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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Nicki just blinked at him rather confused. It had been a long day and her brain was circling around her best friend, not hooking up with Willow's hot brother.

"I'm not really one of those girls," she started looking at the door, "Um...well. Can I think on it? I need to see Willow."

Blushing fiercely she jumped up, stammering, "I'll think about it, I guess. I should go see Willow. Um, yeah. Thanks," before booking it inside, feeling stupid and awkward and silly for running. She hadn't expected that to happen.

Bolting up the stairs she found the room Willow was hiding in, rushing in and closing it before looking at the bewildered sixteen year old.

"Nicki you're here!" Willow started before Nicki slapped a hand over her own mouth, looking terrified.

"I think I just made the biggest mistake," she whispered, looking horrified.

"Oh Nicki. Come on, sit down. We can talk."

Collin watches her go before shrugging, could've been worse. He grabs the L85 leaning against tge porch and rests it in his lap, staring at the driveway in case any unwelcomed visitors happen to stop by. He yawns, wanting to go back inside but knowing that somebody has to relieve him in order for him to be able to sleep.

Iris plays with her terminal for hours before finally giving up for the night. Instead she finds Collin outside to relieve him of duty.

"Has Blake come back?" she asked, a little worried about sitting outside alone if Blake came back mad.


Dakota moaned back into her mouth, enjoying the feel of her body pressed into hers. Her fingers tweaked and pinched Vanessa's nipples, sending pinches of pain mixed with pleasure through her breasts.

"Play with yourself," she ordered, her mouth moving down Vanessa's neck, "Please yourself until my hands are ready."

Collin raises his eyebrows at Iris. "He left?" He asks before standing. "Whatever.. I need to sleep.." He mumbles as he walks back inside, crashing on the couch and immediately falling asleep, having been exhausted just staring at the driveway.


Her hand slides down to her pussy, starting to rub it slowly, staring up at Dakota as she does so. She closes her eyes and moans softly.

"Dakota.." She whimpers as she continues to play with herself, sinking a finger inside of herself to further stimulate herself. "Please fuck me.." She begs the redhead, not opening her eyes as the pleasure beginning to course through her is becoming to much to handle.

"Not yet," Dakota laughed, loving the feel of teasing her.

Her mouth continued southwards until she was at her breasts, nibbling and suckling at the soft skin, her hands still caressing them. Then with lightning speed she flipped them both over, ripping her panties with ease and with her toned arms flipped Vanessa around so she faced Dakota's open legs, wet with anticipation.

"You want this?" she asked, licking her clit tentatively to give her a tease, "Beg for it kitten."

Vanessa feels herself trembling as she feels Dakota's tongue against her pussy. "Oh please Dakota.. I'll do anything.. Please fuck me.. Oh please!" She shivers again as she feels herself getting even wetter. To prove her case she leans down and starts to lick at Dakota's wet pussy hesitantly, as if never having done this before, which she hadn't. She gets more confident and starts to nip at the skin up surrounding her entrance, moving her tongue around inside of her, searching for a g spot.

Dakota groans, her body shivering with pleasure. I need to show this girl how it's done, she thought, grinning to herself. Tilting her head up she sucked hard on her clit, licking and teasing it, her lips pulling at her erotically. Her now free hands moved, one rubbing the girl's ass, and her other bending around and slowly pressing her index finger inside Vanessa, stroking it in and out. It was pleasure like no other, Dakota pleasuring her clit, pussy, and ass all at once.

All of the stimulation at once causes her to stop paying attention to Dakota, hitting down on the sheets of the bed and nearly screaming as her walls tighten around Dakota's finger, unleashing a massive orgasm, leaving her trembling and panting.

"I'm so sorry.." She whispers to Dakota once she comes off of her high. "I.. I couldn't control myself.." She says softly to the redhead, hoping that she wouldn't be angry.

The orgasm was unexpected but it told Dakota just how much she was affecting Vanessa. Pulling her mouth off the blonde's clit she licked up her juices, even sucking her own finger until Vanessa was clean once more.

"It's okay baby," Dakota purred, "We can always try again."

She didn't give her any warning, this time sticking two fingers deep within Vanessa, her mouth returning to sucking and licking the beautiful girl's folds while her other hand squeezed and spanked her ass.Dakota wanted her to loose control, to be so overwhelmed that all she felt was pleasure as she screamed into the sheets.

"Dakota!" She squeals, going back to biting the sheets again as she shakes, pleasure rocking her body. She squeezes her eyes closed, unable to do much else as the redhead plays with her.

"Ohhhh, I'm gonna cum again.." She moans before biting down on the sheets again, crying out her name before cumming around her fingers again, causing her to collapse on the bed, panting and exhausted.

Again she licked her clean, this time letting the girl roll off and catch her breath. Two orgasms in minutes was a record for Dakota and she felt pleased.

Getting up and crossing the room she found her duffle bag and rummaged through, eventually finding the zipper to her hidden compartment. Inside was a vibrator and a dildo, both things she was embaressed to need but at the same time couldn't give up. Taking the vibrator she jumped back on the bed, pinning Vanessa down with a devilish grin.

"Third time's the charm baby," she teased, turning the vibrator on and slowly sliding it down the length of the blonde's luscious body, wiggling backwards as she does so.

By the time she gets to her pussy she's wet again and Dakota gets a firm grip on the vibrator before pushing it against her clit, stroking it in circles.

"Beg baby, beg for it inside of you," she hummed, wanting Vanessa to climax one last time before she submitted to exhaustion. Just watching the beautiful blonde cum was making her hornier than ever and she was soaked with her own juices but they would have to wait. She needed to please Vanessa thoroughly first.

She groans when she is pinned again, feeling the vibrator against her body makes her back arch again. "Please fuck me Dakota.." She whimpers, her hips thrusting forward in an attempt to get the vibrator inside of her. "Please.. I can't take much more teasing.." She says as she feels herself getting wetter and wetter by the second, the vibrator making her moan softly.

Dakota shoves it in, hard and fast, her thrusts mixxed with the vibrating making a unique experience.

"Scream my name," Dakota moans, hornier than ever claiming this little vixen as her own, "Let me hear who owns you baby."

Dakota knew her parents room had been soundproofed, so Vanessa could get as loud as she wanted. It was the only way her parents ever had alone time with the twins growing up. Dakota wasn't dumb, she'd seen a hickey or two on her parents before. It just meant they were as kinky as she was.

"C'mon Vanessa, scream for me."

Vanessa cries out. "Dakota! Dakota owns me!" She cries out, feeling herself rocketing towards the edge as Dakota continues to fuck her. "Oh! I'm going to cum again!" She yells. "Dakota!" She screams as her pussy tightens around the vibrator, her entire body shaking as she keeps screaming, the orgasm not dying down for a good minute as she rolls around, letting the pleasure take over her.

When she finally rides it out she's exhausted, still trembling from the massive orgasms.

Taking out the soaked vibrator Dakota turns it on herself, letting Vanessa's juices mix with her own erotically.

"Want to help me here kitten?" she purrs seductively, lying down against the pillow as she pleasures herself, wanting one orgasm to end the craving, "Those cute lips on mine would help."

Vanessa crawls on to Dakota, wrapping her arms around her before drunkedly kissing her, rubbing her lips against hers before allowing her tongue to enter the redhead's mouth, wanting her to be pleased after all, she had helped Vanessa achieve three orgasms.

Dakota groaned against her lips, easily finding release with the help of her tongue playing with Vanessa's. Satisfied, she dropped the vibrator on the floor and scooped Vanessa up, dragging her close as she pulled the covers over them both.

"Did I convince you to join my dark side?" she whispered playfully, kissing her shoulder as Dakota snuggled her from behind.

"Yes.." Vanessa whispers, smiling as she feels Dakota's lips against her shoulder. "We'll have to do this more often." She says with a chuckle, snuggling against Dakota's naked body, nuzzling her head against the redhead's before whispering her good nights. She quickly and easily falls asleep in her embrace.
**(I'm awake but I'm too lazy to turn my computer on so no images for now)**


The first rays of sunshine in the early morning woke her, the sun playing on Vanessa's blonde locks making them gold and bright. Dakota stared and the beautiful woman in her arms, wondering if this would be merely a short going or if Vanessa wanted something more, like Dakota always wished for from her companions. Andrew always bugged her from stealing girls than moving on but the truth was three of the girls he chose had ended up wanting a fling with her that never lasted long. Two of them called it "experimenting" after three dates and broke it off. It happened to her often unfortunately. Even Vanessa had used the word the night before, leaving Dakota suspicious that this wouldn't last long before the blonde swung back to liking men and nothing else. It was the way a lot of college girls were, like they were sampling her and then going "no, i really am straight. Cool."

The only one that had been different was Katy, Dakotas second serious relationship. Her first had been in high school after she realized she was gay, and the girl she had dated was sweet but ultimately they never had any spark. Katy, however, had the chemistry but lacked any sweetness. She was a bitch from the start, using Andrew to get closer to Dakota. And once they started dating she would manipulate and control Dakota, making her life miserable for a good year in college. It had been her only year too, applying for military training shortly afterwards, only to hear Katy bitch about that as well. Eventually Dakota had realized it wasn't worth her sanity and broke things off but since then she hadn't had a steady girlfriend, ladies coming in and out of her life too fast.

And that was what she worried Vanessa would be too. Another fling. Used then forgotten.

Getting up, Dakota snuck out to use the washroom and grab a glass of water. She also returned with a second glass and two granola bars, the breakfast of champions.


They had fallen asleep well into the night but she woke first, yawning and stretching. Without any clean clothes she was left t wear what she had as she snuck out of the room, wandering downstairs in hopes of food. Instead she found Collin asleep and decided it be best to talk to him now, while she had the chance.

"Collin," she shook him softly, calling his name, "Brother wake up."

Collin groans as his eyes open, locking on to his little sister. "Morning.." He says to her quietly before bringing a hand up to his face and dragging it down slowly, as if trying to rub off the sleepiness. "Need something?" He asks her as he sits up, scooting back so that his lower back rests against the armrest of the couch, he had obviously been lacking sleep over the last couple of days and it is starting to show on him, the bags under his eyes and the constant yawns and grogginess.


She feels Dakota leave her side.. That's okay for now.. She'll be back. Vanessa slips her head under one of the pillows, groaning softly before slipping into sleep again, their escapees last night had completely exhausted her.

She loves the attention, and having someone who owned her like Dakota basically does now is an even better feeling, her mind wanders as she thinks about the future.. Would she stay with Dakota or just go back to liking guys after a couple of nights?

Then again, she doubts a man can make her feel like amazing like Dakota has managed to bring out, she is still on her orgasmic high, her mind wandering and confused, but still set on the fact that she and Dakota were made to be together.

She sat down and shook him, being the annoying little sister she was.

"Mind telling me what you thought would happen last night when you cornered Nicki?"


Returning to the room she set both glasses down the the granola bars and crawled back under the covers. Vanessa had her head hidden under pillows, obviously trying to avoid the sunlight. But Dakota had other ideas.

Crawling under he blankets she wiggled down to the end, being careful not to wake her as she crawled over Vanessa's beautifully tanned legs, using her fingers to softly spread them slightly. Best kind of being woken up is when all you feel is pleasure.

Dipping down her tongue begin to play with her new toy, licking and sucking, feeling as she grew more and more wet, her body responding without Vanessa fully waking. She buried her head between the woman's legs, giving it her all she she pleasures her, waiting for that orgasm that would fully wake her vixen up. As much as she worried Vanessa would leave, Dakota was headstrong and stubborn. She'd fight for this woman's heart, and that meant mind blowing sex, good morning head, and breakfast in bed.

Collin yawns, listening to her and raising his eyebrows at her after she's done speaking. "I just asked her something, she probably told you.." He says to her. "I didn't corner her, which is why she left." He says to her before laying back down, yawning again. "Anything else?" He asks her, crossing his arms over his chest as he speaks to his little sister.


Vanessa feels her lover between her legs, making her clutch on to the pillow tighter as she feels her tongue enter her pussy. She moans softly and relaxes, her body melting into the bed as she moans again.

She takes the pillow off of her face and looks at the lump in the covers between her legs, she moans again as she goes towards the edge. "Good morning.." She purrs softly, pulling the covers off of Dakota to reveal her.

"You know, I prefer you when you're naked.." She mumbles, running her fingers through Dakota's hair as she speaks.

She's not one to back down, and she gives her brother a furrowed look.

"You scared her. She really likes you and you treated her virginity like it was nothing and asked to hook up. C'mon Collin, we are facing a war and you want to hook up with my best friend?!"

She'd seen plenty of girls with Collin when he was in high school, watching that handsome face turn more heads than she could count. But once he joined the marines that all stopped. She knew why, he didn't want to hurt some girl in the states if she fell for him and then he got injured or worse. But something seemed off about her brother. She'd never seen him truly care for any girl outside his family and closest friends. It was like he didn't know how to love.

"Collin, I love you, but please be more mindful."


She grinned, continuing her pleasurable torture till Vanessa orgasmed then pulled her head up, grinning devilishly.

"As do I," she murmured, checking the flawless beauty of her body as she climbed seductively up to kiss her, her lips still wet from Vanessa's. Rolling off of her she grabbed the granola bars and offered one.

"Breakfast in bed and a morning orgasm," Dakota purred then laughed, "this was the best I could find for breakfast. My parents didn't really stock up. We will have to do a supply run soon but for now, eat up beautiful."

"Yeah I got the memo, Willow." He says while rubbing his forehead. "I wasn't thinking straight last night, I was tired.. I had some drinks.. And this whole thing.. Everything's going to shit and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do, I don't even know if I can trust everyone here for Christ sakes." He says.

He points over to the door, spotting Blake fast asleep in the watch chair, the rifle on his lap. "We can discuss this later, grab everyone who isn't busy, I'm making an example." He says to his little sister before standing, walking over to the door and waiting for the group to meet him, thinking about what he would do.


She kisses her back, leaning forward and trying to recapture her lips but finally lays back down, sighing. She opens her eyes and takes a bite of the granola bar, grinning. "You spoil me baby.." She whispers to her, wrapping her arms around the redhead. "I want us to be together forever.. Do you think you could do that?" She mumbles, her lips brushing against the redhead's as she speaks, her hands drifting up to the back of Dakota's neck.

Willow bit her tongue, holding back the retort for being bossed around. But Collin had a grumpy face on and she didn't need to push his buttons. Wandering upstairs she woke Nicki in her room, then knocked on Andrew's door.

"Collin wants everyone downstairs," she called through the door, "Five minutes."

Moving on she knocked on the master bedroom, having seen Vanessa disappear into it the night before. She was unaware of where Dakota was but she knocked and addressed Vanessa, telling her five minutes. Then she moved on, trying to find Iris and Dakota.


Dakota laughed, "I think you're still drunk from all the sex Vanessa. Forever is a long time with a girl you just meant. Baby steps beautiful. Let's make it through the week alright?"

She kissed her then, hard and quick, pulling away to bite at her own food just in time to hear a loud knock and Willow's soft voice through the door. Waiting until she was gone Dakota rolled over, kissing Vanessa's shoulder.

"Rise and shine," she purred, pulling them out of bed and getting their day started.


Iris woke with a start, hearing Willow's voice through the door. Pushing her messy bun back she stared around the room, stretching the kinks out of her back. When Blake had returned and took over watch she decided to get some sleep. Somehow Iris had thought it was the best idea ever at four in the morning to sneak into Andrew's room and curl up beside his bed on the floor, stealing one of his fallen blankets. Now if she left the room and someone spotted her they'd think there was more than a little friendly banter between her and Andrew.

Yawning and stretching, she turned to see if Andrew was awake, and if so, if he'd noticed her presence yet.
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