugh, leaning back against his chair and putting his hands behind his head.

She shrugged, "Because its a weird question. I don't know Andrew. You are four years older, we shared baths as kids. I think it be weird."

The first two beers arrived and she chugged hers back, telling the waiter to keep them coming until the money ran out.

"My life is in shatters," she raised her glass, "Cheers."

"Here's to picking up all the pieces." He says with a grin before taking a drink, sighing as the alcohol slides down his throat. About thirty minutes later he can't think clearly, how many drinks had he had? He lost count.. He looks over at Iris, she looked even worse than he felt.

Iris looked back at him, rocking in her seat. She was drunker than ever, and loving it.

"More," she purred, raising her beer to her lips and tilting her head back...

Iris wasn't sure when they left, or how they got back. Honestly she could remember nothing. All she knew was she was waking up in a bed, with the worst headache ever, when she rolled over and saw Andrew beside her in bed.

We must have... her thought died, realizing too late that she wasn't wearing clothing. And a quick pull back of the sheets showed her Andrew was shirtless.

"Oh. Fuck."

Andrew had been sleeping peacefully, his arms wrapped around.. A pillow maybe? Whatever it was, it's warm and comforting. He hears Iris through his hazy state and he opens his eyes, seeing her but not registering that they are in the same bed. "Good morning.." He mumbles, rolling over as if attempting to get more sleep.

He opens his eyes before they finally register what was going on. "Oh.." He says as he sits up, running a hand through his hair, his head throbbing in pain as his hangover is registered by his mind. "Wow, we had a lot to drink.. And we somehow made it here.. And.. Slept?" He asks, unsure of himself.

His eyes widen and he gets up out of bed. "I'll uh.. Give you time to get dressed." He says before scurrying into the living room, rubbing the back of his head as he tries to remember what they had done the night before.

The night before is just one black stretch, Iris unable to remember anything. Sighing, she gets dressed, scooping her panties off the floor, finding her bra on a dresser, god it really looked like they had slept together. Finding her shirt and jeans she slipped them on before racing out, her blush blazing as she caught him in the living room waiting.

"It's...uh...all yours."

"Iris, I'm sorry.. For.. Whatever I did." He says to her, his eyes pleading. "Please don't be angry at me, I have no idea what happened." He says to her, hoping she'll accept his apology.

"Why would I be mad Andy? It was obviously consensual."

She looked back over her shoulder at the room, "You can't remember either then. Do you think we went...all the way?"

He shakes his head. "I have a feeling that we didn't." He admits. "I don't think I would've stayed awake long enough to go past the clothes part of it." He says with a laugh, knowing himself when he is drunk.

"Andrew...my bra was on your dresser. I don't think our clothes were an issue."

She sighed, sitting down on the couch, "Fuck. FUCK. This ruins friendships, you know that right? First we try and pretend everything is alright, but we avoid each other and it just gets too awkward. Oh god, what if Dakota heard? She's going to kill us. Her best friend and her brother. Drunk sex? Dead...I'm fucking dead. If me week could get any better."

Dakota walked out just then in nothing more than a tank top and boxers, kissing Vanessa before she loped off to the bathroom, then proceeding to the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy heads. Enjoyed your night?" Dakota laughed, grabbing a apple and munching on it, "Boy were you two ever loud."

"Oh god," Iris moaned, dropping her head in her hands, "This is a nightmare."

He runs his hands through his hair.. It isn't really a problem for him specifically.. But apparently it's a problem for her.. "I'm gonna go take a walk.." He says quietly before leaving, closing the door behind him. He feels heartbroken, why did she feel so bad about this? It's almost like she's disgusted by him..

"Wow Iris," Dakota blows through her teeth after Andrew's gone, "Kind of a low blow to my brother."

Iris's eyes flash up, "Seriously? Seriously Dakota, that's what your worried about, your brother's pride? I just slept with him, and I can't remember a damn thing."

"Yeah but-"

"Some best friend you are," Iris cut in, looking upset as she jumped up and stormed out, ignoring her pounding migraine.

Getting out of the apartment she just started walking, unsure where she was heading, but needing to clear her head, and more importantly be alone.


Dakota sighed, knowing this was about the worst time for everything to fall on Iris, and she was right...jumping down her throat wasn't helping anyone. Iris was dealing with too much, and now this, and Dakota had automatically judged, being protective of her brother. Iris hadn't meant anything negative to Andy, she was just horrified she'd done it drunk. And here was Dakota, being the sucky best friend.

"I stepped in it this time," she muttered as she stepped into the bedroom where she hoped Vanessa had returned, "When do you think I should tell them they never fucked?"

Andrew spots Iris, he walks up next to her, grabbing her wrist and turning her so that she faces him. "Iris, you're right, this whole thing is going to ruin our friendship." He says to her quietly. "But you know what? I don't care, I don't want us to be friends.. I want us to be more, I've wanted to date you for two years, I never had the guts to ask and whenever I felt I did you were with some other guy, but now there's nothing in my way and no regrets, nothing to go back to." He says to her.

Someone grabbed Iris' wrist and she almost kicked back, the reflexes her mother drilled into her now a habit. But she caught herself when Andrew came into view, grounding herself.

"Andrew you scared me-" he cut her off, ranting loudly on, and every word he spoke screamed in her ears, her hangover not helping and niether was the weight of his words.

"Andr-An..." she stuttered, completely floored.

She had no idea. And worse yet, he had to bring it up now? After everything that had happened, everything she was trying to juggle and handle, and he thought right now was the best time?

"This...Andy this isn't fair. Timing isn't..this is...I...I have to go."

She turned and bolted, unable to handle a single more issue as she raced away, desperately needing to be alone. Her thoughts were spiraling out of control, tears running down her cheeks as she ran, every negative thought surfacing. How could she do this to Andy? To Dakota? How could she be so selfish too, when her parents had just died? Oh god, her parents. And Blake...Blake ruined everything.

She ran and ran, till her lungs ached and her feet hurt, and her headache was making her vision blurry. She ran until she was far from the rebels, far from everything. Far from herself.

Andrew watches her go, when she's out of sight he falls to his knees, completely dead to the world. He takes a moment to recover before walking back into the apartment, walking into his room and slamming the door shut on his way in, collapsing face first on his bed.. He feels like crying.. Or screaming, shouting, yelling.. Now he just doesn't know what to do. He had panicked, throwing out all of his hidden cards at once and he had done it at the wrong time, he had lost everything..

The day passes, and Iris finds herself sitting on a roof of a building, staring at the sky as she contemplates everything. For hours she lies there, just thinking. And when the sun comes down she remains in her spot, staring at the stars. She just lies there and cries, letting the tears take the edge of her pain away, letting it sooth her broken heart. She knows she's been out too long, but no one will find her here, and she is not ready to be found and dragged back. She just needs to be alone. Alone...

Andrew feels tears well up in his eyes as he thinks about it, she doesn't want him.. Nobody does, they all either want other guys or his sister, why the fuck does he even try? He curls up into a ball and throws the covers of his bed over himself, leaving him alone to his thoughts.

When morning comes and Dakota doesn't find Iris on the couch she checks Andrew's room precautiously, knowing Iris hadn't been home when she went to bed the night before.

"Andy? You up?" she calls, looking around the otherwise empty room. Doing a clean sweep of the house she returns, a little more worried, "Andrew, get up. Iris never returned last night. Something's up."

Turning back to her room she calls for Vanessa, "Baby can you knock on Collin's apartment door and see if Iris slept there?"

Andrew groans and gets out of bed, rubbing his eyes. "So do you know where she is?" He asks her quietly, looking at his sister. "Also, that wasn't cool yesterday.." He says to her quietly. "Doesn't matter if you were joking or being serious."
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