Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


The wolf looked at her sister oddly, while her words where smooth and held a believeable point, something still felt off about the story and her sisters reaction.

“That doesn’t sound li-“ But then a soft pain hit her and then, something else. Staring at her wide eyed, she watched in horror as something snaked between her and her sister. The wolf scrambled around her belly, shooting pain throughout her as she tried so desperately to move around it. Quickly moving to her sister in the corner, Lunar screamed up to her mate, hysteria tightening her chest.

But then… That scent filed her nose. It was not only familiar from last week, but a time earlier in her life. She turned her head to the two wolves.

“Who the fuck cares about me. What the hell did she do Phe?” She asked, her tone heated even with the panic that filled every inch of her. The name flew out of her lips before she had even realized she’d fully known her. While the girl may have thought they didn’t know each other, the alpha did. She wasn’t one to forget a face or even the story behind the face.

"Get away from her," Phoenix snapped, and Graham and her quickly caught Luna's arms, dragging her away from the writhing mass in the corner, Kayden eerily making no sound, "Sheesh kid I thought you'd have forgotten about me. We didn't even run in the same circles."

Pulling the none too willing Alpha back to the couch, Phoenix kept her at bay while Graham stepped back towards Kay. Luna's cries for Xael were unanswered, and Nix already knew why.

"Xael won't come," Nix explained over Luna's panic, "Listen mama wolf, Kayden drugged your mate. He's out cold and that's probably safest for him. Now our focus is on keeping you safe, or everything Kayden just did was for nothing."

"Maybe we should take Luna upstairs," Graham proposed, taking another step towards the corner.

“Graham I got Luna secured just fine here,” Phoenix spoke to her partner, her eyes trained on the mama wolf, “Can you see to Kayden. We have no idea what this will do to her.”

“Or the ramifications,” he sighed, stepping towards the white haired girl huddled in the corner, not a sound escaping her mouth even as she writhed and twisted, “Nix she looks to be in serious pain.”

He took another step and Nix craned her head to watch him, “Knock her out if it seems necessary.”

He got closer to her, softly calling her name. The writhing and twisting stopped, then slowly the girl stood, hair falling everywhere from under her hat.

“Kayden?” Phoenix sighed, seeing her stand, “Graham what’s going on?”

The two stood silently in the corner, not a sound escaping either of them. Phoenix watched, unable to see Kayden behind Graham, and Graham just kind of swaying on his feet.

“Graham? Kayden?” Nix called, standing up, a hand outstretched to keep Luna where she was.

Graham leaned forward, as if to hold Kayden before his knees sagged and he crumpled. In his place stood Kayden, blood dripping from her mouth as she held a bleeding heart in her hand, eyes black pits.

“Holy fuck,” Nix cried, slapping a hand to her mouth, “You killed Graham!”

“And he tastes…divine,” Kayden sighed, her voice was low, scratchy and terrifying, her fangs biting down on the heart.

Phoenix didn’t need to stand around to know what came next. Getting Luna to her feet, the wolf pushed the Alpha towards the stairs.

“Get to your mate,” Nix ordered, having no time for pleases or thank yous, “Wake him up. And Jay. We need numbers here!”

Forcing them both up the stairs, she got them into the master room, locking the door, leaving Luna to wake the drugged Xael while she moved the wardrobe into the doors way.

"Want to know what going on?" Phoenix sighed, blinking tears away as her heart constricting, knowing Graham's lifeless body waited downstairs, "Your sister...just became..."

She finished moving the wardrobe, turning to look at Luna, "Your sister's part demon now. And you...your pure wolf."

Lunar’s eyes looked back and fourth between the frantic figures around her. While they moved and pulled her, she could feel a part of her slowly dwindling. Her once well built strength gone within a matter of minutes and only continuing to drain from there on. She opened her mouth to say something but then a horrific shock pulled over the room as the man’s body dropped lifelessly to the unyielding floor.

She knew she should feel shocked and fearful, but everything was draining from her. Phe had dragged her upstairs, ordering things while the stairs spun in orders of blurry threes. She continued to speak of the situation as they entered the room but Lunar fell to her knees in the midst of the room where she'd been shoved. Her legs where done for, much like the rest of her body was at this rate. Bile rose and it took all her effort to not only push it down but to stay on her knees.

The blonde continued, but the alpha knew already. She could feel it. Her muscles drained of the strength she’d built her whole being around to override the demons very essence and push forward on her own grounds. Yet it all had been yanked out from her. The ringing in her ears grew till it was the only noise she could comprehend, while her stomach continued to try to empty its contents. That seemed to be the only thing she could do. Swallow it down. Her breath was strained, pain began to erupt through her and even her mind became muddled. She allowed the tight link between her and her mate to pull, forcing him awake while every sense in her faded to dust.

The wolf looked around, spotting Luna on the floor. Graham had warned her that the Alpha would feel weak afterwards but no harm would come to her. And that was what mattered.

With little effort she scooped Luna onto the bed as Xael turned over, looking dreary. The drugs Kayden had put in his tea would wear off soon enough but she obviously intended for him to sleep through it all. Not that she had any clue what the demon parasite now in her would do.

"Xael," she hit his arm, the pain waking him up further, "No time for introductions kid. Your mate is weak, and she needs sleep. Watch over her. And whatever you do, don't believe Kaydens words for a second. Now tell me, where's Jayson?"

Xael rubbed sleep from his eyes trying to become alert, "He's not here. Left a few weeks ago. What about Kayden?"

"Ugh," Nix groaned, "Watch mama wolf please. I'll deal with Kayden."

The door buckled and shook, Kayden using her newfound strength to try and break in. She was in a bloodthirsty rampage, something that wouldn't die down anytime soon. And with Graham, there was no way to expel the demon from her. He was a shaman, and the only person she knew with the capable powers to banish the parasite from Kaydens body and send it back to hell. And he was dead.

Leaving Nix with only one option.

The door buckled and splintered and Phoenix got ready, throwing the armoire aside with a loud crash. Instantly the doors opened and fell, Kayden breaking them off the hinges. Shoulders down Nix charge, ramming Kayden hard enough her her chest to take both of them down. The demonic wolf screeched, nails digging into Nixs shoulders. The older girl punched her square in the nose, dazing her, then tried to land another punch to knock her out cold. Instead Kayden bucked and Nix missed her mark. The white haired woman's fingers wrenched at Nixs blonde hair, pulling her head back sharply. Nix sent a knee into her hip, shattering the bone. The two wrestled, fighting for control as they tossed around on the second floor landing. Seconds later Kayden was on her feet, readying a kick to Phoenixs face. Nix lunged, taking them both into the railing overlooking the main floor. The wood creaked and then splintered and broke, tossing both girls to the ground below.

Kayden landed first, with Nix on top. The resulting blow had broken bones in both of them including one in Phoenixs arm. Her good arm, her right one, still had enough force to hook Kayden in the jaw, knocking her unconscious. Broken and bleeding Nix hobbled around till she found a rope long enough to bind Kaydens wrists. Dragging the girl by the scruff of her neck, this time it took effort to lift someone, only able to use one arm. Placing her body in the chair, Nix made quick work tying her to it before searching for something with more strength. She found chains in a shed outside and was coming back in as two people rushed over.

"Who the hell are you?" The blonde asked, standing beside a tall brunette, "and why are we hearing crashing?"

Probably Ashlin and Braxton. Luna could use a witch right now, as could Xael.

"Luna needs you," was all Nix said, "she's upstairs in her bedroom. Xaels been drugged, so he might need something too."

As those two ran upstairs she made her way back to the dining room, chaining Kayden to the chair and then to the table for good measure. Leaving her to sleep, Phoenix walked slowly to her old friends body, collapsing beside it.

"Your weren't supposed to die you idiot," she sighed, closing his eyes, "God damn it Graham...I'm going to miss you kid."

The forest was home, allowing the pieces of his other life to slither away within the tendrils of nature’s true beauty. Yet something was calling him. His alpha was that is. But the call was weak. Distance had never been the issue between the two, but it seemed strained now and devoid of any strength she’d wielded. His body swiveled, turning in the opposite direction. Luckily, he was fast. If he hurried he’d be there within the hour, even if it was normally a half a day travel by the normal foot.

Braxton’s body moved with hers in concern for their friends. Entering the house, Braxton eyed the girl behind his shades. Kayden tied to the chair and even being chained seemed even more concerning until the girl began to speak of what happened with the couple upstairs. Quickly floating upstairs Braxton quietly pointed out his concerns between the new female and the whole situation. Entering the room Braxton looked over them and moved over to the sink. Grasping one of the cups sitting by it, he poured some cold water and brought it over to them, offering it to Xael while his mate simply slept on the bed.


Sprinting into the house, the wolf’s body lowered as a snarl ripped from his exposed pink lips. His teeth exposed to the girl while he watched her stand before his bound pack member.

Xael took the water gratefully, barely able to hold his head up. Luna had passed out promptly beside him, but he could barely focus a single thought, let alone check on her.

"Ashhhhh," he mumbled, deary eyes catching her moving towards him, "Chhhhhheck Luuuuuuuna."

"God, is he ever drugged," Ash sighed, "Brax can you get him to lie down. Sleep will help the drugs wear off. Kayden couldn't have access to real drugs, so she probably found herbs in the forest that could induce sleepiness, and confusion. I'll check Luna, although I have no magic to do so."

Xael listened, sipping his drink, trying to follow the conversation.


She heard the front door creak open more, and his musky scent fill the room. Standing from her fallen friend, she moved over to Kayden's bound body watching the brown wolf enter the room.

"Way to fucking join the party late," Phoenix snapped, wanting none of his bullshit; she had just lost one friend, and the other was slipping through her fingers.

She looked upstairs, wondering if Luna had sent out a distress signal. It would make sense, Jay's return seemed to coincidental otherwise.

"Go check on your Alpha," she sniffed, standing in his way of Kayden, "Isn't that priority in packs? Alpha first, pack members second?"

It was the one thing she hated about most wolves. The Alpha's life always took precedence over others, even when those "others" could really use the support. If she was right, and Luna had called Jay back he'd have to go check on her before returning for Kayden. And that gave Phoenix enough time to secure Kayden before she woke and a new wave of hell hit the house.

Braxton took back Xael’s glass and moved on to promptly refill his glass once he’d finished it.

“Already on that love.” The brunette nodded, winking at his wife with a mischievous smile. “No need to worry about your magic love, just make sure she’s alive and that the kid’s are alright.”


Jay’s lips continued to pull back while the growl that rumbled in his chest only deepened. The woman had made a point, he needed to check on his alpha but that divided him. He wanted to check on her, but his body only pressed down lower, ready to propel himself forward if need be. He could smell Ashlin and Braxton in the house and even hear their words through the thick floor boards, giving him a sense he could worry about Kayden first and foremost.

The wolf’s teeth snapped out at the air, a paw moving his stiff body forward by a fraction. Jayson’s sense’s seemed to feel out over everything around him to allow him to ease forward. Pheonix wanted rid of him to do whatever she’d had planned, and even if Kayden’s scent had been altered he wasn’t about to allow anything to be done to her.

Ash nodded, but still felt at a loss. How was she supposed to check on Luna's unborn twins when she had no magic to do so? Shrugging, she bent her ear to her rounded belly, counting the heartbeats she heard. Three.

Sighing in relief Ash heard growling downstairs.

"They are alright...I think?" Ash grimaced, unsure, "But it sounds like something is happening downstairs."

She moved to the doorway, stepping past the broken doors and looking at the whole in the railings. Xael and Luna would not be pleased in the morning. Below, the blonde woman was facing off with Jayson, and to her surprise Kayden was knocked unconscious and tied up.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Ash asked, "You, blonde lady. Don't move. Jayson, where have you been? All hell just broke loose in here. Xael's drugged up and Luna fainted. We really could have used you half an hour ago."


"I'll agree to that statement," she replied to Ashlin's words, her eyes trained on the advancing wolf, "And as to whats going on, I'd love to tell you but this brain dead mutt won't back the fuck down and let me fini- shit!"

Kayden jolted in her seat, surprising Nix and making the wolf jump back. The younger girl was still unconscious, but she was waking and nothing good could come of that. Nix's arm was broken, a couple ribs fractured, and plenty of bruises. Kayden was just as worse for wear. Neither of them could fight, but Phoenix knew it would come down to it again if she freed herself.

"Make him back down!" she snapped towards the brown wolf, "I can't deal with his shit."

"He's not a dog," Ash snapped back, her temper flaring, "Only Luna can tell him off, and she's currently out of commission."

Nix growled, tired of this group. How did Kayden stand them all? With an ache in her heart she returned to Graham's body, pulling his satchel from his side. Inside was a small bottle of liquid wolfsbane. Without hesitating she strode forward to Kayden, tipped her head back, and proceeded to pour half the bottle down her throat. The liquid would burn her throat, but it would also keep her out cold, the herb a well known poison to werewolves. Checking to make sure the chains were secured she flipped the finger at Jay and grabbed the body of her friend, snarling at him.

"I'm going to go bury my friend now. Because she just tore his heart out. Excuse me while I fucking grieve."

She made it to the back door, looking up at Ashlin's confused face, "I'll be back by morning and I can explain then. Luna will stabilize. Just don't...don't wake Kayden."

With that she kicked the door open and left, grief stricken over Graham and angry at Jay, needing the cool night air to calm her senses.

The wolf took another step forward in a bold statement, his gesture more feral towards their civil words and gestures. He couldn’t care when they had needed him nor shouldered the destruction around him, he’d known he was needed the moment his alpha summoned him; and at that it took time to come from the distance he needed to cover.

Jay’s golden orbs moved to Kayden’s figure that spasmed within her confinements, forcing him to sniff the air again. Her scent had definitely changed in the sense that his alpha’s had been with the tainted and smoggy smell of burnt ash and dead flesh. His growl’s died an octave, the sound now just a gravely sound that rolled within his broad chest. That had only yielded for a second before the vial had been exposed; pulling his lips back up to expose his large canines that snapped at the air. The poison wouldn’t do much if she’d been infected, even the alpha had shrugged it off without even as much as a twitch in its direction but with Kayden’s pack status he wasn’t sure of its effects. He moved forward, but the girl had been quick and direct with it before she’d moved on to her deceased friend. Jay barked but promptly moved back to the she wolf’s side, lying beside her protectively to keep an eye on her state.

With Braxton taking care of the disoriented Xael, Ashlin tried her best to clean up, leaving Jay on guard duty. Nothing made sense of the night, so all she could do was tidy up the tossed or broken furniture, and clean up the broken splinters and wood. The night wore on and Ash grew tired, leaning against Braxton to stay on her feet.

"I need sleep," Ash yawned to Braxton, "Can we come back in the morning? There's nothing else we are needed for here."

As the passed the main room, Ash's eyes watched the tied and bound wolf, noticing her nose twitching ever so slightly.

"Hey Jay," she murmured, catching the wolf's attention, "You may want to stay alert. The drugs are wearing off."

Leaving Brax's side she moved back over to where the blonde woman had left the vial, moving it to the corner table by the couch, "You may want to Change in case she needs more of this. It seems to be keeping her asleep, and from what I've seen of the damage, may not be the worst thing until Luna wakes and tells us whats going on."

Returning to her husband she took his hand, wanting their warm bed and a few hours of rest.

Braxton’s body easily held Ashlin’s while she depended on him for support with his arm wrapped around her loosely.

“Of course we can babe.” He nodded. “In the morning they’ll need help with just about everything.”

With that, they began their descent back to their house with a momentary moment to warn Jay before leaving. He was worried about them but at the end of the day Ashlin needed her rest and he was happy to take her back to a place with no chaos.


Jay’s head raised to the couple to watch them silently. Even if what she spoke of made sense, a growl left his throat while she moved the poisonous vial. His eyes moved back to the chained wolf, fully well knowing he could handle her in worst case scenario. Nodding a shaggy head to them, he allowed his head to drop to his paws even with his body tense and ready to move at a second’s notice.



So fucking hungry.

Her head tilted, something impairing her movement. Wolfsbane. She could taste it on her tongue. Still she could move her head, and her senses were coming back.

Musk. Forest. Jayson.



His ears twitched to her stirring movements that pushed his body to sit up next to her. A chuff-like noise was made to her response, aware she was coming to a sensible part of her for the moment.

Her head fell backwards, the poison taking a better effect that initially presumed. Her mouth felt hot and parched. Her stomach felt far too empty.

She could hear him beside her, but he wasn't moving towards her, wasn't helping her in any way.


"Jay? Water."

He could see it in her eyes. She had control only because it was allowing her to. He wanted to get her water, wanted to make it better. But he couldn’t and he knew it, which made it worse. He stayed in his spot, unyielding to her wish’s in a way she would thank him later for.

He was defying her.

"You stupid mutt!" she roared, bloodred eyes flashing open as she snapped at the air between them, pushing against her contraints.


"Your useless!" she snarled, fangs gleaming white even though there was caked blood on her lip, "Let me go you worthless dog!"

A deep and cruel noise left his throat, his eyes rolling at her words. He wasn’t moving nor doing a damn thing unless needed. He simply sat back and presumed to stare back at her while the demon simply won out over her. Annoyance built inside of him between being called a mutt and a dog but for now he left her to whine and cry over the needs of the parasite.

"Worthless and lazy!" she continued to insult, growing worse by the second, "Is that how you like to be? Second best to everyone? You never were the best Jayson. Luna was stronger than you. You challenged Abass and lost. Even Reyn chose someone else, rather than be with you."

Kayden wrinkled her nose in absolute disgust, pulling her head back like he was some form of mangy mutt.


"Even I had second thoughts about you," she snarled, leaning as close as she could over the chair to him, her lips curled back, "Why chose you when I could have a shifter?"

The wolf yawned, exposing sharp and glistening teeth. He listened, and the she-wolf continued to move on with the spiteful words. His body moved down effortlessly to lay, his muscles staying ready at a moment’s notice. He had seen it, but he wasn’t about to give in to the creatures games.

Wasting time. Hungry.

She sat back, snapping her mouth shut as Kayden checked her binds. Most was rope, but her wrists had been chained to the chair. Not that she needed to break the chains...

Her shoulder was dislocated but that didn't stop her good arm from wrenching up, the chains breaking through the arm of the chair. With one pop her arm was back in place and she wrenched it up, freeing the chains from that confine. Her ankles had been tied together with only rope, so Kayden dived forward and rolled, landing in the corner away from Jayson. Her nails grew long like talons, slicing the ropes and freeing her legs.

"Now to snap your neck dog and eat out your heart," she snarled, lunging for the table and grabbing the vial before tossing it straight into his eyes, "Should've used that on me when you had the chance mutt!"

The wolf’s head moved up to the pop of her shoulder, his body standing with ease while she flung herself across the room and out of her binds. The wolfs bane hit his eyes, burning at his sight. He was quiet, deathly quiet while the poison worked it’s way on his sight, His ears twitched and his body moved to the side to miss her flying mass. His body moved and his teeth snapped at her arm, breaking the bone on the spot. Her talon’s ripped into him, deserving a growl that ripped through his chest. His teeth released her arm only to latch onto her shoulder, his paws moving up to press against her flailing limbs.

He broke her arm but she didn't stop, digging her nails into his flesh as she tried to sink her teeth in but missed. It was awkward trying to fight him and Kayden quickly grew bored, kicking him hard in the ribs before bounding away. He caught her wrist though, flinging her over the couch as she crashed into the coffee table. The noise was loud enough to wake anyone, and sure enough footsteps sounded upstairs.

Kayden's usually well hidden ears were out in the open, swiveling at the sound. She neither cared to find a hat nor cared if they saw, the only thought on her mind being to feed. Flipping back to her feet she snarled and lunged once more at the wolf, feigning left at the last second than turning and tackling him down sideways.

The growl in his chest only deepened enough to echo throughout the room. She continued to dig her nails into him but he could care less. Then he could feel her foot in his rib and she was gone. A grunt left his lips, his ears swiveling with her even as she tried to set him off by turning at the last second into his side. His teeth snapped to catch her hip, snapping the bone with ease as his jaw wrapped around her. Blood stained his lips and fed the bloodlust that his inner animal begged for. Quickly pulling her off and into the wall, the wolf lunged after her. His teeth caught flesh and his claws sank into what felt like her stomach that pushed her down. Swiping at her, his paw hit her head with brutal strength as the wolf aimed to knock her out.

Kayden let out a pitiful scream, the wolf tearing at her stomach. The footsteps began to pound across the second floor landing as she screamed in utter pain, trying to defend herself from his onslaught as he backed her into a corner. And then his paw flashed out, hitting her hard enough that her teeth rattled and her voice died. The air was knocked straight from her lungs as she went the rest of the way down, her head hitting the floor hard. Kayden lay their twitching, the fight completely drained out of her as she lay still, too broken and bleeding to continue.

Her eyes caught a glimpse of Xael's panicked face staring at them. She had no fangs to bear, no bloodshot eyes. To him, Xael could only see Kayden, torn apart by Jay.

"Help," she mewled, begging for her brother-in-law's kindness.


Xael woke to her screams, shaking the last pieces of grogginess from his head and racing downstairs, only to find Jay hovering over Kayden, her body broken and bleeding rather badly. There were a few marks on Jay but nothing as severe, making the fight look rather one sided.

"Back away from her now," Xael ordered, stepping in to check the white haired girls status, "What the fuck Jay? She's your sister, not a damn punching bag. You've broke several bones."

"Holy fuck," Phoenix stood at the back door, dirt and mud covering her clothes and arms, "Kayden."

She zipped to Xael's side, helping him pick up the weak woman and between the two of them carry her upstairs. Kayden didn't so much make a sound, her eyes opened and staring bleakly at the ceiling.

Xael was furious, not only at Jay but at the whole situation. Once they had Kayden secured in her room Xael turned on Jay first, ordering him none too nicely to Change and then explain himself before turning on Phoenix.

"Tell me what the hell is going on."
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