Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She grins and continues what she is doing, wanting her partner to find release so that her turn would be next, she shivers in excitement of just thinking of what the redhead would do to her.

Dakota is quick to climax, and immediately she pulls Vanessa up, kissing her wet lips still soaked with her own juices before flipping the girl, going down on her. Her tongued swirled and played, her mouth never leaving her clit, sucking and licking it as she fingered Vanessa hard, stroking in and out, angled in such a way to hit her g-spot.

"Cum for me my goddess."

She laps up Dakota's juices the best she can, pouting when she is pulled up to her lover and kissed, still wanting to please her, but she quickly melts into the kiss, feeling her back against the bed and the sudden assault of her pussy. She moans loudly as she immediately is thrown towards the edge of pleasure.

"Oh Dakota.. Baby, I'm cumming.." She moans as her walls tighten around Dakota's finger, soaking it in her juices as she pants heavily, her back arching.

Dakota's tongue moves away from her clit and licks her fingers, then cleans Vanessa with her tongue before coming up, pulling the blonde bombshell into her brace and relaxing.

"I've miss your body and your sassy tongue all too much," she sighed, "How is my little vixen doing? How has everything been in the group for you V?"

"Everything is better now that you're here." She whispers, snuggling into Dakota and curling up against her, nuzzling the crook of her neck and keeping her face there, lightly nipping at the flesh.

"I feel the same," Dakota purred, cuddling closer, "We got half an hour left love, how about we nap before the long trek back. It's easily a four hour trek, but I promise it will be worth it. I do hope you decide to come with me. Iris is, and I believe Collin's agreed to too."

Blake hears some gunshots in the distance, he smiles to himself.. The time is now. Several UN armored vehicles come down the road, soldiers jumping out, most of them heading inside, but the others go around back to check for stragglers.

The soldiers handcuff whoever they find, loading them into the armored trucks quickly.. All of them except for Blake, who watches them get loaded before standing and sitting down inside of the APC, he speaks in a British accent now, perfectly attuned with his other voice. "Excellent.." He says to the soldiers around him.

The APCs drive off and take them into town, what was once known as the New York Giant's football stadium has been converted into a military prison, all of the group are dressed in Orange and seperated by gender, forced to separate to different sides of the stadium.

Iris is sent to a small office, where Blake is waiting for her, his eyebrows raised at her. He speaks again in the British accent. "Enjoy the show?" He asks her. She is handcuffed to a chair.

Iris felt herself being handcuffed to the chair, but her brain was blank. Everything was...blank. One second she'd been sleeping, the next she had been forced into a van. She was confused, unsure of anything that was going on. Everyone felt overwhelmed and confused, like shock had killed their brain waves, making the entire group sit numbly in the back of the truck, all staring at each other waiting for someone else to figure it out. But they hadn't. And she still felt like she'd been smashed over the head, dazed and confused.

"Um..." she muttered, looking around but saying nothing more.

"You're probably confused." He says to her. "So allow me to explain myself." He says before speaking. "When the UN decided to invade the United States.. A certain group stuck out.. The Federal government called them Ghosts, completely classified stuff, really good to sink your teeth in if you're into reading." He explains. "So they sent their top spy to make sure the Ghosts were captured.. Or killed, of course.. I was hoping the children would just go quietly into the night, but Collin had other plans.. So welcome to solitary confinement, my dear." He says with a smile. "It was fairly easy getting in close to your parents, convincing them.. Hell, I had you convinced." He says with a chuckle. "The.. Ah.. Blake, you knew? He was a character." He says with a laugh.

"You fucking SON OF A BITCH!" she screamed, the peacefulness in her breaking, clarity striking through her as her chair rattled, "I TRUSTED YOU! I FUCKED YOU! YOU USED ME! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PARENTS?"

He raises his eyebrows and laughs. "That's what spies do, dear." He says to her before standing, grabbing a clipboard. "Katerina and Kevin Winters.. Always the more violent of the group... KIA." He says to her, throwing the clipboard on to her lap before walking over to the door. "Guards, if you could escort her out.." He says, two large guards walking in and un cuffing her, holding on to her tightly as they start walking her to the women's confinement area.

Iris was in tears, her voice at top volume as the men came in.


They dragged her out, and Iris had no fight in her, just crying openly at this point. She couldn't handle the pain, wanting to curl up and die.

He just smiles and waves goodbye to her, watching her get dragged up the hallway.. His job is done. He sits down at the desk and puts his hands behind his head, justice having been served.
Iris was brought back to Dakota, Vanessa, Nicki, and Willow -all who took one look at her and knew she was hurting. No one asked though. They just comforted her, unsure what would happen to them or what they were going to do.

Collin sighs in defeat, there was no way they would get out of this place, without help at least. He lays back and stares up at the ceiling, unsure of himself.
Hours past and Iris eventually calmed down enough to get some sleep. Dakota stayed in the room with her, as did the other girls, knowing they all felt safer together.
The next morning everyone is woken and forced to hard labor, loading supplies in UN trucks and the sorts, being converted to criminals for the UN to use to their advantage.

A week past and nothing got better. The life seemed to be sucked out of her friends. Even Collin was loosing faith that they'd be rescued. Not that Dakota had told them they would be. She knew the likelihood of escape. Her two men would undoubtedly report back that she and her group had been kidnapped, but there were other priorities too. They had two families Waiting at a safe house for them, who needed to be brought back safely. And for that matter, no one has yet located the makeshift prison the UN was using. They'd been guessing it was the football stadium or Madison gardens. Now she knew it was the former.

What Dakota also knew was she needed to keep her head down and her mouth shut. She couldn't even afford to tell her friends what she knew, in case unwelcome ears were listening. It sucked seeing them this way, looking so distraught. It would suck more if anyone learned that she was more than a simple adult caught by the UN. As for Blake, or whatever his real name was, he seemed more invested in torturing Iris than anything. Dakota tried once standing up for her friend and gotten beaten for it in front of Vanessa and Andrew amongst others. While Dakota had taken beatings in her life, she was more upset for her lover and her brother, who watched her get kicked and hit with the butt of men's guns. It didn't stop her from standing up for her friends. She just made sure to get hauled away for the beatings, so no one had to watch.

So the first week past and by the end of it Dakota had suffered three beatings, and was thankful the girls had suffered none. As for the men, she rarely saw them except for work periods, but she kept watching Andy, making sure no bruises appeared. All they could do now was hope for rescue, and pray it came fast.

Andrew had been beaten several times already. Even now he can feel the bruises through his shirt, almost everytime he had seen Blake he had lunged at him or spat in his direction, the traitor deserved no respect from any of them.

One of the days he steps out to the yard, he clutches his ribs before falling to his knees, one of the guards walking over and swinging the butt of his rifle into the back of his head.. A stream of blood flying from his mouth as he collapses face first.

Another guard walks out, poking him with his boot before shaking his head to the other guard, they grab his legs and drag him away, leaving a streak of blood on the ground.

She was loading a truck when she saw him fall, and immediately she broke line to run to him. She was halfway there when someone kicked hm and she screamed out, hatred and rage in her voice. Two guards turned on her even as another two dragged him away.

"Don't fucking touch me," she snapped, having none of thier bullshit today.

They swung but she had been playing dumb all week. She didn't want them to know her potential and she still didn't, so she only punched one in the face, breaking his nose, while simultaneously kicking the other in the groin. Then she booked it after Andrew, scared he was dead.

He spots the commotion, a couple of guards attempting to keep her away from Andrew while he walks over, lifting up the man and pressing a pistol to his head. "Stop fighting Dakota, or I'll make sure he's dead." He says to the redhead, an unamused look on his face.

She looks up, three men trying to hold her down and one man in her grasp. She's barely fighting them, acting more like a concerned sister than a trained soldier. Immediately seeing the gun the fight went right out of her and they pushed her down, binding her hands and keeping her submissive.

"Please don't," she begged, "punish me not him. Please. He's the only family I have here."

More guards walk out and grab Andrew from Blake, who looks at the soldiers holding her down. "Put her in solitary, no food or water for two days." He says before walking off, holstering his pistol while he does so.

She kept her face neutral, watching them pull an unconscious Andrew away before hoisting her away too. Solitary confinement didn't scare her. Ghost training had one worst -not that Blake or any of these soldiers would know that. As they crossed the field she caught the stares of the rest of the group and only shook her head slightly, telling them not to make a fuss. Andrew was alive, and that was important to her.

Two days in solitary gave her time to rest and heal, and she used it to her advantage. The rooms they used for solitary confinement were based in the security section of the football stadium, where they put the drunks or rowdy people until the police came. Simply put they were made perfect for confinement. On the second day, hours before she was to be released a guard came up to her door, opening the slot on her door normally used for food or water. As they were starving and dehydrating her, she didn't expect either, more curious at who was visiting her too early. A hand slipped in, and then pulled out, snapping the slot closed as soft footsteps walked away.

On the edge of the slot sat a piece of paper and a lockpick perfect for her handcuffs. The paper was a scrap from a notebook, with two words scrawled on it.



She scrunched up the paper and stuffed it in her mouth, erasing evidence. Then she grabbed the lockpick, knowing time was short. If she read that right, help had infiltrated the stadium, and at five pm chaos would unleash. Her release was at 4pm, only giving her an hour to find her friends and map out a way to get them all out. This place was about to become a bloodbath.

Blake sits down in his office again, sighing as he grabs a clipboard and begins reading the paper it contained, his eyes scrolling through the list of names, the dead.. Wounded, living.. Captured.. So many names in such a small place, though the dead were being buried via mass, no individual graves for capitalist scum.
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