Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Xael continued to grin for the next fifteen minutes until breakfast was ready, filling the plates up with the steaming food and placing them on the platter along with a pitcher of orange juice.

Stepping back upstairs, he slid into their bedroom, grinning at the pair of golden eyes peeking over the covers.

"You're too cute," he laughed, placing the platter on her nightstand, "Morning my lune. Breakfast is ready."

The blanket warmed her until she sat up, pulling her mate into the bed after placing the beautifully stacked plates to the side of the bed.

“Good Morning my handsome Xael.” She breathed, leaning in to kiss him deeply. “Breakfast looks almost as divine as you.”

He grinned, kissing her gently then whispered, "Please eat. I made your favorite. All for you."

Getting comfortable with his back pressing into the pillows and headboard he leaned back, getting his legs on either side of her as she pulled the platter onto the bed, his hands gently pulling her till her back pressed into his front. Rolling his shoulders, Xael got comfortable, watching her open the lids on the plates to see what was inside.


Kayden yawned, her tongue rolling out as her canines flashed. Her pillow felt oddly hard and her nimble fingers pressed and poked it, feeling flesh.

"Mmm," her half sleepy eyes opened, her nose breathing in the delicious smells of hash browns.

Jay was asleep in her bed, the blankets wrapped around her while he slept with nothing. Frowning, Kayden pulled the blanket over him then lay back down, her head resting on his chest as she remained half awake, dozing in and out.

Lunar’s head tilted at his words, curiosity biting into her, her nose telling her his words were without a doubt correct.

“You didn’t.” She grinned, her body wiggling in his lap while he readjusted her. Grasping at the tray, the wolf pulled it over both of their laps, unable to help the need to lick her lips while she removed the lids off of each beautiful plated meal.

“Oh Xael.” She breathed, placing the lids off to the side gently before looking down at the meal. “You really didn’t need to do this.”

Looking back at him, she leaned further into his body, tilting her head up to kiss along his jawline. “Thank you my Love.”

With that, she reached down to grab a piece of perfectly cooked deer meat, holding it up to her mates mouth so he could have the first bite.


A soft groan flowed from the wolf’s mouth, his head shifting into a mop of golden locks. Jay’s arms tightened around the woman as she moved and adjusted herself, unwilling to allow the contact to be broken between the two.

“Shhhh.” Jay breathed, unable to open his eyes any further then a sliver to see the beautiful woman within his grasp, his eyes closing as a pleased purr rumbled within his chest.

Reyn's eyes shot open, her body covered in sweat as she jolted awake. A sickening feeling grew in her as she lay on something hard and cold, the room too dark to see where she was. Wanting to vomit, she pulled to her up to sit, a little of her unease loosening as she realized she wasn't chained.

Where am I? What's going on?

Her head swiveled, her hand reaching out and touching fabric. After a minute she pieced together that she was on the floor, having fallen over the side of the bed in her nightmarish dreams. Getting to her feet she stumbled to the wall, feeling along till she hit the bathroom door.

Eli's soft breathing reminded her she was safe, and that she hadn't woken him in her panic. Slipping into the bathroom, she left the light off as she crawled into the tub. Her mind felt numb as she turned the water on, letting the steaming hot water bite and lick at her skin. Her shaking fingers moved to the cold nob, knowing Eli wouldn't like to see her burning her flesh was scalding water. Filling the tub, she turned the tap off and sunk deeper into the hot bath, uncaring that she wore a silk pink nightgown, or that she hadn't turned a light on.

The water soothed her panic, pushing the nightmare further away. Quietly she listened to Eli's and Nya's slow breaths, both of them peacefully asleep. Soon enough the darkness she had woken in had turned a muted grey, dawn fast approaching. Nereyda remained where she lay, hidden in the bathroom from the sun, enjoying her dark little corner where the nightmares couldn't reach her.

"Uh uh," he shook his head, readjusting her aim and sticking the meat between her teeth, "I made this for you. My treat. I'm not eating a bite. I simply want to watch you enjoy it."

Lying back, he stretched a hand out and rubbed her back smiling, "Deer meat chopped and grilled, then stirred in with fresh vegetables and hash browns. My baby girl's favorite breakfast. And some eggs on the side with orange juice because I know you too well."


Kayden kissed his chest, nuzzling him as his arm's tightened around her. Letting her eyes close once more she let out a soft sigh. Her ears perked as she heard Luna and Xael's soft voices, but she couldn't feel their mental connection, meaning one of them was cutting her short. This early in the morning it could only mean alone time, something she was quickly understanding the joy of. Angling her face, she leaned up and as quietly as she could kissed Jay on the chin.

'Good morning Jayson.'

Having awoken at the second his partner had dropped off the bed, Eli began to move to pull her back up onto the bed until he’d realized she’d begun to shift awake. Closing his eyes, Eli’s breathing remained the same while he listened to her slowly piece things together. His entire being wanted to get up with her, but he remained with their child, knowing she would prefer him asleep then up. Listening, he heard the splashing of the tub, slightly surprised she had chosen to move to water as her comfort.

Simply listening while he remained with their daughter, the time seemed to pass, the room beginning to lighten by a slight fraction. The stiffness of his body began to pull his attention, fully well knowing he should stretch while the main of him continued to worry about his beautiful siren.

Slowly standing, the Halfling made sure as to not disturb Nya, her little body peacefully sleeping while he moved off to the bathroom.

“You alright love?” Eli’s deep husky voice asked gently, his body moving to crouch next to the tub. His hand moved up to sink into the water, gently grasping Reyns.


Lunar smiled at her mate, taking the meat at his command.

“Yes but you need to eat too, and I can’t possibly eat all of this.” She argued, pressing back into him. Looking back down at the plate, the wolf took a forkful, melting at the beautiful blend of foods as her belly began to bite at her, demanding food already.


The wolf’s purr deepened slightly at Kayden’s touch, her lips up his chest and along his chin made his head tilt to press his against hers.

Good Morning Beautiful.’ The groggy wolf thought, nipping her lip ever so gently. ‘How was your sleep?

"With two babies chopping at your stomach for food and an empty belly yourself, I'm sure you can eat it all," he murmured, stroking her hair with his fingers, "Tell you what, eat until your full, and whatever is left I'll scarf down. Today's about you Luna. With all the craziness this week I haven't been able to focus solely on you. And my girl needs some attention."

Leaning forward till his chest pressed into her back, his arms looped around her growing belly, kissing her hair, "I made you breakfast in bed, then we will have a bath and after just you and I will go to the city. I need to make a grocery run to stock up -especially cookies baby- and I want you to shop for yourself, buy whatever your heart desires. Then we can go to that restaurant on the upper side of the city for dinner. Remember, it's the one we had our first date."

He nuzzled her sweetly, breathing in her scent, "Just you and me all day love. No pack, no drama. Nothing but us."


Her mouth got greedier, moving to his lips as she stole a kiss. Then another. Her mind woke more as her body grew alive with each kiss. Rolling onto him, she kneaded his chest playfully with his nails, trying to wake him up as she stole a fourth kiss. White hair fells in curls around her head and shoulders like a wild mane, framing her petite face with her doe-like grey eyes. Her shirt had fallen open again as she moved so her bare chest pressed into his, her hips wiggling against his in her cute short shorts.

'My sleep was peeeeeerfect. Now wake up! How can you still sleep when I'm on top of you?'

She wiggled her body, bugging him further, 'C'mon wolf boy. Open those pretty gold eyes for me. I'm bored and in need of entertainment.'

Reyn stirred at the sound of his voice, the water oddly lulling her into a sense of peaceful rest for a few minutes. While she hated water, the bite of the heat and the feel of it soaking through her skin, erasing the last of the blood and grim, made her feel better. She still felt disgusting, no matter how much she rubbed herself raw, but at least it was a small comfort knowing she was clean, even if it didn't feel that way.

His finger intertwined with hers and Reyn pulled gently, inviting him in. She could still hear Nya's breathing from the other room, her ears attuned for it. Pulling her hand up with Eli's wrapped with it, she rubbed the back of his palm against her cheek, trying to find comfort in it as the lost siren felt like she was still spiraling, still trapped in her own head.

Again she tugged at his hand, inviting him into the bath that was easily big enough for two, knowing his embrace made her feel safe.

Lunar looked at her partner, fork hanging out of her mouth.

I’m not the only thing you should focus on love, it’s been alright with the hussle and bussle. Reyn and Nya needed to be focused on.’ She advised her partner, removing the fork from her mouth to grab another forkful. ‘ And that’s not fair to you. You haven’t eaten since last night.’ The wolf thought chewing happily on the mouth watering food.

Swallowing, the wolf listened to her Partner’s plans for the day, a smile pulling at her partner.

“You know I love it when you take charge and plan everything out?” Lunar’s musical tone piped up, leaning back into her partner, her hand moving up to guide his head down so she could kiss his lips happily. “I think that sounds perfect my Sun.”


Jay’s lips pressed happily against Kayden’s, one of his eyes opening a sliver to stare down at her beauty.

Good. Warm enough?’ The wolf asked while nuzzling the small girl. ‘Very hard. If you don’t stop wiggling… I’m going to have to do something the alpha’s wouldn’t approve of.’ The wolf thought with a grin, a hand moving to grip her ass. Jay’s eye opening a fraction more, unable to help stare at her.


Eli smiled gently at the siren, feeling a little better to see her feeling a litte more at ease. Continuing to hold her hand, Eli stood, digging out a small ratty cigarette box out of his jeans; Tossing the box, Eli slipped in behind the siren, moving her into his lap before his hands slid around her waist. The man rested his head on her shoulder, kissing along her neck.

“My beautiful, beautiful life.” He purred.

He continued to prod her to eat, kissing along her neck as she forked in another mouthful.

'No, you aren't the only thing to focus on, but you are by far my number one priority. You always have been. You are my soul, my life, and my precious, precious moon. Never think you aren't worth my undivided focus.'

"I'm glad you think it's perfect," he whispered, kissing her soft pink lips, "And don't worry about my stomach. There are a few other things I plan on eating today."


She giggled softly, biting her lip as his fingers dug into her ass. Her hips wiggled harder, seeing his golden pools start to open.

'The Alpha's aren't listening. They are having their own good morning.'

She laughed at her joke, nipping at the stubble on his chin, wanting to play.

Reyn leaned back into his chest, her body instantly relaxing with his touch. Nothing compared to him, nothing could calm the storm in her mind like he could. Her head craned up, till she could kiss under his chin, telling him without words how much she appreciated him. Closing her eyes, she let out a sigh as the last tendrils of her nightmare disappeared, and she was once again safe.

Lunars mouth filled with more crunchy, perfect bliss. The wolf melted into her partner, another hot fork full entering her mouth.

I love you my Sun and Stars.’ The wolf thought, nuzzling her mate.

“Perfect. As long as you get to eat soon.” She breathed, turning her head to kiss him softly. Turning back to the plate, another forkful filled her mouth.


Jays hand continued to massage the soft tissue under his hand while his other kneaded her lower back.

I know, I can feel that.’ He whispered, kissing her greedily. Jays arms pulled her in deeper to him, his teeth nipping at her lower lip playfully.

Eli’s arms held her tightly and securely, offering her the protection he had failed to offer her this last week.

“You’re safe love.” He breathed, kissing her neck gently. “You and our daughter.”

Eli’s moved slightly slipping out of the tub to grasp a clear bottle with a thick blue liquid within it. Lifting the light bottle into the tub, Eli opened it and allowed the thick material to ooze into his hand. A thin and elegant perfume resembling that of fruit wafted over them as he gently rubbed the bubbling soap along her skin, his lips continuing to kiss her neck.

He snuggled her as she ate, only withdrawing from the bed when she was almost done to draw the bath. As the hot water filled their enormous tub he poured in some bubble bath then returned for her, wiping a crumb off her lips.

"C'mon Lune," he smiled, sweeping her off the bed and into his arms.

Reentering the bathroom, he placed her on the counter, slapping her hands as she tried to undress.

"Sit still and behave," he growled, both challengingly and playfully.

His fingers worked on her nightgown, pulling it off of her with care not to rip the cloth. His hands ran along her hourglass frame, until they reached her neck, cupping her adorable face. His mouth kissed her gently, pulling away all too quickly as he undressed himself, letting his sweat pants he'd worn to bed fall to the floor.

Sweeping her up again, Xael climbed into the tub before lowering himself with her into the hot, sweet smelling water.

'This day is all about you,' he thought, relaxing into the side of the tub as she lay above him, 'So moon of my life, tell me...should I ravage your glorious body or would you like to take control over me, and I'll surrender to your every whim?'


Kayden bit right back, her heart beginning to race. They couldn't do anything with such close proximity to the Alpha's, but they were definitely teasing each other.

'I feel like a run today,' she thought to him, 'Perhaps a long one?'

Her hands ran through his hair as the kiss deepened, then ran down to his shoulders as she flipped him on top of her, giving him the upper hand. Her mouth moved back to his jaw, leaving a trail of hot kisses down to his neck.

Reyn sighed again as his hands moved along her skin, cleaning her arms and neck that were bare. With little energy or strength Reyn tried to pull at the loose black top she had fallen asleep in, unbuttoning the wet fabric and peeling it off her skin. Luckily she had gotten far enough to discard the jeans before she fell asleep, so the siren only wore a thin pair of skin hugging shorts that she didn't want to take off, still uncomfortable with anything near that area.

Readjusting so she was mostly naked and the shirt was in a pile on the tiled floor, Reyn moved back into his embrace, letting him bath her. It felt soothing as his hands massaged the soft soap into her pours, washing the last of the grim reminding her of her last horrid week.

Lunar’s glorious warm eyes looked up at her partner as he excused himself to go to the bathroom, the sound of the bath music to her sensitive ears. The sound of steps drew her attention, a smile pulling at her pink lips when her mate had appeared into her sight again. A playful squeal left her mouth when her body swept up, Xael’s arms pulling her in protectively until he sat her down on the counter.

“I am behaving though!” She challenged, biting her bottom lip while a fine eyebrow lifted. Lunar watched with a playful grin as her partner lifted the thin material, her head snaking out quickly to steal a kiss from him, lapping up every second of his attention until he withdrew to undress.

Lunars feet kicked within the air, her arms looping around Xaels neck remaining in their spot once he pulled them into the warmth of the tub, her legs curling up and her lips quickly attaching to his. Her eyes batted once she pulled away, a grin on her lips.

Ravage me.’ She demanded.


Jay couldn’t help the soft playful growl that rumbled lowly in his chest, his body moving on top of hers with ease.

A run sounds perfect. Maybe we’ll even find something to take down.’ The wolf thought back, his lips traveling down Kayden’s neck, his soft lips caressing her exquisite skin.

And it gives us time away from the alphas.

Purring, Eli’s lips moved to the back of her neck, his hands moving expertly down Reyns skin, even when she discarded the thin black top, allowing him to work the soap over more of her. Pulling his head back, Eli allowed his chin to rest against her shoulder, allowing him to continue working the silky soap around her raw skin.

Coming to thought, a soft and well loved familiar tune rumbled within his chest, his husky voice humming Reyns song, having seen her relax more, the Halfling smiled in joy towards his Siren.

Xael laughed, then pounced, pulling her under him as his hands explored her skin, his lips hot against her neck.

'Hold on to the sides of the tub,' he ordered, his mouth moving to her breasts as one arm looped around her back and the other skimmed the top of her nether curls, teasing her.

Suckling each one in turn, his tongue played with nipples till she responded, making him grin. Both hands moved to her thighs, pulling them widely apart as he winked at her, then submerged his head under the water. The tub was big enough for his large frame to be completely under the water, his arms looping around her thighs to weigh him down as his tongue dived into her without warning, pleasuring her under water.

'Feeling ravaged yet?' he teased, enjoying one of the few perks of being a vampire -the lack of needing air for a certain period of time. His body could handle a full five minutes without oxygen, and he intended to use the time well.


'The only thing I want to take down is you,' she growled, her teeth gritted at holding back the moan.

"Fuck this," she gasped raggedly, pushing him up and off and jumping off the bed, her mischievous grin contagious, "I need that run now."

Her nimble legs got her to her open door before she looked over her shoulder, tossing her hair and dropping her shirt to the floor in a all too sultry way, wearing nothing more than shorts.

'Come catch me handsome.'

With that she bolted away, escaping out the back door and into the trees with a boisterous laugh, leaving him to follow her trail.

The ghost of a smile returned as he began humming, the tune familiar to her ears. Melting into his embrace, Reyn listened as she soaked in his soft touch.

She was dozing off as a loud laugh caught her hearing and she jumped, her body freezing at the sudden noise then relaxing. I'm safe...I'm safe.

Her attention returned to the bedroom, listening for Nya's soft breathing. Hearing that, she let her shoulders sag, knowing Eli was watching her every tight movement. Curling into him once more, she let him resume bathing her as her eyes fluttered shut once again.

Lunar couldn’t help but laugh at Xael’s enthusiasm, her hands moving to grasp the edges of the tub as advised. A soft moan left her mouth, her chest puffing out to his touch while her hips moved with his hand.

“Oh Xael.” Lunar’s light and airy voice responded to his touch, her head twisting when he sunk lower, his broad frame disappearing within the warm waves. Lunars hips moved up further, his tongue building an unmeasurable pleasure within the tub.

Oh god yes.’ Her mind reached out, straining to reach out while her stomach tightened leaving a canine to sink into her lip to keep a moan from leaving her lips.


Good, because you’re not the only one here.’ The wolf thought back, his lips continuing to wander until she shoved him back, ripping over to the doorway with that grin her loved.

“Good.” Jays breathless voice replied, quickly standing and following her frame, his limp seemingly disappearing as he moved forward only several steps behind her.

His muscles stretched and the wolf couldn’t contain the howl of laughter and pleasure that moved through his body, keeping up easily with the small white haired wolf. Tree’s moved past their weaving forms, allowing Jay to move ahead before allowing his arm to sweep out and loop around Kayden’s waist. Pulling her body into his, Jay’s body moved back with force, their feet coming to a screeching halt within the spongey grass and falling leaves.

“Caught you.” He breathed before his lips quickly fell against hers, need pulling at his muscular body.

A soft growl left Eli’s unchanging face, his eyes never once leaving Reyn while his hands moved around her perfect body.

“Sorry Reyn. The wolves are caught up in their own world.” He breathed against her wet skin, his lips pressing against the tender skin again, the hum in his chest resuming once his words died.

“You’re safe.” He breathed, taking notes on her while she her muscles slowly slumped, easing with the peace. His hands moved slowly, pressing and rubbing into the various knot’s he found in a way to ease her frustrations and worries.

Xael tongue licked and dived, pleasuring her as his mind wrapped in hers, his ears unable to hear her but her thoughts enough to encourage him. He could feel her building, his tongue sliding in and out and all around.

'Told you I'd be eating something soon,' he joked, then his thoughts grew huskier, 'Explode for me baby.


The air left her stomach his arm snaked out and caught her, Kayden squealing then laughing as he pulled her in.

"Nooooo," she giggled, playfully fighting him as she tried to wrestle away.

His lips caught hers, pausing her struggles as she felt the fire growing between them. But Kayden knew the chase was as fun as the kill, and giving in to him immediatly would end the game too soon. Pulling away she pounded gently on his chest with her fists, dramatically crying, "Oh no!"

Then she found her chance as his arm loosened a fraction and she was off again, dancing between the trees as her laughs grew, knowing he was only steps behind her.

"Catch me if you caaaaaaaaaan," she sang, dodging his hands and jumping over a log, "C'mon Jay, if you catch me again, I'll let you touch all this."

She ran a hand down her side, winking over her shoulder as she feigned left and then jumped right, missing his reach by seconds. Her giggles grew louder their chase getting them deeper and deeper into the forest with each step.

She could feel him studying her, Eli doing his best to help ease life for her. A part of her was grateful, never having someone care this much. Another part of her felt bad, wanting to just bounce back from everything and be the woman he wanted. That part bit at her, knowing he hadn't signed up for this...

"I-I'm s-sorry," she croaked, her voice scratchy.

Every time she spoke made her want to cry, not because of the effort but because of the damage they had done to her voice. Her melodious tone was gone, her perfect voice shattered to a husky scratching shell of a tone that she hated.

Bucking her hips, Lunar couldn’t contain the next moan that left her lips. Finger tips pressed into the side of the tub, helping to contain her body even as it sunk lower into the tub.

Well you’re doing a glorious job at it’ She giggled in return, her head leaning further into the tub in which allowed crimson tendrils to float along the top of the water, moving with her subtle body movements. Xael’s movements only tightened her before her body released for him, her canine sinking back into her lip while her mind mewled in pleasure.
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