Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Kyli lied down at Nix’s discretion.

“It’s good to hear it all went smoothly.” She grinned pulling her Nix into the bed before resting her head on top of Nix’s shoulder. “I am relaxed. See?” She bubbled.

“For once we’re having a relaxing day then.” She stated with a growing. “What happened with Eli though?”

She saw the click, his mouth form to make an 'oh' sound as he looked between the two of them. Of course she knew he'd be instantly skeptical of Dominink like Nix had been early that morning, unable to see past the demon who had raped for all those centuries ago.

Honestly that had been put well behind both of them now. Sure Kayden had tried to kill him several times, but they had been good for years now, surprisingly falling in love with each other. Quirks and all.

"I'm happy," Kayden illiterated, kissing her mate's cheek, "What about you Jay? I'm sure there have been plenty of women since I left?"

Colton’s head popped into the situation, Hades giggling over a comment he’d said a moment ago before the other conversation caught him.

“He hasn’t seen a vagina in years.” He grinned, the wolf growling in response to him. “He’s started dating his cigarettes and his hand.”

The man shot him a rather cold look, but Colton grinned.

“Shut up Colton. No one loves you.” He stated.

“Oh you don’t need to love me – But I am the alpha.” He laughed, in turn making Jay chuckle and shake his head.

“Reason’s to not have children… And I don’t even have any… That I know of.” Jayson replied. His last couple words more of a mutter then anything.

Phoenix flopped down, wrapping an arm around Kyli to let her sink into her shoulder.

"No idea," Nix shrugged, "Other than Nya lying to us about the contract. But he seemed beyond pissed. That's about it beautiful."

She leaned her head over and kissed Kyli's temple softly, humming to herself.

Kayden laughed at Colton's comment, surprised the Alpha wasn't growling at her again.

"Yeah no kids for us," Kay winked at Dom, "I'm not mother material."

"Speaking of sex though..." Kayden's words trailed off, looking at her mate with a raised brow, 'I wasn't kidding. I'm craving you something fierce.'

Kyli sighed softly as the sensation of her limbs resting helped ease the still spinning room.

“Think there might have been something going on beyond him finding out Nya went out without his permission?” She asked gently. The blonde haired woman couldn’t help love the days when she could curl up with her best friend. The two simply enjoying each other’s company while being able to kick back away from the drama that ensued the other families.

Dominik couldn’t help the deep laugh that came from his lungs when his mate simply stated the one thing they’d agreed many years ago – no children. On Kayden’s note Dom’s arms swept up around the woman and he let a triumphant smile pull over his face.

“If ya’ll don’t mind – I’m going to go fuck my woman senseless. If you need us don’t come knocking. We’ll be back in a couple days.” He simply informed, moving where his mate instructed him to go.

Blood dripped down Eli’s fists, his once large and elegant oak desk in pieces on one side of the room while the rest of the matching furniture laid in ruin’s around the broken room. They had done a sound reducing method within the walls of his study, but his perfect hearing could still hear around the house while sadly the rest of the household could still hear the crashing sounds around the large and once well decorated room.

But as he stilled, the sound of the blood hitting the floor loud against his ears, followed by the sobbing noise’s throughout the house. The man growled, the demon in him unhappy with the current situation while the angel in him long gone for the moment. He wanted to call down into it, but that sensible part of him was gone and was quickly doused at the thought of going out for a week. If his wife had taken it upon her to sleep with others – including his brother, and make it sound like she’d had it harder then most, he was alright letting them understand what he really did for the household for the next week or so. But that was the selfishness of the demon inside of him, so he moved back to destroying what little he could of his office – and if that failed would work on adding to two of his already broken knuckles.

Thinking about it Nix nodded, agreeing to Kyli's words, "He seemed overly pissed before we reached the gate so its possible, but its beyond me what else could displease him. Then again he seems to get angry at pretty much anything he doesn't like."

Even while they had their own little conversation Nix could still hear the one outside, keeping informed in case she needed it. Most of the conversation just seemed awkward for Jay's side, the Kayden's mate enjoying the spotlight way too much.

'How you holding up Jay?' she rarely used the pack form of contact, preferring face to face chats but she couldn't really get up and go downstairs. Besides there would have to be a damn nuclear bomb outside to get her to move from Kyli's side. Phoenix couldn't help herself. She might not be chasing after her, but that never meant the crush had died.

"Your brother is going to kill me when he finds out I took you on another contract," Nix sighed, "He keeps telling me to stop, I think if he had his way he'd try to keep you bound to the property. What fun is that?"

They stepped around the back of one of the houses, getting only steps into the treeline before Kayden pushed Dom into the nearest tree, stripping her shirt off.

"Days? I was thinking weeks," she growled jokingly, lunging at him with a hunger that matched the fiery core within her partner.

Nereyda was surprised how little she cried. Sure she sobbed a little, but it was anger she felt not sadness and the scotch fueled that white hot fury growing in her. She needed to face him, to scream at him till he listened.

She got to her feet, moving a little rocky to the door and unlocking it. She had it half open when she froze, the sound noise hitting her like a brick. Crashing, smashing, shattering noises only a few rooms down. And the wailing. There was no denying further down the hall Nya was crying loudly.

Her hands turned into fists as she shook, anger burning through her like quicksilver. It burnt away at the scotch, helping her walk confidently and quickly to the office door slamming it open with one fist.

"Stop!" she growled, her voice low and seething, the remnants of her tears only her reddened eyes.

It took her eyes seconds to take in the damage of the room, the extent of his hissy fit. Most of the books they had been collecting were torn to shreds, and the desk was now just fire kindling. Her eyes moved to two things she held important: their picture, and the statue of an angel and a demon embracing that she had found while visiting what had once been China. The picture lay at her feet, the glass completely shattered. She bent low, holding back the fresh wave of tears as she pulled the picture from the frame, her fingers shaking. It was one of the Polaroid photos she had taken, this one on their wedding day when the two had slipped off alone and said their vows for no one to hear but them. She then searched for the statue, unable to step into the room but catching sight of a broken wing and then the body of it lying in pieces in the corner.

Shaking with rage and crushing sadness she looked up at him, gripping the Polaroid to her chest.

"I've spent a century chasing you," her voice remained steady, her eyes steeling themselves, "And for the first time I can't forgive what you've just done. I've seen towns annihilated by you, I've seen enough blood and guts and whores with you to last me ten lifetimes. But this..."

Her arm swept the room and ended pointing at the statue, "This is a knife in my heart. Now I need to go comfort my daughter, as the perfect image of her father has just been shattered."

She turned on her heel and stormed away, trying to keep her shoulders from shaking as tears began rolling again. But she was a mother now, and she had to put her pain away, hide it just long enough to soothe Nya.

"Baby girl?" Reyn reached the door, knocking on it lightly, "Can I come in?"


Nya lay in bed with a beanie holding most of her hair as she cried and a giant sweater that swam on her body, one she had stolen from her father years ago when she had been cold one night. It hugged her now, trying to comfort her as the chaos continued outside. She could hear her mother, the words between them doing nothing good to Nya's little world. God, had she caused this? She had never seen her parents actually fight, not once in her lifetime.

The knock on her door startled her and Nya rose, moving to unlock it. She practically fell in her mothers arms, wanting that comfort so badly. Reyn moved them to the bed, letting Nya lie back down as she pulled her head into her mothers lap and Reyn stroked her hair.

"I did this," Nya hiccuped, "Mom I'm so sorry. Please don't fight. I didn't think I'd cause this."

Reyn shook her head, "You caused nothing sweetheart. This is between me and your father."

It was all she could say, and Nya could hear it. If her mother tried to explain more she'd break into tears and scare Nya further.

Instead she looked down and kissed her daughters temple, "I want you to pack some clothes and sleep at either Xael's or Phoenix's okay? I'm sure Dakota will let you hang out, or if you like you can have a girls night with Nix and Kyli. I just don't want you home baby."

Nya stared crying again, "Mom please tell me you two will be alright."

Her silence was heart breaking. Nya finally rose, doing as she was asked and packing clothes for a couple days. It was obvious her mother knew nothing of the contract or the night before, otherwise she'd know Dakota probably wanted nothing to do with Nya or anyone else, and Kyli was hurt. But there was no use adding more problems. Nix would still let Nya stay over.

"You can come too mom," Nya whispered, hugging her mom hard, a whisper of fear for her mothers safety snaking through her. It wasn't right to believe her father would ever stoop so low, but she'd also never seen him so cold and cruel.

Reyn led her daughter downstairs to the front door, both of them trying to ignore Eli's presence in the house even as Nya could feel her mother start to shake.

"Don't come home till I get you," Reyn kissed her cheek, "Not even if your father comes, you hear me? I'll come grab you when all this is over. Nolan is staying with Ash and Brax for a week so don't worry about him either."

"Mom...please," Nya whispered holding her hand, "You're scaring me. Is...he going to stop?"

The look in her mother's eyes was sad, noting Nya's lack of saying 'father' or 'dad'. She was unable to with the beast that was him upstairs; that wasn't her father, not the dad she had grown up with.

"Go Nya," her mother ordered, pushing her outside, "We'll be fine."

The door shut and Nya stood for seconds before bolting down the path, running as fast as she could to get far away and closer to Nix and Kyli's house. As she approached she noticed the crowd in the clearing, seeing the fleeing bodies of Kayden and Dominik as they disappeared. Nya was shaking so hard it was impossible not to notice and Colton and Jay were the first to turn and see her as she pulled up.

She wiped away a stray tear and tried to look calm, even as she shook.

"I just-" her voice shook so she coughed, trying to steady it, "I'm sleeping at Nix's and Kyli's tonight."

Nodding at the two, he moved his attention to Colton and the new comer, having a quiet conversation off to the side. Turning to leave the two he could hear Nix’s voice on the edges of his mind.

Yeah… that was just slightly… awkward and painful…’ the man sighed internally, taking a heavy drag of his cigarette as he half limped his way to the porch. It had been twenty years now, and that very wound his clan had given him had still affected him.


Kyli couldn’t help the soft tinkling laugh that left her mouth, her large faded hazel eyes staring up at her friend.

“I’ve been able to do contracts before without it being that bad. But it’s not easy pushing the visions away. And my brother would prefer to keep me bound. He thinks I’m more fragile then I am.” Kyli’s returning voice purred. “But that’s none of his business. And you know I’d rather come to be at your side.”


The demon grinned at his partner, stripping before him. Quickly removing his shirt as well, his hands grasped at her hips when she connected with him, allowing him to twist and turn into a tree. His lips found hers with a fiery heat, his hands roaming her body. Snapping her bra off with one hand, he allowed it to move to her breast while the other pulled at her pants, quickly removing them before pressing his body to hers. Dominik’s free hand slid between her legs, all too eager to be able to play with his mate after several days of torture and no connection to his mate.

"You are anything but fragile," Nix laughed, "I know this from experience. Never drink the last of a Banshee's tequila."

'I'm sorry I couldn't warn you sooner Jay. She never wanted to come here, she seems to think, well I think she believed you and Xael hated her. I don't think she ever got over what happened with Luna. We were all sort of forced here by Elijah though. Who, by the way, at some point may come over here with a temper I've never seen. Just a heads up man.'

They were still well within earshot but Kayden could care less. As much as she knew he loved torture, being apart for four days still sucked, their bodies without the other making the cravings something fierce.

Her moans and cries echoed through the trees as Dom and Kayden lost track of time in their little bubble, wasting the day away in each other.

Over the many years, the pull to one of his bloods had never called so strong or demanded his outright attention. The demonic being that was half of his very essence to life sang to his inner rage. He had supplied everything his family had needed and more, giving up a huge part of himself and he was given up for his brother of all things. His darker half sang at his chaos, loved every minute of it while the fury still radiated off of him alike the suns rays. But a small sound caught his eye and he turned to stare down Reyn, the shock on her face evident over the destruction. That was supposed to be his place of sanctuary, and his place to let off steam. He stood tall, for once not leaning over or hunching down from his tall frame, allowing his hollow eyes to stare down at the women without so much as a flinch when she’d brought up the statue. Once the whole thing blew over he knew he could fix it, but for now that demonic part of him couldn’t care. Caring in this state was hard.

“You’re asking me to stop? Are you sure I should? It’s not like you did earlier.” He snapped, his voice the sound of something unholy and bone chilling. “Because I’m not the only one who’s fucked up here Reyn. I’ve lived a millennia doing as I do until it came to you. I housed you and cared for you in more than one situation. I’ve offered to make life easier on you, not just with buying our house and taking you were ever you’ve asked. Everything you’ve asked I’ve done what I can to make possible, and you’re blaming me there? But while we’re on topic of your daughter, you should talk to your daughter over the contract she came back from without permission.”

He watched her walk away, felt the rage that built further in him. But something stirred in him. Something that the blackened blood running through his veins didn’t like.

He needed a smoke.

He moved out of the study and down the hall out and out the back door as the two women had stood at the front. His hulking frame moved out into the back and he lit a smoke, all while watching the forest around him. How had he ever become this? He’d once been a powerful creature with no weakness’s and no such need for the angel within or even the softness he’d gained over these last years. Was that what he deserved for trying to be the nice guy? The demon said yes but a small voice called out that she’d had no clue. She may have but it still felt – that stopped there. Feeling – something he shouldn’t be thinking over. If anything he should be out slaughtering a town right now. What was stopping him?

He took a deep in hail and held it down.

He had a wife and children.

That’s what was stopping him. Even when he’d known while Reyn was pregnant she might not have been his. A small babe of which he still would have raised and accepted as his own – because he would do so for the woman he loved.

When was the last time he’d had sex again?

A day ago? Two days ago? Too long ago already. Anything past this morning could have been an eternity away. And the time before that…? A couple weeks ago? A month ago maybe? His wife always thought he was doing whores at the inns when he was working. But he’d stopped that.


His wife, his wife was the full reason why. When she had fallen ill he hadn’t been able to let himself down over that. Yet he sat here fighting with her because she was enjoying herself? No it had been because of his brother.

But she hadn’t known.

The Halfling exhaled, his thoughts everywhere and the voice’s between the two bloods kept bickering back and forth. His thoughts where everywhere, flickering between family, the past, Reyn, all the decisions over the years.

His short nails cut into his palm as his hand balled up, the knuckles moving as he squeezed his nails in further.

He took an in hail. His murky eyes regaining the slightest sign of normality as he stood there and held the smoke in for a couple minutes.


Nya was gone now, off with friends as the one thing she’d always come to know as her safety net seemed to catch and rip at the very base. He should have taken his rage elsewhere, but he hadn’t been able to think around the rage that pressed deep into his bones.

He was still pretty pissed. Just not as much while listening to the voices of both of his halfs in his head.

Stomping out the now stub of the cigarette, the man dropped to a knee as the glamour from his wings dropped and he allowed the rotten and torn wings to rise up above him. And like that, he was up in the sky and gone without so much as another thought.

Nereyda flew to the back door, having heard his escape. Her heart seized, realizing he might just leave...must just decide this was no longer worth the hassle.

God, what would she do without him?

She hit the back door and tugged it open in time to see him drop to one knee, his wings appearing. And she knew, without a doubt, there wasn't a speck of angel in him left. His wings were hideous, and yet she didn't care. She still wanted to scream at him for the way he made her feel: small and insignificant. And she wanted to cry because it was becoming all too real that this was breaking them.

"Don't," she cried even as he soared into the air, her words falling on deaf ears.


Crying was doing her no good. She'd been crying for an hour now, well more like wailing. Her marriage was falling apart, she felt completely violated, and she had no one to turn to. It would be unfair to bug Ash or Brax -they were caring for Nolan already. And as for the rest of them...she just wasn't that close to any of them. Except Jay, but running to her ex with martial problems was never wise.

But sitting alone in a enormous bed with snotty tissues wasn't any help either. Shuddering, she got up and forced herself through a shower, although everything felt slow and sluggish. The siren was sure if she spoke her voice would reflect how she felt, tiny and broken. She dressed in black tights, a dark grey shirt and a black sweater, along with her old ratty boots. She left her damp hair down and threw on make-up if only to hide the puffy eyes.

Reyn wasn't quite sure what she was doing, but she definitely wasn't staying here, not when everything around her was an instant reminder of Elijah and the perfect life they had shared. How had she fucked it up so badly? She found a couple suitcases, choosing one and leaving the other on the bed as she tossed a handful of clothing in and left, unable to process her actions. As she strolled through the trees to the property to speak with Nya she caught sight of Jay on the porch, looking increasingly worried at her state.

"Don't," Reyn threw a hand out, "I can't. I'm going into the city for the rest of the week. I need to see if Nya wants to come."

Dakota stepped out then from Kyli and Nix house, catching sight of the upset siren. She poked her head back in, saying a few words before returning out.

"Nya wants to stay," she exclaimed, "She's distracted by the girls and Colton, but she was pretty upset when she went in. I don't think she knows how to process whats going on."

"Thank you Dakota. Tell her I'll be back at the end of the week, when I pick up Nolan."


Reyn muttered a goodbye to Jay and surged on, her eyes downcast as she tried to ignore the sexual groans coming from behind the house. Soon the trees swallowed her, taking her further from the home she'd known for twenty years. The deeper she got the more Reyn had nothing else to think about but the last twenty four hours, and how far everything had fallen apart.

"Great weather for an afternoon stroll."

The look on her face was pure gold.

"Get the fuck away from me!" she snapped, dropping her bag and taking several steps back, "How the fuck did you get out?"

"I'm the King of Hell sweetheart, not a chump," he grinned lazily, leaning against one tree with his arms crossed and ankles crossed, "And the cage is open. A certain shapeshifting bitch is still on the loose you know."

"Go away!" she snarled again, picking her bags up and walking several more feet as he watched, "Seriously have you not done enough?"

He uncrossed his ankles and leaned forward following her steps, "I'm not sure. I haven't met the daughter yet."

Reyn turned, a growl in her throat, "You leave my fucking daughter alone."

"Hey, hey," he rose his hands in a mocking surrender, "That's my niece, I wouldn't tap that."

Reyn rolled her eyes and continued to storm off, making him smile all the more. Women.

"Where you going? Don't you want to work things out with your man?" he mocked, keeping up with her.

"I'd love to, but he doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. Because of you. So go fucking jump off a cliff or whatever. Just leave me alone Lucifer."

"It's Luc."

"It's Lucifer," she snapped, turning to face him, "Don't fucking play that game with me. I swear if you don't get out of my face in three-"

"," he sighed, staring down at the unconscious woman at his feet, throwing the knife in his hand into the bush.

Having turned to see Nya, Colton excused himself and Hades nodded, stating she’d be at Nix’s. With the woman gone, Colton’s arms wrapped around her, one hand resting on her lower back and his other on the back of her head. The man hadn’t needed to see the tears or hear words. He just knew. Escorting Nya inside, Jay stayed outside and the two grabbed Dakota and began to distract the distraught young woman.


The words flowed from his mouth without a flaw, even with the wind swaying the tree branches around in a violent manner. Nature brewed darkly with the growing incantation, forcing his deep words to grow louder. His perfectly tanned hands rose slowly with the power that brewed within the raging skies that stirred the leaves in a cyclone of sheer power. His jacket beat around him, his black pants flapping without a sound. His words grew and the air seemed to suck into itself, quieting even when the mother only continued to rage with him. His hands moved up with a sluggish speed with the building power in his hands.

With that, his head dropped and his hands stopped to allow the spell to solidify the sheer force into two glowing orbs, allowing his hands to move forward with a shocking speed until his hands smacked together. The power melded and his hands cupped together to keep it pressed together until it shifted into its final form. Scarred and heavily scraped fingers pried themselves away from each other, his hands cupping a silvery blue powder.

A mutation ad aliam vitam.” The words brought the life back to the wind and to the whole world around him with a bang after his words blew the powder from his hands, allowing the incantation to carry within the mother and her breath that stabilized life itself. Lowering his trembling hands, the sorcerer took a deep breath, his determined glowing green eyes closing to flow with the wind around him, with the spell released that could wreak the havoc he’d been waiting for.


The ritual had been completed and had worked out well. The night had fallen on him hours ago, and he had taken a leisurly stroll through the forest until he’d finally hit the property. In doing so, he hit the edge of the clearing and leaned against a tree.

“Now where is my stunning little fiery wolf?” He purred quietly, fully well knowing she’d hear him.

The property seemed to be swimming with people. Phoenix and Kyli were housing Hades, Kayden, and Dominik, and then Nya was staying with the wolves until her parents got their act together. The twins had spent the entire evening trying to calm her and keep her distracted. Nya rarely lost faith in either of her parents, and out of everyone she always seemed so level headed, but not today. Dakota finally had to pull away, saying she was tired and needed sleep. Nya already had a guest room claimed, one she used pretty much every time she slept over. The female wolf had left Colton alone to keep Nya entertained, slipping into her room and putting something prettier on before slipping onto the balcony and over the railing. It took her only minutes to reach the clearing out of the way of the property, and excellent place to visit where no one could hear them.

Bloody hell was he gorgeous. Just leaning against the tree casually made her drool. She stalked him, coming up behind him until she was so close she could breath in his scent.

"Boo," she whispered breathlessly as she slid up beside him, grinning, "What a pleasant surprise to find you on this midnight stroll."

Try as she might, it was just too hard to not think about what she had seen and heard today. Dakota had finally given up, but Colton was always the more stubborn one, trying his damnest to distract her. With everything that had happened she still didn't have the time to comprehend what she had done with him the night before, and staring at him now only left her more confused.

"Cole," she sighed, after his newest attempt to distract her -this time with cooking, "It's not working. Maybe if we go next door that'll help. We can leave Dakota and Jay to sleep."

Grayson’s lips pulled up in a seductive and alluring smile. His hands wrapped around her waist and his lips automatically pressed to hers.

“Well isn’t this a wonderful surprise. I’m just out on this rather lonely walk… And here I am at the house of this really intelligent woman crossed my path.” He purred. Large blue eyes stared down at Dakota, his arms pulling her in tightly.


Cookies in the oven and crepes on the oven top, Colton moved around the kitchen his mother once loved and cherished – something his father had spoken of on the off occasion. He’d had fruit cut up off to the side and the home made whip cream along with chocolate sauce and caramel. But just as he pulled the soft crepe off of the hot plate, Nya had admitted it hadn’t been working. Abandoning the task Colton nodded.

“Alright, sounds good. Dakota will like the peace and quiet and Jay will enjoy the couch like usual.” He nodded, wrapping his arms around her while escorting her outside.

Nya was nice enough to package all the food Colton tiredlessly made and took it with them, knowing Kyli had a soft spot for crepes like Nya normally did. Her head rested on his shoulder as they walked, needing the comfort of friends when her normal 'rock' wasn't around.

Their front door was open and the two found the group all hanging around the main room, chatting and laughing the night away. Placing the hot and fresh food on the coffee table she was met by excited noises, mostly from Nix and Kyli.

"Colton's cooking," Nya smile was strained as she let the group at it, moving to the bar where Colton was at home, making himself a drink.

"This is gonna sound weird," she sighed, "But can you make me a drink?"


Dakota giggled, tilting her petite face up so her glowing green eyes could gaze at him, "Well then, I guess we both lucked out."

She loved the feel of his arms tight around her, his blue eyes shining in the moonlight. She had to stand on her tiptoes to kiss him but she didn't mind, not when his lips were so soft and alluring, and he smelt so good. Her nose could easily pick up his scent, one she was all too quickly growing to want whenever he wasn't around, and a new earthy but floral scent about him.

As she pulled away to set her feet down she stumbled a step, cursing silently at herself. Her knees had buckled, and if it wasn't for his supporting arms she would have fallen backwards and ungracefully fallen. It wasn't the man before her that had her weak in the knees though; she hadn't eaten much with her refusal to leave her room all day till Nya's arrival, and she hadn't fed in over a week. The combination was making her clumsy as of late, but she tried to pass it off as nothing when his grip tightened.

The girls quickly dove into his cooking. Growing up his father had taught him how to cook – teaching him a man who could cook was the key to a womans heart. All of which the girls he’d grown up with had all come to love for the most part. Colton’s arm remained around Nya’s waist until they found themselves at the bar, his eyes looking up at her.

“What degree are we wanting it for? Bad day, Bad week, Rough and ready, Forget it all?” He asked with a grin, pulling the alcohol down with a devilish grin.


Grayson’s arms caught Dakota as she swayed.

“Indeed we did Darlin’.” He purred. He looked her up and down, normally someone of her blood line wouldn’t have swayed – they were sturdy as a rock. “Shall we go in and feed?” He asked, his arms sweeping her body up and escorting her in as she directed. Having snuck in through her window, Grayson pulled her onto the bed, allowing her to sit on top of him. His eyebrows wiggled and he winked at her, tilting his head up to kiss her hungrily.

"How about a 'my parents are probably getting a divorce and I think I just lost my dad' drink."

The room around her fell silent for a second, shock cascading around her before someone coughed and everyone jump started into a new conversation, avoiding the awkward topic Nya couldn't get her mind off of. She was just too upset.

"Got one of those Cole?" she muttered, watching him with weary eyes.


"This is dangerous," she whispered as they reached her balcony, Grayson leading her in, "My uncle is downstairs."

He ignored her, leading her to the bed where he plopped down and pulled her into his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. Now this was even more dangerous, and there were multiple rules she knew she was breaking here.

Why did this feel so good?

He seemed to be feeling the same adrenaline rush of sneaking into her room, his lips taking hers greedily. Her arms tightened their hold and she kissed him back with a ferocity, still loving the taste of him.

Dakota was still worried about his words over feeding. She hadn't filled him in on her status as neither vampire or wolf. She was both; she had the ability to change into a wolf, and yet the hunger for blood as a vampire. Her true essence was more in human form than wolf, and yet her senses were always better as a wolf. It was weird how her blood clashed, but one thing she knew was to never feed near others. It was too dangerous.

"I can't feed in here," she whispered with a tinkle in her voice, keeping her tone low as to not wake Jay, "There's no animals in here Grayson."

Its all she'd ever fed on. It had been her uncle's idea and Xael had gone along with it, teaching her to drain animals over the alternative: people. It was like eating tofu when you've never tried bacon. There was no way for her to know if that bacon tasted any good, but it always smelt delicious, and the tofu was satiable, but always so damn bland.

The first taste of human blood had actually been Grayson's, not that she'd admit it, and it had been such a small taste she'd barely gotten a hunger for it. All she knew was she'd gladly take more, and the was where her problem lay. Dakota knew she couldn't, not without risking growing a taste for human blood. And her father had warned her of the effects that took place when he fed, almost like a aphrodisiac. It was like a curse on top of a curse, forced to drink blood to survive but unable to drink that most sustaining source because it caused lust which would in turn effect her second curse of being a female wolf...and only allowed one mate.

While sex for an entire afternoon didn't completely feed her hunger for Dominik, it definitely staved it off for a few hours so they could eat. As much as Kayden tried, the stomach of a wolf would never go away and skipping a meal just wasn't possible. Finding Hades, they took a seat on the smaller couch, Kayden curling up into Dominik while they waited for dinner plans.

Instead they got served.

Nya and Colton appeared only minutes later, with an array of delicous goodies. Nix and Kyli were at it first, and Kayden came in behind, serving up a plate she could share with her mate, providing he wanted to eat food.

She plopped down back beside him, curling her legs in and kissing his cheek before digging into the food. Every bite was delicious, exploding with taste.

"Want some?" she hummed, raising an eyebrow, as she tossed her hair over her shoulder to reveal the perfect pale skin of her neck, "Or is a vein on the menu today?"
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