Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She giggled again, the sound soft and high. He was so polite, and yet there was an edge to some of his words, like he demanded respect. And in some weird way, it turned her on, knowing at this point she definitely had a crush on him.

"I'm not a lady," she blushed, "I don't have the elegance. Or the looks."

A noise caught her ears and for a second the spell broke, her eyes moving from his to the door, trying to disconcern what she'd heard over the music. It sounded like Kyli's laugh. Two fingers reach up and pressed her chin to move her face back towards him, and as her eyes moved to his once more she was entranced again, forgetting about the other noise.

This could by all normal standards be considered a high. The room spun with a luxurious energy that sparked the womans nerves and brightened her normally dark and rather to the point attitude. The sheer enlightenment that rang through her left tattooed hips to sway and lips to hold a smile that only some could gawk at. She moved at a quickened pace, twirling and swaying behind the bar filling shots and drinks that left large sums of coin at her disposal, only a bonus to her job. She thrived off of the energy of life – movement, pleasure, darkness and even the occasional scream from a snack. All of which this place was great for.

Having kept an eye out on the club, various familiar face’s had come into her view, one of which – the subordinate one having disappeared off with a male she personally knew, only to be interrupted by her sibling who in turn had been distracted by the third member of the younger generation’s group. Keeping an eye out, the face’s she had been waiting for finally came in, allowing her to help them while they talked about the upcoming events.

“You’re late. The younger ones are in the fuck rooms.” She stated, waving perfectly kept and pointed nails off in the directions of the rooms – one of which was beginning to catch ears. The two disappearing into the crowd, Hades stayed at the bar, still attending to her customers.


His pants now fully on and belted on before his muscles stiffened. A familiar voice rose sternly over the music, forcing a long string of curse’s to flow within his head. His eyes looked around the room, his feet edging forward towards the curtain. He listened to their rather muted steps flow away only a couple meters over. That didn’t give him much room to work with. Sliding against the wall his steps were calculated, his body stirring the curtains as he slid into the room next to theirs. A rather disturbed and half naked threesome glared up at him, one barking out a rather rude comment as he stepped out and tried to move into a third room, only to disrupt a second room. Swearing softly he stepped out and quickly began to make his way down the hall – hoping he hadn’t blown his cover yet.

Phoenix sighed at the bartenders words, thanking her for the tip. Leaving Kyli to dance she came up to the first room, having caught a few of Nya's moans. The girl slipped out rather embarrassed, looking flustered and getting so caught up with a man. Nix tried to remain stern, even though she really didn't care if Nya was sleeping around or not. She was more worried about Eli's temper and the fact Nya was out without permission.

Her eyes caught a flicker of motion and she raised a hand, pointing straight at the wolf trying to sneak out of a room two doors over, "Colton. I see you. And I totally know Jay never said you could be here tonight. What's going on you two?"


Nya thought on her feet, more concerned with keeping her and Colton's business a secret now over the fact they had snuck out.

"I came for the contract," she explained, "Dad said it was fine as long as I escorted mom to the spa. And Colton came because...he wanted in on the contract too. Right Colton?"

She wasn't about to rat out Dakota too, Nya just wasn't that kind of friend.

Colton’s shoulders hunched up, his foot hanging in the air as he slowly and hesitantly looking back at Nix. His golden flickering blue eyes looking over at the two.

“Uh – I ‘Unno… I’m here for my sister.” He ratted, looking at the two girls oddly.

Reyn couldn't really say she missed her daughter.

As much as she liked time with Nya, this was the first night in years, if not since her daughter was born that she had completely to herself. No kids, no Elijah, no responsibilities. Ordering a full massage to her room as well as some food she lavished in a shower than fell onto the bed in a pink silk housecoat and nothing else, waiting for her meal, and the men for dessert, to come.

Oh yeah...the siren was definitely getting pampered tonight.

Phoenix raised her eyebrow higher, surprised to hear Dakota was also breaking the rules.

"Where?" she asked, stepping forward as Colton pointed at the correct curtain.

Nix past him and ripped open the curtain, glaring first at man then at the young wolf straddling him.

"Dakota Ephina Deth! Get your ass off that man's lap!" Phoenix's mom voice came out, one she hated but seemed to use more often with the twins than she liked.

Sometimes she just couldn't help it, she'd been helping raise them for twenty years now. All three of the adults felt responsible for them.

Dakota's face went scarlet red and she jumped off, wide eyed at Nix.

"Take your brother and go home," Nix ordered, none too pleased at finding her straddling some man she'd only met a few days ago.

"But-" Dakota tried, actually trying to stand up for herself only to get cut off.

"Dakota, go home. Take your brother too. Go now and Jay won't have to know, otherwise he will find out. Say goodbye to the boy and leave."

Dropping the curtain she stepped back, glaring at Colton, "Same goes for you kid. Go home now, Jay won't know a thing. Make sure she goes too...alone."


The curtain dropped and Dakota couldn't help it, she just had to swear.

"Fuck!" she snapped, the word unaccustomed to her pretty lips, "They treat me like such a child and I'm already twenty."

She'd never felt angry at them before, normally she worried when her family got upset enough to use her full name. But she felt under attack, like none of them could trust her to do anything but sit pretty.

Nix's voice called out, telling her to hurry up. That anger flared, her fists balling as she looked at the curtain, wanting to yell back.

Colton stared down lazily at the rather annoyed wolf, feeling nothing other than an almost pleasurable high.

“Yeah Yeah, We’re working on it.” He responded as Nix barked out orders to the alpha.


Grayson relaxed into the couch, even as the curtain pulled back to reveal a rather pissed off wolf barking motherly orders – all of which he’d found amusing since their mother had died at birth. Once the curtain closed and Dakota was left standing, a darkness sinking into her as she began to rant on about her family, he stood and moved up behind her. His hands slid to hers to ease the fists she’d made before he turned her to look up at him.

“They’ll understand at some point, they’re just trying to take care of you.” He purred, his head leaning down to kiss her gently while his entrancing eyes stayed glued to hers. “For now go home and try to relax and I’ll come by at some point.”

Grayson’s words were soft, knowing her hearing was far and above most creatures. His hands snaked up her arms, the touch soft and enticing.

She leaned into his kiss, letting it linger as long as she dared. He calmed the sudden anger in her, making her nod to his words, wanting to please him not them.

Dakota knew better than to tell anyone where they lived, being warned since she was a kid not to. But honestly she was pissed at being told yet again how to live her life without anyone giving her even a thought to what she wanted. She gave him directions to her house, keeping her voice low.

"Come tomorrow night," she whispered, standing on tip toes to kiss him, her modest breasts pressing into his chest, "There's a clearing off to the right side of the property, I can meet you there."


Licking BBQ sauce from her fingers she dropped the plate of eaten chicken wings on the table, grinning at the two men waiting for her on the bed. Both of them lay naked and waiting, neither fazed that the other was present. The glory of her voice - god she hadn’t used it on men in forever.

“Boys,” she chirped, untying the housecoat so it slipped off her naked body and pooled at her feet, “I expect nothing but the best service now.”

Laughing she tossed herself into the bed, immediately swept up by both horny and eager waiters.

Grayson’s lips parted from hers after a moment, hovering above hers as she spoke and gave him directions.

“Sound’s perfect.” He purred, kissing her one last time before he pressed her off. Once she had left him alone, Grayson couldn’t contain the smug smile that stayed floating across his darkened lips.

Phoenix watched the twins leave, making sure to see them exit before turning back to Nya.

"So you lied about Colton...and still expect me to believe your dad said okay to this?"

"You can ask my mom," Nya shrugged carelessly, "Although you'd be interrupting her spa week. And my dad is out on contract so you can't ask him. "

Nix pursed her lips. She couldn't say the young hybrid didn't have the fighting skills, she'd been trained by her own father. Nya could easily take on men twice her size.

Deciding to believe her, she nodded Nya to the bar where Kyli had returned and the bartender Hades was fixing her a glass of something.


Kayden strolled in with an air about her that meant business and nothing else. She was dressed for travel, doning on a black riding tights and an old pair of shin high boots she had for years. Her leather jacket sat comfortably over a red shirt. Strolling to the side bar where Hades worked she nodded at the bartender before sliding in beside Kyli, Nix, and Nya.

"So you did get daddy to say yes?" Kayden smiled at the youngest, "Well done."

"When do we leave?" Nix asked, a hand on Kyli's shoulder almost protectively and her body positioned between everyone and Nya in case she needed to jump in.

It was too obvious her old friend had grown a caring bone in her body for them.

"Now," Kayden grinned, "Hades is just waiting on her replacement then we are off."

"And its just the five of us?" Nya asked.

"Seven," Kayden corrected, "I have two hired hands waiting outside. Expendable in the case we need them. Hades?"

Her smoky eyes turned to the woman she partially considered a friend. She definitely respected the woman, and knew her tastes. This contract would be right up her ally. John appeared then, nodding at Hades that he would take over.

"Thanks John," Kayden smiled and pushed off her stool, leading the way outside where they grabbed the two mercenaries and were off, planning to be at the compound by sunrise.

Reyn collapsed on the bed, with a sigh, content for the time being with the two men completely spent beside her.

“Go clean up, than dress and leave before my massage arrives,” she ordered after a few breaths, watching them rise and move away.

The threesome had been wonderful, and while the men here could not compare to Elijah’s girth or stamina, it still made for some fresh and well deserved sex. Her massage would hopefully end in the same manner, Reyn making sure to ask for both a male and a female massage therapist to give her the full treatment. Another threesome, and then perhaps she’d keep one of them afterwards in case the siren was still hungry, picking the better of the two lovers to fuck till the sun rose.


Half an hour later a knock on the door revealed a tall, gorgeous man and a smaller pretty woman. Reyn's eyes darted to the man first, taken by his looks, then to the woman.

"I'd like the massage in my bed please," she purred, her voice dripping as the woman nodded and the man smiled.

"Of course," he replied back, his voice so silky and deep she wanted to strip him then and there.

Oh, I'm going to enjoy him.

Once Nix and Nya had strode over and presented themselves as ready, Kyli smiled at Hades.

“Thanks.” She nodded, taking a sip of the vibrant blue liquid. The woman nodded and quickly moved to attend to two other men before Kayden had slipped in. Sipping the drink, the banshee listened waiting eagerly to leave.


Once relieved of her post, Hades kissed Johns cheek and nodded him off, striding out with the crowd. Her figure stood out amongst the people, her height already giving her an advantage without the heels that she rolled around in. Her hand flicked several black strands behind her shoulder before finding her way out of the main doors.


The trip hadn’t been long for the crew, the woman’s blood red eyes scanning the area while feeling out for any heat source’s within the immediate vicinity. Looking back at the rather quiet crowd she nodded at Kayden to signal they were within distance to the castle.

It had easily been the man who had won, although the woman, Heather, had still pleased her well and had left after several of her own orgasms, blushing and grinning ear-to-ear. The man, who introduced himself as Luc, was amazing with his hands, massaging her from head to toe while Reyn ate out and played with Heather. Sending the female masseuse away her attention turned on the man who had been watching the entire time.

"Would you like a turn?" she asked, propping her head up her her elbow, "I'd like to see if there is a sexy body to match that sultry voice of yours."

She was already naked but had been lying on her stomach the entire time. She turned now, watching as his gaze slithered down her body. Then a devilish grin pulled at his pink lips and with one hand he ripped off his uniform top, tossing the rags to the side. She held her breath at his strength, taking in his handsome features, his toned muscles, his sun kissed skin. Her eyes slowly traveled up him to his black hair and dark eyes, brimming with desire. I might need to come to the spa more often.

"Fuck me," she ordered, her musical voice a perfect soprano.

The castle was crumbling but yet it still stood tall, the walls built around it keeping wanderers out. Kayden led the group along the treeline, keeping out of sight. They could see it now, the gate into the fortress.

She'd already explained to them what to expect. It was some kind of new mafia or whatnot, consisting of only supernaturals that would rather kill before asking questions. They all hated newcomers, and moreso humans. In their posession was a small orb like vial with gold liquid inside that Kayden needed. She wouldn't tell them what was inside, preferring to lie and say she didn't know.

What she had also kept from them was the real prize inside she was aiming to get. Hades knew, but kept her mouth shut, and the rest only needed to focus on keeping the numbers at bay and grabbing that vial, while Kayden and Hades could find him.

Fortunately for them the gate was open, probably to let a passing merchant in or because they all thought they were strong enough to withstand an attack.

"Anyone who needs to Change, now would be the time," Kayden whispered.

The woman hadn’t taken much time to strip and allow her body to change. Her skin began to glow, her core heating quickly to a temperature no mortal would ever be able to step near while her bones melted and reformed. Her muscles heating allowed them to stretch and change with ease, her body shifting and her skin hardening. Scales began to become apparent while the shadows began to crawl from the depths around them, dancing around her as they clung to the splitting blackened body. A low growl rumbled within her muscular chest, her snapping at the air momentarily as the piece of her that clung to this world slithered back into her mind. Hade’s large blood hungry eyes looked over at the small crowd, her 4 ft frame standing readily while the others took their time to change.

Well she was fairly pretty. She was an average height for women, of course much shorter than he or his brother was. She had long blonde locks the curled and tossed around in waves and bright baby blue eyes that lit up with desire. There were still parts he had seen better on other woman, but he didn't say anything, wanting to get to know her more.

What was a nice surprise was her voice, set at such a perfect tone most people would think they were speaking to an angel, not a siren. And she used it well, convincing the small mousey girl who had also come to undress and sit against the headboard as Reyn made her scream over and over. That was where the King of Hell truly saw what his dear old brother found in her. It has to be the sex drive.

Once the other woman had flitted away her attention moved to Luc, as he had chosen amusingly, and the siren before him wasted no time in letting him know her wants. Now why would he deny her such sinful lust?

Stripping his shirt, he watched her eat him up with her eyes before she demanded sex, and he obliged. In a blink of an eye his pants were torn off too and he was on top of her.

"I'm about to give you the best sex you've ever had," he growled, priding himself in not just his girth but his length as he slid into her.


Hell, this woman had stamina. They had been at it for hours, starting in the early hours of morning after Heather left and already the sun was beginning to rise. She was insatiable, neither sleep nor hunger affecting her as he took claim of his brothers property. By the time the first rays of morning began to rose he had her bent over the bed, taking her from behind as she moaned and cried out in sheer pleasure.

Nix nodded, motioning to Kyli to step off to the side.

"Do you want to stay out here hun?" she asked, looking over at the castle, "Or are you in the mood for some action?"

Listening to her reply she nodded, "I'll go Change then."

Before she left she leaned forward and stole a kiss, before winking at the beautiful banshee and loping off to find a spot to Change. It didn't take much time to allow her body to change, although it was always painful to a degree. Standing back up she moved through the trees till she saw Kyli's vibrant white and blue hair, coming up and brushing her blonde fur along her leg.

Kyli followed Nix off to the side.

“I’d love to but it’s not the best idea.” She stated. “I can take any stragglers… But anything else might be a little much.”

Leaning forward as well, the banshee wished her friend well with a returning kiss, hoping the change wouldn’t be as painful as it could on some occasions. Soon enough, her friend had come back and Kyli’s hand moved out to softly sweep over Nix’s stunning fur.

“Don’t do anything brash.” She purred, her hand sliding up to stroke behind Nix’s ear.

Nya stayed behind with Kayden, watching her.

"Aren't you going to Change too? I thought you were a wolf."

Kayden only raised an eyebrow and glanced at her before returning her gaze to the castle, "I haven't been full wolf in a long time Pandora."

Nya blinked in surprise at her father's nickname for her, rarely hearing it from another's mouth. Before she could say anything Kyli joined and then the blonde wolf and a scaly looking creature that had Nya's heart in her throat.

"Hellhound everyone," Kayden introduced, "Don't get in her way, and she won't get in yours. Ready?"

A pulse wrenching growl ripped from Hades throat, her eyes zeroing in on Nya as the sound of her heightened heart beat took her attention. Kayden introduced her as the group and pointed her forward as Hades massive teeth snapped at the air. The hound lowered herself and the glow under her scales grew as she allowed the heat within her body to build for a moment, fueling her power as she pushed forward.

Phoenix chuffed, licking her arm before striding forward, going into a full out run at Hades heel as they bolted for the open gate. Looking to her left she heard footsteps and saw Kayden keeping up with Nya at the back, obviously a little nervous. This was her first contract after all. The two mercenaries ran behind her as well, unable to keep up to a wolves pace.

The minute they past through the gate all hell broke through. A siren went off, the alarm that intruders had entered and the courtyard quickly filled as people pooled out from three different doors, rushing them. Phoenix turned and jumped to the right, taking on a group of five. Her ears kept on Nya, making sure the girl never got overwhelmed. Elijah would kill her if Nya got injured.


Kayden surged forward, eyes going dark and fangs flashing as she tore the first of many throats, her hands snapping necks or taking out still beating hearts as she went. The horde quickly grew, but a dozen was easy for her as long as she avoided weapons. A few meters from her right Hades had her own horde to deal with and on her left the mercenaries were at work. She bashed two heads in and looked for Nya but couldn't find her.


Then she spotted her up on the wall, somehow managing to get there and take out the few archers. She seemed to be enjoying herself, throwing men off the side with ease.

With that Kayden returned to her own work, wanting to get this contract over sooner rather than later.

Holding a smoke between his lips, the man wandered down the road and into the spa, his body laidback with an air of confidence that oozed off of his high stature. A small brown bag in one hand while the other rested in his pocket. While he had been told the job was something hard that hunters hadn’t been able to succeed at, the man had taken nowhere near as long as he’d expected. With that he’d poked his head into a store in town before managing to find his way to the spa. After grabbing Reyns room number, the man leisurely found his way upstairs and let himself into the room.

“What. The. Fuck Reyn?” He snapped, his eyes not even on his wife as his brother grinned up devilishly up towards Eli’s darkened face.

Reyn groaned again, rocked hard by him as she clung to the bed, his thrusts hard and fast. God had she missed this; as much as she craved Eli on almost a daily basis it had been far too long since she had gotten any other action, something that had been making her more irritable at times.

The door opened but Reyn faced the window, unable to see who had entered. Luc hit another sweet spot and she moaned as the one voice she didn't expect snapped, surprising her.

"I'm enjoying the spa to its full extent," she laughed, assuming he was only snappish due to his obviously shortened contract or some other odd thing. Eli had a habit of being angry at a lot of things.

"Would you care to join?" Luc's voice was deep and proud, taking another deep thrust into her as his fingers clung to her hips.

Small fireflies flew from the wolf’s mouth, the embers within her burning brightly as she snapped at creatures all around her. As arms got too close she happily ripped them out of their sockets, bathing her body in their blood. The beast snarling happily as she pranced around within the limb filled circle she’d created. Bodies began to pile around her she couldn’t help the roar of excitement that left her throat. Pushing forward, the hellhound quickly made her way throughout the bodies that quickly piled around her path. Making her way through the doorway eventually, she quickly launched towards another man, catching his throat and snapping it between her jaws before she moved onto the next man, scraping her massive claws through the mans torso, allowing his intestines to quickly make out to the floor.

In that instant, any sign he’d had angel blood in him evaporated, forcing the darkness to stir at the calling void of his being. His hand was around his brothers throat, ripping him off of his wife and into a wall without stirring so much as a hair on her head. The small brown paper bag long forgotten on the floor, small grey box’s flowing out on the floor once being discarded.

“Two seconds, or you can enjoy being locked in the cage with my hounds again.” He snapped, his voice the epitome of evil itself as Eli stared his brother down.
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