Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


“I’m graced you’d share such a rare and beautiful moment with me.” His smooth words replied, spinning the beautiful woman before pulling her into him cautiously, taking the care to gauge her reactions and ease off at any moment he’d come to realize he needed to.


Kyli’s body relaxed further with each passing moment, leaving her free from any life altering moments. Grasping Nix’s hand tight, Kyli swayed and twirled with the woman, happily moving with her when the call of the song beckoned it. The more time the banshee had spent with the wolf, the more she pulled her along during her adventures. This was a whole new world from down under, and Nix was the one to show her and create a new love for a new world. Kyli looked up towards the blonde, pulling her into her before allowing her to slide back along the floor. Her body moved with the song, swaying and moving at every possible joint she could and even dropping low with the bass when it hit.

Nix grinned, following Kyli's lead as the two got lost in the music, their beautiful bodies claiming a fair portion of the dance floor to twist and jive, dip and sway.


Her eyes widened, surprise by the confident and almost cocky action, suddenly thrusted into his arms. A brief thought wondered how many innocent girls had fallen trap to this trick, and yet another thought wondered if she should care. She'd seen Colton pull the same moves on a dozen women in one night, and none of them seemed fazed when they saw him with a new partner. Nya was able to snare two, sometimes three men with just the lull of her voice. Was it so bad to loose herself in the mood of the club too with this one man? Yes. Yes it is Dakota. Your supposed to be the responsible one.

But then again, when had responsibility ever scored her this kind of attention?

Grayson swayed with her, guiding her along the dance floor with calculated and cautious moves that held an air that was nothing short of respectful.

“Only you if you’re wondering.” His husky voice called above the music, answering a question that seemed to hover within her beautiful features.


His eyes had caught her tired figure dismissing herself from the chaos and pleasure that slithered along the main floor of the club. Nodding himself off, Colton left various unyielding woman to their own desires while his body moved outside of the club.

“Since when do you get tired of all the fun?” His deep and cheerful voice asked through the still, his hands sliding into his back pockets before he leaned against the side of the building.

"And I'm sure you say that to every girl," she shot back, her voice more playful than accusing.

She let him guide her further into the dance floor, the vodka in her stomach making her braver as the lights flashed around them and the mass of bodies pushed her further into his arms. At first she was stiff and awkward, uncomfortable with the jostling dancers. But soon she was swept by the tempo pounding in her ears, the alcohol making her braver. It wasn't that Dakota could't dance either, her hips swaying with each cord of music. She felt care-free.


She turned on her heel, seeing him leaning against a wall, "You're usually hiding in the back rooms when I'm out here with Dakota. And I'm not tired of the fun, I'm simply overly hot."

Grayson’s hands continued to move the beauty around the dancefloor, his body closing in on her with the more comfortable she became.

“No other woman exists when you’re involved.” He countered, continuing to sway the girl, his lips holding a seductive and alluring smile.


“I don’t hide, I simply dominate those back room’s while you two get you’re air and you’re girl chat.” He shrugged, beckoning her over with the nod of his head.

“It’s not that steamy in there.” He laughed. “I think you’re tired of the fun and you’re not gonna admit to it.” Colton’s husky voice teased.

The song ended, the pounding music calming to a slower tempo, giving the dancers a much needed break to either just sway or grab a drink. Dakota remained in this strangers arms, somewhat oddly, captivated by him and yet also cautious.

She cocked his head at him, his words almost too familiar, "You talk like you know me, and yet we've only met twice."


She sauntered up to him, the night air kissing her flushed skin. She could hear the song inside change to a slower beat, giving her a few more minutes of fresh air before she'd return for a faster, upbeat song.

"Your such an Alpha," Nya teased back, "Cocky as ever Colton. And I never said it was the club that was smoking. I simply said I was hot."

She adjusted the headband on her hair, flipping a purple lock off her shoulder as she joked, "I haven't even started having my kind of fun yet. I've just been warming up."

Wrapping her up to him, the man swayed to the gentle beat, continuing to watch her movements incase he’d made her uncomfortable.

“I’ve seen you in here a couple more times than the last two encounters. And you’re captivated me every time.” He chuckled.


Colton’s arm slid around the sirens shoulders to pull her into him ever so slightly, leaving his hand to dangle in the air beside her.

“Probably because I am an alpha, with official training or not.” He chuckled. “Well you certainly are hot, which is why all those men come running.”

“Shhhh, careful not to let daddy know. We all know what happened last time.” He grinned, his voice low and rocky. “Although I do approve of that fun.” He countered.

She just rolled her eyes at him, "Are you flirting with me Colton? 'Cause you and I both know what happened to the last guy who got tried to get into these pants."

Yeah...he was at the bottom of a ravine. Her father really did have a no nonsense attitude when it came to his baby girl.

Colton couldn’t help the laugh that bellowed from his stomach while his head moved back with the force.

“Oh yes we all do. Eli always makes sure to point that out to me first before everyone else. That’s got nothing on what I can say.” He grinned, his pearly white teeth gleaming in the dull light.

“And he should have known not to have done so in public. If he’s going to savor you it should have been somewhere in a safe zone.” He grinned, his coy tone playful. Although they all knew with Nya’s father there really was no safe zone. “I just find it funny that you’re father’s got a problem with me when you know there isn’t one.”

She was really starting to get the stalker vibe from this dude. Fuck, why did I pick a crazy one?

"Yeah..." she sighed, eyeing the bar and possible freedom, "You know, I think I might be thirsty. I should probably check in with my friends too. So, yeah, I'm going to go now."

It was the most awkward sentence she had strung together and it fell off her lips pitifully, her body untangling itself from his arms, as she stepped back. While he wasn't bad at all on the eyes, and there was an air of mystery about him that drew her in, she couldn't get past the way it sounded like he'd been stalking her in the club. A part of her almost hoped he'd apologize and drop the overly formal act, something about it seeming almost too rehearsed...

She ran her fingers through her hair, grinning up at Colton, "You have a dick and you flirt with every pretty thing that walks your way. To my father, that's a threat."

He could kick himself. He’d chosen the wrong words. His arms released her as she struggled for the words to escape him.

“Not trying to be too formal or off Dakota, I’ve seen you the last couple times before I’ve left and you seemed interesting despite being bored of the jack offs that come around.” He nodded, taking a step back to give her space. “Any which way, I’m sorry to have weirded you out.”

With that, Grayson slowly turned and begun to move to the bar on the opposite side of the room, his dark figure holding out over the people and creatures he’d begun to pass.

Colton’s hard but attractive features faked a hurt expression.

“I do not. I have more respect for every pretty little thing. You’re father’s just over reactive… Specially when you and Dakota would get up to trouble and blame me.” He laughed. “I didn’t start off a troubled child, you girls corrupted me.”

She half turned back as he spoke, blinking rapidly. What was with this guy? His tone had completely changed, and now he sounded normal...but bored. He wandered away and Dakota tried to put it past her moving to where she could see Kyli and Nix having another drink.

"Where's the new boy?" Nix asked, looking disapointed, "Don't tell us you scared him away."

It was meant as a joke but Dakota only shrugged, unsure what had entirely happened, "He was really cute. But...I don't know. I just want another drink."

"Get her drunk," Nix shrugged, "Great role models we are, right Kyli? Ha."

"Corrupted? Us?" Nya shrugged, "Whatever are you talking about? Look at this cute innocent face Colton. How could this cute adorable face ever corrupt you?"

Because we never snuck out at night and blamed you for it. And I neeeeeeever snuck boys into your house under our parents nose, and blamed you for all the noises.

Having brought up a topic about the various different drink’s they could order, the two had chatted about them until Dakota’s body seemed to almost slump down next to them. The woman frowned, reaching out to stroke the girls hair gently before her hand shot up.

“Johnny Bravo! Let’s get some triples!” She grinned, the bartender laughing at her enthusiasm.

“We getting hammered tonight love?” He’d asked, his thick accent a reminder of home.

“Oh but of course. With the most beautiful of ladies too!” She grinned as she shooed a beautiful red lock behind her while he handed them three shots each. The red head turned to her friend, looping her arm around her waist.

“Oh of course we are. That’s what we’re here for! To be role models!” She grinned rather enthusiastically.

Colton rolled his eyes playfully, squeezing her into him gently.

“Oh god, you two are the reason why I had to do chores for four months because someone got into fathers booze. Or being blamed for all those boys. Or for all the missing condoms from you’re dads drawer. That was fun. He still doesn’t let me forget about that.” He laughed. “Suuuure you’re not corrupted at allllll. It’s the pup that is.”

Kyli and Nix bought shot after shot, until all three of them were swaying and giggling. Dakota ordered another vodka and gin, smiling foolishly at the bartender as she paid him and turned to Phoenix, Kyli suddenly missing.

"We are missing someone," Dakota laughed, "I think we lost Kyli."


"Hey she isn't a pup. She's your twin. And honestly, that girl doesn't have a corrupted bone in her body. Trust me, we've all tried."

The most Nya could ever convince Dakota to do was sneak out. Other than that the young wolf was all about her rules and routine. Sometimes she swore it should have been Dakota who was born Alpha with how responsible she was.

The music was getting back to an upbeat sound and Nya wanted to dance some more. She stepped towards the door leading back down into the basement club, looking over her shoulder to see if Colton was coming.

Shot after shot after shot had the room spinning with lights and joy, with Nix quickly slapping her ass to slide off towards the direction of the stranger they had yet to meet.

“So our beautiful girl is seeking you’re audience. And beeecaause we have yet to meet you come.” She grinned, waving him forward until they come back to their small group.

“I found tall dark and sexxy.” She hiccupped.


Having taken the invite, Grayson slid up to the group of girls with a certain smoothness. The man lifted a brow at them. Looking back at John Grayson took a step off to the side to lean in over the bar.

“Put them on my tab. Anything they’ve given you use as a tip.” He nodded, John nodding thankfully before he slipped back to the three ladies.

“Looks like you ladies are having a good night.” Grayson pipped up, laughing as Kyli hiccupped yet again with a soft giggle.


“No but I was.” He laughed. “And just because she’s my twin doesn’t not make her a pup. I still think you corrupted her… Somethings not right with how orderly she is.” He teased.

With that note, the music lifted up and Nya made a quick exit, Colton’s eyes watching her and her invite to come in.

“I’ll be right in.” He nodded, allowing her to close the door before removing a joint from his back pocket. Lifting it to his lips, the man lit the small roll and remained leaning against the wall as he proceeded to smoking the dube.

"Cute boy is back," Nya whispered and giggled to Kyli, pulling her away, "We...uh...are going to dance. Now. Yep."

She dragged her away, both of them laughing loudly as they not so sneakily snuck off.


In seconds the two chaperones were gone, leaving a drunk and giggly Dakota at the bar with Grayson.

"Heyyyy, its you again," she laughed, "The weird but cute one."

Sliding into the dancing throng once more, Nya found one of her original partners from earlier, entrancing him in minutes. She quickly set the pace, grinding and swaying with him, letting the music take her once more.

Grasping Nix’s hand, the girl wove her fingers through the blondes that lead her giggling form through the crowd. Finally hitting a point in the floor where they had their own space but could still see the two, the girls proceeded to dancing with each other hand in hand while they left the two to chat.


Grayson couldn’t help but laugh at Dakota’s response.

“Didn’t mean to drive you to drink.” He pointed out with a chuckle. “How’s the night going?” He asked, trying to keep up small chat.

She hiccuped and giggled, teasing him, "Oh yeah, the last ten shots were all on you..."

She drained the last of her drink then stood on rocky feet, "I don't know how it is. I've...never been this druuunk. And I just really, really really want to dance. With youuuuu."

Grayson lifted a brow towards the small girl, looking at the shots that lingered across the bar before back to her.

“It’s an interesting feeling. Isn’t it?” He asked with a soft chuckle. On that note, his hands gently moved up to hers and he begun to lead her to the main dance floor. His arms wrapped around her as he offered her swaying form stability. His movements where slowed from beforehand to try and make sure she was alright in her drunken craze. With his body he moved her, allowing her to sway and spin all she wanted while the lights flashed around them leaving the beat to envelope the two.

Hours slipped away into nothing as she got lost in the lights and music and drinks. 3 am came much too quickly, last call being announced. Kay knew the club would remain open till practically four, but leaving with the rush was never fun. Instead she slipped out five minutes to three, gulping down the cold night air that bit at her uncovered skin. It helped her wake up more, although it did nothing for her drunk stature.

Strolling into the cafe, Kayden ordered a coffee. The caffeine made her head even more woosy, and she tipped sideways stumbling against the counter.

I need sleep.

She left a message with the barista, describing Phoenix and what to say if she arrived. Then Kayden stumbled out, draining the coffee cup in hand and slowly making her way to the nearest inn where she could sleep the alcohol off.


At three she slipped away from the group, leaving Kyli with them. She followed Kays instructions, only to find an empty coffee shop.

"You Phoenix?" The tired looking barista asked, wiping down her counter.

"Um yeah."

"Kayden said to meet her at noon tomorrow back at the club. Tell the doorman your with her."


Nix turned and strolled back out, her muddled brain confused from the alcohol and Kaydens odd requests. The night air froze her tanned and tattooed skin, and she jumped back into club with haste, but there was no more desire in her to drink or dance. She just wanted to sleep.

Finding Kyli at the edge of the dance floor she touched her arm, "I'm calling it a night beautiful. I'll tell the kids then I'm heading to our inn."
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