Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"Well there's nothing we can do about them. Nya's...well Nya. And Colton's Colton. Those two do not take orders. Unless it benefits them."

She waited for Kyli and then they tromped down the stairs, arm in arm.

They reached the restaurant portion of the inn and pushed four table together to make enough room for their group. A waitress came around and Nix quickly ordered coffee and orange juice for everyone along with platters of waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and a heaping bowl of fresh fruit. It was a rather large order, but the kids would be hungry and the waitress seemed happy to have a large table on her tab.

"Think that'll be enough?"

Grayson shook his head to her apology, unable to contain his grin.

“It’s no problem, I quiet enjoyed it. Your quiet adorable when you sleep.” He chuckled. “Especially when you snore.”

Watching her, he moved to sit up so his body could block out the sun. His vibrant ocean blue eyes stared down at her warmly.

“Exceptionally. How about yourself?” His deep and gravelly voice asked.


Colton groaned at her response. Really uncaring as to his reason why he’d never been with a girl more than once. His eyes remained closed as his arm adjusted once his arm moved from it’s rather comfortable position. Without much care, his hand flopped down before something warm and soft touched his tips. His than stayed for a moment before gently caressing it to try and understand what he was touching.

“That feels… like a boob.” He grumbled, half asleep and still unmoving.

Kyli wrinkled her nose at the thought.

“Saddly that’s correct. How did we end up with two unmanageable kids and only one?” She asked with a soft laugh. Once they found themselves at their table they had managed to Frankenstein, she sat next to her friend while she thought of anything extra.

“About four times the normal amount of bacon.” She nodded towards the waitress before excusing her. “You know how Colton is first thing.” She commented with a sweet smile.

“How was your sleep sweetheart?” She asked, their waitress returning promptly with several cups before moving back to the kitchen to grab the juice and coffee.

The tiny giggling sounds echoed off their mansion walls, tiny feet pounding down the long hall.

"Go wake daddy!" Reyn laughed, following right behind at a slower pace, a tray with breakfast and a card.

"He he he," her five year old son laughed, tottering forward.

They made their way down to the end of the longest hall in the house on the second floor. The master bedroom was on the left, two white doors opening up to reveal the lavish red and black decor. They had taken over an abandoned mansion and renovated it from the ground up into the home they raised not just their first child, but now their second. After Luna's death, Reyn and Eli stuck around for a while but it just wasn't enough space for them. Instead they found a grande place of their own, still within walking distance of Xael's place for Nya to see her two closest friends.

The mansion was gorgeous, the main floor holding a grande entrance hall, a library, kitchen, dining room, and main living room. The second floor was one long hallway only split by the grande staircase. To the left was Elijah's office, a couple guest room's and their master bedroom. On the right side of the house was Nya's bedroom, a play room, and their youngest bedroom.

"Go wake him up sweety," Reyn smiled, watching her only son climb up onto the bed with effort, thinking his father was fast asleep.

She knew better; he'd probably been up since she hadn't come back to bed hours before, woken by the cries of her child. But for his sake Eli would pretend to sleep only so he could be jumped on, a squeal leaving their beautiful boy's lips.

"Good morning my soul," Reyn smiled, "Nolan made you breakfast."


"Thank you," she hummed as he blocked out the light.

Absent mindly she touched his chest, then realized herself and pulled away, running fingers through her hair as she blushed.

"Actually, it was great."


Nya lay there frozen in shock, her mouth hanging open. He's...oh my god he's groping me.

"Uh..." she stammered, blinking rapidly as he kneaded it gently, trying to disconcert what he was touching, even as he mortified her, "Cole...that's my breast."

Her childhood friend was groping her. Naked. And her body was betraying her, her nipples hardening at his touch. She couldn't move, couldn't bat him off...she just lay their frozen stiff, shocked.

Eli’s ears twitched, his arm resting above his eyes while his body laid stretched out along the bed. The pads of little feet pulled a soft smile to his lips while they grew louder. The door creeked open and then… A small body bounced on him that pulled the air from his lungs.

“Oh god… I’m hit!” He groaned, flopping up and back down to the bed, his tongue flopped out of his mouth. He played dead for a second before his arms launched up and wrapped around the small child, his hand moving up to mess up his small boys hair playfully.

“Good Morning Love.” He grinned up at her, his emerald eyes gleaming in the bright light while he looked up at her.

"Good. Short. Yours?"

The coffee arrived and Nix sipped hers happily, the caffeine pushing the hangover back. After Kyli replied the conversation moved along to the meeting at noon with Kayden, and whether the two should bring the kids or not.

"Kay may want to see Nya again," Nix thought out loud, "And I'm sure Dakota and Colton would want to meet their aunt. Whether their aunt wants to or not. Kayden's only worried they'll hate her. I think she still blames herself for Luna."

Not as much as Dakota does, but that girl is a spitting image of her mom.

Grayson nodded, a hand moving up to push an absent strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Good, I’m glad to hear that. You needed it after everything you drank.” He nodded. “How do you feel about breakfast?”


Colton yawned, opening an eye ever so slightly.

“Oh, well… It feels real squishy.” He yawned. “And nothing like bacon.”

On that note, Coltons hand moved again, landing on her face before his eyes, the thought of sleeping still present in him mind.

She grinned, placing the tray on the free side of the bed as Nolan attacked his dad with tickles. Who would've known how great a father Eli could be. Their oldest was smart, brave, educated and tough. Not to mention beautiful. And now they had this bundle of joy, full of life and giggles. Their small five year old was different from his sister, rarely having tantrums. Instead he seemed to love life, and his shining emerald eyes and blonde hair made him a miniature version of his father.

"Nolan made breakfast for you baby," she grinned, stealing her playful son and tickling his sides so he screamed and laughed, "Tell daddy what you made him."

She set him back on the bed, letting Nolan return to bouncing on his father. He was too giggly to say anything, so Reyn had to, kissing her son's head before bending down and pressing her lips to the man she loved.

"Nolan made you oatmeal, with cheese on top. And we made pancakes, and he added spinach to it. And then we poured you some coffee, but he thought you'd like it with blueberries."

She gave him a look saying he had to eat it, or face upsetting his baby boy.

“Well we’ll be able to have a longer one tonight. We should check up with the kids needs and think about what we should be doing tonight.”

Once moving on to other topics, Kyli thought about it.

“It might be a good idea to bring them. But if Kayden was so easy to blow you off last night, you don’t want to annoy her today and push her farther than what she is.” She thought, thinking about it over her orange juice.

“We all know Momma Wolf wouldn’t of appreciated anyone blaming themselves or anyone looking back on her situation with such negativity. She was happy to bring in a new life and I doubt she wouldn’t have changed the situation to save her life.” She spoke, trying not to get upset over the whole situation. She still remembered the wail that had left her throat months before hand, the image never able t truly leave her mind.

“It’s worse for Dakota though. The poor girl doesn’t need to be reminded either. I think Lunar would have been pretty furious about allot of things.” She muttered over her juice.

Dakota nodded, "Yes Please."

It took her a while to get dressed and ready, but when she was done they headed out, finding the table Nix and Kyli sat at and joining. After a brief reintroduction the conversation turned to something normal, the four of them chatting calmly.


His hand moved and slapped down on her cheek, and Nya turned from frozen to pissed, her mood swinging like a snap of her wrist.

"Colton get off of me. Now!" she ordered, her voice silky sweet as normal but a new edge into her tone, one that was authorative and demanding.

Even half asleep he had to respond, finally getting off of her. She had indulged him, letting him sleep with her all night. But he had passed a line groping her, and then hitting her face. It wasn't even the fact that he had groped her. There had been more than one time Nya had looked at Colton and wondered what he was like under the sheets. It was the tactlessness of his touch that insulted her, and she was tired of her words being ignored.

Freed at last, Nya wrapped the blanket around herself and stood, wanting clothing. Leaving him to finish waking she returned to her now empty room, dressing as running downstairs in time for breakfast.

Sitting up while Reyn pulled Nolan back, Eli’s hands moved out o tickle the childs sides while he squirmed and moved around without a moments rest. Once set free on the bed, the child happily moved back to Eli, bouncing on him with screamed of sheer wondrous delight. His head tilted up, happily sinking his lips against hers before she retreated.

Gasping at the food, Eli hugged the small child before lifting his brows towards his wife and moving to the food.

“Super Nolan by night, Chef by day!” He chuckled, taking the coffee and sipping at it before moving to the oatmeal. Taking a spoonful, the man took a brave bite, swallowing without tasting to finish the whole bowl before moving onto the pancakes. Taking another sip of his coffee quickly before swallowing down the pancakes as well.

Once finishing the plate, Eli grinned to the small child who clapped rather happily while bouncing on top of the bed.

“Did you like it Daddy? Did ya Did ya Did ya?” He giggled, his father flipping him onto his back to begin tickling him.

“Every bite.” He grinned.

Nolan soaked up the attention, glad to have his father all to himself for the weekend. With Nya gone, Nolan got to be the star of the show and he lapped it up. Moving the emptied tray to her dresser to take downstairs later, Reyn slipped onto the bed and shimmied up to her husband, relaxing into him as Nolan bounced around the room, chatting excitedly and laughing. Her fingers played with the gorgeous winged ring and the band below it, claiming her to him. She loved the constant reminder, the small band a sign of the vows she made to him, to love him, cherish him, and never leave his side.

"How was your sleep my love?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss his cheek.

Moving out of the room to allow her the peace of mind to change alone, his body moving to the couch in the meantime. She hadn’t taken long to change before he nodded at her and escorted her downstairs while offering her support the whole way.

Once sitting down at the table, Grayson smiled towards the other two woman, greeting them good morning before adopting a coffee with a growling stomach.


Her words pulled a rather dark snarl from the confines of his broad chest, forcing him up without much of a say. Biting back a rather bitter remark, the wolf closed the door behind her rather forcefully before he simply moved to the other bed and allowed his body to heavily drop on top of it to allow his body to drift back off for a short while.

Eli couldn’t contain the grin that played along his lips while they child moved up and around the room, much faster then any normal five year old ever could. Once Reyn climbed in next to him, Elis arm wound around her before his lips moved to steal another kiss from her.

“Wonderful. How about you my Goddess?” He purred.

"I'm sleepy," she admitted, melting at his kiss, "But that's what happens when Nolan wants me up at five in the morning."

They watched their little speedster zoom around the room, giggling. She felt blessed to have such a happy child, and quite the beautiful home. Well before Nolan was born they had chosen this spot, and of course Eli had left the house to her design, letting her pick everything. It had been a rough year of construction, several workers going missing, one or two quitting, but most of them kept her happy, obliging her every whim.

They hadn't had any plans to have a second child, the space was more for herself and Eli, both of them loving lavish and luxurious not cramped and cheap. Shortly after the house project finished, the small family of three had spent a week in Australia. Reyn had a safe over there, more of a vault of sorts, full of her treasures she had acquired from around the world. Some were from old adventures with Eli, others from her own travelling. All of it had come back with them on a boat -to Reyn's dismay- and now decorated the house. Since then they had taken yearly trips up until Nolan was born, travelling across the torn and tarnished planet, visiting runes, other cities that survived, and of course gorgeous beaches. Nya had come for most of the trips, although one or two she had stayed home. Nolan had yet to be on any, but he was still too young to travel with, and it had been a rocky pregnancy, keeping Reyn under house arrest for months after her baby boy's birth.

For all the smiles and giggles he had now, during those nine months of being pregnant with him had been hell on Reyn. She felt like she had been carrying a boulder inside her, one that kicked and punched at all hours of the day and night. Where Nya had given her mother cravings for many foods and delights, Nolan had woken her many a night in scream inducing pain. If Nya's pregnancy had been nerve racking on Elijah, Nolan had terrified him of losing his wife to the pain alone. She'd almost expected the worst by the time he was due, scared she was birthing a monster, not this young green eyes wonder. Most surprising was the fact Reyn had never wanted a second child at first - it had been Elijah.

"You almost forgot this," she held up a blue papered card, red and green crayon covering the front of it, "Nolan made you a card."

"An I love you daddy card!" Nolan chirped, bouncing to the side of the bed closer to his father, "Be-be-because your the best daddy!"

Her ten o'clock appointment wasn't only late, they were rude. It was quarter past eleven by the time the bulky man strolled through the club doors, making his way down the few steps leading into the basement club. Above them ran a music shop, the only one in Cleansed City. The owner of the club also owned the music shop, so when he wasn't selling instruments or vinyls -since some of the richer class actually had those players- he was making cash downstairs with his raving club that was the height of the city for many.

Kayden was good friends with the owner, able to use his club during the day for business. This man looked out of place though against the black painted walls and beer stained floors, his suit impeccable.

"No security?" she asked, waiting to see if he followed her instructions, "Good. Your late Mr. Camelle, and I have other meetings. Follow me please."

"I don't take orders from hunters," he snapped back, but followed, "And you can make time for me, since I'm sure the schedule of a wandering contracter is just so busy."

"For me? Yes, it is. They have private rooms back this way. We will borrow one."

Her words were clipped, the anger in her tone evident. She led him into the first private room, closing the door before turning to him.

"Now then..."


"You crazy bitch!" Mr. Camelle swore, dangling a few feet in the air as Kayden held him up against the wall with ease, "Let me go!"

"Tell me what I want to know then!" she snarled, pressing her hand deeper into his windpipe, "Your on a timer here, and I don't suggest waiting for it to run out."

"Kay?" the bartender, John, called, "Your twelve o'clock is here."

"Thank you," she replied through the closed door, "Serve them some drinks please. I'll only be another minute."

"Help me!" Mr. Camelle yelped, calling after John as his voice grew louder, "Help!"

"No one cares," Kayden growled, crushing his windpipe so he choked, "Tell me now what it does, and why its so well guarded before you end up dead. Now Camelle! Not tomorrow!"


By the time breakfast was almost over Colton finally appeared, dressed and grumpy. They fed him then headed out, Nix wanting to drop by the club for that meeting before they made the trek home. Phoenix and Kyli had promised the parents that they'd be home all by dinner, and they couldn't go back on that or these fun weekend trips would end.

"Just this one stop," Nix smiled to the group, keeping her eye on the tall stranger Dakota was dragging around with her, "Then we can head home."

As they entered, the bartender from the night before nodded at them before slipping into the back room. Phoenix took a few steps to follow him, before he returned, a voice yelling from the back room.

"Is everything ok?" Nix asked in alarm, taking another few steps towards the private rooms.

Eli’s head leaned next to her ear, a playful grin on his face.

“I’ll make sure you get a better sleep tonight.” His deep voice playfully whispered to her. His eyes returned to their child speeding around the room before jumping up on the bed to bounce up and down on the bed. Eli’s arm curled around Reyn while his head moved to rest against hers.

The mans head tilted slightly when Reyn handed him the small paper card, earning a large fatherly grin from him while he opened it. The Halfling couldn’t help but chuckle at the large words and the picture drawn amidst it. Their castle, with his family drawn before it with him hovering above it. His large wings expanded around their kingdom with a deep meaning for a childish drawing. Closing the card, the man held his arm out to his child to scoop him up within Reyns and his lap.

“Only because my super hero it around.” He chuckled.


Her long lean legs propelled herself with a demanding force, her chest puffed up and her face held a dark and sensual expression that held an air of confidence and pure force. Her deep red pools stared at the man on the other half of the room from the door she strut in through. Sliding in behind the bar, John nodded towards her and excused himself behind a door behind the bar.

“Drinks?” She asked, her long sleeved arms reaching out and quickly spinning several glass’s within her perfectly inked hands. Her head tilted while she read the vibes that vibrated off of the new strangers.

“Scotch for the men, and frilly drinks for the D’ames?” She stated, lifting a fine brow with her harmonious voice that drowned out the cries in the background.


Kyli’s pink lips opened only to close when Nix’s question floated out in the air. The banshee had found that the wolf had often beat her to asking things, in which she’d grown to love over the years. Often gaining odd looks when she spoke, while she had a stunning voice that caught ears it still held that off tone, between a haunting effect and some other note that no one could quite put their fingers on.

And yet as John had gone to answer them, a door off to their left had opened and mysterious body strode out on rather large heels wearing little to nothing. With her entrance, John quickly went quiet and dismissed himself to the upstairs department of his store to allow the other woman to take the reigns. The banshee grabbed her friends arm and shook her head gently only to be disrupted by the bar maiden.

“Vodka Slime.” The banshee corrected before looking back and Nix well full well knowing she wasn’t a frilly drink type of woman.


Colton stood quietly towards the back, rather uncaring when his chaperones refused to explain the exact situation and who they were visiting before going home. His eyes also kept crawling back to the man at Dakota’s side, rather unhappy that the friend she’d invited had been a man, let alone keeping him along for the ride after breakfast.

But then his attention was stolen, quickly moving over to the creature of dominance that seemed to just stride into the room like she owned the joint. From the second she rode in, he couldn’t tear his attention away from her, forcing him to note the sway to her beautiful hips, her pierced and well toned mid-section, her bust that practically poured out over the little that covered her chest and then finally her face. Her eyes, the deep living color of blood that were all too a tuned to her surroundings and the people she offered drinks to. Colton simply nodded but kept his eyes on her, unable to look away from her.


Once finishing breakfast and having a light and airy conversation with her family, Grayson felt only slightly easier. At least one or two of them seemed to ease around his smooth words, while winning over the one he really truly wanted to for the moment. He walked beside Dakota’s side with a rather smooth and flawless stride, all while chatting about various adventures with her as they walked throughout the city to the destination that Nix – A motherly like figure that stood up for the two wolves – stated their first stop would be quick and meaningful.

Once entering the bar, Grayson nodded towards John as he greeted them but then after only a couple minutes was dismissed by a black haired mistress. Yawning at her dramatic and over powering entrance, Grayson went back to lightly and quietly chatting with Dakota.

Reyn nuzzled her son's tiny blonde head, kissing his hair as he wiggled in their laps. He didn't stay long, the child full of energy. Just like that he was gone, giggling down the hall. They heard the playroom door open, and the sound of the toy box opening and being quickly emptied as Nolan pulled out every toy.

"That will keep him busy," Reyn laughed, "At least till lunch. I hope."

She rested into Eli, sighing in content. Who would have ever thought that this was all she wanted in life. A family, a home, and the sense of safety she only got with Eli.

"When do you leave next love?" she asked absentmindedly, resting her head on his shoulder.

While Reyn's appetite for other partners had all but died off, Elijah still held that hunger. He wasn't disappearing every day, but he did go into the city here and there, and Reyn pretended he was doing anything but what she knew he was. If she dwelled on it, her jealousy flared far too dangerously. Before Nolan, her jealousy only swelled anger in her, and he would often come home to broken objects and a pissed siren. But since they had their second child Reyn's jealousy not only pushed her into an annoyed rage, it also drained her. The longer he left and the more she dwelled on it, the worse she'd become. He'd done an overnight trip once after she promised she'd be fine, and he had come back to her passed out and Nolan crying, while poor seventeen year old Nya was in a pure panic that her mother had collapsed.

Needless to say, Reyn had learnt to imagine he was doing errands or contracts so that didn't repeat itself.

She could feel him watching her now as she curled into him, probably worried she'd lash out. Honestly she been trying harder and harder to hold her tongue, let him go, try not to care. There used to be none of this ugly jealously, not until Nya. And that was it. She had two children with her winged soulmate, and somehow they changed all the cards. But, despite it all, she was getting better.

She continued quietly, so Nolan's sensitive ears couldn't hear, "I was thinking asking someone to babysit Nolan for the day and I could go with you, to the city at least. There's an errand or two I want to run."

Nix shook her head at the offer of a drink, the dull headache still in the back of her head. She'd already downed four coffees and a smoke, and none had helped the hangover. Moving more towards the back of the room, she stepped into the small hall with the private rooms, the cries only getting louder.


She snapped at the air inches from his face, causing the grown man to whimper, his eyes squeezing shut to block out the image of her demented face, eyes reddish black with dark veins branching out, and teeth long and fanged.

"I-I-I don't k-k-know anymore!" he whined, "Please..."

She dropped him back to the floor where he huddled, cowering. Sure enough when he left this joint he'd slink back home and grab guards to come after her. He was that type of rich sleaze, unable to fight his own battles but rich enough to pay others to do it.

"You send one guard after me, and I will personally show you what your intestines look like wrapped around your neck. Now get out of my damn sight!"

He looked up at her in shock, considering if she was tricking him for only a second then bolting for the door, unlocking it and opening it wide. As he hurried out, he practically ran into another familiar face.

"Is it already noon?" Kayden asked, her face already normal, although she was unsure if the older wolf had glimpsed it, "Sorry to keep you waiting Nix. My last appointment was a little less than polite. Come..."

Her voice drained away, her eyes glued to the redhead in the main bar, speaking to a taller man.

"L-luna?" Kayden's voice broke, an echo of her old self surfacing.

The word carried, the entire group turning and she got a better glimpse of the redhead, her hand slapping over her mouth as a choked sound fell out.

"No, Kayden no that's not-" Nix stepped into her line of sight, pausing mid sentence, "-that's not Luna Kay. That's her daughter, Dakota."

"What?" her voice sounded small but her eyes were steely, her mind trying to reel back the emotions crashing into her.

"Luna had a girl," Phoenix explained, leading Kayden to sit down as she motioned to someone outside the room, "And a boy. Dakota and Colton."

"Why are they here?" her composure was returning, her voice steadying, "I told you years ago I didn't want to meet them Nix. I don't want to know them."

Out of everyone, Phoenix was the only contact she had with her old life over the past twenty years. They rarely met, but when they did the two rules were no talking about Luna, or her children. Kayden couldn't handle the thought of her sister's death. It had been easier to lock those feelings away, then try and process the lost of her only loving family member. And her children were a reminder of that pain and loss. The only reason the two were alive was because Kayden had taken that demon and simultaneously killed her own sister. Nothing could ever fix or mend that.

"Well you invited me and they are under my charge this weekend," Nix looked over her shoulder and Kayden swore, realizing she had beckoned them closer and they were right around the corner, coming towards the door, "Maybe they'd like to meet you. You owe them that much Kayden."

Dakota was enwrapped in a conversation with Grayson, completely memorized by his sexy voice and handsome looks. Over breakfast she had gotten to understand him a little more. He wasn't creepily formal, he was just polite to everyone and it had come off creepy the night before. There was a commanding tone to him though, his posture demanding attention and respect. It probably pushed a lot of people away, he seemed almost cocky and egotistical, but that only caught her attention more. Guys like him never gave quiet, rule abiding girls like Dakota the light of day. She was organized, precised, and in most accounts boring. If it wasn't for her friends she wouldn't have been at that club last night, but she loved spending time with Nya, Nix and Kyli. And she was stuck with Colton.

Grayson continued to give her his undivided attention and it thrilled Dakota. The only bump in the conversation was when he asked about the pretty rings she wore on her hands, particularly the one on her middle right finger with a moon engraved in it, and the one on the ring finger beside it that was a pure white gold ring with vines shaped inside it. They had been her mothers; the rings were one of the few things her father had kept and passed down and they were sacred to Dakota. She never took them off, and she refused to share them with Colton. Her brother had gotten more of Luna than Dakota ever would. He was Alpha, he had Luna's blood coursing through him. Dakota...

As much as she looked like her mother, Dakota knew she had more of her father in her. Much, much more.

Before Dakota could redirect the conversation a small voice called out, speaking the exact name Dakota was thinking about. Whipping her head around, she caught the shocked face of a tall white haired woman, smoky eyes staring at her like she had seen a ghost. Phoenix beckoned them forward, looking only at her and Colton. Kyli quickly grabbed Nya and Grayson, pulling them to the bar and leaving the confused twins to move towards the private room.

'Any idea who she is Cole?' Dakota asked silently, using their bond to chat. For as long as she could remember it had been there, even before Colton could consciously control a Pack and bring others into the fold. They had caused their father and uncle a lot of grief with it, as children playing many pranks without them having an inkling that it was coming.

Eli leaned in and kissed Reyns forehead gently while their little ball of energy disappeared.

“I have a contract two towns over in three days time, but that won’t be any longer than two days.” He purred, his arms moving back to curl around the Siren to pull her into him further. His whitish green eyes stared up at her with an air of mischievousness, his grin only getting larger.

“Of course we can sort that out. We can ask Ash and Braxton, or even Nya. She’s old enough she can care for him while we run off for a bit.” His deep voice purred. “Once I come back from my contract, I’ll take you out.”


Whipping up several drinks and sliding them along the bar, the woman looked back at the rather tall man awkwardly staring at her. With a roll of her eyes and a rather distasteful chuff she turned her attention back to the blonde making her way off to the private rooms. Normally the owner – John never allowed anyone back there throughout the day other than the wolf girl, but Hades could really care less.

“Take a bloody picture. I can practically see your damn drool dog. Now move on with your group.” She snapped, her bloody pools staring him down.


Kyli gravitated towards Nix, curious to the situation she was walking towards. As the woman began her descent to the other room, she could see a rather rich man escape from the room with a rather pissed off woman who seemed rather choked up. One look at Nix told her to excuse herself and the outsiders from the family bond, allowing them to quietly shuffle over to the bar.


Grayson rather unwilling departed from the red head, her family beckoning them away. While he had been enjoying their conversation, he knew family had the priority. With that, he moved towards the bar with the other two women and sat down with a drink.


The wolf couldn’t help the cringe that ran through him at the word that had been said off to the side. Ripping his eyes from the rather annoyed bar tender, he moved with his sister towards a rather large eyed woman that stood with Nix. Sniffing the air, the rather large bulky man took calculated steps out of habit.

She smells like mother.’ He thought back, having gained her scent from one or two of her older possessions, full well knowing their father hadn’t been able to even look at her things, let alone clean or deal with them.

'Does she?' Dakota wondered, sniffing the air herself.

She did. Dakota fell back a step, automatically assuming position as the Omega to Colton. As she did she caught his hand, squeezing it tightly to try and reassure herself. In situations like this she looked to him for guidance; he was her Alpha after all, not to mention a few minutes older. He never treated her like a lesser wolf though, but more of a baby sister, even though they were twins. No one was as protective of her as Colton was; their family was protective at times, but not like Cole.

The smoky eyed white haired woman was gawking at her with every step Dakota got closer, making her more and more uncomfortable. By the time they got near she was practically right behind Colton trying to get away from those piercing eyes, her grip on his hand iron tight.

'She won't stop staring Cole.'


She watched their stances, noting how quickly Dakota fell in line a step behind Colton. It had been like that since they could walk. She always let him do everything first, without thought. Nix didn't like pack life, but she admired Dakota's devotion to her brother and acceptance to his alphahood.

As they neared, Nix could see how tense Dakota was becoming, and it was having an effect on Colton.

"Kay," she muttered, pulling the shocked and wide-eyed wolf beside her further into the room, "Let them in. We can sit and talk."

"I don't-" she stopped, letting the sentence die.

Phoenix got her sitting down, and as those grey eyes finally broke from the twins she relaxed, regaining that calm and cool composure Nix had only seen moments before.

"I asked to meet you for a contract, not a reunion," Kayden stated, turning those dark eyes on Nix, "I took on a bit more than I can chew, without realizing and I'm in need of numbers. I was hoping you could help me, and if you knew anyone else still in the hunting business. Besides...them."

She was referring to Jay and Xael, the two people Kayden refused to see again. In her mind, both of them would blame her for everything, and she already blamed herself enough.

"We can speak on that," Nix nodded, "But its damn well about time you meet your niece and nephew, kid."

She spoke as the twins entered the room, moving her eyes up and continuing, "Dakota, Colton, this is Kayden Deth. She is your mother's sister, not by choice like Jay but by blood. She is your aunt."

Kayden jaw worked as she tried to hold some comment back, lips pursing. Dakota remained standing until after Colton took his seat, sliding in next to him and keeping her eyes on her lap, looking terribly uncomfortable.

Nakaylia took a seat beside Kyli and Grayson, ordering only a water. The whole morning was still leaving her reeling, and she had yet to look or speak to Colton. No doubt he'd be pissed, his pride stomped on by her when she ordered him about. But he had...touched her. And she had every right to snap at him for that.

Her father had graced her with many things, and among some of them was her heightened senses. Even from the bar she could hear everything in the private rooms clearly. Her dad had taught her how to be environmentally aware, how to know everything going on around her without becoming overwhelmed. Never let someone or something sneak up on you. So while Nya was able to smile and hold a conversation with Kyli and Grayson she continued to eavesdrop, surprised to find out the twins had an aunt.

She chewed her lip. That would be a week from now, and all she had was the one errand...

"Don't worry about it love," she kissed his cheek, "I'll ask Nix or Kyli to watch Nolan for the day tomorrow and Nya and I can make a girl's day out of it. All I really need is a few new shirts. Nolan decided to cut capes out of half a dozen of my shirts yesterday."
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