Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Kissing Nix’s cheek before she left – A tradition back home that oddly shocked people in these regions, left Kyli to freely dance in a corner off from most of the bodies that swayed and jumped around. Time moved rather quickly once she’d moved back to the bar to grab another drink. The bar tender – John had left her rather confused when she’d tried to pay for her drink and he simply declined, telling her it had already been dealt with. On that note, Nix’s tired expression came back into view, pulling a smile at the banshee’s growingly tired lips.

“We’ll be coming back soon… I’m almost done and I think the kids are near full with their needs.” She nodded. “They won’t be coming home if they aren’t though.” She’d added.

With that, Kyli kissed her cheek again before sending her off.


His body swayed while the room spun and his being seemed to float. The girls only continued to flood him even when he was a mixture of drunk and high. Even while his muddled head sat with the girl before him, he caught wave of Kyli and Nix’s words while they discussed their departure soon. He couldn’t deny that the plucky banshee had been spot on at least with himself, but a part of him still wished to sway and gorge himself with delicious women.

Phoenix was on her way out the door as she nodded a goodbye to Colton when Nya slipped past him and caught her arm.

"You leaving?"

Nix nodded, "I'm done for the night. Why?"

"I'll come with you. Not really my scene tonight either. We should find Dakota and grab her too."

Nya's voice was all too sober, possibly the only one who hadn't been drinking. But Nya rarely drank more than a shot or two. When it came to indulgences she was the polar opposite of her father, and much more like her mother instead.

"Dakota has a date," Nix grinned, "but if you want to tell her your leaving...?"


The young girl nodded and the two moved through the dancers until they found Dakota engrossed with a tall and handsome man. Nya had never seen her best friend act so loose and carefree, her hair undone and wild around her shoulders, her jade eyes wide and glossed over from alcohol. Her body was swaying with the beat, grinding her hips into the man behind her.

"Dakota!" Nya yelled over the music, catching her attention, "Nix and I are leaving. See you at the inn?"

Dakota nodded, giving her a shaky thumbs up and moving back to dancing. With that the two women left the club, catching Colton on the way out to tell him they were leaving. He looked surprised to see Nya leaving so soon, and he had no idea how surprised she was. The choices tonight had been lacking, all the men mediocre at best. The siren-halfling hybrid was annoyed at the selection, but mostly disappointed that she had gotten no action. Nevertheless the sound of a warm bed was enticing, and Nix looked like she needed help stumbling back to the inn.

Nya's departure reminded Dakota that at some point she needed to sleep. Or at least, leave the club. Her alcohol fueled brain wasn't ready to let go of the music though, as she grinded her ass against Grayson's front, her loose hair flipping side to side as she danced provocatively. It was completely unlike Dakota to dance or act like this, and it felt that much better doing something utterly different than her dull, boring routine.

With a huff, the wolf relinquished the beauty before him and moved over to his child hood friend.

“I’ll help her out.” He nodded before moving to Nix. Coltons arm slid around the wolf’s waist with ease, his arm pulling her in to steady her swaying form. He may have been a bit of everything but he was definitely still able to walk straight and support her weight with ease.

Looking over at his Kyli, the banshee nodded towards him to let him leave his sister with her until the wolf had finished romping around with the man she’d picked tonight. His eyes moved over the two, taking in the mans stature and memorizing him incase he’d needed to track him down at some point. Nodding back at Nix, he waited for Nya to finish talking with his sister so they could get back to the inn.


Grayson looked over at the purple haired woman, his arms tangled up with the enchanting wolf. His body continued to move with hers, pleasant waves that hinted towards pleasure wafted through his body.

“I’ll get her home safe.” He replied, nodding with a seductive smile playing along his lips.

They got Nix back to the inn and in her bed before Nya slipped off to the room she shared with Dakota, wanting a bath to end the night. Nix and Kyli shared one room with double beds, Dakota and Nya shared the second, and Colton being the lucky bastard got the third one all to himself.

Making herself a warm bath, Nya soaked in the oily water for almost an hour before the door opened. Nya sunk further into the water as Dakota stumbled in, then sat up in surprise as the man walked through the door.


The young wolf looked like she was in a trance, swaying unsteadily on her feet as she grinned like a dork, pulling the man into the room.

"Nya, I need the room for the night."


"Dakota you can't-" Nya tried to argue but Dakota waved her off, offering one of the beds.

"Not for that silly. I'm druuuuunk, not stuuuupid. He needs somewhere to sleep. Grayson lost his waaaallet, so he can't buy a room."

"Then make him sleep with Colton," Nya argued, "Why do I have to go?"

Dakota gave her a funny look, "He doesn't know Colton. Goooooo bunk with Nix and and and Kyli."

"Fine," Nya sighed, slipping out of the water and wrapping a towel around her lean frame, her purple hair cascading down in back in waves.

The blue dye had only been temporary, and the water had washed it out. Striding to the front door, Nya left the two in a search for a bed. Unfortunately Kyli and Nix's bedroom door was locked, meaning both had probably gone to bed. With a annoyed huff she stomped to Colton's door, finding it unlocked.

"I'm bunking with you," she sighed, stepping in without knocking and locking the door behind her, "My bath was interrupted and I got kicked out of my room. So I'm sleeping here."


They danced till the club closed, but as they went to part ways at in the chilly night air, Grayson noticed his missing wallet.

"Shiiiiit," Dakota sighed, "Do you have a room for the n-night?"

Kyli found them, signalling it was time to go. Dakota didn't want to though, her handsome dance partner having no place to sleep. She offered him a bed, ignoring Kyli's words of caution as the young wolf pulled at his arm to follow.

"I'm responsible," Dakota hiccuped, smiling, "Sleep funny business, okay?"

The got into the inn and up to the rooms, and with only two beds in Dakota's room, Nya got kicked out. The hybrid was less than pleased to be losing her room, but she didn't make as much of a fuss as she could have, instead mumbling a goodnight after a few honest words and leaving.

"Pick a bed," Dakota head cocked to the side, "Leeeeeeft or riiiiiiight."

A string of curse’s left the mans lush lips while his hands patted around his being. The leather wallet he once had carried gone. While he personally knew the leather bound material was left back home, the bartender had waved his tab until tomorrow when he’d arrive.

While he put up a convincing argument, the sorcerer hadn’t put up too much of a fight once Dakota made up her mind about him coming, even convincing her beautiful red headed friend to bring him back.

“No funny business, she will be safe and sound. Scouts honor.” He stated, placing his hand on his chest with a playful smile along his lips. Once in the inn and alone in the room, Grayson helped fit her into her pj’s while she stumbled around on two legs, let alone trying to balance on one to slid the other in the co-existing leg. Moving over then to the left bed, Grayson popped down onto the cushy and old bed before patting the small space next to him.

“Join me for a couple minutes?” He asked.


Sighing and finally agreeing to the wolf’s requests, the female warned her gently before allowing them to move forward to the inn. Once on the scene she’d helped shoo the red headed wolf into her room while she shimmied into her shared room with Nix before locking the door and stripping down to a flaming red bra and matching underwear. With that the banshee moved to the bed making a pit stop along the way to grasp a pair of silky purple pj pants before sliding into her bed. Sighing, she stared at the ceiling, feeling out for any bad omens wearily.
(OOC: Wrong pic above?)


Phoenix rolled over in her bed, the searing light from the hallway brightening the once dark room.

"Heyyyyyyyy," she giggled, her eyes rolling back in their sockets.

She dozed while Kyli got undressed and into her p.js. Nix had been awake enough to pull the pink and black feathered costume off, but hadn't got the hang of pulling on shorts. In the end she had crawled into bed with her black briefs on and a red flannel shirt she loved.

As Kyli got into her own bed, Phoenix's eyes popped open once more, her drunk mind still feeling the Banshee's tension.

"You okaaay?" she purred, trying to sit up but failing miserably, "Youuu seem stressed."


It took a lot of effort to get into pajamas, but finally she was done and slipping in the bathroom, washing the costume make up off her face. Returning to the room refreshed, a small voice of reason in her head reared back as she looked at Grayson. What the hell had she done? She'd just invited a guy into her room! And kicked Nya out!

She paled, but the alcohol still fueled her judgement and actions, and as he asked her to come sit she simply obeyed, sitting down next to him as her head rocked.

"Uh..." she sighed, her eyes fluttering open and shut, "I got fiiiiive minutes. Then sleeeeep."

Red vein ridden eyes looked up from the pillow that the fully naked man clung to. His ass hanging out in the open while the siren moved in and to the next bed.

“Nice to see you too.” He stated, lifting a brow to his friend who wandered to the second bed with only a towel. “I definitely approve of your choice of clothes.”

Kyli’s thin body curled within the confinements of the thin blankets, her body nestling down before Nix looked over at her. The red head giggled softly, far too sober for the amount of drink’s they’d had that night.

“Slightly. Dakota brought back a guy. Colton is high, and Nya got kicked out of her room so a stranger could share a room with our wolf… I just have this bad feeling…” She breathed, her airy voice dying out.


Grayson watched her hesitate and think about the situation, even while the alcohol impaired her judgement. The man curled his arms around the wolf moving his head to rest on the pillow.

“Five minutes only.” His deep voice returned her statement, taking in her lovely woodsey scent. Relaxing next to Dakota, he stayed respectful and kept his hands unmoving around her.

Nya hugged the towel to her chest, the black fabric rubbing against her oily skin.

"Well thank you Cole. Wasn't given much choice of attire, since Dakota kicked me out of the damn room."

She left the why part out, knowing Colton could be as protective of his twin as Xael was of his children. She got a glimpse of his face, trying not to look any farther down and saw that he was more than a little high. Rolling her eyes she let it go, knowing her opinion on drugs and alcohol was not shared by the rest of the group. Letting the towel drop, her naked body was exposed for a meer second before she wrapped the blanket around her and flopped down on the free bed.


Colton’s eyes stayed trained on her face, but that alone took more effort than it should have for the siren.

“Whhy?” He asked, his head tilting to look up at her oddly for a moment. Even high, the wolf knew that wasn’t much like his sister to send Nya packing, let alone without clothes. Watching her quickly drop to the bed, Colton’s eyes stayed trained on her, unwilling to give the topic up just yet.

Nya tried to sit up, Kyli's words worrying her.

"Wait a guy?"

For a moment she panicked, but then she remembered it was Dakota. If anyone would be able to sleep in a room with a man and not do anything but sleep, it be Dakota. Drunk or not. She's smart...she'll be fine...

"I'm sure...she's fiiiiiine. Will you -will you be able to sleeeep?"

Nix staggered to her feet, the cold hardwood shocking her nerves. She got around the side of Kyli's bed before her knees buckled and the room spun, the wolf having way too much to drink. She had lost count of the shots of whiskey and vodka she'd had, and then the beers, and then the bourbon...

She wasn't even sure now why she had gotten up, her brain fuzzy and confused. Trying not to look like a complete idiot she staggered to the bathroom to get a drink then back to her bed, crawling under the blankets. Warm breath tickled her nose and Phoenix's eyes opened, only to see Kyli in front of her.

"Huh?" she mumbled, sitting up to see her bed to the left, Nix's alcohol fueled thoughts miscounting steps, "Um...oops."

Wow...I have drank waaaaaay to much.

"Night Kyli-kins," Phoenix giggled, slipping out of the blankets and back to her bed, her head hitting the soft pillows quickly.


Wiggling her shoulders to get comfortable, Dakota was stiff in the bed beside him, having never spent this much time with a man, let alone lay beside one. The alcohol in her was lulling her to sleep though and try as she might five minutes became all night as she passed out with his arm under her head.

Nya could feel his eyes on her as she dropped the towel, and they were not on her face. Even as she curled up in the bed she could feel him watching her, wondering. But she knew better than to just say Dakota had a boy over. They did not need a drunk wolf barging in yelling.

"She has a friend staying over," Nya shrugged, "They stole my suck it up because your stuck with me all night. And you can stop imagining me without this blanket now, I can feel you watching me Colton."

She didn't mean to be snarky, but he really was watching her a little too intensely. She rolled over so she was facing him, staring across the empty gap between their beds.

"Sorry...kind of annoyed I got kicked out. And there wasn't a single hot guy in that club. I was deprived."

Not that you were. Without any hot guys, you were the main entertainment for women tonight.

Kyli nodded with a thoughtful face.

“I’ll be fine. Sleep love.” She told the blonde while her stomach continued to eat at her. Kyli’s large eyes watched Nix with soft giggles leaving her plump lips.

“I think you’ll be able to sleep just fine though.” Kyli giggled, watching the wolf grab a drink and mistakenly climbing into the wrong bed.

“Silly.” She grinned teasingly. “Nini Nixi-Pixie.”

While the wolf had fallen asleep, the banshee moved to stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night.

“Is this friend a girl or a boy?” The wolf asked with a slight glare being sent the siren’s way. “I’m not imagining it. But I do know you’re nude underneath of it.”

While he wanted to move to the sleep that tugged at him, he wasn’t able to with the hanging question in the sizzling air.

“Well obviously the guys didn’t know you were there last night.” He grinned with a wink towards her. “Otherwise they would have flocked to you.” He stated.“Think of how funny all the jealous woman’s face’s would have been.”

"Mm," she shrugged, sleepy, "Doesn't matter. I just want to sleep now."

She knew he wanted an answer to his previous question, but she faked a yawn, rolling away so she could sleep. The blankets pooled, exposing her back wide tattoo. It was colorful and intricate; an eighteenth birthday gift from her dear father. Her nose piercing had been her mothers gift.

"Night Colton," she sighed, closing her eyes, "Sleep well handsome."


She had been trying to sleep all night, but she kept waking, staring at the empty spot beside her. The room felt cold, and lonely. Checking the clock on the wall for the billionth time she sighed, pulling the covers closer to her. She still had a few hours before she would have to get up and dress to meet Phoenix. A few more hours to try...try and get some sleep.

Yawning, Kyli awoke to knock on Colton’s door before poking her head in. His ass hung in the air while his body laid sprawled over Nya’s,his face resting on the pillow next to hers while he snored and drooled ever so slightly.

“Er… “ She coughed, looking over Colton’s monstrous body to Nya’s petite frame underneath. “Really Nya? He’s your child hood friend.”


Coming to an instant wake, Grayson heard a gently tapping on the door, followed by a sweet voice outside.

“Breakfast guys. Come out when ever.” She purred before sweeping off to the next room. Grayson’s head moved against the back of Dakotas, the beautiful red strands of hair brushing against his face, pulling a smile from his handsome face.

“Good Morning gorgeous.” He purred, allowing his lips to brush against the back of her neck gently.

Nya coughed and spluttered, his weight still holding her down. Her attempt at keeping him in the dark had backfired, but instead of him finding out and breaking doors down, he pinned her instead with his bulky frame, falling asleep on top of her.

"" she coughed, trying to breathe, "He's"

Kyli didn't stick around for a more elaborate explanation, leaving Nya to figure out a way to get him off. The only arm she had free was her left one, which hung dangerously close to his ass but she had little other places to put it. She tried to jostle him, but her petite frame didn't budge him. She tried just calling his name, but his snores drowned out her voice unless she yelled, and it was too early in the morning to yell.

Out of options Nya was torn between annoyed and amused as another idea popped into her beautiful mind. She pulled her hand back and couldn't help the sudden grin as she came down, slapping his ass hard enough to leave an imprint.

"Rise and shine," she laughed, jolting him awake.

Dakota woke with the biggest pounding headache in her life. The sun was blinding, forcing her eyes to stay shut as she turned away from it, rolling into something hard and warm. At first she wondered if Nya was having one of her nightmares and had come to bed. For as long as her best friend could remember she had been having night terrors. When she wasn't at home, she'd often crawl into Dakota's bed for comfort, scared to be alone.

But this person didn't have the floral smell that Nya did. He smelt like cologne and scotch. And his breath was tickling her chin, his face inches from hers.

Colton groaned, the sharp slap to his ass only forcing it to wiggle slightly. The night before seemed like a blur that left him with little to go from, other then a familiar scent that flooded his nostrils. Colton groaned again, his head moving to the opposite side while his body remained still against the struggling body underneath of him.


The mans head moved slightly while she moved around in a rather startled motion. His large blue eyes remained closed for the moment while she tried to piece everything together. With ease, the man’s arm lifted and stretched behind him to grasp a cup of water for her. Handing it to her gently, he remained in his spot.

“Sleep well?” He purred.

"Don't you go back to sleep," she groaned as he turned his head away, "Coooolton!"

She tried to wiggle free, tried everything to budge him, but with only one arm and his weight pressing against her stomach the most she could do was free her shoulders, and that came with the disadvantage of loosing the blanket hiding her chest.

"Ugh!" she growled, wiggling back under the covers so she was once again decent, and spanking his ass with each word, "Colton. Get. Up. You. Ass. I. Want. Breakfast!"


She heard his voice, opening only one eye to keep the headache at a minimum as she gratefully took the water. Gulping it down greedily, she handed back the empty glass.

"I think," she murmured, her head pounding, "It was...Grayson right? drunk was I?"

She didn't really need to ask; she'd never had this kind of hangover before, and Nix and Kyli were notorious for their nights out with the younger ones. Dakota couldn't even remember all of last night, other than some of the dancing with Grayson. She wasn't entirely sure how he'd wound up in her room, but she wasn't all that upset with it. She still felt slightly dizzy though, like some of the alcohol was still in her. Lying her head back down it rolled, pushing her forehead into his.

"S-sorry," she sighed, "Your night out dancing turned into taking care of a drunk girl."

Colton’s ass wiggled again with the movement.

“Bring… Bacon…Back.” His words slurred, his arms moving up so one slid over her face to rest on it while the other moved under his head. His body remained unmoving and uncaring while the blanket carelessly slipped away from her perfect body. All he really cared for was the sleep she continued to try to slap him out of.


Taking the glass back, Grayson chuckled at the thoughts that struggled to cross her mind from the previous night.

“And you’re the lovely Dakota.” He grinned. “Oh, you were gone. It was rather humorous and adorable.”

Large vibrant blue eyes watched her piece everything together, obviously having issues remembering. Pressing his forehead to hers gently, he stared at her with humorous eyes.

“Oh no need to apologize, you took care of me if anything last night.” His lips teased a smile. “Oh yeah, I came in and you ripped my pants off before shoving me down on the bed.”

A laugh left his lips until a senseless horror passed her face.

“I’m teasing. We came in, you kicked out your naked sister, stumbled to put on pants, and told me we’d cuddle for five minutes after I suggested it and you passed out.” He chuckled.

Nix woke late, yawning and stretching as Kyli disappeared to wake the kids. Taking advantage of the empty room, Nix changed into day clothes, tucking her pajamas in her and Kyli's shared bag for the weekend. Brushing her hair and teeth, she downed two cups of water before her hangover even began to subside.

Cleaning up her stuff, she met Kyli at the door, kissing the beautiful banshee on the cheek as she said good morning. Over the years, Nix had grown close to the woman before her. Without Graham and Kayden, Phoenix had needed someone to turn to, to chat with over the woes of suddenly being thrusted back into pack life.

Whether she had liked it or not, staying around Jay and the pups had felt as it had when she was in the clan. And she was needed too; without a mother, Dakota was left with no role model. There was only so much her father and uncle could teach her, and in the end who Dakota really needed was Phoenix, a female wolf who could teach her everything only a female wolf could. She had also proven beneficial to Colton, or at least she hoped so since the growing Alpha seemed to respect her most of the time.

"Shall we order some breakfast Kyli-kins?" she asked, looping her arm through hers, "The kids can catch up."


Kayden woke with a start, catching the time and swearing. She had only an hour before her first meeting of the morning, and then another meeting at noon. Sitting up rather hastily, she yawned and stretched, having much too little sleep.

Get up Kayden. Move. Get ready. He can't wait forever for you.

Horror crossed her face at his words, only to realize he was joking. Relief pooled in her stomach, scared momentarily that she had made a grave error. It was surprising he wasn't more offended at the look she'd given him. Most men would be upset if a woman rejected their advances. Not that he'd tried much though; she was sleeping on his arm but he made no move to touch her. And from what he was saying, she was more reckless and sloppy last night than anything.

"Sorry about passing out on you," she bit her bottom lip, squinting at him from the evil sunlight, not that upset that she had fallen asleep in his arms.

It had actually been quite nice. And a tiny part of her wanted more.

"Did you sleep alright?"


His arm came down on her face and Nya squeaked, biting back a few harsh words.

"If this is how you treat all women you sleep with, no wonder I've never seen the same girl twice," she snapped, wiggling up again so that she could breathe, ignoring the fact that her chest was uncovered.

At this point, what did it matter? He was refusing to wake, and even when he did Colton would be busy getting off of her, not staring at her plump chest.

Spanking and slapping him wasn't helping him, although there was a perfect purple hand printed bruise on his ass now. She could bite his arm, but having the taste of his sweaty body that had been wrapped around several women last night was not appeasing.

"Please wake up," she pouted, sticking out her bottom lip as she let her head lie on the bed, "C'mon Colton."

Upon waking the kids and moving back to the bedroom to wind her arms around Nix, the banshee kissed her cheek back in a good morning greeting.

“Of course Nixi-Pixie. Let me change. Colton and Nya might take their time though, they seemed to be getting… familiar.”

With that the girl slid around Nix, her arms only releasing her until she twisted back to grab her clothes. Dropping her pj pants, the woman slid into a loose and warn pair of jeans and a colorful mid drift shirt. Her body stood before the mirror to inspect her hair, her hands slid up and she concentrated on the beautiful strands. Allowing them to shift and change colors, the blonde and pink eased away as if to be devoured by the next blue and purple color that maneuvered throughout her stunning locks. Turning back to her friend, the banshee looped her arms throughout hers and skipped forward with an eagerness towards the thought of fresh fruits, bacon and waffles with her friend.
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