Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Reyn's grin grew more and she mouthed back 'Wait here.'

Turning back, she strolled to the front door, opening it softly.

"Hey love," she grinned, Nakaylia's giggles getting louder, "I got the salt. I'll start cooking dinner in an hour or two."

Walking up to him, she kissed his head then Nya's. She was leaning in his lap now, his body propping her up like a chair, as Nya's tiny fingers held a stuffed giraffe to her mouth, drooling over it. Their tiny one had on a white one-piece with a tiny pink skirt that touched her bare legs. She looked adorable with the blonde mop of hair that was slowly growing in.

"Does the giraffe taste good sweetie?" Reyn smiled, stroking her daughters hand.

Nya's tiny eyebrows knitted together in annoyance for being interrupted and her mood swung quickly, the giraffe dropping as she let out a shrill cry, telling her mother she was mad.

"Pandora's box," Reyn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Obviously mommy is not the favorite of the day. Eli can you calm her? Maybe sing. She likes your voice."

Crossing to the kitchen she opened the fridge, rummaging around.

"Shit, we don't have enough eggs. I'll just run up again. Are you okay calming Nya? Thanks love."

Kissing his head again she dashed out, sneaking around the side back to Luna who got was watching Eli contest with a pissed Nya.

Lunar nodded to the woman, watching her slide into the guest house and the interaction between them.

Eli smiled lovingly, his aura seeming to glow once she had entered the premises.

“Hello love.” He purred, leaning forward to kiss her before she leaned down to her small daughter. She watched the girl’s face pinch up in dislike to her mother’s interference with her daddy time. Eli shifted the girl, pulling her up into his arms while she dismissed herself.

“I’ll see you soon babe.” He replied, allowing her to leave before he opened his lips. An unknown accent sinking into his voice as he sung a soothing lullaby, one of which Lunar didn’t recognize. His body stood, and moved around with a soft bounce to his step, soothing her grunts into small coos and giggles.

“Its just us again little Pandora.” He spoke, the song seeming to hum within the room while he sat down on the floor with her and placed her gently within his lap. “Just us” He lifted his hands in a goofy manner, the child giggling and slapping her hands down, his fingers wiggled and from there he began to tickle her, filling the room with her joyous laugh.

Once Luna had got her fill the two snuck away, waiting till they were well out of earshot to start giggling.

"Doesn't seem so tough and cold anymore, huh?" Reyn smiled, "I'm not saying he can't be mean, but since Nya was born he's definitely not the cold, indifferent man he always used to be."

Looping her arm once again with Luna's they moved back to the wolf's house.

"So what do you want to do know mama wolf?" Reyn asked with a grin, "I got a bit of time, and you've probably been reading books for weeks now. We could play a card or board game...or cook something...or..."

Lunar couldn’t contain the laugh that tinkled out of her lips. She hugged Reyns arm as they bounced down the path.

“I have noticed that, he’s become more bareable and he takes care of you without even a thought.” She commented, grinning up at the siren. “Which is nice to see. I’m not 100% sure how it is from your side, but that’s how I see it.”

Lunar thought about Reyns question, looking upwards thoughtfully.

“Hmmm… Something inter- Oooo Cookies. We should bake cookies!” She grinned. “Yeah, I’ve gone through all my books about three times already… Plus all the ones we’ve taken back.”

"He's nothing but perfect," Reyn smiled, her voice getting airy, "He treats me like a goddess, and Nya too."

And we've been fighting on and off for weeks now. And yet he continues to treat me like this. Maybe I should forgive him for what he did. Obviously it wasn't only selfish reasons...maybe its about time I let up on my halfling.

"Cookies, or brownies," Reyn smile grew, "Ooey gooey chocolate brownies were my favorite."

They bounced into the house and into the kitchen. While Luna picked out all the ingredients for their cooking extravaganza, Reyn poured two glasses of white wine. Xael wasn't supposed t be back till dinner, and Kayden was out for a run, leaving the two women to cook and giggle and chat about all things parenting.

Lunars head moved to lean on the sirens shoulder.

“Good… He hasn’t been the best out there before, so it’s lovely to see he’s changed for you and your daughter.” She replied.

“Oh god… Both. Definitely both!” She bubbled, unable to help the smile that beamed from her face.

Bouncing into the house, Lunar sniffed out the ingredients quickly and pooled them out on the island before her before she bounced up to the bowls and pulled several utensil’s out.

“Reeeeyyyyynnnnn…” She sang, grinning mischievously with the mass amount of chocolate ingredients within the mass. Moving forward, she grabbed a glass taking a sip with a soft groan that left her mouth.

“Oh god… I haven’t had a drink in weeks… Xael doesn’t let me even do wine.” She stated while quickly organizing the ingredients.

"Yeah Elijah tried that too. Even after i showed him proof that a glass now and then couldn't hurt. He quickly sang a new tune after a few weeks of me grouching at him. Don't worry, eventually Xael will cave."

Finding a recipe book, both girls got to baking, chatting as they went. The talked about the uncomfortableness of having a larger belly, the annoyance of trying to lie down or get up...

"...and trying to bathe," Reyn sighed, "It always felt like a work out. When I was eight months in just walking a block would make me sweat but trying to get in and out of the tub was near impossible."

Lunars nose scrunched up, unhappy at the thought about how her wants and needs always seemed questioned if things where ‘safe’ to be taken in or done. Her head moved over to the recipe book, pointing at several recipes to do as well considering this day was already about baking.

“Luckily we have a shower around this place… Xael’s had to help me into the tub the last couple of times. Oh and the damn need to walk around but then the exhaustion that comes after only short walks… I can’t even walk to or from the city.” She groaned, sticking the measurement cup into the flour.

"I wasn't allowed out of the village we were staying in," Reyn shrugged, "I got more bored with seeing the same four walls than anything else. Hobbies...hobbies helped. I got into baking, and some knitting. Do I look like a girl who likes knitting? Hell no. But it was better than staring at books day in and out."

She measured some sugar, adding it to the bowl, "Trust me, being pregnant is about the hardest part physically. Raising them is mentally straining. Luckily we have amazing men who want to help us."

She held up her glass of wine, "I was angry at him for withholding the wine then but looking back, Eli was just doing what he thought was safest for me. They can't carry the weight we are, or take away the pain. All they can do is make sure we don't inflict more on ourselves."

Adding the cocoa to the mix she let Luna stir, "So have you thought up names yet?"

“I really can’t imagine that… I’m guessing it was to keep you safe because of Eli’s reputation?” She asked. “I get twitchy really easy… That would be horrible, but you found hobbies to keep you busy. Mind you I don’t find hobbies helpful in the slightest…”

Lunar grabbed the ladle and began to stir the dry ingredients first before they added the wet.

“But at least most of the physical problems disappear once their born right?” She asked, looking up at the siren. “In some ways I can’t wait for this whole bodily creation thing to be done, as bad as it sounds, but I don’t know how I feel about a child and a wolf running around the house to wreak havoc.”

Lunar thought over her words and nodded.

“And make sure they don’t get yelled at in a flurry of cravings or hormones… Poor Xael, I’ve yelled at him over the littlest things… Like the bed sheets the other week.” She bit her bottom lip, feeling bad about it. “But you’re right, which is nice to have someone watching out for that, but sometimes it’s just… A touch too much.”

“A couple actually. Dakota is my favorite so far if there’s a girl. Xael’s come up with a couple boy names too… Nothing that caught my ear so far though.”

"Would you rather Xael care too little?" she asked, using that line on herself a few times when she felt Eli had been overbearing.

She heard Luna's admittance of one of the twins being wolf, but didn't flinch or ask. Eli had already explained to the siren how Alphas worked, which meant one of Luna's twins would be an Alpha and the other not. It did beg a few questions though.

"You have lots of time for names. Dakota is pretty though. So uh, how are you feeling about having an Alpha and a Omega at the same time? Eli explained. Has Kayden said anything on the matter?"

With Kayden being Luna's own fraternal twin, Reyn was curious is the white wolf was excited or terrified for the unborn twins. Knowing Kayden's history and experience, she was betting on the latter. Most of the group knew little about Kayden except Luna and Xael, but even Reyn could tell that in the pack, Alphas seemed to win over more attention then their Omega brethren. And Kayden had gotten that experience first hand.

“Of course not. I know it’s all coming from the best place. It’s just hard with all these jumpy emotions.” She admitted, putting down the bowl so Reyn could place the egg in next.

“It’s weird… Somehow a part of me feels like there isn’t, but you’re right, it’s not something to worry about just yet.” She pursed her lips and looked down at the bowl before back up at Reyn.

“In some ways yes. I’m worried between attention and training… I don’t know if I can train an alpha, let alone deal with a pup that’s confused until it turns, or it’s sibling… Explaining that we change isn’t easy let alone the first change.”

Lunar bit her lip again.

“In allot of ways I know we’ll be ok on making sure they both know they get the attention they need… But…” She let out a huff, trying to wave off the frustration. “I don’t know how to explain it… I start thinking about it and my mind goes everywhere… I don’t know how to do this. Xael won’t either and it’s not like I can turn to the elders for council… I just know at the end of the day, that no child will be turned away, abused, or have to deal with what Kayden… or myself had to deal with within the family.”

Reyn nodded, "When Eli and I found out we were terrified. We didn't know if our baby would be a half breed, a mix of all, or something new. We still don't. But since the day she was born she's never not known love. That's all you can do as a parent. You will just have to love them both...equally."

They finished making the brownie batter and put it in the oven then started on the cookie recipe, "So on to less stressful subjects..."

Reyn turned the conversation around, getting them back to giggling and laughing. Hours past and the sound of the front door opened, male voices echoing down the hall.

"Something smells good," Xael's voice wafted in as the door opened, stopping to look at both of them, "Hey Eli...she's in here."

"Oops," Reyn giggled, placing her mostly empty wine glass down, "We've been busted."

Lunar smiled warmly towards Reyn, appreciating every word that came out of her mouth.

“You think you’ll have a second one?” She grinned. “From what I saw, Eli has enough love for more then just one, let alone you.”

It was surprising to find how much she relaxed once they moved onto other topics, her muscles winding down rather quickly. Lunar couldn’t help but giggle at all the different stories they had to share and to talk over, the siren giving her tips to help out with the various aches, pains, and even to help ease some of the swings.

Lunar’s eyes looked over her glass of wine, looking rather guilty at her mate as he entered while she took a sip. She’d been so wrapped up she hadn’t heard them come up to the house. Slowly placing the glass down, the wolf kept eye contact.

Heeey Baby.” She mumbled, sliding the glass away innocently.

He only raised an eyebrow to the glass, holding his tongue in front of guests. Reyn of course had other ideas.

"No boys!" She squealed kissing Eli as he walked in then promptly scurrying both out.

"Girls day, no men allowed," she giggled kissing Eli once more, "I'll be home later tonight love. Can you feed Nya and yourself or do you need me to? I can always make meatloaf tomorrow."

As Eli and Reyn spoke softly Xael snuck back into the kitchen wrapping Luna in his arms.

"I snuck in," he grinned kissing her passionately, "only one glass okay my love? But have fun. If you have time I'd love a few cookies myself. I'll be upstairs though, reading a book okay?"

Kissing her softly again he left just as Reyn came back in, shooing him out once more. Gliding upstairs he found a worn book and a comfy spot of the bed, happy to see Luna doing something that made her smile.

Silently thanking Reyn, the wolf took a relieving breath. A soft laugh left her lips when Eli protested, and then arms wrapping around her pulled her attention. Turning in his arms, she wrapped hers around him, looking up through her thick lash’s innocently.

“Only one. Scouts honor.” She grinned, pressing up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “We’ll save you a couple of everything. No need to worry love.” She purred.

“Although, I would say why don’t you have a guys day? Spend some time with Nya and get some tips from Eli?” She asked, nuzzling him. While he declined, he moved upstairs and she moved back to giggling with Reyn.

“We’re free!” She giggled, moving back to the bowl and various recipes they’d had chosen out.

It was well into evening by the time they were baked out, flour and sugar coating their once clean clothes. Both women sat on the island stools, waiting for the last batch.

Reyn caught herself yawning, placing her second glass of wine down, "When you do have a kid, late night's become a thing of the past. Nya has just started to sleep through the night regularly, and Eli and I take every minute of sleep we can get ourselves."

She yawned again, "Mind if I scoop some of the goodies onto a plate to take them back? Need a peace offering for Eli. And uh, can you or Xael walk me back?"

The sun was setting, and with night falling neither Eli or Reyn liked if she was walking through the trees alone.

The woman sat next to her friend, looking over the mad mass of dish’s with baked goods around them. Yawning herself, the woman couldn’t help but giggle yet again.

“Funny how infectious that is.” She stated. “Honestly… Between not being able to do late nights at the moment, and the fact I can’t stay asleep anymore… I’m already used to it… I can imagine that getting that alone time to sleep together.”

“But of course you can take some sweetheart, and we will happily take you home.” She grinned, advising Reyn where to look for the containers to take half of the batch while she moved upstairs to collect her mate.

Poking her head into the bedroom she grinned at her mate and bounced up and on him quickly.

“How do you feel about going on an adventure love?” She asked.

Laying back in the bed Eli looked around the room, having cooked spaghetti to feed Nya, himself, and even leftover’s for Reyn incase she came back hungry before rocking their little daughter off to sleep and then dish’s, he was growing tired. Standing, the man stripped his shirt and pants, leaving him in a dark blue set of boxers for him to finally relax as the night grew on.

His beautiful fiance popped in, pulling his eyes away from his book.

"Hey gorgeous," he grinned, arms opening wide to welcome her as she not so gracefully climbed up onto the bed and then pinned him down.

His hands rested immediately on the the sides of her growing waist, rubbing them. Lifting his upper body up from his lying position he stole a kiss before relaxing once more.

"Of course," he grinned, "Reyn needs to walk home I presume. Eli was saying as much the other day."

After a few minutes the two returned downstairs, Xael only smirking at the mayhem they had caused in the kitchen. Reyn had a plate full of goodies, and they headed off. As they were leaving they caught Kayden coming in, looking worn out.

"Up for a little cleaning?" Xael asked, stopping her, "If you could pile all the dishes into the sink and clean up the counters in the kitchen I'm sure Luna will let you have a couple cookies."

Kayden grinned and yawned, but nodded, "Sure."

The three wandered down to the guest house and Reyn said her goodbyes then slipped inside. Going back to the house, Xael let Luna rest on the couch, her stomach draining her energy. He moved into the kitchen, making her tea and a plate of assorted goodies.

"Here love," he said, handing them over as he returned to her, "Had a fun day?"

Lunar’s grin only grew as she sat on top of her mate, kissing him gently once he sat up.

“Yup.” She nodded, stealing another kiss from him in the process.

After returning to the chaos that was their kitchen for the moment. The red head wove her arm around Reyns free arm while they began on their way out. Lunar’s eyes caught Kaydens and her smile softened towards the tired wolf.

“You look like you had a busy day Kayden.” She spoke, catching her sisters hand as she began to walk by. Lunar thanked the wolf and pointed to the cookies and brownies before they left to take the beautiful siren home. Hugging Reyn gently, the two watched Reyn walk into the house, the door open with a smiling man in the doorway.

Once home, Lunar sat down with her hand on her belly. Taking a second of rest, the woman pushed herself up and wandered into the kitchen while her mate fixed the tea and cookies. Wandering back into the living room with him, Lunar’s smile brightened at the day.

“I did actually, it was great having someone to talk to who fully understood everything, could answer all the questions and didn’t mind doing something different.” She grinned, holding up a brownie to Xael. “What did you get up to today love?”

Xael took an end seat on the couch, pulling her in to his side so her head rested on his chest looking up at him.

"Not much. Just got a few errands done in town. The boring kind. I'm glad you had a good day. Now drink up that tea. Kayden made it."

At that moment Kayden came out, handing him a cup, "Made some for you too."

"Thanks Kay," he grinned, taking the hot mug gratefully, "Don't stress over cleaning the whole kitchen. We just need the counters done."

"Its okay," she shrugged, "I like dishes."

As Kayden left, Xael took a deep sip of his tea, humming at the minty taste, "She always makes it better than me."

They chatted, cuddling on the couch and drinking their teas. As the hour passed Xael's eyes grew weary, assuming his day trip had worn him out. Luna still seemed wide awake, so excusing himself he kissed her goodnight and headed to bed. He barely made it to the room, shutting the door as an odd sensation filled him. His eyes began to refuse to open and his body felt like lead, wanting nothing more but sleep. Stumbling to the bed, Xael crashed onto of the blankets, out cold in seconds.


She watched them disappear into the trees to take Reyn home and put a kettle on the stove. Both of them loved tea.

While the water boiled, she scooped all the dishes into the sink, content to cleaning them after putting ingredients away and wiping the counters. By the time they returned the water was boiled and a mug already set out steeping for Luna. She was working on Xael's as the couple came through the swinging door. Xael piled some sweets onto a plate and took the first mug, forgetting his. She finished making his, her own secret recipe she kept to herself. Xael always bugged her for the recipe but she only giggled and refused, enjoying withholding such simple information.

As she came into the kitchen the second time, she let out a sigh of relief. Neither of them seemed to be catching on, putting her tired face together with the run she was supposed to have today. Not that she had moved from that clearing after Nix and Graham left. They were to return at midnight, a good four hours from now.

By then Xael will be fast asleep. The tea will help that.

Guilt laced her and Kayden set to washing dishes, putting her brain to mind-numbing work to try and stop thinking about what she'd done. It only took an hour to get everything washed, dried and put away, and by then Xael was excusing himself to bed, looking exhausted. Kayden bit her tongue, watching him leave as she took his spot on the couch, smiling calmly at her sister.

"So you and Reyn talked parenting I hear?" she asked, making small talk.

They were sitting in a pub in the city, nursing two beers as they waited for night to fall, so they could return to Kayden.

"What do you think she'll decide?" Graham asked, sipping his alcohol.

"She's a smart kid," Nix shrugged, "Chances are she spent the whole day trying to choose whether to tell Luna or not."

"You know why she doesn't want to," Graham exclaimed, "That kind of panic and stress could be more harmful to Luna than helpful."

"Yeah and not telling her then something happening can be just as damaging," Nix counteracted, "Which is why Kayden is stuck. And we have to help her decide."

"If she hasn't already," Graham shrugged, swigging his beer, "She's smart, she might have already come up with a plan. I mean, if you were her what would you choose?"

"Me?" Phoenix stared at the almost drained bottle, "Never had much in the way of siblings. Just my parents. But if I found out their life was in danger and there was one option available I'd take it without a second thought."

"And condemning an innocent?" Graham asked, "You think Kayden wouldn't blink twice at that?"

Phoenix thought about it for only a moment, "If my mother life was in danger and it was her life or another yeah I would choose hers. I'd find some ass who deserved it too, keep my conscientious clear."

"Well Kayden doesn't have any nearby assholes," Graham laughed, "So lets be glad she isn't headlong and won't do anything hasty or rash."

They both stared at each other for a few seconds, their smiles dying. Then they jumped up in unison, pressing coin into the table as the fled the city.

"Why did we fucking leave her!" Nix snapped, racing through the trees, "After six months we should know her better by now! And we had to tell her everything needed to be done. Why didn't we withhold information?"

"Because we thought complete honesty was necessary," Graham huffed beside her, his heart already pounding, "We still might make it!"


Her eyes scanned the clock, seeing it was half past ten. Phoenix and Graham would come long after everything settled. Turning her attention back to her beautiful sister, she listened as Luna talked animatedly about some of the wisdom Reyn had imparted on her for the upcoming new bundles. Kayden’s heart restricted, seeing the glow on her sister’s skin, the excitement in her golden eyes. It was one of the very rare times Luna was showing any excitement for her unborn twins in the last three weeks.

Just watching her made Kayden’s resolve all the more clear. That voice that had been nagging at the back of her head all day returned, trying to push her confidence down but instead only encouraging her more.

I just hope she’ll understand.

Waiting till Luna paused, Kayden voice piped up, her voice velvet smooth, all her true intentions well hidden, “You know, Ashlin was telling me once that this elder in her village always said you could tell if your unborn child was a boy or a girl by reading the mother’s hand.”

Kayden laughed, “Ashlin showed me how, although she doesn’t believe it would ever work.”

Taking Luna’s hand gently, she explained it to her jokingly, her finger running along a line on her palm, “See this one is supposed to say your age…”

Looking up at her mate, Lunar slipped one arm around him while she listened to him.

“Well at least it’s over now, Thank you for taking care of them.” She pushed up gently to kiss him.

“Thank you Kayden, feel free to help yourself to any of the good.” The red head nodded to her sister once she came out. Once she disappeared into the kitchen, they returned back to their chit chat before sleep swept over him. Kissing him goodnight, she squeezed his hand before he dismissed himself to bed.

Once her sister came back in, Lunar told her about all the new things Reyn had taught her and all the reassurance she’d filled her with. The wolf shook her head gently once she asked about the gender, piping up about Ashlins village. While she placed her hand gently she watched as she described several of the lines.

“I’m alright not knowing the gender’s though.” She spoke. “I think I already know… But I’d rather it be more of a surprise for Xael than anything.”

Looking at her sister she saw the lines of stress and could even feel them through their blood ties.

“Whats up Kayden. I can feel that there’s something not only weighing on you but tugging at you in a whole. Does this have to do with that other scent in the house the other week?” She asked.

Kayden eyes looked up, still holding her sister's hand in hers. So they did smell Nix and Graham. Shit...she'll know if I shrug it off. And then she'll dig, fuck she already has that look in her eye. Quick Kayden, think of something.

She kept her thoughts to herself, smiling warmly while shrugging and running her free hand across her face.

"Yeah...I guess," thinking quick on her feet she came up with what she could, "someone Jay used to know came while you guys were gone. That's why he's gone. Kinda up and left too, and we were fighting, you know, over sibling stuff. Just felt like I shoved him out the house, he left all tempered."

Her eyes returned to the palm in her hand, hating herself for lying. If Abass had taught her anything though, it was how to lie, having done it many times to perfection over the years to get things past his nose.

"Hey look," she traced a line on her hand, quickly changing topics, "See that one? It means you'll have a long life."

She had no idea what that line meant. Kayden knew she was stalling her own self, suddenly having second thoughts. Just do it. For once amount to something.

"Was your tea good?" she asked, nodding to the empty cup on the table.

As Luna's eyes moved to the cup Kayden took her window. From under her shirt, tucked in the back of her jeans she pulled out a kitchen knife, apologising in her head before slicing Luna's open palm and then her own. Dropping the knife to the floor, she could already feel Luna struggling, but Kayden ignored it, knowing Luna couldn't launch at her or away, her rounded belly too awkward for either. Kayden poured her strength into her arms, taking Luna's cut hand with her own, the blood smearing between palms.

"Forgive me," she whispered, staring into the fearful eyes of her sister.

Tilting her head slightly down, Kayden's eyes fluttered close as the words poured out of her mouth, a strange language she did not understand but could recite.

"Infernus bestia, exaudi me! Tolle corpus meum! Consumptura est anima mea! Testes invoco vos ex! Ex! Tolle corpus meum! Conumptura est anima mea!"

Black veins began to branch from inside Kayden's palm, crawling up her arm as her body shook, her mouth parted open so the words could continue falling. From what she knew Luna would feel nothing but exhaustion when it was over, even though at this very moment the white wolf was sure her sister was feeling fear.

"Infernus bestia, exaudi me! Tolle corpus meum! Consumptura est anima mea! Testes invoco vos ex! Ex! Tolle corpus meum! Conumptura est anima mea!"

The black veins grew worse, reaching her shoulder and spilling across her chest. Kayden could feel it inside her now, the last of it seeping from Luna as Kayden let her grip loosen and her sister pull away. Breathing heavily Kayden fell back, crashing to the floor and scooting away, trying to put space between the pregnant wolf and herself before the black branches reached her heart. Her back hit the far corner of the room as something clenched her heart. She could hear yelling now, but it sounded distant, Kayden doubling over as pain seared her insides, setting fire to her skin.


"Kayden no!" Nix yelled, throwing the front door open and spotting the ritual in process.

But they were too late, the white wolf falling away as the ritual completed. Phoenix ran to Luna's side as Graham hovered over them, checking the pregnant wolf.

"How are you feeling?" she whispered, making sure she was comfortable on the couch, "I know you don't know me, but your sister does. Do you feel nauseous Luna, or sleepy?"
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