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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


He answers all of the questions and then hangs up, looking at her and smiling. "Honorable discharge." He says to her before pulling her into a kiss, of all the things happening right now the relationship they have maintained has kept them both on their feet, leaving him thanking his stars he still has her here.

Even though she wants to question him, all she can do is fall into his kiss, eagering pressing into him, enjoying the warmth of his skin.

"Why were you discharged?" she asked as she pulled away only enough to leave her room to speak, her lips brushing against his, "Did you send in those papers?"

He nods. "I sent them in last night." He says quietly before kissing her again, not able to get enough of the taste of her lips against his. He pulls her against him and sits down with her, his tongue brushing against her lower lip as he continues to enjoy the kiss that they share.

Her body shivered as she pressed her lips hungrily to his, her mouth cracking open to allow his tongue to enter, her own tongue sliding out to play with his. The feeling was electrifying and pleasurable, making her cheeks blush even as she groaned.

"We need to get married soon," she sighed, "Can we plan? Soon?"


In another apartment, Katerina was talking about their own wedding details, although hers varied widely from the others. Wheras Serena and Alex seemed content to wait another year or so, for whatever reason they kept to themselves, Kat wanted to have it happen fast. And Arya and Kyle wanted to make it traditional and beautiful, when Katerina wanted something more unique. In the end she came up with a plan she hoped Kevin would like. To go down to the courthouse and get married there, then hold a small reception for them and their friends in their apartment, complete with catering. After that they'd grab a plane for their two week honey moon. Kat had a few different locations she wanted to travel to, all of them beaches.

So after making a decent lunch she sat Kevin down and explained her plan, hoping he'd go along with it.

He groans when she breaks the kiss, his forehead still against hers when she speaks.

"Of course.. We just gotta get it all planned.. And I'm no good at all of that.." He says with a chuckle.


Kevin listens to her entire plan before nodding, grinning ear to ear.

"That sounds awesome, I don't know how the others manage to wait to get married." He admits, leaning back in his chair.

"Who knows," she shrugged, "I'll call and book the courthouse and a caterer, can you send messages to everyone?"


"Leave it to me," she murmured, "Just find yourself a best man and pick out a groom's man or two for yourself.

He nods. "I'll probably just take Alex and Kevin, I only really know them." He admits, his hands still on her hips while he speaks.


"Yeah, you go ahead and do that and I'll send out some emails." He says before standing and walking over to his laptop, sending a chain email with wedding details to the crew.

He nods to her before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking her to bed with him, laying down next to her and burying his face into her neck, which he seems to do every night.

"Goodnight.. I love you.."

Six months past with electric speed, their lives whirling by. Kat and Kevin got hitched first, and decided to follow in Serena and Alex's footsteps, buying a house only two blocks away from them in the cozy little town. Then they were off on a month long vacation in the carribean.

As for Arya and Kyle, the wedding had been set for six months later, and as it got closer Arya got more nervous. Her treatments were going well, although they did not help as much as they could. Still, she was excited to marry the man of her dreams. They'd both been talking about moving to the small town too, so they could be closer to their friends and in a bigger house for children. As the day of the wedding approached Arya was online, looking at the houses to buy. She had gotten her job back in the hospital after her clinic cleared her for work. She wasn't radioactive, and the virus in her was dormant, so as long as she didn't feel sick she could work. Even so much as a cold though kept her home, not wanting to spread the disease.

And Serena and Alex had slipped into their own little world. When the news had hit of Serena's pregnancy everyone was a little surprised, and a suspicious. Arya had wondered if Alex had proposed due to her pregnancy but he had confirmed they'd found out afterwards and she believed him. Kat was still a little skeptical, and Arya rarely talked to Kevin to know his opinion. The pregnant engaged couple seemed happy though, their lives settling down nicely.

"Kyle?" she called, beckoning him from the bedroom, "What about a four bedroom?"


Six months pregnant did not agree with Serena.

Not only did it feel like she was carrying a watermelon 24/7, it didn't help she was pregnant with twins. Her stomach was already huge, and she still had three months to go. She thanked her stars to work from home, her attire mostly baggy shirts and sweats, just to fit over her belly. She was happy though, happier than she'd been in a long time. Serena had a new therapist due to her now diagnosed PTSD, her past, and the upcoming twins. This therapist was a woman, however, and she lived in town, helping all the military families. She did wonders for Serena, and her nightmares had lessened, as well as her mood swings.

Still on days like these, when the little ones were kicking up a storm and she had the day off, Serena felt like shit. She sat on the couch, scrolling through T.V channels and praying Alex would be home soon. She'd already called him three times that day and sent him a text, begging for KFC for dinner. The craving for greasy chicken was too strong.

Kyle had been sitting at the table reading a small book he had bought to entertain himself when he didn't feel like watching TV.

"Four bedrooms is good!" He calls out. "What're we expecting to have two?" He asks with a chuckle.


Alex sees her text about KFC and makes a stop at the supermarket on his way home, buying a regular pack of chicken and driving back to their house.

He walks inside and calls out. "Baby, I'm home!" Before walking into the kitchen and getting started in the chicken he had bought.

"Sorry baby, no KFC, I read that there're chemicals and preservatives that aren't good for kids." He explains.

"But I need grease!" she whines, wincing as she feels a hard kick, "Alex do we have tylenol? You're twins have been kicking all damn day, and I'm so sore."

Getting up slowly from the couch she wanders into the kitchen and kisses his cheek, "How was work baby?"


"Well you want a boy, and I want a girl. I feel that equals two, don't you? Besides, I want to have a idea of what we are buying before we get married. It's in less than a week now baby! Saturday...three days till Saturday."

"But the twins don't need grease." He says with a laugh. "And yeah there's some in the top drawer to the left." He explains.

When she approaches he wraps his arms around her, smiling as she kisses his cheek. "Nothing happened today, I just worked out and trained, it's not really the same without Kevin." He admits.


Kyle grins. "Well with that logic I guess we'll grab four bedrooms!" He says with a chuckle. "I can't wait to marry you, although I wish it hadn't taken six months." He admits.

"Well Kevin and Laterina are back on Friday in time for the wedding, so you'll have your SWAT buddy on Monday again. Just no shenanigans. I need you alive to help me raise these two. Speaking of which, did you talk to your boss about paternal leave for a couple months, to give me a hand? Two newborns is going to be too much for me."


"It was the earliest we could snag a church," she shrugged, "I've heard people waiting up to two years for a good joint."

He nods. "I think it's almost been two years since we started dating." He says, trying to remember how long ago they had left Bolivia.


Alex nods. "I already got me leave for when they are born, I just have to inform him when it happens and then Im off the hook." He explains to her, biting the inside of his cheek after he speaks.

He plants a soft kiss on her lips before speaking. "I gotta get back to cooking." He says before pulling away from her embrace and returning to the meal he was cooking.

"God it has been," she moves from her spot and to him, taking his book and dropping it on the coffee table before climbing onto his lap, straddling him provocatively.

"In three days time we will be in our honeymoon suite," she giggled, "and these last two years will be so worth the waiting."


She let him cook, lingering around to watch him as she tried to steal bites. It was hard when you were feeding three -she always felt hungry.

"How's that nursery going by the way?" She asked, striking up a conversation, "you won't let me peek till it's finished and I so want to see this pet project of yours. You've been working on it for months!"

He holds her hips when she straddles him, grinning as he looks up at her. "I didn't put my bookmark in." He whispers to her, the grin on his face stretching ear to ear.

"It'll be worth it, it's been such a long time..." He says with a chuckle.


While he's cooking he speaks, centering his attention on the food.

"It's been going well, but you're still not allowed to look." He says with a smile.

Her grin only grew. They been more experimental in the past six months, learning new tricks to ease the tension. But she couldn't wait to fully give herself to him, heart and more.

"You can wait three more days I'm sure," she laughed.


"Awwwww but Alex! I want to see. Is it yellow? Blue? Did you put polka dots in it?"

They didn't know if she was having girls or boys. Both of them had decided to leave it to a surprise.

He laughs. "You're not allowed, it'll be a better surprise." He says with a grin, he had locked that door from the inside, and placed the key in his dresser in his pair of dress socks, satisfied with the fact that she wouldn't be able to see the room until the babies were born.

They'd soon find out what the genders are, and then he will paint the room, thinking of a pink on one side and a blue on the other would work out if they still didn't know.


"Honestly, I don't know if I can." He says with a laugh, rubbing her hips with his thumbs as he speaks.

His hands snake up her sides and curl around to her back, pulling her against him and allowing him to kiss her sensually.

She groaned, leaning against the counter, "fine. Oh baby, did you pick up your suit from the dry cleaners for Saturday? I have my dress in the closest."


She groaned, rolling her hips into him and kissing him hard.

"Three bloody days left."

"Yeah I already got the tuxedo." He says while placing the chicken on a plate for both of them. He walks them over to the table and places them down, motioning for her to take a seat.


Kyle kisses her back before pulling away. "Let's not break our streak." He says with a chuckle.

She giggles, "We don't have to break our streak while having a bit of fun."

Grabbing his hands she jumped up, leading him into the bedroom to waste the night away.


Eagerly she sits down, already reaching for the chicken even though her belly prevents her from getting near it. She feels a kick, like a reprimand for not eating sooner and winces, making a whining sound as she sat back and rubbed her sore stomach.

"They can be little monsters," she closed her eyes, looking as if she was in pain.

Alex smiles at her comment. "At the end of all this Im sure it'll be worth it." He says while eating. "Once they're out its smooth sailing from there, I promise." He says to her before asking a drink.

"Smooth sailing? I've heard everything but that love. I've heard all about sleepless night, long days, tantrums...are you sure they'll be a breeze?"

"Better out than in." He says with a shrug. "I'm sure we'll be perfectly fine babe." He says as he finishes his meal, standing and putting away his dishes. "At least when they're crying they aren't kicking you over and over again." He says with a laugh.
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