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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Kyle groans as his climax rapidly approaches. "Holy fuck you're so tight.." He groans, feeling her walls tighten around him makes him just want to explode inside of her but he holds himself back for now.

"Of course I'm tight," she laughs, then another moan bubbles up and her walls tighten as she tries to control her climax, "You're pushing me so close baby. So close."

"Cum for me baby, cmon." He mumbles to her as he continues, pushing his own climax down so that she can go first.

"Noooo," she sighs, trying hard to control it, "You first."

She opens her eyes, challenging him to try and make her orgasm come first, enjoying the pleasure rocking through her.

He accepts the challenge.

Kyle leans forward and bites at her neck softly, smoothing the mark over with his tongue in order to form a small hickey, he starts to kiss down her chest until he takes one of her breasts in his mouth, rubbing the rubbery point between his teeth.

All the while continuing to fuck her and hold back his own climax.

He continues to tease her with his teeth, one hand reaching down to rub her clit in order to stimulate it.

"Cum for me baby.."

Arya tries to control herself, but to no avail. His fingers caressing her clit as he thrusts in her and teases her breast is too much. All at once she cries out his name, her body arching into him as she orgasms, her climax exploding within her. Desire ripples through her and Arya convulses in pleasure, moaning and calling his name over and over as her juices soak his erection deep within her.

When he feels her tighten around him he lets go, explodimg imside of her and calling out her name, his eyes sealed shut as he does so. "Holy fuck.." He mutters as he moves off of her.

She shivers as he moves off, feeling suddenly empty without him inside. Her head nestles into the crook of his neck, her body draping over his.

"And now I'm completely yours," she whispered happily, "Now and forever."

Kyle grins, resting his head against hers. "And I'm completely yours, no matter how jealous you can get." He says with a chuckle, nuzzling his head against hers.

He wraps his arms around her and moves up the bed, draping the covers over them before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"I love you," she sighed, wrapped in his embrace. Everything finally felt right, like they had finally found everything they needed...


"And as I was saying, we cannot base our decisions on whether the press will like it or not," Dr. Arya Wetsworth argued, sitting at a long table with ten other highly reputable doctors.

"How about we come back to this on Thursday's meeting?" the head of directors asked, sitting at the far side of the table, opposite Arya.

Murmured agreements rang out and everyone was dismissed. Arya remained seated, taking her cell phone out of her pocket to check for messages. There was only one, from Kyle, telling her he couldn't pick up Willow from school.

Our Willow. It's been twenty three years, and I till love this man the same as when I married him.

Rising from the table, she left the Board of Directors meeting. Over the years Arya's career had grown, and now she was one of many doctors charged with running the hospitals of San Francisco. It was the height of her career, and she loved it. Not as much as she loved her family though. Kyle and her had two beautiful children. Collin, their oldest, was twenty three and in the military, although he was home on rotation. It had been on their wedding night Arya had gotten pregnant, and she never regretted it. Collin took after both of them, taking his father's love of the military and his mothers love of medicine and becoming a medic with the marines.

Their second child, Willow, was a little more rebellious from the family. She looked more like her mother, but shared no interests with either of her parents. Their sixteen year old's interest was in her art, particularly painting. After much begging they had registered her in the Art Academy in the city, but it was a constant battle between her and Kyle. Willow didn't want to take university, or study anything academic. She just wanted to paint.

Arya texted Collin, asking her son to pick up his little sister from her school. She also advised that her best friend, Nicki, would probably be with her and it was alright for the other girl to come over. While Nicki was two years ahead of Willow and in her last year of the Academy, the two had been friends since second grade, and Arya loved that Willow had someone so close.

After texting her son she sent out a text to her two favorite girls, Serena and Katerina, asking if they wanted to grab coffee after work.

Collin gets a text from his mom to pick up his sister from school.. Great. He had been sitting in a bar with a few of his buddies, enjoying some time alone while on his leave at home.

About six years ago the entire Gang had decided to move go New York City, finding that there were big apartments for families and military discounts on everything.

He stuffs his hands into his leather jacket as he walks a couple of blocks to Willow's school, fimding her sitting on the front steps.

He motions for her and her friend to go, deciding to just walk them back to the apartment building.

"Where's your dad?" Nicki Holland asked, looking over at her best friend, "Didn't he say he'd be here by three?"

She was playing with her hair while they sat at the front steps, watching the smaller brunette beside her. They'd known each other since elementary, and had always been thick as thieves.


Willow Wetsworth shrugged, pulling her beanie lower on her head, "Knowing my dad he's mad at something else I did and doesn't want to pick me up. If I sneeze wrong in this house I'm chastised for it."

She hugged her leather jacket and watched the traffic swing by. It wasn't really that bad in her house, but she'd always lived in her brothers shadow. He did everything right where she did it wrong. He was their soldier with medals, and she was their sixteen year old rebel who wanted to follow her dreams and not theirs.

"I'm sure your mom will be excited to hear you got into the gallery for this semester, if you would just tell them. Or maybe Collin?"

The gallery was a showcase at the end of every semester, where the teachers chose one or two students from each of their classes to display a piece they had created and gotten praised for. To get your work displayed meant you were top of your class, a big score for Willow. But she wasn't sure her family would care. Her mom would tell her 'good job' and her father would only smile, still annoyed that she refused to do anything academic. Collin saw her as his baby sister, so he'd probably care the most, and she might tell him, but only him. Willow knew why Nicki really wanted to tell Collin though. Everything revolving around Collin was up her ally. Her best friend had been crushing on Willow's older brother since they were ten, and Willow was pretty sure Collin knew by now.

"Collin just got back from the war out east. He was saying things are getting tense in Europe. I don't think he'll be around for the gallery, so what does it matter?"

"The gallery is on Friday, so that's a bullshit excuse Willow. Hey, speak of the devil..."

Collin walked up, signalling them to follow. Nicki eagerly jumped up, looking like she was drooling over the tall and handsome man. Willow was a little slower, standing and walking a couple paces behind.

"I thought dad was getting me? I don't want to walk the twenty blocks home, that's the whole point of the car."

Collin just laughs. "Willow, you've been living in New York long enough to know that driving is slower than walking, besides you ought to get the exercise." He says, a grin tugging at his face as he speaks.

From a couple of years of knowing Nicki, he's figured out she's crushing on him.. But with the East tensing up he couldn't afford any sort of emotional tie back home, which is why he mostly keeps to himself when he's here.

"Dad was supposed to, according to mom he's busy.. But you know him, now cmon." He says to her. "How was school? Anything exciting happen?" He asks her.

"She got into the gallery!" Nicki blurted, getting a look that could kill from Willow.

"Thanks for announcing that," Willow muttered, stepping in line between her best friend and Collin, looping her arm through her brothers, "It isn't a big deal Collin, she's just being Nicki."

"No I'm not," Nicki pouted, "The gallery happens only once a semester, which is this Friday. Only the best work gets displayed."

Collin tries to hide his grin, he can make Friday.

"Damn, Willow.. I'm really sorry.. I gotta report Friday morning." He lies, if he can surprise his little sister at the gallery, she'd probably be really happy about it.

"It is a really big deal, you're a great artist, I wish I could be there to see it." He says to her as they walk, drawing a map in his mind as to where the apartment is.

He looks over at her best friend. "So Nicki, how's school?" He asks passively, just trying to make conversation.

He uses his free hand to fiddle with his dog tags, feeling a buzz in his pocket.

Collin opens up the text message, it's his mother wondering if he's got Willow, he just replies that he has her and that they're on the way home before turning off his phone, deciding to save the battery for now.

"It's okay Collin," she shrugged, expecting it even as Nicki's face fell, "Like I said, not a big deal."

She moved up ahead, a little disappointed but not wanting either of them to see it. Whipping out her phone she pretended to be busy with a text, letting Nicki talk with Collin.


"School's school," Nicki spoke in a normal voice, knowing Willow was listening in, "It's my last year, so I'm excited to be done."

"She's lying to save face," Nicki whispered, "Getting your artwork in the gallery means your teachers think your gifted. Plus collectors and museum curators come and look, and if they think your work is good, buy it. Last semester a girl in my year even got offered a job. Willow's just upset because she knows your dad and mom are too busy to show up and support her."

Collin nods as Nicky speaks to him. "You gotta watch after Willow when I'm not around, everything's been heating up.. Not like anybody around here really cares.." He says while looking around.

"I'm worried about French soldiers kicking down our front door and that guy in the suit is worried about getting to work on time." He says with a chuckle.

"Honestly Nicky, I don't understand what's going on with Willow.. This seems like a good opportunity for something she loves but she seems.. Out of connection? Does that make sense?" He asks quietly as to prevent his baby sister from listening in.

"She watches me as much as I watch her," Nicki grinned, "No french soldiers will get the best of us."

Nicki nodded, dropping her voice, "I don't know either. She came back to school on Monday like this, she's super defensive and her confidence in her work has died. The only thing I've gotten out of her is she had a fight with her dad before you arrived. About what, I have no idea."

Collin nods. "That's good to hear." He says, biting the bottom of his lip in thought.. Could Nicky be trusted with a secret?

"Nicky, I'm going to trust you here.. I'm gonna make the gallery on Friday, but if you tell Willow you're never stepping foot in the apartment again." He says to her quietly. "I want it to be a surprise." He explains to her.

They finally arrive at the apartment, Collin pulls Willow aside when they step in. "What're you and dad fighting about?" He asks her, his eyebrows raised.

Nicki nodded, smiling wide and pressing a finger to her lip, signalling she'd stay quiet. When they finally reached the apartment building she stepped inside, saying she'd meet them upstairs so Collin could speak to Willow.


She watched her best friend leave, wishing she could go with her and not get grilled by her older brother.

"Leave it be Collin," she sighed, pocketing her phone, "Don't get involved okay? In two weeks you'll be gone again anyways, and I'll be left behind with dad and mom. What's the point of telling you?"

"You know Willow, you'll care about me a lot more when I'm in a coffin." He scoffs. "Just tell me, you have nothing to be arguing about, they just want you to succeed.. I mean, look at me.. I had shitty grades in high school and it landed me in the Marines.. Do you want to be a Marine, Willow?" He asks her.

"I don't think so, so listen to their advice, study math, work more on your paintings and do something with your life.. There's a grave somewhere in the future, marked with a date I don't even know about with my name as a header. But you have a future and you're just throwing it away."

"I'm not throwing it away!" she snapped, "God you sound like dad Collin! The Art Academy does make us finish our academics, not that I like them. You get bad grades but land in the marines and they've never been prouder of you. I got one shitty grade in history last year and want to focus on my art and dad never lets me forget it, always telling me I could try harder. My grades are all B's. I'm doing fine."

There was obviously a lot of pent up anger in her, her voice loud and snappish as she ranted. At the same time her eyes looked sad, as if something more had happened that she was regretting.

"They're wasting their energy on me and you know exactly why." He says to her. "Both of the, were Marines and they understand the danger.. Hell, they wanted me to get a desk job." He says with a chuckle.

"But you need to do some serious bonding with them, one day you're going to regret not doing it." He says before offering his arm. "Nickie's probably bored out of her mind.. Does she still have a crush on me?" He asks with a laugh.
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