Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Dominik opened his mouth to retort but Kayden shut him up quickly.

Lucifers brother yeah. I heard he can be a force to be reckoned with… Think we can take him?’ The man asked, wiggling his brow at his mate.


Eli’s soulless eyes glared them all down, even as Nya’s shaking figure was comforted by one of the wolves.

“March faster guys.” He snapped, rather unhappy to be going home at the moment but knowing Nya needed to be taken home so Reyn could deal with her.

She leaned into him, trying not to laugh.

'Yep, sure. I'll take the left hook, you take the right. We toss him into a ravine and pray he never crawls out. Fuck...this means no sex ya know?'


A couple hours later the property loomed ahead and Kayden feet started to stick in the dirt, her body unwilling to revisit harsh memories. Dominik knew why...hell Dominik knew her inside and out at this point. he'd given up hiding stuff years ago, deciding it was less time consuming if he just knew.

"Kay," Nix fell in line beside her, still carrying a sleeping Kyli as Nya trudged on ahead, looking stiff and awkward, "I should warn you-"

Just then they reached the property line and the door to the house on the right slapped open, Kayden catching his scent before she could even see his face.


Nya just kept walking, even as drama began to unfold. She could care less, her thoughts shut off so she wouldn't have to think of how cold her father was, and how angry he'd be. As she passed the wolves patio she caught sight of Colton in the door, and he glimpsed the fear on her face, fear of her fathers wrath. Turning her head away she scurried onwards, heading straight for her own house.

A small crowd emerged from the tree line, Nix’s thoughts catching his. Stepping outside he took in their bloodied figures marching stiffly with a rather demonic figure behind them. Stating he would deal with them later he followed Nya’s sulking figure towards their house.

But then a familiar face caught his face, constricting his chest ever so slightly.

“Long time no see sister.” He grinned slightly, Colton’s body following out shortly after his words. He watched the male head towards the black haired woman, quickly striking up a quiet conversation with them.

Kayden blinked several times, trying to unlatch her tongue from the roof of her mouth. She'd become unattached from Dominik again and she wanted to grasp his hand but felt too stiff. Growling internally at herself to get a grip she unfroze finally, stepping forward towards him.

"We both know there is nothing family like between us," she cocked a brow, grinning, "Its...nice, to see you again."

Dominik’s head perked up, his tall body swerving in front of Kayden’s being to hold a hand out towards the man.

“Hello – I’m Kayden’s Mate. It is most certainly lovely to meet you, would you like to pick up your jaw and point your dick elsewhere?” He grinned lightly, his handsome features easy going while his words where heated. The mans head turned slightly, a confused look passing over his face.

“I was saying hello.” The wolf’s words were just as confused as the look on his face.

“So was I.” Dominik grinned.

Nya got to the front door quickly, grabbing a small key she had on a chain around her ankle and unlocking the door. Inside the house was dark and empty, something unusual to what she was used to. Flipping the main foyer's light on the chandelier above her twinkled as she jogged up the stairs, aiming for her bedroom before the man outside could enter. The last thing she wanted was to be near his temper.

Getting to her room, she heard the front door reopen just as she shut her own door, locking it and sinking onto her bed, finally leaving her alone to her thoughts.

He broke the ice as he always did, causing Kayden to laugh, the tinkling sound filling the clearing before she bit her tongue and smiled at him.

"Easy there babe," she pulled at him, wrapping her arms around his torso as her grin widened, "Not every man that walks wants to fuck me. Only most."

She turned her head to Jay, knowing any attention she gave to another man as bad attention in Dom's books, "This is Dominik. Dominik this is Jay. He's the, um, ex."

Eli’s body was stiff, the unholy blood pumping through his veins only fueling the rage within him. He’d entered the house not long after his daughter but she was surely off in her room, knowing this wasn’t a good point to try and even breath his way. The man moved towards his study, his pent up rage finally bubbling over as his fist slammed into the wall. The bone crunched in his hand as he hit cement and steel, only to be pulled back and to enter the wall for a second, and third time before going flying into a solid bookcase off to the side, sending the books flying across the spacious room.

He knew he shouldn’t be doing this while his daughter was in the house, but anywhere else would have been unacceptable. The Halflings soulless eyes stared down, a picture frame of him and his wife – once resting on a shelf now shattered. He wanted to yell, to rip something apart, to create mayhem and most importantly… To play with as many whores as he could – something he’d given up many years ago for his wifes sake when she’d had a near death experience. Something she had never believed him when he’d said he’d do it for her. Much like his wife he’d given up many things to support them and do what he could for his family, but that hadn’t been enough if she had run off to the one person in this life time he couldn’t simply stand.

Reyn got home well before anyone else, and the first thing she did was dug up his hidden scotch before marching through the dark house to the only room that was all her own. It was across from the masters and had its own lock, and in a way was like an office, except without a desk. Instead she had the walls soundproofed and then three bookshelves bought, and slowly she filled it with music books. Nya was allowed in here too when she asked, both sirens enjoying learning the songs.

But at this moment she needed it for the silence, making sure the door was locked before she sunk to the ground, sobbing. The scotch burnt her throat but she cared little, draining the entire bottle in minutes as she sulked, crying unashamed. She could hear no one, safely tucked within her soundproof cage. Reyn wanted to think no one could hear her, but there were times Eli had heard her singing through the door or she had caught Nya's voice. Still, at this point her brain just shoved those thoughts away. Who cared if anyone heard? The words Eli had said...most of them made her cry harder. How could he even talk about getting rid of Nya, or even let that cross his mind? That was their fucking daughter. Not to mention how violated she felt knowing now who had been touching her, her skin crawling at the very thought.

Where was the comforting arms to hold her when the soothing one she always ran to was mad at her now?

Dominik grinned at Kayden, his lips finding hers with a hungry desire.

“Exactly. Means I got to be the one to burn them out.” He grinned mischievously, Kayden knowing just how protective he could be of her at times. His attention turned back to the man as she explained the situation.

“Daaaamn babe. Your ex is your brother? That’s rather awkward.” He stated, his nose scrunching up as the man shook his head.

“She's the sister of a woman who was like a sibling.” He corrected, his voice low.

Kayden stiffened at the mention of Luna as she had always done. Even after twenty years she still struggled to remain unaffected by it.

'Luna,' she thought to him, knowing he knew all the rest.

"Anyways," she tried to change topics, knowing Dom wouldn't like the attention shifting off him once more, "How are things?"

Nya flinched, her hands balling the blanket as her father tore apart his study, breaking walls and shattering glass.

"Daddy stop!" she cried, barely loud enough for him to hear, scared it would only bring him to her room.

She'd never heard him so angry, never made him this mad. This was a line she could never come back across. Her ears picked up the softest of sobs blending in with her own, and Nya's heart fell more, hearing her mother crying. Was this all her fault? Had she scared her mother and induced this rage?

What kind of daughter was she?

Jay noted the stiffness in the girl at the thought of her sister. It had been so long since her passing, and even though the young wolf knew little of her sister and had spent all of a year and a half with her, he could plainly see the whole thing still affected her deeply. Once she shifted the topic, Jay opened his mouth yet the words that floated out where not his.

“Steamy, how about yourself babe?” Dominik grinned rather arrogantly.

She rolled her eyes and shoved her mate playfully backwards, "Jay. How are things going with you? Dom..."

She wiggled a finger at him as he neared, always wanting her undivided attention.

'Try undressing me in your head. That might help handsome.'

Dominik followed her instructions, sharing a rather heated thought of them doing it in a bath house with various different pleasurable toys to share between them.


The wolf lifted a brow towards the girl before taking several steps forward, his fingers already working on trying to pull a cigarette out of a worn box.

“Going alright I guess. How about yourself?” He asked looking her over. “And what happened to your ears?”

While Jay and Kayden caught up and Colton kept Hades busy, Phoenix slipped into her house, getting Kyli into bed. Tearing downstairs she grabbed a bottle of water and a cold damp cloth before speeding back up to find her waking.

"Hey Kyli-kins," she murmured, placing the bottle on her nightstand and pressing the cloth to her forehead, "How you feeling beautiful?"


Dakota lay on her bed reading a book, still steaming about the night before. Colton had been giving her the cold shoulder all day and Jay was left out of the loop, luckily. Even hearing new people arrive couldn't bring her out of her room, her door staying shut and locked.

Kayden smiled, mostly towards Dom's delicious thoughts. She shot a memory back at him, the one where they fucked on a fountain at the dead of night, and almost got caught by a couple city guards.

"I'm doing well. I have this one-" she nodded towards Dom as her fingers laced with his, "-to contend with daily but that's about it. Oh and the ears? Uh, long story short used some dark magic, side effect got me normal ears."

She tucked her hair back showing her perfectly normal human ears, each studded with small rose gold hoops Dom had bought her five years after they met, a sign of their actual budding relationship.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask where I dug up this one?" she laughed at Dom, "That was even Phoenix's first question when she met him."

Everything had been dark, a world shrouded by the many death’s and the gruesome feelings that had ripped through her limbs, sending the cold hand of death upon her various different joints. Soon enough though the world around her was beginning to come back to her. The first being that perfect scent of earth and fresh grass, a hidden floral scent there in the background somewhere. Light stung her eyes, forcing a soft groan from her as her head began to pound and her throat cried silent tears, leaving a coppery bloody after taste.

“Nixi-Pixi?” She croaked, the sensation of something nice and cool against her forehead helping. “Cold… But alive.”

Jay grinned as the woman showed him her ears and explained her newly acquainted situation. Or so he thought.

“That’s a shame, those ears were adorable.” He chuckled, earning a piercing look from the man, only to light up as he placed the cigarette to his lips. Reaching for his lighter a small flame flickered before his face, lighting the tip up for a second before the man flicked it out with a lazy grin.

“Don’t go lighting up by yourself now.” He chuckled, interrupting Kayden before she continued.

“Well that was my second question.” Jay laughed.

Phoenix dabbed the sweat from her brow, "I'm sorry Kyli, I should of moved you farther from the battle zone before we went in. You were much too close. I can't imagine how painful that was."

She frowned, moving the cloth down to Kyli's neck to wipe off the excess sweat. The wolf had grown overly protective of the banshee over twenty years, taking care of her when mistakes like this happened.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I need to be more careful with you. This is unfair."

Kyli smiled gently at the wolf, having come to genuinely love the woman. They had taken care of each other when needed. Most of the time it had been the bubbly woman who’d needed care and support and Nix had been there to help support her.

“It’s not your fault. I should have known better.” She pipped up. “You were doing work, and I’m sorry for interrupting.”

The Banshee took a deep breath and forced herself up. Her elbows supporting her with a shaky uncertainty. Some days it had felt like she’d been the one to drag back the crowd, but it was a handy thing to have when she cared as much as she did about her friends.

“Did everything work out with the contract?” Kyli’s warm and bubbly voice asked.

Jay's compliment was met with a look from Dom, never too pleased to share her. Kayden didn't mind the possessiveness. She quite enjoyed the attention herself.

"I'm surprised you haven't guessed," Kay pulled Dom to her, staring up at him, "I'm mated Jay. And since wolves can only mate once..."

She let him stew onl for a few seconds, waiting to see he put the connection between the first demon Abass had procured and pyromaniac now in her arms.

It had taken a moment to sink in but then as it did he looked over at the man. Unsure if he should be rather annoyed or happy to see the one she had been paired with had worked out fairly well for her.

“Oh.” He breathed, unable to make any other comment without feeling like he was walking on rocky grounds.

"Hey no, lie down," Nix brow furrowed, wanting her closest friend to relax, "Everything went perfect. No one got hurt either. You were my lucky charm as always Kyli-kins. Now relax please. There's nothing else to do today but stay out of the way. Eli is on some demon power trip."
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