Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Dakota stepped off the streets and into the club, making sure her lace corset wasn't falling down. To anyone on the streets she would have been dressed oddly, but she had been smart to wear a coat. Inside the club she was dressed almost modestly, many wearing less than the short skirt and corset she wore.

Her eyes glued to him almost instantly. He was near the back of the club, watching the crowd, his eyes catching her as she descended the last step. She made her way around the dancers, skipping the bar and heading to him first. No sooner was she in arms reach than he grabbed her and pulled her in, his lips on hers.

They tripped backwards, his body leading hers into one of the open back rooms. The curtain was left open to the public as he sat down, bringing her with him. They're lips never broke, her tongue pressing into his mouth, exploring the taste of Grayson. Her body felt alive, the music surrounding them, his fingers caressing the soft skin of her arms.

Then all at once she was being dragged off, shocked at the arrival of Colton. His words bit into her, his eyes taking in her clothing with distaste. Of course if Nya, or some other girl wore it then her attire would be fine, but on Dakota it only got a disgusted look.

"Let me go," she snapped, pulling away from him, "What I'm doing is spending time with Grayson. Oh my god. Did you stalk me here Colton?"

Nya stepped into the club, waiting till night had truly fallen. By now the dancers were all raving, mostly drunk or stoned. The bar was busy and the back rooms full. She knew enough to check the back rooms first, hoping to find Nix and Kyli in one of them with Kayden.

Grabbing a beer she headed that way, wanting to make a quick check. What she was surprised to find was Colton and Dakota in some kind of argument, and the man...Grayson...he was there too. She was close enough to hear everything, but also close enough to be seen. Stepping back, she tried to meld with the dancers, knowing she wasn't supposed to be here anymore than they were.

The sorcerer leaned back the moment her body was propelled off of him. The darkness within him stirred, unhappy with the man’s disruption. His blue eyes gaining almost a murkiness to its deep pools that ordinarily glistened with the vibrant life that he seemingly held.

“P.G Rated. I promise.” His head rested back while his arms opened for the all too eager wolf. He could see the seeds of doubt already festering between the two, both of their face’s scrunching up in annoyance between the two. All of which he couldn’t help but secretly love.


The alpha snared at his younger sister, his large golden blue eyes daring her to move from him further.

“No, but I went on a run and your scent crossed my path. And in doing so – You’re coming home.” His voice growled, his vision moving down to the all too smug man just watching them while sliding in a snide comment.

“I don’t care. Shes my Sister.” He snapped, his hand reaching out to catch Dakota’s. “Home.”

Nya eavesdropped, hearing Colton's temper run high. She was surprised at Dakota's defiance, the red headed wolf normally complaint to her family.

If she wants to stay, she should be allowed.

It meant losing her secrecy, but at this point Nya knew she had as much blackmail on them than they could gather on her. Moving out of the crowd, she had barely touched her beer as she left it on the counter. Alcohol really just didn't suit her, more of a look she wore than a beverage to drink.

Sliding to the back room's, she made her presence known as she stood in the doorway.

"Nya?" Dakota looked confused.

"Hey girl," Nya smiled, taking in the completely un-Dakota-like clothing, "I see you raided my closet. Love it."

Her eyes briefly looked at the man on the couch, seemingly unstressed, then to the angry Alpha that took up most of the air in the room.

"Cole," she breathed, moving in between him and Dakota, "She's smart. Dakota wouldn't do anything dumb, trust me. C'mon, let her stay."

It didn't seem to go over that well. She really didn't want to resort to her voice again, their friendship already straining from the weekend as it was.

"At least have a drink with me," she offered, trying to get him to cool down, "Five minutes?"

The alpha’s eyes darted back and fourth between their life long friend – one who had pulled up along the two upon his voice raising. A growl rose from his mouth before his hand released hers. The veins begun to stand out along his hands and arms before his finger moved to point a strained finger towards the all too smug man.

“I see so much as a fucking hair of yours touch her and I swear to fucking god – I’ll rip your very being to shreds to parts of this earth no one has any clue of it’s existence.” He spat, turning in a huff before heading to the bar for the strongest thing they could possibly give him.

"He's not serious," Dakota raised her hands as her brother left, trying to salvage her night.

She turned and gave a look Nya rarely saw but hated. Those puppy dog eyes. Those eyes begging her to do whatever it was Dakota wanted. Her family were suckers for them, and Nya was learning quickly that she was too. Dakota wanted her brother distracted so she could have fun, and Nya knew the feeling. She had an overprotective family member too.

As she stepped out of the private room to give them space she dropped the curtain, cutting them off from the club. There was still no sign of the three girls, but even as she thought it she caught the sound of Kyli's bubbling laugh. Looking towards the door she caught sight of Nix's blonde head.

Shit. If they see Colton or Dakota its game over for all three of us.

Colton was at the bar they headed towards and Nya took the two steps and grabbed him hard, rushing him into the first open private room and pulling down the curtains, secluding them. He hadn't been able to make a noise yet, but with his temper sky high, telling him to be quiet was out of the question. She could hear them now, her ears able to pick practically anything in the club up.

Looking at Colton, his brain was more focused on his sister than their new dilemma. If Nix caught the twins they'd be in shit for sneaking out, and any plans of a contract for Nya would dissipate. He opened his mouth to bark at her rudeness for shoving him impolitely in the room. Her hand moved up, trying to cover his mouth so he couldn't talk but his fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her arm down with ease. She tried with the other hand and he did so again, growing angrier at her efforts. He was beyond pissed, and he was not about to be shut up.

Kyli's laugh got even closer and Colton went to yell at her. Her thoughts flatlined in that instant, her brain turning to pure survival instinct. Without hesitation Nya pushed forward and shut him up with a kiss, smothering his lips.

The alpha wanted to snap at Nya, still fairly pissed over the weekend that had just passed. She may be this ‘almighty’ being, but he was still an alpha. One with a temper that his father said even outrode his mothers headed fury when it had come and gone before his time. He could hear familiar voice’s in the background but he could care less, his voice rising with Nya’s failing attempts to shut him up before he was done yet.

He opened his mouth again, hands tightly gripping Nya’s wrists – but then her mouth smothered his. A part of him – the part that knew her as a friend wanted to push her away, a deeper part of him still wanted to scream and slam his fist into something preferably concrete then his current options. But something more… Instinctive and primal filled him. His lips pressed back with a deep unsatisfied hunger while his hands pulled her wrists together before he’d moved her to the wall. He knew she was only trying to shut him up, and if that was the game she was playing he was more than willing to bite back with that of a beasts hunger.

Her body hit the wall roughly, surprise filling her. What was he-?

His lips smothered hers, the hunger evident. Something in her stirred, the siren in her rising forth even as she tried to shove it down, needing her father's logic, not her mother's lust. Sure the two women were staying at the bar, completely unaware of Dakota and her man, or the two of them...but surely they'd notice soon. Or would they? They had no inkling that they were hear, so why would they keep an ear out?

Her logic wasn't helping her now either and she was still pinned to the wall by Colton, the wolf in him winning out as quickly as the siren was in her. She was seconds from caving to temptations, to feed that part of her that needed lust to survive.


Dakota waited till the blinds fell down before plopping beside Grayson, looking annoyed.

"That...that wasn't supposed to happen," she sighed, "I'd totally understand if you want to walk out now. My family is a little...intense."

Her resistance fueled the more sensible – still very pissed part of him, but that wasn’t him. Not in his truest form. He was beast, and with being a beast came not only his desires and needs, but a part of him that was only instinct. His lips pressed deeper against her, smothering her resistance while one hand of his moved down to her hip, pulling her further up the wall while his teeth bit down on her bottom lip. And they sat there. With his lips smothering any sensible part being quickly being shove elsewhere.

She had started this, and she truly wanted to shove his over protective thoughts from his sister, she was going to have to damn well fix that.


Grayson’s arms pulled her into his lap, his Atlantic blue eyes staring up at her mischievously.

“It’s alright, I’m not easily persuaded by one or two strong individuals.” He purred, his hand moving up to move a stray red strand behind her ear.

Oh what the hell.

She pushed into him, her body responding instead of revolting. If he was going to feed her lustful self, he had better damn do it right.

Her teeth caught his bottom lip, pulling gently as it as her hips grinded into his, beckoning him onwards.


I am. she thought to herself, staring down at him from her seat in his lap. Now that the curtains were down it felt much more personal as he moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Continue where we left off?" she asked quietly, her head tilted down even as she looked up with her big doe-like green eyes.

A soft growl left Colton’s lips, his hips grinding into hers while his hand slid under her ass, groping the her bare tender skin, the soft and thin fabric of her skirt brushing his dominant hands. His other hand dropping her wrists before yanking them to his chest, demanding more attention from her. Allowing his hand to slid up under her shirt, his hand massaging her tender and rather voluptuous breast. Colton’s head moved down, his teeth nipping at her skin while he found his way down her neck and chest.


Grayson’s seductive smile grew, his eyebrows wiggling.

“We can do whatever you want Darlin’.” His deep voice breathed, his lips moving to plant sweet kiss’s along her jawline.

Dakota let out a giggle, his lips tickling her skin. Honestly she was just happy lapping up his attention, never really having someone solely focused on her. It was always Colton, or the twins, or Nya...never just little Dakota.

She tilted her head, letting him kiss her further along her jawline, enjoying every second of attention she received.


He was lucky she was wearing a skirt, giving him easy access for his fingers to brush past her underwear and squeeze the soft skin of her ass. It felt better than she wanted to admit, as did his hand as it slid under her shirt. He squeezed and teased her, the man before her working on pure instinct. With her free hands she let her nails run down his back and up again, leaving dark red marks. Her tongue slipped out, running along his lower lip as her hands worked on his jeans, getting them undone.

Let's see if he's all talk or not, she thought, knowing Colton prided himself in his manhood, and wondering what she would find as her hand snaked into his pants.

Grayson’s teeth grazed her skin gently, his tongue trailing along her pitch perfect skin. Strong hands gently moved up her legs and allowed one hand to massage her waist while the other moved to her back, his fingers teasing the skin ever so tenderly.

His lips moved down, kissing along her collar bone and teasing the skin further with the more pleased reaction he gained from her.


A groan left Colton’s lips, his hand squeezing her skin furthermore while his teeth became more aggressive. Her body moved with his, her reaction’s building his by the moment, allowing his large and thick member to press beyond his jeans before curiosity had built within her. Allowing his hand to move from her ass to his jeans, pulling them down before his hand slipped between her legs, his thumb expertly hitting her sweet spot, soaking the thin panties that rubbed against his tips.

She grinned as her head tilted back, soaking in his touch. Dakota knew better than to let things go too far -she really wasn't as naive as Colton took her- but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy what she could have.

Comfortably straddling his lap so that her skirt fanned out over his legs, his jeans scratched at her thighs but she didn't mind. His hands wandered the bare skin of her legs, hitching her breath slightly as he ran them up to her hips and one snaked to the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. Even as he showered her in kisses she wanted his lips on hers again, reveling in the sparks he created in her mind. She didn't tell him that though -most men were not turned on by a twenty year old girl with zero dating experience.

Her hands ran up his arms, resting on his shoulders until she caught up the courage to run one through his hair, enjoying the soft dark locks between her fingers. As her hand came down the back of his hair she fisted the long shaggy locks, pulling so his head tilted up towards hers. Dakota had never done anything so brazen and it made her feel in control of the situation, an odd feeling she rarely got around men.

Her mouth was on his in an instant, crushing his lips as her tongue played with his, breathing in his scent. She was happy he didn't wear cologne - perfumes and cologne killed wolves noses, messing their sense of smell up. The club normally reeked of it with the amount of sleazy men prowling, but it really only affected her when they got too close.


I'm impressed.

Her long, manicured fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking him expertly as he reacted, his hands jumping to her groin. Her breath caught, her eyes closing as he worked his thumb, desire growing inside her despite her efforts to keep a level head. Nya didn't want to like this as much as she was -she didn't want to find her childhood friend attractive. Yet she was, and her body was vibrating for him, desire and pleasure pooling together. Her fingers gripped his massive erection harder, stroking up and down quickly as his fingers pleased her. His other hand was still teasing her breasts, making her nipples pucker at his rough fingers.

Holy fuck, she thought, refusing to make a sound. It seemed to encourage him more, like her silence was a challenge and Colton wanted her to moan. Part of this felt like a game, trying to gain control over the other, but part of this was their primal souls clashing together, craving sex.

Before logic and reason ruined her mood Nya let go and moved her hands to his chest, shoving him hard backwards so he fell on the wall length couch. It was specially made, so that it was longer and could fit people sitting as well as lying down both comfortably. Nya had pushed him in a way that left him sitting up his eyes glued to hers.

Normally the middle of the room held a coffee table but in their rush it had been pushed into the couch and out of the way, giving her room to saunter towards him. The hunt was as exciting as the kill, as she knew, so holding off reaching him only anticipated things. By now her mind had shut off the rest of the real world, her senses restricted to their private room. Phoenix and Kyli were oblivious and she didn't need to hear Dakota making out a few rooms down. Her ears continued to bring in the sounds of the club in case anything posed a threat, but she wasn't actively paying attention.

All her attention was on the man sitting before her, watching her hips sway to the music as she came closer. She wanted control, wanted not just his primal side but his whole mind stuck to her, wanting her. It was the siren in her, craving that worship during sex, always wanting to be addicting to the man, to know they were the best. Even with Colton she craved it, and sex was so much better when they were begging for it.

As her hips swayed to the music she peeled off her top, revealing her braless chest. The top had held up her breasts fine enough, but now she dropped it to the floor, leaving only her leather mini skirt on as a tease, and her thick heels. She spun and swayed, nearing him as she danced for him. She could feel his eyes, and it made her grin wickedly. Weaving her fingers through her hair she got close enough to touch before stepping back just out of reach, her hips swinging left and right hypnotically. Her mother had given her belly dancing lessons once as a joke -not that her father would ever know- and three sessions later Nya could perfectly toss her hips and roll her stomach seductively for any man she chose to privately dance for.

She turned so her back faced him, looking back at him over her shoulder with a devilish grin and a finely arched eyebrow before bending down and running her hands up her toned long legs, giving him the perfect view of her ass as she did so.


His hands were as gentle as feathers brushing her skin, his eyes watching her while he gauged every movement and reaction she gave him. Each positive movement of hers pressing him onward until apart of her pushed her forward and even pulled sheer delight meant out of him when her perfect lips pressed into his. His hands moved back to her hips, a deep almost purring nose building in his chest with every further action in which she guided and asked for.


A deep noise built within the mans broad and bare chest, his muscles flexing and twitching with anticipation. He moved his hand to massage her other rather cold breast even as her body fought to keep in control. Yet whilst he worked on only beginning to please her had she allowed her hand to tease his hardened and rather large member. Colton couldn’t contain the grin on his lips until she shoved him back, forcing him to give her an odd look until he’d realized her swaying movements before his sitting frame. While normally most people would find this whole situation rather odd, he couldn’t help but feel like something was right as that part of both of them – deep and uncivilized could maybe just maybe meet their match. Long by now a normal woman would have caved, begging for him to release without avail for the first dozen or so woman but Colton knew Nya was no normal woman. His frame sat back, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous light within the dark and private room. The tables had turned while Nya moved, tantalizing him with not only her movements and control but her proximity. His body leaned further back, his hands sliding behind his head while his member twitched and flexed as she continued to tease him. The clear view of her ass made him want to reach forward, to pull at her and release the need that she only continued to build, yet he wasn’t about to beg or plead, simply enjoy the show until she was ready to play with him.

The beat picked up out in the club and Nya grinned, enjoying dancing seductively to the music. He seemed entranced, as most men were to a half naked women dancing provocatively for them. As long as he stayed focused on her swaying form, he wasn't making a scene that would bring attention to them.

She twirled, stepping closer to him yet again, within his reach and this time she didn't back away. Instead she danced at the edge of the couch, his legs spread wide. Her head bobbed with the music, knees bending as she danced downwards then back up, turning as she did so once again he was staring at her ass as she pulled up. She did a 180, biting her lip seductively as she caught his hunger gaze. If he thought she'd come to him than he had another thing coming. She would not touch him until his need grew stronger than his restraint. Every man was like this, wanting her to beg, and always ending up grabbing her to them, wanting to touch her drop dead gorgeous body.

Colton lifted his head, she had most of his attention but while she simply stayed asway he could feel his thoughts begin to drift. While he wanted to stay fully on topic, he wasn’t fully about the show as much as the play itself.

“You’ll have to try harder then that.” He grinned while his husky voice commented, watching her body drop and rise before him. His eyes continued to take her in, but a deeper part of him that could fully focus on the world around him was beginning twitch and itch deeply on the inside. He had to say he had restraint, but with that came a deeper sense of mind that could quickly become side tracked – even from his own personal needs.

She could feel his focus start to shift, starting to realize the outside world. With it killed Nya's seductive mood, turned off by his lack of interest. She pursed her lips, stopping her rhythmic dance. The hybrid was still horny, but it was fading as he refused to take control and touch her. It was that kind of control she liked to give them because she continued to feel like she had control over the situation, while they consumed her perfect body.

Obviously he wasn't most men; most liked her dancing and he seemed bored by it. After a few seconds of neither of them moving Nya finally shrugged, giving up. Who would've thought a wolf wasn't into the hunt? And for a second there I almost thought I'd be getting decent sex out of this. Damn it, he has the attention span of a fish.

Turning, she scooped up her shirt from the floor, tugging it back on and adjusting it so her breasts lifted perfectly. Then she looked back at him, making a small pouty face.

"Well...that was disappointing."

Between the hypnotic music, the couple shots she'd had, and his mesmorizing scent Dakota felt drunk off the night, unable to keep her hands off of Grayson as her lips crushed his, a throaty moan escaping at his lingering hands. She barely knew him and yet she wanted to spend the whole night on his lap.

Dakota knew what it meant to be a female wolf. One mate, one chance. While Colton could sleep with who he liked, she couldn't. It was beyond unfair, mostly because it meant everyone around her became overprotective, needing to keep her in a bubble so she didn't fall for the wrong guy or make a mistake. And she had no one to talk it about, no one to ask. Phoenix had never and would never mate. What she needed was her mother, but she hadn't been around since day one.

Sometimes when Dakota was young she would pretend her mother could hear her and she'd sit by the grave and chat, telling her about the day. As she got older she started asking the gravestone questions, of course knowing no answer would come. No one bothered her when she was out there, no one dared step near the grave. Only Dakota, wishing for guidance, wishing she wasn't alone with three guys who had no clue how to raise her, or Colton.

Her thoughts snapped back to Grayson as his grip tightened and she shoved the negative thoughts aside. No she couldn't give her virginity up to just any man, but as Nya said, there was plenty she could do. And this dark handsome stranger enticed her for the first time in her life to do something outside the rules. To ignore reason and just live.

Her lips moved from his down his jaw to his neck, kissing the soft skin. Her teeth grazed his skin, nibbling at it playfully. She could hear the blood in his viens with her proximity, feel the pulse under her lips. Something stirred in her, something she felt when she hunted. The wolf in her woke, the sound of his blood pumping becoming music to her ears. Dakota closed her eyes, shivering at the sudden desire she had. Her teeth nipped again, but this time she broke skin.

The desire hadn't been for his body, but for his blood. Her canines had grown without Dakota realizing as she bit into his skin, tasting blood before rearing her head back quick. Even as horror filled her, the desire for him didn't leave, the taste of blood escalated her budding lust.

"Oh my god!" she hissed, slapping a hand over her mouth in horror, "Grayson...I'm so sorry."

Colton’s attention shifted back to the rather pissed off woman before him. His form stood and his hands slid to her waist his lips crashing against hers before she could finish her sentence.

“Shouldn’t create such a distance.” The man muttered against her lips, turning her and pushing her down onto the couch. His body quickly followed, leaping on top of her body with one hand sliding between her legs and the other moving to her neck, allowing his hand to gently press against her throat.

“Wouldn’t be disappointing then.” He growled.

Thank god.

Her back pressed into the couch as his weight pushed her down, his fingers pressing against her throat. The softest sigh left her mouth; Nya preferred it rough, enjoying anything over plain vanilla. She never told anyone that though, not even Dakota. His grip constricted, forcing air from her lungs and she let out a purr then a groan as his other hand found her sweet spot.

A luxurious shiver ran down the mans spine, his head moving backwards while she pushed him further into the well cushioned couch. A moan left his throat, even as she broke skin and gasped in horror.

“Do you know restraint?” He asked, his hands still holding her to him in place. “It’s alright if you need to feed dear. Nothing to fear or to apologize for.”

With that, his fingers ran up her spine gently, gauging her reaction while a small grin pulled at his handsome lips.


His fingers played with her warmth, sliding past her panties while a grin pulled at his lips that hovered just over hers.

“Moan for me.” He demanded, his other hand holding her neck ever so slightly tighter with each positive reaction he gained from her. His member rested against her lower stomach, quivering with each movement of her body.

Dakota felt fluster, then dead shocked. The fact he wasn't panicking over his bleeding neck, or that she had long fangs.

"I didn't mean to...uh... I have control..."

She bit her lip to stop stuttering, looking down at him and failing to understand what she was missing here "Why are you not panicking?"

A large part of her wanted to defy him and stay silent, mostly because she liked doing so. But it was hard to defy someone who was playing into her own desires. Her back arched as his fingers teased her but didn't indulge her, his other hand choking her softly. Most of her control was gone now, lying underneath him at the will of his fingers. So why was it she could care less? Nya was actually enjoying the abandoned control, letting him run the show. She'd never done it before.

Her head rolled to one side, feeling his breath tickle her face as she purred again to his touch, not quite moaning just yet.

Grayson watched her cheeks redden and the flustered emotions flicker across her adorable features.

“I know about the supernatural.” He shrugged, a rather nonchalant movement. “And I’m alright with it unlike various other people around this city as of late.”

Grayson’s large blue pools stared up at her with acceptance, a grin still lingering on his lips.


Colton’s eyes stared down at her with the hunger of a beast. His lips traveled south, moving slowly down her neck while suckling slowly. His finger traced her entrance, another teasing her clit – applying pressure while moving in perfect circles. The mans hand continued to grip her neck, while his body leaned further into her, exciting him further as she arched her back and moved exactly as he wanted.
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