Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She watched him talk, her eyes glued to his furrowing brow.

"You look cute when your deep in thought," she mumbled, her cheeks growing pink, "Anyways, how would they know where we are? We have guards on duty for that. And if they do know where we are, what can they get from us. They have an entire grocery store at their disposal. Weapons maybe?"

She drained her coffee, then reached out to place it in the sink, which was directly behind Blake. She leaned in to place it, her body only centimeters from touching him as she placed the cup down, hyperalert that if she turned her head to the left she could kiss him. But I don't want to kiss him. Do I? He was such a jerk at the start. But now...now he's helping me try to help Willow. And he's been nice all week. I...I don't know. Jeez Iris, get it together! Do you like the boy or not?

He grins, his face turning slightly red at her comment, he nods as she speaks, listening to her words and taking her opinion into account.

"Well, there are trees all around, they could hide in the shadows and watch us all day if they wanted to, I've been on guard duty enough to see some shadows in the woods, haven't you see them?" He asks her.

He watches her put her cup away, tempted to kiss her.. But he remembers what she says about earning kisses and doesn't move.

Now that he says it, she can't help but admit those time she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, the shadows moving only slightly in the trees. She doesn't move away though, pretending to tinker in the sink as her mind battles whether to kiss him or not.

"If they have been watching us, and that was a set up, then the mostly likely answer is she's a bargaining chip, which means they will bring her here. And unharmed. In exchange for maybe or weapons, or transportation. Either way, all that means is we have to wait until they show themselves."

She pulled her hand back then, brushing against his elbow as her eyes flickered up and to the left, catching his gaze. Right then a dirty thought rolled through her mind, of how long it had been since she'd gotten naughty with a guy. Weeks? A month or two? Hell, she wasn't the kind of girl to strip down on the first date and let a guy grope her, but Blake had been pining for her for weeks now, and she really did want to kiss him. Desire pooled through her eyes, her mouth opening slightly trying to figure out what to say next.

Blake watches her for a moment, catching that look in her eye, he smiles and leans forward, whispering in her ear. "Would you like to go somewhere more private?" He whispers, after all most of the group was around them right now.

He keeps his eyes locked with hers, his eyebrows still raised in question, the choice completely up to her at the given time, though he is hoping for a specific answer..

Iris grins, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and yanking him towards her while simultaneously opening the pantry and dragging them both inside. Shutting the door, her lips are suddenly on his, her fist holding onto his shirt to keep him close.

"Make noise and we are caught," she whispered, her tongue flicking out and running along his bottom lip before her mouth smothered his again, her body pressing his into the wall, her free hand taking his and sliding it down her hips to her ass, telling him without words what she was okay with.

He returns the grin, loving how rough she had just become. He kisses her back hungrily, his hand reaching for his belt and undoing it, wrapping it around the door handle and around one of the shelves, tightening it to make sure the door wouldn't open.

"Complete privacy." He mutters to her, kissing her again and feeling her tongue along his lower lip, he opens his mouth and allows his tongue to flick around in her mouth, exploring her to the full extent. He feels her hand guiding his, he uses both hands to clench her ass, feeling excitement running through him. "You'll be the one making noise, Iris." He whispers with a grin.

He speaks between kisses. "I've been dreaming about this.." He mutters before continuing, the feeling of her hot mouth against his making him hard, his erection poking into her thigh as they kiss. He seems to actually enjoy the woman pinning him to the wall, the feeling of it super sexual to him.

Iris lips move off his mouth, leaving hot wet kisses down his neck to his ear where she purrs, "oh I can be your every fantasy baby."

His erection made her hornier than she thought she'd be and pressing him harder into the wall she grounded into him, enjoying the control. She always loved to make them beg. Her mouth moved back to his, tongue invading his as she pulled at his hair.

"My kind of girl.." He whispers before kissing her again, her lips on his neck making him harder, if even possible at this point.

He can tell that she is trying to make him beg for her, after all she is grinding her hips against him. His grin grows wider as he kisses her, he wouldn't give in that easy. He breaks the kiss and pushes back against her a little, kissing her neck and biting the sensitive flesh playfully, as if challenging her.

His teeth on her skin alight fire through her viens.

"So you play dirty too," she whispered, kissing his ear, "Challenge accepted."

Her one hand grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked his head back into the wall while her teeth nibbled on his ear, then kissed his exposed throat. Her other hand reached down and cupped his erection, fondling it playfully.

He groans when she pulls his hair, he feels her hand on the tent in his jeans, making him grit his teeth, but he doesn't want to give in just yet.

"How about we make it interesting and strip?" He mutters to her, his lips brushing against hers as he speaks. His hands are still on her ass, they start to pull down her jeans, slowly enough so that she could stop him at any time.

She opens her mouth to say go for it when a voice outside the door pipes up.

"I swear they were just in here," Nicki muttered, "Maybe they went upstairs Collin. Or the living room, I saw Vanessa there."

Way to get cockblocked, Iris sighed, knowing if they were looking for them, it would only take minutes for them to find out they weren't upstairs. The footsteps left and Iris let out her breath, adjusting her clothes.

"To be continued," she grinned, "Let's see how long you can REALLY wait before begging."

Taking his belt off the door she handed it to him with a wink and slipped out, wanting to put space between them so no one guessed what they had been doing. She was sure no one would be happy about two of them getting frisky in their only pantry.

"Hey Nicki," she called, waving at her from the bottom stairs, "You just missed me, I'm down here. What's going on?"

"Rain's letting up," she explained, "We want to organize a search party."

Iris shook her head, "There won't be a need. Round up the gang and Blake and I can explain. We have a theory."

Blake groans when he hears the voice, things had just been heating up.. He takes his belt and puts it back on, grinning at her when she winks at him.

When he is done straightening himself out he slips out of the pantry and leans against the counter, hoping that nobody saw him come out of there. He watches the group upstairs, listening to Iris speak about their theory.

After a few minutes the crowd gathers in the kitchen and Iris positioned herself beside Blake, with Nicki on her other side and Collin next to her. Iris started explaining the theory than handed it over to Blake, since he explained it easier.

"We think they took Willow for ransom, they want to bargain for something, meaning Willow will be unharmed. Blake can explain it better..."

"Yeah, we don't think its UN because they would've just captured Nicki, Vanessa, and Willow, plus there was no troop activities.. Besides that, they've been watching us I think, they hide in the trees all day and leave at night when we can't see them, so they know all about us and we know nothing of them." He explains to the group in front of him.

"At least that's the theory, I've just noticed movement in the woods, I thought it was a raccoon or something, but apparently not."

"I thought it was the trick of my eyes," Iris added and noticed Nicki nodding.

"The other day I thought the sun was playing with the shadows, but it could have been something else. So you think they will come to us."

"It's the only thing that makes sense," Iris shrugged, "Why go through all the effort of setting up the store then kidnapping the youngest member of our group and leave the other two there. It is all planned, down to why they wanted her. But it is just a theory. I suggest we stay here for the night, keep two or three people on watch. If they haven't appeared by noon tomorrow then we start searching. But Collin it is your call."

Collin nods. "We'll stay here.. As much as I'm against it, we'll stay." He says. "We'll do normal watch duties, but keep your eyes on the woods to make sure nobody sneaks up on us during the night, watches are now patrols, just walk through the bottom floor of the house to make sure nobody gets inside." He explains to them.

"Day watches will remain sitting on the porch for now.. Everyone's dismissed, Andrew is on day watch for now." He says before leaving the room.


While everyone was standing up to leave, chatting and such, Blake leans in to whisper in Iris' ear. "Meet me in the shed at the backyard, we can continue what we started, sexy." He whispers, so quietly that nobody but her would hear him.

Iris couldn't help but smile and let out the softest giggle, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink and she nodded to him, whispering under her breath, "Ten minutes."

"That's almost too long to wait, sweet lips." He whispers before grinning and leaving her side, walking outside and looking around before leaning against the shed, patiently waiting for Iris to come out of the house.


Andrew watches them whisper to eachother, feeling his fist clench as he walks out, he casts his jealous thoughts aside, walking out to the porch and sitting down, keeping his eyes on the tree line as to carefully look for anything out of ordinary.

Iris waited for the group to disperse before following Blake's trail, jogging across the back yard and smiling at him.

"Ladies first," she laughed, opening the wide shed and stepping in, her hand reaching to grab his and drag him along. Closing the shed door she grabbed his belt and tugged him close, kissing his nose as she unbuckled and slipped his belt off, using it to lock the shed. It was a plastic shed, big enough for at least six people to stand inside. It had shelves lined along the back with tools, and a lawnmower to the side. The thing she did like was it was rather clean. Looking through the shelves, she let Blake watch her, making him wait even longer. Finally she found what she was looking for and strapped it to a small rafter pole at the top of the shed, letting a long yellow rope dangle down in front of her.

"I've always loved my vanilla with a few sprinkles," she riddled, smiling at him, "Going to beg yet?"

He raises his eyebrows at her. "That all depends on who is getting tied up here." He says to her, the feeling of her lips on his nose still sending shivers down his spine, she was really starting to have an effect on him.

Iris's mischievous grin grew, "That's the fun of it."

The rope hung in two strings and she took one, wrapping it around his right arm and knotting it so it wouldn't cut of his blood flow but it was tight enough. Then she took the second string and rose her own right arm, offering him to tie her up.

"I didn't tie the rope to the rafter, I only strung it over. Whoever pulls harder will yank the other person's good arm up, making it harder on them. As for clothes...well I didn't think this all the way through. Shit."

She quickly yanked her shirt off, watching his face as she revealed her modest perky breasts, then pulled her bra off and dropped both to the floor. Before she tied herself up she got his shirt off too, pulling the rope through his sleeve then readjusting it over the rafter and letting him tie her good arm up.


He grins when he sees her topless, tying the rope to her arm before stepping back. "So how're we gonna start this?" He asks her, raising his eyebrows in her direction, still slightly confused about the little game, though interested because of the kinkiness.

"Like this," she yanked her tied wrist down to her hip, watching his arm shoot up above his head till he almost off balance. With her free arm she raked her nails down his abs, humming to herself.

"Maybe my parents were right. You are one fine looking man. But can you keep up with me?"

He feels his arm get yanked up, but he starts to pull against her, using his dominant strength to his advantage as he pulls against her.

"We'll see." He grunts, the feeling of her nails on his abs making him pull harder on the rope.

He must have misjudged her strength.

"Forget who my parents are? I've been working out since I was a kid with my dad."

She yanked back, enjoying the control, "You look good strung up."
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