Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Her breathing labors worse and she can't help herself, pushing her ass back into him harder, trying to make him slip up and thrust in instead of tease.


Seeing her partner cum unravels her a second time and she cries out Vanessa's name as she orgasms in unison, falling over the blonde and sucking in air, needing to regain some before the sex can continue. While she's hovering over she takes the chance to kiss Vanessa lovingly, her lips moving sweetly down her neck to her collarbone, showering her with soft, light kisses as she waits for Vanessa to collect herself from her climax too.

Collin giggles as she pushes against him. "Beg baby, that turns me on." He says with the raise of his euebrows, expecting to hear her now.

"I don't want to beg," she sighs, wiggling her ass harder into him, "Collin please, I want to...I want this."

At least she thinks she does. The more she focuses on talking the more she realizes what she is doing, and that inkling of logic begins to trickle in, ready to ruin the whole evening for them unless Collin acts quickly.

He just smiles before nodding, pushing into her slowly to make sure she could get used to it. He slowly feels her hymen breaking around him as he pushes all the way into her, his hands holding her hips. "You alright?" He asks her, wanting to make sure she is comfortable.

"More," she moans, not feeling a stroke of pain. All she feels is pleasure, coursing and humming through her and it feels incredible. She bites her lip, her body hungry for him, hungrier than ever, "It feels amazing. God I want more. Please Collin, don't stop."

He lets out a sigh of pleasure before starting a slow pace, moving in and out of her while groaning in pleasure. "Fuck Nicki, you're tight.." He groans as he continues with his slow pace.

"I'm a virgin!" she laughs, but she knows he is enjoying it, and she can't help enjoying it too.

He continues at his slow pace and she grinds with him, groaning every time he buries deep within her, feeling no pain at all. Collin obviously knows a thing or two, and she rocks with him, eventually trying to speed up the pace more, to show her what he could do.

Collin grins and starts up a face pace with her. "Correction, you were a virgin babe." He says before kissing the center of her back lightly, now doing a fast and hard pace, not too much as to not exhaust himself, but enough to give them both ample pleasure.

Her back sizzles with his kiss, and she opens her mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a long moan as he speeds up, her whole body jumping closer to climaxing.

"Oooooooooooh," she groans, lost in the pleasure.

He continues his pace, her walls basically milking him at this point, pushing him close to climax as the pace goes forward. He groans in pleasure. "You're amazing..." He says while smoothing his hands over her ass again, allowing them to continue exploring her body.

Nicki moans louder, her body quivering from pleasure. She can hear his words bur she can't respond, not when she feels so close to the edge.

He groans as he gets closer and closer, now going faster and harder. "Cum for me baby." He groans.

She convulses at his words, like they triggered her climax, Nicki's whole body squirming under him as she cries out, overwhelmed with pleasure. Her chest is heaving and her breath is shallow, as her forehead presses into the sheets, pushing her ass higher into him.

He keeps his hands on her hips, keeping himself inside of her while she rides out her climax, wanting her to be enveloped in pleasure as it is her first time. He holds himself back from his climax, unsure of where exactly it would go at this point.

Nicki looks back at him, noticing his hesitation. Was it her?

"Am I doing this right?" she asked, pushing back into him so her ass grinded with his hips, burying him deeper.

"Yeah.. But I'm gonna cum soon so I shouldn't be inside of you still." He explains, pulling out of her. "So you have some options of where I can cum, just pick a place I guess." He says while rubbing the back of his head.

She looked tired, and her body was starting to feel sore. She wanted to curl up and sleep but she knew he needed release to. Not that she knew what to do. She'd heard guys liked oral, but she wasn't ready to try that, not till next time. Rolling over, she lied on her back looking up at him.

You can cum on my stomach if you like," she shrugged, wanting him to be inside of her, not looking at her awkwardly.

"Sure.." He says before lightly stroking up and down his length, groaning when he feels his release, which goes on to her stomach. He gets up and grabs a towel from the bathroom, cleaning himself off before wiping her off, getting back in bed with her and wrapping his arms around her.

"So how was it?" He whispers to her.

She snuggled into him, wrapping her arms tightly around him as he settled in.

"Perfect," she sighed, her eyes fluttering shut, "Just...perfect."

He smiles, feeling her smaller body curl into her larger one. He kisses her forehead softly before resting his head against hers, reaching down and pulling the covers over them, as they are still both naked.

Nicki giggled as he pulled the covers up, obviously giddy with herself, "We just had sex. Sex. Actual sex."

She kept giggling, her cheeks flaming, "You were amazing by the way. I mean, I don't have anything to compare to, but you were still amazing. I must be the luckiest girl in the world right now, to have you."

She wiggled in his arms so she could look at him, her eyes wide and round, "You're everything I could ever ask for Collin."

It could be the hormones coursing through her from her first time, or the fact she had given him her virginity, but Nicki was be awfully cheesy and overly sentimental.

Collin smiles, holding her close against him. "Yeah.. We did." He says with a laugh, thinking the whole thing over. "You were amazing too, you're a natural." He says to her while holding her close, biting his lip in thought. "You don't regret it?" He asks her with the raise of his eyebrows, as she seemed to not want to do it before.

Nicki shook her head, looking up at him, "Do you?"


Dakota rolled off of her lover, panting harshly as sweat beaded her naked body. The two had been fucking for what felt like hours, even switching up, with Dakota ending up with the strap-on on, so Vanessa could enjoy some too. Now Dakota was getting up, knowing people would be looking for her soon. It wasn't even dinner time yet, and she still needed to check in, write a report, and visit her brother.

"Want to relax here or join me on the job? I have a lot I've pushed off today...wanted to spend it all with you," Dakota kissed Vanessa's cheek before climbing off the bed and finding her clothing.


Iris held her head in her hands, crying. She'd been sitting beside Andrew's bedside for an hour now, just taking in the silence. But finally she broke, dropping her head in her hands as her heart felt like it was still shattering.

"I don't know what to do," she whispered to herself, "The guy I started liking is a douche, my best friend kept probably her biggest secret from me, my parent's are...are...are dead..."

She broke into more tears, barely able to gasp out, "And the one person I can always talk to is lying in a hospital bed, unresponsive. Andy, come back. I need you..."

Andrew's eyes open, he looks over at her, giving her a small smile, as if unable to form any words. He motions for her to get him something to write with, as words were no longer flowing to his mouth, they may flow to his hand freely.


"I don't regret anything babe." He says before touching his lips to her, pulling away after a moment, his head against hers.


Vanessa yawns, as if ready to sleep. She curls up under the covers. "Go on without me.." She says quietly. "I'll stay naked for you to come back to me later baby.." She says before falling asleep, softly breathing.


A boy, about the age of seventeen.. Wearing a United Nations combat uniform stained with blood, a helmet on his head that marks him as French walks towards the Rebel zone, his arm around the neck of a heavily injured man wearing the same thing. Around his arm he wears a white cloth, a symbol of surrender, he gets to the entrance, collapsing to his knees and raising the cloth in the air.

"S'il vous plaît aidez-le, il est blessé!" He yells to the rebels above him, barely speaking a word of English as he doesn't seem to understand that there are only English speakers here.

Iris nods, looking around but seeing none. Wiping her cheeks she stands up, grabbing his hand.

"I'll...I'll go find one."

She tries to keep her head down, wanting no one to see that she'd been crying. It seemed to be all she could do these days, feeling suddenly so alone and abandoned in this world. After a few minutes she snags a pad of paper and a pen off a nurses desk, shoving them into her pockets before someone noticed. Heading back, she continued to keep her eyes casted down, until she got back to his makeshift room, the walls only curtains hung from the ceiling, since they only had one wide main floor to use as the medbay. The more serious patients got actual rooms, although at the moment she'd seen only three. The rest were piled into the large foyer, curtains set up to divide them.

"Here," she murmured, handing him the items and sitting down, looking away so he couldn't see her tears. She felt foolish now for crying, thinking he was asleep the entire time.


Dakota dressed and left, smiling to herself as she reported in to Mavis, her mind swirling with images of the beautiful naked bombshell waiting back at home for her.


Andre Fernandez was second in command of the rebels, and on duty with patrols when he saw the two men stumbling close.

"Men," he called, his Spanish accent very light so his words were pronunciated perfectly, as his patrol squad forming a line like Dakota had taught them, "Hold your fire, but if any of you see a weapon, shoot first, ask later."

They watched them pause, but the french they spoke made no sense to the Spanish rooted man, who'd grown up in Brazil, only to move to America in his teens.

"Anyone here speak french?" he asked, looking at his squad. When no one answered he grabbed his radio, calling it into his boss, "Miller, you there? We got two UN soldiers here, one's white flagging us. They speak French though."

Dakota's voice crackled through the radio, "I'm here Fernandez, with Mavis. She's sending a translator now with me. Do not let your guard down, be there in five."
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