Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Anywhere, just pull out," she moaned, the pain in her hair erotic, "Don't get it in my hair!"

She let him tug harder on her brunette locks, her head pulling back as her legs turned numb around his waist and her arms cried. The feeling of it all only pushed her to orgasm quicker, moaning loudly as she climaxed a final time.

Blake lets her orgasm before pulling out, reaching up and untying her hands, letting her fall to the ground before basically shoving his cock into her mouth, ready to explode. "Suck me off, sexy." He says to her while holding the side of her head, his tied arm no longer applying pressure to the rope.

She feels her weight shift and suddenly she's falling, although gently and gracefully. Her knees hit the ground and he practically chokes her with his erection, thrusting it into her mouth. A flash of defiance crosses her mind, unaccustomed to being anything but dominant. But she did as he asked, sucking and licking, her head bobbing back and forth.

He groans when she starts to lick and suck on his cock. "Iris, baby, you are a sex goddess he says to her while running his hands through her hair. Finally he finds his release, exploding into her mouth with a hitch in his breath. He taps her cheek lightly with his hand. "Good girl.." He says to her quietly.

Her eyes shoot up as she pulls away, swallowing his cum, "You did not just say good girl...I'm not a dog Blake."

She doesn't seem angry or upset, just a mixture of shocked and a little sarcastic.

He laughs. "I never said you were, but I can see where you heard it from.. My bad." He says as he sits back, letting out a huff. "That was awesome Iris, we should do it again sometime." He says with a laugh.

She shrugged, a little turned off by his nonchalant begabior.

"We should get dress and join the group," she commented, pulling her pants on, "before people come looking for us, although I'm sure if anyone had stepped into the backyard they would have heard me."

He grins before pulling on his clothes again, standing up and looking at her before biting the bottom of his lip. "I know you told me that guys shouldn't demand kisses.. But could you..?" He asks, obviously trying to get her to finish the sentence for him.
"Ask?" She finished, leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on his lips, "guys shouldn't demand kisses to random girls Blake. I think we just passed the acquaintance phase. No need to ask or demand. Just find me when you want a taste of these sweet lips.

She leaned forward again and without asking or demanding kisses him roughly before throwing her shirt on and sauntering out the shed, skipping back into the house and looking around for something to do.

He feels her lips agaisnt his, making him smile.. Past the acquaintance stage.. Them her rough kiss.. God he loves this girl already, kinky, smart, and rough when it comes down to it. He watches her leave before waiting a couple of minutes, exiting the shed and taking over guard duty from Andrew, seeming to be in a very good mood.


Andrew had heard the noises.

He had felt his heart break when he watched her walk out to the shed behind Blake, so alls he could do was cover his ears and try to focus on some happy thoughts.

He hands his gun over to Blake and walks over to the truck, it was nearly disassembled now, he works on it for a few more hours, placing the parts in a small pile and ditching the frame of the massive truck.
After an hour at the terminal Iris gave up on it looking for something else to do. Nicki was doing circles around the property, waiting. Collin seemed to either join her patrols or stay hidden in his room. And after a short conversation with Vanessa Iris found herself outside watching Andrew tinkering with the truck.

"That looks a little dangerous," She stayed with a lazy grin, one hand on her hip, "the fact your doing that and it's still drizzling isn't safe. Everything's wet Andy. You should be careful, or maybe ask for help. Want a hand?"

He hears Iris speaking, he looks up and just shakes his head. "I'll be fine.." He says, something is obviously upsetting him as he continues to disassemble the last part of the truck, still unsure of what he will do with all of the metal he had collected.
She frowns, stepping into the bed of the truck, "is everything alright Andy? Seriously it's no problem for me to lend a hand. I don't want you slipping and cutting yourself."

She stepped closer, Iris oblivious to what was bothering him. If she knew she'd probably not understand, or worse get awkward around him.

"Just...just call me if you need me," she shrugged turning and walking away, feeling ignored by her friend. With nothing else to do she found a seat beside Blake on guard and kept him company, knowing at least he'd talk to her.

"Hey sweet lips." He says to her with a laugh, continuing to stare at the forest line, there had been no movement all day, and he was about to switch posts with Vanessa.
The rest of the day passes on as normal, until night begins to fall and Iris spots something coming down the street, having been bored and nothing better to do but patrol.

"Collin!" she ran into the house yelling, alerting the whole group, "There's someone walking down the road."

Collin jumps, he had been sitting at the table eating. He gets up and grabs his L85 from the table, walking over to the front porch and squinting his eyes to try to make out who it is.

"Identify yourself!" He calls out, pointing his rifle at the figure.

They watched as the person approached, their hood down. Everyone was so hyperfocused on this one person that Nicki realized all too late none of them had been watching the area. They were like smoke, appearing from nowhere. Shadowy figures on the roofs of each house around them, guns raised and pointed down at the group of six. More figures were standing between houses, watching and waiting.

"There's like...like a dozen of them," Nicki croaked, her body crumpling behind Collin where she felt safer, "They ar everywhere."

The rest of the group began to notice too as the first man in his hood stepped onto the lawn, lowering his hood slowly. He looked old, possibly in his forties, with salt and pepper hair and wrinkles on his dark face. He nodded at them, then looked behind his shoulder and held up his hand, wiggling two figures for someone to come forward. Two men with bandanas over their faces to hide everything but their eyes stepped up, with a bound and gagged Willow between them, her eyes wide opened and terrified, looking up at her big brother. She looked unharmed other than the black ring around one of her eyes.

"You hurt her!" Nicki snapped in a spurt of bravery, before flinching behind Collin again.

"She tried to flee and tackled one of my men, they were simply defending themselves. The black eye is all she received, we assure you."

"Why did you take her?" He asks, looking around now at all of the figures, unsure if he should still be aiming the gun at the man, his finger tight around the trigger still. "Let her go!" He yells to the man, pressing the gun into his own shoukder, ready to fire.

The leader nodded to the man on the left holding her and suddenly a gun barrel was pressing into her throat hard, making her grit her teeth through the gag.

"You shoot me and you're sister and all your group members die, understood? There are many more of us then there are of you. We don't need bloodshed here, we simply want a trade. But if you pull that trigger on any of us, we will open fire. If any of you try to slip back into the house, we will open fire. We want all of you to step out onto the grass, and lower whatever weapons you have."

Willow's eyes focused on her brother, tears springing in her eyes at seeing the relief on his face, just knowing she wasn't dead...yet.

Collin places his weapon on the ground, motioning for his group to get on the grass. "You know, it's really fucking scumbaggy of Americans to be ransoming Americans when we have invaders kicking in our front door." He says to the man coldly, shooting him a look thst could kill.

"Wake up son, we aren't in America anymore," the man on Willow's right snapped, "America deserted this state, like it did all the states on the East Coast. It's man vs. man now."

"That's enough," the leader shushed him, "It's about survival out here. It's a war, not a sleepover trip. You kids should be imprisoned ny now, but your not, telling us that one or two of you know what your doing and that there house of ours, it should be fit for us to bunker down. Now all you six will start walking towards the grocery store. No guns."

"What about Willow!" Nicki demanded, looking terrified and angry all at once.

"The brunette stays with us till your a few houses down. Then we will release her. Start walking, or my friend here will pull his trigger. No more little sister."

"Why the hell are you doing this?" Iris demanded, hoping they all ignored the terminal strapped to her back like a backpack, "Just because we are at war doesn't mean we have to treat each other like animals."

"Grow up kid. This isn't play time. This is world war three," the man on the right of Willow snapped again, "Survival of the fittest."

"Get moving," the leader demanded, and the barrel of the gun pressed harder into Willow's throat, almost cutting off her breathing and making her whimper.

Collin and the group start walking up the road, leaving their guns and cars at the house, they turn when they get a few houses down to see if they would actually release Willow.

After they were well out of earshot, and several houses down the gun was pulled away, the leader turning to her.

"We won't be untying your binds to your wrists. In case you have any ideas."

He pulled the gag off though, but she couldn't even think of something harshly to say. All she could do was try not to cry. She hated even doing it, but she bowed her head then, knowing they were defeated.

"Take the house. Take everything. Just please...please there is a picture of my parents in the second floor right bedroom. Can I have that?"

The leader frowned, but didn't say no, nodding to one of the women to retrieve it. From what she had heard, this crowd was only trying to survive. Sure they were being dicks about it, but they had more intel on the situation, and as much as she hated what they were doing, she understood the fear behind it all. Minutes passed and Willow worried that Collin would think she wasn't coming. Then the woman came out, carrying a backpack and looping it over the girl's neck.

"Linda..." the leader sighed.

"You are sending children to fend for themselves," she snapped, "Least we can do is give them some warm clothes and something to remind them of their families. We aren't all soulless."

"She doesn't need any scraps from us," one of the men she had seen earlier snap, rushing up, "We can use that clothing too."

He tried to take the backpack off and Linda shoved him back, Willow flinching as she thought a fight might break out.

Then a shot rang out.

It was piercing and loud right beside her ear, and to anyone in the distance like her friend, they wouldn't be able to tell if someone was dead. Someone like her. But Willow was safe and whole. The shot had only been a warning, the man who had been on her right previously shooting at the grass to stop the brawl before anyone got hurt.

"Now's a good time to leave kid," he snapped at Willow and she nodded, turning and fleeing towards the group, wanting them to know she was alive...and safe, god she was actually safe.

Collin sees her running up the road, he runs up to her and throws his arms around her, hugging her while untying her binds. "I'm so glad you're safe.." He says to her quietly. "You're not leaving our safe house anymore without proper watch, you hear?" He asks her.

He lets go of her and turns to the group. "There's a mine shaft a mile up the road, we can take cover in there and set up shop, maybe scavenge around for more stuff." He says to te group before walking.

It takes an hour for them to get there, but they get there and start setting up shop, they barricade the mine shut so that they all can sleep for the night.

When they get there Willow lets them set up a barricade while she checks what was in the backpack. She's happy to find clean socks for everyone, a flashlight, some matches, seven granola bars, and everyone's wallets. Not that money was important, but Willow's picture of her family was in her wallet, and Linda must have thought the others might have the same. So she handed them back out, with a pair of dry socks since the ran had soaked everyone's sneakers, and a granola bar. Then she found Collin and curled up under his arm, just needing his presence after the day she'd had.

"I love you Collin," she whispered, resting her head on him, "I'm sorry I keep scaring you."
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