Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Xael wanted answers and it was about time to give some. Nix took a spot at Kayden's side, the young girl's breath coming out raspy from her bruised ribs. She'd be healed within the week for the physical injuries, although Nix wasn't sure how long it would take Kayden to learn her mental strength.

Ash and Braxton joined shortly as Nix begin to explain from the beginning, months and months ago when they'd run into Kayden. It had been her plan from the start, but as a wedding present to Luna. Kayden had known about Xael's plans well before anyone else, and she wanted to do something exceptional.

Except it wasn't that easy. They spent six months looking with little progress, and then Kayden had to return. When they did meet up once more Kay backed out, having found out about the pregnancy and scared it would inflict pain on the unborn twins. Of course, Nix and Graham looked into it, and found more disturbing news.

"If Luna had continued on with the demon, either she or the babies had a high risk of dying," Phoenix explained to her audience, "They could have been still borns, or warped so badly by the demon that they wouldn't survive life outside the womb. Or, it could have caused enough pain to kill Luna. The small percentage of a chance of everyone surviving was to minimal. We found a way to take the demon out at that point, but it was by transferring it, not removing it. Removing a demon is a lot more painful, and Luna couldn't handle that ritual either."

And Kayden knew all this. Phoenix explained how she had asked for alone time, and chances were plotted the rest on her own. Nix and Graham had eventually caught on and raced over, but they were too late.

"She didn't know what to expect, she just wanted to amount to something. To be the hero for once and save the day. For Luna. She never expected it to take over," Nix defended her, stroking the girls beaten arm, "Neither did she think you'd turn on her with batting an eye."

The last remark was directed at Jay, spotting him outside the door.

The wolf couldn’t help the feral sound that echoed throughout the broken shambles that was once a family room. Xael’s scent hit him his body moved throughout the room. Stepping back, the wolf’s head lowered with a more forceful growl. He felt the power of the alpha weigh down on him, but the wolf bit back. He wasn’t changing back. None too soon. With that notion, Nix graced them with her presence and was quick to bash him much like Xael was. Turning, the wolf sniffed the air and followed towards the door. His sight had yet to return and it felt like it wouldn’t for a while, leaving him to painfully listen to the two snap on about his doings.

His heavy body weighed down on the outside porch and his head quickly fell onto his paws. Nix’s words echoed through the house only to earn a roll of his eyes. They could continue to bash him but out of everyone in that room, he knew how the parasite worked and wasn’t about to go easy on any of its carriers, no matter how much he’d truly loved them.

"So what are we supposed to do? And what about Luna? Will she be alright?" Ash asked, standing with her husband.

Phoenix nodded, "Luna's fine. Exhaustion will be her biggest problem, that and a loss of strength, but no physicial damage came to her. I'f keep an eye on her nevertheless, make sure she eats and drinks properly. And as for Kayden, we simply have to let her figure this out. We can't force her here."

"Well," Xael shrugged, "An Alpha could..."

Nix shook her head, "No, you can't. Neither can Luna. The minute you try to inflict any command, Kayden will break from your Pack, if she hasn't done already. Do you think the demon in her wants to be controlled? Look, take my word for it or don't."

"How are we supposed to trust what you say?" Ash raised the question, "None of us know you."

"Haven't really had the time for introductions," Nix sighed, "I'm Phoenix. Lone wolf. I'm also a pretty damn good demon hunter. I've been doing it for decades. So when I say trust my word, I'm not making guesses here. I know what I'm talking about."

"Okay," Ash sighed, changing topics, "So...anyone know what the ears are about?"

All eyes turned on the two white furred ears sticking out of Kayden's hair. Kayden could only growl, a warning to keep their hands off of her.

"No idea," Nix shrugged, "Explains her love of hats though, doesn't it?"

Kayden listened but did not speak, and eventually they all left. She knew she was confined to the room, no one would dare let her out now. Not that she could move.

Her stomach continued to complain but Kayden ignored it, if only because there was no readied meal available. Eventually she fell asleep, dozing in and out for two days as her body healed. Nix rarely left her side, assigning herself as guard. The only moments she did leave was to return with food, water, and to check her wounds. The food smelt like cardboard and the water couldn't quench her thirst so Kayden ignored it all, not moving from her spot on the bed.

On the third day she woke and the hunger was there, growling at her. Most of her body was healed except where Jay had broken her arm and hip, the bone still mending itself. Rolling over, Kay ignored the voice whispering in her head, telling her to feed. Instead she curled up further, refusing to move from her bedside. It was the safest for everyone.

The rest of the group thought the demon was meerly buying its time, none of them believing it was still Kayden behind those dark smoky eyes. Because they think I'm weak. Because they think I can't control this so it controls me.

A soft growl left her lips. They were all assuming she'd go through the phases Luna had. Because, of course, I have to be just like Luna. Walking in her damn footsteps. Always a shadow.

Her thoughts swirled and made her angrier, but there was little she could do about it. Phoenix was sleeping in the corner of the room, although Kay's growl might have woken her. And without feeding, Kayden had been growing weaker, a plan she was almost positive Nix whipped up. So she was stuck with her cruel thoughts, most of them making her angry, but a few saddening her. Like Graham. Kayden had woken the morning after and cried, cried silently for her fallen friend who she had killed because of the hunger. Then the demon reared its head once more and the heartache subsided.

"Your awake," Phoenix's voice cut through her thoughts, the older wolf effortlessly standing and moving to the bed, "I thought I heard a growl."

She sat at the end of the bed, and Kayden pulled herself into a sitting position, staring back and her blankly. She was still trying to gauge Nix's motives here. Graham was dead, warranting Nix's hate, of which there was none. They were in a household with two other wolves, neither that Phoenix was particularly fond of but yet she remained. And no one quite liked her here, nor trusted her, and yet she refused to budge from Kayden's side.

"I am," Kay's voice was soft but confident, "May I ask you something?"

Nix nodded, watching her.

"Why do you stay? Why have you not killed me and moved on?"

It wasn't an unfair question; Nix was a demon hunter. For decades now she'd been contracted to do exorcisms, banish, kill, and on the rare occasion reign in demons. Aiding them wasn't on that list.

"Well for one, your still you," Nix smiled, reaching forward and taking her hand, "Two, there is this mighty pretty girl next door I'd like to get to know..."

The day after everyone had come over so that as a whole they could all be on the same page. Phoenix had introduced herself to everyone then, and she'd obviously met Kyli. Not that anyone knew at this point that Nix was gay aside from Kayden. It was against their biology as wolves, but somehow the older wolf just couldn't find an interest in men, and she embraced it instead of hiding it.

"...And thirdly you need me. Someone has to keep your addiction in check."

She was talking about Graham. The other night she had feasted on his heart, and it had tasted amazing. Phoenix had yet to tell everyone about Kayden's addiction, but it would come up sooner or later. The serial killer who plagued wolves and left their bodies to rot outside villages, the only thing missing being their hearts? Kayden.

"You don't hate me?"

Nix shook her head, "I wasn't there when this happened to Luna, but word traveled. We expected death, and we knew what we signed up for. Graham was being reckless when he got that close to you, and he should have known better. And the look in your eyes tell me your feeling regret and remorse. I can't hate you for that kid."

Kayden dashed a tear away before it could fall down her cheek, pulling her knees up under her chin.

"You're really you right now, aren't you?" Nix asked, surprising Kayden, "I've been watching you for three days waiting for this demon to show itself again and wreck havoc. But its you."

Someone finally got it. Sort of.

"Yeah," Kay sighed, "In a way."

"Want to elaborate?"

She didn't want to go into a speech, but Nix deserved that much, after killing her closest friend.

"The demon doesn't flare up or die down. It is me. I am it. We are one being."

Nix looked confused, "Its a parasite though Kayden. Luna had to learn to suppress it and keep it contained. It will not share control."

Kayden shook her head. She wasn't listening. None of them would.

"I'm not Luna," she snapped, picking her head up, "When will everyone get that?!"

Nix head pulled back, surprised at the sudden venom, "No your Kayden. We know that. But everyone has nothing to go by except Luna's experience..."

"So your forcing it upon me?" Kayden retorted, "Assuming I'm going to try an wreck havoc on the group, slaughtering everyone. All I want is a damn raw meal and some peace of mind! And maybe if you all got your heads out of your asses you could see that I am my fucking self, and that I can share control over this body!"

Her voice had grown louder with her words till she was yelling, her back bristling in anger, "I am not my sister! I do not want to be her! How is it even when I do something it always goes back to her! I'm fucking tired of it! You know whats different between us. Luna never asked or wanted the damn demon..."

She jumped up, her hip sore but withstanding as she yelled.

"...and I did! I beckoned it to me! I called it in. I was willing, and that made all the fucking difference!"

She bounded to the door, breaking the lock with a snap of her wrist and freeing herself. Nix was on her heels, but she expected her to go for Luna's room where the mama wolf lay bedridden. Kayden instead moved for the stairs, jumping over the railing and landing on her two feet on the main floor. Jay was there, as well as Ashlin and Xael, and Eli, Reyn and Nya. All of them stared at her, having heard her rant and surprised to see her. She didn't pause though, racing for the back door before Phoenix could catch up. It was unlocked and ajar, making her escape far more easy. Her bare feet touched the grass and she bolted towards the trees, wanting that freedom.

"Any help?" Nix yelled behind her, calling at the rest.

But Kayden was gone. They'd have to track her to find her, the girl zipping through the trees, just wanting to get away. To be away.

Jay looked up in shock towards Nix from his spot in the middle of the room, Kayden’s body a blur out the door.

With a shake of his head, he dropped his head back on his paws, knowing she’d needed the time after what his sensitive ears had heard.


The sun shone down through the windows, cries filling the air from the wolf in the room above many. On that note, the male wolf sprinted down the newly replaced and fixed stairs to stare at the gathered group who looked frightened.

“She’s ready. They’re coming!” He called before moving back up the stairs and towards the alpha’s room.

Months had passed, and the small group pacing downstairs were all anxious. Xael looked like he was going to be sick, Ash pacing around Braxton. Eli an Reyn weren't around, Nya causing enough fuss to keep them in the once guest house they now just called home. Phoenix had surprisingly stuck around, sitting on the floor cross-legged as she waited.

The one person they were truly missing was Kayden.

She didn't have time to dwell on it as Jayson came pounding downstairs, his words coming out in one breath. As one Nix, Xael, and Ash jumped up to help. Ash had already excused Braxton, knowing he didn't need to see this in any way. The three rushed up the stairs, following Jay's steps.

Pain stripped through to the core of the wolf, allowing the sweat to continue to bead down her shaky and strained ivory skin. Teeth sunk into her already bleeding lip to try and help take the pressure away, but the motion did little to nothing to help aid. Sweat ridden crimson locks stuck to her face neck and around her shoulders as her head pushed back into the pillow before swiftly moving forward. The motion of moving her head was enough to take her breath away, forcing her to try and gulp at the air that refused to enter. A hand squeezed hers, pulling her weary thoughts to her brother and mate at her side.

“You can do this.” He breathed. Lunars half open eyes looked over at her mate to remind her to keep going forward.

“..l..lo…ve.. y-yo…u” Her breathless voice choked out before more pressure applied to her lower regions. Pain, sheer pain ripped through the little strength that clung to her muscles. Since she had been stripped of the demon, it had seemed her strength had gone south, making her more frail and delicate. Walking had become little to nothing, making the already stir crazy wolf, bed ridden with even too little strength to care for herself. Long by now she’d come to think she’d had no working muscles anymore, so the few she did worked on pushing as they told her to. With that push came a cry, an inhumane cry. Jay’s hand squeezed, the work now leaving hers unable to fully grip his.

“Lunar… You’re alpha is a boy.” Jay’s voice rose over the ringing that pulsated in her ears, her inner being feeling the smile that beamed down at her.

“Push Lunar… Only one more.” A voice from beyond her called, almost like she was beginning to move through the dimensions to another world. She gulped at the thick and resistant air, the natural substance requiring too much work for the muscles in her lungs to possibly pull in. With the little life in her very being, the woman allowed a cry to leave her lips while her body pushed again. How could she possibly do this? Only the strong could, and she had been anything but strong these last couple months. A final push and another cry echoed through the room. A human cry.

“A baby Luna.” Jay’s voice was enamored even with the distance, becoming that of an echo to her darkened vision. The fading feeling of his burning hand reminded her of a long life, one she would never fully have. With that, she could only think of the one thing that mattered. Xael, how he’d always wanted children, of the life he wished as a father. She had been able to fulfill her purpose, easing the darkness until it all faded. Until it was gone.


His excitement was one with the group, the children small and beautiful. A sight to be seen by any. Jay’s hand squeezed hers with another thrilled uproar, but it was off. Her limb was cold and still without so much as a tendril of a life fill response. Jays eyes moved up to Lunars quiet and still face, filled with peace and void of any life from her once glowing cheeks and vibrant pink lips.

“Lunar..” The words where bleak and rocky, his free hand moving up to gently slap her cheek. “Lunar.”

His ears twitched, listening for a heartbeat that now only existed within two tiny crying bodies. His flattened eyes looked back at the group, his breath stuttering. “You all need… Need to go.” The sound was choked, but a demand at that. He looked over at Xael and nodded him off to the other room. “Go…”

Xael faltered. no no no NO!

"Lune...Luna?" his knees buckled, falling beside the bed as he grasped her cold hand, feeling the lifelessness.

The bond was gone. She was just...gone.

The pain lancing his heart was too much to bare. He wanted to scream until his lungs died out, the pain was overwhelming. Ashlin and Nix took the two babies and fled the room, knowing better than to be around. Even as Jay told him to go, the man couldn't move, couldn't even take his eyes off her peaceful face.

I'll never forget you, his thoughts cried out, pressing at the emptiness around him, the silence echoing. Without her there was no more pack.

Without her, there was nothing.


Weeks past and Xael set his twins to bed, his heart still beating if only for them. Life felt empty, void of all meaning except his children. He practically leaned on Jay now, knowing nothing about raising an Alpha. Ashlin was an angel, helping out everyday, teaching him how to parent. Reyn stepped in too, lending a hand as a mother. The Pack was gone, without Luna's guidance.

She was gone.

Almost three months after leaving Kayden returned to the property, the demon slightly more in check. She needed to apologize for running off, but it had been in their best interests and hers. She just needed to space.

She came in the dead of night, wanting to surprise her Pack. She knew she had probably missed the birth of the twins too, but for Kayden even that would have been unwise and hazardous. What she wasn't expecting was to find Xael fast asleep on one couch, a tiny infant tucked into his arm. On the other couch Jay was snoozing, a pup sleeping in his lap. Something didn't feel right, and Kayden snuck past them without a sound, searching the rooms for her sister. Maybe she went outside.

She didn't get far into the background before her sharp eyes spotted it and her heart froze: a tombstone. It took all of her strength to push her forward to it, falling to her knees as she read Luna's name carved into the stone.



The voice was barely a whisper, and the blonde wolf appeared, kneeling beside her. Even after all that had happened Nix still wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a short but comforting hug.

"She died while giving birth to the twins. I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't know just how infused the demon was in her. Without it, she just wasn't strong enough."

And with it she would have lived. There was a chance she wouldn' she could have.

"So its my fault," Kayden's voice cracked, "I killed my sister."

"No you-"

"Phoenix, face it. I was reckless. I killed Graham and Luna."

"But you can make it right."

She nodded. Kayden could make it right. By leaving.

"That's not what I meant," Nix replied as Kayden said goodbye, "You can stay. Help Xael..."

"And end up hurting someone else. I'm volitile."


Kayden sighed, "Just, do me a favor? I won't ask for another."

Nix crossed her arms, "You want me to stay."

Kayden nodded, "Please. I can't...I can't face them again. Not Xael. Not Jay. But I need to know they'll be alright."

Nix sighed, staring at the house then back to Kayden. It took her a few minutes to nod, giving in to the idea. With the briefest of hugs, Kayden hung her head and left, resigned to lead a life of solitude.


It would be in the years that followed that Kayden learned to control her newfound demonic side. But in those years she remained ominous, flitting from town to town, trying to survive the harsh lands around her, that were growing harsher by the year.

It was true; the forests were growing in thicker, beasts growing stronger and deadlier. Towns were being wiped out, and contracts were by the plenty, although money was sparse. As things only got worse, townsfolk continued to move into Cleansed City, which had to grow and add new taller walls that circled the entire settlement, just to keep itself safe. The original Cleansed City became what was known to people as the Upper side, or Upside. Those rich enough to afford housing in that sector got the extra protection of the original walls. The gates remained guarded too, needing a ‘passport’ to enter; passports were granted to those living inside Upside, and to visitors who were lucky enough to get their hands on one. It was a security measure in place, after a string of deaths in Upside led to a group in Lowside that were envious of their richer neighbors. Lowside was, of course, the rest of Cleansed city that surrounded Upside. It was protected by the higher walls, but contained everything from the middle-class workers to the poor, as well as most of the shops.

As it grew, it eventually split into four quadrants: North End, South End, East End, and West End. Each quadrant had one gate leading out of the city and well-guarded, giving travelers and Hunters four entries into the protected and only city in the area. South End was the poorest sector and East and West End contained the middle-class citizens, those who could afford small comforts like locked windows and doors, and better furniture. The entire city was granted electricity, many townsfolk devoting their days to a power factory in the farthest corner of South End for a small wage. The only sector that did not contain homes was North End, which instead contained shops, restaurants, inns, and an open market in the very middle where a large courtyard had been built for kiosks and travelling sellers.

Kayden loved North End, the bustling sector that rarely ever grew quiet, even into the night. In the morning the sector was filled with the sweet smell of baked goods and fresh fruit and by midday it was full of shoppers and sometimes entertainers. She enjoyed wandering past the artist who would paint a person for a fee, or the sword swallower that would draw a crowd. By night the younger crowd would appear. It had taken her a while to find out why: underneath one or two of the shops were secret nightclubs, designed for pounding hypnotic music and a good drink or two. They were hard to find and harder to get in, since they were a rare luxury and it was a fair sum to even get through the door. Few knew about them, and Kayden knew her old friends had no idea, or she’d have been caught there years ago. She frequented both clubs, enjoying the music, the dancing, and the booze. When she wasn’t partying the night away she was on a contract or two, keeping her coin sack full.

And it was one of these clubs that twenty years later Kayden ran into Phoenix and Kyli again.

The lights flashed around them while the beat vibrated throughout the room. The female moved and swayed within her own small bubble along the edge of the floor with the woman that had become a quick friend. They had come to the club to dance off a stressful day and to let them lose from their over bearing parents, allowing them to split up into the room to enjoy themselves while Nix and herself moved off for drinks before moving to the dance floor.

Her eyes turned and her head tilted when a familiar face came into view. Grinning at the wolf Kyli leaned in, careful to not get too close.

“Long time no see stranger!” She called over the heavy beat of the music. A hand moved up to push back a lovely lock of red behind her shoulder, her body leaning in ever so slightly more.


“This is a costume event mate. No get up no Getting up.” Gruff words from a bulky man declared.

“I am dressed up. I’m dressed up as a sexy man.” His handsome voice declared, his hands moving out into the air before falling back to his sides. The large man looked over towards another man who simply nodded, allowing the guard to step back and for Grayson to grace the club with his presence.


His body skirted against another’s, a grin on his face as her body pushed back into his large masculine figure. The wolf’s hands moved around her hips and she only pushed herself against him further. Colton’s head tilted down as his tall body leaned over her to plant soft kiss’s against her shoulder, the females back continuing to rub against his bare chest before her hands had begun to explore his hidden features. The wolf looked up with a mischievous grin to the two girls he’d come with, both of which were never too far.

Dakota Deth sat at the bar, stirring a vodka and gin. She couldn't even turn around to watch the dancers, or her bright jade eyes would land on her twin brother who was not anywhere near clothed enough. It was his life though, something that twenty year old Alpha reminded her every day.

"Pretty girl like you sitting all alone?" a voice scratched at her ear drum and a man looking easily into his late thirties shimmied up beside her, "What's it take a guy to offer her a drink?"

"Not interested," she shook her head, not even turning to grace him with a look.

The man didn't move though. Just kept chatting. Trying to convince her to let him buy her a drink. That dance floor is beginning to look more fun than this bar. And that involves watching my brother grind against every woman in this room.


Nakaylia turned and twisted, in the middle of the dance floor with the biggest crowd. Somehow she didn't get lost in the throng though, a wide enough bubble around her that she could sway and dance. Oh, if her father saw her right now...

One man pressed against her back, grinding her hard while another stood before her, swaying with her hips. Across the floor she could see Colton getting along much the same, and a wide grin filled her beautiful pale lips as she winked at him.

This was how you partied.


Phoenix threw her head back, jiving with the pounding music that shook her bones. She lived for these nights, using the kids as an excuse for some much needed fun from those "responsible" adults.

Her head swayed left and right, her ears picking up a word or two of Kyli's. Moving closer to her friend, she was surprised by the old face in the crowd.


Canines exposed, eyes bloodshot and hungry, Kayden was about to feast on her first meal of the night in the club when a voice called her name. Lifting her beautiful face, the red eyes faded back to white and her fangs shortened until she looked human again.

Well, I was bound to get caught one day...

"Phoenix," her voice was less than happy, her meal interrupted, "And Kyli. What are you doing here?"

People parted as he moved through the club, woman gasping and eyeing him almost hungrily throughout the flashing and beating drunken playground. Woman reached for him while others tried to catch his attention, but his attention was on the woman who’d caught his eye the moment he was in the club. Moving up behind a very clueless man, Grayson grabbed the back of his shirt and simply raised him up off his feet before turning him and placing him a foot off.

“Haven’t you heard the lady? She isn’t interested. Now move on.” He growled with a dark accent that warded the wide eyed man off. Turning back to the woman the man nodded the bar tender over.

“Instead of offering you a drink, how about I offer you some company?” He asked with a grin with a hand pulling up a stool for himself to sit next to her. “The usual Stan.”

With that, the man poured a scotch and handed it over to the grinning man.


Another woman pushed up against him, deserving a groan that left his hungry lips. While one hand slipped around the woman’s lower shorts, his fingers playing against her hot and beckoning skin, while the other hand pulled the second woman into him to allow her body to move against his in unison with the other woman. Looking up at Na, the wolf couldn’t help but wink back at the breath taking siren.

His head leaned back slightly before moving forward again, the second woman leaving him after several moments to allow his attention to slip back to the first woman. His lips pressed against her neck, beckoning her hands to pull at his waist-line.

With that, Colton sunk towards the back of the club with the couch’s and small enclosed cushioned areas all draped off with sheer fabrics and low walls. The woman slipped back with a peppy step, her scent pulling him in further as they slipped off beyond sight.


Kyli grinned mischievously towards both girls, dipping her head in ever so slightly. Her large hazel eyes looked over the girl, cluing in to the situation at hand.

“We’re here with the kids. We wanted to get away and the kid’s have their needs.” She nodded gesturing towards the dance floor where Colton’s 6’5 frame slunk across to the back area of the club.

She couldn't help the small smile, recognizing the accent before she saw the face. This man had been at the club before, and last time he had pried a man off her heels before offering her company as he was now.

"Pull that line on every girl here?" she asked, raising a brow as she sipped her drink, "You might come here a little too often...what was it, Grayson? Same line and same drink as the last time I was here."

She didn't tell him to get lost though, because in a way he intrigued her. Sex and confidence oozed off of him, evident by the many eyes glued to him. Yet he chose the one woman in the bar who cared so little she hadn't even looked over at him yet.


Kayden patted the man on the back, sending him on his way. Best he not stick around, or her hunger would only flare.

"Kids?" she asked, looking between the two of them, "What ki- oh."

It took her the extra second to realize who they must be referring to. Not that Kayden knew their names other than Nya's, or what they looked at. And she really didn't intend this to become a full on reunion. Kyli gestured to a man, and Kayden's gaze followed, not out of curiousity but out of tact. Nodding like she had idea who she was staring at Kayden turned back.

"Well...nice seeing you two," she spoke quickly, trying to slip past them and disappear.

"Whoa kid," Nix's hand caught Kayden's arm, holding her back from escaping, "Goodbye just like that? Twenty years and you can't spare us five minutes."

I could spare it...but there is little in it for me.

Thinking it over, Kayden cocked her head in their direction so her words would carry over the music, "Got places to be Nix. Want to chat? There's a coffee shop down the block, opened all night for partiers. I can meet you there tonight at 3."

Kayden pulled out of Nix's grasp, diving into the crowd of dancers as she found herself a new meal. This time she wasted little on seducing him, sinking her teeth deep into his throat as she fed the bloodlust raging in her, the man too drunk to be aware of her deeds.

Grayson looked over at the woman with vibrant green eyes, his attention fully on her.

“Only this stunning red head who’s caught my eye.” He declared before taking a sip of his whiskey. “Indeed I am. Trying not to impose M’Lady.”

“You caught my name, is a man of my stature lucky enough to know the name of such a beauty?” He purred, his grin growing along his masculine features.


Kyli’s colorful flashing eyes watched and gauged the womans reaction, catching the not so subtle unwillingness to be around them. Growing quiet, she pulled back to avoid the wolf as once she began to trudge past them until Nix had caught her to try and have a conversation to the unwilling wolf. Her hand moved up to push her fiddling locks back again, her bangles sliding along her thin and graceful arms while she pulled back further from both of the women. Once the two had finished up with Kayden’s brushed off reaction, Kyli turned back to Nix.

“Time for another couple shots and a drink or two sweetheart?” She’d asked as she edged towards the bar to hopefully ease the tension away.

That was...strange. Kayden had felt almost like a stranger, her actions holding known of the old warmth Nix had known her for. But she couldn't dwell on it, the gorgeous Banshee at her side easing the tension away.

"Only if you let me buy yours," Nix grinned, grabbing Kyli's hand as to not loose her in the crowd and pulling her forward.

She was thoughtful enough not to keep contact, breaking her touch once they stepped out of the dancing throng. Ordering two whiskey shots and a couple beers she caught sight of Dakota at the other end of the bar, talking with someone.

"Seems our uptight little wolf has actually found interest in something here," Nya nodded over, "Want to wager if he can convince her to dance for once?"



Dakota raised her jade green eyes up to meet his, letting him get a good look at her face. She was a spitting image of her mother, or so she was told by her father and uncle. The weight of that burden wore on her every day around her family and friends, everyone seeing a ghost when they looked at her.

But this man didn't know her mother, and the only look she got was a pair of amused eyes giving her a once over, seeing the young, beautiful woman she was, not the deceased that she looked like.

"It's Dakota," she replied, giving him her name as she stood, "And I think you were just about to ask me to dance?"

The song changed and the bass dropped, the dancers bouncing and jumping in tune. Nya laughed, joining the fun, shooing away her male companions as she spun in a circle, her dress flaring around her. Purple and blue hair flipped around her shoulders, newly dyed. Tomorrow she would get hell for dying her perfect blonde locks without telling her father or mother, but for tonight she felt free to do whatever, no eyes watching her every step.

She spun again, head swaying with the fast beat, hips rocking.

Kyli pulled Nix’s thoughts from the wolf, catching the look and thought’s that would have passed through her.

“Of course you can.” She giggled, bouncing along with the wolf until she respectfully freed her to avoid any situation’s between her visions. While she had already had slip ups between most of the group, she’d had several with Nix now, but with her ever changing path’s the banshee’s vision where beginning to limit themselves with Nix’s undecided future. With Nix’s words, the banshee couldn’t help the grin that pulled at her lush lips.

“Oh he totally will. He’s already got her smiling-Ooooo Nixi! She’s up!” She clapped excitedly.


Grayson lifted his glowing eyes to hers, unable to look away from her deep jade pools.

“Stunning name for a mesmerizing woman.” The mans deep voice replied while his body stood with hers. The mans lean body bowed before her, his hand outraised for hers respectfully while his eyes looked up at her. “Care to dance gorgeous?”

The man quickly ducked out of the fabric folds that had mainly hid the darkened world he’d resided in for the last couple minutes. His hands moving to zip himself up with a slight struggle against his bodily excitement. Colton’s masculine figure moved up behind a familiar face to press against her. He followed her movements with his hands raising to press the back of hers. The light’s lit up the dancefloor and the music changed to the next song, allowing them to change their tempo to something quicker, allowing his body to press up more firmly against Nya’s.

"Keep up Gray," she laughed, the alcohol warm in her stomach, the music easing any tension in her shoulders. Taking his hand she dragged him into the crowd, trying not to laugh at the way too obvious cheering from Nix and Kyli across the bar.

Sheesh guys. Way to play it cool.


Phoenix flashed a toothy smile, seeing Dakota disappear into the dance floor with a man, "Oh my god she's actually dancing! I think he broke her...its the only explanation."

She chugged down half her beer, smacking her lips at the satisfying taste. Tonight was indeed turning out to be quite eventful. First running into Kayden, with a planned meeting now for later, and seeing their uptight young wolf loosen a fraction.

"I owe that man a beer," Nix laughed, leaning against the bar, "And possibly a medal."

Grayson moved quickly with her, his footing right behind her as she led him towards a darkened spot on the floor. Finally finding their spot, his hands slid on top of both of hers, his body moving behind her with the beat while his eyes shone down only on her. Grayson’s head leaned down, several black locks brushing against her flawless skin.

“Do we have cheerleaders?” He purred to her.


Kyli looked over at the shots now sitting on the bar next to them, allowing her to hold one up to the blonde while she held her up in celebration.

“To the bold man! We owe him more than a medal.” She grinned, clinking her shot against Nix’s before they downed them. Placing it down, Kyli took a deep breath before reaching out and grasping Nixs, pulling her to the dance floor while linking her hands through with the wolf’s. Several seconds had passed and Kyli released her breath in relief, Nix’s up coming path having the same certainty as the last. With that, the banshee held on to Nix’s hands and continued to sway and move with her wolfish friend.

Someone pressed against her back, ruining her joyful little bubble. She couldn't snap at them though as it turned out to be Colton, drunk off the night he was having.

"Enjoying whoring yourself out?" she chirped, knowing his wolf ears could hear her soft, flute like voice over the loud music.

She turned from his grasp, dancing just out of his reach as she swayed and twisted to the new beat, enjoying the attention of being watched.

He’d noticed the change in her air once he’d approached, allowing him to push back into the swaddles of ladies that reached out for him and simply began to dance with him.

“Of course. Never happens when father’s around.” He nodded, fully well knowing it wasn’t only one house that held their confinements slightly too tight. Colton’s arms wrapped around a young woman with long black locks that brushed against his exposed chest. The man winked towards the siren before allowing his attention to slip to the newly found woman within his grasp.

"It seems," Dakota laughed, a rare noise coming from her rosy lips, "I don't normally dance."


Celebrating Dakota's sudden bravery, Kyli urge to rejoin the dance floor had Nix following at her heels, holding her breath at the prolonged contact. Nothing happened though, and both of their shoulders relaxed. It wasn't long before they too got swallowed by the crowd, Nix's hand holding Kyli's to keep the two from losing each other. It had been years since Phoenix had given up hunting the Banshee's affections, realizing the woman just led a more carefree life of live and let live. It was a lifestyle Nix had started to adopt herself, one that held a lot less stress and responsibilities. And a lot more clubbing.

The wolf spun in a circle, careful not to lose Kyli. Her hips swayed to the beat, pink and black feathers dancing in the strobe lights.

Colton's attention span was a short one, and he quickly moved on to a new woman flaunting herself for him. Rolling her eyes mockingly she returned to her dancing. Normally she enjoyed the affections of any man in this room, but oddly tonight she felt like dancing alone, enjoying the night void of drunken mortals clamoring for her attention.

Soon she was building quite the sweat on her brow, and Nakaylia moved off the dance floor, passing her two chaperones with a smile. It was a surprise not to find her friend Dakota at the bar, meaning she had no one to drag outside for fresh air.


Wandering out into the cool night air, Nya paced the quiet and empty street, her head slightly tipsy from the amount of alcohol she had already knocked back.
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