Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Pulling on his boxers once Reyn stepped over to grab some clothes, Eli followed with a smile, his hand grasping hers tightly. Following his woman quietly, the man cringed once he realized where she had been so determined to get to. The Halfling closed his eyes, feeling around them before she opened the door and entered the home. Opening his eyes to the lightened interior, confusion hit him before realization.

“We should thank Ashlin for this before we leave.” His husky voice called before she returned to the main living area. Stepping inside, the Halfling closed the door quietly behind him and then followed both of his girls to the bedroom. Thankfully taking the clothes Reyn handed him, Eli slipped the ripped and fraying jeans on and then a loose fitted muscle shirt before returning back to his woman, who now stood fully dressed in front of him.

“We’ll stop by the house first, you’re friend has done everything in her power to help.” His voice replied, arms wrapped around his girls, admiring how beautiful they both were.

Pulling on his boxers once Reyn stepped over to grab some clothes, Eli followed with a smile, his hand grasping hers tightly. Following his woman quietly, the man cringed once he realized where she had been so determined to get to. The Halfling closed his eyes, feeling around them before she opened the door and entered the home. Opening his eyes to the lightened interior, confusion hit him before realization.

“We should thank Ashlin for this before we leave.” His husky voice called before she returned to the main living area. Stepping inside, the Halfling closed the door quietly behind him and then followed both of his girls to the bedroom. Thankfully taking the clothes Reyn handed him, Eli slipped the ripped and fraying jeans on and then a loose fitted muscle shirt before returning back to his woman, who now stood fully dressed in front of him.

“We’ll stop by the house first, you’re friend has done everything in her power to help.” His voice replied, arms wrapped around his girls, admiring how beautiful they both were.

A growl left Braxton’s lips, her body’s reaction to him only burying himself deeper within her. His lips released her pleased nipple and moved to the next, his mouth ravishing her while she screamed for him, her walls tightening around his throbbing member.

Sitting up with her words, Braxtons hands continued to grasp her’s while his other released her hair and moved to the wall to help balance himself. Grinning down at her, the man allowed a deeper and move savage growl rumble within his chest.

His hips moved even faster and with more force, continuing to please her, even while the bed slammed against the wall with cries of desperate agony.

“Ashlin. Oh fuck.” He growled, his hips colliding with her’s one last time before coming to a halt. A louder moan left his mouth while pleasure smashed into him, his member releasing within her. Braxtons semi hard member moving slowly within her, his body leaning over him to kiss Ashlin passionately.

“God I love you.”

It felt nice lining her eye's with black kohl again, touching her pale lips with lip gloss. It felt even better being in her own jeans, the slim fit skinnies custom made for her. It was funny how most people wore what they could these days, dresses becoming popular once more in villages amongst woman, and plain cotton pants for the men. The only people she ever met wearing modern clothes were hunters, those who seemed to hold on to the time before the mutagen.

Along with the skinnies, she got back her worn pair of combat boots she loved. She doned on a arm length, transparent loose button up with a black tank underneath, the silky cloth soft against her freshly oiled skin. For the first time in what felt like ages but had only been a week, she felt like herself again. Moving out with Nya, Elijah swept them both up in his arms, murmuring about visiting Ashlin. Reyn nodded, wanting to see her friend before they left too.

Ash's heart pounded, his body stilling as he reached climax and then his lips finding hers once more.

"I love you too," she sighed, burying her face in his neck as she wrapped slender arms around his shoulders, "I'm the luckiest woman alive. That was...fucking amazing."

Cuddling with him, it took them both a few minutes to steady their breaths before they began to move around. Ash stole a large black shirt of his, the collar wide enough that it fell off her shoulders, showing only her black bra straps. Wiggling back into her favorite pair of shorts, she waited for Braxton to get ready before they headed down for breakfast. As they moved, they could hear loud music coming from the kitchen.

"Shit," Ash laughed, "I forgot Malakai and Kyli are staying with us."

Sure enough, as she turned the corner she caught sight of Kai running around the kitchen, music loud enough to drown out any noise. At the sight of them he turned it down to a quiet volume, able to chat with ease over it. It had been next to impossible to find the small stereo system, a gift Ash had given him for their one year anniversary after scouring months for it. With the electricity running they could play music, although so far they only had three C.D's to play. The only places to score them was in cities, where they been left untouched.

"Boy you two were going at it," he shook his head, tossing scrambled eggs into a large bowl, "Poor Kyli and me had to turn the volume to full blast just to drown you out."

Nodding towards the dining table in the same room, Ash smiled and bounced forward to hug her sister-in-law at the table, setting plates for breakfast.

"Hey sis," she breathed, pulling the woman into a long hug, "Sorry about that."

Eli couldn’t help the smile on his face, his lips pressing to her perfectly glossed ones. Picking his girls up gently, Eli carried them out of the guest house, locking up behind them. Leading to the main house, Eli looked down at his girls. The sun’s rays flittered through the trees, the leaves clapping quietly in the background with the soft wind. The flittering light brightened the greenery around them and illuminated the two stunning creatures in his arms, making his smile only glow.

Slowly making their way into the house, the music blaring only moments before entering the warm, breakfast induced home.

“Morning.” He nodded, gently placing Reyn down.


Braxton’s beaming smile, quickly fell short once the two of them had crawled out of their bedroom in a satisfied state for the moment.

“Well… Shit.” He grunted, entwining his hand with Ashlin’s before descending down the staircase into the open and well lit first floor. Nodding at the two, Braxton shot Ashlin an apologetic look before she bounced off to hug his sister.

“Nah… It was the dog.” Braxton nodded, his thumb moving up to gesture upstairs behind him. “It was really weird… We woke up very innocently, and man… The dog invited another woman over and shit was just crazy in the next room.”

Stepping over, the man stole a mug and quickly made his way over to the coffee machine with his eyes intent on cup in which began his morning series. Just as the man turned around, another small family poked in, Eli’s broad arms delicately placing the slim woman and their child down.

“Morning.” He nodded.


Kyli sat among one of the many bar stools propped up beside the kitchen island, her head bopping up and down with a giant smile pulling at her lips while she sung along. The Banshee held a beautiful crystal glass between both of her still hands while the rest of her body moved and grooved with the disk in which Kai had chosen. Turning her head, Kyli’s blinding smile only widened while her hands moved out to and open hug for her new found sister-in-law.

“Good Morning Little Sis.” She bubbled, her musical voice pipped up. “Did we have a good sleep?”

Reyn landed on her feet, handing Nya quickly over as Ashlin's head turned and both girl's broke into tears, running at each other.

"Oh my god Reyn," Ash cried, pulling her into a tight embrace, "I'm so, so sorry. My magic wasn't enough. I was supposed to keep you safe and I didn't."

Nereyda shook her head, clutching the witch harder. Eli had quickly explained on their way over what Ash had done, how she had got them all over there with a transportation spell.

"I haven't stopped looking for you," Ash breathed, "We all were. Eli was gone a whole week just searching for you nonstop. he didn't sleep or eat, or fuck, have a smoke. He came back looking like shit, but we found you...we found you."

Pulling her at arm's length, Ash's eyes wandered over her, "I'm so glad your safe. This was all my fault. Magetha hates me. If it wasn't for me, all of this wouldn't have happened.

"That's not true," Kai piped up, "Eli explained it all last night. Searrinna was there. Meaning this was meant to hurt Eli."

"And subsequently me," Ash shot back, sadness in her eye, "None of this should have happened. If there is anything I can do, please tell me Reyn."

The siren nodded, kissing her friend's cheek. It was over and that was what mattered.

"Are you three staying for breakfast?" Kai asked, placing food on the table, "We have plenty."

Nereyda shook her head, looking at her man to say what she could not.

Eli stood quietly in the background, his daughter resting happily within his arms. His eyes moved down to their daughter, kissing her forehead tenderly while the two woman spoke. Looking up at the sound of his name. The Halfling bit back the anger over the annoyance that sunk into his gut, unwilling to let the thought of Searrinna worsen his day.

“Unfortunately we have a reservation in the city.” He spoke gently once the topic changed.

Ash nodded, understanding, "We can spend time tonight together, okay Reyn?"

The siren hugged her once more before taking off with the other two, letting Ash turn to breakfast. As everyone sat down for the meal, Kai asked how she was feeling.

"Little tired," she shrugged.

"How about that magic? Drained at all?" he asked, scooping eggs onto his plate.

Ash looked up at Brax, seeing his curiousity too. In all honesty she couldn't even feel her magic, she'd drained herself to the point that it was completely gone. She knew it would eventually return, but when she had no idea.

"Drained out," she murmured, focusing on the food in front of her, "I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll just stick around the house till it's back. Where's Zeus by the way?"

"Outside," Kai replied, "Kyli let the pup out this morning and he's been running around your backyard. On topics of sticking around the house...I was thinking about heading back home."

Ash's head snapped up, confused, "You're leaving?"

He nodded, "My parents will want me back soon. Besides, listening to you two going at it...not the most pleasant."

Ash grinned, choking back her eggs, "Well you better visit then."

"Yeah yeah, I will. I'm not going just yet. Got to say goodbye to Kayden first."

Ash grinned harder, trying not to laugh, "Good luck with that Kai."


After breakfast Ash and Kyli cleaned up, letting Braxton deal with an overenergetic puppy while Kai said his goodbyes. Promising to return in a few weeks, he left just in time to see Kayden and Jay wandering out of the trees, grinning like dorks, a freshly caught hare in Jay's hands.

"Hey," Kayden frowned, noting something was off, "You leaving?"

Kai did his best to ignore her mostly nude body, having Jay's eyes on him constantly.

"Yep, going home," he grinned, "Why wanna join?"

Kay laughed, shaking her head, "Yeah no. I like it here. Are you going to visit?"

He stepped up to her, only a foot away, "Of course. Can't leave a pretty little thing like yourself all alone out here. Plus Ash wants me to visit. Going to miss me?"

Kay laughed, "Well I'll miss your humor."

He took it, smiling as he caught Jay's growl.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving," Kai held his hands up, "Just let me say goodbye."

Kayden held up her arms, wrapping them around him for a quick hug. As she pulled away one of his hands swept up, cupping her cheek.

"Kai wh-"

His mouth touched hers, ever so gently pressing his to hers. He tasted earthy and rugged, his scent musky with a hint of ocean. Kay's thoughts died, her body going rigged as confusion then horror struck her. Put he was already pulling away, dashing into the trees as he changed forms, barely missing Jay's clenched fist.

"What the fuck?" Kay breathed, utterly shocked.

Jay’s head rose to look up at Kai as he approached them. Keeping quiet, the wolf listened to Kai’s flirtatious words towards Kayden. Taking a closer step to her, he was patient until a soft growl rumbled within his chest.

“Goodbye Kai.” He stated roughly, taking another step when Kai’s lips quickly connected to Kaydens. The motion made something within him flare, his fist lashing out only to move through thin air to connect with flesh.

Jay’s golden eyes moved over to Kayden, unable to look at the empty space the man had promptly disappeared into.

“I’m gonna kill that fucker…” He snapped, his fists pumping in and out to try and push the rage back.

Finishing up dishes, Ash wandered to the back yard, wrapping her arms around her husband as Zeus bounced around with a ball. Cuddling up to him, she kissed his chin, then his lips as he looked down. As she pulled away she looked up into those eyes she loved way too much. Ash stared up into his white eyes, noting a hint of tiredness. Her brain worked quickly, counting the days since they had last gone into the city.

“Baby,” she breathed, kissing his lips gently as her eyes locked on his, her hands cupping his face lovingly, “Are you getting hungry?”

She stroked his cheeks, “We can go into town today handsome, maybe take Kyli with us so she can see it. And get you fed.”

Months and months ago Ash had sat down and truly had a conversation with Braxton, wanting to completely understand how his bloodline worked. She knew how painful it had been for him to admit everything, and how scared he was to lose her. And his admission to the child part had disturbed her, but she didn’t flinch back or reject him. If he could get past what she had done, why couldn’t she? Instead she had crawled into his lap, kissed him deeply, and reminded him how much she truly loved him, and nothing could change it.

Weeks later while they were in the city Braxton got very quiet and reserved, and she had noted then as she was noting now the tiredness in his eyes. She understood it was necessary to keep him alive, but a part of her still hated that it was a young child that was losing their life so that she could keep her fiancé. Still, she stomached the uneasiness, explaining they had just one more errand –to visit Dr. Tosh- and then they would feed him. She was still working with the doctor, and since their medical supply run he had grown even more popular, enough to open a bigger clinic and hire nurses. It meant bigger pay from her as well, as long as she continued to keep the roads he needed clear, and take on the contracts he handed over from the families of his patients. Braxton was the first person to learn about her standing agreement with Dr. Tosh, fully trusting him to keep it secret from the rest of the group. In doing so, she also offered him a partnership, bringing him along to every contract she got, or giving him some of his own when Reyn and Eli needed her.

That day though, when they went to visit the doctor for any new contracts and to check in, Ashlin got a crazy idea. While Braxton was up front talking to the good doctor, she wandered through the clinic, visiting the patients. It helped remind her that she was helping them, as well as aiding the sickest with some of her healing magic. But when she got to the end of the room there had been a bed sectioned off by curtains. Stopping one of the nurses passing, Ash had asked what was going on with that patient. It turned out to be a five year old child, crushed by a beast as him and his family were travelling from a neighbor town back home. Dr. Tosh was doing everything he could to ease the boy’s suffering, but he would be paralyzed for the rest of his life if he did survive.

And right then she knew a way to ease both Braxton and her conscience’s. Returning to the front, she spoke to Dr. Tosh first in private, talking about the boy. His report on the five year old was worse than the nurse, saying the family refused to give up on him, but the young boy was dying, and even if he made it through his life would be awful, forever bed ridden. They talked a few minutes longer and Dr. Tosh agreed with her offer, then excused himself to his office. Grabbing Braxton, she dragged him further into the clinic, to the very last bed.

“Take his,” she had whispered, rubbing the boy’s forehead, her eye’s sad as she looked up at Braxton, “He’s paralyzed my love. He’ll be dead in days, and if he does live, Dr.Tosh says his life will remain a nightmare.”

Moving to her fiancé, she took his hands in hers, pulling him closer to the child, “You don’t have to take a healthy child away from his or her family. Or steal into someone’s home. This way…this way you are doing this family a service. You are saving this soul from a life of torment.”

Her voice remained lowered, so no one could hear them, “Dr. Tosh agreed to this. He thinks I am putting his soul to rest, that I am using my magic to end the suffering. My status protects you from revealing yours, and this way you are fed.”

And it worked. The boy passed on quickly, finally finding peace, and Braxton fed. She remained at his side the whole time, watching the whole process. It felt oddly invasive to watch him feed, but when she offered to leave he had asked her to stay. Without hesitation she took his hand, supporting him unwaveringly. After they left she kissed him long and hard, melting into his arms.

“Thank you,” she breathed, “For letting me see that, for trusting me…and for saving that boy from a horrid life. See? You are a hero.”

The memory made her smile, batting her lashes at her husband. He had shown her a side of him not many truly knew, and she loved him all the more for it.

“You know how much I love you?” she asked, kissing his nose, “All of you?”

Kayden's mouth opened then shut, quite shocked. Not only had that been brave, but incredibly stupid. If Kai did visit again he'd be getting a swift beating from Jayson. And probably Luna and Xael too if they found out.

"Um..." Kayden finally spoke, looking at Jay, "That was unexpected."

But a look in his eyes said otherwise, like she should have stopped him from kissing her. Kayden frowned more, crossing her arms.

"What? It was. How was I supposed to know he was going to kiss me?" she asked, moving closer to him, "I thought he was being friendly Jay."

Kayden watched him struggling to contain his anger, and a part of her felt satisfied to see his own jealousy flare like hers had with Reyn. Her eyes glanced around, quickly making sure no one was in hearing or seeing distance. Then pulling her eye's back to Jay she quickly danced forward, kissing him before dancing back.

"Don't be jealous," she breathed, bouncing around him and towards the house, "It meant nothing to me. Not when I have someone much, much better in mind."

Braxton’s head lowered, his arms wrapped around his wife while they spoke quietly about various different things. While he hadn’t wanted to admit to it, he knew the hunger was coming, and with that he only had a short window of time when that hunger sunk down into him.

“I will be soon.” His voice was grave, darker and more aged than usual. His eyes fell on hers and his arms tightened around her in response. “I’m alright without food today love, but it would be nice to go there for dinner at that restaurant you like, and to take Kyli to see what the big fuss is about the Cleansed city.”

At that thought, something within his memory stirred, a memory in which felt like ages back.

The chat had been disturbing to talk about, an unsettling nerve setting through his body that day Ashlin had sat down with him, curious about his needs.

From there, time had passed over the various weeks and Braxton had begun to notice the signs of his hunger rising it’s head. Food was beginning to taste odd, no amount of sleep could rid him of the blackening bags under his eyes, joints and muscles were becoming sore with no real reason and even his speed and energy had become low with the looming need to take yet another life. Another day hit and having found their need to run into the city had made him cave.

Having needed to take their time to get to the city, he found his woman stirring with anticipation for a step into the shops. Following Ashlin happily, the sluggish man waited in the main foyer as her workly needs took priority and allowed him to rest his aching bones. Taking all his effort to walk at ease, Braxton stopped with a doctor to discuss various different medicines and what was beginning to run low. The topic was dwindling once his beautiful blonde haired maiden had appeared to snatch him away, nodding the nurse off to her duties kindly. Braxton’s heavily bagged eyes returned to Ashlin with a tired smile, his arm winding around her waist. Ashlin lead him to the back of the growing business, the two moving behind a white curtain to discover a child. His facial expression’s softened and Ashlin’s words hit him, stealing his breath.

“A hero doesn’t take souls to keep their own…” he breathed, his eyes unable to look up at his wife. Braxton’s eyes stayed trained on the boys face, distort and filled with the pain that racked his failing limbs. Braxton’s hands gripping Ashlin’s as her hands slipped into his, comfort waving over the still air. Taking a breath, one of Braxton’s hands released hers, pressing against the boys cheek to steady his head.

And that’s when the beast within took over.

Short brown hair brushed along his forehead, the strands shifting while his head leaned down and over the boys face. Braxton’s other hand clutched Ashlin’s tightly still, his thumb pressing against the boys chin ever so gently to allow it to part his jaw ever so slightly. A soft blue light radiated off of the childs skin, while white orb emanated the same shade of icy blue and a steam like stream elegantly flowed from the boys mouth to Braxtons.

Like that, the childs body went limp and Braxton kneeled down, resting his head on the edge of his death bed before standing. Braxton swallowed and Ashlin leaned in, her lips grounding him while he seemed to float. Ashlin’s sweet scent, her perfect lips, sealed it. His bones felt at ease, almost light and airy, his very being coming to life as a new essence rejuvenated him. Leaving the curtained room, then the building, Braxton’s arm’s wound around her. With a slight tug that pulled Ashlin’s body into his, Braxton leaned in and kissed her again in which allowed a soft sigh of relief to leave his lips.

“I trust you with every part of my life.” He breathed, his lips brushing hers while his forehead rested against hers.

Ashlin’s words brought a smile to his brightened face, taking in another deep drag of air to enjoy her precious scents. “I do. Much like you know I adore you beyond even the air.”


Jays jaw tightened, his eyes closing to try to sooth the vein that popped out of his forehead and neck while the rage battered within him. Tightened gold orbs opened, Kayden’s shocked expression filling his view.

“I don’t expect anything other than him to keep his greedy fucking paws off of you.” His deep earthy voice grunted. His eyes closed again, nostrils aflare while his body stiffened to contain his annoyance and outright anger.

The wolf’s eyes opened to see her dancing little figure, eyes shining devilishly within the shimmering light. Her lips pressed to his, easing him.

“Too bad. I’m going to be jealous.” He grinned, his eyes unable to leave hers. “I’m glad to hear I’m better than some prince shifter.”

Ash kissed his chin again, shaking her head, "If you can wait another day, can we go to dinner when we visit Dr. Tosh? I'm still recovering. And don't give me that look Brax. I wanted to make sure you weren't suffering because I was healing. But if its not a necessity today, I'd rather stay home and rest some more. Zeus need some attention too."


Flitting to the door, she caught a scrawled note attached to the oak, reading Xael's writing.

"They went out for the day," she read out, looking lower to a list, "And wonderful...they left us chores."

Groaning, her shoulders slumped, "I'll take kitchen clean up and laundry if you want to sweep and chop firewood?"

“I can definitely wait another day. No need to worry about anything other than yourself love.” He breathed.

“How do you feel about cuddling up on the couch with as much food as you want? While we do so, I happened to dig up one of those bones for Zeus we have in our pantry.” Braxton’s deep voice asked.


Turning with Kayden, Jay followed with eager steps until Kayden piped up about a small note on the door.

“Ugh… But they made the mess.” He complained, his nose scrunching up. “Fine, but I’m not cleaning the toilet.”

"Fine, I'll do the bathrooms. But then you owe me."

Pointing at her eyes with two fingers then twisting her hand to point at him, signaling she was watching him, she laughed, "You owe me wolf boy."

Stepping inside, she decided on starting a load of laundry before heading to the kitchen, resigned to be cleaning most of the afternoon.


Ash nodded, looking at their playful pup, "He'd enjoy that a lot. And I'll take cuddles over food. Kyli's still here too, maybe the three of us can just have an easy day and chat. We still have tons to catch up on!"

A gleam lightened the gold in his eyes, the wolf lifting his brows playfully.

“Why don’t I pay you back tonight in a million kiss’s?” He asked with a playful tone.


“That’s what I thought. Maybe even a bath for the two of us?” He added, his head leaning down to kiss along her neck.

“Yes she is. She’d enjoy a good family chit chat. Maybe even one of those card games we have stored upstairs” Braxton added.

Ash grinned, "Yes to a bath later. And I'll grab the card game!"

Dashing away, she tore upstairs happily, excited to spend the day with her family.


Kay giggled, "I can think of a million other things I would like..."

Her hand slide along his waistband, her eyes daring him to not groan. Then with a giggle she stepped back.

"Like a million cookies," she whispered, laughing at the look she got, "Ooooh, or a million kittens. Or...or..."

She couldn't help laughing at his look, doubling over as she snorted at her own joke, "I'll...I'll think something up. Go...go clean..."

“Sounds like a perfect day.” He purred, his hand trailed behind her, slowly falling to his side before he found his self in the living room and sprawling out on the couch.


“I know I’d like you’re cookie a million times over.” He growled while his arms pulled around her waistline, drawing her in and holding her there.

Jays head tilted curiously at her words, the randomness giving him a chuckle.

“Shame… I hate cleaning.” He growled, his fingers unwilling to release her just yet.

Opening the front door, she pulled them both inside where wandering eyes couldn't see them. Kicking the door shut, she wiggled in his arms, knowing they were locked tight around her.

"Faster we clean, faster we play," she wiggled her eyebrows, smiling, "Plus if I finish before you chop wood I get to watch quite the show."

Her fingers traced his bare arms, her lips kissing his as their bare chests pressed to one another, "No shirts. That's the rule."

Jay’s feet wandered with hers, his eyes obediently on her.

“Longer we have to play.” He added, leaning in to kiss her.

“Well that’s doable for both parties.” He grinned, his fingers tracing circles along her bar hips. Stepping back, it took all of Jay’s will to release her and move on to the broom. “Might even get to sweep all the rest of your clothes away.”

Kayden laughed, making her way over to the guest room's and being paranoid to check each one. Empty. We are actually alone all day.

"You can try, but there's quite the amount of clothes in my room," Kay giggled, "I propose a game though."

Running upstairs, she pulled a pink lacy bra on, changing out of her shorts into jeans and pulling on a pink flowy tank top. Grabbing his clothes, she tossed it over the railing of the second floor landing, watching them hit his head.

"Get dressed. Then for every chore you or I get done first the other one has to take off an article of clothing."

Bouncing down the steps she kissed his cheek, "May the best wolf win."


Laundry wasn't too hard to do, since Luna and Xael liked clean clothes. After rounding it all up she found she only had three loads, so Kayden put the first one in and went to clean bathrooms. By the time she had the both bathroom cleaned Jay was in the doorway, grinning like a man who'd won the lottery.

"You are not done," she growled, wiping down the sink and turning off the light.

The broom was in his hand though, and he was grinning like an idiot, so that was answer enough. Sighing, she unbuttoned and slid her jeans down, handing them playfully, but forcefully to him. Her bare legs were tanned and toned, looking hot with her lacy pink panties.

"You only have one other chore and I have two," she pouted, "You get to make all the beds then. I ain't doing it!"

Moving to the kitchen, she ignored his remark, pushing through the swinging door and staring at the mess of dishes. Fuck.

It was wonderful to see Ash, but all Nereyda wanted was a day alone with her little family. As they headed into the trees, Reyn kept a tight hold on Eli’s arm, her other wrapped around a giggling Nya. There plans to head into the city changed as they stepped through the gate and Reyn blanched, unable to handle the noise and bustling crowds. I can’t. I just can’t.

“Noo,” her voice is so tiny, as her heels dug into the ground pulling at Elijah’s hand as she quaked, “E-eli nooo.”

As he stopped and looked at her she burrowed herself in his arms, Nya squealing in annoyance at being hugged so tightly. Nereyda shook her head back and forth, her free hand digging into his skin as she tried to push them out of the gate. Hiding in the bedroom suddenly looked so much more pleasing, or anything that wasn’t so loud and crowded, making the normally confident siren feel overwhelmed.

“Go b-back,” she whispered, shoving him back harder, “T-take me b-back.”

He obviously understood, wasting no time to pull her out of the gate and away from the city. The farther she walked, the more she relaxed under his arm wrapped around her slender shoulders. And the more she relaxed, the more sheepish she felt, knowing he had wanted to spoil her. And it hadn’t been a bad idea either, Reyn always loved getting new clothes and having her man all to herself. If anything could get her out of this draining mood, it was his undivided attention.

With a few soft spoken words, they decided to find a smaller town instead, where she could shop and not feel overwhelmed. There was one not too far off, and they were soon strolling through the streets, peering into shops. It was a fair sized town with a small courtyard in the center, circled by shops and an inn. The door jingled as she stepped into the first store with Nya while Eli finished his cigarette outside the door, immediately drawn to the colorful shirts on the right

“Hello,” a brunette entered from the back room, hips swaying seductively as she strolled over to Reyn, lips pursed, “Can I help you?”

She smiled and shook her head, holding off speaking due to the sound of her voice. The shopkeeper looked at her with a raised eyebrow like she was being rude, then down at Nya with a grimace before walking away. Picking out several shirts she liked, Reyn found her way to the back of the shop where a corner had made into a dressing room with a curved poled hanging from the wall holding a curtain. Stepping in and closing it, she placed Nya on the floor with her blankie, letting the almost four month old sit and giggle while the siren tried on shirts. As she pulled on the first shirt she heard the door jingle and peeked out, seeing Eli entering the store.

“Hello,” the shop keeper’s voice rung once again from the back room.

Returning to trying on clothes, she listened intently as the woman’s heels clicked into the main room, stopped, then continued straight for Elijah. Typical. Reyn held her tongue though, trying on a second shirt as she listened in.

“Can I help you find anything?” her voice had changed dramatically from a bored store owner to a sultry tone.

Rolling her eyes, Reyn pulled on the third shirt, smiling at her daughter as she opened the curtain and stepped out to look at herself in the long mirror beside the counter. It was a cute pink top the had a wide collar and looked nice on her. Turning her head slightly, the siren was able to glance at how Eli was faring with the brunette. The shop owner was trying to put the moves on Elijah, her breasts practically falling out of her low shirt now as she leaned over a rack, batting her lashes. Reyn opened her mouth to say something, but Nya let out a shriek, obviously done with entertaining herself. Picking her daughter up, she heard the brunette cough, turning her head to stare at her.

“If she starts crying I’ll need you to leave,” she stated calmly but matter-of-factly, distaste in her eyes.

Reyn turned back, closing the curtain with the rudest sneer she could muster. Her blood boiled harder as the shop keeper continued quieter, obviously trying to hide her words from the siren’s heightened hearing.

“I’m sorry about that,” she spat the last word like it tasted wrong, “I don’t normally let tramps in my store, you know. I wish our inn keeper, Brian, would stop hiring these unmarried women who sell their bodies for a few coins. They all end up pregnant, at one point or another. Unmarried girls with babies on their hips, it’s a sin in God’s eyes.”

Reyn stiffened, holding Nya to her breast in shock. Sure she didn’t have a ring anymore because a bitch of a demon took it from her, but how did that make her a whore? I mean…I used to be. But not anymore…not with Nya.

Throwing the curtain open, Nereyda grabbed her black shirt off the floor and wanted nothing more but to storm out without paying for the shirt she wore. Instead she caught Elijah’s eyes boring into her as Nya let out a second cry, sensing her mother’s discomfort.

“Either pay for that or leave. I don’t need a screaming baby in my store, disturbing my customers,” the woman snapped, wrinkling her nose at Nya as the baby balled up tiny fist and let out a third squeal of annoyance, her eyes squeezed shut.

Having made chores a game had only speed up the process of sweeping the floor, the mans wolfish speed coming into play while he sped around the house. Once he’d gotten to boast over the work he had quiet efficiently finished, the man moved to the backyard without a moment to despair.

Jay’s feet moved to the shed and then to the uncut logs laying off to the side, before moving them off to the side to place on the large wooden wedge. Standing them up piece by piece, the man began to chop them up into decent slivers.

God was this place hard to find. Three times, three bloody times they had missed the trail and ended up lost. Finally, they could see a break in the trees and a wide clearing, with two beautiful homes sitting only yards from each other. As the two strolled up, the female put her manicured hand against the other’s chest, halting them.

“You’re wondering if it’s wise to just waltz in?” he asked, his thick European accent beautiful on her ears.

“No…I’m staring at the fucker I thought I’d never see again.”

She pointed her a clawed finger at a man standing off to side of the right house, chopping wood. He was tall, with deeply tanned skin and brown hair. His muscles rippled with each swing, accentuating his finely muscular frame.

“You know him?”

“Yeah. And if she is hanging out with an ass like that, I’m going to tear a strip out of that girl.”

“Who is he?”

She gave him a look, pulling her hood lower on her head, “You’ll find out soon enough.”

Striding forward, the woman slunk from tree to tree, her companion following at her heels.

“You go inside,” she whispered, still out of earshot from the man, “She is probably in that house. I’ll distract the wolf.”

Her partner slid away, his shorter frame disappearing into the trees to circle the property and sneak into the right house. The hooded woman moved to the right, getting as close as she dared to the male wolf before breaking through the tree line. She only got so many steps before the breeze pushed her scent to his nose, catching his attention.

“Well if it isn’t Jayson Black, Abass’s strongest warrior,” her voice was cold and hard, her arms crossing over her chest, “It is a small world after all.”


Sneaking around the right house, he found the back door open and stepped in, leaving it open. While his companion kept the male wolf busy, he had a chance to search the house. It wasn’t hard to find her though. She was whistling a tune in the kitchen, dancing around in a shirt and pink underwear as she cleaned dishes. Stepping through the swinging door, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Hey Kay.”

Kayden swiveled to look at him, her eyes wide and surprised. Then she opened her arms wide, grinning like a dork.

“Graham!” she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck as Kayden hugged him, “What are you doing here? Where’s Nix?”

Hugging her back, his nodded to the window, “Phoenix is being Phoenix, doing her thing.”

“So…you have no idea.”

“Nope. She’s outside. And we are here because someone missed our meeting a week ago.”

Kayden grimaced, “That was last week, huh? Oops. Sorry Graham.”

“Apologize to Nix. You know how she is.”

Kayden groaned, “Yeah, dishes sound a lot nicer right now. Help me finish and then we go out?”

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