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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She nods, confused as to why the UN would be attacking America. Weren't they all on the same side. But it was obviously a conversation to have another time. Getting up, she told him to wake her when needed and slipped into one of the rooms, curling up on the bed and passing out.

Dakota was surprised to be getting pulled into the kitchen, leaving the other two in the living room.

"Whoa Andy, calm down," she held her hands up in submission, "I don't steal every girl. It's only been three, and it wasn't my fault two of them were bisexual and found me cute. And Katy was a bitch, using you to get to me. I'm only hitting on a cute girl, and hey if she's into men then she's all yours. You aren't second best brother, we will always be equals. Look, if you like her I'll back off, okay? No more flirting I swear. But you should really pick a girl who isn't my type. I mean seriously, blonde with cute freckles? She's a 10/10 Andrew."

He sighs, shaking his head. "It's fine.. I don't think I was getting anywhere with her anyway." He says before walking off, jogging up the stairs to his old room, closing the door softly behind him and curling up on the bed.


Vanessa slips in behind Dakota, wrapping her arms around her and covering her eyes. "Guess who." She whispers into the redhead's ear. "I oughta thank you for saving us.. Again.. You're a real badass, you know that?" She whispers.

Dakota smiled and laughed, "I'm guessing tall, blonde, and adorable?"

Smooth Dakota...very smooth.

She pulled away from Vanessa so she could thank her, pulling three waters out of the fridge and handing her one.

"All in a day's work," she laughed, "If you think I'm a badass, you should meet my dad."

"Dakota's a real daddy's girl," Willow murmured, joining them and accepting one of the waters from Dakota, "Thank you for saving me Dakota. I hope Collin isn't beating himself up."

"He probably is, knowing your brother. I've known that man since we are in diapers, and he feels personally responsible for you. Don't stress on it kid, we will find him in the morning, when all this blows over. I mean, if it blows over. I'm sure by now they will be sending troops in."

"Okay," she looks depressed, shuffling away, "Can I borrow your room Dakota, for a nap?"

"Course kid."

When she leaves Dakota's attention returns to the blonde bombshell before her, "Poor girl. My family and hers go way back. How are you doing with all of this?"

Willow stepped upstairs, looking for Dakota's room. She begin opening doors, and on the second on he stumbled into Andrew's room.

"Oh. Sorry," she muttered, turning away, "Uh I was looking for Dakota's room? She said I could sleep there."

There were tears in her eyes, she was obviously about to cry and wanted to hide.

She smiles softly as she watches Willow walk upstairs.

She turns her attention back Dakota, shrugging. "I'm fine, my family is out west on business.. And since we don't really know what's going on everywhere else it's safe to assume the east coast is the only one under attack." She says.


Andrew sits up before walking over to her, patting her on the head before pointing. "Her room is right there.. Just come in here if you need anything okay?" He asks her.

If she didn't feel like a kid before, being patted on her head reminded her how young they all saw her.

"Thank you for your help," she mumbled, shuffling away.

Getting into Dakota's room and closing the door she curled up on the bed, holding herself and crying. She's just been chased, shot at, separated from her entire family and her best friend, and there were men with guns attacking the city. Willow couldn't handle it all. She cried and rocked herself, ignoring the fact that her sobbing could probably be heard by Andrew down the hall.


"We can hope," she raised her eyebrows, "We have no way of knowing how bad it is. Not until power comes back. C'mon, we should save our strength and sit down, maybe take naps. We need to be ready if they get as far as the town. You noticed the lack of activity outside when we got here? I think they evacuated neighboring towns to New York. Shit, maybe the entire East Coast."

Dakota led her back to the living room, offering her a seat on couch, "The minute power comes on we need to find out how extensive this is, and what the government is doing. We may need to evacuate too."

Andrew walks into Willow's room silently, approaching her and wrapping his arms around her. "It's okay.." He mumbles to her. "Everything's gonna be fine Willow.." He says quietly, comtinuing to hold her so that she would calm down.

Vanessa nods. "Maybe they were evacuated.. Maybe they were taken prisoner, they don't seem interested in killing us all.. I think they just wanna occupy the U.S., maybe take it over." She says as she walks upstairs with Dakota, to the master bedroom.

"Do you mind sleeping with me?" She whispers to the redhead, grabbing her hand.

He was tall and muscular, his figure close to her brother's. Something about it comforted her, and she leaned into him, letting him rock her until the tears dried up.

"How can you be so calm?" she whispered, sitting beside him with her head against his chest as he rocked her, calming her, "How can you all think this is alright? New York just went to shit and I have no idea where my family is!"


Dakota's eyebrows shot up, "That's a little depressing to think Vanessa. I'm trying to remain postive."

Vanessa was obviously not interested in sitting on the couch so Dakota showed her to the master bedroom, shaking her head as Vanessa asked her to join.

"One of us needs to stay awake, in case something happens," Dakota explained, excusing herself from the room.

She's gorgeous, but pretty blunt. Why would she assume everyone's been imprisoned? Sheesh if Willow had heard that we'd never get her to stop crying."

"Well.. I've got most of my family here.. And I know that she has my back, just like we have yours.. I'm just trying to stay positive, that's all we can do right now." He explains to her. "Now you gotta get some rest, we don't know what's coming tomorrow." He says to her before leaving her side, waving a goodbye before walking back to his room.

She waved goodbye to him, only feeling a fraction better. When he was gone she curled up, this time trying her damnest to sleep but to no avail. All she could do was worry about Collin and her parents, and all the poor souls in New York scared out of their minds just like her.

In the morning, Collin wakes Nicki, he hadn't slept for even a minute, unable to do so with the commotion outside in the city.

"It's morning Nicki." He says to her quietly as he shakes her. "Time to wake up." He says before yawning, his eyes watering as he does so.

Nicki wakes and opens one bleary eye, for a second hoping to see her dad and realize it was all a horrible dream. But instead she sees Collin, and knows that everything last night had been real.

"You look exhausted," she yawned, "Why didn't you wake me up so you could nap?"


Halfway through the night Dakota had woken Andrew and switched places, letting him guard while she slept. In the morning she woke at the first rays of dawn, joining her brother in the cold living room.

"No power, no heat," she shivered, pulling a sweater on, "I'm going to check on the girls. Can you wrestle something together for breakfast? I'm sure there is cereal somewhere around here, if the milk hasn't already gone bad."

Climbing the stairs she woke Willow first, lending her a sweater so she wouldn't be too cold. It was spring outside, so the mornings were cold until the sun heated up the day. They'd only need sweaters till the afternoon, but she didn't want anyone catching a cold. Telling Willow to go grab some breakfast Dakota moved to the master bedroom, forgetting to knock as she strolled in to wake Vanessa.

Collin sighs. "I couldn't sleep, honestly everytime I slipped a little I was having a nightmare about something.." He explains to her before sitting back. "Thanks for.. Dealing with me.. And helping me, y'know with the comforting stuff and all of that." He says to her quietly, his eyes locked with hers. "Maybe one day we can.. Do something.. If you get me.. But for now we gotta focus on finding Willow." He explains.


Vanessa usually prefers to sleep half.. Or full nude, but she found a clean t-shirt in one of the drawers that read 'Casper Squadron' on it, and showed the little ghost, which she thinks is cute so she put that on and stripped from the rest of her clothes, leaving her lower half completely exposed.

When Dakota opens her door, she's spread out on the bed, her sex clearly showing as she is still sound asleep, her eyes cracking open when she hears the redhead.

Dakota blushed fiercly when she saw her lower half naked, but then her teeth gritted together when her eyes caught sight of her dad's old Ghost Tee.

"Fuck, take that off," she snapped, striding forward, "That's my dad's Vanessa, why are you snooping and wearing his stuff?"

She's obviously upset, completely ignoring the fact the girl is naked, more concerned about the t-shirt. Her father never let her wear it when she was growing up, although she had always wanted to. He'd owned it since before they were born and it always smelt like him. It just felt wrong for anyone to wear it. Flirt with a girl and she starts trampling all over you. God she's naked on my parents bed. That's just...ugh. Nope, don't do it Dakota. Girls like this aren't worth the effort. You learned that lesson with Katy, don't date tramps. They just want you for your shit and your sex, not you.


"I understand. It be hard for me too if it was my sister. I mean, I love Willow, but you obviously love her more."

Getting up, she ran her fingers through the knots in her hair and pulled it into a ponytail, ignoring his words about hooking up. He was stuttering and obviously uncomfortable, so she assumed he was just trying to be nice, to save her feelings.

"So is it safe to venture outside and search for Willow?" she asked, turning back around to him, "Or are we still stuck waiting?"

Vanessa yawns after hearing her speak. "Sorry.. I didn't want to sleep in sweat drenched clothes." She says before pulling the t-shirt off, revealing her completely naked top half as well, she's obviously comfortable with her body.

"Happy?" She asks as she folds the t-shirt, placing it back in the drawer she found it in. "Is there anything I can possibly wear?" She asks, approaching the redhead and raising her eyebrows at her.


He opens up the blinds before immediately closing them, looking back at her, he obviously doesn't like what he sees. "We're staying indoors." He says to her before walking over to the kitchen, searching the drawers and refrigerator.

He grabs two bottles of beer from the fridge. "You want one? Before they get warm and taste like shit." He offers her, obviously not caring about age at this point.

Nicki shrugged, "I hate beer, but I'm awfully thirsty. Is there anything else in that fridge? Are you sure we can't go out? I mean, Willow is out there. Shouldn't we find her? You're the marine here, can't you like, shoot people down while we look for her?"


Dakota stepped away from her, striding to the dresser and grabbing the Ghost shirt, looking rather upset. She wasn't about to let anyone else touch it, holding on to it tightly.

"I'll go grab you clothes," she commented, brushing past her, "Stay here."

Moving back to her room, Dakota stuffed her father's shirt in her weapon cache for safe keeping then rummaged through her own dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans that would probably fit Vanessa and a blue shirt. Dakota was the same height as the blonde woman, but her build was different. Vanessa had a more elegant body, with soft curls making her look beautiful and feminine. Dakota's body was cute and petite, but also muscular so she had less in the curves department and more toning.

"Here," walking back into the master bedroom she handed over the clothing, "I don't have under wear or a bra for you unfortunately but these are clean."

He looks through the fridge again. "There's wine?" He asks, grabbing the bottle and showing it off to her. "There's also water.. No soda or anything." He says to her.

He laughs at her comment. "Reach behind your ear and grab me a gun with enough ammo to kill every sunofabitch that came from the sky into our beloved city and I will gladly do so!" He says while taking a swig from the bottle.


Vanessa gets dressed and looks at the redhead. "Wait.." She says softly, approaching her, biting the inside of her cheek softly. "I'm really sorry Dakota.. I didn't mean to do anything bad.." She whispers to her. "Please forgive me? Please.." She says quietly, her eyebrows knit together as she speaks.

Dakota looks at her, calculating if she's lying or not. The redhead is tough to openly trust others, and a lot more skeptical once she starts thinking a certain way about a person. It was a part of her training, aspiring to be a Ghost just like her dad.

"Just try and be more considerate of everyone," Dakota finally replied, neither accepting the apology or refusing it, "You should go downstairs and eat. Andrew is whipping up something."


She took the water, wanting to be sharp and focused. Nicki had never been alone with Collin for extended periods of time, but she had never guessed he was a drinker, or one to drink on the job that is. And the fact he was inclined to stay holed up and get drunk while Willow was still missing sat funny in her stomach. Sure Nicki was selfish, but she wasn't that selfish. As much as the brunette liked the marine, her worries lied with finding Willow and getting the hell out of the city.

"Well, while you drink, I'm going to find her," Nicki made up her mind, moving to the barricade and pulling at it, trying to move it so she could get through, "I'm not leaving her out there."

Vanessa nods and slips past her, walking downstairs to get some breakfeast, as she is currently starving.


Collin walks forward, grabbing her arm. "Do you want to see the reason why neither of us should go out there?" He asks her, leading her over to the window and opening the blinds.

Below them is tanks and armored vehicles rolling up the road, in front of them sits a small plaza where men and women in Orange outfits are being herded and lead to a desk.

A man starts to run, several shots echo up and down the road as he falls, his blood coating the pavement like paint.

"You leave and you die.. And I'm not letting that happen." He says to her quietly before closing the blinds.

He walks back over to his drink and takes another swig.

Nicki stares in horror, then starts to cry.

"So she's dead?" Nicki blubbered, "And...and my parents? Did they even make it out in time? Fuck, Willow's dead. She has to be. Fuck."

She sinks to the floor, crying over her friend and her parents, finally accepting that her entire life was shattering into pieces.


Dakota follows her down, grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting beside Willow.

"Okay gang, anyone got ideas of what we do? We have no idea whose attacked New York, or why. We have limited supply, no power, and our families are missing or unable to reach. And we need to find Collin."

"And Nicki," Willow added.

"Shit, and Iris. She was out last night too, and I bet if our parents were all out for drinks, Mr. and Mrs. Winters were too," Dakota calculated, "So any ideas?"

Andrew rolls his eyes at his twin, shaking his head. "You were never good at paying attention to detail, sis." He says as he grabs one of the weapons Vanessa scavenged, placing it on the table. "This is an L85, the primary weapon of the English military." He says to her.

"However, there's no way that the English could possibly amass such a force to take over New York.. So they had help, and it wasn't communists, so it has to be the UN." He says to her.

"And I do have an idea.. If you can get me into their network I can figure out who is captured, who is dead, all of that good stuff.. Y'know, answer some questions." He explains.


Collin places his bottle down and walks over to her, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her head to his chest. "No. If anything, that down there should prove to you that they are taking prisoners.. That means there's a really good chance Willow and your family are still alive.."

"Plus you know Willow, she's quick, I doubt she's gone." He says to her reassuringly. "Everything's gonna be alright."

Dakota raised an eyebrow, checking out the weapon, "I forgot Vanessa snagged these. But thanks Andrew for telling me I'm slow. And don't pretend you have the same skills Iris has. We both know you got into hacking to win brownie points from her."

She laughed, knowing both his hobbies that he kept from their parents, and why he did it. He'd only recently started liking Iris, although the girl's parents had other plans for her.

"We can't really get into anything until the powers back though, so it doesn't matter. Even if you could do that kind of hacking job, we need power and there is none, so we are stuck. Any other ideas for now?"


She sniffled, rubbing her eyes, "I...I guess."

He continues to hold her until she calms down. "Are you alright?" He says to her quietly, his fingers running through her hair as he continues to embrace her.


Andrew bites the inside of his cheek, sighing when she speaks of Iris. "I'm pretty good at it now, okay?" He mumbles.

"We could try to find the rest of the crew, slowly start searching.. We know that Collin, and Nicki were in Brooklyn so we can search around there.. Iris was talking about a date with some guy her parents set her up with in Manhatten, which is closer to us.. So we can start there." He offers.
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