Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


The wolf squeezed Dakota’s hand gently while pulling her behind him in hopes of fully shielding his sister. A growl left his throat while a portion of his lip lifted to expose a sharpened canine.

“Eyes on another person.” He grunted, his deep voice echoing off the walls as their bodies moved into the room. Following the other two fully into the room, Colton took slow cautious steps while his large green eyes looked around at their surroundings. Seeing Nix try to calm the other wolf had little to ease his heightened nerves, throwing him into a more protective position over his sister. After several minutes flew by Colton sat down and wound his arm around his sister protectively. He wasn’t willing to drop any of his senses, even if what Nix’s words had said were true.

“If she’s our aunt why are we just hearing about this now? We already know about the clan and all the other shit back in the bloodline.” Colton’s deep throaty words growled, his canines rather large and extended while his ears tipped off ever so slightly.


Hades handed the woman her water as while everyone else. Once finishing she moved back to dry several glass’s before sliding them back into their places in a graceful and fluid motion. Silently listening to all the chit chat behind her, the woman stayed quiet, her snarky attitude reflected on her beautiful and sharp features.


Eli looked at her oddly, uncertain to why she was in such a hurry, but once listening to her words he nodded.

“Once I come back then we’ll go out. We’ll go somewhere special.” A mischievous grin pulled at his lips, the man leaning forward to nuzzle her gently. “All on me of course.”

Eli’s arms around Reyn tightened, since Nolan had been born the two hadn’t had time for each other, and while the man respected that a small portion of him missed that alone time with his lifelong partner. In that, he knew he’d have no issues finding someone to care for their child so they could disappear for a night of luxury to truly indulge in each other.

She didn't press the topic, knowing he was stubborn. She'd have to wait for the shirts, hoping Nolan wouldn't cut any more up. She could see he really wanted to take her, not send her with Nya or anyone else. How could she say possibly reject his cute face?

"I'm going to shower before Nolan comes looking for me," she kissed him again, slipping out of the bed, "There's fresh coffee downstairs, minus the blueberries for you."

The ensuite bathroom was huge, and to Reyn's utter enjoyment had a walk in shower as well as a large porcelain tub for two. The tub was more for weekends when Nolan went to bed early and Nya was out with her friends. Most of the time the siren used the shower, happy to get in and out of the water quickly. Her showers these days lasted less than five minutes, the mother learning quickly not to waste time or face cleaning a bigger mess when she came out.

Eli grinned and kissed her deeply.

“If he does I’ll distract him. Take your time love.” He purred, releasing her before standing and putting on a pair of blue and black plaid pj pants that Reyn and Nya had gotten him several years back as a christmas gift. Well it was a rare tradition, only done y the more wealthy, they had definitely had fun with the tradition since their kids could truly enjoy it. With that, he slipped on a white muscle shirt and moved downstairs, an ear always listening to Nolan and his antics while Reyn showered and he grabbed a fresh cup of coffee. His body moved to sit at the island, sipping at the dark and perfectly rich liquid. The Halfling grunted gently, listening to everything around him while he enjoyed his morning.

Nya's eyes turned to the bartender, noting the obvious distaste to the three of them. It didn't seem to be directed to them personally though, more just her personality. Nya shrugged it off, her day already off to a bad start. She didn't need a bitchy bartender in her face.

"So Kyli," Nya pulled the Banshee's attention as Grayson nursed his scotch, "Who is that in there with Colton and Dakota?"


Phoenix chose her words carefully, "She asked me to not involve her in either of your lives. She felt you were better off."

"You are," Kayden added, "I'm no role model."

Nix gave her a look and she could see her resolve crumble a little. As angry as she was at herself, and at Nix, the white wolf was still curious about her niece and nephew.

"I can answer any questions," Kayden caved, looking Colton in the eye, "If you have any."


His arm wove around her shoulders and she relaxed only a fraction, her eyes stuck to a spot on her jeans, unable to look up. If this woman was their aunt, she obviously didn't want anything to do with them. And Dakota still felt like out of sorts, leaning on Colton to do all the talking.

Reyn finished in her shower, still only taking five minutes. It had become a habit. Dressing in a loose white tank top that fell off her shoulders and billowed out, and a pair of denim shorts, she towel dried her hair before padding down the hall to Nolan. Nolan was amongst a pile of blocks, building himself a castle. It was impressive, each block immacuately stacked and placed so nothing teetered. Nolan was overly intelligent for his age, and it was both a blessing and a curse. He knew how to do things well beyond his age limit, but the five-year-old was still grasping the concept of consequences. Last week he had almost cut his finger off trying to make himself a peanut butter sandwich, but forgetting to grab a butter knife and grabbing a steak knife instead. He didn't see the difference in them and if Eli hadn't caught him, they would have had quite the situation.

"What do you want for lunch today baby?" she asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Soup," he replied, not missing a beat, "With grilled cheese and milk please mommy."

She smiled, "We'll be downstairs if you need us sweetie."

Reyn found Elijah in the kitchen, sipping coffee. Wrapping her arms around him she kissed the back of his neck. How was it possible to miss someone she saw everyday?

And yet, she did. Nolan and Nya kept them busy, and she couldn't remember the last time they'd had an hour to themselves that wasn't cleaning or cooking.

"Nolan wants your grilled cheese for lunch," she whispered, "And soup. You got a couple hours before he gets hungry though. He's building a castle."

For a fleeting second she thought that perhaps Nolan would be content building alone, and they could sit in the kitchen and share the morning together. But no sooner had she thought about it than Nolan's high pitched squeal echoed through the house, calling for Eli to come play.

"You've been beckoned," she sighed, kissing his neck again, "I should clean up breakfast. Go play with the boy, before he comes looking for you."

Kyli’s large and vibrant hazel eyes peered up at Nya, a gentle smile hitting her perfect pink lips.

“Her name is Kayden, Unfortunately I didn’t get to know her well back when the twin’s mother was around, but she’s the twins only reliable blood relative.” She paused for a moment. “She’s Lunars real sister.”

Looking back at her drink, she thanked the woman behind the bar, her ears twitching here and there towards their conversation. Obviously she hadn’t much to do.

“It’s a shame they’re only meeting her now though.” She pointed out.


The wolf’s annoyance only grew – Something he’d inherited from his mother – being a very thin temper that could snap at any moment given the opportunity. Or perhaps that came with being not only an alpha but a male one at that.

“So if you’ve wanted to be so badly out of our lives why give a fuck now? Between the twenty some years, and the awkward staring at my sister – Making her not only uncomfortable but just showing up and asking for bloody help from a family you’ve abandoned, screams something pretty fucking shallow.” He snapped, trying to control the anger that swelled deep within him. His temper from this morning had been fairly bad- adding on to the rather cruel words, but he’d found it understandable from their point of view.

Eli’s head leaned forward while her lips pressed into his neck, earning a quiet moan to leave his lips. After a moment, the Halfling pressed his head back into Reyns shoulder to kiss her lovingly. While Nolan called, the Halfling moved his arm behind him to hook his fingers along the edge of her shorts and pull her into his lap. His lips found her while his arms wrapped around her, his fingers sliding up and down her sides gently.

“Shhh maybe if we go quiet he’ll think we made a run for it.” He grinned, his tone mischievous while he played. His lips pressed hungrily to hers again when a voice piped up.

“EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW GET A ROOM.” A voice screamed, tiny hands covering his little innocent eyes.

"God are you ever Luna's kid," the words came out before she could think about it and she instantly regretted the insensitivity in them.

Phoenix shuffled in her seat, listening as attentively as Kay was to his words. He obviously got something mixed up in the process and Kayden shot Nix a look, confused.

"Look kid. Colton, whatever. This was Nix' idea. She caught me last night in the club, and I just happen to need a hand with a contract. Phoenix and I have been keeping in contact-"

"More like an irregular friendship-" Nix cut in, looking at Kayden.

"-over the years, and so I can count on her for help when contracts pop up that she'd be perfect for. You two, and whoever else she brought are not part of the deal here."

"I didn't tell her you two were coming," Nix revealed, "Sorry guys, I just wanted to clear the air, let you know you had an aunt. You want nothing to do with her, fine, we can leave. Just let me talk to Kayden about the contract and we'll go."

Dakota practically jumped at the option of leaving, bolting to the curtain that cut the private room off from the club, Colton followed next, then Nix and Kayden.

Pulling Kayden off to the side, Nix spoke calmly, "I'll do the contract, depending on where it is."

"Not far," she replied, "I need to clear out a rather overcrowded castle. There's an item somewhere in there I've been hired to retrieve but I got my ass handed to me two days ago when I tried. I'm grabbing a few willing hunters and we are going to kick the door down."

"How many is overcrowded? And who else?"

"You now, me, Hades -uh, she works here part time but she's one hell of a fighter. Known her for a few years now. She's the bartender there. That's it for now. And uh, I don't know, maybe close to a hundred. Vamps, warlocks, a couple necromancers. I'm not entirely sure, i barely got through the front door."

"Kayden..." Nix sighed, rubbing her temples, "A hundred?"

"Give or take."

"Is the object worth that much?"

She bit her tongue, and nodded, knowing the item was irreplaceable.

She went from behind him to in his lap, her legs straddling his sides. His touch heated her skin, his fingers sliding under her top to massage her skin. His thumbs stroked the stretch marks along her hips and sides, some from Nya, more from Nolan. Her mouth pushed into his, hungering for his touch far too long.

But of course it wouldn't last. Reyn's head snapped back at the sound of Nolan's voice, and then she laughed. He was getting better at sneaking, not that he seemed pleased with it now. Slipping off her partner's lap she walked over and knelt in front of her son, pulling his tiny hands off his eyes.

"How about daddy goes upstairs to build a castle and I bake cookies."

Just like that, what he saw was gone from his fore thoughts, the young boy bouncing around for cookies.

"He's all yours," Reyn sighed, leaving Eli to deal with their energetic son, "I have to clean before I bake."

The alpha’s eyes glared down the other two wolves, twisting his head to pop his neck to ease the pressure building within him. The two seemed to stumble and find their footing while explaining, only adding onto the building tension. Simply standing behind his sister, the man’s towering and hulking mass slowly followed behind her. Without looking back at the two he moved from the private rooms to the main room, nodding to his sister to make sure she was ok before stepping outside to cool off.

With that, he leaned against the back of the building, ignoring the stench from the dumpster beside him while allowing his tense muscles to try and relax in the meantime.


Something heated was going on. Even from this distance she could feel – taste the annoyance that built down to his bones, having only been skin deep when he’d entered the conversation had turned for the worse. But with that she had overheard the whole of the conversation with her sensitive hearing. Looking back towards the red head that entered, she’d made her a quick drink and looked her over while sliding the glass to her.

“On the house. You’re brothers pissed eh?” She asked, her head gesturing towards the door while her piercingly dark and seductive tone rung out.

On Nolan’s note, his head shot back and a deep laugh left his throat.

“You shouldn’t be sneaking around you brat.” He grinned, standing once Reyn hopped off to aid to their momentarily distraught son. Upon the thought of cookies, Eli wound his arms around Reyns waist to sneak another kiss while their five year old bounced away.

“Tonight. You. Myself. And one very sexy bed.” He purred quietly, his hands sliding up to her arms before following their son’s beckoning’s in the background while Reyn dealt with the kitchen.

Dakota floundered at the simple question, looking overwhelmed. Nya stepped up beside her, smiling at the bartender.

"Yeah he has quite the temper. Hey D, why don't you check on him?"

Dakota drained the drink in one swig, squeaking out an apology and bolting outside. The wolf was terrible with confrontation.

"Sorry, she's had an eventful weekend," Nya caught Grayson's look asking if he should follow and she shook her head ever so slightly before moving back to the bartender.

"Sorry Hades," she nodded, excusing herself, "I just have to go talk to my friend."

Moving over to Nix and Kayden, she stared down the white haired woman, something familiar about her. Phoenix looked amused, raising an eyebrow.

"Eavesdropping are we Nya?" she asked, not upset.

"Nya..." Kayden's eyes widened, "Oh my god, Nakaylia?"

"Um...yes?" now Nya was really confused.

"I knew your parents," there was a young look about her as she spoke, like thinking back to old times brought out a younger version of herself, "You were only four months, but I babysat you a lot. You would play with my hair for hours."

"Well it is nice hair," Nya laughed, touching the white locks, "Sorry that I don't remember you. Um...Nix?"

Kayden waved it off, letting the conversation move along as Nix turned to Nya, "Yeah kid?"

"You're signing up for a contract right?"


"I want in."


Dakota escaped the club, her legs shaking as she stepped into the middle of the street, taking in the fresh air. She felt like a million eyes were watching her, trying to pry her open. The young wolf had never been good with sudden confrontations, but neither did she do well with strangers unless Colton or Nya were around. Nya had obviously sensed that, sending her outside where she could calm her nerves before returning inside.

As she calmed, her jade eyes turned to her brother a few feet down, calming himself down too. She stepped towards him, touching his arm gently.

"What are your thoughts brother? Tell me what you think about her."

Hades lifted a brow towards the girls who both seemed in utter chaos for the moment. The womans fine deep red pools followed Dakota out the door before moving back to Nya as she added herself into the contract that had been discussed in one of the back rooms. Obviously the hell breather hadn’t been the only one to listen in to the ‘private’ conversation off in the background. Moving back to tend over the bar, the woman moved dish’s around and filled the other mans scotch back up while he was obviously concentrated elsewhere.


The alpha’s head dipped into his sisters, his mind pulling at the over powering emotion’s waving through her while he allowed a soothing emotion to roll through him to her. While he himself may not have been calm, he still could allow the feeling to roll through their connection to ease her stomach and unweave her nerves.

Calm Dakota. Deep Breaths. You’re alright.’ His words replied, watching her ease before walking over to him. Dakota’s touch eased his anger only slightly, the wolf snapping within him.

“I think she’s hitting up family because she has no one else, and that abandoning the family was a low thing to do if she really is mothers sister.” He growled, taking a deep breath that did nothing for him.

She nodded, leaning against her brother in both mind and body, her head resting on his arm with how tall he was, her mind clinging to his words, following them without question. A sense of calm filled her, and her shoulders loosened then relaxed.

"Nix isn't family though, not to her," Dakota had retained that much from what they said, "It sounded like a complete chance encounter Cole."


She should have known better than to think Nya wouldn't want in. Leave it to the daughter of one of the most powerful beings on Earth to eavesdrop on a conversation and then openly admit it without care.

"That's not entirely up to me," Nix replied, "This would be your first contract, which means you have to talk to your father first. This isn't some picnic Nya."

The violet haired girl shrugged, "I've been fighting since I was five and my father started training me. I can take this on Nix."

"She's right though, "Kayden chipped in, "Look, I know Elijah. If he says yes, then your in. If he says no, there is no way in hell I'm getting on his bad side. That's a death wish waiting to happen."

Nya crossed her arms but neither of them wavered so she sauntered off, knowing the chances of her father letting her go were slim due to the circumstances.

"I should be getting these kids home anyways," Nix exclaimed, turning to Kayden, "When do you need me back in town?"

"Two...three days. Just meet here. Bring whoever you can."

"Ok. Good seeing you Kayden."

The white haired woman nodded curtly and strode back into the private area. Phoenix rounded everyone up, eager to get home. As they got outside they plucked Colton and Dakota too, telling them they were heading home finally.

"I'm real sorry about that guys," Nix frowned, "I misjudged that whole meeting. Are you okay Dakota?"

She nodded, looking calm, "I'm good now."

Colton shook his head slightly, allowing a sharpened canine to force through the skin along his bottom lip.

“I just think if it was a chance encounter, not to bring us into anything when there’s a member of the family that simply gave up on us.” He growled past his wolfish teeth.

The wolf tried to swallow while blood from his lip poured into his mouth but the wolfish teeth made that hard. Looking Dakota over and was grateful that while he withstood his inner anger, he could at least ease his sister.

Not long after that, the two were joined by their friends and family. The man stayed quiet but followed alongside the group, listening but unwilling to speak as the animalistic nature could rise up at any moment.


Blood red pools on the door, the girl chuckled while her hands rested out on the counter before her.

“The wolf’s will come. Just you wait.” Her voice slyly slid in to the blonde on the other side of the room.


With a certain unknown ease, Kyli fell into step with Nix, her arm looping through the girls while they moved throughout the city.

“Well at least it’s beautiful weather for a stroll home.” She commented airily, hoping to distract the spirits around her.


Grayson stayed with the group, his large blue eyes peering over to the small red headed girl while he fell in step with her.

“Did you’re brother help your nerves?” He asked gently.

Stepping away from Colton, Dakota fell behind with Grayson. Her brother was wary of the man, as he should be. She barely knew him.

"Yeah he did. He's good at that," she smiled, leaving out any mention of Colton's order to remain calm, keeping her from feeling nervous now.

This man didn't know what she, or any of her group was. They couldn't really be open about it, not with how bad the world was becoming. They'd been careful so far, and Grayson couldn't have any inkling that they were anymore than human. Still, she watched her words.

"Thanks for last night," she grinned, "And breakfast this morning. Sorry that you got dragged into the club. I, uh, wasn't expecting all the drama."

She had to tilt her head up to meet his gaze, easily a foot shorter than him. She didn't realize it till now, but she had taken his hands, playing with his fingers in hers. A smile slipped on her lips, showing off dazzling white teeth.

"So, can I hope to see you again?" she asked, knowing she had to say goodbye for now.


Nix looked over her shoulder at the three grumpy children they were escorting home.

"Nice weather if we can enjoy it," she commented, shrugging, "That definitely did not go as planned. On the bright side, it could of also gone much worse."

With that she changed topics, falling into an easy conversation with Kyli. Colton and Nya caught up to them, although both walked with Nix and Kyli between them, refusing to look or even acknowledge the other.

Walking along side Dakota, his fingers gently caressed her hand while she played gently with his fingers.

“The drama and what not has been interesting, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you.” He grinned mischievously. His head lowered a tad while looking down at her, his voice lowering an octave.

“Of course.” He purred. “Three days Darlin'.”

His words vibrated against her lips with how close he was leaning in. Then his lips pressed to hers, gently at first to test her reaction before he leaned in deeper. His hand swept up to rest under her jawline and along her neck while his other still entangled with hers pulled her further into his muscular body.


“Well the main point is you got to chat with your lovely Kayden and the twins got to meet someone else of blood relevance. And the kids got out of the house to enjoy some off time.” She pointed out, her free hand moving up to pat Nix’s arm that was looped around hers. Once they changed topics, the woman noticed the rising tension between the two friends but chose to remain quiet about it, knowing what ever happened was between those two.

"Sure...three," she whispered, his breath tickling her face.

Her heart beat quickened as she looked up, caught in his vibrant blue eyes. As he leaned closer her breath caught, his hand catching her neck and pulling her in softly. Their entangled fingers kept her against him as his lips touched hers so lightly. Sparks danced along their lips, her brain reeling at the new sensation. She didn't jump away though, just stood there and experienced it, trying to understand what to do. As the kiss deepened her body came back to life and she gripped his shoulders, pulled him down to kiss him back.

Finally she broke away, grinning like an idiot. A blush crept across her cheeks, complimenting her sparkling green eyes as she bit her lip, trying to suppress the giddiness.

"Three days," she hummed, stepping away, "I'll meet you inside the club. Midnight."

With that she turned and jogged away, needing to catch up with her group.

The corner of his fine lips pulled up, his lips pressing deeper once she accepted him. He pulled her in tighter until there was no space between them, but allowed his head to move back ever so slightly once she broke the distance between their lips.

“You’re adorable when you blush.” He breathed. “Midnight it is.”

Once she turned the sorcerer turned, his lips turning up devilishly while he laughed quietly to himself the second she was out of earshot.

Foolish naive little girl. Give a little and gain allot.

Once outside the city, everyone seemed to relax further, happy to be out in the sunshine, making their way home. Dakota in particular seemed overly happy, and Nya held her tongue as to why. Oh she knew. But she knew it wasn't her business.

As they walked Nya fell behind, walking casually at the back of the group. The rest were engaged in a conversation about something trifle, talking animately ahead. Nya preferred to enjoy the walk back home to herself, surrounded by the calm sounds of nature circling them., unafraid of any of the beasts that roamed their area.

The twenty-year-old hybrid was more than capable of handling herself in the woods, even as they grew more lethal over the years. Her father had been training her since she turned five. It had been a form of homeschooling, her mother teaching her how to read, write, and count, and anything else their daughter wanted to learn, while her father had started exercise and obstacle training, helping her build muscle and flexibility. At ten she started learning fighting techniques, and then at sixteen combat training. I think dad said Nolan’s training starts in a couple weeks. Maybe he’ll let me chip in.

A rustle in the bushes caught her ear, and her head turned, her eyes scanning for any lurking threat. There was another rustle, but this one was further off. She was about to assume it was a rabbit or a deer when a familiar scent caught her nose and she turned, sniffing again and swearing. The rest of the group was too far ahead and the property loomed in the distance, only twenty minutes away. Turning she bolted off the trail, booking it after the noise.

She wasn’t fast like her father or Nolan. Her legs pumped though as she flew as fast as she could through the trees, the rustling moving ahead, then to her left, then jumping to her right.

“Nolan!” she yelled, trying to slow him, “It’s Nya!”

This wasn’t the first time he’d been caught zooming through the trees. Chances are he snuck out, wanting to play superhero, or whatever imagination game he concocted for the day. Her baby brother was too intelligent for his age; he knew how to sneak past their parents, and he knew how to evade Nya when he wanted to, but he couldn’t grasp the dangers of the world at his young age. Not yet.

“Nolan!” she called again, well into the forest now, the trail long lost behind her. No one would be able to here either of them, and that thought scared her.

The rustling broke off, but ahead she could see a part in the trees and then a large field full of tall grass. Some of it was trampled or dying, and Nolan stood amongst the shorter grass, looking away from her. Her chest was heaving when she caught up, wanting to drop to her knees and catch her breath but pressing on.

“Nolan,” she sighed, grabbing his shoulders as she reached him, “You know you can’t be out here.”

She turned him to face her and blinked twice, kneeling as she saw his tears. Had he thought she was angry?

“Hey,” she spoke even softer, wiping his tears, “I’m not mad. I got scared because I couldn’t catch up.”

“I want mommy,” he sniffled, his lower lip shaking, “I’m scared.”

She hugged him tight, kissing his head, “Then we will go see mommy. C’mon.”

“What about them?”

Her stomach dropped, her little brother pointing into the field where he had been staring. Slowly her eyes rose, readying herself for what he’d found. It could be anything; a body, a wolf, a creature…

Or better yet, why not one of the stealthiest and deadliest monsters crawling the forest. A wraith rose from within the tall grass, its ugly head craning as it looked down at them, sizing up its competition. She cursed herself for not realizing it sooner, but they rarely smelt except right after a meal when they reeked of blood. And they moved so quickly and quietly they could have easily kept up with Nolan while Nya remained unaware, following only the sounds of her little brother running through the brush.

Nya stepped in front of her little brother, and an inkling of fear dripped into her. It wasn’t fear for her, but for the five-year-old behind her, shaking against her leg.

“It’s okay Nolan, I can fight one of these jerks,” she tried to reassure him, careful not to make a sudden movement and prod it to attack.

“N-n-n-n-” Nolan’s word stuck to the terrified boy’s lips, “n-n-n-ot one. T-t-t…”

There was a crashing sound to her right and the trees fell hard as an even bigger wraith joined the first, hovering midair as its tentacles ran along the ground. Two, he meant…t…w…o…

A scream pierced the silent clearing directly behind her, and Nya turned her head as slowly as possible, facing the third wraith. Three. There were three giant monsters wanting her flesh and blood, and they had her surrounded.

“Nolan,” Nya whispered, her eyes jumping from one wraith to the next, waiting for them to strike, “You need to be brave okay? Look to your left.”

He did so, staring at the only open path left.

“Mom and dad are that way. I want…I want you to run okay Nolan? I need my little speedster brother now. Run all the way home until your safe. I’ll make sure they don’t follow you.”

Nolan’s saucer blue eyes widened, looking up at her, “They’ll hurt you Nini.”

His nickname for her always made her smile, but it only clenched at her heart harder.

“They can try. Now go Nolan. Run!”

Nolan turned to flee as she turned in the opposite direction, jumping into action as she ran straight for the smallest wraith. The air shimmered around her as she beckoned her second strongest gift graced to her, pulling the atoms together to form a sword in her hand, one made of shadow and air, yet stroked harder than steel. Striking down, she sliced cleanly through one of the tentacles, causing the foul beast to scream, the other two swooping in to attack and ignoring the fleeing child.


After lunch, Nolan decided he wanted to play alone, to the relief of Reyn and Eli who got a couple hours to themselves. Of course they still could do little, knowing Nolan's senses were nothing if not over powerful, like Nya's. Instead they cuddled on the couch, enjoying the peaceful company they rarely got. As three o'clock loomed though, Reyn decided to check on Nolan. Ascending the stairs she popped her head into the playroom, only to find it empty.

"Eli?" she called down, confused as she checked Nolan's bedroom and it too was empty, "I can't find Nolan. He isn't in his room or the playroom. Can you check outside to see if he's playing there?"

Sometimes he got past his parents and out the back door and they would find him in the small field of their backyard, playing in the sun.

Eli’s head lifted with Reyns words, his eyes instantly looking around while he B-lined it for the back door. The door gave quickly at his touch while he moved out to look in the backyard, his son’s cries coming from the forest before he came into sight around the tree line. Launching himself forward, Eli came to a sweeping halt before his son before his arms lifted his sobbing body up into his father’s muscular arms.

“Ni…NiNi..” The words sobbed out while his tiny hand held up towards the forest. Scanning the area quickly Eli put him down and pushed him off urgently towards the house before he moved into the forest.

Tree’s swept by at an unbelievable rate, allowing their wooden bodies to blur into the back ground as Eli focused his sense’s around him. Her body heat hit him before her scent had, allowing him to push forward and press off to the left by the slightest degree. His hands swept to the side, condensing the air between his fingers to press the atom’s together and force the darkness that slithered up and around him to stream behind him while they formed two curved blades around his knuckles.

With both grace and ease he moved into the clearing, his large and blackened emerald eyes moved towards the situation.

Nya dodged a strike as its claw lashed down, swiping air. Rolling and jumping forward, she saw her opening. The one to her right moved forward and she swept her sword around, making it pull its head back, exposing its chest but only for a second. It was all she needed, turning her blade and sweeping it back, striking flesh as the thing screamed. The other two danced around her, watching their kin fall at her blade, writhing on the ground as its heart bled onto the ground, not dying instantly as she'd hoped but instead paralyzing it as it died only moments later.

Turning her attention onto the other two, she dodged their attacks again, dancing around the field as they slithered and screamed, wanting her to stay still. One almost caught her, slashing down as she jumped to the right, seconds before its talon speared the dirt. She spun and a circle and struck, but it caught the blade and tossed her back. Nya's back hit the ground hard, and she was already flipping backwards onto her feet.

"You'll have to do better than that," she snarled, rushing forward.

She caught the nearest one in the arm, severing it as the large talon like ligament fell into the grass. As it screamed she continued forward, slicing at a tentacle to cause it pain and distract it from her graceful body. She had no speed, but she'd learned to work around it.

As she feigned left and swung right from another lashing talon she caught sight of the familiar face at the edge of the clearing, watching her. Nolan must have said something, since she hadn't asked for the assistance. But he only watched, judging her fighting. Of course dad. Don't help. Just watch me...shit!

She had been distracted from his appearance and almost missed the second wraith racing at her, its one good arm swinging sideways at her head. She ducked, doing the splits before returning to her feet. But the mistake had set her back and the first wraith had regained its composure, striking at her and even as she dodged it caught her arm, slicing the skin effortlessly. The scent of blood filled her nostrils, and theirs, the two wraiths shrieking in anticipation for their meal.

She veered back, taking several steps to distance herself as she looked for a new strategy. Surprising them had been her advantage but the two seemed to be in sync now, meaning if she went after one, the other could strike. Three talons against one sword wouldn't work. Pressing the atoms together once more in her hand she felt the hilt of a second sword, the blade as deadly and sharp as the first. Yet it felt off, as if it weighed too much even though it was made of air. Her arm tingled with it, the blood from her wound dripping down. Ignoring it, she raced forward, fighting both at once as they moved in unison, now more deadly than before. Her right arm struck with each sweep and arc, but her left arm was slow and the wraith deflected almost all of her attacks.

Suddenly a searing pain lashed through her arm, and the sword vanished as her arm seized, going white hot then numb. Her eyes flashed to the wraith that had hit her, seeing all too late the muted purple on its dark body the identified it as a poisonous one. The one on her left was pure dark, a regular wraith to her luck. But it didn't matter now.

Nya had posion in her system, and it was quickly spreading. The numbness reached her shoulder, stretching for her heart. Soon enough she'd be paralyzed, an easy snack for the wraiths.

With her only good arm she attacked the poisonous one with a snarl that rippled through her. Its two talons tried to hit her but she dodged each, using one as a foot hold and jumping into the air, striking down on its face. Her blade slid down into its head, killing it instantly. As the wraiths body fell with a loud thump she landed beside it, swaying. Her eyesight was blurring and her left side was mostly numb, making walking hard. She needed to finish this fight.

Nakaylia stepped forward, and instantly fell to one knee. Her left leg was numb, that white hot pain dancing along her nerves, keeping her from standing on it. I can't move. I have to fight it from here.

Her eyes danced to her father, still watching. He was waiting, looking unsure now. She couldn't tell if he'd caught on that she was poisoned, or if he thought she was baiting the last wraith. Probably the latter, since the wraith was moving in, thinking she was finished. When it got close enough she pulled up, pushing all her weight on her good leg and swinging, catching one of its tentacles. However the other two curled and caught her, knocking her down. The wraith loomed over her in an instant, growling in anticipation. Nya flung her arm up, not to attack but to change her sword into a shield, just seconds before its scythe arced down.

She had no choice now.

"Dad!" she called out, squeezing her eyes as it hit the shield three more times and her strength wavered. The numbness was leeching into her right arm, sapping her strength to keep her shadowed shield.

"DADDY!" she screamed as the shield shattered back into air and her breath stopped, a scythe heading straight for her heart.

In a sweet instant his blade cut through the rotting flesh, his darkened eyes on the wraith while he hit the ground. He turned and his body was lunging through the air again only a second later before it’s body stopped and he landed smoothly next to both the still creature and his daughter underneath.

A primal purring like sound left the creatures gaping mouth before it’s head slid off of it’s body and landed with a hard thump next to Nya’s head.

“Well that wasn’t very smart of you. Now was it?” He stated crouching next to her as the creatures body fell to the side and he dismissed his blades. Crouching next to her, his hand lifted to hover above her chest while the air lightened around them. Without so much as a blink of an eye the demon within him faded and the very essence to life seemed to brighten the air around them, cocooning them in a blissful world of the very essentials of life itself. Calling upright the creature of the divine within him, his hand began to glow and light particles uplifted within their bubble, the grass swaying ever so gently and the world a quiet breeze all around them. The being within him worked quickly on the poison, easing it before finally dissipating its toxic effect on his young daughter before working on the wound itself along her arm.

Reyn was at the back door by the time Elijah flashed into the forest, her arms taking in her crying son. Closing the door, she held him tightly and moved to the kitchen where she placed him on the counter, checking for wounds.

"Nini," he whined.

"Daddy will take care of Nya," she kissed his forehead, "You know how tough your father is Nolan. And how tough your big sister is. They'll be fine."

He sniffled but nodded, pursing his tiny lips to try and stop crying, "I'm sorry."

Reyn held her tongue from scolding him. There wasn't a need to now; whatever had scared Nolan enough to come running home crying would keep him scared of playing in the trees again alone. Plus she was sure his father would want to talk to him when he returned.

"Maybe next time you'll ask me or daddy to come with you," she murmured, scooping him up again, "Now lets go clean up and put on some cleaner clothes. You are covered in dirt. Don't worry about Nya and Eli, they'll be back."


It wasn't until Nix and the group stepped onto the house patio that she realized they were down one. But it didn't faze her; Nya had a habit of falling behind or just branching off all together to go straight home. And with her desire to join the contract, she probably wanted a head start on sweet talking her father into saying yes.

Dropping the twins off with Jay who was the only one home, Nix and Kyli entered their own home, once owned by Braxton and Ashlin. The couple had moved out two years ago after Nya's eighteenth, wanting more space and alone time. Kyli at that point had been living in the guest house and Nix was growing tired of a household full of wolves so the two moved in together, finding living as roommates rather fun.

As for Xael, he still lived next door with his twins and Jay. He was momentarily out of the country though for a few months. Last summer he had met a woman through Jay, and surprisingly to all of them didn't shut her down right away. Now the two were travelling Europe, leaving Jay to manage the twins, although at their age they pretty much managed themselves. No one seemed that upset about it actually; the twins were happy to see their dad moving on, and Jay scheduled the first blind date that had led to Xael's new fling.

She sat up as the poison left, leaning against her father as he healed her arm. No one but his family saw his angelic side, and it had to stay that way. Ash may have seen it once or twice, but in Nya's eyes her godmother was just as much family as her parents and brother were.

"I love youuu daddy," she slurred, her eyelids only half opened as she stared at him.

As the poison finished draining and her mind cleared she continued to lean on him, pretending she still needed it. Nya didn't want to say anything, but it had been a while since he had fussed over her, and she honestly missed it. Since Nolan's birth her parents had been hyper-focused on keeping him in check, and while she understood, it meant less time with her dad and mom. Sure, she was twenty now and had a life on her own, but somedays she missed back when she could curl in his lap and he'd read to her, or when her mother would do her hair in the morning before starting the day.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled about the wound, knowing she'd failed the fight in his eyes.
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