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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


The minute his words started on about fighting her heart sunk. She wasn't a fighter. This had been a argument she'd had with her parents for years. She didn't like shooting people are playing spies. Or whatever. She liked safety and her computers and being a girl. Looking around she could Nicki and Willow were thinking the same thing, Willow shyly backing away in the back of the kitchen where she wasn't seen and Nicki simply nodding but neither agreeing not disagreeing. It seemed the woman of the group were a little less excited about all this than the men.

We need Dakota.

Andrew and Blake both raise their hands, but Vanessa backs out with the rest of the women, the results were expected, at the end of the day they would need more people.


Collin nods to them. "Everybody should get some rest, tomorrow we'll start." He says to the group before walking upstairs to his own room, part of him hopes that Nicki will meet him up there so that they could continue what they started.
Everyone retired except Nicki who made an excuse to clean. Iris chose guard shift so when she wasn't looking Nicki snuck upstairs and into the guest bedroom which was doubling as artillery and Collins room. There were only so many rooms in the house.

"Hey," she whispered, slipping in and locking the door, "you up?"

He had been staring at the ceiling, as if waiting for her. He sits up and smiles. "Yeah, welcome to my room, beautiful." He says to her quietly, moving over as if inviting her to sit down with him. He places his hands behind his head and watches her, as if wondering what her next move would be, even though part of him already knows.

Nicki sauntered over and sat down at the end of the bed, her nerves back in action. While she had flares of bravery, his confidence always out shone her. She wrung her hands nervously, hoping he'd make a move so she wouldn't have to. She didn't want sex, but somehow she couldn't even bring herself to grab him and kiss him.

Collin watches her sit down, he scoots himself closer and puts his arm around her, looking at her before speaking. "What do you wanna do?" He says to her quietly, not wanting to overstep any of her boundaries by accident.

He cuts her off by pulling her into a kiss, his lips eagerly pressing against hers as his arms wrap around her, pulling her against him as the kiss progresses into a need for the both of them. His tongue traces along her bottom lip, a signal for both of them that the need for entrance is now evident.

Nicki's voice cut off as he smothered her with a kiss. Eagerly she leaned into him, opening her mouth at the touch of his tongue, feeling it invade her mouth. Her hands slowly ran up his arms to his neck, cupping his face as she leaned into his embrace.

His tongue wrestles with hers as they kiss, his hands seem to form a mind of their own as they glide down her body, feeling her every curve before resting on her hips, almost as if they are eager to explore her body, he seems to contain a certain giddiness within himself whenever he is around her, she seems to have that effect on him.

As their kissing progresses she finds herself pulling him down into the bed, letting him hover over her as they make out, their hands roaming each other without getting overly frisky. As the night wears on sleep pulls at her, and eventually she breaks away, yawning as her eyes flutter shut, refusing to open.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" she whispered, "The floor in Willow's room is quite hard."

He lays down next to her as he listens to her speak before nuzzling against her neck. "Anything for you." He says to her softly, pressing his lips against her neck, enjoying the feeling of her body agaisnt his. "Sleep well.." He says quietly before starting to drift off himself, his eyes beginning to seal shut.

Morning woke, and with it a new start. Something felt different about the day. Perhaps it was that the sky was clear, or that Willow had made pancakes for everyone. Maybe it was the fact she had woken to a handsome face, or that they had an objective in mind now. Everyone was starting to find a role to do. Iris was obviously working on the terminal, and Andrew was enjoying tinkering on whatever he could get his hands on. Willow had chosen to help with cooking, switching off with Nicki when needed and the two jumped around the house cleaning. As much as they both hated it, the alternative was boot camp with Collin to train, and both stuck their noses up at it. As for Vanessa, Nicki only saw her here or there, so the blonde bombshell was obviously busy with something. A few times she had seen her on guard duty, and once or twice outside in the backyard, watching the men train. Nicki joined her if she didn't have anything to do, secretly loving the drool over Collin as he worked out. Particularly on the days he went shirtless.

Two weeks past and there was no sign of Dakota, or of enemy soldiers. It was as if they were trapped in a safe bubble, and no one was that eager yet to pop it. But their supplies were beginning to run low, and one afternoon Willow caught Nicki and Vanessa in the living room chatting.

"We are out of peanut butter now too," she complained, holding the empty jar, "Nicki we really need to make a supply run, should I interupt Collin's training?"

"Why don't you and I just go?" Nicki asked, cocking her head, "Collin said there was a grocery store down the street him and Andrew used to visit as kids when they had extra money for candy."

"How do you know that?" Willow said, having never heard that particular story.

"Uh, he was telling me it one time when I asked about his supply run. Anyways he never went there because it was close enough that we could use it in emergencies."

"So we sneak out with a couple guns, grab some supplies and sneak back?" Willow had a devilish grin on her face, "Oooooh I love sneaking past Collin. I'm in. won't tell on us will you? You can come too if you like. Oooh, or be on lookout."

Vanessa nods. Over the past couple of weeks, she had really missed Dakota.. Waking up alone and having nobody she loved to talk to really hurt her, the fact that she couldnt even raise the redhead over radio made it all the more painful.

"I can be on lookout.. I only know how to use the pistols." She admits, rubbing the back of her heads softly.

Nodding the three girls dodged upstairs to Collin's room, each of them needing weapons.

"We are like the three muskateers," Willow joked, finding a handgun and stuffing it in her coat pocket, "God I hate these things."

Nicki found a double-barreled rifle, the only gun she'd ever shot. She didn't know a thing about guns or shooting, something she'd eventually have to discuss with Collin, but she knew how to aim a rifle, so it was a start. Nicki had been chewing over asking Collin for "private lessons". It had started to become a routine for her to sneak into his room at night once everyone was asleep. They'd make out, once or twice even getting a little friskier when their hands started roaming, but Nicki always slipped out before dawn. Both of them wanted to keep their...whatever it was... to themselves. At least for now.

Holding the rifle over her shoulder Nicki pulled out of her own dirty thoughts, looking up at Vanessa.

"See a gun in here you like?

Vanessa walks over to the arsenal and grabs a small Glock 18, stuffing two magazines for the pistol in each of her jean pockets before stuffing the gun into her waist and.

"I'm ready to go." She says to them, crossing her arms as she waits for them to be ready to get a move on.

Willow takes lead, stepping back downstairs and through the garage. The front door was being watched by Iris at the moment, who would undoubtably tattle on them, or hinder them from going. So instead they used the garage exit, a small, unused door that was covered in dust. It creaked when it opened, but not loud enough to alert anyone. Once all three of them were through Willow shut it once more, noting that it was hidden by a pine tree directly in front of it.

After they they only had to stay stealthy until they were three houses away, then moved into normal walking positions. Willow was happy to be out in the sun and not stuck in the house for a while. The grocery store itself turned out to be a fifteen minute walk away, and when they got there they were fortunate enough to be the first looters.

"The fruits and vegetables, and the meat too are probably spoiled after two weeks and no air conditioning," Nicki remarked, "But the rest of this place is ripe for picking. Are we sure we should just grab a few items, or carts?"

Willow had a wide grin on her face, "I say carts. Might take some time rolling them back, but think of how happy everyone will be when we show off that us three did a supply run...alone."

Nicki looked over at Vanessa, "What's your vote? Carts or just handfuls?"

She bites the bottom of her lip at the question. "Uhm.. Carts, but if we get in any trouble we should grab some handfuls and ditch the carts." She says, trying to think outside of the box for their current situation, knowing that danger could lurk around any corner out here.

Willow wasn't thinking about danger. She was thinking about how proud Collin might be if she came back successful. Even though she wasn't the military type, and she didn't like guns. Willow still wanted her brother to be proud.

"Cool, if we grab carts and split up we can be in and out quicker," she chirped, grabbing a large shopping cart for herself, "Any trouble and we start hollering. I'll take the far aisles."

"I'll take the closer aisles. Vanessa, want to start in the middle?"

Willow wheeled away quickly, as did Nicki, leaving Vanessa to go to her own section and start shopping.


She wasn't a tinkerer. No, that was her brother's calling.

"Blasted device," she snapped, smacking the radio. How was it in two weeks she had only come across one radio, and it couldn't properly function. She'd been working on it for days now, wanting to hear that sweet voice of her golden goddess, hoping she hadn't been forgotten yet.

"C'mo-" she cut off as the radio buzzed for life and Dakota jumped up, doing a victory dance.

Tuning it, she found the frequency she had set Vanessa's to.

"Calling all beautiful blondes, over," she spoke in, grinning from ear to ear, "Looking for gorgeous bombshell with soft lips and adorable freckles. Has to have the best damn ass I've ever squeezed. Over."

Vanessa jumps when she hears the voice, she quickly digs into her pocket, turning down the volume as to not disturb Nicki and Willow while they scavenge.

"Dakota?" She whispers, her hands trembling around the radio. "I've missed you so much..." She says quietly. "You need to come back.. Please.. I miss you and I kiss waking up with you and the room feels so empty.." She says.

Willow ended up in the bakery section, quickly scouring for none moldy bread. A lot of it was soured, but a few loaves were still alive and she stuffed them in. As she worked along the aisles she noticed a lack of noise, unable to hear Vanessa or Nicki. The store was rather massive, more of a superstore then a small scale one. Willow continued to fill her cart, roaming up and down the aisles, getting closer and closer to the middle section where she'd meet up with Vanessa.


"There's that voice I've wanted to hear," Dakota sighs, Vanessa's soft voice like honey to her ears, "One night with me baby and you're obsessed. I told you you wouldn't be able to settle for less than me when I was done with you. How are you doing Vanessa? None of the guys have tried hitting on you yet have they?"

She avoided Vanessa's plea to come back, knowing an argument wouldn't help. Instead she tried to keep the conversation fun and light, wanting to make the blonde smile.


Willow was making her way down an aisle when she heard the soft voice of Vanessa a few aisles over, speaking like someone was there. For a second her heart stopped, worrying someone had found them. Then after several seconds she realized Vanessa was begging the person to come back, saying stuff like she missed them.

A boyfriend? Wait is her cell phone working again?

Rolling her cart to the end of the aisle she left it there and snuck forward, being nosy. She wanted to see if there was someone with Vanessa or if she had a phone of some kind. Honestly she was just trying to eavesdrop, needing some kind of entertainment in her life. As she peeked around the last corner she got a glimpse of Vanessa...with a radio.

She stepped out, confused about where the radio had come from. But as she opened her mouth to speak a hand clamped on it, and an arm picked her up and pulled her behind the shelf, hiding them from view. Vanessa hadn't even looked up from her radio, or she'd have spotted Willow in the aisle before whoever had her had grabbed her. But as had as she tried to struggle out a scream, or any noise at all, her assaliant knew how to keep silent, avoiding the shelves and anything Willow could use to make noise as she kicked out. The person carried her into a back room, never letting go or loosening their grip until they hit the exit door, using their back to push it open and take them both out into the heated sun. Once the door closed the dropped their hand off of Willow's mouth, but all she got was a squeak out before the gun in her pocket was yanked out and promptly used to smash over her head.

And just like that, everything went dark as sixteen year old Willow crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Nobody has tried hitting on me, I've been keeping to myself." She admits. "But seriously.. When are you coming back? Everything's calmed down now, Collin seems less angry and more collected, he's been training with some of the other guys go retaliate." She explains.

Dakota bit her lip, being careful what words she used, "I will be back...soon. I can't promise a certain day or time, but I will come back. There's just things, things I have to do and am involved with now. But the minute I can, I'm coming back. For you, and Andy. And Iris, and Collin, and everyone. I can promise that much."


Nicki was finishing up her section when she caught the faint murmurs a few aisles over.

"Vanessa? Willow? Is that you guys?"

Vanessa stuffs the radio back into her pocket after saying a quick goodbye, turning it off before looking up at Nicki. "Just me.. I've got my cart filled, I don't know where Willow is." She explains, placing her hand on her hip as she looks around for the youngest member of the group.

Nicki heads for Vanessa's aisle, stopping short a few feet as her stomach knots. Leaving her cart she bends down and picks up a black beanie, all too familiar for the best friend.

"Uh Vanessa?" she gulps, fear growing in her heart, "Where's Willow?"

She gets even more scared when she walks two aisles over and spots her cart but no Willow.

"Will!" she yells out, hearing her voice echoing, "Willow answer me!"
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