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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"I miss her a lot.. That's why Im trying to take my mind off of it." He explains to her, hopping off of the bed and going to work on the wheels of the truck. "That's just the problem I guess, there was nothing I could say or do to make her stay.."

Iris stood up, crossed the space between them and pulled him into a long hug.

"She will be back. I know she will. Dakota's biggest priority is her family. She'll come back, and hopefully...with our parents."

He wraps his arms around her, resting his chin against her shoulder and listening to her speak. "I know she will.. I just worry sometimes." He says with a small smile.

"Iris.. I gotta tell you something.. I really like you, more than just a friend.. Seeing you with Blake kills me." He says to her quietly, closing his eyes and hoping that her response will not be a negative one.

"We've always been close," she chirped, his words soaring over her head and the true meaning completely missed, "I love you like a brother too Andy. I know Blake's a Don't worry about it though. Collin seems to have a hawk-eyed focus on that kid, he won't be doing anything without us knowing."

Iris seemed so confident, like nothing in the world could distract Collin. Nothing...


Knocking on the guest room door softly, Nicki entered with a plate full of food for Collin.

"I thought you should eat something too," she tried for a relaxed smile but it just came out thin, still nervous around him. It was the kind of nerves from being around your crush anymore though - Collin had been acting out of character since the attack on New York and everyone was on edge around him, afraid to upset him more.

"Please eat," she murmured, setting the plate beside him on the bed and then standing there waiting, like she expected him to say something.

Andy feels a sigh coming on, but he stops it in his tracks before nodding to her. "Right.. I'd better get back to work, you ought to hop back on the terminal, see what's new." He says before hopping back up on to the truck and getting back to work.

He feels slightly hurt, as if unsure of himself. He seemed to never be able to get the girl, either his sister or another guy is always in the way and he can never seem to overcome the obstacles ahead of him, especially in a situation like this.


He takes the plate and rests it on his lap before looking up at her, furrowing his eyebrows in thought before speaking. "I'm sorry I've been an asshole." He says to her. "Honestly everyone out here is stressed.. And the thing is, I've realized that we need to start fighting back.. And at the end of the day I don't think anybody here is ready for that, I expected Blake to be a role model but instead he just fucked off and did his own thing.. And I expected Dakota to help me, but she left." He says to her.

"I'm gonna have to tell everyone that the time to fight is here.. I just need help, I'm in over my head Nicki.. I'm a medic, not a leader, and Ive been messing up a lot.. I'm really sorry." He says to the woman in front of him.

Iris returned to the terminal, unpreturbed with what just happened. Sitting on the curb she played with it, absorbing as much information as she could.


Nicki listened before moving to sit down beside him, resting her hand on his knee.

"Me and Willow know this isn't you," she started, catching his gaze, "Willow's beside herself trying to convince herself that her brother is still within you. And I've been hoping you'd return to the Collin I knew growing up. All those weekends I'd visit Willow you were always nice to me, always sweet on her. We know you're a good guy. Iris knows, and Andrew knows. They are waiting too. And Dakota...I don't know her well, but maybe she will come back? I think she's taking the stress badly as well."

She rubbed his knee, trying to keep him calm, "We don't need to worry about a leader right now, what we need to worry about is getting everyone on track. We need to keep supplies, learn to use guns, work on defense, there's lots to do."

Nicki wasn't a leader but growing up when Willow had been put into summer military camps and programs she'd tagged along. Both of them had hated it and eventually got out of them, their friendship growing around their love of art instead. Specifically film for Nicki. But she had always remembered those camps, and what they had taught her.

"I'm sorry about freaking out too," she tried for a smile again, "I guess I should have been a bit more honest with you. I only just turned eighteen. I'm not really...experienced. In anything."

She laughed nervously, "Here I am, at the end of the world, talking to an incredibly hot man -who just happens to be my best friend's brother- about my virginity. Can anything get weirder?"

Collin laughs quietly, biting the inside of his cheek softly as he listens to her. He nods at her points, blushing slightly when she compliments him. He decides to just go with it, leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers, his eyes closing as he does so.

He hopes that her flirting meant something, that he isn't just being overintuitive about the situation.

Nicki froze, her body stuck in animation for several seconds. A million thoughts crossed her mind but then fizzled out as she snapped at herself.

He's kissing you goddamnit! Stop acting like a child and kiss him back!

Her eyes fluttered closed then and she leaned into the kiss, feeling the spark between them grow, like small fireworks lighting along her lips, sending shivers through her body.

Collin wraps his arms around her, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against hers. "I need a distraction.. Can you be it?" He says to her quietly, his eyes locked with hers.

Her cheeks blushed fiercely at his words, her eyes dancing across his face, "Um...if it involves more kissing..."

Her lips touched his again, hesitant at first then a little more hungrily. Nicki had had plenty of boyfriends in her lifetime, something Willow said she was jealous of, but the brunette wasn't one to sleep around or let just any guy in her pants. She was waiting for "prince charming" as her parents put it, always holding out for someone better even with the nicest guys she dated. More specifically, Willow had pointed out it was Collin she was waiting for. But just like the others, Nicki was hesitant with Collin. Why? Maybe it was the way he'd been acting, or being nervous around a man who obviously wanted sex, and wasn't all that interested in getting to know her. That wasn't what prince charming's do, is it?

Her hands reached up and placed themselves on his chest, gently as she kissed him, making sure she could push him away if he got too frisky, and yet pulling him in closer to kiss her more.

He kisses her back just as hungrily, knowing that she didn't want sex, so he stuck with just his arms wrapped around her, allowing her to take the reigns to test what she is comfortable with.

His lips were hot but soft, pressing hard into her. He didn't do anything else though, his hands behaving as his arms wrapped around her. She stepped it up then, her tongue tracing his lips and begging entrance, wiggling closer to him so she pressed into his tall, well built body.

He opens his mouth slighlty, his tongue coming out to greet hers, tangling around while they continue to kiss. He sighs into the kiss, almost as if in bliss from them. He feels her little body press into his, making him grin into the kiss.

Their kissing became more heated and she got more bold, pushing into him and down onto the bed, her mouth pressing hard into his as their tongues played and wrestled with each other. Her skin felt hot, her heart stammering hard as her thoughts grew dirtier and dirtier, surprised in herself.

And just like that, their little bubble got popped as there was a loud knock on the door and Willow's voice rang through.

"Hey Collin? Can"

Nicki jumped off, her cheeks redder than ever as she adjusted her shirt, her eyes wide. She knew this wasn't the best time to be making out with Collin, or to get caught by Willow -who was in an emotional state. There was an added thrill to hiding what they were doing too, adrenaline pumping through her. With a smile she raised her finger to her lips, signalling to keep quiet before winking and prancing to the door, suddenly feeling a lot better. Opening it she slipped past Willow.

"I was just dropping off dinner," she explained to herself, "He's all yours Willow. I should go clean dishes."

"Um okay," Willow smiled, "Thanks."

"I'll be back when I'm done to pick up your empty dish Collin," she said back to him, winking and walking away.


Willow watched her leave before entering the room.

"Collin, you've been acting really...weird. And... and I can't have you yelling at people. Or," she paused, looking rather upset, "or aiming guns at yourself!"

Collin groans when she pulls away, his temperature had been rising while kissing her, he is slightly annoyed at the fact his little sister had ruined the whole ordeal, but he keeps quiet about it when he sees Nicki's signal.

When Willow speaks to him he bites the bottom of his lip. "I'm sorry Willow, it's something Marines do in combat when someone fucks up." He explains. "I'm under a lot of stress right now." He explains.

Willow sat down, frowning at him, "You scared me Coco."

She used an old nickname she used to call him as a toddler, when she could pronounce Collin. She never used it anymore except when she was trying to make him smile, or calm him down.

"Don't call me that." He says to her, sighing as he leans back, starting to eat the foot that Nicki brought him.

Even though she was upset she couldn't help but smile, "Aw c'mon. Mom and dad always thought it was cute when I couldn't call you Collin."

"Yeah, but I don't think it's cute, munchkin." He says to her, his eyes boring into hers, as if challenging her.

She stuck her tongue out at him, and just like that the tension eased around them and she jumped forward, tackling her brother.

"I may be small but I'm strong," she laughed, giving him a noogey, "Try and beat me Coco!"

When she tackles him it takes him a second to just lift her off, sittimg up and standing so that her feet don't touch the ground.

"What's wrong? Can't escape?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows.

She squealed, trying to kick at him so he'd drop her.

"I'll yell it louder!" she laughed, her hands on his shoulders as she struggled, "Collin let me down or I'll yell it!"

He lets her down before chuckling. "Can you do me a favor? Have everybody meet me in the kitchen, we're gonna have a meeting." He says to her, clapping her shoulder. "I can trust you with that, right?" He asks, raising his eyebrows in her direction.

"Of course you can," she rolled her eyes, punching his arm, "I'll go round up the herd. You can count on me, Coco."

Laughing, she dodged his reach and ran out before he could catch her. Slowly she rounded up the group. Blake and Nicki were in the kitchen cleaning already, so she only needed to find Vanessa -who was in the living room- then Iris and Andy who were in the front yard.

"Meeting time!" she called to the two of them, "Collin has something to say."

Iris looked over and made a face that looked non too pleased. Willow understood; after his last meeting no one was too excited about Collin calling another one.

"Just give him a chance," she shrugged, "He doesn't seem angry."

"Let's hope," Iris nodded, wrapping an arm around Willow and leading her in, Andy at their heels.

Collin waits for everyone to sit down before speaking. "It's been rough, the past couple of days." He says to everyone, his head moving around to see everyone.

"In my opinion, the time to start fighting is now.. We don't know if the rest of our home is like this, if we're the only ones left. But we need to fight for what's right." He says.

"I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight. Now, this is easier for me because I'm used to it. The rest of you are gonna have a tougher choice. Look, I don't want to sell it to you; it's too ugly for that. It's ugly, and it's hard. But when you're fighting in your own backyard, and you're fighting for your family, it all hurts a little less and it makes a little more sense. And for them, this is just some place, but for us? This is our home." He says to them. "When I was overseas we were the good guys. We enforced order. Well, now? We're the bad guys, and we create chaos." He explains.

"We inherited our freedom, and now it is time for us to fight for it.. Who's in?" He asks, looking around.
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