Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Waking with a soft yawn, Kyli slipped on the nearest shirt, cleaned her face and applied her makeup before sliding downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, Kyli’s glowing hazel eyes stared over at her siblings, a beautiful smile pulling at her lips. “Good Morning my beautiful sister. I’m almost ready. How about yourself?”

Kyli’s graceful figure danced into the kitchen, poking her head up around the counter with a cheerful and curious look to her gleeful face.

“Who’s the breakfast for?” She slyly asked, the grin on her face mischievous and glowing.

"We are ready whenever you are," Ash grinned, finishing the last of her eggs and moving to put her plate in the sink, "Oh that's for Zeus of course. Only he likes his eggs sunny side up."

Laughing, she cleaned her plate, "Eat up silly. I wanna go soon."

Kyli nodded, grinning like a mad woman.

“Good, because I’m dying to see some of the shops!!” She bubbled, wiggling slightly with the anticipation for the day.

Kyli leaned over batting her large lash’s all while stealing a piece mischievously while she spoke of how it was meant for Zeus playfully. “Well then, he’s gonna have to deal!”

Grabbing a cup and pouring some juice into it, Kyli pulled up next to the married couple, digging into the plate happily. Afterwards, Kyli picked up her plate and her brothers, who sat at the island quietly while the two giggled. Cleaning them, Kyli quickly dismissed herself to change into a set of loose fitting white to turquoise short shorts and a large black top that draped down just past her shorts. With that she slid on a pair of small boots and ran her fingers through her hair, her emotions willing the blonde and pink strands to sift away and to allow the net white and blue pigments to rush through her thick beautiful strands. Walking back downstairs, Kyli grinned at Ashlin and Braxton. “Ready?”

Ash grinned, "Loving the hair. Yeah, we are ready."


Hours and hours later the three wandered back to the property with Zeus in the lead, having had a great day. Braxton was fed, Dr. Tosh was happy, and the girls had gone on a shopping spree like no other.

Arm in arm, Kyli and Ash talked adamantly, Braxton behind them listening as the women moved from one topic to the next.

"So did you like the city?" Ash asked Kyli, "Dinner was exquisite, wasn't it?"


Hours later the sun was falling and Kayden sat on the couch bouncing Nya, biting her lip. They had already gone through both bottles, and the babe had thrown every toy they'd handed her.

"I'm going to take her back to Reyn and Eli," she decided, calling out her words to Luna and Xael in the kitchen, "Be right back guys."

Standing on her lean legs, Nya cooed and grabbed a fist of Kay's white hair, yanking it.

"Yeah...we are definitely taking you back to mommy and daddy," she winced, taking her hair away, "Do you want to see mommy and daddy?"

Nya only cooed and giggled, fortunately in a good mood for the whole day. Of course, it wasn't until Kayden was halfway down the trail leading to the guest house with Nya on one hip and her bag on the opposite shoulder that Nya began to cry.

" no no," Kayden sighed, picking up her pace, "Please no screaming."

Luna had warned her about it. That was something she didn't want to experience. Reaching the small wooden door to their guest home she knocked on it loudly, Nya's cries amping up another notch.

"Help!" she called out, hoping they were inside, "I'm have a ticking time bomb here who really wants her parents."

“Why thank you sister.” She grinned, looping arm carefully around Ashlin’s while they walked out.


Kyli’s giant wild eyes beamed over at Ashlin.

“Oh yes! It’s like one of the towns back home! Those clothes stores are amazing.” She purred. “Oh it was perfect. I’m surprised at some of the food they carry, it’s not all that easy to find.”

“Braxy-Poo? We need to come back! They had that awesome floral shop you need to stop into next time!” She giggled.


Mid thrust and sweat streaming down his back and beading along his chest, a growl flowed him his mouth. Eli’s fingers tightened around her thin hips, pressing her into the counter of the kitchen. The man thrusted with Reyn again, unwilling to disconnect himself from the lovely woman within his grasp. Nya’s cries began to echo, but part of him was torn, still needing that time he had with Reyn alone.

Worst. Damn. Timing.

She had both hands on the counter balancing her, his thrusts deep and rough, sweat covering both their magnificent bodies. Trying to keep the lust out of her voice, she shushed Eli before she spoke through the door.

"Not a good time to have her. Sing to her while rocking her. It works."

"Um...okay..." Kayden's voice sighed, her footsteps and Nya's cries moving away.

Reyn's ears continued to listen until the cries ended, Nya content with Kayden's singing. Turning her full attention back to Eli she grinned.

"I gave us another hour. At most."

Throwing her head back, she let out another moan as he hit a sweet spot, her body quivering with pleasure.

"Is that the best you can do?" she growled, egging him on as he thrusted deeper and deeper, "I thought you were a sex god."

Eli couldn’t help the growl that left his mouth, choosing to ignore Kayden while grasping Reyns hair. He pulled, deepening himself further within her walls.

“Damn rights I can.” He grunted, his other hand that gripped her hip moved to her shoulder, arching her back and burying his quivering member within her.


As promised, an hour later the door slammed and Eli groaned again while Nya’s cries rose above even their own cries.

“Really Kayden? We’re busy here.”

At this point every inch of Nereyda's body was covered in sweat, her eyes beginning to blink slowly as exhaustion took over. As Kayden returned, Nya's cries even louder, Reyn hit her last orgasm, slouching over him.

"I can't..." she breathed, "Baby I'm done. Cum for me Eli. I need sleep. I need Nya."

Eli grunted, pulling out of Reyn at her command.

“Nowhere near done… Go get her.” He nodded towards the door, his arms wrapping around her and helping her up. His head leaned in and kissed her gently. “Go on my beauty.”

He hesitantly released her, grabbing a robe for her before moving to the bathroom to start a bath, if not for the both of them then one at the least.

She grinned, murmuring a soft 'i love you' before watching him walk into the bathroom. She got three steps and her knees buckled, Elijah literally making her too numb to walk.

"Eli!" she sighed, grabbing on to a chair for support, "Baby I can't...please get Nya."

He returned to the main room, looking at her as she explained with a hint of a grin, "You fucked me senseless baby. To the point my legs are numb. Please retrieve Nya."

The babe's cries were getting louder and louder, Kayden's hand knocking on the door once more.

"I'm real sorry guys, but she is about to loose it for real. Please take her."

While Elijah opened the door and took their upset daughter back, Reyn stumbled to the bed and collapsed, her body sore. She could hear the sound of a bath running and wanted to join him, but it involved energy to move, and she had none.


The door finally opened, Elijah's large frame filling the doorway with only a towel wrapped around his hips. Nya's cries instantly ceased for a second, her tiny hands reaching out, desperate for him.

"Aw Nya," Kayden frowned, lifting her towards him, "She really wants you, see?"

Without a second thought, Eli turned to help Reyn up while she explained the situation. He couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled within his broad chest, pulling her by her elbow and leading her with a hand to her lower back he brought her to a nearby chair to stable herself. Walking to the front door, Eli poked his head out to a nearly crying wolf and a now giggling child. Opening his arms with a grin, Nya flung herself into his arms.

“Hello my Pandora’s box.” He purred, the child cooing towards his deep heavenly smooth voice that purred the nickname she’d come to love as much as her parents. Eli’s white-green eyes looking over the wolf thankfully.

“Of course, she’s daddy’s little girl.” He chuckled. His eyes looked down as Nya adjusted herself, her head curling up into his chest with a dying sigh that lead to the peace of sleep. Eli gently took the upraised monkey bag Kayden handed and thanked the girl again before she headed off and he closed the door to take his daughter to her crib. Placing her down delicately, he snuck out of the room and closed the door till there was only a sliver of light slipping into her otherwise darkened room. Moving back into the bathroom, Eli turned off the rub and moved back into the main room to pick up the Siren without a moment to spare.

“Feel like cleaning up?” He grinned, moving back into the bathroom with his unmoving wife. Stripping the both of them quickly, Eli slipped in with Reyn and rested her against him. “Figured you wouldn’t be able to come join me.” He laughed.

Wrapping the robe closer around her body as Eli opened the door, she listened intently, sitting her sore body up on the bed after having stumbled to it. As Eli turned back in, she saw Nya nestled in his arms, content now to sleep only for daddy.

"She's definitely daddy's girl," Reyn smiled, "Because you are the only one who can make her sleep like a little angel. She wrestles with me."

As Eli passed Reyn paused him long enough to kiss her daughter's forehead, then let him put her to bed before he returned for her. Scooping her up with a giggle, he took them into the bathroom where a hot bath awaited enticely. He had to carry her in, her legs feeling like jelly from their luxurious day.

"No I wouldn't," she agreed, wiggling into place so her back pressed against his front with his legs on either side of her, "You did as promised and fucked me numb though handsome."

Her voice seemed back to normal, the flute-like perfection of it returned. Around Eli, of course, it was a tone higher and airy, a product of finding her soulmate that changed the way she sounded but only with him. To mortal men, her voice would allure them, bringing them to her beck and call. To Elijah's ears it sounded beautiful but didn't hold that kind of power. However she could feel his smile every time she spoke, like he'd been without her voice for years. Thinking about it brought a very old memory back, one that could only ever make her grin.

"Do you remember the first time we ever met baby?" she asked softly, leaning into his embrace as the hot water soaked their bodies, "It was in California I think. Middle of summer, and I'd just gotten off the worst boat ride of my life from Australia."

She tilted her head so she could look up at his chin, her wet hair fanning out on his chest, "I was so lost as to what to do with myself. I couldn't remember my life, didn't know my own name except the one they assigned me. I can remember just feeling the need to leave Aussie, to get out of that damn scorching weather.

So I tried Cali, but silly me with no history, ID or passport, or anything in the way of proving my existence had to smuggle myself in. Oh, and then wound up on the streets. I think you met me the third day of being homeless?"

Eli’s lips pressed down and kissed along Reyns shoulder gently.

“Both of my girls seem happy.” He grinned, his deep angelic voice purring against her beautiful skin. His eyebrows wiggled to her retort, a playful look passing over his chiseled features. Wrapping his arms around her, his head moved so he could look down on her with loving eyes.

“I do, you smelled.” He chuckled, his nose wrinkling up. “I also remember you tried to seduce me with your voice, you wanted a whole new wardrobe… And the look you gave me when I just laughed and said you’re cute.”

With that thought, the day flashed before his memories, having taken her to the nicest restaurant possible along the beach, meal and her favorite dessert. After that he had taken her out shopping and put her in a beautiful hotel suite overlooking the ocean for the next couple months while she got herself back up on her feet. All while spending time with her along the beach, the city, and without a doubt her suite and his own condo at that point of time.

Nereyda smiled up at the love of her life, "As I remember it, I stumbled on you in an alley, beating some sap up. I was only trying to cash in on a bit of blackmail, although I sucked at it."

She grinned, snuggling into him. She'd tried to barter with him for food and a new wardrobe, having no idea then she even was a siren. It had been Eli who had actually revealed that part of herself, calling her it once a few days after they had met. With little to go on, she researched the folklore but most of it turned out to be useless. The only thing she did retain was how to use her voice.

And boy did she reek havoc in the last century with just her voice.

"Mister big and tuff," she giggled, "You have such a mean reputation and there you were, taking me out to dinner and making sure I had a bed to sleep in."

And the sex... When she had finally let him into her bed, she regretted waiting so long. Their affair had lasted years, until both of them moved away. Still, over the century she had seen him many a time, never quite loosing him until the outbreak. And now she was here, and so much had changed for the better.

"Jay said something once," she murmured, her baby blue eyes watching him, "That you just strung along women, and eventually broke them. That I'd see the same fate if I didn't get away from you. And I didn't believe you'd ever do it to me baby...not for a second. Because when I met you, you could've walked away without a second thought. But you didn't."

She kissed the bottom of his chin, enwrapped in his arms and love, "I love you Elijah."

Eli couldn’t help the deep husky laugh that rumbled within his broad and well muscled chest.

“He looked at me with this stupid look in the bar, then had the audacity to fuck with my cigarettes.” He mumbled, his lips moving to moan against her cheek before moving to kiss her gently, his teeth catching her bottom lip before he pulled only slightly away. “I was more than happy to assist this beautiful goddess while she tried to beg.”

The grin pulled further at his lips, his eyes sparkling with a certain cheekiness.

“Last I checked, I out muscle, out age, and overhang pretty much most of the human population.” He corrected her with a wiggle of his brows. His arms pulled her in further to him, needing her fully against him. “It’s not correct to leave a pretty little lady in distress. I couldn’t help it.”

He listened, a soft growl building in his chest before he could smother the flame of annoyance that built towards the wolf’s words.

“Not that he knows our history. He knows the history with various bar maidens.” He waved his hand off, the water rippling and several droplets flying lowly. “Over the centuries, you’ve come to know me better than my two brothers.. The day I met you something seemed right, something just… fit.”

Eli’s low and gruff voice stopped for a second, his head rising to allow his heavenly bright eyes to stare down at her. “Like you knew the same sort of needs that make life continue without withering.”

His lips pulled up further more at her words.

“I love you Mrs. Reyn Gemenii.” He breathed, leaning in to kiss her again.

"If I was a damsel in distress, that makes you my knight in shining armor. And you know me better than I've know myself," she giggled, warm and comfortable in the water with him.

Normally she was tense in baths, wanting to go in, clean up, and get the hell out. They didn't terrify her like large bodies of water did, but it still felt uncomfortable. However, when him and only him joined her bath, that uncomfortableness fled and she could spend hours in the hot water, drowning in those emerald eyes.

His words made her smile even brighter, ". I've never had a last name. Now I do."

"That's what I told him," her eyes peered up at him, returning to the conversation at hand, "I've never told you what he said that ended our fling...mostly because it was all aimed at you. He was making me choose, him or you. You can kinda guess who I chose."

Without hesitation really. I couldn't part with Eli then anymore then I could part with him now.

"He wanted me to run away with him," her voice dropped a notch, sounding slightly colder and annoyed, no longer feeling that heartbreak over Jay as much as the lingering sting, "Wanted me to leave your handsome face. That's why we ended. Because I couldn't bear the thought of it."

She turned in the tub so that she was kneeling between his legs, placing her hands on his chest as her gaze locked with his.

"In the end I chose you," she smiled, "I'll always choose you."

“Your half naked knight.” He corrected, nuzzling her playfully. “You do, and it’s attractive as hell.”

Eli’s smile gained a slight touch of arrogance hitting his lips towards her words.

“Well he’s an idiot to offer that. If he’s going to make a bargain he should at least work on getting to know you better.” He chuckled. “I’m a better choice than some mutt anyways.”

Eli’s grin widened, his lips pressing down against hers again for a brief moment. “You give me a purpose.”

After an hour or two, Eli lifting Reyn out of the tub, drying her off with ease before moving back to the bed to place her down and curl up with her.

In the weeks to follow some normalcy came back to the group. Reyn was back to herself, although a slip up on Ashlin's part revealed Eli had erased Reyn's memories of what had happened during the week she was kidnapped. The siren was less than pleased to find out he'd done something he knew she wouldn't like, and the two had been keeping to themselves with Nya in the guest house. Kayden's best guess was they didn't want the others to here them fighting.

As for Ash and Braxton, their lives seemed complete with each other, and Kyli continued to stay with them to Ashlin's enjoyment. The three often invited the pack over for dinner, and with Luna and Xael's new engagement, Ash, Kyli, and Kayden often stole the bride-to-be from her mate for some wedding planning.

In her own house, the overwhelming stress of finding out she was pregnant seemed to be dying in Luna, as she came to terms with it but not of course without a little payback. Kayden felt almost sorry for Xael with Luna's frequent mood swings, cravings, and demands. For Kayden herself, with Jay still gone she didn't have much to do unless Luna or Xael needed her, so she spent most of her time either running or reading a book in her room. The longer Jay stayed away the more Kayden felt comfortable with how she had handled it, assuring herself that he was the stubborn one.

Two weeks past, and it was on a sunny afternoon as Kayden strolled through the trees towards a favorite spot of hers to Change that she ran into Phoenix and Graham.

"Sheesh!" she swore, jumping back, "Nix don't sneak up on me."

"Hey girl," Phoenix grinned, hugging her gently, "We've been following you for a few minutes now actually. Had a bet to see how long it took you to notice."

"I won," Graham grinned, "She thought you'd spot us right away, I said give her a couple minutes."

"Why are you here is the question," Kayden raised an eyebrow, "Didn't we say we'd meet up in the city in another two weeks time."

"Yeah, well things changed," Graham's smiled faded, his eyes darting to Phoenix.

“We need to talk,” Nix sighed, nodding to continue walking deeper into the trees, “It’s an emergency Kayden.”

Following the two of them further in, they walked as they spoke.

“Luna’s life is in danger,” Graham spat out, getting a punch to the gut as Phoenix glared at him.

“Way to soften the blow,” she snapped, “Before you freak out Kayden let us explain.

Kay blinked several times, confused and then scared, “W-why is she is danger? What’s happening?”

“We did some research,” Graham gasped, bending over as he tried to catch his breath, “Between…me and Nix, we found out Luna’s life…and the unborn twins…are in serious danger.”

Kayden sucked in her breath, her canines biting down on her lip hard, “Why?! Can anything be done?!”

They found a small creek cutting through a tiny grassy clearing that sloped down. The three settled into the grass and Phoenix explained it in detail, talking slowly so Kayden could absorb each word. When she was finished Graham jumped in, explaining the only answer so far as how to remedy it. But they hadn’t looked much into other options, wanting to bring the news to Kayden first.

“Is it possible there is another way? I know a witch…maybe spells, or potions could-“

Graham shook his head, “Magic has side effects, and it can put Luna more at risk. We can look for another answer Kay, but you are putting your sister more at risk every day we search. It won't be long before she's due, and the closer we get to that date, the harder it will be to help her.”

"Ash did a check up on Luna, she's a little over 4 months pregnant, meaning we still have 5 months to figure this out, right?"

Phoenix blinked a few times, looking confused, "No Kay, that's impossible. You know wolves pregnancy length is only five to six months?"

Kayden's blood drained from her face, "But that's...she can't be..."

Graham held a hand up, "She isn't that close to being due. If Ashlin thought she was 4 months in, then she's probably only three months, because the time length is shortened. It gives us at most another two months."

"And since your sister is an Alpha, it could be even less," Nix sighed, "Normal wolves only take sixty two to seventy five days kid. Luna is more wolf than human, so she could even go into labor at the four month mark."

"So we have no time at all," Kayden's voice cracked, fear lacing through her, "This isn't fair. If my father-"

"Kayden breath," Graham grabbed her shoulders, "We know what to do, we just have to find someone to do it."

"Willing or unwilling," Nix's greenish grey eyes darted between both of them.

Kayden sighed, rubbing her palms into her eyes. They had no time, no way to plan. If she told Luna and Xael now they'd panic. There seemed to be little options, and less time. And just yesterday, Luna was saying how excited she was. How'd she be a better mother than their own, how Xael would make the perfect dad. And Xael...he's never been so happy. She can't loose this. They can't loose this.

"Can I have a little time to think?" she murmured, staring at her lap, "Could you two come back tonight, around midnight...I just need to be alone."

"Of course," Nix elbowed Graham and they both stood, we will wait out by the meat shed for you.


And with that they left, leaving Kayden to her depressing thoughts.


Nereyda huffed up the trail to Luna and Xael's house, leaving the halfling behind to watch Nya. They'd been quietly fighting on and off for two weeks now. She knew why he did what he did, but she was still upset. Out of everyone, Elijah knew how much she hated her amnesia, and to take another week away of her life seemed unfair. In his defense, she was shutting down and withering away.

It still was causing tensions in the house. However, they were being quiet when they argued, keeping Nya's innocent ears out of their bickering. And the arguing hadn't been so bad in the last few days. At least the make-up sex has been awesome.

Strolling to the front door, she knocked before letting herself in. Luna was on the couch, a book propped up by her growing stomach.

"Hey mama wolf," Reyn smiled, noticing how big Luna had grown since the last week she had seen her, "Boy, are those twins ever growing. What are you at already? Six, seven months now?"

‘the seething hot tendrils of warmth licked my face and edged me further, pulling my attention further down the darkened hallway, where there stood the allusive figure I’d been hunting for weeks…

“Andrew?” I breathed, amber eyes shining within the darkness. The face turned, and his handsome lips smiled back at me, hand extended towards me. My footsteps echoed within the hallway, my hand hesitantly reaching out. ‘

“Oh no… Don’t go into the room with him…” Her voice echoed, the story streaming by her thoughts, playing out like a movie.

‘ “Ready for another adventure?” He grinned, his deep voice rumbled with a mischievous note to his foreign accent. Grinning, I placed my hand into his, and he began to lead the way into the next room. The door closed behind me and I looked around, the room lightened by the lit fireplace. Fur’s decorated the floor and hung over the leather couch placed before the fire, where the bed sat a spacious distance from the dark colored sofa.

With only minutes to inspect the room, my body flew into the wall and hands gripped my wrists tightly, yanking them to sit uselessly above my head. His brown mop like hair was a mess, but the luscious sweetened musky scent that wafted off of him pulled me back into that trance like state, forcing a moan from my mouth without consent. He chuffed and his lips pressed to mine with a certain fiery rage that seethed through him like a caged animal.

I hated this man… Yes something kept pulling me back. I didn’t want to touch him, nor look at him but something inside made me, making my inner kitten purr in delight.’

“For Christ sake Leeah, stop it! It’s a trap!” She snapped, her teeth softly biting at her thumb nail until she realized how wrapped up she’d been in her book. Gently closing the delicate and worn novel, Lunar’s giant golden orbs moved up to Reyn with a warm glow.

“Hello beautiful Siren.” She purred, her voice holding none of the annoyance it held only a moment ago. Moving up, Lunar placed the book on her belly while her hands had to push her body up and back to sit up properly, her legs curling in to allow space for Reyn. “No… Only 3…. Maybe 4.”

Without much of a thought, her hands moved up to rest on her belly before quickly moving up and sharply sweeping the air to signal Reyn over.

“Come here quickly.” She ushered, snatching Reyns hand to rest it on her belly.

"Only four?" Reyn was surprised, but before she could say more Luna ushered her over, snatching her hand and placing it on her belly.

She waited, the seconds ticking by, "I can't feel anythi- wait."

Lunar’s smile only grew, pressing her fingers gently in.

“Right there.”

A kick, another wiggle, and then two kicks. The wolf was quiet, feeling every incredible moment with not just curiosity but something else licked at her, well hidden from everyone around her. Shaking it off, she remained in the moment, unwilling to poke at any emotions or thoughts with how overly baring her hormones could be.

Reyn grinned sitting down beside her as she felt the kicks, "They are restless little ones. Nya barely kicked, she just wiggled a lot."

It was nice having someone else to talk to about the life of being a mother. Or in Luna's case mother-to-be. It was always nice to have Ash's help and ear to talk to, but she still felt rather alone raising her daughter with Eli, both of them unsure what to do. It wasn't like either of them expected to be parents.

"I just came to ask if you guys had salt," she added, explaining her impromptu visit, "But it can wait. Eli is enjoying teaching Nya to roll."

Her eyes sparkled mischievously, "Want to see what big, bad Elijah is like with Nya when no one is looking?"

She remembered how stir crazy she got during those ten months pregnant. She was either in the house or escorted around the village with Eli or Ash. Reyn had already noticed Luna was the same; she was almost always in the house, unless Kayden or Xael took her on a nature walk. She needs a new distraction. And a funny one.

“They are… They’re going to be little monsters.” She laughed softly, the small unborn children continuing to kick and move about.

“We have tons of salt.” She replied, smiling over at the siren. “It gets better once they’re born right? The hormones and aches die away eventually… Right?” She asked curiously.

Lunar’s head tilt slightly, the grin on her face growing. “I would love to.” She giggled.

“Big bad Halfling, getting told by a babe that would be the story of the year.”

Lunar’s legs swung around the edge of the couch before her hands moved to help push her up. While one moved back to rest on the top of her belly, Lunar wandered to the kitchen to grab a container of salt before moving back and holding it out to Reyn.

“While we’re here we should make sure to grab that.” She smiled.

"Well the hormone swings go away," Reyn smiled, "But my hips were sore for a week or two afterwards. And don't expect your body to swing back to normal either."

With a blush she lifted her shirt just enough to show off the stretch marks along her pelvic bone and hips, "Nya's permenant stamp on me. Took me a couple months to get completely toned again, but these never fade."

Dropping her shirt, she smiled calmly, "Not that I want them too. They remind me of the greatest little gift I have in my life now."

As Luna handed over the salt, Reyn looped her arm through hers, pulling her to the front door.

"Thanks. I can give you some cream in return. It helps with the cramps, and the smell is really nice. I don't need it anymore, so I'll switch you for the salt."

Leading her down the path, the had to step lightly once they were in the clearing, making sure Eli remained unaware. Usually it was impossible for Reyn to slip past his senses, but when he got fully wrapped up making Nya giggle and smile he often zoned out to other smaller details, like the soft footsteps of two women sneaking up to the window. Pressing her finger to her lips, Reyn motioned for Luna to look in and see something no one other than Reyn normally witnessed.

Lunar bit her lip gently.

“I’m glad they go away, but I was hoping I’d be lucky enough that I’d be up and bounding afterwards to be completely honest… No shifting, extra weight and the swings are driving me nuts.” She replied.

She looked over the stretch marks, and looked back up to Reyn with a gentle smile.

“They’re a beautiful reminder.” She smiled, squeezing Reyns hand gently to offer her reassurance.

Once they left, Lunar happily walked beside Reyn, enjoying the freedom and the change from the usual routine.

“I think that sounds like an awesome trade.” She replied, happily hugging the Sirens arm to her. “Would be greatly appreciated.”

Following Reyns lead, the wolf quietly snuck around the perimeter to the small guest house, poking her head around the corner to watch the sight before them. Eli had a handful of toys scrambled around him while he rolled the girl around in which filled the room with precious little giggles. His hands where gentle with her while his smile and words where genuine. He wasn’t speaking to her like a child but rather more like a small grown up. Even if she hated the man with a good portion of her soul, she couldn’t help but take notes on him and how he handled his stunning little girl. She couldn’t help the shock though that came with the wonder, having only ever known him as the true definition of an asshole and not as a parent worthy of taking notes from.

‘Wow’ she mouthed.
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