Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


With Kayden’s movement, Jay moved back into the pillows, his muscles fully relaxing as he watched her. Listening to her words, Jay moved forward, his lips devouring hers with a firey passion, his teeth grazing her bottom lip with the ever asking question. His hand moved up, sliding through her hair, his fingers pulling her into him further.

Kayden moaned quietly into his mouth, returning the passion as his teeth sent shiver's through her lips. Her mouth opened wider, his tongue flicking out to slid along his upper lip, her fingers digging into the book as he sent fire through her veins.

Jay’s tongue moved against her lip and slid along her tongue, his hands pulling the woman into him when a soft moan left her mouth. His tongue grazed her teeth, exploring while wrestling her tongue, a soft groan smothered by her luscious lips.

'Jay...' her thoughts growled, knowing they had to remain quiet, and his mouth alone was setting her quivering. Pressing into him for a moment longer, her tongue slipping around his and grazing his teeth, she eventually pulled back, her breath ragged.

"French kissing," she giggled, "I think I got that one down pat. Next..."

Her body shivered as she raised the book, Jay's body still only inche from hers, amusement in both their eyes. It was quickly becoming a game, one she was enjoying.


Unwillingly pulling back, Jay’s lip pushed out, a soft pout crossing his face.

“Very…” He breathed, his arms pulling her into him by another inch. His eyes slid down, watching her flip through the book, lifting a brow with a grin at her next word. Jay’s hand slid up, grazing her collar bone before his hand pulled the fabric of her shirt back, his eyes staring up at her while his head sank. Finding a subtle place, lower on her chest, Jays lips suckled on the beautiful skin, his teeth sinking into her skin, biting down gently while still applying pressure to the skin.

Kayden stifled a groan, sending it across her thoughts instead of out loud as his teeth grazed her skin, the feeling new and vibrant, and making her hungry for more. As his lips pulled away she looked down, surprised to see a small bruise forming.

"I thought you were going to bite me," she whispered almost longingly, staring at it as her finger touched the purple skin and a smile played on her lips.

The game was only getting better, her head and shoulders falling back into the pillows as she held the book overhead. She lay flat out now on the bed now for Jay to use for his desirable demonstrations, her shirt lying half open, barely covering her bare breasts.

"You chose one," she giggled, turning the book so he could see the index.

The wolf couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his lips towards her reaction while sadness pulled at him when Kayden moved back.

“I did, but not how you would think.” The wolf chuckled, his eyes moving to the book as she pushed it forward. Sitting back further into the pillows, Jay’s fingers flipped through the index.

“Foreplay.” He grinned, allowing his finger to drop to the skin underneath her book, his finger tracing down her skin tantalizingly slow before his fingers brushed the brim of her shorts.

Looking at her with a grin, Jays hand flattened out against her skin before sliding under the thin material, his fingers sliding down into her warmth to play with her teasingly.

She gritted her teeth as another moan almost escaped, her breath growing worse, 'Jay...ohhhh...I'm losing my restraint here...'

She turned the book, her mind barely registering the words on the pages as he pleasured her deliciously.

"Wh-what's grooping?" she asked, then corrected herself quickly, "G-groping?"

Tilting his head over, the wolf kissed her gently, withdrawing his hand from within her to slide it back up her stomach, his hand gliding across her skin, his fingers pressing against Kayden’s beautiful warm lumps.

Shhhh. We can’t have that happen.’ Jay thought, moving his head back to kiss her gently.

'Unless you want Eli ruining things again, I don't think either of us want me orgasming. How loud am I Jay?"

From his thoughts Kayden knew she was anything but quiet. Her lips sought his though, enjoying the gentle press of them as his hands wandered along her bare breasts, defining groping for her. She already had another word picked out, one that was confusing her.

'It says toys here? It doesn't mean children toys, does it?'

Jay shook his head softly at her question, fully well knowing another run in with Eli tonight would defiantly end in some sort of trouble.

Loud babe. But that’s not a bad thing.’ Jay thought, glad to feel the return of her lips against his.

No. Defiantly not. There’s vibrating toys to insert up you, special beads and plugs and much more. What else?

'Wait?! Insert

Her cheeks grew hot again and a childish giggle escaped. Pulling her lips away, she wrinkled her nose at his pout, needing to look at the book to pick a new word, 'Busy your mouth with something else while I'll pick.'

It took her a little longer, some of the words either too hard to pronounce or too obviously dirty for her to want to know.

"Okay this one," she finally said, catching his golden eye's, "It sounds simple, but like toys I'm sure I'm getting this wrong. What's a pet name?"

Jay’s head pulled back, only to move back down her chest while his lips sought out her breasts, continuing to tease her further.

Babe, Baby, Muffin, Love, Dear, Honey, those can all be pet names. It’s calling someone another name from their own babe.’ He advised her, his free hand continuing to grope her other breast.

'Like you've been doing the past five minutes?' her thoughts giggled, having caught the endearing name he had been using, 'I like that. Makes me feel special.'

Her thoughts died off as pleasure consumed her, Kayden's hand running through Jay's hand.

"Behave Jayson."

It was all the control she had, to warn him of what he was eliciting in her. A yawn escaped her as she spoke, reminding her of how much fun they'd already had in the day. If they kept playing this game, desire would only grow thicker. Closing the book, she slid it inside her nightstand.

'We can play that game more another night.'

Another yawn racked her, making her skin shiver as she spoke, "How about you read some more of that b-book out loud and we cuddle."

Kayden patted the pillows beside her, wanting to cuddle into him as his husky voice read to her.

Jays large golden pools moved up to stare into hers, his mischievous grin fading into a soft smile.

Good. You deserve to know just how special you are Kayden.’ The wolf’s thoughts responded back, allowing his woven hand to move down with Kaydens to rest on her stomach before she pulled it back to move her book back.

Adjusting himself within the pillows, Jay’s arm moved to rest around Kaydens shoulders, his eyes skimming the words from the book as the words streamed out of his mouth, laughing here and there at the odd word.

His words wrapped around her, quickly lulling her to sleep in his arms. Her left arm wrapped tightly around his stomach as her head nestled on top of his chest her body molding to his side. With the events of the day it only took minutes for her exhaustion to pull her under, Kayden dreaming of wolf boys and full moons.


They'd turned back early, after Xael caught his mate yawning. Normally they could easily walk or run an hour into the woods than turn back, but Luna was pregnant, and two wolf pups drained her energy quickly. They only stayed out for an hour, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist to let her walk. By the time they entered the back door it was time for bed and he half-carried, half helped her walk up the stairs.

As they hit the second landing, Xael could hear soft breathing from Kayden's open door way, and passing by they both caught sight of Kayden fast asleep on the bed in her plaid shirt she wore to dinner and a pair of her favorite pajama shorts, curled up with her big brother. He was silently reading a book, his attention pulled away from the pages only as the Alpha's paused.

"She fell asleep while reading?" Xael whispered, stifling a yawn as he held Luna to his side, kissing her red hair.

It seemed so easy to get lost in their own world, his head leaning back against the head board behind him. His word’s dying out when her eyes closed and her breath relaxed with sleep.

Jay’s ears perked up, listening to the alpha’s enter the house and ascend up the stairs before their heads poked around the corner.

“Yeah. She wanted me to check out this book and I just ended up reading out loud before she fell asleep.” Jay breathed, looking over the couple.

“She looks exhausted. How far did you two walk?” He asked, his short brown hair waving ever so slightly with the tilt of his head.


Leaning into her mate, one of her arms remained around her mate, while the other wrapped around her bloated belly. Golden eyes only semi opened, Lunar’s vision fogged with sleep.

“Mmmm Bed.” She breathed, leaning her body mass further into the man once they entered their home. The familiar scent eased her, almost making her more tired as they worked their way up the stairs, taking an odd amount of time to hit the top floor. Listened to Xael and Jays chit chat, the alpha’s hand moved to her mates, squeezing it gently before moving on, determined to make her way to bed.

Slinking down the hall, the girl opened the door, fully relying on memory and scent while her vision lacked. Making her way across the room, Lunar slid onto the bed before grasping a pillow, her body screaming to sleep .

"Less than an hour," Xael replied, kissing Luna on the head before she stumbled away, "And it was a slow walk. At least she got to stretch her legs...she's been cramped in this house for half a week now."

Scratching his chin, he said goodnight to Jay and moved after his mate, sliding into the dark room and onto the bed, pulling her into his arms as she lay already asleep. His hands rested on her belly, protecting his family as his eyes shut and sleep took him.


Morning came all too soon, and Xael woke first, smiling down at the beautiful red head in his bed. An idea struck and he quietly slipped out, tiptoeing down the hall. Kayden's door was still open and the two wolves were past out on the bed, Jay obviously falling asleep reading with the book still in his lap. Moving on, he snuck downstairs and began grabbing the few ingredients he did need, scouring the pantry for what was left. They were definitely making a city run today for groceries, and he wanted to bring Luna to buy some new clothes. Too soon her shirts and pants would become too tight and he knew it would bother her. Best to get looser clothing now, so she didn't need to worry about it later.

Turning on the stove, Xael quickly began slicing fresh deer meat from the fridge, making tiny cubes. Frying them, he cut the leftover vegetables they had -peppers, spinach, and onion- and began frying them up before moving on to cutting and cooking the potatoes. It was her favorite, his homemade hash browns, and he topped it off with scrambled eggs, making an entire dozen.

Soon the kitchen was wafting with the warm, delicious smells of breakfast.

Pain flared, cries of agony, others telling her what to do… Followed by silence. Faces paled, and the wolf’s drenched head moved up, her lungs gulping at the air while pain ripped through her.

“I’m sorry Lunar…” The voice announced, the wolf’s eyes moving to look frantically at the creature being handed into her arms, still and cold.

Like that, tight eyes opened, her lips clamping down to contain scream of agony. Her hands moved to press down against the bed, the beautiful silky grey sheets scrunching up while she pushed herself up, her heart pounding. Blood sounded off in her own ears while she rested on the heavy frame behind her, her hands quickly moving to rest on her stirring belly. Her heart resided, calm taking over her as realization bit down that it was only a bad dream.

Taking a deep breath, delicious scents hit her nose, grounding her to the things around her and even below. Standing on bare shaky feet, the wolf grasped at a comfortable white dress, one in which she wanted to slip into last night and hadn’t thought of when exhaustion had bitten into her. Dropping her wear from yesterday, she slipped the small outfit on before stepping out of the room and down the hall.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, she took in a deep breath, melting at the smell of food. Gracefully making her way down the stairs, the wolf poked her head around the corner and into the kitchen, her arms opening to quickly curl around her lovers waist, completely washing away the mornings stress.

“Good Morning Love.”

"Good morning angel. I wasn't expecting you up for another bit," Xael stirred the eggs before turning in her embrace, kissing her head, "How's my one and only?"

Lunar’s smile grew with her mates attention.

“The little one’s wanted me up I guess.” She spoke, tightening her arms around him after he turned, her lips pressing against his greedily.

“Awake and happy. How is my everything?” She asked, kissing him again.

"Trying to resist temptation," he growled against her lips, his fingers slipping down the beautiful white piece she wore, "You know how unfair it is to wear your nightgowns downstairs?"

Turning her so he could face the stove again, he flipped the eggs once more, keeping her against him, his free hand sliding down to rub her ass, "This...this is why it's unfair. You are just too beautiful baby. Too tempting."

He grinned at her, playfully kissing her nose, "How'd you get so beautiful?"

Lunar’s head moved forward while she pressed up on her toes, her teeth catching his bottom lip playfully.

“Not very, Mr.Naked-In-The-Kitchen-When-It’s-Just-Us.” She grinned, her light musical voice teasing while her ass moved with his touch. A soft sigh left her mouth, her body pressing into his.

“This amazing man made it so.” She purred.

He groaned as her teeth caught his lip, his mouth moving back to hers. He groaned frustratingly when he had to pull away, wanting not to burn the breakfast he was making her.

Spanking her playfully, he spun her in a circle with his one arm, detaching her from him.

"Upstairs now missy," he grinned, wiggling the spatula as he drank in the sight of her, "Back into that bed, or no breakfast for you. I'm making you breakfast in bed, whether your awake or not."

He reached out to spank her again when she didn't move, chucking, "And afterwards we will have our morning bath. Now scoot pretty wolf, upstairs with you!"

A giggle flew out of her mouth, her body twirling out before she steadied herself. Wiggling her butt at him, Lunar allowed her partners hand to smoothly glide across her ass for a second time.

“Yes Sir, Boss Sir.” She grinned, winking at her mate before bounding back upstairs at his request. Sliding into their bed, Lunar wound the blankets around her, losing her fattening body within the arm, feathery blankets.
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