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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Iris gives him a high five, which makes him feel accomplished enough as it is. "We gotta get in there quickly, it's only a ten minute round trip back to here, when they realize the whole thing is a miscall." He explains as he packs up the terminal, throwing the terminal over his back as to carry it easier before running with them towards the apartment complex.


Collin runs over to her, checking outside and watching as the patrols leave the area. "Wait.." He says to her, grabbing her arm and staring down at the street before pointing at three figures running across the street towards them. "That's Andrew.. And his sister.. They must be looking for us." He says quietly. "And only one person knew where we were.." He says, a grin growing on his face. "Willow's alive, Nicki." He says before throwing his arms around her. "Oh god! She's alive!" He says happily, laughing as he does so, obviously super relieved.

She grinned back, excited, "C'mon then! Let's get down there!"


They beelined for the apartment, but no sooner had they stepped into the main lobby when Dakota caught sight of Collin and what she guessed was Nicki. Dakota lowered her gun and sprinted forward, throwing her arms around Collin's neck in a hug, gald to see him alive. There was no chemistry with them, it was simply a deep friendship, the twins knowing Collin she they were in diapers.

"You're safe," she pulled back, ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek, "I'm glad to see you alive."


"We are too," Iris piped up, noticing a glare of daggers from the brunette with Collin aimed at Dakota. Obviously the girl had a thing for Collin, and thought Dakota did too. That told Iris this girl wasn't that close to Collin, or she'd know who Dakota was to him.

"My turn," she chirped, stepping forward to steal a hug. While she was only nineteen she still was part of the gang. Dakota and her had been hanging out for years, and she was close with Andrew and Collin too.

He wraps his arms around Dakota and laughs when she kisses his cheek. "It's good to see you.. Did Willow tell you we were here? She's alive isn't she?" He mumbles to the redhead before Iris steps in, he hugs her back with a smile on his face before stepping away from all of them. "If you all have somewhere safe, there's nowhere we'd rather be." He explains.


"Tick tock, we're on the clock ladies and gentlemen." He says to the group, tapping a nonexistent watch on his wrist. "By my count we have about five minutes before they're back here." He says to them. "So we'd best hurry unless we want to get caught." He says to them, feeling slightly awkward being left out of the whole group hug thing, though it is quite funny to see Nicki getting so jealous over his sister and Iris.

Andrew makes a mental note to talk to Iris later, maybe they can work together on the device.. What an amazing excuse to get to spend more time with her. He grins at the thought before shaking his head, looking at them. "Everybody ready to go?" He asks.

"Willow is safe Collin," Dakota smiled, "She's at my parents house, safe with Vanessa - a friend."

Turning she nodded to Andrew looking at the group before handing her semi-automatic to Collin and pointing at Andrew.

"I'll take point again, Collin can take flank. Andrew you keep with Iris and...Nicki right? Nicki can stick to Collin's side, its safest."

Leading the group she got them out and around the corner, then the five booked it down the street as far as they could. Eventually they had to go back to hiding and slipping through the streets until they reached their van. Iris made another face to Andrew when they opened it to find Blake sleeping, Dakota guessing she was unimpressed.

"Everyone in, Andy can you drive? I got my bike."

Andrew nods and grins at Iris before getting into the drivers seat of the van, starting it up and following Dakota home. It takes a couple of hours to get back, the sun had just set, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon.. Making everything around them seem.. Normal.

Andrew gets out of the van when they get there, deciding to leave Blake to his sleep. He grabs Iris by her hand and leads her inside. "We gotta see what makes this terminal tick." He explains to her as they get into his room, he locks the door and opens the terminal for them to see.

"If you notice, there's a map here.. Supply drops, reinforcment points, everything we need to know about our friends overseas.. So if you can hack into their firewall and start causing havoc on their Homefront we might have a chance here to disrupt communications and fuck with them." He explains.

"The nice thing about this is the only way they can disarm us of their precious terminal is if they drop another EMP, which would kill their own equipment, so we're set." He says with a grin.

She sits on his bed crosslegged, her knee pressed into his leg as he plays with the terminal, watching him. Her laptop bag sits on the floor by his feet, deserted.

"UN has the toughest firewalls and security so it may take me a day or two to crack it but I can. Do you think the EMPs done yet and my laptop will work? I haven't even checked, not with how busy we've been."


Willow was in Dakota's room when they got home, listening to her ipod to remain calm. She didn't hear when they got in, so she only rolled over to stare at the cieling, listening to a rock song to remain calm.


Parking her bike, she cleared up the the van, waking Blake and telling him to try the couch, and then her bike. Finally she closed up the garage, hiding both vehicles although it was a rather tight squeeze. Stepping into the house she looked around, secretly hoping to find Vanessa.

Andrew looks at her for a moment before grabbing her laptop from the bag, taking a screwdriver from under his bed and opening it up. The wiring inside is completely shot, everything looks destroyed.

"I can repair it." He explains. "It'll be fine after that, but the EMP took out our tech, it fries portable devices." He says to her quietly before placing the laptop down, looking at her. "It's getting kindve late." He admits, feeling a yawn coming on.

He closes the terminal and sets it aside, tapping it. "Good luck with the hacking, Iris." He says, his eyes never leaving hers.


Collin comes up behind Nicki, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You did a good job Nicki, you didn't panic and you helped keep me calm." He says before kissing her on her cheek. "Thank you.. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go talk with Willow.. And then I want to talk to you." He says to her with a small smile.

He jogs up the stairs and peeks into her room, walking in. He walks up to her and pulls her ear buds out. "Hey Willow.." He says to her quietly, almost feeling tears well up just from seeing her again.


Vanessa is in the master bedroom, she had decided to catch some early Z's. She sleeps half naked wearing the t-shirt Dakota gave her and nothing else, sleeping above the covers in order to keep cool in the house, which had become a sauna without air conditioning.

She is fast asleep, and quite a heavy sleeper, it'd take a lot of noise to wake her up which can be both a good and a bad thing in the reality they are currently living in.

"Already calling it a night," she raised an eyebrow, watching him fiddle with her laptop before grabbing her bag and the terminal, "Well I ain't tired, so I'll get to work on it in the living room and let you sleep. Night Andrew."


Willow eyes pop open when her ear buds get pulled out and she squeals, jumping up and into his arms.

"Collin you're okay!" she cries happily, hugging him hard, "I was so worried!"

Dakota found Vanessa eventually and this time she was in a slightly better mood, being on an adrenaline high from New York, and seeing her not wearing something from her father's. What she did see was also mighty fine.

Laughing at the girl's tenacity to continue taking her clothes off, Dakota moved around to the side of the bed, sitting on it and shaking her gently.

"Hey Miss pantsless, wake-y wake-y."

"Well, I was running all around New York all day looking for you guys.. So yeah, I'm pretty tired." He says with a laugh. "Good night Iris, I'll seeya in the morning." He says to her before collapsing on his bed, putting his pillow over his head as to drown out the noises around him. He quickly falls asleep, although he could be easily awoken if the need arose.


Collin holds her tightly against him. "We thought you were dead, Willow.." He says to her softly. "Why didn't you go to the apartment? You told me you'd be there.." He says to her. "Don't do that to me.. Especially now, with everything that's going on I need you 100%." He explains.

Vanessa's eyes flutter open, flicking up to meet the gaze of the beautiful redhead sitting next to her. "You're back.." She whispers, as if she had lost her voice. "I was worried.. You were gone all day." She whispers before crawling over to her, resting her head in Dakota's lap.

"How was your day in the city?" She mumbles as she nuzzles against the redhead's stomach, obviously still very tired and bleary eyed from having just woken up.

Iris tramps downstairs, setting her stuff in the living room where Blake slept. She took a seat on the free spot, half hoping Blake would wake so she could chat with someone, half hoping he didn't.


Willow kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry for making you worry. I went to go in and there were three men there. They chased me for blocks until Dakota saved me. She shot them down. If it wasn't for her..."

She shivered, letting him go and pulling him to sit down beside her, "You're alright though, yes? And Nicki's okay too right? You kept her safe?"

He sits down next to her and nods. "I'm glad you're safe Willow.." He says to her quietly, watching her. "I'm not letting you out of my sights alright? We're gonna get through this no matter what it takes." He says to her while watching her. "You should get some sleep.. It's late." He says to her before yawning. "I could go for some sleep myself." He admits, cracking a smile at her as he speaks. Half of him wants to leave and find Nicki, wanting to get some closure with what was going on.. But the other half of him tells him to stay here with his little sister until she falls asleep.


Blake wakes up and sees her. "Hey!" He says before sitting up, placing his hand on her upper arm. "Sorry I slept through the day, honestly I've never been more exhausted." He whispers to her, placing his chin on her shoulder. He kisses her cheek softly. "Kiss me?" He whispers to her.

Dakota laughed, joking around, "Oh it was great. Got latte's down by square garden, then took a stroll through the streets, soaking up sun. It was a blast."

Laughing, she rubbed Vanessa's hair, trying to wake her up more while pulling the covers over her legs in case someone wandered in, wanting to keep her decent with a kid in the house.

"It was actually pretty intense," she shrugged, "But everyone is safe, and here. Now we just need to plan our next step. Tomorrow...tomorrow we can."

Rubbing the blonde's shoulders she groaned, "C'mon you, wake up! I'm pumped with adrenaline and want to do something. Don't leave me bored all night. Let's play a board game, or talk, or..."

Vanessa opens her eyes more, giggling. "Okay okay.. I'm awake." She says.. Still sounding pretty tired but now her eyes are wide open, listening to her words.

"Or..?" She whispers, looking up at Dakota. "You wanted to suggest something else?" She asks, still practically in the redhead's lap as she looks up at her. "You know you want to say it!" She whispers with a giggle.

Willow rubbed his arm, leaning against him, "I wanted to wait till you were back, but I am tired. Can you stay though? Don't...don't go just yet."


"Hey Blake," she murmured, still a little ticked that he had turned down being helpful when he was a trained national guard. She felt like every layer she peeled back from this supposed "good guy" she was finding a more selfish man underneath.

"It's alright," she shrugged, feeling his lips on her cheeks and her stomach dropped before knotting at his next words.

More like a selfish jerk. Barely one date and he just expects me to kiss the guy who ditched today?

"No thanks," she shrugged him off her shoulder, giving him a sideways glance before pulling the control terminal onto the couch on her other side. As much as she kept to herself and her thoughts unless spoken too she wasn't that unconfident shy girl. She was her mother's daughter and she didn't like how he was advancing on her.

"Willow I've gotta go, I have watch with Nicki tonight." He says to her softly, standing up from the bed. "I'll come back once my shift is over, okay?" He asks, looking down at his little sister with a straight face, knowing that keeping watch is more important than being up here with her.


He moves back away from her, nodding bitterly before getting off of the couch. "I'm gonna go see if anybody needs help.." He mutters, mostly to himself.

He walks out into the garage before slipping out the door, disappearing into the night, evil thoughts peering at him through a confused and tired mind.

She giggles before moving backwards, leaning her arms forward and her ass in the air, allowing her shirt to fall forward as she groans, stretching. She crawls towards Dakota again, her ass wiggling as she does so, slowly making her way up until she sits evenly with her.

She giggles again before leaning forward, pressing her lips to Dakota's. She mumbles agaisnt her lips. "My biggest regret in college was never experimenting enough.."

She kissed his cheek goodnight, making him promise to come back and sleep in the room with her. Willow was nervous, and knowing he was sleeping on the floor beside her would ease her. Even though she said she'd sleep the minute he left she put her earbuds back in, unable to sleep just yet.


Iris watched him leave before focusing on her work, typing away at lightning speed.

He walks downstairs and finds Nicki in the living room by herself, he sits down next to her. "Hey, can we talk?" He whispers to her, raising his eyebrows at the beautiful brunette. After he asks this he keeps his peripherals on the driveway of the house, making sure nobody was coming. "Let's go outside on the front porch, it's our turn to watch anyway." He suggests while standing, offering his hand to her.

Dakota laughed, the confident and cocky side of her coming out, "Experimenting? Oh Vanessa when I'm done with you no man will ever be able to satisfy you enough again."

Her lips pushed back then, snuffling all other words as Dakota took control, pushing the blonde down onto the bed and pulling herself on top. If Vanessa got uncomfortable she simply needed to pull her head back and Dakota would stop, her hands already beginning to adventure the woman's body, feeling down her sides.

She groans softly when the redhead sits on top of her, kissing her back hungrily, her words lingering in her mind.. Ohhhh she wanted her badly. She leans her head back to break the kiss. "Touch me anywhere you want.. I'm yours for tonight baby." She whispers seductively, adding a little wink in the last sentence.

She picks her head up again and moans softly as their lips connect once more, her back arching, as if giving the redhead her body, complete access to everything.

"Tonight and every night," Dakota whispered enticingly, "i'll make you addicted to this beautiful."

Kissing her again, her hands got more frisky, running down to her ass and then her thighs, pulling her legs up and out so she slipped between them. Dakota broke the kiss only to rip her shirt off and unbuckle her pants, then returned too her soft lips as she slipped out of her pants, leaving her in black and white lacy lingerie. Her hands roam up her stomach to her breasts, squeezing both roughly as her tongue suddenly invaded Vanessa's mouth. She did not wait for the girl to beg or ask, taking what she wanted and enjoying every second Vanessa responded to her in earnest.


Nicki nodded, letting him lead the way. She was unsure what he wanted, but she really wanted to see her best friend. After what she had felt all day, she needed to hug her friend and see for herself that she was safe.

"Is Willow awake? Is she okay?"

She moans softly as she feels the invading tongue, her body shaking in anticipation of what would happen next. Dakota's roughness only turns her on more, as she has always been more of a submissive than anything. She moans loudly into Dakota's mouth as she grabs her breasts. Her body arches into hers again, the wetness from her pussy beginning to drip down her inner thighs as she gets even more heated for this woman on top of her.


Collin nods. "Willow is doing great, she's getting some sleep now." He says to her before biting the bottom of his lip, looking out at the stars. "I wanted to talk to you about us.. I was being serious.. About hooking up." He explains to her.

"But here's my problem Nicki.. I don't want a relationship right away.. Because if you start to love me and I die? I wouldn't want you to go through that." He explains to her. "But for right now.. We can be eachothers stress relievers you know? Let it blossom into a relationship but for right now just focus on exhausting ourselves on each other.. If you get me." He says to her before looking over at her.
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