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You Might Be A Pervert If...

  • If the "I CUP" joke turns you on.

    You might be a pervert if...[/list:u]
when someone asks "Would you like Cream with that?" You get a very idea to the 'cream' factor...

You might be a pervert if...
you sleep with progressively older partners hoping to fuck one of them to death.

You might be a pervert if
You might be a pervert if your favorite bumper sticker that had been harmless before took on a whole different meaning.

You might be a pervert if...
You keep on looking for a sertain sticker in Railway cariages becouse it can be turned into
At night rave near the guards compartment naked with a blue light

You might be a pervert if...
you like your women like your whiskey, 13 years old and locked in the basement.

you might be a pervert if....
You unconsciously focus on checking out the people around you in their 'vital areas'.

You might be a pervert if...
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