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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Vanessa kisses her back and sifhs as she feels Dakota's lips on her shoulder. She gets up out of bed and gets changed back into her clothes, the blue t-shirt and jeans, still having no bra or panties to wear.

She walks downstairs to meet with Collin.


Andrew yawns and looks over at Iris. "You didn't have to sleep on the floor.." He says with a chuckle, rubbing his eyes as he sits up, still in his clothes from the day before. He scoots himself ot of bed and nods to her before walking downstairs to meet with everyone, apparently something was going on.


When everyone had gathered Collin walks outside, motioning for the group to stay quiet. He reaches forward and shoves Blake out of the chair, easily waking the man.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asks Blake cooly.

"Sorry.. I.. I fell asleep." He admits, rubbing the back of his head.

"Do you realize why we have a fucking watch? Or are you too fucking lazy?" He asks the man before him, reaching down and grabbing him by the shirt, lifting him up again. "Am I fucking getting through to you?!" He yells into his face.

Collin grabs the rifle from the chair, shoving it into Blake's arms and pressing the barrel into his chest. "If you're gonna be asleep on watch, you might as well fucking shoot me!" He yells at him. "C'mon, you gonna let some fucking French bastard do it? Do you know what the fuck will happen if they sneak in here? They could kill everyone and it would be all your fault, so just fucking shoot me." He yells to the man.

Blake looks shell shocked, his hands trembling around the rifle as he is yelled at, his finger nowhere near the trigger.

Collin grabs the rifle and pushes the barrel into his chest. "Now how does it feel?" He asks him lowly. "You have double watch tonight, and if anybody finds you asleep I'll fucking gut you, understood?" He says to the man before shoving the rifle into his hands again.

"As you were, everyone can disperse now."

Nicki and Willow watched, both of them holding each others hands as the yelling started. By the time it was done Willow was in tears and Nicki moved her to the back yard, trying to calm her.

"He...he...gun..." she blubbered, obviously upset at seeing a gun pointed at her brothers chest.


"Harsh," Dakota stated, watching the group quick dissipate, "Are you trying out for asshole of the year award? He fell asleep, and yeah that was dumb, but screaming and hollering won't help much. Fuck Collin, ease up. I'm going to go and try to calm the group, because someone needs to keep this group alive."


Iris practically bolted upstairs, shocked to hear that kind of anger from a friend. She took to Andrew's room, all her stuff now there and the best place to hide.

"He's military, Dakota, and he's undisciplined, he's gonna get us all killed so it's better to set him straight while we still have an opportunity to do so.. I could've shot him, honestly I think I took the calmer approach." He says with a huff, leaning against one of the supports in the house.

He bites the inside of his cheek softly before looking at Dakota again. "You get any news about our progress on tgat terminal? I've seen that we're running low on supplies, and maybe we can ambush a UN convoy, we'd get nonparisable foods and maybe some weapons depending on the convoy." He says to her. "Of course, we would only bring a small team, maybe two to four people?" He suggests.


Andrew decides to calm down by working on Iris' laptop inside of the garage where he had also been working on Dakota's bike.. And by working on it, he had completely stripped it down.. She is gonna be pissed.. He looks at the dissasembled bike and tries to hold in his giggles before going back to the laptop, grabbing a small flashdrive and converting the dead harddrive on to it, as it had been electrocuted by the EMP.

He presses the power button and grins when the screen flares to life, he bypasses her password and plugs the flashdrive in, re downloading all of her files while working on Dakota's bike, tightening the seat and making the engine a little more quieter by adding mufflers on to it. While he's at it he re inflates the tires and puts the bike back together, grinning at his handiwork as he rolls the bike aside, sitting down in the garage and wiping his greasy hands on his jeans, satisfied with the work he had put in.

"Tell that to the girl in the backyard crying right now," she sighed, turning to walk away, "We can figure supplies later. There's more pressing matters."

Moving away she passed the garage door and heard a sound, frowning. Opening the door she caught the tail end of Andrew's tinkering, seeing her baby being touched by his greasy hands.

"ANDREW!" she yelled, picking up an old and long feuded sibling fight, "Why are you touching my stuff?!"

Andrew puts the end of his screwdriver in his mouth, twirling it around for a moment before throwing it back into the toolbox, turning towards Dakota. "Before you get your panties in a twist, check the bike.. I made it run better and I fixed it." He explains. "The seat was loose and the front tire was almost deflated.. When did you have it checked last?" He asks her.

He grabs Iris' laptop and wipes the flash drive before sliding the laptop back into it's case, now it's completely ready to go. "And please don't keep me here for long, I have important things to be doing." He says as he prepares for the shitstorm Dakota usually gives him after he messes with her stuff.

Dakota glared at him, storming over to her bike and turning it on. Then she stood there, arms crossed and glaring, listening to her baby purr.

"Leave," she snapped, "Before I chew you a new one."

It was the closest thing to a thank you from her, Dakota still annoyed he had touched her stuff without permission.

He sighs, feeling rather unappreciated as he walks out of the garage, taking the laptop bag with him. He jogs up the stairs to his room and finds Iris, placing the laptop bag next to her before sitting down on his bed. "I fixed it." He explains to her, watching her carefully as he speaks, hoping that she'd be more grateful for his efforts than Dakota had been.

This whole situation makes him feel uncomfortable.. He wishes someone had his back, not just as family but more than that, someone who stuck with him at all times and really cared about him constantly and effortlessly.

Iris sat down next to him, taking her laptop and looking it over.

"See I knew you had skills," she tried to grin but it was obvious something was bugging her, "Thank you Andrew, this means a lot."

Opening the laptop she booted it up, chewing on her lip as she tried not to think about it. It took her a minute to log in, checking to see if everything was there. A part of her hoped Andrew would ask what was wrong, so that she could vent.

He watches her, hearing the strange tone of her voice, he watches her log in before speaking. "Is everything okay?" He asks her, biting the bottom off ihs lips after he had finished speaking, being in such close proximity with Iris was basically a dream come true but something is obviously wrong, maybe the recent events had bothered her..

She looked over at him, her chocolate brown eyes wide and confused, "It's just Collin. He...doesn't seem like himself lately. Ever since we found him he seems on edge and short tempered. You saw what happened. It spooked me, and a few others I think."

Her computer whirled to life as her desktop lit up and she turned back to it, checking to make sure everything was in order.

"It isn't a big deal, just something on my mind is all. You're his best friend though, maybe you can talk to him?"

She went quiet as her fingers hurled across the keyboard as if struck by lightning, typing abnormally fast. Finding all her files and software still in place she smiled once more at him before leaning over and kissing his cheek. Iris was unaware of Andrew's crush, thinking of him as a close friend and nothing more. But she did seem to have a soft spot for him, especially when he went out of his way to fix her laptop.

"You're the best," she murmured, rubbing his arm, "Thanks Andrew."

Andrew turns bright red as she kisses his cheek. "Y-yeah.. You're uh.. You're welcome." He says, struggling to find words as he sits back on his bed, sighing. "I don't really want to do anything right now, too much has happened today and I think Collin is too heated to reason with." He explains

"But I can understand why he did it, he's a leader and he needs to assert his position to everyone, and if scaring everybody because of double watch is what it takes its what he'll do." Andrew says to her before sitting up. "Iris, do you like anybody right now? Like.. Like like." He says to her, running a hand through his hair as he speaks.

She nodded, "I understand he wants to be a leader but your sister is as much one as he is and she isn't yelling. God, I feel a competition between them coming on. Nothing good will come out of that."

Sighing, she set her laptop down and pulled her hair back into a messy bun, listening to his words.

"This is about Blake isn't it?" She replied, assuming he wanted to know if she was interested in the new guy, "honestly he's an okay guy but a bit too forward. He asked me to kiss him last night, out of nowhere. Like what happened to old fashioned flirting? My mom always said to make the boys fight for my affection. I guess she was talking about guys like Blake."

She patted his arm, speaking to him like he was a close friend and nothing more, "your easy to talk to Andy. I guess it be rude not to ask you the same. Any girls you liked before this whole mess started?"

Andrew just shakes his head. "N-no.." He stutters before laying back on his bed, she only thinks of him as a friend. "I don't feel appreciated right now Iris." He admits to her. "Dakota flipped out because I messed with her bike... And I just feel useless." He says. "My parents already showed that they don't want me and now I feel like my sister is about to do the same.. What do I do?" He asks her, running his hands down his face as he speaks.

He stares at the ceiling of his room, thinking to himself as he waits for his answer from Iris, he seems distressed and confused, and most of all.. Broken, like he's given up hope on something.

"Don't think like that," she snapped, not angry but worried for him, "Your sister loves you unconditionally. She just has a weird way of showing it."

She rubbed his arm, watching him, "Let me talk to her, I'm sure it's a big misunderstanding.

Getting up she left the room, hunting Dakota down.


Iris found Dakota with ease, and after explaining what was happening Dakota cut her conversation with Vanessa short, promising to come back. Leaving Iris downstairs she slipped into Andrew's room, sitting at the end of his bed.

"Did dad really disown you Andy?" her voice is soft, the annoyance gone.

Andrew continued to stare at the ceiling as Dakota walks in, he nods. "Yeah, when I told him I wasn't enlisting he cut me off." He explains to her before sighing, turning and burying his face into his pillow, his breath turning a little shallow as he feels emotions welling up inside of him. "I never meant to make them hate me.." He says softly, feeling tears run down his face.

"Aw Andy, no one hates you. Dad's just...stubborn. Think of all I've done to try and make him proud of me? Top of my class, an amazing sniper, I was even on the fast track to becoming a ghost. And still he cared more about getting you into military then me. Dad's just...he's set in his ways. But he loves you. As much as mom and I do, I promise."

Andrew just shakes his head. "Dad hates me, the only obstacle from him sending me off to be adopted was mom, but once I turned eighteen she didn't seem to give a fuck either.." He says quietly. "If there's a God, why did he do this to me, Dakota?" He asks her as he sits up, throwing his arms around her and resting his head against her shoulder, crying softly.

She stroked his hair like their mother did when they were both young. It was odd that out of the two twins Andrew held his heart on his sleeve, able to show his emotions. Whereas Dakota hid them well. It was as if they had switched genders at birth, Dakota always feeling a little more masculine then feminine while her brother tended to share more of their mothers traits then their fathers.

"Andy relax. It's okay. I'm sorry I snapped I just don't like you touching my bike. But you did really good work. Iris was right, your talented. Don't think about mom and dad. I'm sure they are worried for us right now."

He just sighs now, trying to stop the flow of tears dripping from his eyes as he feels her hand agaisnt his hair. "I wonder where they are now." He whispers to her, closing his eyes as his head continues to rest against her shoulder, as if he is very comfortable there. The presence of sister appears to be calming to him.

She bit her lip, feeling an ache in her stomach for not knowing where her parents might be.

"We will find them," she whispered, leaning her head on his, "we will find all our parents and everything will be okay Andy."

"I saw prisoners while I was grabbing the terminal.. One of them had red hair, like mom's." He says quietly. "But I couldn't even try to spot out dad.." He explains to her, sniffing to try to get the tears from his eyes away.

"Lots of people have hair like moms. She's ginger. We will find them Andy. Right now though we need to make sure no fights break out. Collins on edge, this new kid Blake seems unfocused and Willow, Iris, and Vanessa seem upset over the ordeal. I really need your help right now brother. You've always been the better talker. Can't you chat with Collin or Blake while I try to calm the girls?"

Andrew sighs. "If you honestly want to know what I think about this.. I support Collin, I think what he did was a good thing and it may have had some negative moral effects but overall it will help us in the long run." He says to her. "Blake was being lazy, I would've done the same thing." He says to her. "So if I were to go talk to Blake I would just tell him that Collin is right."

"I think Collin could of handled it better by not involving everyone. Willows still a kid and Vanessa and Iris aren't military. All those three saw was a man losing his temper and raising a gun around. I need to know you have my back here Andy. If you won't help me with Blake, can you talk to Iris?"

"I've already talked to Iris about it, the only people we don't have an opinion from is Willow and Nicki, and I doubt Willow enjoyed seeing a gun pointed at her brother." He says to her while laying back down on his bed, putting his hands behind his head.
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