Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Jay eased once she allowed the topic to die, glad to hear that they’d had an easy and relaxing weekend.

“Was only fine though?” He asked, prying to know why it hadn’t been better as her brother always described it. He nodded once she excused herself, allowing him to lay back further into the couch to close his eyes while she overlooked the food.


Sweat drenched every inch of his body, his muscles sore but alive with power and raw force. Having changed on the porch, the male walked in stark naked as his family moved around doing their daily routine – Jay trying to rest on the couch while Dakota cared for the house. Their lives in many ways weren’t the same as most, the lack of a mother figure leaving no real gentle hand to lead their children while tending to them and cleaning. They had enough family and friends to care for them, but many days Colton was left wondering what their lives would be like if she had been around. Their child hood would be different – their father happy and learning who they truly were would have been easier. Even now no one really knew what to teach him because they never knew, the only people who did had passed in the creating of their lives and the one his uncle had warned him about. His grandfather. Without so much as a word, the alpha moved upstairs to the shower in hopes he could let those thoughts drift away.

Eli’s eyes kept wandering between the house and his wife, until she began to seriously demand his attention.

“You’re my wife and a full blown siren. That’s a different story.” He countered. His white-green eyes stared down at Reyn while she tilted his head down.

“She already does – It’s called black mail and abuse to my alcohol and smokes.” He stated, his arms winding around the siren to pull her in affectionately. “I would hope she would know there’s a difference between what we have and what she would if she fully embraced that part of her. I don’t want to see her go through heart ache or pain that some man could inflict on her. All I want for her is to know a perfect life.”

She bit her tongue and moved away, the conversation becoming far too intimate. She knew most of that already, but it was still annoying how stubborn he could be when it came to his only daughter.

Giving up the search for the time being she wandered to her own room, locking the door before Nolan could bug her. She'd had a long day, and a small part of herself was annoyed at her dad now. He wanted her life to be perfect, but in doing so he was sheltering her and it felt more like he wanted her life to be bland and stale, instead of lively and full of excitement.

Dropping onto her bed, Nya turned on the small radio she had gotten for her tenth birthday years ago, the one thing she had begged and pleaded for. Lying on her back and staring at the ceiling she hummed along with it. When she got any form of angry or annoyed she couldn't sing along, her voice always sounded so flat.


God could he ever be stubborn. Like his daughter. Go figure.

Letting the matter slide because she knew it would do no good, she moved into the house to check on Nolan, catching the drifting sounds of music from Nya's room. Hearing the lack of singing she rolled her eyes towards her partner, nodding to the stairs.

"I told you," she breathed, then walked away, going for the kitchen where Nolan was snacking.

Following his wife into the house, he half rolled his eyes and groaned.

When would he ever parent correctly?

“I’m going for a smoke.” He grunted, his feet doing an easy 360 while his hand pulled out a worn smoke box from his back pocket.

The Halfling found himself halfway between the house and the forest before lighting one up. The smoke filled his lungs with ease, releasing the tension building within his broad shoulders. One smoke quickly turned into two, two moved into three and before he could fathom the Halfling had gone through over half the box, only easing his annoyance a fraction.

Nakaylia didn't come out of her room till dinner was called, and by then she had showered and dressed in a comfy blue shirt and pajama pants. Moving to the kitchen, she sat down at the table with a huff, catching a look from her mother.

"I didn't realize I had two five year olds," Reyn muttered, pulling Nolan to sit down.

"He's just..." Nya sighed, "Why can't it be Nolan he's so strict to?"

Even as she said it she didn't really want it. He was only strict because she was his little girl. And she wouldn't trade that spot in his heart for anything. She just wanted...more freedom.

"He's protective," her mother shook her head, placing a casserole in the middle of the table, "Trust me it isn't just you. Your father is protective of all three of us."

Nya sighed, dropping the subject as she served Nolan and herself. Her mother quickly joined them, spooning food onto her plate while they waited for the last member of the family to appear.

"He just wants what is best for you," Reyn smiled, "Both of you. As do I. Parents are supposed to be protective."

Nya let it go then, knowing the argument was pointless. Once Eli joined they dug in, eating silently save for Nolan who chatted to himself throughout. When dinner was over Nya cleaned the table and the dishes, quietly doing the two chores without so much as a complaint.

"Nolan," her mother chased her brother from the room, "Bedtime! C'mon you. No...Nolan!"

Finishing the last dish she wiped down the counter, noticing her dad still in the room.

"Night daddy," she murmured, unable to give him the complete shoulder no matter how bad the argument might be, "You suck...but I love you."

The man looked sadly down at his pack of smokes. Why could smoking half a pack be so easy? Dismissing the sad life of his cigarettes, he moved on to dinner to join his family.

Once finishing it all, the man helped moved everything to the kitchen while putting the dried dish’s away. He’d felt bad about all the work his wife was left with, trying to pick up pieces throughout the day to make her life easier.

Once finishing that the man moved to the couch, over thinking his duties for the next upcoming contract. His thoughts drifted as his daughter entered, her words quiet.

“Good Night Pandora.” He nodded. “Suuure you do.” He chuckled. “Love you too.”

The mother of two was exhausted. It took all her restraint not to yell at Nolan as her hyperactive child zipped around, ignoring her. Finally she caught him, turning him to face her.

“Bed,” she ordered, staring him straight in his vibrant eyes, “Now.”

He made a face, mad that his mother would order him about. But he couldn’t say no, not when Reyn used her voice. She’d been pleasantly surprised to find out both Nya and Nolan were susceptible to it, unlike Eli. It had made parenting slightly easily, at least with their daughter. While Nolan stomped upstairs Reyn caught her daughter in the main foyer, hugging her goodnight. She moved into the main sitting room only briefing, kissing Eli’s cheek.

“I’m getting Nolan to bed then I’m calling it a night,” she murmured, her face showing the exhaustion she often felt now trying to reign in her five year old Tasmanian devil, “Goodnight handsome.”

She found Nolan in the bathroom split between his play room and bedroom, brushing his teeth. Reyn knew they shouldn’t have spoiled their children with their own separate bathrooms on top of everything else they got, but in the end Eli and Reyn had caved, knowing they’d rather spoil them a little further than listen to Nya complain about her “privacy”, like she had for years as a teenager.

“P.j’s mister, and then into bed,” she ordered calmly, leaning in the doorframe, “Daddy will be up in ten to tuck you in.”

“Love you mommy,” he grinned, his mouth full of toothpaste.

“Night baby,” she whispered, kissing his blonde locks, “I love you too.”

His little fit had died as fast as it had begun, and that was the essence of Nolan. He had no temper; it astounded both his parents that he never threw fit or screamed like Nya had. He was always grinning, always bubbly and happy and energetic.

Completely done with the day, Nereyda made her way down the hall to her own room, undressing and getting a silk set of pajamas on before dropping on the bed, asleep before she could even crawl under the covers.

Looking back up at his wife, he smiled and drawing him in on his lap.

“Alright love.” He breathed, kissing her hungrily. “I’ll be up in a moment, Dream of the heavens.”

He sat for several minutes, overthinking anything he needed to complete before leaving in the next several days and the various thing’s he would need. After taking several minutes the man stood and joined his family upstairs – stopping of course to stop by Nolans room. The child crying yet again for another story from his father, only to get another tail of action adventure and eventually.. love. As funny as the Halfling found it, his son had really taken a love of the tale about Reyn and his lives.

Finally finishing up the man tucked the sleeping child into his bed, turned off the light and left the door open with only the slightest of a crack. Eli had found himself in his bed, in his boxers next to his sleeping wife in no time. His arms wrapped around her sleeping form and with that, he fell asleep – drifting between his two worlds like he always had.

They came that night. The nightmares.

She fell asleep listening to her music, her dreams starting out pleasant and fluid. Then suddenly the dreams broke, like glass shattering and she was dipped into pitch black. Her heart froze, the familiar fear of what she knew came next. The darkness continued to hold her, keeping her trapped in nothingness for what felt like hours. Then it lifted slightly, giving her the sense of smell back. The stench of blood filled her nose, surrounding her no matter which way she turned.

Next came the fear. A fear she neither controlled or contained, leaking into her body and consuming her. It was a fear she had never felt awake, yet in her dreams it felt familiar too, and it terrified her more. The stench rose, laced with another scent: death. Nya head snapped left and right, trying to get the awful smell out of her nose, bile filling her throat. Flashes of color began to assault her like blinding lights dancing in front of her eyes for a few seconds before disappearing. Red, lots of red. And yellow…no blonde? More colors, more red…so much red.

That fear surged, growing worse as she tried to back away, running into the darkness around her, but not moving an inch. As hard as Nya tried to move it felt like her legs were trying to pump through thick mud, barely inching as hard as she tried. When she tried to move her arms out to feel around she got the same feeling, her arms struggling. The urge to scream was strong, and the flashing colors were growing harder to ignore.

Nya knew this nightmare too well; it started like this every time. The darkness, the regaining senses, the fear. Next came the sounds, the growls of monstrous creatures she couldn’t fathom, the thousands of screams she could not understand. The only freedom from this night terror she knew of was to let it play out.

But it was too much. The noise suffocated her and he tried to lift her arms to cover her ears. But they were impossible to lift, and the fear reached a high, consuming her every thought. She couldn’t move, couldn’t stop it all. She was trapped. Trapped and scared.

Her mouth fell open, but the scream that escaped her did not belong to a twenty-year-old woman. Instead it was the wail of a child, a shrill scream of a baby crying for its mother. That scream drilled through her ears, drowning all else out as she continued to try and break the dream, Nya wanted escape.

But the dream wouldn’t let that happen. It refused to let her wake, instead throwing her backwards, her arms and legs freed as she fell…fell…fell…

Arms caught her, and her eyes shot open, expecting the dream to be over. She’d fall screaming and open her eyes to her dad holding her. But as her eyes opened it was not the clear green eyes of comfort she looked into but dark black eyes, cold and accusing that glared at her.

Nya screamed. Purely screamed, that childish shriek mixing in with Nya’s own screams of fear, staring into two strange angry eyes. Then the eyes looked away and the face moved back, revealing a young woman leaning over her. She struggled, wanting free of their grip but her arms felt larger than Nya’s entire body, holding her trapped. She followed the woman’s gaze instead, her screams a low whimper now as she struggled, tossing and turning to get freed.

“What’s this Searrinna?” the woman purred, her voice silky smooth and soft, drowning out all other hideous noise around them.

There was another woman before them, looming over them. She was so tall Nya thought she was a giant at first till she realized they were looking up from the floor. Her head was covered in vibrant red dreadlocks and her eyes…

Nya knew those eyes.

Fear turned into unfathomable terror at those eyes and her screams returned, her body tossing and flailing violently to be free of the nightmare. Darkness surged up around her, erasing everything but her screams, everything but Nya’s voice. Those eyes reminded her of pain, pain she didn’t understand but knew nevertheless. Pain that no one could erase, not here, not trapped in her mind.

“Help me!” she screamed, realizing her nightmare was over and yet she was still trapped, still terrified of those eyes seared into her mind.

“Mommy?! Where are you?” another voice screamed, identical to her own. It was younger, much, much younger, but just as scared, “Daddy?! Help me! Help me daddy! She’s going to kill me!”


It was well into the night when Reyn woke suddenly, something not right. Immediately she heard it, the distance sound of Nya moaning.

“Eli,” Reyn turned over, shaking him awake hurriedly, “Elijah, baby it’s Nya.”

He was awake in seconds, and they could both hear her now, those moans turning into louder groaning.

“She’s having another nightmare,” Reyn exclaimed, crawling out of bed, noting he had tucked her in.

Suddenly the house rang out with a clear scream, the high pitched sound able to break most people’s ear drums. It was their poor daughter, caught in another night terror. Reyn surged forward, throwing the door open and running down the hall. Sometimes Nya didn’t scream, instead waking and coming to them for comfort. The times she did scream were the worst; it meant she was struggling to wake up, and the heartbreaking sound of her scared cries always bothered her parents.

Elijah got to the door first, wanting to reach his daughter. Reyn’s eyes fell on the struggling mass in her bed, flailing violently as the blankets held her trapped. Her mouth hung open as the brutal wails continued unwavering. It was hard to even get near her with how much she was tossing and flailing, her bed creaking with the effort. Down the hall, Reyn could hear Nolan waking, caught up with the noise.

“I’ll settle Nolan,” Reyn yelled over the screams, “Wake her up Eli.”

She got two steps down the hall when the scream cut off abruptly. and Reyn froze, an unsettling chill crawling down her back. Nya never stopped screaming…not until Eli woke her.

“Mommy?!” Nya’s voice was a small squeak, sounding more like a child’s than her own, “Where are you?”

Reyn heart clenched, as Nya’s calls became more desperate, a sound no parent wanted to hear.

“Mommy?! Daddy? Daddy?! Help me! Help me daddy! She’s going to kill me!”

It took everything out of Reyn not to run back to her baby girl but to continue to Nolan’s room where her son stood at the door, tears in his eyes.

“What’s wrong with Nini?”

“Nothing sweetheart,” Reyn pulled him back into his bedroom, trying to keep her voice steady and calm even as her chest shook, “Daddy is taking care of her now. She’s just having a really bad dream…”

Eli’s eyes were open in less then a second of his daughters cries. Even when Reyn had spoken up about her he was long awake. But then they escalated, and he was at the door before his wife could even pull her legs off of the bed. He nodded to Reyn, his eyes large and his movements sharp before he slid into the room. His hands quickly gripped Nya’s wrists, constricting them to one hand before his other hand moved gently to her face.

“Pandora.” He breathed, only to be drowned out by her screams of bloody murder. He gently tapped her cheek, calling her name again. “Come back to me my baby girl.”

His words echoed and she stilled, her eyes opening and a voice that reminded him of what felt like a life time agos pain and suffering.

“Nobody will hurt you Nya. Not when daddies around.” He breathed, pulling her in and placing her head on his chest. “And I’m never going to leave you.”

Nya's eyes snapped open, wide and terrified. Cool green eyes stared back, catching her wild gaze and steadying it, her screams dying softly in her throat.

"D-daddy?" she squeaked, her voice nothing of the usual strength or confidence.

Sweat covered her tanned skin, soaking her blankets from the nightmare she had finally awoken from. He pulled her in and she lay limp in his arms, her mind still reeling. It had never been this bad, it had never been so harsh.

"Daddy," she whispered, her hands digging into his chest, clinging to him for dear life as she shook, the last dredges of the nightmare still clinging to her mind, "It"

“They’re just dreams Pandora. Dreams cannot hurt you. And I’m here, I’ll protect you from everything.” He purred, his hand stroking her hair while his other held her tightly. “I promise you my little Pandora Box.”

His body rocked while a soft hum rumbled in his chest. Growing up one lullaby they had found had calmed her young spirit, and even growing up they found it had done its job in easing her from the terror’s that had gripped her heart.


Nya clung to him, tears stinging her eyes. As he rocked her he hummed, soothing her pounding heart. Even at her age she could still curl into his arms, her long elegant legs hanging out. Her father rocked her and she tried to stifle back the tears.

"Oh baby girl," her mother's voice sighed, coming into the room.

A soft hand rubbed her back as her father's hand stroked her hair and his deep voice hummed. Soon her mother's beautiful voice chipped in, harmonizing perfectly. Nya's shoulders sagged, lulled by her parents. Her shallow breathing calmed, her shaking stilled, and only her tears remained.

"I'll double check on Nolan," Reyn whispered, kissing her daughters head, "My love, do you want to carry Nya to our room. She can sleep with us."

The Halfling continued to rock, even whilst his beautiful wife came in to help soothe their crying daughter. His head moved to lean on top of hers, his hand continuing to stroke her hair even while his blonde and black hair melded with hers. Once she relaxed further he nodded at Reyn.

“Of course love.” He purred, his voice quickly resuming humming even as he stood and carried Nya’s body to their suit. Luckily the couple had invested in a rather massive bed once they had realized their need to with Nya’s continuing terror’s. Gently placing her onto the bed, Eli wound his arms around Nya protectively, his voice continuing to hum her to sleep as they awaited Reyn to join them.

Reyn returned to Nolan's open door, checking that he had indeed fallen back asleep. Satisfied she left the door opened a crack in case he woke again and tiptoed away, returning to her room where Eli lay on his side with Nya's head pressing into his chest, her soft crying shaking her body. Reyn crawled into her side of the bed, and rubbed Nya's back, sharing her pillow with her young daughter.

"We love you," Reyn whispered, kissing her hair, "You're safe Pandora."

Eli relaxed once his daughter and wife had begun to fall asleep, allowing him to drift in an half asleep and awoken state unless one of his girls stirred again for the night.

Awakening early in the morning, Eli laid quietly while his wife and daughter slept in a relaxed and rather happy state.

Reyn's ears twitched, catching the soft sound of running feet then the creak of the bed. Nolan didn't make a sound though, instead crawling into her arms between mommy and Nya, snuggling in and sighing. It was still far too early in the morning to do anything, and the sun had barely peaked over the trees. Reyn snuggled her son tightly, her arm still draped over Nya so that her fingers touched Eli ever so delicately.

"Ours," she whispered to him, knowing he would be alert at Nolan's presence.

Our beautiful, little family.

The man couldn’t help the grin on his face, his hand lifting to entwine with Reyns.

“Perfect.” He mumbled, responding to Reyns mumbled words.

Closing her eyes she drifted back to sleep, completely relaxed. There was nothing she could want more than this. How she had ever thought she would hate this was beyond her.


Nakaylia seemed to be the first to wake, trying her best not to stir her brother or mother. She knew her father was already awake, never being one to fully sleep in general, but even less so when Nya had her nightmares. If she was correct he had been dozing since he'd woken her, making sure she was okay all night.

"Dad?" she whispered so soft only his ears could hear.

Hi eyes opened and she kissed his cheek, nodding at the door. She waited until they had both snuck out, leaving Reyn and Nolan snuggling together.

"Thank you for last night," she started, hugging him tightly while continuing, "Can we surprise mom and Nolan with breakfast in bed?"

The Halfling smiled lovingly at his daughter, hugging her back tightly.

“What are dads for?” He grinned, rubbing her shoulder while they began to wander silently to the kitchen.

“Fruit mountain de crepe’ and chocolate chip waffles in bed it is.” He whispered, their bodies gliding down the mass curved staircase before finding their way into the kitchen.

It wasn't long before the two of them were sneaking back upstairs, surprising the young boy and the mother with breakfast. After that the rest of the day went fairly normal, Nya inviting her father for a run before a little bit of training. By three o'clock Nolan was packed to go see Ash and Braxton, with the plan of Elijah dropping him off then heading off to the contract. Nya had told her mother of the spa week that morning, and gotten a delighted response. Now the girls were packed and ready to go. All that was left was the goodbyes.

"Take care speedy," Nya hugged her little brother, kissing his head, "Make sure to ask Auntie Ash for some cookies. You know she makes them best."

As Nolan moved on to his mother, Nya looped her arms around her father, hiding the guilt in her stomach for not telling him about the contract she was about to go on.

"I love you dad," she murmured, kissing his cheek, "Be safe please?"

Eli expertly placed the tray on Reyns lap, happy to see the look of adoration that lifted her eyes on the both of them. But as the day got on Eli ran with Nya and did a small amount of training, working on her footwork and speed furthermore. Once finishing up, Eli was delighted to hear that Ashlin and Braxton were happy to take their youngest off their hands, leaving Eli the ability to get ready for his trip in the next day and send his wife and daughter off without any issues.

“I love you too Pandora.” He purred, kissing her head and grinning down at her. “No need to worry about me. But you two better have a relaxing week.”

Yawning, the 20-some year old man stretched out, his arms looping around the back of his head while the grass gently brushed his perfect sun kissed skin. His eyes looked up at the brilliant blue sky, not a care in the world given as everything around him spun and moved on around him. He knew he needed to be home cleaning and helping out but in reality – He couldn’t care. He never really could care to help around the house, he would rather sleep in a cave then be at home cleaning and caring for objects that had no value to him. But his aspect of life he’d found had been different from others. His toes wiggled and he sighed, standing and beginning to jog back to the house in which only sat about a five minute run from the small clearing he’d come as a time out from everything since he’d been a young pup.

It was nice spending the afternoon walking to the city with her mother. They laughed and giggled over everything, arms looped as they strolled. Once they reached the city they moved towards Upside, the richer district. The spa salon was in there, at the highest point. It wasn't easy to get a reservation most of the time, and Nya and Reyn were leaning on their voices to do the trick.

When they got there, sure enough, there was no space. Nya promised to handle it, letting her mother step outside. Using her voice like she'd been taught she wormed her way in, but only for her mother. As much as it worked, they truly were booked up and the most they could schedule Nya in for was a full body massage with her mother in an hour. She took it, making sure they guaranteed that her mother would receive whatever she wanted for the week without payment or worry.

Moving outside she frowned, "I tried mom but they only have spots for one this week. I got myself in for a massage with you today, but the rest of the retreat is just booked for you."

"Sweetie," Reyn shook her head, "We can cancel, and find something else to do. We don't have to be in the city, we can-"

"Nu-uh," she cut in, "You are having this relaxing week. No ifs, ands or buts mom. Dad would kill me if I brought you home. This retreat was for you anyways. So you can stay here and I'll grab a room at the inn down the way for the night. I'm sure after a few days I can check if a spot opened up."

Her mother still looked indecisive, "I don't like us splitting up. I don't want you out on your own, not yet."

Nya rolled her eyes, "Mom this is for you. It's a retreat. I get time off all the time. Please mom, just relax for the week. If its that big of an issue I'll go home. I'll get just as much peace and quiet there as I would here without Nolan zooming around."

It took her a while to convince her mom to let it go. They did go back in for the massages, but her mother was stubborn and cut the week long vacation trip down to three days, mad that her daughter couldn't join. But she couldn't be too mad when Nya explained that she'd be clubbing tonight then crashing at the inn and would be back by morning hoping for an opening.

That night she booked a room at a nearby inn and got ready, not dressing up all that much. She didn't know when Nix and Kyli were meeting with Kayden, but her guess was tonight from what she overheard.


She had never done something like this before.

After dinner she retired to bed early, claiming an upset stomach. Locking the door she dressed in what Nya would deem "sultry", making sure it was still easy to walk through the woods in. She waited till night fell, called down goodnight to Jay and Colton who she knew wouldn't check on her because they rarely did, and snuck out the window.

She had done this many times, but never of her own accord. Nya had always been the instigator. A part of her felt pleased that she could do it alone, that she didn't need encouragement to sneak out. With quiet, careful steps she snuck into the woods, excited to meet up with Grayson. He had been all she could think about the last few days, trying her damnest to keep her thoughts from her uncle and brother, and so far succeeding.

It wasn't long before the lights of the city illuminated her path and she was stepping through the gate, beelining for the club.

Batting her long lash’s, the banshee staring at the ceiling of the inn that the woman and her best friend had come to stay at, indulging over the night on the city and various different stores and foods.

Stretching, she stood and dressed before sliding out onto the terrace, enjoying the luxurious rays throughout the day, eventually being able to slide out to the club once the evening had grown upon them.


Dinner seemed, odd. Having caught on to his Sister’s seemingly hidden thoughts of sneaking out. Yet it had become obvious Jay was in his state of tiredness that he had grown into over the many years that they had known him. Once dinner was finished, Colton excused himself for a nightly run allowing him to easily follow his sisters trail towards the city. It seemed odd though, his sister being the well behaved one had to have a good reason to be out.

But his question’s where quickly answered when he’d followed her to the club. Easily changing and finding a pair of pants before entering the club. Walking in his eyes tuned in, his sister on a back couch straddling a familiar face with what seemed and from what he could sense – her tongue down his throat.

“Dakota.” His words where calm and a normal volume, not an octave over the music, but he knew she could hear him like he was standing beside him. Quickly moving beside her, his hand pulled her off with some much as straining a muscle. His eyes glared daggers down at the man but his words were directed at her. “What. The. Fuck?”
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