Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


While disappointment hit him, Eli understood that while he wanted to treat Reyn, that her comfort rode over anything. Once they had chatted over moving to a smaller quieter town, Eli gladly took her a town over in hopes to bring her spirits up further. Their bodies moved through the streets and honed in on what seemed to be a promising store, allowing Eli to nod his girls inside before lighting up a cigarette for several needed puffs. His hand slid into his pocket, the sun shone off his aviators and the smoke swirled throughout the air around him while caressing his lungs in a relaxing manner. Eli’s shoulders slumped forward in a relaxed state before his hand threw the butt down and stepped it out.

Eli’s eyes lazily scanned the small room, already knowing where his siren had disappeared to. As quickly as he had entered the room, a woman had been all over him. Uninterest floated within his mouth, nodding and chatting with the woman while he waited patiently for Reyn. His eyes remained on the brunette but his attention was on Reyn once she had stepped out of the change room in a top that flattered her curves. But once Nya’s voice called out, his head moved up to look at Reyn while she collected their daughter and stormed out. Eli looked back at the store keeper, and her mouth only continued to blurt out words that dug her deeper into a distasteful hole.

“Well… That was my wife and my daughter. She is indeed married, and as far as she’s concerned, that shirt is coming out of whatever pathetic little paycheck you receive. But considering the only way you can make anything is from the change men throw at you to get you’re disgusting used up body away from them. At the end of the day, those whores at least get laid.” He spat, turning and taking several easy strides before sliding his arm around her waist.

“No need to worry about you’re customers, But we’re not paying. When I see you’re boss… Alfred I believe, we’ll let him know what we thought of your service Reese.”

Like that, Eli escorted his beautiful Siren and daughter out without another word. Wandering down the streets, he kissed Reyn gently.

“Sorry about that Reyn. Are you up for looking in other shops?” He asked.

Leaning into him, she sent a deathly glare over her shoulder at the shop they had just left. As they moved, another shop window caught her eye, and his words drifted back to her. Grabbing his hand she practically dragged him inside the jewelry shop, stopping in the door way and looking up at her, her wide doe-like blue eyes asking how much she was allowed to buy with his money.

Without missing a beat, Reyn had dragged him off into the next gleaming jewelry shop. His giant glee filled green orbs smiled down on her, his lips only accenting with amusement.

“Up to 6.” He spoke, he leaned down kissing her gently while pushing her a head. Poking his head throughout the store, he stopped at the back of the store with a large glass box and only a few rings.

“Love?” He asked, waiting patiently for her to move over after several minutes of looking. “What about this one?”


The voice stung his ears and pulled a groan from his lips. While his hand held the handle of the axe, the heavy head dropped against the earth with a deep thud. Turning, Jay growled.

“If it isn’t Pheonix Willows.” He grunted with a deep gravely tone.

While Eli looked around, Reyn felt a pull to the right display case, her eyes catching the perfect ring on the first try. Pointing it out, the woman behind the counter grinned and let her try it on, before Elijah called her over.

Holding up her finger to say she'd be right back, she moved to her fiance, feeling more and more herself. The ring he had found was beautiful, but it was nothing compared to the heavy but gorgeous one sitting on her finger.

"This," she grinned, truly grinned, holding her hand up for him to see, "A p-promise, from my a-angel."


Tossing her hood back, the green eyed wolf sized him up, "Did you get more muscles? Is that physically possible?"

Crossing her arms, she grinned devilishly at him, sticking her hip out as she waited for Graham and Kayden, "How's the nose? Still sulking over me breaking it all those years back?"

Eli looked over at Reyn while she walked up, her grin lifting him. His arm curled around her hips to pull her hip to his. His eyes moved over to the ring and he nodded, his finger moving to another glass cabinet off to the side.

“With both of those necklaces.” He nodded. “Sold.”


Jay shrugged slightly towards the girl.

“It’s been a hundred plus years. Duh.” His voice was just short of a growl, his eyes glaring down at the little girl. “Not sore, but you touch me again and I won’t be afraid to hit a girl.”

With that, Jays grip tightened on the bottom of the wooden handle whilst he tried to control the anger building within him at the sight of the girl before him.

Smiling wider, she fingered the necklace, kissing Nya's head against her shoulder.

As the woman found the ring in her size -the display model she wore was a size too big- Reyn continued to look around, a second woman following her as she pointed one thing after another out just to look at them. She picked out a pair of earrings she loved, and could wear on a date, the diamonds glinting in the light.


The second piece she chose was a pretty silver necklace for Nya that she slipped on immediately, both women behind the counter smiling as the baby cooed.

"Eli," Reyn breathed, catching his attention to look at their little one, "Look."


Eli smiled while he watched the woman bounce around, clearly in their element. Easily gliding over to both of his girls.

“Both of you look in your element.” He breathed, leaning in to kiss Reyn deeply, before his lean body leaned down to kiss Nya on the forehead.

“I love it.”

Standing with a certain unknown grace, Eli stood beside the two girls in which his heart bound for.

“Those too.” He nodded his chin at, the woman pointing to two thin white gold bands with a fine infinity symbol in the middle and a gleaming diamond heart off to the side.


"Okay tough guy," she rolled her eyes, sarcasm drooling from her lips, "I'm not even here for you, so don't go getting those panties in a twist."

At his questioning look she waved her hand at him dismissively, stepping away, "I'm here for my girl, Kay. Why she would hang out with jerks like you is beyond me, but while I've been distracting you with my beauty and bubbly personality, Graham's gone to fetch her."

She caught the look in his eyes, and had to stifle a laugh. Oh, so it's that way. She has him wound around her little finger. That's my girl.

Not that she wanted Kayden choosing Jay, or for that matter any wolf from that hellish clan. Turning back to Jay, she put on an innocent look, well practised for decades of fooling men.

"I bet there in there catching up right now. Oh, you didn't know? Kayden started seeing him when we met. The two are quite close."

Taking a few more steps back, she could almost see into the kitchen window now, getting a glimpse of Kayden and Graham chatting and washing dishes, "Don't believe me, take a look."


Kayden laughed, flicking water at him, "I did NOT. I simply went for a walk."

"A walk implies you were coming back. We didn't see you in days. Nix thought you'd gotten lost."

"Lost in rabbits that is," Kayden laughed, "There was sooo many. Nix would understand."

He flicked water back at her, making her flinch away and laugh, "Of course she would. But what about poor old me?"

"Oh you'll survive," she patted his cheek with wet, soapy hands, fueling their water fight as he scooped a handful and tossed it at her.

"Graham!" she ducked but too late, and the fight was on, water spraying each of them as she threw a sponge at him then bolted around the island, giggling, "I have to finish these dishes. C'mon!"

He only grinned, aiming and tossing the sponge but missing as she scurried around the other side of the island, only to squeal as he caught her around the waist with one arm.

"Say your sorry for leaving me with her," he laughed, "Or there's a lot of dish water to still be splashed on you."

"Never!" she laughed, wiggling in his arms, "Let go!"

Jay simply turned from Nix’s response, his arms flexing while he simply moved back to chopping wood.

“Not close enough.” He spat, her words fueling his building anger. With that, he felt out to Kaydens thought’s, his ears twitching in tune with the noise’s in the house. The sound of the axe splintering the wood apart rung through the strung out air, holding a pitch that seemed to never die in his wolfish ears.

Holding her wrist out, she let the woman clasp the beautiful band around her slender wrist, only bristling when the woman touched the skin there, trying to push away the memories of being shackled. Next was Nya, although the girl's wrists were so tiny the band couldn't stay on. Instead they boxed it and handed it over so Nya could wear it when she got older.

Placing Nya's bracelet in a small paper bag, they also packaged the earrings, letting reyn wear the winged engagment ring and necklace out of the store. Before they paid and left though Reyn's eyes caught a display behind one of the women's heads, pointing it out. Pulling out the two rings inside, Reyn couldn't help but smile and kiss the man at her hip, finding the last piece they needed to make it all so much realer.


Eli’s body only leaned into Reyn more as he sensed her stiffen.

His eyes looked down at Reyn kissing her happily before lifting her ringed hand to his lips, his newly weighted finger pressing into her palm.

“My lovely lovely wife. Where to now?” His husky voice breathed, allowing her to continuing leading the way.

Shrugging, she left the man to chop wood, content that he was uninterested. Moving into the house herself, she couldn't contain a smile as Kayden and Graham's playful banter filled the rooms.

"Having fun you two?" she asked, pushing the swinging door open with her boot, watching them wrestle.

"Nix!" Kayden grinned, freeing herself from Graham and moving to hug Phoenix, "I completely forgot our meeting. I'm so sorry. Things here got crazy, and time flew by."

"Yeah, yeah I met the boytoy outside."

Kayden's eyes grew wide, her cheeks turning flaming red as she stuttered for an excuse.

"Don't worry," she poked her nose before moving further into the kitchen, "I didn't bite his head off. He was actually pretty uninterested, which works better for us."

Kayden looked between the two of them, "If we are going to talk about that I'd rather be somewhere more private. C'mon, I know a place."

"And lover boy won't follow?" Nix asked, raising a finely arched eyebrow.

Kayden chewed her lip, knowing if she told Jayson she was leaving he'd stalk them, but if she didn't he'd worry. So she went for a compromise, writing a quick note in the kitchen that she'd be back in an hour, along with the shirt she was wearing as a prize for him. Changing into a pair of worn jeans and a white tank top, she moved back to the pair nodding at them to follow her.

"Let's go," striding to the back door, the three of them slipped out and into the trees undetected, needing privacy to speak.

Grinning, she led him out and to the next store, the jewelry setting a happier mood for the day. The rest of their afternoon she dragged him in and out of every store, shopping for clothes, toys, more clothes, baby clothes, some lunch, and then more clothes. By the time dinner rolled around both Eli and Reyn had arm loads of bags with clothes, for all three of them, as well as a new array of toys.

"D-dinner at home?" she asked as she led the way out of the town, staring up at the sky then back at him, "F-fly baby?"


They took their time getting to town, wandering off the trail and towards a nearby lake for lunch, with a picnic basket Xael had brought full of smoked meats, cheeses, and bread. After their relaxing lunch they moved on, enjoying the time spent alone for once. It was a breath of fresh air for Xael, able to take all of her attention without any interruptions, listening to her musical laugh as he told jokes. As they got closer to the city, he couldn’t help but grin at how stress free they were.

Taking Luna grocery shopping turned out more fun than he expected. Sure, she polished off a box of cookies right after he’d gotten three from the only woman in the city that sold them, but it wasn’t too hard to go back and being wise he got an extra three, making sure he had five full boxes to take home. The elderly lady who sold them also made them daily, and Xael bought her last five, as well as preordering another seven for the week after. She seemed overjoyed to hear they liked them so much.

Moving onwards, they went to the market in the center of town, Xael letting Luna pick out all the fruits and vegetables she liked. Months ago he had bought two large leather satchels able to hold enough groceries to last two or three weeks. With Luna’s increase in appetite it felt more like a week now before their food ran out. So as Luna bounced around looking at the kiosks, picking out fruits and veggies, breads and cheeses, Xael spoke to the shopkeepers sitting behind their kiosks. Not many of them agreed, but a few negotiated with him and made deals to deliver their goods for an inflated price weekly. It was enough to get the basics –fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and baking necessities like flour and sugar. There’d be a lot more cooking in his future, but Xael wasn’t minding it at all, quite content to grow his chief skills.

Returning to his beautiful mate who was drooling over a butcher shop, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her passionately.

“C’mon baby girl. Let’s get you some lunch."

They spent the next hour buying half the butcher shop before sneaking away to a remote spot to eat. For the rest of the afternoon they shopped for clothing for Luna, before heading off to dinner to finish their relaxing day together.

Eli’s body glided beside hers, his eyes never once leaving her for their whole day.

Once she asked, Eli bit his lip.

“Nya’s still too young love. But I can run us home.” He grinned.


The day only seemed to get better, having the day to pick through the different shops while spending time with her beloved mate. The stores had treated her better than the market and the butcher. Allowing them to pick out all their needed food, new clothing for the both of them-Lunar’s inability to souly focus on herself having all the attention when she knew her mate deserved it just as much. The day had begun to drag on, their bags began to weigh them down, but something caught her eye. Pulling them off to the glittering and beckoning store, she pulled her mate into the store. In a glass case before them, two rings caught her eyes, nodding at the shop keeper towards the two rings. Pulling at Xaels hand, she had the shop keeper slide the ring on his middle finger, as well as hers.

“Oh and that one!” She giggled, pointing at several other moon rings and a moon bracelet. “Soooooollllldddd.”




Nodding, she let her man sweep her and their daughter up, his legs effortlessly pushing them through the trees like the wind. It only took the matter of an hour to get back, slipping straight into the guest house where Reyn wanted to stay the night. Putting Nya to bed, she left all the bags near the wardrobe, dropping to the bed and curling in the blankets, her eyes glued to Eli's back as he cooked dinner. He did it here and there when she was pregnant and she loved it. Watching him cook, tasting the food he'd so carefully prepared, seeing him happy that she liked it, all of it made her night even better. Grinning at the prospect, Reyn settled into bed, wanting a nap before dinner was served.


Xael followed along, biting his tongue at the ring slipped onto his finger. While it was appeasing, it wasn't his style. He'd never worn rings in his life, or any jewelry for that matter. Still, seeing her face lighten up kept him quiet, knowing if she wanted him to wear it, he would.

"Dinner soon?" he asked as she paid for the rings, "I'm starved."

Lunar’s golden eyes studied her mate, having never seen such things on him. Leaving the store, her arms curled around his and her head nestled up to his shoulder.

“Lets go.” She purred. Her golden eyes peered up at him while they moved through the city. “Sorry, I know rings aren’t your thing, but I like the meaning behind them.”

He chuckled, sweeping her into the small restaurant he had taken them on their 'first' date. Grinning, he pulled her into a booth before the waitress bounced over to them.

"Two waters please," he winked at Luna, "And we will have...two orders of garden salad followed with the steak and rib combo for each of us, mashed potatoes as sides. And can we also order two plates of the pan seared duck breast with blueberry sauce, no sides."

She started to give them a look on how they would eat that much before nodding and smiling, "Any dessert?"

"We can order it later."

As the waitress moved away, Xael moved his arm across the table to hold Luna's hand, inspecting her rings, "If you like me wearing one, I'll wear one baby. I have no qualms with that. These are really pretty love."

Easing back into his seat, the vampire looked around at the other guests, most either finishing their meals or just arriving too. His eyes moved along to the bar, craving a scotch. Since Luna couldn't drink though, neither could he. If she was going to suffer, he might as well too. As their salads came his mind turned to that, chomping away on the fresh vegetables served to them while chatting with Luna over the rings, the clothes they bought, and their overall day. Supper came and went quickly, Luna's stomach for three polishing off her ribs and steak plate before she devoured the delicious duck he'd ordered. It was rare to find ducks in these parts, and the blueberry sauce was divine. Going for that plate first, Xael quickly shoved his other plate towards her as she finished first.

"Eat it baby," he purred, "The salad and duck are filling me. Plus we might get dessert."

As if the waitress had heard his words, she suddenly appeared to ask about their meals and offer the dessert menu.

"We'll take whatever you have on special to share," Xael nodded, "Surprise us."

The waitress blinked once, then grinned and nodded, striding away as they returned to their meals.

"How is your meal my moon?"

Golden orbs fluttered around the room quickly before moving back to her mate with a grin.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been here. They’ve done some updates.” Her silky voice purred. The food quickly arrived, leaving the two to their food. Making quick work of her food, Lunar looked up when her mate pushed his food towards her, giving him an odd look.

“That’s no where what you eat love.” She breathed, taking a sip of her water. “Like you said we have dessert coming up, I’m alright.”

As if on que, the waitress bounced up to them.

“While we’re at it, can we get a scotch for my partner?” She asked, one of her hands still gasping his affectionately. Once the waitress nodded and dismissed herself, Lunar’s pink lips smiled over at him.

“It has been amazing.” She breathed. “Specially that duck… Very well done. How about yours love?”

"It was delicious," he pulled the plate in to the middle, compromising that they share it since they were only getting one dessert. As they finished the waitress sauntered up with a plate and a scotch. Dessert turned out to be fresh wildberry cheesecake, one of Luna’s favorite dishes.

“I perfect meal for a perfect day,” Xael laughed, thanking the waitress for his plate, “I’m glad we could get away from the house and everyone. It feels like it’s been forever since it was just you and me, no distractions, no interruptions.”

Digging into the cheesecake, Xael took a bite, reveling in the explosion of taste.

“You have to try this,” he purred, turning the plate and pushing it to her.

She picked up her own fork than froze, exactly as he had expected. Sticking out of the missing bite from the cheesecake was white gold band, diamonds woven in to an intricate vine pattern inside the band of the ring.

Lunar Deth, I have loved you since the moment I stumbled into you in that cabin. You’ve never fail to impress me, astound me, please me, and keep me on my toes. You are already my soul mate, my life partner, and my world. Now I want to make you my wife.

“Moon of my life, will you marry me?”


“Good. I’m glad you’re enjoying your food love.” She purred, her thumb stroking his hand gently. “I am too, It’s nice to have the day alone with you, and only you.”

Lunar’s eyes widened once the plate was placed down, her mouthwatering at the delicious sight before them. She watched her partner take a bite, and the expression across his face expressed the taste of the dessert. Lunar’s head moved forward to take a bite until something caught her eye.

Lunar’s scarred but perfect ivory hands moved up to her lips, his words ringing through her head, unmistakable and life altering. A soft shocked sound left her lips and echoed through her cupped hands, her large eyes looking up at her mate with a mixture of shock and love. Her hand moved into the air, the words unable to leave her mouth.

Yes. Oh Yes.

Digging the ring from the cheesecake he cleaned it with a napkin before sliding it onto her small finger. Pulling her hand to his lips, he kissed the back of her palm gently, his eyes never leaving hers.

'You've made me the happiest man on this planet since I found you. And I never want to give up that feeling. I want us to grow old together, to watch our babies grow up and find lives of their own. I want to hold you every night, and wake to your smile every morning. And I've been lucky to already get all that with you in the last year, but I want to make it official. I want to be able to show you off to everyone as mine, and mine alone.'

Getting up, he slid into her side of the booth, wrapping an arm around her as his free hand cupped her cheek, pushing strands of red hair out of her face.

"I'm going to love you forever," he whispered, tilting her head up as he bent his own, their lips pressing softly and passionately to each other.

Lunar’s beaming orbs stared down at the ring in awe, her mate sliding around the booth to move next to her. His touch pulled a soft sigh from her lips and her arms wove around his neck.

Lunar’s lips pressed to his, his touch soft and intimate, yet her touch was longing and hungry, pressing to his deeply. A soft cheer sounded off around them, the crowd obviously tuned in on their moment.

Growing old will be many a centuries love, with many children to grow with us. While We live, I promise to give you anything and everything you want and deserve.’ Her thoughts sang, her teeth biting at his bottom lip.

“I love you my Sun.” Her perfect voice sang against his lips. They might be the eye of the restaurant, but it felt like they were in their own perfect little world.
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