Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Dakota hummed, loving the feel of her in her arms, "Oh we can use a chemist, and you'll be the hottest damn one. We can talk tomorrow though. Sleep Vanessa, just relax and breathe and sleep."

Dakota's eyes fluttered shut and she dozed off quickly, happy to be back and safe.


Nicki laughed, kissing his nose, "How do you know the couch isn't a better kisser than you? Are you sure you want to test that? Or would you rather kiss me until we both fall asleep?"

Vanessa nods before yawning, closing her eyes and quickly falling asleep in Dakota's embrace, the feeling of her body heat prompting her eyes to stay sealed shut.


"I doubt the couch is a better kisser." He says with a chuckle, smiling when her lips touch his nose. He takes her suggestion and closes his eyes, locking their lips together in a kiss that begins to become a bit more passionate than the last one that they had shared, as that always seemed to happen.

Nicki pushed back, adding her desire to his as she kissed him hungrily, missing him in the last week. Something about feeling actually safe, and knowing that they weren't sneaking around made her more comfortable and she sunk into his arms, allowing herself to enjoy it. Oddly enough the apartment was rather warm when they got in, a nice change to cold prison cells, and everyone had stripped from their orange jumpsuits they minute they could, leaving Nicki in shorts and a white tank, more skin then she'd had been normally wearing this last while. She didn't mind it, but it did also mean more skin for his hands to explore, if he wished so.

He lifts her up slightly, moving so that she is on top of him now, giving her a lot more freedom to stop him if he went too far.. Because tonight he wants to explore even more. His hands glide along her body, feeling her silky smooth skin under his rough fingers, craving the feeling of her skin now. He breaks the kiss and leans into her neck, starting to plant soft kisses on her sensitive flesh.

Nicki hummed as his hands explored, leaving tingly sparks along her skin, making it feel alive while calming her all the same. After a week of cold mats to sleep on and long slave working, it felt nice to be not only wanted, but craved and comforted all at once. Her hum became more a moan though when his lips moved to her neck, loving the feel of it against her sensitive flesh.

His hands go on autopilot, slipping under her tank top and resting on her back again, feeling her heated skin. His hands are freezing cold from being outside most of the day, her warm skin a welcome remedy for his cold hands. He bites down softly, smoothing his tongue over the mark, as if marking her as his. He keeps the mark below her shirtline so she would be able to conceal it if she wanted to. He whispers into her ear. "You have my mark now.. Can I have yours?" He whispers, leaning his head to the side to give her access to his sensitive flesh.

Nicki bent down and kissed his neck, then bit lightly, giving him a hickey just under his ear. She didn't about keeping it hidden, not that organized. Pulling her head up she kissed him again before snuggling into him and yawning wide.

"Wanna nap?"

Collin closes his eyes when she kisses and bites at his neck, opening his eyes when she pulls away, only to close the, again while they kiss. He groans quietly when she breaks away, having missed her lips while in the prison. He slips his hands out from under her shirt and wraps his arms around her, pulling her against him before nodding. "A nap sounds great.." He says tiredly before falling asleep, his head rested against hers.

Dakota woke in the early hours of the morning, shuffling out of the bedroom for a glass of water. But she stopped short in the short hallway leading from the two bedrooms and bathroom into the open space kitchen/living room. All she could hear was crying, coming from the couch.


Dakota moved forward in the dark, finding her best friend sniffling to herself, obviously upset.

"Nightmare, or Blake?" she whispered, sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her.

"Both, and other things," she sighed, "I have nightmare about Blake, and nightmares about my parents. And when I wake up I feel like the weight of the world is on my chest. I can't breathe. They...they are gone. My mom and dad are...are..."

She broke into tears again and Dakota hugged her hard, unsure what to say. Andrew had always been better at calming a situation down. But he was in the medical bay, and she had gotten a report back that they wouldn't release him till he spoke, so they knew he had no permanent mental damage. Not that she needed Iris to know that now. It was already stressing Dakota out. Instead she remained mute, just holding and trying to soothe her friend.


Willow woke up in the dead of night with a ear piercing scream. It echoed throughout the apartment as sweat dripped down her face, her blankets thrown off the bed as Willow gasped for air, shaking in her spot. She'd never had a nightmare like that. It was terrifying, monstrous faces chasing her down and chaining her, making her their slave, whipping her when she didn't behave. And when they were done with her they started eating her, making her scream till she woke, the feel of their teeth still on her skin.

Collin jumps when he hears the scream. He looks at Nicki before speaking. "Stay here, I'll go." He whispers, kissing her on her forehead before getting out of bed, slipping into Willows room.

"Willow?" He asks, trying to make out her face in the dark. "Are you alright?" He asks, his voice piercing through the silence.

Willow jumped when her door opened, backing herself into the far corner of her bed, scared until she heard Collin's voice.

"N-nightmare," she stuttered, still shaking.

Collin walks in, closing the door behind him before sitting on the edge of her bed, watching her. "Do you need me to stay with you?" He asks her quietly, willing to do so if necessary.

She wasn't sure if he could see her in the dark but she nodded, tears threatening to spill, "It was horrible Collin. I started getting these nightmares when we were in...in that place...and now they just get worse."

She crawled over and leaned against him, holding him tightly, "Some of my dreams have these awful faces that...that eat me. And other times it mom and dad...d-dead in front of me."

He holds her while she speaks, listening to her words and trying to figure out the meaning behind it all, when he hears her mention mom and dad he smiles a little. "Hey, cmon, mom and dad are fine.." He says to her softly, continuing to hold her. "They'll be back once we get these people out of our home.." He promises.

"Willow, sometimes you just know things." He says to her quietly. "I know that Iris' parents were both fighters to the end, they would never go down without a fight, and they did it together.. Our parents aren't like that any more, they would never sacrifice each other like that." He says to her quietly, continuing to hold her tightly.

"But mom...she gave up fighting years ago. What if they hurt her? What if they are hurt Collin? I want them back. I want my mom and dad back."

She broke then, sobbing into his arms. The stress, the fear, everything that had happened from the UN attacking was too much.

"We'll get them back.." He whispers, unsure of what else to say as he continues to just hold her, resting his head against hers and waiting for her to stop sobbing, hopefully she would tire herself out.

After about half an hour of crying her eyes got heavy as she fell asleep still pressed against him, leaving him to tuck her into bed.

He feels her fall asleep, he lifts her carefully, laying her down before pulling the covers over her, whispering as he leaves. "Goodnight Willow." Before going back into his room with Nicki, slipping into bed next to her and kisses her lips softly before going back to sleep.

In the morning Dakota gets everyone up and gives them all an hour to shower and dress, then meet her downstairs. When they are all grouped together she takes them down a few blocks to a small restaurant that is actually open, the only restaurant running in the area.

"It gives everyone a piece of normalcy," she explains, ordering six coffees and breakfast sandwiches to go, "and its somewhere to go outside of the apartments when people aren't working."

Getting their food the group steps out into the morning sun, looking around.

"So am I touring you guys around? Or do we want to go through that job list and I can show you those?"

Vanessa and Collin both say that they'd rather just go to the job lists, so that way they could start work in the morning, both of them eager to start helping out around this place.

Dakota nods, and off they go. She's quick to grab and hold on to Vanessa's hand, deciding to put caution to the wind and let everyone know. She could care less; this girl meant more to her than the scrutiny of strangers.

They had to walk back the way they came and as she did she explained some of the more obvious jobs. The obvious ones were the rebel soldiers, and the medical center. Others were the welcome center they'd all seen the day before, which worked on admitting newcomers and keeping up to date files on everyone under rebel protection.

"They also help smuggle people out," Dakota explained briefly, "There is a bus that runs into the west every few days, taking whoever wants to go."

Next she showed them "Headquarters" which contained most of the jobs. It was the building to the right of the medic center and directly across from their apartments. It had once been a office building, but now each floor served a different purpose. The second floor was a daycare center, for example.

"A safe place for anyone under twelve who can't supervise themselves when their parents are working. As you can see the group is small, but we only have one caregiver, so they are always looking for more."

The third floor was a lab, where they were testing different things. Dakota winked and Vanessa, knowing this would be her obvious choice.

"They work on vaccinations and medicine here for the medical center, since we have small quantities at the moment. They also work on different forms of warfare, like explosives, to help us if the UN attacks."

Vanessa feels her face heat up a little when Dakota grabs her hand, she walks with her redheaded girlfriend and smiles when she sees the lab, excited to get working in the morning. When they get taken to the job board she immediately signs up for the lab.

She watches as Collin signs up for the rebel soldier medical position.

Dakota watched, surprised to see Collin signing up for the rebels.

"I expected you to want to be in the medical center," she commented, shrugging, "I even put in a recommendation for you, since they are severely lacking doctors and direction right now. Mavis is running the center until we can pass it along to someone who knows what they are doing and can run the medbay. But hey, come work for me!"

At the confused look from Iris, Dakota laughed, "I thought you would have all guessed by now, since I'm not really hiding it. I run the soldier program. I control that entire sector, while Mavis runs the rest of camp."

"You were only gone for three weeks though."

"And I proved my worth in one. The rebels were a ragtag group of mischief makers when I came here. I was able to give direction and order, and Mavis sees my potential..."

Even if my family never saw it. Or even some of you, she thought sadly.
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