Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She hears the front door open and Collin's voice ring out, but she holds a hand up to stop him, her gun still cocked. There was one last man, his knee already shot, crawling for his life through the backyard.

"I don't take kindly to scum," she snapped, raising her weapon and firing, watching his body slump.

Turning on her heel, she stood in the backyard looking in, seeing those old familiar faces piling in. Then someone yelled from upstairs and she ran in, slinging her gun over her shoulder.

"Cease fire!" she yelled, stepping in between the group and the stairs where two men were coming down, gun's cocked and loaded, "They are allies, not enemies."

"This the group?" one of them asked, lowering his gun.

"Yes," Dakota nodded, "And this was their original base, which is why it was important to seize it back. It was my home growing up."

She turned then and smiled at the group, wanting so badly to hug all of them, but unsure who was angry and who was not. Her eyes landed on Vanessa briefly, smiling at her before settling on Andy, scared her brother might not be happy to see her.

Everybody settle back in, I want a count of supplies and weapons, see what they fucked up." He says, watching everyone start to move their separate ways. He claps Dakota's shoulder. "We've needed you around here." He admits.

She watches them all seperate, her head hanging a bit when no one even tries to speak to her, say hello, anything. She knew Vanessa was just biding her time, but to be snubbed by Iris and Andrew hurt. A lot. The only person who talked her surprisingly was Collin.

"I see your still leader," she looked around, "The biggest thing they fucked up is getting their blood all over the carpets."

"I think it adds to it," one of the men behind her joked and she laughed.

"I think we all see red too much," she joked back, "It's becoming our favorite color."

Turning back to Collin, she pulled him into a quick hug before stepping away. After speaking to him she'd hunt Vanessa down, knowing at least her blonde vixen wanted Dakota around.

"Of course you needed me, I'm awesome. But I didn't come to stay Collin. We came to collect actually."

"Recruit," one of the men corrected and she shook her head at him.

"Collect. Not everyone we save is a soldier, you know that. Collin, we came to offer the group safety. At least, more safety then a small house. It's up to each of you to choose, but its why we came. Hoping the seven of you would join."

"Join what?" He asks her, his next question is about the men behind her, but she is talking about a cause, so he assumes that they are a part of that. "Just give them some time to rest, they slept on a stone floor last night in the deathly cold, they had the fight kicked out of them yesterday." He explains.

"I can explain on our way, but we can't stay. We have others relying on us too. We can spend an hour here."

She turned to speak to the two men behind her, their faces covers in black bandanas, both dressed in military gear.

"Scout the area, look for any supplies. Maybe we can find some extra food."

Iris was standing behind Collin and slipped out at that point, raising her voice, "There's a grocery store fifteen minutes away thats loaded."

Dakota half turned, smiling, "Perfect. Boys, start there."

With them leaving she turned and Iris was there, pulling her into a strong hug.

"I miss you too," Dakota sighed, hugging her back, "I missed all of you. Where's Andy, I need to hug my darling brother too."

"Everyone's upstairs except for him, he's out in the garage checking to make sure the cars are alright, he stripped down that 5 ton I raided so we have plenty of scrap metal if the need arises." He explains, before walking upstairs, knowing that Dakota would want to catch up with everyone.

He finds Nicki and motions with his head to his room where he walks inside, waiting for her, now knowing that they have an hour to do whatever.

"She turned as he wandered up the stairs, calling to him.

"You may not want to go into any of the rooms. There may be a fair bit a blood. Most of it was in that spare room with the guns though, sorry!"

She hadn't cleaned any of the bodies so the house was littered with a dozen of them. Watching her men leave she went to the garage, opening the door slowly and peeking in. Andy was there, tinkering away. She loved seeing it, watching him for several minutes before coughing.

"No welcome back party for your dear sister, eh?" She asked grinning, "even if she missed you, Andy."

Andrew turns to see his sister and smiles softly. "Sorry, just some stuff on my mind." He says before standing up and hugging her. "Welcome back." He says, holding her tightly as any brother who hasn't seen his sister for awhile would.

She falls into the hug,squeezing him tightly.

"Told you I'd be back. What's on your mind Andy?"


Iris decided to take the hour break to sleep, knowing she hadn't gotten much the night before. She hadn't brought up what she had recently learned abou Dakota. She knew she had to, but it was neither the time nor place to do it now. Instead she found that the couch was free of blood and lay down there, hoping to sleep till they left.


Nicki caught Collins signal and came over, but the minute she opened the door she gagged.

"Nope," she whined, "not in there. Back yard. Ten minutes."

She turned and fled, running to the bathroom to vomit. She'd never seen so much blood. Afterwards she brushed her teeth and rushed down to the kitchen for some water, washing the taste out of her mouth.


Willow couldn't even go upstairs, heeding the warning from Dakota she'd overheard. Instead she sat on the front porch looking out, still feeling safe with the front door open and her back to the wall, so no one could sneak up on her.

"Well, I still really like Iris.. But she's hooking up with Blake, like big time now.. I just don't even know what to do, every girl I like is taken by someone or something, it's like I'm destined to be alone.." He says quietly, sighing afterwards.


Collin nods to her before making his way outside, walking around the shed and putting his back against the wall, zoning out while he thinks to himself, waiting for his.. Girlfriend? Is that who she is now? They just kissed and hugged... But nothing was really established between them as of now.

She rubs his cheek, pouting for him, "I always knew you had a big crush on someone for a long time. Never guessed it was Iris. You can't force people to love you Andy, no more than you can force yourself to like someone. If it's meant to be its meant to be. One day a girl is going to come your way that's going to be everything you ever wanted. And besides, Iris can do better. He's so not her type, and she's probably only with him because she doesn't know it yet."

She hugged him again then released him, looking over at his project.

"That scrap might be handy. Think you can load it all into the van and we can come back for it later? No one will notice it here in the garage."

"Right.." He says once she is done talking about finding the right girl.

"Well, they call the truck a five ton because.. Well, it weighs five tons, so I'd only be able to keep what we absolutely need from the truck in the van or else the suspension will drag and the back wheels will pop." He explains to her.

"So while I figure that out, Vanessa has been missing you, you should go talk to her, I think she's in the master bedroom." He says to her while walking over to the scrap pile.

Dakota nodded, trusting his judgement, before turning to leave. She wasn't sure if anyone had been in the master bedroom when they had been dropping bodies, but as it turned out no one was. Niether was Vanessa though. For a second, Dakota thought she might be elsewhere before she realized the bathroom light was on and the door shut. Obviously the blonde was being smart about her hour and cleaning up best she could. Dakota took the time to lock the door and drop her guns and jacket on the floor, before yanking off the rest of her clothes and piling them on top too. Then she crawled into bed, hiding her naked and shivering body under the blankets -a wrapped gift for the beautiful bombshell in the bathroom she'd missed all too much.


Nicki found Collin around the side of the shed, quickly stealing a kiss as she could, before pulling her head back, keeping her body firmly pressed to his.

"So did you figure out who the other guys there were? What's going on? What's going to happen?"

Vanessa peaks her head out of the bathroom before moving back inside, quick enough so that Dakota wouldn't see her. She changes out of her clothes so that she is wearing nothing before walking out, crawling on top of the covers and elegantly stretching out, laying herself on top of Dakota before pressing her lips to hers.

"You have no idea how much I missed you..." She whispers, her lips brushing against the redhead's as she speaks, tears starting to spring up in her eyes.


"She says they are recruiting, so I assume rebels.. And we're relocating, she wouldn't tell me where, though." He explains before stealing another kiss, this one long and passionate. He mutters against her lips. "I can't get enough of this.." Before continuing to kiss her.

Nicki leaned harder into the kiss, sighing happily before pulling back slightly to speak, "Will Willow be safe? That girl has been through more than the rest of us. She needs to feel safe."


Dakota let her kiss her lightly, but when she saw the emotion on her face her heart swelled a bit, feeling even better.

"And I for you," she whispered, "It's why I came back early."

She kissed her again this time longer, till they were struggling to breath. When she broke it she kept her eyes closed, a devilish grin on her face, "I did bring a present back though. You just have to pull back the covers baby. And yes, I noticed you were naked. My hands would be all over your luscious skin, if you weren't pinning them down."

"Willow's a strong girl, she will be safe.." He whispers before closing the gap again, as if trying to let her know that there was nothing she needed to worry about. For him, it seemed as if their relationship is blossoming, becoming better by the day.. And he doesn't mind that. He breaks away slightly, his lips brushing against hers as he speaks. "It's probably already established.. But will you be my girlfriend?" He whispers to her, his eyes locked with hers.


Vanessa smiles and points her ass in the air, slowly stepping off of her, her ass wiggling slightly as she does so. She pulls back the covers to reveal Dakota in all of her glory. She slides in next to her, snuggling into her side and kissing her neck lightly. "Touch me Dakota.. I miss the feeling of your hands baby.." She whispers, laying back and inviting the redhead to her body.

Nicki looked a little flabbergasted, or at least she felt that way. She had thought he only wanted a "fling".

"I thought you said you weren't that type," she muttered, "I mean...yes, of course I want to be your girlfriend. Just when did this change of mind happen?"


"You're wish is my command princess," Dakota purred, instantly jumping Vanessa, her lips exploring her neck, her shoulders, every curve and crevice. Her hands roamed freely, skimming down her sides then up her smooth belly to her perky breasts, cupping and squeezing them before roaming again, this time towards her ass. She squeezed that too, then moved on again, teasing Vanessa with her hands while her mouth left hot wet kisses.

"Ohhhh baby.." She whispers as she feels Dakota's hands roaming her body, squeaking in delight as the redhead's hands grope her breasts and purring in her ear when she feels her ass squeezed. "Don't leave me again Dakota.." She whispers, wrapping her arms around the redhead's back and starting to feel her body for herself, her hands skimming the skin as if it is porcelain.


He smiles. "Well, I figured that if I wanted to find something worth coming home to, it should be more than just a fling." He says to her quietly. "Listen Nicki, I don't know what it means, but I do know that there are thirty three million seconds in a year, and I would spend every one of them with you if I had the chance.." He says to her quietly, his forehead resting against hers.

"Touch me more," Dakota sighed, missing the feel of her hands.

She rolled them, setting Vanessa on top so the blonde could play with her now.

"My toys are still in the nightstand," she whispered, "I think this time it should be you pleasuring me first."


"Awwww," Nicki smiled, her heart melting as she leaned in to another kiss and another.

Her mouth glued to his for several minutes, just kissing him as her hands explored his arms, shoulders, back, hair. Finally she broke away to take a breath.

"So...are we going to tell Willow then?" she asked, the idea springing forth rather suddenly, "I don't like keeping secrets from her."

He feels her break away, making him groan internally. "Later.." He whispers before kissing her again, unable to get enough of her lips. His hands roam her body, not touching anywhere sensitive without permission, but exploring her back and running his hands through her hair, tempted to explore her bare skin, but knows not to do so without her permission.


Vanessa smiles devilishly. "Oh baby, we don't need toys." She says, grinding her pussy against Dakota's before slowly.. Seductively sliding down Dakota's body, her tongue running from her upper chest.. To her stomach.. Then to her crouch.. Finally her tongue sinks into the redhead's pussy, immediately finding her g-spot and attacking it viciously, never relenting on pleasing her. She also glides her hand up her inner leg, her finger nails barely grazing Dakota's leg before reaching her pussy, rubbing the top of the entrance to enhance the experience.

Nicki groaned into his mouth when his hands wrapped in her hair, loving the massaging feel to it. She pulled at his shoulders as she turned, making him pin her against the shed wall. Something sparked in her and she pulled him to press closer, her hands pulling at his neck as her mouth kissed his hungrily.


Dakota's head hit the pillow as a groan escaped her.

"Oh baby, yesss, yes baby oooooooh god," she moaned, in absolute bliss.

Vanessa continues her vicious attacks, starting to lightly bite at her clit before returning to her g-spot, her free hand keeping Dakota's legs spread wide for her. Her eyes flick up to see her, she stops for a moment before smiling. "Enjoying yourself, mistress?" She asks, a grin forming before she goes back to pleasuring the redhead.


His hands seem to adopt a mind of their own, sliding down her sides and slipping under her shirt, making their way up her back to clutch her bare back, pulling her against him as the heated kiss continues. His tongue runs along her bottom lip, begging her for entry.

"Don't call me mistress," she groaned, Dakota not liking that, "You are my godess, if anyone is a mistress it is you Vanessa baby."

Her back arched as Vanessa found her g-spot again, groaning louder, "I love your tongue. Oooooooh."


Nicki's breath quickened, but she was still too nervous to ask him to go further, scared it would change to much. She let him keep his hands on her bare back, another baby step in their intimacy.

She stops paying attention to her pussy and slides up her body, licking up her ear as she whispers. "But you're so dominant.. Oohhhhh, I love it when you dominate me.. I love being your bitch.." She whispers, licking her ear again before sliding back down, continuing to worship Dakota's pussy.
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