Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


His grin only grew, pulling her into him as the crowd died down, happy for the newly engaged couple. Xael could barely contain his excitement, everything he ever wanted in his arms. He had the girl of his dreams, and a family with two new additions coming in half a year. Nothing felt better than his red-headed wolf in his arms, the love and happiness between them melding together through their bond till they couldn't tell where Xael's ended and Luna's started. His lips pressed harder, devouring hers as their passion heightened.

Pulling his head only an inch away from hers to catch his breath, Xael's eyes were only half open as he looked down at her, drunk with love for the woman before him.

"Would you like to finish dessert or get the hell out of here?"


The portal opened and she fell through, collecting herself rather quickly before looking around. Hugging the form she had chosen, her eyes scanned the small room until a shrieking noise caught her ears making her wince.

“Shut it off!” she yelled over it, clasping her hands over her ears as she turned, spotting a bed with a small blonde in the middle screaming her mad head off.

“Why are you screaming?” forcing her feet forward, she jumped on top of the woman, placing her hand over her open mouth, trying the stifle the noise, “Why do people scream?”

“No!” another voice yelled before two meaty hands were on her shoulders, ripping her off and tossing her into the opposite wall.

“Well ow,” she gasped, “That was rude.”

“Eli stop!” Savannah’s voice was unmistakable as she yelled at the towering man stomping towards the supposed red head, “That’s not actually Searrinna! It’s Lilith. Fuck, it’s just Lilith!”

The conversation took longer than expected, and by the time Graham and Nix had said their goodbyes, Kayden felt mentally drained. Phoenix promised to visit in a month, but with the tensions between her and Jay it was safer for them not to stick around. It sucked; Kayden had a blast with her two friends, and a part of her wanted to go off on the road with them again, do some more contracts and enjoy the free life. But she had responsibilities…and Jayson.

When she returned to the house Jay was waiting for inside, looking more than furious.

“Please don’t,” she held her hand up, “I’m sorry for bailing with only a note left behind, but I needed to talk to them alone. And before you ask, I met them on the six months I was travelling. They are both hunters. And my friends.”

Moving up the stairs, she could feel his eyes bore into her. It didn’t help she was keeping him out of her thoughts, clamping down tight. It wouldn’t help him or anyone knowing what they’d talk about. Pausing though, Kayden decided to turn around, jogging down the stairs and into his arms, kissing him hard.

“I’m sorry if you worried,” she whispered, clasping his hand, “Nix wouldn’t tell me what happened, but she seemed angrier than usual after talking to you. They are gone though, okay? We have the evening alone, I promise.”

Pulling him upstairs, she doesn’t speak, only opening her bedroom door and pulling them both inside, “Can we just forget about it? We have better things to focus on. Like how you won the challenge Jay. How about we find you a prize?”

“So,” he breathes as they move away, wandering aimlessly through the trees, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Nix nodded, pulling her hood up once more, “That our girl is still in need of our help? Oh yeah.”

“I can see where she’s coming from. I don’t think Kay has realized the problem it could pose though even in light of the new events.”

“I say I bust a few more wolves,” Phoenix’s teeth gleamed in the moonlight, her forest green eyes alight with mischief, “See what else we can learn. And while I do that, you can do your…spirit thing and learn what you can.”

“My spirit thing?”

“Sure. What do you call it?”

Graham laughed, then frowned realizing he didn’t really have a term for the powers he controlled, “Sure. Spirit thing works for now.”

“Good. Now keep up boy. We got ourselves a new job.”

Lunar’s arms only wrapped tighter around his neck, as if to bring him further into her and farther from the crowd. A soft possessive growl passed her lips and she bit at his bottom lip even as he inched away.

“Anywhere with you.” Her breath hummed.


While he had moved quickly, he had obviously not moved fast enough. He had been finishing the last of the stirfry when the air around them had thickened and a portal had popped out before the bed, leaving Reyn to be pouced on by a familiar and unwelcomed face. Naturally, Eli’s hands had zoned in on her throat to push her back. Shoving her back, the halflings body easily stood over her for a flash of a second until Savannah’s body appeared behind her. His hand stayed along her alluring and well muscled neck, his eyes glaring back at the demon and then back at the girl within his grasp.

“Prove it.” He snapped.


Jays body rested on the stairs, annoyance filling his face while he patiently held the note and shirt within his grasp. Noise outside brought his attention in her direction once she entered the house. His darkened and thoroughly annoyed eyes stayed on her.

“You shouldn’t be involved with them.” He growled, his eyes darkening a shade. While she escorted him upstairs and pushed him down onto the freshly made bed, Jay simply watched her while his mind questioned what had been so important.

“Important enough to just up and ditch me, and not inform me why.” He spoke with a gentle tone in which had no reflection of his inner annoyance.

“We can talk about that prize but you already know what I want.”

Grinning like an idiot he slapped down a bag of coin, uncaring if it was too much. Sweeping her off her feet, there were a few more cheers as the two exited the restaurant. To his luck, across the street was an inn.

"Yeah I'm not waiting till we get home," his deep voice rumbled, already aching for her lips again.

Going inside he threw a couple coins at the man behind the bar and moved upstairs, picking the first open door and kicking it shut before setting her down in the bed. Xael wanted to lock the door but she was too alluring, his hands already running down the length of her body as her lips found his again.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing her ear, "Your my everything Luna."


Hours later they were walking hand in hand down the tiny trail leading to their home, giddy as could be. Xael couldn't help the stupid grin on his face, looking down at her hand every few minutes and marveling at how perfect the engagement ring looked.

"I'm the luckiest man alive," he laughed randomly, kissing her head and pulling her closer, their bags on his opposite arm, "What did I do to deserve someone like you baby girl?"

He shifted the bags as he pulled her under his free arm, listening to her talk. They'd forgotten all their clothing in the restaurant, too wrapped up in each other. Fortunately the waitress realized and put it to the side, so when Xael came back in a flurry a couple hours later she was able to hand it over. He tipped her again, thanking her for the honesty. Many people would have taken what they bought and left, with the amount Luna and Xael had spent that day. Now they were heading home, with groceries, clothes, and a new engagement to show off.


"It wasn't important to you," she skirted around the topic, keeping him from her thoughts and in turn seeing none of his, "And don't you go breathing a word of it to Luna so she digs into my mind. Please Jay."

Her voice was hard and demanding, her face all too serious with not a lick of the playful manner she usually kept. She knew it would do no favours for any of them to know, and it was best to leave it that way.

Shoving him hard onto the bed, she was quick to straddle him, pinning him down. Digging her nails into his shirt she shredded it quick, anger and desire pooling together in her making Kaydens actions rough and quick. There was no gracefulness, her hands popping his jeans open and yanking them off of him before shredding his boxers down the seam with her nails. When he tried to sit up she shoved his chest back down, a primal growl falling from her soft lips. As his eyes widened at her she dropped to her knees, pulling him across the bed so only his legs hung off the side.

"Promise me you'll forget about today," she spoke low, her eyes fierce, "Promise me or I won't do this."

His erection was already rock hard and wrapping one hand around the shaft her tongue slipped out licked him from hilt to tip, her eyes never leaving his. Pulling her head back, she waited, knowing he knew what she was offering.

Savannah stepped forward, fire in her eyes, “Take your hands off of her! She doesn’t have to prove anything.”

Lily, sweetheart you know Elijah and Searrinna hate each other. Don’t aggravate him.’

‘But…but it’s fuuuuuuuun…’



Lilith was a creature of shadow. When her father, Lucifer, fell from Heaven and built Hell, she was his first creation before all others. Searrinna came shortly after, but she was a product of Baal’s, his own first disciple, and his fiercest and finest. The girls grew up together in Hell, causing chaos and pain, growing so close they considered each other sisters.

But there was a difference between them. Searrinna had the ability to rise to Earth, to cause her chaos and destruction there. Lilith did not, resigned to remain at her father’s side and hand out her own chaos in Hell. After billions of centuries, Searrinna had only grown colder, stronger, and deadlier in her experiences. Lilith instead had grown deranged and unstable, forced to remain inside the same walls she had seen her entire existence. Every time Searrinna returned to Hell she had new stories to tell, new torture techniques to enjoy. Lilith did not.

Eventually she became unstable enough to warrant caging, thrown inside her own father’s cage of which the Inner Circle had created at one point to try and trap the all too powerful fallen angel, wanting his throne. Lucifer had not ended in there by their hands alone; his siblings, Archangels in their own right, had helped lock him away. Their reasoning was their own, but Lilith had eventually learned that her father’s plans to take over more of the universe was what prompted his prison. It had been Lilith’s doing freeing him, restoring the hierarchy to Hell, the only resemblance of order in an otherwise chaotic dimension. But in return she was forced inside the cage, the Inner Circle swaying her father’s judgement that she was too unstable for even Hell, that his only true daughter would be his downfall. She’d been locked in there for centuries, alone to her own thoughts and madness.

And then Savannah had stumbled on her. The naive human girl who had sold her soul to save another, and in turn surrendered her freedom to Lucifer. It was like her father to take disciples now and then, mostly enjoying watching them rip each other apart. Rarely did one survive, and if they did he would gift them. There were many gifts, and the one a demon chose told who their sire would be. Shape shifters were Lilith’s, servants of chaos and torture were Baal’s. Those who got the chance to choose to serve a member of the Inner Circle were among the more powerful demons, known as Alphas. Alphas, in their turn to create more demons to serve them and their sire, and those were known as Omegas and Betas, depending on their rank and strength. While there were no official rules in Hell, the hierarchy remained a defining thing, keeping demons of all strengths and powers in their place.

Out of all of these disciples who had come and died, or survived and chosen a demon to worship, none had been like Savannah. A child when she arrived, even Lilith had gotten the news of the weakling amongst Lucifer’s disciples, an easy morsel but a surprising one. Women were never disciples; most female demons were Omegas or succubus, a branch of demon apart from the other lineages that dealt in only lust and sex, neither seeking death nor chaos. The child had surprised everyone, a rarity in Hell, not only rising to the challenge presented to her, but overpowering the other disciples. She was the cause of three of their deaths, and it was in her attempt to hide from the other three who sought her head that she had stumbled on Lucifer’s cage and Lilith. It was the brunette that had set the shape shifter free, letting her loose on Hell and creating havoc like no other. And while Hell dealt with capturing Lilith once more, Savannah took out her remaining opponents. And she was granted a prize like no other, becoming Lucifer’s second daughter.

The once weak human child became a sharp tongued daughter of Hell, with a temper that matched her father and a flare for dramatics that Lilith adored. She let her sister out of the cage several times after that, sometimes to serve a purpose, other times for the fun of it. It just happened that this time Searrinna had left the cage door unlocked when she had placed the infant inside, letting the mad demon loose on Hell. Savannah had found her quick enough, knowing her sister and her antics too well. Instead of sending her back, she offered her a different chance. To join her on Earth, and be free of the walls Lilith so hated.

This wasn’t what she had in mind.

She’d only been on Earth for minutes and there were already hands around her neck, threatening to send her back to the pits of Hell. How was she to know the screaming blonde didn’t like Searrinna? Or that they had walked in on Elijah? No, they couldn’t blame her. But, of course, they were.

Wrinkling her nose, Lilith let out a giggle, finding the whole situation oddly funny. Of course Elijah hated Searrinna. Most did. It was why she was so well respected in Hell. And Elijah wasn’t much of a fan of Lilith either. The crazed demoness had gotten momentary freedom one other time in her existence, and as a joke switched the Halfling’s scotch with horse urine, and his cigarettes with chalk. He’d ripped her in half so quick it only tickled, casting her back to Lucifer and into the cage.

Now he was about to do it again.

“It’s okay sister,” Lilith purred, hearing Savannah’s protective words, the brunette overly fond of her sister, “Uncle Eli has always had a temper.”

With a flick of her wrist she pushed Eli’s hands off of her, sticking her tongue at him as her form shimmered, turning into rolling smoke. In a blink she was in a new form, patting his cheek as she winked mischievously at him.


“Missed me?”

Eli’s hand remained tightly wound around her throat. His wild eyes looking back and forth between the two.

“Bull shit.” He spat, waiting patiently for the demon to prove it. Like that, the air began to move, to twist at will and shimmer into a new spitting image of Savannah. Eli’s grip only tightened.

“Now tell me why I shouldn’t send you back to hell for the last time you fucked with me.” He growled, his aura darkening around him, pulling at the shadows unconsciously.

The smile that took over her lips, crinkled the edges of her eyes, and radiated from her skin was evident.

“You were you. You saved my life.” She purred. Her arm wrapped around his while her hand tightly gripped his. Her free hand rested gently on her growing belly, the paper bags swaying gently. Her golden orbs stared up at him while her head rested against his arm.

“I love you my Sun. It’s not you who was lucky, it was I.” She breathed, reaching up to rest her hand along his jaw. She leaned up, her lips pressing against his and her teeth pulling at her bottom lip.

"Maybe we are just both lucky," he grinned, kissing her back s they continued to stroll slowly.

"So," he sighed, thinking of something to talk about as they walked, "Think Jay and Kayden did the chores? Or skipped out?"


"Let her go," Savannah snapped, furrowing her brow, "Your scaring Reyn and you two fighting will only freak out Nya."

"Who's Nya?" Lilith turned her head even in his grasp to look at Savannah, unfazed at Eli's anger, "And who's Reyn?"

"Reyn is the blond who was screaming," Savannah introduced, smiling apologetically at the wide eyed, terrified siren, "and Nya is-"

A cry cut her off, Nya waking and sensing what was going on. Even from the nursery the tiny infant knew something wasn't right.

"Elijah," Savannah eye's bore into his, feeling Nya's fear, "Think about your girls. Those shadows your pulling are in her room too."

True enough, Nya's bubbling 'I'm awake' cry turned into a terrified shrill shriek as Savannah bristled, feeling the tiny one's horror at the shadows moving along the nursery walls.

"E-eli," Reyn choked, frozen to her spot as she stared at the changeling in Eli's grasp but wanting to run to her daughter.

Lily only sighed, morphing into shadows and slipping through his fingers, reemerging in Savannah's form again at the nursery door before opening it and scooping the tiny one out.

"Oh you!" Lily's voice laughed, and the shrill cry ended as Lilith stepped back into the room, "This is the little monster Searrinna shoved in my cage. Thing never stops crying."

Jay bit his lip, listening to her words. He wanted to move on with the topic, to allow it to die, but something in him nagged at him. His eyes closed, and his lips pursed, even while she teased him and begged of him. But she wasn’t even willing to allow him into her head, let alone not wanting their alpha to know. An extended canine sank into his bottom lip, drawing blood to help divert his hidden thoughts. His hands wanted to move within her hair, yet that voice within him merely had his hands pumping in and out at his sides to keep them there. His body was agreeing within her, but something within said otherwise.

It kinda...stung.

She had expected him to cave, to drop the subject since there was no subject to really go on. What was bugging him? She couldn't see into his head, not without revealing her own thoughts. Was it bailing on him that was stopping him? Or was it Phoenix? The other wolf hadn't told Kayden what was going on, but knowing how Nix had been exiled, she was starting to wonder if Jay was the warrior Abass had ordered her to mate with. She'd defiled that order by punching and breaking that warrior's nose, and being banished. Is that it? Was there...feelings on his side? Fuck...what if its me? Did Nix's appearance remind him of what he could have? What he deserved? Am I not good enough? Fuck, no. No don't think like that Kayden.

But it was already in her head, and as much as she tried to cast the thought aside, Abass' words bubbled up, repeating themselves over and over. How she'd never be good enough. That she was a disappointment of a wolf.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, dropping her grip and standing in a fluid motion, her eyes staring to the side away from him, "I shouldn't be bargaining with you. That's unfair. I think I'll go downstairs and make myself a snack."

Her nimble legs gracefully took her downstairs and into the kitchen, the white wolf helping herself to some leftover stew as her thoughts churned and dived further. She continued to push away the negative thoughts Abass had dug so well into her mind. Instead she focused on the food in front of her, thinking about what Xael and Luna might be bringing home. Anything to take her mind off and lighten her mood.

The forest around them seemed to glow with the wandering couple, the light streaming through the wavering leaves.

“You’re aware of who you’re talking about right?” She giggled. “Knowing those two, they got half way through them then got bored and went out to enjoy the forest.”


Eli listened around him, his body stepping back once Lilith shadowed away. His breathing becoming audiable while his chest constricted with the anger building. The shadow’s corresponded, twisting with the seething Halfling. His muscles twitched, his insides stirred and his blackened eyes glared over at Savannah and then Lilith. Hearing Reyn, the restricting muscles within his neck unlocked in which allowed him to twist to look at her.

The sight of her seemed to loosen something, allowing him to move to their daughters beck and call. His arms swept his daughter up with ease from Lilith, his eyes glaring down at her before his body moved back to Reyn. Gently placing the quiet child within Reyns reach, his cold hand reached to grasp at hers for a moment, the gesture soft before he allowed her to protectively take their child. His attention turned back to the other two woman.

“Why are you here?” His voice quietly growled.

He could feel the disappointment that his body faced, even though her knew nothing would come because of his silence. But her words cut him, forcing his eyes open to look at her.

“Why?” He’d asked before her answer had come out. She was right, that bargain hadn’t been fair, but he wasn’t rejecting her as her body language portrayed. She walked away silently, and the brunette wolf sighed and allowed his body to relax for a moment before following her down the stairs. Upon finding her in the kitchen, Jay pulled out one of the stools at the island and watched her.

“Your right. You shouldn’t of bargained. But I need to know what you were doing. Not from the aspect to pry or to tell Lunar, but from the aspect you just up and ditched me, with a wolf who isn’t the safest.” He spoke, reading her body again. “And before you ask, yes Abass wanted us to mate. Neither of us wanted that, and she proceeded to breaking my bloody nose before leaving. But this isn’t about her, this is about this white haired wolf who I’m interested in, shutting me out when I just want to make sure she’s safe and not getting into a type of trouble you can’t back track from.”

"That or they ate the last box of half eaten cookies in the pantry," he laughed, joking at first until he saw the look of horror on her face, "Luna, no they wouldn't eat your cookies. They know better."


'Your not worth my time. Worth anyone's time. You'll never be worthy...'

God why is he still always in my head!

She bit her tongue, hard enough to draw blood if only to get away from the dark thoughts in her head. Her ears swiveled as the door swung open but Kayden couldn't look up from her bowl of stew, knowing her eyes would reflect the negativity within her.

She listened though, listened and bit down on her tongue harder, letting blood pool into her mouth. The pain muffled Abass' words in her brain, made it easier to listen to Jay. He was wrong though too...Nix was safe. Safer than he thought.

"It's fine," she sighed, her voice off as if it wasn't quite hers, her depressing thoughts still demanding presedence over everything else even as Kayden worked to ignore them, "I'm fine. We did some contracts together, they simply wanted to check in on me. I didn't think Luna be happy coming home and smelling Nix in the house so we went into the forest. That's it."

God was it getting that easy to lie? She was already lying to Luna and Xael and pretty much everyone about Jay. Now she was lying to Jay about their visit? But there's no point in him knowing. Its already over and done with. It would just aggravate them.

Reyn looked terrified of the entire proceedings, less so of her man and more so of Savannah and Lilith. Having her daughter in her arms seemed to help, distracting the mother slightly.

"I meant for us to come out in the clearing," Savannah explained, scratching her head, "Sorry about that. Misjudged by a couple steps and wounded up in here. Hey Lilith get off!"

“Wait…wait, this is the infant’s mother?” Lilith had moved around to the bed again, picking at the blonde’s hair, then pinching her shirt as Nereyda shied away, “I never took you for enjoying the mousy, shy type. She’s not even that curvy…c’mon Elijah, I thought she’d have some form of bust.”

“F-fuck you,” Reyn snapped, although her voice was tired and crackly, barely able to hold any anger in it, her arms securing her daughter closer to her “W-what’s wrong with m-my breasts?”

“There not even a double D. And what’s with the voice-” Lily continued, before Savannah’s arm curled around her shoulder, dragging her away.

“Stop picking on the siren,” Savannah sighed, “Sorry Reyn. She doesn’t get out much.”

Something passed the blonde’s face and Savannah could feel the depressing thought, surprised at how quick the siren’s resolve faded, “No sweetheart, you are beautiful. Lilith!”

Searrinna really did do a number on her confidence.

Her twin faked shock, then rolled her eyes and caved in, “Sorry siren mommy. You are pretty. Although I’d get that voice checked.”

Savannah furrowed her brow further, glaring at Lilith to shush before looking over at Eli, “She’s right though. Why is her voice still like that? I thought you’d remedy it by now.”

Both of them stared at her like she was speaking another language.

“You know why her voice is like that, right?” Savannah asked, letting Lilith go as she wandered into the kitchenette to snoop.

Eli shook his head, surprising her further. Why hadn’t Reyn told him? She looked at the siren and saw the same look of confusion, as if she too didn’t know. Lilith noticed it too, connecting the dots faster than Savannah could.

“You haven’t been around long siren girl?” Lily asked, wiggling a finger at her, “You don’t know about your bloodline?”

Reyn shook her head, looking more confused than ever, “I g-got amnesia a century ago. W-woke on an island. I only k-know what I’ve l-learnt from m-myself.”

Lily shrugged, rummaging in their mini fridge for something to snack on, “Well sirens are rare. And elusive…I’ve never actually met one before. Plus, they don’t like each other’s company. Explains a lot Annah.”

It was the sanest comment she had made yet, and Savannah watched her with interest, wondering if Hell really was the cause of her madness. Would Earth serve her better? Turning back, she refocused on the discussion at hand. Lilith and Savannah knew all there was to know on Sirens, and for that fact every supernatural creature in existence. They were expected to have this knowledge as Lucifer’s daughters, being as all supernaturals were beings made from Hell. Even the kindest supernatural’s ancestors would trace back to Hell. Where Heaven made the human race and the animal kingdom, Hell had contributed the Supernatural race.

“If I had known, I would have told you,” Savannah found a seat at the end of the bed, watching Reyn.

“You are the mind reader sis, why didn’t you see?”

Her gaze swung to Lily, “Sifting through a century or more worth of memories could take me days, and quite the headache. I already have a good portion of Jay’s lifetime stuck in my head. You know how annoying that is? I don’t need another’s.”

“Who’s Jay?”

“Nevermind Lily,” turning back to the couple Savannah looked at Elijah sitting hip to hip with Reyn, “I’m guessing you don’t know much about them either?”

Settling in, she placed her hands in her lap, reaching into her archive for all she knew on Sirens. There were so many supernaturals to remember, it took Savannah a second to collect her thoughts on everything she could tell Reyn.

“Well for starters, siren’s don’t travel in groups, or like each other’s company,” Savannah smiled, “And they are so elusive, even most of us immortals can go our whole lifetimes without meeting them. You, of course, are the exception.”

“Sirens only like human men,” Lily added, finding her own seat beside Savannah so that the twins were sitting side by side staring at the couple.

“I l-like women t-too.”

Lily shrugged, “Good to know. Never heard about women in the stories though, so let’s stick to with dicks for now. Just like in lore, they would lure them on their boats before killing them. Some of that is true. Most sirens would find an island they liked and would live there, singing ships in when they passed. But they wouldn’t kill them, they would get them on shore and lull them with sex and lust. The men died from starvation, or dehydration, forgetting to care for themselves as they pleased the sirens.”

Savannah watched her sister, surprised at just how sane she was talking. Even Eli looked slightly shocked. Then Lily giggled, falling over backwards so she landed on the floor, feet sticking high in the air.

“And she’s back,” Savannah sighed, ignoring her sister’s crazy giggles to continue the story, “The boats those men left behind the sirens would destroy so other boats would come and not be deterred by the abandoned ships. However eventually the sunken and broken ships would pile up, amounting to the tales of sirens luring and killing the men on their ships. How the tales said there were more than one siren on an island beats me. There would only ever be one. Sirens do not, do not like sharing what they claim as theirs. Including partners.”

Reyn’s cheeks flamed, and Savannah could hear her thinking about the jealously she was hiding from Elijah, the envy in her stomach that had been growing for months and months now. The demoness said nothing about it, just giving a look to Eli and nodding in the blonde’s direction, telling him silently to ask about it later. That was a conversation they needed to have in private.

“S-so the island I was o-on,” Reyn stuttered, trying to push away from the awkward subject, “W-was mine?”

“Yeppers,” Lily giggled, “You probably lived on it for decades, maybe even centuries. Sirens are sort of immortal.”

“Sort of,” Savannah reillerated, “You can just as easily die as a human can, with one exception. But save for that, you will never grow older, as you have noticed. Sirens have been around since Greek mythology. Not sure if you existed before then. But there were only a handful of you created, and your numbers never really multiplied.”

“You love the sex, but not the children,” Lily laughed, “Children mean responsibility and less sex. Siren’s don’t like that. Therefore, no children.”

Savannah rolled her eyes at her sister’s antics, “There’s been children. Not many, but I’m sure a few. Problem is, the children usually leave with their father’s, the rare time a siren will actually release her human companion. So those children don’t know they are sirens, and if they are lucky learn and survive, but otherwise die early or tragically.”

“How can they have died? I’ve never seen a siren in Hell.”

“Purgatory perhaps?”

“W-what else c-can you tell me,” Reyn asked, sticking to the topic.

“Um…well I’ve explained the origins, your lifespan…”

“Wasn’t this about her voice?” Lily asked, sitting up, “She’s missing her siren voice.”

“Yeah…” Savannah frowned, not sure how to approach the subject and deciding to be blunt, “Reyn, you are kind of, well, dying.”


The girl was in absolute shock, her heart sinking to her stomach as her breath stopped. She hugged her baby tightly to her, as if it would help somehow. How could she be dying?

The weird demon, Lilith rolled over on the floor and jumped up before flopping on the bed on her stomach, looking at Reyn like she was the most entertaining thing in the world, “You’re losing your siren powers, sweet cheeks. Without them you gonna be dead reeeeeal soon.”

“Lily!” Savannah snapped, prompting the demon to clamp her mouth shut, “Don’t panic Reyn.”

How was she not supposed to panic? Her eyes snapped to Eli, the storm returning in her head, feeling like she had just been tossed overboard and told to swim in the harsh waves even as she drowned. Baby blue eyes bore into his, begging him to fix her, to make it better.

“Don’t panic,” Savannah repeated, a silky smoothness to her voice.

A sweeping wave of relief washed through her, pushing the storm down just enough for Nereyda to take a deep breath. Savannah was watching her like a hawk, her ocean colored eyes staring unblinking at her. It took a second for the siren to realize Savannah was causing the relief, that she was keeping the panic at bay.

“You won’t die,” Savannah continued, but her voice sounded disconnected, the demon’s real attention on keeping Reyn from breaking down, “You will become a shell of yourself though. Like a vampire without blood desecrates but remains alive, you will slowly wither until you are just a shell of a person, but you’ll continue walking this earth.”

“B-but all a v-vampire needs is b-blood to fix them,” Reyn replied, “W-what do I need?”

“Sex,” Lily replied curtly, rolling onto her back “It’s kind of obvious you haven’t had any in weeks.”

“Your pale, depressed, and your voice isn’t working,” Savannah elaborated, “Sirens feed off of lust and sex. When was the last time you went on a long dry spell?”

Reyn thought back to when she was pregnant, that couple weeks her and Eli remained abstinent. It had been hell, she’d felt sick and moody every day, barely left her chambers…

And she hadn’t felt the need to sing at all.

“You blamed the pregnancy at the time,” Savannah replied, hearing her memory, “But it was your bloodline. It’s why Sirens can take multiple partners, to feed them. Its why you have that beautiful voice, like a black widow, most sirens lull their prey to them, and fuck them till they are satisfied.”

It’s why you like sex as much as Eli does. Why you could never go more than a few days without it before getting moody’ Savannah’s words ring in her head privately.

“So you two need to fuck, or she’s gonna be a goner,” Lily summarized, grinning, “Put your dick in her Elijah. Like c’mon.”

“It’s not that easy,” Savannah piped up, having already seen all Reyn’s memories of what Searrinna had done, “Searrinna must have known this all too. She stole Reyn’s voice simply by torturing her the way she did. That…that’s probably the fucking cruelest thing she did to her. Elijah, Nereyda is stuck right now. She is tortured by these memories that are keeping her away from you, and yet it tortures her further to stay away because it is slowly killing her soul.”

Dropping her gaze, Savannah released her hold on Reyn, standing up and beckoning Lily to follow, “I’m sorry. We barged in and bombarded you both with all this information. You two have a lot to talk about now. I’m glad I was able to shed a little light, and again, sorry for the intrusion.”

“See you around Ellie,” Lily giggled, kissing his cheek before bouncing out the front door.

Savannah only smiled, loving the nickname, “Good luck you two. Talk to him Reyn. You need to. See you around…Ellie.”

With that she followed her sister out, leaving the couple alone in the house. Nereyda stared at her daughter, emotions rolling in her, stuck on the words on her tongue. Savannah and Ash knew now. How many more had noticed it?

Taking a shaky breath, she slipped a free hand in his, “Before we t-talk about what Searrinna d-did, I have to tell you. I h-have to be honest.”

She caught his stare, waiting for her to continue, “I’m jealous.”

It just came out, and for once her voice didn’t break. It was like the admission strengthened it instead, and the more she admitted everything to herself and stopped lying, the better she’d feel.

“It started a while ago,” she whispered, her voice hoarse but unbreaking, surprising both of them, “I felt it when I saw you fighting with Braxton over Ash. At first it wasn’t much, and I could ignore it. But when…I got pregnant it magnified. You’d…you’d go off and I…”

She gulped, the words painful to admit but once she started they just poured out, “I’d cry myself to sleep, if I could even sleep. I wouldn’t eat, I’d barely drink. I wanted to slice the throats open of every woman you every touched. I felt sick, I barely mustered the energy to speak. When Savannah said sirens never share, that’s what she meant. I can’t…I can’t share you. Or Nya. I’m just as possessive about her.”

But she couldn’t ask him to give up his lifestyle. Not for her jealously. He’d grow to resent her.

Sighing, she closed her eyes, “But I’ll l-learn to. To s-share.”

Horror pulled over her.

Oh god… Not the cookies… Oh please not the cookies.’ Her thoughts voiced, biting her bottom lip while her legs picked up their pace.

She knew he was joking, yet that part of her cared fairly deeply for that half box of cookies.

“Every cookie had plans on how to be eaten. They can’t do that to me.” She half whimpered and half growled.


“You’re not fine. I’m not stupid Kayden. And if you think I can’t tell it goes to show how little you respect me.” He growled, standing up.

“No she wouldn’t, but I’ll tell you I’m even more angry about being lied to. I’m going to run.” He growled, his body stiff while he turned and took the several steps out of the building. His teeth began to grow, the ache within his bones began to take over, the cool air caressed his skin, yet did nothing to cool the temper that only flared within him.

"Baby," he purred, slowing her down, "They didn't eat your cookies. They can't have. I hid them this morning under the bed."

He laughed as he pulled her in, returning to their normal gait, "I was only teasing. The cookies are safe."


Kayden stood there, mouth opened to say she did respect them, and then he was gone. Worse off, he caught her lie. Tossing the mostly uneaten bowl of stew in the garbage, she left the dish in the sink and slunk upstairs, locking the door to her room.

It took all her willpower not to follow him, if only to scream at him that he was being stubborn. Tossing a pillow over her head, she screamed into it instead, letting all her frustrations and annoyance out. The thoughts were no longer ringing in her head at least, but it was only because he couldn't get Jay's hurt face out of her mind.

"I'm doing what is best for all of you," she growled into the pillow, flopping her head back, "Why are boys so damn stupid?"

She knew it wasn't just that though. They'd hit an impasse. Jay wouldn't drop the subject, he'd continue until he figured out what was going on. Or he'd tell Luna, but then...if she dug into that memory she'd see everything they'd done together too. So he won't tell Luna, but he'll still badger me. He won't give up.

And neither could she. She wasn't going to tell him, and she knew that. And she knew what it meant too. If they were butting heads over this, she as good as lost him. There wouldn't be any more secret rendez-vous until one of them relented. And closing her mind off from him was already hurting her, her heart cracking at the rudeness of it, and how wrong it felt. It had hurt him too.

"Did I just break up with Jay?" she muttered out loud, her eyes blinking fast as she tried to process what she was realizing all too late, "Were we even dating?"

It was enough to make her want to cry, but Kayden held the tears back, throwing the pillow hard at the wall. Curling into a ball, Kayden closed her eyes and tried hard not to think about what just happened, how stupid she was being, or how much she'd messed up.

The Halfling listened once the large conversation, putting in his input here and there when he felt the need to ask or to add things. On their last couple notes, Eli’s attention fully turned back to his wife, even Savannah shooing them to talk about things. While it seemed easy to fix the situation, Eli knew how hard it was for her, and while he knew she needed it he wasn’t going to push something that could damage her further internally.

Eli’s hand’s moved to hers to grasp it, his eyes lightening with the focus on the one creature that brought out the difference in him.

“I noticed when you were… And fixed that.” He nodded, looking down at their hands while his thumb rubbed along her beautiful skin. Well the part of him that loved the ability to lavish in various different exotic beauties, he knew if he wanted to keep the one thing in his life that meant more then everything he’d come to know.

“I know… I spoke with Ashlin as well.” He breathed whilst looking up at her. “I’ll work on it…”

Eli leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers, hunger radiated from him. He parted for a second, allowing his forehead to rest against hers.

“Is there something I can do…? Do you want me to go into your memories and fix them…?” He breathed, his voice wavered, something he knew he could do but never offered to do. “I want you to feel better… But I’m not going to do anything that you don’t want me to do.”

Large golden orbs peered up at her mate while she pulled her back to his speed.

“But what if they sniffed them out and knew that we were going to pick more up so they ate them all?” She spoke, her voice heightening. “Damn it. I’m ready to cry over the thought of an eaten cookie.”

The wolf took a deep breath and leaned into her partner. “I love you Xael.”


His body was large, but with that came the strength that coursed through each moving muscle that pushed him through the forest with an effortless speed that rose above many. His human mind was gone, easily streaming from one thought process to his natural one. Like that, he could ease the hurt that raced through him, yet the one thing that bothered even his normal form was the limp that ruined the run.

"I love you too my moon."

They walked in happy silence for a while, then Xael brought up a topic to keep them engaged till they got home. By the time they entered the property line he was not only carrying the bags but his beautiful fiance, her tired body about ready to crash. Holding her bridal style, he got to the porch and laid her down on one of the lounge chairs, her eyes half asleep. Then Xael unlocked the door and stuffed their bags in the hall before retrieving his beauty and carrying her to bed.

Tucking her in, he kissed her head softly and promised to be right back. Going back downstairs he quickly put the groceries away, then grabbed two glasses of water for the night -one for him and one for Luna- and ascended the stairs once more. As he passed Kayden's room he paused, tempted to knock and say goodnight, as well as a good job on cleaning. But she was probably asleep, and he didn't want to disturb the young wolf so he carried on.

"Ready for bed my beautiful fiance?" he asked, closing their door and placing her water on her bedside table, "We had a very long day didn't we?"


Kayden heard them come home, but she couldn't find the energy to drag herself out of bed. Or move from the blankets and pillows she had piled on top of herself. It wouldn't help them seeing her either. Kayden's hair was a mess and her eyes were puffy and red, her tears finally winning over her resolve.

As Xael's footsteps came up the stairs, Kayden huddled more into her pile of blankets and pillows, listening to him pause outside her door. After a few seconds Xael carried on and Kayden let out a tiny sigh, returning to her sulking.

She grew quiet, rocking her half asleep child in her arms, thinking over his words, and what they had said. She didn't feel like she was dying...or even wilting. The only thing wrong was her voice.

Maybe they got it wrong. Maybe Searrinna just gave me something...maybe its all a trick to hurt of me.

Or maybe she was lying to herself. But the thought of revisiting those memories was enough to make her shudder. And she'd already lost so much or her life to amnesia, only able to remember the last century or so. And she hated it. She hated not knowing herself or what happened. Could she do that to herself again?

"C-can we just wait it o-out a l-little longer?" she asked, so softly she barely spoke, "I'm n-not ready. M-maybe I'll get better."

He looked worried, but she reassured him, kissing his cheek before getting up to take Nya back in the nursery.


A week later Ashlin strolled out of the guest house, running her hands over her face. Braxton was waiting for her, looking worried.

"She's gotten worse," Ash sighed, leaning into his embrace before they moved up towards their own house, "She has a fever now and she refuses to move from the bed, or speak at all. Eli said she's been pale and her skin cold all week too. I wish we had Savannah here to see whats going on Reyn's head. It's like she's just shut down."

But Savannah had left six days ago, after she and Damion made the rounds to say goodbye with a striking new stranger that they refrained from introducing. Kayden had seemed upset to see them go, but the news of Xael and Luna's engagement quickly took her focus, everyone pouring over the pretty ring and congratulating the couple. The only people missing from the celebration had been Elijah and his siren, who was bedridden, and Jay who had up and left without explanation.

"I'm worried about Eli and Nya too," she continued, squeezing her husbands hand, "He's been abstinent for three week now, which for him is a record, and he's become more argumentative with me, not to mention moody. Eli isn't taking Reyn's condition well at all and this morning by Eli's account Reyn refused to feed Nya, leaving him to bottle feed her. I don't know if it's postpartum depression setting in, or something from her bloodline as siren. I feel helpless though. She's not even crying or sulking. If anything she feels distant and annoyed. I touched her arm and she snarled at me then continued staring at the wall. "

Sighing, she ran her hands over her face again, worried for her best friend. But she had someone else to worry about too, and in the past week he's noticed the hunger growing in his pretty white eyes.

"I'm sure Eli can remedy it. We are going to the city today," she stated, taking his hand, "We need to visit Dr. Tosh, for more than just you. It's been a week now of no powers, meaning I'm not doing my end of the contract. And we've been sitting around the house all week because of it. I need to apologize, and perhaps find someone to help with the contracts. Plus I really want to show Kyli that restaurant I love...and that boutique, and that chocolate shop, and..."

She continued to elaborate on everything she would show Kyli as they walked into their house, grabbing Kyli and Zeus before hitting the trail.

Reyn turned over, her eyes staring empty at the wall. Empty. Everything felt empty. It was like she no longer needed anything. No need to smile, to laugh, to speak. There was no desire to look at the man she shared a bed with or the daughter she had birthed. Just...nothing.

But his voice broke through that nothing, trying to pull the old her back, wanting the siren that felt emotion. She was unsure why, nor did she care to understand. It involved effort to care. Effort to do anything.

So instead her cold dull eyes stared at the wall, her ears listening as he put the child to bed before turning back to her. Another person had just come and gone on his request, checking her over as if she had the flu. This wasn't sickness. It was emptiness. But now the female was gone, leaving Reyn once again alone as she liked it, curled on the bed staring at the wooden walls, listening to the man hum his daughter to sleep in the other room.

Lunar leaned further into her mate, enjoying the various different topics that kept everything interesting. The time passed throughout the night, astounding her on how tired she could become with such a short walk. After a while, her mate had picked her up, complains and all.

Once at the house, Lunar’s body curled up on the bed, her eyes barely able to keep open whilst she waited for Xael to come to bed.

“Mmm Yes..” Her voice was that of a whisper, delicate and gentle as sleep threatened to take over. “Love… Slleyp.”

Her hand gently stroked the air, inviting him into bed. On que, he dropped into bed and curled her up to him, allowing her heavy lids to drop and her conscious.


Eli nodded, his undivided attention on the siren before him.

“We can… But at any moment you start feeling something… off, or just start to feel sick I need you to let me know this.” He breathed, his husky voice grave and just as worried as the lines that creased his ageless face. Once they over spoke everything, Eli nodded to it and gave in.


The personal need to smoke another pack took over his thoughts, darkening the angel within him and digging him down to the depths that the demon within him hailed. The breath that released out of his pressed lips was louder then what he expected. Nya laid down without a cry or any exceptions, allowing him to walk out to check on Reyn again. Ashlin had now quietly dismissed herself to give them the quiet and to give Eli the ability to try to reach out to the unmoving siren.

“Reyn.” He breathed, walking around the side of the bed to crouch before him. With a shaky hand, he grasped one of hers and placed his other along her cheek gently.

“Tell me to.” He begged, his voice soft as his darkened eyes stared into her endless pools of emptiness. He listened to her silence for several minutes, his heart sinking with each stilling moment. “I’m sorry my love.” He breathed, his eyes tightening while he kept eye contact with her.

He took a breath and the words flowed out easier then he’d expected.

“You were taken away from me… Kidnapped, in which you remained strong, your strength frustrated them and they drugged you. They drugged you to keep quiet and sleep until I found you. You awoke bloody and sore, but there was no real damage my healing could not fix.” His voice – thick with a sudden foreign and unknown accent held a dark note, one that still stirred the lightest part of his body. “You remember nothing during that period of which you slept, No memories that anyone can ever touch or stir. This is only undoable by me- Elijah Gemenii. Now you will snap out of this, feeling sick from bodily needs. You will allow me to fix that need, to fix any of your needs…”

Eli’s words died off , feeling the words sinking into her brain. “Now come back to me my lovely Reyn.”

Sitting on the porch, Braxton waited for his wife to return back to him. Once her body popped up around the ridge to the guest house, Braxton sat up and opened his arms for her to come lean on him. The man nodded, worried for the family as well. His hands held hers tightly, thinking it over.

“Back home, we didn’t have much lore that we couldn’t tell if it was real about Sirens… Although we had just about everything down under.” He spoke, continuing to listen to her. “But you’re right, she’s with someone who’s as old as time, he should be able to fix it.” He nodded, smiling down at his wife.

“We’ll talk to Dr. Tosh, but I’ll take over any contracts that’s needed. He’ll understand and I’ll do fine.” He grinned, leaning in to kiss her before she continued off on the long list of shops she continued to tick off. Braxton couldn’t deny – he’d really come to love how his sister and his wife had really clicked, allowing a bond that would only continue to grow between them.

Xael passed a cup of tea to his fiance, grinning like a fool at seeing her ring. Taking a seat with her on the couch, he sat in the middle letting her lean on the side arm with her legs stretched lavishly over his. Both of them had books to read, taking a calm relaxing day to do nothing.

Above them, Kayden remained in her room, silent. Since Jay's unannounced departure she seemed less social, keeping to her room when she wasn't needed. She was otherwise herself though, excited about the engagement, helping with chores, and hanging out with Luna when Xael was busy. Still, Xael was lost as to what happened while they were gone for the day, and Kayden avoided the subject all together.

"Maybe you and Kayden should start looking at dresses," he suggested, looking over at his mate, "Give you both something to do love. I'm guessing she'll be a bridesmaid?"


Ash slipped into the house with her husband, hand in hand, talking excitedly about what they could do. Zeus was at her side in an instant.

"Sit," she commanded, watching their lovable pup sit instantly with his tail wagging fiercely.

In the last few weeks she had finally got him to understand sit, lay down, and stay. There was still the issue of not jumping, or licking people to death, but Ashlin secretly loved when Zeus tackled Braxton in the morning.

"Do you ever feel lucky?" turning her head slightly she looked up at Braxton, "Did you ever think we would wind up with all this? A house, a"
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