Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


He nods before shooting her that look again, his eyes flicking down to Iris and back up to Dakota, wanting to let his sister know that she is sortve interrupting their time together. He thinks to himself on ways to get her back... Maybe walking in on them while having sex? That'd be awkward as hell for him and especially them, though she could just go away now and he wouldn't worry about it.

She got the memo.

"Anyways, I should probably get back this this...yep. Well enjoy yourself kids," Dakota laughed, practically bolting from the room.


Iris watched her leave then her eyes drew to Andy, sniffling slightly, "What look did you give to get rid of her?"

"The 'I'll ruin your sexlife look." He says with a grin, watching her. "She actually meets most of her girlfriends through me y'know." He bites the inside of his cheek as he thinks about all of the times his would-be girlfriends had gone for a fling with his sister, though most of them never stuck around for some reason.

"Anyway.. What do you want to do?" He mumbles to her, his forehead resting against the top of her head while he waits for a response from her.

Iris laughed softly at his words, but the effort wasn't behind it. She was still hurting all too much.

"Andy...can we just stay holed up in your room all day. I'm still not ready...to function in the real world. This. Wrapped in your arms is helping."

She was embarrassed to say it felt safe, more safe than anything else. While this was brand new, and she had no clue what she was in for, or if this would work out, she could say without a doubt that his arms around her, hugging her close, felt soothing. Growing up she'd always found comfort with Dakota and Andy, and it seemed to only magnify itself as she lay in his arms, burying her face in his chest. She didn't even feel ashamed for crying, not with him at least. If anyone else saw she'd be mortified, but it was different with Andy.

Andrew nods as he continues to softly stroke her hair. He had seen his dad always doing this to his mom whenever she was in distress, so maybe it would help Iris. "I'll stay with you however long you wat." He says to her quietly.

He feels her tears make their way through his shirt, touching his chest as she continues to cry, he leans down and whispers quietly in her ear. "When I was in the hospital.. And in prison.. The fact that you were alive is what kept me going, its what allowed me to sleep at night.. And take beatings from those guards.."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that without you I wouldn't be here right now.. You're important to me, and I really hope you know that, Iris." He whispers resting hs head against his pillow, his eyes flicking down to watch her.

She looked up from her tear stained spot on his chest, blinking at him.

"Really? M-me?"

Not Dakota or the prospect to see his parents. Not Collin his best friend. Just her.

"If your saying that to make me feel better...it's working."

He nods. "I can never bear to see you sad, or with another guy.. It just always seemed to happen like that." He says to her quietly, furrowing his eyebrows again in thought. He rests his head back against the pillow before yawning. "I'm tired now..." He says with a laugh, still continuing to stroke her soft hair.

"I never knew you liked me Andy. I always thought we were just close friends. I mean, I've seen you in diapers! I just..."

She sighed, then leaned up and pressed her lips to his in a long, gentle kiss. She wasn't use to gentle caresses or romantic kisses. It had never been her thing. But it didnt seem fair to be dominant and demanding to Andy, with how thoughtful, quiet spoken, and calm he always seemed to be. Maybe if the relationship blossomed...maybe if she was able to open up about her kinks, they could find a common ground then. For now she was content to push the painful thoughts away and drown herself in him.

Andrew nods as she speaks, they had known each other for a long time.. Thoguh, that's probably why he loved her.. Love.. Thats a word to be used when you would do anything for someone.. What would he do for her?

He had always been a thinker, more of a strategist than a soldier at the end of the day. But her lips against his give him no time to think before he's kissing her back, the soft and gentle feeling of her lips makes him smile into the kiss, whether it is involuntary or he just did it on his own he will never know, his mind completely devoid of thought when around her.. Maybe that's a good thing.

She deepened the kiss, feeling him smiling. Her hands relaxed on his chest, kneading at him while she wiggled up so she could kiss him harder. Iris was a creature of lust, and while she wanted to be gentle and slow for him, a deeper part of her ached for something hotter and dirtier, that would make her forget her worries for a few hours.

But she held back, pulling away after another second and leaning her forehead on his, "so...I guess this means we are dating now?"

When the kiss becomes a bit more passionate he finds himself meeting her on even grounds, easily wanting to increase the passion of the soft kiss they had been sharing, now turned more lustful. He feels something inside of him stir, when was the last time he'd slept with someone? He almost feels bad that he can't actually remember.

He feels her forehead against his, his body still trying to get used to the loss of her lips on his. He opens his eyes so that they meet hers. That was the million dollar question, wasn't it... He clears his mind again before nodding. "It's official." He says with a grin on his face.

She gives him a soft and easy smile, something that seemed almost forced from her given the situation and yet sincere.

"Good," she sighs, resting her head once more on his chest before letting out one long breath, "I feel like I haven't slept in days. I can't even remember when I did pass out last night. Would you mind if I napped a little longer. I promise I'll be up for lunch."

He laughs. "I don't even mind if you're asleep for lunch, I could catch some Z's myself." He admits to her before laying his head back on to the pillow and letting out a sigh as his body slips into sleep, plunging his mind into darkness and allowing it to think again.

The next morning Dakota was up at what felt like the crack of dawn getting ready. For everyone except Iris it was their first day at their new assignments. For Dakota, she was about to head off on a three day raid, which meant no beautiful Vanessa to snuggle up with. So that morning she woke up an hour earlier and made eggs, toast, and some bacon, for Vanessa and Andy's first day. Iris had been sleeping on and off, holed up in Andrew's room the previous day, and probably most of the rest of the week. Due to her parents passing, and Iris's mental stability over it, she wasn't required to work for another week, to give her time and space to grieve.

As for the other three though, they were all up by eight in the morning, and Dakota was serving breakfast for the three of them.

"There's some extra in the pan for Iris, so no one steal her portion," Dakota warned with a smile, waving a spatula at them, "How is she doing Andy? She seems to be leaning on you for support."

Just then Andrew's bedroom door opened and Iris shuffled out, dressed only in her lacy black underwear and one of Andrew's blue button down shirts that barely covered her ass. She didn't notice them, her eyes half asleep as she shuffled to the bathroom and Dakota let out a quiet laugh.

"So Andy...this is how you support cute girls when they are grieving, huh?"

He laughs. "She needs my help, so I'm helping her." He explains as he leans back in his chair a little, starting to eat his bacon. He hears the door open and he sees Iris shuffle out, seeing her in his shirt makes his face turn bright red, needless to say she looks amazing.

"Uhm, she chose that on her own." He says with a laugh, watching as she sits down. "Morning Iris." He says to her before continuing to eat his food.


The older man Felix was with dies when the sun peaks above the horizon, his wounds too much to handle.

Felix sits in the apartment that he had been given, he stares at the guard inside, who seems nervous that the conscript was looking at him.

The guard looks over at the other guard in the room. "Was is he doing that?"

"Doing what?" The other one asks.

"He's fucking staring at me, making me feel all weird.."

"Just ignore him.."

Felix groans, unable to understand the guards.

After going to the washroom she emerges to realize everyone is awake, and staring at her. Keeping her chin up the confident brunette takes a seat beside Andrew. And just because Dakota is giving her that smirk she gets when she's right, Iris sticks her tongue out at her. Dakota laughs then turns away to make her a plate, letting Iris know she doesn't care if her best friend and brother are shacking up.

"Morning babe," Iris chirps, getting another snort from Dakota.

Leaning over she plants a kiss on his cheek and thanks Dakota for the plate she sets in front of her.

"Your welcome. Stop ogling her and eat Andy," Dakota orders, "you got a busy day ahead and Iris needs some time alone. And I need to head out. I'm picking up the new kid on the block and Collin. Boss wants a medic with us in case things go south, and this new kid...Felix, we want to see if he can fight or not."

Andrew grins when she calls him babe, the kiss on his cheek is unexpected but welcomed, bringing a huge smile to his face. He continues eating his breakfeast, finishing it off before taking his last drink of orange juice. He stands from the table and gives Iris a kiss on her head before looking to Dakota. "Off to work." He says before going to walk out the door.

Dakota grabs her last piece of bacon and grabs her bag, nodding at Andrew that she'd follow him out. Hugging Vanessa tightly at the door, she kissed her hard.

"Have fun at work Andrew. And see you in a few days Iris," Dakota called to Andrew then spoke back to Iris before her focus turned to the blonde in the hallway with her, as she whispered, "Be back soon goddess. Don't get into any trouble without me while I'm gone, okay?"

She smiles when Dakota kisses her, giving her everything back in full as she presses her body against hers, when the redhead pulls away she whimpers soflty, listening to her speak. "Do you have to go?" She whispers, feeling tears in her eyes from having to watch the woman leave again.

She pulled a blonde strand behind Vanessa's ear, caressing her cheek with her thumb.

"It's only three days V. We got a tip and we want to check it out. Don't worry, alright? Collin will be with me in the case we need medical support, and I have Fernandez coming, and he's my best guy. Keep an eye on my Iris and Andrew for me, please? Don't let them get into too much trouble."

She winked, then pulled her girlfriend in for a final long kiss, her hands running down Vanessa's arms to her hips and pulling her in tightly, one hand slipping back and groping her ass playfully.

"Three days without this ass will be torture," Dakota growled longingly under her breath, "When I get back I'm locking us in our room. See you soon beautiful."

With that she pulled away reluctantly, letting Vanessa head off to work while Dakota knocked on Collin's door, waiting for him to answer so they could leave.

She sighs into the kiss, wanting Dakota to never let go, she lets out a giggle when Dakota's hand is on her ass. She groans quietly when Dakota speaks into her ear, she was going to miss her. She watches the redhead walk to Collin's room before she walks off to go to work.


Collin hears the knock, he had been dreading it. He has been sleeping next to the naked form of Nicki, he wakes her by pressing his lips to hers. He pulls away for a moment, his eyes locked with hers. "Baby, today's the day I leave for a few days.." He whispers to her, his lips brushing against hers. "I'm going to miss you real bad.." He whispers, not wanting to leave the little brunette alone.

Nicki wakes with a stretch, then curls her arms around Collins neck lovingly, listening and groaning at his words.

"Can't you stay five more minutes?"

Another louder knock at the front door said no. Growling Nicki opened one eye to look up at him then shut it again and pulled his head down with her arms for a kiss.

"Be careful Collin. Willow and me will take care of each other while your gone."

He wraps his arms around her and rests his head against hers, not wanting to leave. He kisses her back before whispering against her lips. "I promise I'll be back." Before getting up, grabbig his bag and throwing on some clothes and stepping outside.

"Sorry.. I had to say goodbye to Nicki." He says to Dakota, his eyebrows furrowed together, as if wondering if he should go along with this operation.


She watched the door closed and let out a long sigh. The next few days would drag on forever.


She nodded, understanding his reluctance to leave.

"It was hard saying goodbye to Vanessa, even if this is only suppose to be three days long. We need you though. We are walking right into enemy territory, and going without a medic is suicidal. Now come on, we need to grab this Felix kid. And then visit Blake."

She was eager to get her hands on that asshole. Knock a few teeth out to get a little bit more information. Her source said he'd found another imprisonment camp while out doing recruiting, but he hadn't gotten close enough to know what security was like. Perhaps Blake knew.

He nods and follows her out of the apartment to their makeshift prison, he lets Dakota in with Blake while he goes to pick up Felix in his apartment, scoffing as he enters and sees the kid there.
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