Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Rolling her sleeves up she grins at the man in the corner.

" you got two options here Blake. Tell me what I want to know and I'll upgrade you from a glass of water and a cracker a day to an actual meal. Don't tell me, and I start punching practise."

He looks up at her before narrowing his eyes. "Go fuck yourself." He says before putting his head between his legs, prepared for the beatings to come.

"You really enjoy this don't you," she sighed, grabbing a fistful of hair and wrenching his head back, landing a blow straight to his jaw.

Minutes later she stood over him, staring at her bruising knuckles as blood seeped from his mouth. She must have knocked one or two teeth out and his slowly healing nose looked broken once more.

"Ready to talk?"

He takes the beatings, groaning in pain as he lays back, holding his face. "I'm not telling you anything.." He groans out. "Just leave me alone!"

Dakota curled her lip back and snarled at him, finding him nothing more than an inconvience. Kicking him once in the side hard enough to form a bruise so that sleeping would be hard for him any way he turned, she stormed out, locking the cell once more.

"Rot in here, you worthless jerk. I'd kill you now but I have priorities."

Turning, she stalked out and headed down the road, trying to clear her head before she met up with Frenandez and the four others, all of them in turn waiting for Collin and Felix.

Collin walks out to Dakota, without Felix. "His friend died this morning, he's grieving." He says to the redhead, running a hand through his hair. "We don't need him though, let's get moving, shall we?" He asks before starting to walk out of the camp.

He keeps in stride with Dakota, looking over at her. "How's your relationship?" He asks, not wanting to indicated that she is a lesbian in front of the soldiers around them.

She sighed, "Great. So Blake gave us no information, and now our other source is out for the count. And the soldier we got this intel from doesn't even know exactly where he found this camp, he stumbled on it and didn't think to map it out. So we are fucked. We are literally walking into enemy territory with no idea where we are going or what is waiting for us."

"Miller?" Frenandez walked up, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Should we stop the mission? Until we have more info?"

"No," she sighed, "You four. You're dismissed. I want you to set up a raiding party and search for some supplies. I heard the medbay is low. Frenandez, you, me and Collin are going to try and hunt out this place. Its suicide if we go in blind, and too many of us will attract attention."

As they started walking forward, Collin asked her a question.

"Yeah boss, how's Vanessa doing? Settling in?" Frenandez asked, smiling at Collin to tell the man that he knew, and was completely comfortable with it.

"Everyone knows," Dakota explained, "Why hide it, I guess. I spent my whole life hiding it, and it got me no where. But she is doing good. We are doing great. I just hope she settles into the lab well, she loves chemistry."

Collin nods and walks with the other man, he maps out several routes on his map with a red marker, until they finally find an enemy camp, it's small and obviously not the main one. By the time they had found it, the sun had fallen below the horizon so they go to sleep in some buildings, sometimes waking up to take notes on patrol patterns.


Felix walks into the day care center, he had been tasked to help the smaller kids speak French. He had been picking up more English, slowly beginning to become more fluent as the days went by. He meets with Willow, one of the teachers before walking inside, starting with basic stuff for them to learn before leaving them with a small activity, where they walk around greeting each other in French.

He looks at Willow before speaking. "I have no seen you here, I'm Felix." He says, a French accent very obvious in his voice.

Overnight Dakota watches the camp, noticing a few oddities. For one, there only ever seemed to be two guards out, and while the camp looked normal, she never saw a single prisoner. And for two, there was a small building placed in the very middle where she saw the guards coming in and out of. The odd thing about that was she counted almost seven different guards, although only two ever came out at one given time, but there was no way the small shack of a building could host that many people.

"It's a front," she explained during a cold breakfast of protien bars and water, "There's an underground facility. And the fact they set up this entire enemy camp to hide it says its big. Think we can infiltrate it? I only counted seven guards."


The next morning Willow was up bright and early for work with Nicki, and they had a new helper. He was keeping the older children entertained with learning french, while Nicki and Willow watched over the youngest ones. The third helper, Michelle, had called in sick for the day.

At snack time for the little ones, Willow was taking a break when Felix, the newest helper, stepped up to say hello.

"You haven't seen me because you've been under guard since you got here," she replied pointingly at him, "I know who you are and who you were Felix. I'm friends with Officer Miller."

She didn't say it harshly, just matter-of-factly. Nicki stepped up beside them, smiling at Willow.

"She's her brother's daughter through and through. This is Willow, and I'm Nicki," Nicki introduced them, "We are regular helpers here so we will be both see you around. Frequently."

He shrugs. "Under guard, true, but not so much anymore." He says before running a hand through his hair. "I'm happy to be helping." He admits to the two before turning to look over his shoulder, seeing the kids walking around yelling 'Bonjour!' to eachother over and over, like a game.


Collin shakes his head. "We could easily attack but this isn't their main base, it's too small, it's just a forward operating base." He explains. "All of those guards are trained, we could go in and take them out and then leave, thats the only logical thing to do." He says.

One of the toddlers shriek and Willow jumps forward to help.

"She gets easier to talk to. She was raised in a military household, taught to be on guard. It's her usual approach with strangers, especially when her brother warns her about them. Sorry Felix."


"I agree," she nods as does Frenandez, "Okay, if we sneak onto the grounds, you two can be on either side of the door as I draw them out. They can't all file out at once, so I'll shoot dead on if you two pull guys as they come out. Quick and easy."

Leading the charge, its not too hard to take down the two on patrols, Dakota's rifle being silenced. Then they sneak into their places, Dakota setting up on the ground a few yard away and giving Frenandez the go signal to open the door. Immediatly she fires a shot at the first man she sees and guards begin to run out, as expected one by one. She can't shoot down every one but she gets almost every other kill, leaving the others to the two men.

However what they thought was only seven turned into much more. The facility must have been bigger than any of them hoped as more guards pooled out, and none of them a fool. They all knew how to fight, so those Dakota didn't shoot turned on the men.

Collin grabs a small pistol from his side, shooting the guards that Dakota didn't, when more start coming out he starts to back off, knowing that these men didn't mess around. He watches Fernando take a bullet to the gut before he's running back to Dakota, a bullet tagging him as well, he falls and stops moving.

Dakota watched them men fall and her stomach dropped. Fuck. She dropped the sniper and pulled out two hand guns, not wanting it to end here.

Not like this...

She must have taken out ten men in a seamless row, pulling shot after shot as they filed out, until no more came. Then she ran to Collin, checking for a heart beat.

"No no no no," she started to cry, feeling no heart beat, "No Collin no."

With shaking hands she pushed herself up and stumbled to Frenandez, tears blurring her vision. He was still alive, but blood was bubbling out of his gut and he was struggling to breath.

"Hold on," her voice broke, pain shaking her core, "Don't die on me too."

He shook his head, the life in his eyes already fading. She could see he was in agony, the bullet deep within him, killing him slowly.

"You did your country...p-proud," she choked out, pulling her hand gun once more from her pocket. She didn't have the guts to do it though, to end his suffering.

With his last bit of strength he grabbed her hand, sticking the barrel of the gun on his forehead.

"Pl-" he tried to choke out please but his voice died so all he could do was mouth the words as he choked on his own blood.

With a sorrowful whine she pulled the trigger, the shot deafening to her ears as tears streamed down her face. Two. She had lost two friends. Dakota couldn't even bear to move on, to even move as she cried. But the logical, insensitive side of her told her staying was a death wish in itself. They had taken her two friends. Now she needed to take something back. Getting up, she angrily wiped her tears away, knowing she could cry more later. Stumbling over bodies she made it into the shack. Sure enough all it was was a small room with an elevator. Pressing the button opened the doors immediately and she stepped in, unsure what she'd find below.


The day went on without a hitch, but as they were cleaning up afternoon snack time Willow heard an odd wailing sound outside.

"What's that?" she asked, moving past Felix to the window to open and look out. As she cracked the window open wide the wailing sound got ever louder, sounding more like an alarm.

Suddenly gunfire erupted on the streets, people screaming and running everywhere. Willow couldn't see anything for a few seconds and then a tank rolled into her view and she dropped to the floor terrified.

"Lock the door!" she cried at Nicki, the children beginning to cry, "Felix watch the windows! We need to get these children away from them."

As Nicki and Willow rounded up the children against the far wall away from the doors and windows the fight on the street below continued, soldiers killing anyone who fled, groups of them entering each of the four main buildings. All willow could think of was that their two best fighters were out, Dakota and Collin. And the rest of the group was split up.

Most of the children were crying, some even screaming. Willow and Nicki tried to calm them, but it only seemed to scare them more. If they couldn't be quiet the soldiers would find them, and that didn't bode well for any of them.

Through blurry eyes he watches Dakota enter the shack, his hand lifting up as if begging her to come back before falling, he feels defeated as he realizes that she had left him behind.. She had assumed he was dead.


Felix closes the windows and locks them shut before pushing one of the tables against them, flipping it so that it blocked them. He searches around the room, assuming that they wouldn't leave this place defenseless, he is right. He finds a Glock 18, he quickly loads it with te only magazine he finds and points it at the windows. "Watch the doors." He says before moving forward, peeking his head forward to see several soldiers making their way towards the building.

The doors to the elevator open into a long straight hallway, with no furniture or decoration. It looks like the site was once a construction zone before the UN attacked, possibly starting on the basement and working up. The UN must have filed in most of the dirt and made it look like an unmarked area, to hide the basement. The walls were plain concrete as was the floor, and the lighting was basic wiring and a couple lightbulbs, easy to put up in an hour or two, but not very good for light. As she stepped out of the elevator Dakota realizes that its not just a hallway, but its littered with doors. Obviously intended for a office building, it was no longer used as such, since each door had a glass pane looking in. She could see in the first one that it resembled more of a jail cell than anything, with a mattress, blanket, and bucket for a toilet. The door was locked too.

Looking back down the hall, she counted at least a dozen doors. A secret prison? Why would the UN be hiding people, unless they were too dangerous, or too important to have in just any camp. And the doors were not light either, made of heavy wood and thick unbreakable glass. Even the locks looked expensive. Moving across the hall she looks into another empty prison cell and moves down to another...and another...and another...


They are trying to watch the door but they also have about twenty children panicking, and two of the toddlers are outright screaming in fear. Nicki knows before it even happens, telling all the children to curl up against the wall and not move as the door bursts open and a team of six men swarm in, some pointing at Felix, others at the girls and children.

"No one move!" one of them in a thick english accent snaps before grabbing his radio "We got three adults a dozen or so children here."

The radio buzzes then someone speaks into it, "No need for the adults, do not harm the children."

"Don't you lay a hand on us," Willow snaps, standing in front of the children, "My brother will come for me if you so much as try and take me."

"Your brother?" one of them laughs.

"Willow don't-" Nicki tries to shush her but Willow has to snap, "Yeah. My brother. He's a soldier, and better than the lot of you. When he gets back with Dakota-"

"Dakota Miller?" one of them ask, cutting her off.

Fuck did they just step in it. That fact they know her name means they are actively seeking her out, which means Dakota's made quite the impression. And not a good one by the look on their faces. Willow opens her mouth to try and lie but they see right through her.

"Take them, led them out to the street."

Two men jump forward and grab the girls, tying them and shoving them out the door. Two other men go for Felix, wrestling him down and tying him too before making him follow Nicki and Willow. When they get outside all three of them are forced to their knees in front of the tank, where an angry looking man sneers at them before turning to...Blake. They had found Blake.

"Fuck," Nicki winced, realizing he'd identify each and every one of them.

Seconds later another familiar face appears - Andrew's. They don't force him down with them though. Instead two men hold him against the tank while the gruff man, easily the leader, looks him over.

"So this is Miller's twin? He looks weak. My soldier here, Blake, tells me your sister gave him quite the beating this morning."

Turning to the three on the ground he looks over each of them.

"He also told me that he received quite the beating from Collin, and we just happen to have found his lover and his sister. And that scum traitor. Now, we haven't quite found Officer Miller's lover yet, but her brother will do."

He nods and they force him to his knees in front of the other three so he's looking at each of them.

"Andrew is it? Andrew you have till the count of ten to chose one of these three...to die," he hands a gun to Blake, giving him the option to do the execution, "Then you can tell your bitch of a sister how you chose."


Dakota is halfway down the hall when she hears a cough from further down. Forgetting her spot she races down the hall towards the noise, pressing herself up to the door and looking in. What she finds stops any other thought she has, her stomach dropping even more as her mouth opens wide in pure shock.


Andrew stares at the three of them.. Two of them are the most important thing in the world to his best friend.. And another is an important source of information to the Resistance.. What right does he have to choose their fate? His eyes move from their faces. "And what if I don't choose?" He asks, his head looking up at the leader, his face emotionless. He hears a count down start.. This is him thinking for the resistance.

"Willow.." He croaks, his face going back to the ground in shame.

Willow looks up at Andrew in horror. At the man who'd always been her big brother's best friend. At the boy she'd grown up with.

"I trusted you!" she screamed, tears running down her face.

"I volunteer!" Nicki cried over her, trying to wiggle closer to the only sister she ever knew, "Please not her. Oh god, not Willow. I'll never forgive you for this Andrew! You son of a bitch!"

"Blake...do the honors."

Blake walks forward, holding the pistol in his hands. He raises it and fires a single shot straight through Willow's head, he turns back to the leader and hands him the gun. "Leave them tied, Officer Miller will come back and find them here." He says. "Get ready to roll out, I'm done with this place." He says before walking away from the group.

Nicki was screaming, blood flecked her face as she cried for the crumpled girl on the ground.

"You monsters!"

The man behind her took the gun, paused then aimed at Felix's head, "We don't like loose ends."


She'd seen it all. She'd been watching from Andrew's window and when Willow crumpled she felt like she was going to vomit. But the gun turned on another and Andrew was there...in that group. Instinct took over and Iris leapt up, running out of the apartment and down the stairs, racing into the street.

"Stop!" she yelled, running straight into Blake without realizing it and even as she tried to squirm away she was already caught, "Don't do this. Don't kill them all! Let go of me Blake! Fucking let go!"

The man with the gun laughed.

"Andrew...Andrew...Andrew...looks like we have a new life on the line. Shall it be the brunette in Blake's arms, or Felix, your oh so important intel that you killed a sixteen year old over."

"Mom! MOM!" she screamed through the door as her mom rushed up, their hands pressed through the window, "Mom I'll get you out."

Serena pointed beside her and Dakota rushed to the next door, seeing her father lying on the floor, possibly unconcious. Behind her she heard a banging and...Arya...it was Mrs. Wetsworth. Sure enough Mr. Wetsworth was in the cell next to hers, also looking worse for wear.

"I'll get you out!" she nodded, running down the hall to the elevator. One of the guards had to have keys on them...

"I didn't kill her you fuck.." He whispers, completely dead to the world. "Blake, I'm gonna find you and I'm going to rip your fucking eyes out, and then I'm going to put a nail between your toe nail and skin.. And I'll make you kick a fucking wall.." He says before pointing at Felix, his head remaining down on the ground, not able to look at the death he is causing.


Blake just smiles before firing a shot into Felix's head, shaking his head. "Stupid traitor.." He mutters before walking off with the soldiers, leaving them to mourn over their dead.

Iris is dropped, and almost immediately on her feet, running over and pulling first Nicki then Andrew out of the blood, untying them as the UN packs up and leaves. But not without one more gift. hanging by a rope outside the main building is Mavis, dead.

"Kill our leader, break Dakota...no more rebels," Iris whispered, horrified.

He gets up and runs into the apartment, throwing his things into a bag before grabbing the handheld radio from Vanessa's nightstand, stuffing it into his bag. Tears streak down his face, he sits down on the bed and holds his hands against his eyes.

Iris gets Nicki back to her room, getting her to lie down before taking control. The town is a wreck, and without a leader Iris steps in, hating every second of it. She gets the soldiers to take all the dead and burn them, since burying them in the middle of New York is impossible. Then she sends everyone home, telling them to stay hidden until further notice. Finally she shuffles home, finding Andrew in his room, a bag at his feet.

"Andy..." she whispers, scared he was running away, "Andy you can't blame yourself here. I don't know everything that happened, but this was the UN's fault, not yours."

"It doesn't matter if I blame myself or not, Dakota and Collin will come home to three bodies and.. Oh! Andrew got them killed? Wow!" He says before sniffing, looking at the bag at his feet. He looks up at her, his eyes pleading. "Come with me Iris, please.. I can't do this on my own, and if I stay here.. I'm afraid of what will happen, I won't be able to look them in the eye.." He says softly.
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