Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


An hour later her door opened and two guards waited for her to stand, ready to take her to back. She held her wrists down in front of her, her head bowed like she had submitted to their torture. The lockpick sat in her hot palm, hidden from sight. They pulled her forward and into the halls, winding her through until she was back at her makeshift cell, Iris, Nicki, Vanessa, and Willow waiting inside. They stuffed her inside and left her, and when the coast was clear she pulled her wrists apart, the cuffs falling away with ease.

"We are getting out of here," she grinned, "Come here and let me unlock those cuffs for you. We don't have a lot of time."

Vanessa allows Dakota to uncuff her before throwing her arms around the redhead, not caring who saw at this point, she had been unable to even touch her over the last week or so.

"We'll follow you." She says, looking back at the other women to make sure she spoke for all of them. "We've gotta grab everyone.. How're we getting out?" She asks.

Dakota pulled her into an embrace, noticing the looks of surprise on Nicki and Willow's faces...but not Iris'. When did she figure it out? Is she mad? Fuck...

But Iris didn't snap or sneer, she just spoke calmly, "I'm glad you're back Dakota. I think we all are. Give me the lockpick, and I'll help Nicki and Willow out of their cuffs."

Dakota handed it over then turned back to Vanessa, throwing away her cautious habit she'd harvested for years to keep her relationships secret. Instead she pushed blond strands behind her ear then bent forward and kissed her gently, pouring the longing she had felt all week for her.

Vanessa smiles before kissing her back, not caring who saw them anymore, she only cares about Dakota.


He walks down to the cells, ready to give Dakota hell for the morning. He spots her and Vanessa kissing.. Oh how perfect. He grabs a police baton and opens the cell, walking in and smashing the baton down on top of Vanessa's head, expecting them all to be handcuffed. He turns to Dakota and takes a swing at her.

Dakota feels Vanessa crumple in her arms, the bash on the head causing her to loose balance. As the baton swings at her she lifts her hands at the last second and catches it and him off guard, easily twisting his arm and pushing all her weight into him, smashing him into the cement wall to her left. Immediately the baton is in her possession, and she pushes it hard into his throat, pinning him there as she snarls her teeth at him.

"Feel like a tough guy now? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you like listening to girl's cry, or do you get off when you hit them?"

Dakota hasn't realized he saw them kissing, her concern more towards how hard he had hit Vanessa, and if she was alright. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Iris pulling her up, Dakota's worried eyes on her. She never let her guard down though, keeping Blake firmly pinned as she waited for an answer, her head swivelling back to him after she was assured that Vanessa was fine.

He chokes when she pushes the baton against his throat, his hands trying to push it off but fimding no purchase on the stick against his throat. "American.. Pig." He spits, now struggling to breathe. A guard walks over, looking at the scene and raising his weapon.

"Oi! Cut that out!" He yells, raising his rifle, but right as he does a shot echoes down the hallway, blood flies from the soldier's head, paining the ground around him red.

Dakota snarled at his words, pressing the baton deeper into his throat.

"No one puts a hand on her," Dakota snapped, glaring him down just as the officer past.

Blood sprayed and Dakota realized the time was now. Bashing Blake over the head she knocked him out cold.

"Nicki, Willow, can you drag Blake along? This man isn't getting off that easy. When we find the guys they can drag him. Iris, can you lookout. Vanessa come here."

She looped an arm under a dizzy Vanessa, supporting her. Two men ran up with guns, but she recognized the black bandanas covering their faces. Dakota's calm demeanor changed, turning into the leader she was.

"Release all the captives, tell them to head to the north gate, but don't go outside. We have minutes before the UN clues in and sends reinforcements. Maybe ten minutes before they show up. Move quickly."

The men nodded, one of them relaying her orders into a radio as they ran off. With Iris at the lead, keeping watch and Dakota at the back of the group they headed off in search of the guys, knowing time was of the essence.

She groans, holding her head as Dakota helps her up, she limps along with the redhead, time seeming to blur as they move forward. She almost falls a few times, trying to keep herself upright as they move.
They keep moving to the male prison section, and Dakota almost immediately spots the two of them.

"Andy!" She yells, relieved at seeing him and Collin alive, "Collin! Andy! Over here!"

Collin helps Andrew up, kicking as hard as he can against their cell door, the door flies open and they walk out together, following the group on their way out of the stadium.

They reach the exit, the UN reinforcments still have yet to arrive, probably held up by debris or a fire fight that has them otherwise preoccupied.

Iris runs forward to Collin, looping her arm around Andrew to give him support, seeing that he was hurting.

"Collin, Dakota is holding up Vanessa and Willow and Nicki are struggling with an unconscious dick named Blake. I got Andy if you can help them."

As they aimed towards the north exit they noticed the gathering orange suits, some of the captives listening to Dakota's advice.


Dakota saw the sea of people and making sure she was holding on to Vanessa tightly, raised her voice loud.

"Hey! This is the time now, to flee the city or hide. Or follow me. We can take you to safety and protection. We also have secured ways out of the state, unless you'd rather risk your luck and go off alone. It is your choice. The UN could show up at any moment."

As she spoke the rebels filed in, all of them surrounding the group. Two of them took Blake and handcuffed him, carrying him between them. Another helped Iris with Andy, and one came to Vanessa's aid but Dakota waved him away.

"We are leaving, and we are heading to our district. You may follow us, or choose your own path, but please leave now! Don't wait till they show up, alright? Frenandez, can you open the gate?"

A man with blue eyes and little other features since they were hidden jumped forward, opening up the gate. With Dakota and Vanessa at the lead she led her group and the rebels out, hoping some of the captives would follow.

Collin hands Andy over to Iris before helping with Blake, happily allowing the Rebels to take him off of his hands, as he had had enough of carrying around others for right now, his arms groaning in protest at the constant action.

The group follows Dakota through the streets like she is a natural born leader, constantly covering her and always on her tail in order for her to get them back to safety.

Collin can't stop thinking about what he would do once they were safe.

Dakota leads them through a series of roads, zigzagging to lose any chance of a tail. After half an hour she stops, letting everyone rest, knowing many would still be exhausted from the work. While they rest, she sends a group of six rebels to raid the convenience store down the block for water and food, offering replenishment to all the captives. The turnout is surprising. She's not sure who didn't follow, but there is easily two dozen people who chose to follow along. As everyone sits and drinks, or eats Dakota's main focus is on her brother and Vanessa. She knows Collin's a medic so she pulls him over to check Vanessa's concussion, while she get Andrew to lie down and rest for a minute, checking over his extensive beatings.

"Andy, why did they beat you? I was taking the brunt of Iris' I could have helped you too," she sighs, holding his hand, "Are you in pain? Can I offer you anything? Collin will be over soon to check you over. Then we will move on, okay?"

Andrew hadn't spoken since the incident, it's not that he didn't want to.. He is just.. Scared to, almost as if more beatings were to come to him from that specific guard, the one who sought him out every day. He blinks when she asks her question, his head just lolling to the side, his lips sealed.


Honestly while Collin cares about the group, he aches to be with Nicki, waiting for her is slowly killing him.. And he could also use some rest, as he was unable to sleep in the stadium. When he is done checking Vanessa was alright he walks over to Andrew and bandages him up with some spare band aids, toilet paper, and fabric the Rebels had found after raiding the convenience store.

He mentions to Dakota that the best thing for him would be to rest before seeking out Nicki, wanting to find his girlfriend and kiss her for the first time in what felt like months to him, his mind trying to figure out when the last time he had kissed her was.

When Collin's done a stretcher appears, Fernandez and one other kind enough to build one for Andrew, realizing he needed special care. Helping her twin onto it, she strokes his hair just like their mother use to do and kisses his cheek, promising he was safe now.

"I want a guard on either side of him," she ordered, "Any of the injured are to be focused on and helped in whatever way we can. Those uninjured can walk on their own in the middle of the group. Fernandez you will be at the front of the group, leading the way. I'm going to stay at the back, make sure we have no stragglers. Radio me if there are any problems."

Returning to Vanessa, she lent the blonde a hand and they waited for the crowd to start shuffling forward once more, before walking at the tail end, giving enough space for the two of them to talk alone, while Dakota maintained a watchful eye on her group.


Nicki was with Willow when Collin found them. All three of them hugged, but Nicki got no alone time with Collin, Willow gluing to her brother. It wasn't unexpected after the week they had been through, so Nicki just gave him an apologetic look and stuck to Willow's side as the three walked with the rest of the group.

Hours past, and then more hours past. The sun was beginning to set when the group came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the street. Nicki caught sight of Dakota rounding the side of the group and tugged at Willow and Collin to follow. They split from the other captives, following their fearless friend forward. Ahead was a single man carrying nothing, yet standing in their path. Dakota spoke to him for a few seconds, then he moved to the side and the group continued, as if nothing happened. Minutes later they stopped again, but this time Dakota turned to the group, looking relieved.

"We are here!" she announced, although here was technically a four way intersection in the road, "We control this section of New York, and while it may only be a few blocks each way right now, its safe. We have snipers on every roof, and patrols. My men, you know what to do."

The rebels split from the orange suit jumpers, moving away in one solid group down the street. Those with injured people split off from both groups, turning directly into the building to their right and heading inside, taking Andrew amongst others in.

"That there is our medical facility, or at least that is what we call it. If you or a loved one is hurt, please go there," her voice boomed, loud and calm, "Now if everyone could follow me for a few more steps."

They went into the left corner building, which from outside looked destroyed. Inside however the main floor had been salvaged, and was busier than ever with people bustling about in the back end. One long desk was set up in the front end, cutting the back cubicles from the waiting area at the front. Six smilng elderly ladies sat at the desk, each looking pleased to see the arrivals. The two dozen captives and their small group filed in, filling the waiting room. Dakota again stood at the front, addressing the small crowd.

"These wonderful women here devote their time to helping newcomers settle in. We ask that you come in groups -if you are a family, or close friends you may come up together. If you have no one, please come up alone. They will ask you a series of questions, the first and most important, whether you wish to stay or not. We can sneak people across the border, into the western states where America still holds control. We cannot promise what you will find there or where you will end up, we can only promise to get you out. If you wish to stay, the fine ladies will give you an apartment key to one of our many available apartments, and a list of jobs we have. Please understand, we do not force people into jobs here, but we ask everyone chooses one by a week's time. We run smoothly when everyone chips in."

She stepped away then, moving to her friends who were off in the corner.

"I'll set you guys up with apartments in my building," she smiled, "If any of you have preferences to who you want to bunk with, it will help. We can't really afford to set everyone up alone."

"Willow, Collin and I can share an apartment," Nicki offered, winking at Collin when no one was looking.

"Do you have room in your apartment?" Iris asked.

Dakota nodded, "Yeah, I have a spare room, but I was going to offer it to my brother. There's a pull out couch too."

"I'll take it," Iris sighed, "I just don't want to be alone."

Dakota looked at Vanessa, smiling, "And I assume I will be graced with your presence too in my apartment?"

Collin takes in the whole scene, amazed that the rebellion is able to scrap up so many organized people so quickly, then again this is the first time he had been in the city since they had been liberated from that dreadful apartment building.

He listens to Dakota, she reminds him of one of those summer camp instructors showing the kids around the camp and telling them everything there is to know, he zones out until he hears Nicki talk about him her and his sister sharing an apartment, catching the wink from her he suddenly feels a lot better.

They split off to their separate apartments, Collin claims one of the smaller rooms, as all he would use it for is sleeping, though it still contained a queen size bed, lucky for him. He walks into the room and collapses on the bed, the cushy mattress underneath him a welcome feeling.


Vanessa nods to her. "Of course." She says, holding a hand to her head as her throbbing headache continues its course. "Lead the way." She says, ready to follow the redhead to the apartment they were assigned to be living in for however long they would be here.

Before Dakota can lead Iris and Vanessa she's hailed by a worker, wanting a report. After a few choice words -mostly about how she just escaped and rescued 24 people, could they give her the bloody night off- she came back with two keys, handing one to Collin who promptly disappeared with the two girls, then escorting Iris and Vanessa to their apartment. As it turned out, her apartment building was right next door, in one of the nicest apartment complexs the rebel had. As Dakota explained, headquarters and the medbay was across the street, and the welcome center they had just been was next door. The rebellion itself was still getting underway. When she had found it it was mostly a group of guys running around creating chaos, rescuing those they could and holing up in one building. But as they resscued more people they realized they were running out of room.

"When I stumbled on them it was a mess, and that was three weeks ago. There was no structure, and the only leader around, Mavis, was no general, so while she could work with the civilians, she couldn't really organize a rebel army or anything. So we tag teamed it. I worked with the rebels creating havoc for the UN, and ended up splitting them into three groups: patrol, recruit, or Havoc. Everyone rotates, so no one gets stuck with the shitty job. Mavis handles all the civilians, be it complaints or what not. We didn't start the medbay until the UN started getting cruel, and we had guys coming back bleeding profusely, or captives we freed missing fingers. It's still...rough though. No one in the medbay is properly educated, so its all volunteers. We need a real medic running it, but we haven't found one yet. That's what the whole welcome center is about though, the job lists are there to alert all newcomers to what we need, and what we are looking for. By the way..."

She handed a list to each of them, waving goodbye to Collin, Nicki, and Willow as they found their apartment. Two doors down was Dakota's, and she showed Iris the couch, which the brunette was quick to lie down on for a nap, before she showed Vanessa to her room.

"C'mon baby, lie down," she offered, wanting Vanessa to rest, "King sized bed, clean blankets. Just relax, okay?"

Vanessa lays down, looking up at the redhead. "Lay down with me.." She whispers, extending her arms as if asking for a hug, wanting to be held, as she had been sleeping alone in the prison, reminding her of when Dakota had disappeared to find this group in the first place.

As Collin slipped away to his room, Nicki and Willow looked at the second room, Willow trying to bargain on who took it.

"It's yours," Nicki stated, already knowing where she wanted to sleep, "Willow, we need to talk..."

Half an hour later, Willow looked confused, happy, and a little bit skeptical, but overall she seemed okay with finding out her brother was dating her best friend. Settling that matter, Nicki left Willow to nap, moving into the hall and knocking on Collin's door, hoping she was making a mistake and he would let her bunk with him.

"Collin, can I come in?"

Collin raises his head. "Cmon in." He says, running a hand through his hair and down his face. He looks tired, and the look is only half of what he feels.. He feels as if someone had taken a vacuum and has just sucked the energy out of him, for the first time in his life he feels as if he won't even be able to get out of bed in the morning, even though he has plenty of things to be looking forward to as of right now, like avenging the deaths of the Winters family and taking the city back from the UN.

Dakota didn't hesitate, lying down and wrapping the girl in her arms, pulling her close.

"I never let them lay a hand on you Vanessa, you or the girls, I hope you know that. If I had seen Blake a second sooner...he wouldn't have hit you. No one can hurt you now though. The UN doesn't know we are here, and we have patrols to warn us if they stroll through. I can keep you safe here baby, and I can be with you. If...if that's what you want. I know...I know I've been secretive, and I haven't wanted anyone to know I'm gay. You haven't really talked about what this all is for you, if its temporary, or long term. But I don't care at this point what anyone thinks. Iris knows, and she seems okay with it. Andrew supports me. And for the rest of them...fuck it, I just want to be able to kiss you whenever I damn well please."

Nicki steps in, closing the door and slipping into bed, curling up under his arm.

"Sooooo...Willow knows. About us. I just spilled the beans," Nicki grinned, her cheeks pink, "It was about time she knew. And she seems fine with it. Now the question I have to ask is where I'm sleeping tonight? Would you like a sleeping partner from now on...or shall I take over the couch?"

She snuggles against the redhead, shakily letting a breath out as she curls against her. "I want this to last, I don't care who knows or who finds out, I want to be with you for a long time Dakota, I don't know how long, hell, it could be eternity for all I know." She says with a laugh, biting the bottom of her lip. "I'm yours." She says.


"That's good." He says while wrapping his arms around her, resting his forehead against hers and whispering to her. "I dunno, the couch might get lonely without you.. Are you sure you can handle sleeping here little girl?" He whispers, a grin playing along his lips as he speaks to the younger woman.

"Little girl?" Nicki scoffs playfully, "I'm only five years younger, I'll have you know. And the couch would looooooooooooove to snuggle me. So maybe I will go and snuggle it. Unless you have a better offer?"


"And I'm yours," Dakota sighed happily, "We can sleep easy tonight my little vixen. We are safe, and warm. And tomorrow I can show you and the gang around, maybe give you some ideas for where you want to work. Did you look at the list?"

Collin laughs. "Unless a couch can kiss you I think you're out of luck." He says to her softly, at this point his lips are brushing against hers as he speaks, his arms pulling her body against his as he looks into her eyes.


She smiles softly, nuzzling against Dakota's neck before speaking softly. "I'm a chemist, I don't know if there are any job openings like that, but that's what I'm good at." She explains to Dakota, starting to curl up into the redhead's side.
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