Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Eli’s body pressed further into Reyn, his teeth nipping at her perky nipples while his hands clasped her wrists together still. His body moved quickly within her, feeling her tighten around him just as desperately as his body reacted to hers. His hips thrusted deeper, his muscles tightening as her words beckoned him forward, putting him on the edge. His lips abandoned her nipples and fluttered up her chest, nipping at her neck and then her ear lobe.

“Who’s your god?” He groaned.

Jay lifted a brow towards the determined young girl.

“I haven’t forgotten a thing.” He grunted. “Did you do the floors? Including under the couches and mopped all the tiles?”

Eli’s lips moved to hers, his thumb moving back to play with her more. Her words made his heart leap and his body stiffen at that. His arms continued to support her while he stood with her for a moment, moving to rest his head against hers.

“You’re the one thing my father did right with.” He breathed, his clear and stunning emerald eyes staring deeply into her’s like she was the only thing on the world that truly mattered.

"Of course I did," she grinned, "And the dishes, laundry, dusting, linens, and I even vacuumed."

She crossed her arms, knowing he was stalling. Sighing she stepped into the backyard, crossing the grass towards the trees.

"I'll go Change then while you finished," she called back, grinning over her shoulder as she teased him, "Don't take too long old man."

She melted into his arms, and just like that her angelic man said words that brought the stupidest grin to her face, her heart pounding like a drum.

"Only because he made me for you."

Jay chuckled and took another puff.

“Damn rights I am. That just means I got more experience than you do Pup” He grinned while she sauntered off into the trees. Taking another drag, the man put out the last of his cigarette into a small dish off to the side and stripped his pants.

The change came with ease, little pain raking his torn and battered body.


Over the years the wolf’s limp had gotten worse, a ligament well torn and at several points infected enough to work over his movements for the first while that he ran and moved about. Trotting into the woods, the large creature shook out his head and licked his lips while he waited on Dakota to pop up.

Dakota's head popped up, her long, shaggy red fur shaking out in the breeze. Jogging through the trees, she quickly found her uncle, licking his face affectionately.

'Thank you Uncle Jay. This means a lot.'

Eli’s lips found hers, gently kissing his world.

“No other man could ever dream to be as lucky as me.” He grinned. His arms swept her around before allowing her feet to gently touch the ground. Their sweet quiet moment quickly came to a banging halt while a tiny fist banged on the door to the main master.

“Mooommyy. Daaadddyyy” He sang. “Wake up! I heard your dreams!”

Reyn grimaced, suppressing an awkward laugh, "Be right out baby. Mommy was just having a...bad dream."

They listened to tiny footsteps walk away, waiting till he was out of earshot.

"We have a minute before he returns," she smiled up at her husband, kissing his cheek, "At least we got more than a few minutes this time. I love you Elijah."

Turning away she got dressed in slacks and a purple t-shirt, knowing she wouldn't be doing much but letting Nolan play as Eli had training planned all day with Nya.

"You should probably go collect our daughter from her run. She's bound to be almost back by now."

The wolf sent a toothy smile towards the wolf, his dark and slightly stressed colored muzzle nudging her gently.

Anything for you little Bug.’ He told her, his paw swiping up to gently redirect her forward before he began to lead her deeper into the forest.

Eli suppressed a laugh while Reyn stuttered for an excuse. Once they were by themselves, he planted another kiss on her lips while unwillingly letting her go. He had been lucky enough to have the time out of the house, having found Reyn staying back more and more often with the kids.

“She’s along the border, about 10 minutes run from our meeting spot.” He shrugged, watching her dress. “Shame… If the kids where gone… Your clothes wouldn’t be so much as an option for the entire week.”

With that, the man reluctantly grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and another muscle shirt before following her out. His hands wrapped around her waist before they left the room, allowing one more hungry kiss on top of beautiful lips before allowing her to move off to their son’s needs.

When she arrived at their meeting spot he was already there and training started. He was neither easy or soft on her, pushing her to the limit by the end of the day, her body drenched in sweat. Halfway through the day she noted the audience that was gathering, Nolan playing in a corner of the yard while their mother soaked in some sun and watched them. There was also a certain dark wolf who had slunk past, getting an eyeful before moving on.

By the time the sun was setting Nya was gulping for air, her body sore and aching. But she hadn't been completely ass kicked. Her father had suffered a deal of blows too, his composure regained much faster than hers could.

"Thanks daddy," she grinned, wiping sweat from her brow as he ended the lesson for the day, "Did I do alright?"


Spending the day with her uncle was nothing short of entertaining. Besides training her, he also helped hunt down lunch while cracking jokes throughout. When they returned to the house before dinner both of them were exhausted but pleased with Dakota's improval.

Changing back to human form, Dakota showered and dressed in pajamas before setting about dinner for the three of them, expecting Colton to come home sooner or later, while Jay was able to finally relax on the couch.

After a long but good training session Eli’s arm slid around his daughters shoulders, pulling her in while he smiled proudly down at her.

“Anything for you Pandora.” He purred while his hand stroked her shoulder gently. “You did good, but you still need to work on your left hook.”

The two took their time walking back to the house while they chattered about training and things in general.

“You’re mother has felt a little house bound lately… And with you’re brother he’s been pretty… Hard on not just her but everything else. How would you feel if I asked you to take her out on the town tomorrow? Nolan cut up all her shirts and I know she would love to spend some time with her beautiful daughter.” He asked, grinning at her in hope’s his daughter would agree. “With that being said I’d rather it be a surprise for tomorrow. I’ll take care of Nolan tomorrow and you two can buy anything – Other than a full store again.”


His limp had begun to come back towards the end of their day together, making maneuvering around tree’s at such a high speed harder then it was in the beginning of the day when he had worked it off. It had been a great day though, and the wolf was nothing short of laugh’s and smiles. Hopping up on the porch, the wolf willed his body to change.

Only after several minutes he stood up and wandered back into the house, finding his own bedroom with a small bathroom to clean up in before finding a loose pair of worn shorts to throw on. On that note, he moved out to the couch and happily laid down.

“Good session Bug.” He called out, a grin on his face.

Dakota was too tired to make anything fancy so she popped a chicken in the oven and left it to cook with a timer on. Moving into the living room she passed her uncle a glass of bourbon she had made him, holding a wine glass full of rich red for herself.

"Thanks uncle," she grinned, "I'm getting real quiet. Did you see how close to that one deer I got before it realized?"

She flopped down on the opposite end of the couch Jay was lounging on, crossing her legs over each other as she sipped her wine. It was weird not seeing her father everyday since he left on vacation two weeks ago, and she already missed him, although she'd never say. She knew Colton missed him too, as much as the Alpha pretended nothing fazed him. Family was family, and the house felt odd with one less person roaming around.

When they had arrived yesterday neither Colton nor Dakota had got much time to talk to uncle Jay because they had immediately gone on a run, and upon returning everyone just wanted to wind down. Now as they waited for the chicken, Dakota's thoughts moved back to that strange encounter, and what Jay would say about it.

"Uncle?" she lifted her eyes to him, "Did my mother have a sister named Kayden?"

Nya smiled and nodded, seeing her mother in the distance sunbathing while Nolan zoomed around. If she was honest with her father, Nya hadn't seen her mother leave the house more than a handful of times since Nolan's birth. It must be driving her stir crazy, stuck to the property due to her son being too young, watching her husband and daughter leave as they want. She didn't need a day out. She damn near needed a week.

"Don't you have a contract in two days dad?" she asked, looking up at him with her aquamarine colored eyes, "Maybe Ash can take Nolan for a few days and I can take mom to the spa. She could really use it dad. We can get mud baths, and facials, and manicures, and massages..."

And then I'll be in the city for that contract, while dad is busy and mom is relaxing. Lord knows dad won't let me on this contract now, not with how much training he thinks I need.

"...I know it'll be expensive, but don't you think she deserves it?"

"Who deserves what daddy?" Nolan was at his other side in a flash, grabbing his large hand with his tiny fingers.

"Its a secret," Nya stuck her tongue at him, "No little brothers allowed."

"But Nini I want to know!" he whined, sticking his lower lip out in a pout.

"Nope," she shook her head, "Go play with your toys Nolan."

"Daddy!" he whined, stomping his feet as the three of them continued moving back.

The man laid back, his eyes closing only moments before Dakota had come back into the room. While he had wanted to know how their weekend had been, he understood it was a rather long trip back and that it was late when they had returned. But before he could ask a familiar name that made his chest constrict had been uttered.

“Why do you ask Buggy?” He asked, his voice strained.


The man nodded towards his daughter, grimacing at the thought.

“Asking your god mother and god father to take your little brother for so long is a stretch.” He stated. “But I’ll ask, if they can’t Jayson would.”

“But a spa week would be a good thing for you two. I know your mother would love to spend that time with you just as much.” He grinned at her. “And you already know I don’t care for cost when it comes to my girls.”

Eli lifted a brow at his youngest, placing his hand on his tiny back while Nolan bounced next to them.

“Nolan. You remember how that thing with the cookies is a secret between you and daddy?” He asked quickly dismantling his small fit before the kid squeaked and ran off, hands behind him much like a super hero.

"What's this secret dad?" Nya asked, always liking to cash in when it came to blackmail.

When he gave her a look saying his lips were sealed she raised an eyebrow, her look cool and calculating.

"Tell me dad...oooooor I tell mom where you've been hiding the good scotch. You know, that century old bottle you hoard in a certain safe place so mom won't drink it."

"Uh," she bit her lip, a habit she had caught from Nya, "I sorta met her. Phoenix...she ran into her and introduced her to us. It was, well..."

She stared down at her wine, "I was really uncomfortable. Colton did all the talking. I was just wondering if it was true."

Eli couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth, his head moving back with the motion.

“Oh I’ve moved that since then. You’re not getting anything on your brother Pandora.” He grinned, his hand moving up to mess up her hair playfully. “And on that note, If you want to do that than you can deal with babysitting your brother for the next month while your mother and I go out for orgies.”

Jay let a strained breath through his lips while Dakota explained the situation.

“I don’t understand why Nix introduced you guys.. You don’t need to know her.” He grunted, his chest constricting further with the conversation.

“Other than that experience, how was your weekend?” He asked, fully well knowing that it would be nothing different from the usual weekend.

"Ew dad," she shook her head, "I'm your kid. Not your diary."

Her mother was close enough now that she piped up, "Moooooom! Dad's talking about orgies again. He won't stop!"

"Elijah!" Reyn sighed, and Nakaylia grin reached ear to ear.

"Love you daddy," she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows, "I'm going to go find myself some scotch."

She bolted into the house, trying not to laugh at her mother scolding her father for tainting Nya's 'innocent' ears. Moving upstairs she checked where she thought the scotch was, then proceeded to scour the house quietly, keeping an eye out. He had to move it every few months; her dad had learnt quick that when Nya was mad, the first thing to break was his alcohol, or his smokes.

He was quick to change topics so she let it go, storing her questions away to ask her father later. Her dad could never say no to his kids.

"It was fine," she shrugged, telling him the uneventful parts, keeping most of the drinking and clubbing to herself.

Yeah...they weren't really supposed to be doing that. At least, not the amount of drinking and clubbing they did. Her uncle thought they'd go one night, have a drink or two and dance. It was more like two nights, and drink enough to forget how to walk then dance the night away. At least for the others.

"I should check on the chicken," she cut in eventually, moving into the kitchen, "Be back."

Eli chuckled.

“Well then don’t threaten your-“ His words where cut off as the man cringed ever so slightly towards Reyns words.

“But-I-And-Black-“ His words where jumbled while he tried to input his say over Reyns words.

“Babe – Oh jesus Christ, she’s your daughter – Same one you’ve given the birds and bees to your daughter.” He mumbled, looking over at the house rather smugly, knowing his daughter wouldn’t find anything in which she was looking for – No matter how hard she looked.

She only had a few minutes of her mother's ranting, but she didn't need much, enlisting her little brother's help. The two combed through the house in under four minutes, Nolan zooming in and out like a dart. But the alcohol was not anywhere inside. Leaving him to his prize -more cookies- Nya snuck a look outside, seeing her mother just shaking her head.

"How are we supposed to keep her from this kind of stuff when you fill her head with it?" Reyn asked, raising and dropping her hands at her sides, "You don't want her to fool around with boys but then you talk about orgies."

Nya bit her lip, holding her breath in so her father wouldn't know she was listening in -another trick taught ironically by him.

Her mother stepped forward, touching his chin so he'd look down. For a man so strong and fearless, no one could make him weak like her mother could. She never understood how her father could be so powerful, and yet look so vulnerable around the siren.

"Elijah, I love you but your going to confuse our daughter, and eventually she's going to lash out. Badly."
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