Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Kayden finished her group, seeing the crowd dissipated and Hades moving inside.

"Nix, do you got Nya?"

The blonde wolf was covered in blonde, snapping up men and women happily as she bounded around, grabbing the few stragglers. She could see the wolf's eyes continuous look towards the gate, more worried about Kyli's state than Nya's. The wolf looked over at Kayden to nod but got caught up with another vampire trying to escape. Sighing Kayden searched the wall for Nya, hoping she was doing alright.

In fact...Nya was doing amazing. She'd taken out everyone on the wall and Kayden watched as she jumped down, jogging to Kayden.

"C'mon kid," Kayden smiled, impressed, "Hades is taking out the main crowd, so if we want any fun we got to join."

"Sounds good," Nya grinned, her hands and wrists drenched in blood while the rest of her remained relative unclean.

His laugh’s rung through the darkened room, the stench of death all too befitting for the fiery demon. Resting back to the metal plate behind him, his dark and soul calling laugh turned into a purr, knives stripping skin while they continued to torture him.

“Ohhh Noooo… Not the peeler! Anything but the peeler.” He cried, his head sliding back and fourth while they continued to try and find something more cruel – all while feeding demon unintentionally. Cries called out in the bakgound and the man couldn’t help the grin that pulled on my face.

“Sounds like a real scream down there.”

"Elijah!" as the masseuse got ripped from her she snapped up, rushing to him holding the man to the wall, "ELIJAH STOP!"

He's going to kill him!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped, her hands grabbing his rippling muscles, her feeble strength no match to his but she tried nonetheless, not wanted any blood spilled.


He grinned widely, enjoying the chaos all too much, "Oh Eli, I just had to meet the woman who stole your heart. I have to say, she has quite the appetite. She's fucked half the staff here today before begging for me...inside...her..."

Hade’s head flicked back, a bone chilling howl leaving the blood hungry beast. The sound echoed off of the walls, summoning the rest of the supernatural that festered within the spacious castle all while creating a deathly air that hovered around them. Her head lowered and her large body lowered and her muscles almost seemed to expand while she readied herself for a new wave with teeth exposed and small flickers of fire flowing out from between her hungry mouth.

He could hear Reyn screaming in the background but for once he wasn’t able to focus on her cries and pleas.

“I’m going to rip your fucking balls off and feed them to you on a radiation filled dumpster floor.” His voice stirred the darkness around him, a sound unlike anything anyone would have lived to tell the tale of.

Nix killed the last straggler, her ears still ringing with Kyli's screams. While the rest of them moved in to finish off the rest Nix bounded out of the fortress, racing to Kyli. She had been too close, fuck she had been way too close.

As she wailed, the sound haunting, a vampire was nearing her through the trees, trying to sneak up on the distracted women. Phoenix jumped forward and caught him, snapping his neck with her powerful jaws. Watching his body fall she turned and continued to Kyli, pressing against her to climb on. Nix needed to get her further away, far enough she couldn't feel their deaths. Phoenix knew she had agreed to the contract, and to protecting Nya but in the end Kyli was a main priority, and Phoenix had killed enough.

Reyn's screams got louder as he continued to ignore her, "ELIJAH LISTEN! God why are you being so fucking jealous! Leaving Luc alone!"

She never did this to him. She had spent twenty fucking years holding back, being the wife he wanted. And he does this...after one fucking night to herself.

"You ass!" she swore, slamming her fists into his back, "Look at me Elijah Gemini or so help me..."


"Listen to the woman," the King of Hell grinned, not even trying to escape Elijah as he watched his brother fuck his own self over, "Or not. Ruin your marriage brother, see if I care."

"B-brother?" Reyn's voice died, her eyes wide in horror, "Wait what?"

Lucifer knew Eli couldn't even register her voice, so focused on the anger pounding through him. It made him laugh. Chances are, he'd be sent back to hell in the next five minutes. And still, it was worth it.

"And when you ruin this little marriage she can come running back to a real man. Oh I made her cum over and over and over Eli, for hours. I can see why you like her, her pussy is tight and she can fuck all night. You could've picked one that's prettier though -rather bland body type, not much in curves, and whats with the stretch marks?"

Eli’s purely black eyes couldn’t move from his brother, even as his wife tried to get his attention so desperately. The air stirred around his very being, his hair beginning to lift with the power the exuded from his very being. His body began to shake, and the shadows begun to lift and flow along the floor towards them. Eli’s strong and sun kissed hand gripped tighter with Lucifers very words forcing the shadows to twirl up his being and wrap around his hand. Yet Reyns screams of worry for the man had showed he’d taken another name until he’d spoiled that cover. The air began to shake with a deathly essence, Eli calling to the very fabric of time itself in order to rip it open.

“Say hello to Crumbles for me.” The words were hollow, the sound something unfathomable as he spoke of his hell hound – one Lilith had named and the creature had taken a liking to.

Kayden felt the blood pool in her mouth as she took out the guard on the staircase, ripping through his neck. Nya was behind her a few steps, enjoying ripping hearts out and beating faces in.

Kayden continued up the stairs, taking out any in her way, feeling the pull. She ended up on the second floor, hearing his voice almost immediatly.

'God...a scream down there? That's the best you've got my love?'

Two more men came at her and she did the splits as they swung, rising up to knock them flat on their asses before stomping on one's face and kicking the other in the nose. Unsheathing her knife she stabbed them both in the hearts and moved forward, finding him quickly. Nya and Hades moved from behind her, following her trail for more bloodshed. The three took out the remaining members in the room quick enough, leaving a pile of bodies and bloodstained floors in their wake.

"Dom," Kayden sighed, kneeling in front of him as she undid his binds, "Looking a little rough baby."

Reyn mouth was hanging open, looking purely shocked. Lucifer grinned at her, and her alone, winking at her.

"It was nice seeing you again brother," Lucifer's gaze swung to Eli, "And it was lovely to get to know you Nereyda. I would work on your tongue play for next time, little too much teeth."

Reyn's breath sucked in but she wasn't looking at him, she was backing away, staring at her feet as shadows slithered around her, attracted to his brother. All at once a portal opened to their left and he felt himself thrown in, the portal closing almost instantly. Standing and dusting himself off, Lucifer changed into a more comfortable form and strolled out of the open cage, never having been closed since Lilith's disappearance twenty years ago. He'd deal with the hellhounds when they came, but until then he had other matters to attend to. The life as the God of Chaos was never a dull one.

Dominik looked up in glee once his partner in crime pushed through the door. While he’d been enjoying the torture he couldn’t help but feel grateful she’d come back for him.

“You know I only like to play rough babe.” He grinned, winking at Kayden while she undid the binds. For a moment his body wavered, the blood loss making the room spin and a hand to move up to rest on the wall. “That was fun.”

She could only wait no longer than till he stood, then she grabbed him, forcing her lips to his. For a brief moment everything, even the hate that constantly bubbled in her gut, it all faded. All she could sense was him. His presence pushed away the lingering annoyance that had been building the past few days without him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling closer as the bond she had never realized she'd had until fifteen years ago felt whole once again.

'You and I...we can play rough all day once we get home. And I do plan on it.'

Eli’s hand fell down and the mighty being took a deep breath, as he blew out his nose the air stilled and the shadows retracted to their original place of being but his eyes remained darkened soulless pits. He wanted to look back at his wife but he couldn’t, the anger swelling in his chest over his brother. While he’d sent her away knowing she may have found fun with others, he couldn’t simply accept his wife with his darkened brother of all things. His hands had balled up at his sides while he stared out of the window beside him, the muscles along his body strained and flexed with a readiness of only a hunter. He remained silent, listening to only the beautiful blonde behind him.

Reyn breath sucked in, looking at the one man she had never doubted, never felt any anger towards. Yet she was pissed. She was more than pissed; that...that man had played her and Elijah hadn't so much as blinked twice at her, ignoring her since the moment came in.

Unfreezing, Reyn stormed to the small dresser and tossed the drawer open, grabbing the clothes she had brought for the trip back. Tossing them on quickly, she stormed past him, slamming the door open.

"No," she hissed, turning back to him and she closed the door once more, " are being an asshole Eli. Can't look at me, can't even talk to me. Your fucking brother just tricked me, used me, then insulted me and you can't find the damn decency to even say sorry?"

His strong arms wrapped around her tiny frame, his lips pressing against hers with a fiery demand. The room began to heat up while his very core ignited, helping boost his healing process. While he’d been fine for the most part, Kayden had definitely helped not just with healing and protection, but she’d become a companion he’d found he’d come to cherish over the last decade and a half.

Good. We’ve missed out on a weeks’ worth of sex. So no breaks for a couple days.

Eli didn’t flinch – couldn’t flinch as the siren went on to close the door for privacy before she began to scream at him. His fully blacked out eyes moved towards the siren, the unholy being taking in every little thing that stirred within the city, all while listening and fully being there in the room.

“You call me an asshole while you’re fucking my brother? And you’re screaming at me to say Sorry?” His voice – distant and dark, the deep husky voice of her husband replaced with a different bone chattering voice. Eli took a single step forward, his head hanging to stare down at her. “It’s nice to know that my wife like’s fucking the king of hell while her husband is out working. I don’t even care you’re having fun with the resort but Fuck Reyn.”

'Oh god yes,' she grinned, pulling back and pushing his damp hair out of his face, 'I'm going to fuck you till we break the bed. And then we will move on to the next.'

"Ready?" she asked the group looking around, "I think Nix stayed outside. We can catch up with her and Kyli and head back."

"And the mercs?" Nya asked.

"Dead," Kayden shrugged, "C'mon. I need to get this sorry excuse of a demon home. And we still have an item to fetch."

She winked at him playfully, taking his hand and moving forward. The four of them searched the place, finally finding the orb in a safe, hidden in a locked room in one of the towers. Kayden pocketed it and then motioned for all of them to head out.

Hades chuffed to the couple, her hard and hot muzzle pressing at Nya to move forward while Kayden and Dominik did their thing for a moment. Once they had found the item they’d been there for, they walked past the carnage, most of which Hades in herself had created. Limbs for people littered around the room, various heads still rolling around and the occasional finger still twitching until they cleared it and hit the other two. The banshee’s face curled up into the wolf’s fur, her chest rising and falling rather quickly as her heartbeat continued to pound. For a moment the hellhound wondered what had wound her up so much but she simply shoved it off to the side, truly uncaring for the whole situation and pressing back towards the town.

You’ll be so over heated, you won’t be able to walk after the first go round.’ the demon grinned, lapping up her attention. While apart of him wanted to pull at her attention further, he knew it was time to finally finish the job.

"Oh, that's rich. Implying I'm the asshole here, because of FUCKING course I knew he was your brother. Earth to Eli, I thought he was a damn masseuse. If you weren't being so damn jealous for five seconds you'd see my side! But pardon me for wanting to indulge in a little's not like I get to leave home every week and fuck whores on my DAMN FREE TIME!"

The words began pouring out, twenty long years of pent up emotions.

"I have had two kids for you. Two gorgeous fucking children who take up every second of my day now. I went from travelling and enjoying life to being damn well house bound, like a damn house wife. I hate it! I love them but I hate being trapped. I get no time to myself with Nolan, and when he settles I have to deal with Nya. I barely see you these day, you've been taking more and more contracts. I know what you do Eli. Do you know how it fucking feels? It eats me ALIVE. I cry when your FUCKING GONE, because I can't stand to think of you with another woman! Yeah I get that's selfish of me but for fuck sakes I have been anything but selfish for twenty years now with you and those children."

She stormed to the doors, tears on her cheeks as her throat felt raw from yelling, "For one night I started feeling like myself again and even that got ruined. I'm going home now. Go find your daughter. She isn't here, she had to stay at an inn. Who knows what. It seems I was too busy being duped and then called ugly by your brother to find out. Not like you cared to stand up for me or anything."

Once outside, they found Phoenix and Kyli a ways off on the path, the wolf now in her human form and hovering protectively over the sleeping woman in the grass.

"She okay?" Nya sounded alarmed, moving quickly over to kneel beside Kyli, "She looks pale."

"That took too much out of her," Phoenix sighed, letting Kyli use her lap as a pillow, "She just needs rest kid, don't worry. I'm going to carry her back. This girl weighs nothing."

While Nya and Nix chatted Kayden's attention returned to the man beside her, knowing he always hated when her eyes weren't on him.

"Club?" she purred, ", tonight? Blood, music, and then a hell of a lot of sex."

"Uh Kay?" Phoenix was watching them, a funny grin on her face, "Whose the new guy and where the hell did he come from?"

"Our mission turned out to be a search and rescue not just a retrieval," Nya explained, "That's Dominik..."

"My mate," Kayden grinned, leaning forward and kissing him, "Long story boys and girls. I suggest we hit the road for this one."

Dominik pulled Kayden into his lap, stealing her attention happily.

“Yes. Somewhere disposable. We’re breaking everything we do it on.” His silky voice purring. The mans wild blackish-brown eyes moving around the party. While she introduced him, the man indulged as everyone bathed him in their curiosity on his place in her life. Once she explained, he kissed the woman back, grinning ear to ear.

“Of course we can my fiery wolf.”


Eli’s head tilted while she ranted, his soulless eyes staring unyieldingly down at her.

“I never asked for the first fucking kid Reyn, but I stuck with you, even when it could have been another mans. Did I question it? No. For Fuck sake, if you hadn’t wanted the first one we could have done something.” His chilling voice snapped back. “I’ve offered to relieve you for days over the years and you’ve refused to allow me to do so. I’ve taken you around the world without so much as a question and taken up the extra work to support not just you but everyone else. Have I gone without my needs as well? Yes. Have I stopped sleeping around on the jobs? Yes. Because I’m aware of your needs and your wants. Even while I’m out working.” He could feel the anger build up within his muscles, shake his already balled up hands and even feel the heaviness of the air. “You’re not the only selfless being here Reyn. Stop acting like it. Out of a millennia I’ve done everything you’ve asked, offered to help and to do what I could to ease things on you, and how do you repay me? By fucking my brother.” His words rang out, his voice stirring the darkness yet again before she stormed out. She had had a point over his brothers words, but the fury inside of him had no words for what he had said and had simply done away with the man the best he simply could. He took a minute and moved out of the resort, leaving the fine jewelry in the doorway and moving towards the inn.

People stared as he walked, unable to rid himself of the demonic fury that gripped him while he made his way to the inn. While the inn keeper had been more then easy enough to squeeze information through, the Halfling made his way to the club only to find out something he’d been beyond unhappy to deal with. This day couldn’t be any worse in reality.

Moving towards the main gate, Eli’s arms crossed as he stood waiting. That hadn’t been long lived though, the crowd wandering up.

“Did we have fun?” His blackened voice asked without so much as a fraction of warmth.


They were wandering back, Nya on a high from the night she'd had. Things with Colton were confusing, but by far the best sex she'd ever had -and then that fight. God, she'd killed dozens on her own, without a scratch in the process. Even Phoenix was impressed with her work, and Kayden seemed pleased too.

As they reached the gate though that happy bubbliness died, seeing her father in the gateway.

"Daddy?" Nya called, pulling out her softer voice even as she internally swore at being caught.

"Oh fuck," Kayden and Nix breathed in unison seeing him.

Nya stepped ahead of the group as they continued at a slower pace, reaching him first. She knew there was hell to pay, but she wasn't ready for the sight. She'd seen her father mad plenty of times, but she'd never seen this. Nya automatically flinched back, and something gripped her heart, that terror she only felt in her dreams swelling up. Those eyes...

"D-daddy?" she stepped away from him, trying to stand tall but the darkness around him made her want to shrink back.

He could see the crowd shrink back. Even Nya’s face twisted towards the his features. Something his little girl had never experienced.

“Start marching towards the house.” His voice stated. “You all as well. Now.”

"But..." her voice died, her hand gripping Dominik's like steel as she dragged him forward.

'Don't argue. Trust me, you don't want to piss this guy off. Ever heard of Elijah down under?'


Nya turned, her eyes glued to the ground to avoid looking at him again as she stumbled back in with the group. She was trying her damnest to remain calm and look confident but one look at Nix told her she was doing a poor job, her hands shaking in fists at her side.

"C'mon Nya," Phoenix nodded her closer, holding the sleeping Kyli in her arms, "Let's just go back. Don't anger him more sweetheart."
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